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Created August 26, 2022 22:26
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Create an S3 website with Pulumi and CloudFlare DNS (with HTTPS)
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as cloudflare from "@pulumi/cloudflare";
const domain = "";
const subdomain = "my-awesome-website";
// Make a bucket.
const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("my-bucket", {
bucket: `${subdomain}.${domain}`,
acl: aws.s3.CannedAcl.PublicRead,
website: {
indexDocument: "index.html",
// Put a homepage into it.
const index = new aws.s3.BucketObject("index.html", {
bucket: bucket.bucket,
acl: aws.s3.CannedAcl.PublicRead,
content: `<html>Hi, world!</html>`,
contentType: "text/html",
// Create a CloudFlare DNS entry to point to it.
const cname = new cloudflare.Record("foobar", {
name: subdomain,
zoneId: cloudflare.getZoneOutput({ name: domain }).zoneId,
type: "CNAME",
value: bucket.websiteDomain,
proxied: true,
export const originURL = bucket.websiteEndpoint;
export const cdnURL = `https://${subdomain}.${domain}`;
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