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Created November 25, 2018 22:42
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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: svyripa
* Date: 19.10.2018
* Time: 17:23
require_once __DIR__ . "/../domain/crawling/LevelsWrapper.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../domain/Page.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../logger/Logger.php";
* Class with the crawling functionality.
class WebCrawler
* Parses specified page and constructs Page object.
* @param $url string The url to parse.
* @param $crawledLinks string[] The already crawled link.
* @return Page object or null if the page http status != 200.
public static function parsePage($url, $crawledLinks)
// To be sure that following "/" is exists
$url = self::fixUrl($url);
// Getting the page xpath
$headers = @get_headers($url);
if(!$headers || substr($headers[0], 9, 3) !== "200") { // headers[0] should be "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
return null;
$contents = @file_get_contents($url);
if (!$contents)
return null;
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
// Collecting links
$linksQuery = $xpath
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($linksQuery, "links", $url)) {
$links = [];
// Convert DOMNodeList element to array of links
foreach ($linksQuery as $linkDOM)
$links[] = trim($linkDOM->textContent);
// Filter out fake links(#, mailto:, etc.)
$links = array_values(array_filter($links, function ($link) {
return (!(self::contains("#", $link))
and !(self::contains("javascript:void(0)", $link))
and !(self::contains("mailto:", $link))
and !(self::contains("tel:", $link))
and !(self::contains("javascript:;", $link))
// Add following "/" if not exists
$links = array_map(function ($link) {
return self::fixUrl($link);
}, $links);
// Prepend relative links
$convertedLinks = [];
foreach ($links as $lnk) {
$absRel = self::convertRelativeURLtoAbsolute($lnk, $url);
if (!is_null($absRel))
$convertedLinks[] = $absRel;
$links = $convertedLinks;
// Removes duplicates
$links = array_values(array_unique($links));
// Filter out urls that not contain domain in the start
$domain = explode('/', $url)[2];
// critical
$links = array_values(array_filter($links, function ($link) use ($domain) {
return preg_match("/^(http|https):\/\/" . $domain . ".*$/", $link) === 1;
} else
$links = [];
// Collecting h1
$h1Query = $xpath->query("//h1");
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($h1Query, "h1", $url))
$h1 = trim($h1Query->item(0)->textContent);
$h1 = "no_h1";
// Collecting title
$titleQuery = $xpath->query("//title");
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($titleQuery, "title", $url))
$title = $titleQuery->item(0)->textContent;
$title = "no_title";
// Collecting hrefLangs
$hreflangPairs = [];
$hreflangsQuery = $xpath->query("//link[contains(@rel, 'alternate')]");
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($hreflangsQuery, "hreflangs", $url)) {
foreach ($hreflangsQuery as $hreflangDomNode) {
$hreflang = $xpath->evaluate("@hreflang", $hreflangDomNode);
$href = $xpath->evaluate("@href", $hreflangDomNode);
if ($hreflang->length !== 0 and $href->length !== 0)
$hreflangPairs[] = new Pair($hreflang->item(0)->textContent, $href->item(0)->textContent);
// Collecting imgs
$imgsQuery = $xpath->query("//img/@src");
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($imgsQuery, "imgs", $url)) {
$imgs = [];
// Convert DOMNodeList element to array of imgs
foreach ($imgsQuery as $imgDOM)
$imgs[] = trim($imgDOM->textContent);
// Filter out imgs which contains encoded imgs as text
$imgs = array_values(array_filter($imgs, function($img) use ($url) {
if (preg_match('/^data:.*$/', $img))
return false;
return true;
// Resolve relative img links(convert to the absolute)
$convertedImgs = [];
foreach ($imgs as $img) {
$absRel = self::convertRelativeURLtoAbsolute($img, $url);
if (!is_null($absRel))
$convertedImgs[] = $absRel;
$imgs = $convertedImgs;
// Get rid of trailing slash, these are images (.png instead of .png/)
// $imgs = array_map(function($img) {
// $chars = str_split($img);
// if (array_slice($chars, count($chars) - 1)[0] === "/")
// return join('', array_slice($chars, 0, count($chars) - 1));
// else
// return $img;
// }, $imgs);
// Removes duplicates
$imgs = array_values(array_unique($imgs));
$imgs = [];
// Checking pagination pattern
$m = [];
preg_match('/^((http|https):\/\/.*\/)(page|p)\/\d+\/$/', $url, $m);
if (count($m) !== 0) { // pagination url detected, extract parent(url without /page/1)
$links[] = self::fixUrl($m[1]);
// Checking get parameters pattern
if (self::contains("?", $url)) {
$beforeGet = self::fixUrl(explode("?", $url)[0]);
$links[] = $beforeGet;
// Checking canonical
$canonicalUrl = "";
$canonicalQuery = $xpath->query("//link[contains(@rel, 'canonical')]/@href");
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($canonicalQuery, "canonical", $url)) {
$canonicalUrl = self::fixUrl($canonicalQuery->item(0)->textContent);
// if ($canonicalUrl !== $url) // if canonical forwards to another url
// $links[] = $canonicalUrl; // parse later
// Checking noindex
$noIndex = false;
$noIndexQuery = $xpath->query("//meta[contains(@content, 'noindex')]");
if (self::isXpathQueryOk($noIndexQuery, "noIndex", $url))
$noIndex = true;
return new Page($url, $h1, $title, $links, $hreflangPairs, $imgs, $canonicalUrl, $noIndex);
* Starts the recursive crawling process.
* @param string $url The site root. Crawling will start from that url.
* @param Rules $rules The url exceptions/approvals.
* @return LevelsWrapper - the crawled site inside LevelsWrapper object.
public static function startCrawling(string $url, Rules $rules)/*: LevelsWrapper*/
// $robotsDisallowRules = self::robotsDisallowReader($url);
// $robotsDisallowRegexes = [];
// foreach ($robotsDisallowRules as $r)
// $robotsDisallowRegexes[] = WebCrawler::constructRegexFromRobotsRule($r, $url);
// $rules->appendExceptions($robotsDisallowRegexes);
// return self::crawl([self::fixUrl($url)], [], new LevelsWrapper(), [], $rules);
return self::crawl([$url], [], [], [], $rules);
* Crawl the one level of the site. Recall itself if not crawled links was found.
* @param $toCrawl string[] The links to crawl(current level links).
* @param $crawledLinks string[] The already crawled links(used in recursion).
* @param $crawledLevels LevelsWrapper The already crawled levels. Represented in LevelsWrapper object.
* @param $last_3_timeouts int[] The array with the last 3 unique timeouts.
* Used to bypass site protection from the bots. This array updates after every crawled link.
* @param $rules Rules The url exceptions/approvals.
* @return LevelsWrapper - crawled site inside LevelsWrapper object.
private static function crawl($toCrawl, $crawledLinks, $crawledLevels,
$last_3_timeouts, $rules) {
// Crawl this level
// $crawledLinksNumber = count($crawledLinks);
$nulls = 0;
$crawledPages = [];
foreach ($toCrawl as $link) {
// $timeout = self::getTimeoutNotInArray($last_3_timeouts, 1, 5);
// array_push($last_3_timeouts, $timeout);
// $last_3_timeouts = array_slice($last_3_timeouts, -3);
// Logger::log("[$crawledLinksNumber] crawling $link ... ", false);
$page = self::parsePage($link, $crawledLinks);
if (is_null($page)) { // Http status != 200
// Logger::log("Got not 200 on $link");
$nulls += 1;
} else {
$crawledPages[] = $page;
// if ($page->getUrl() !== $link) // parsed canonical url or something like this
// $crawledLinks[] = $page->getUrl(); // take into account parsed url
$crawledLinks[] = $link;
// $crawledLinksNumber++;
echo "toCrawl: " . count($toCrawl) . " nulls: " . $nulls . "\n";
// Logger::log("toCrawl: " . count($toCrawl) . " nulls: " . $nulls);
// $crawledLevels->addNewLevel($crawledPages);
$crawledLevels[] = $crawledPages;
// Remove crawled array duplicates
$crawledLinks = array_values(array_unique($crawledLinks));
// Get the next level links
$nextLevelLinks = [];
foreach ($crawledPages as $p) {
$nextLevelLinks = array_merge($nextLevelLinks, $p->getDomainLinks());
// Find the unique next level links
$uniqNextLvlLinks = array_values(array_unique($nextLevelLinks));
// Get the links that are not already crawled
$remaining = array_values(array_filter($uniqNextLvlLinks, function (string $link) use ($crawledLinks) {
return !in_array($link, $crawledLinks);
// Validate rules (robots.txt + others).
$remaining = array_values(array_filter($remaining, function (string $link) use ($rules) {
return $rules->validate($link);
// Get the links from the next level that already crawled
// and increase their counters in crawledLevels
// $toUpdate = array_values(array_filter($nextLevelLinks, function (string $link) use ($crawledLinks) {
// return in_array($link, $crawledLinks);
// }));
// foreach ($toUpdate as $updLink)
// $crawledLevels->incrementPageCounter(new Page($updLink, "", "",
// [], [], [], "", true));
// Return the crawledLevels or crawl not crawled links
if (count($remaining) === 0) {
return $crawledLevels;
} else {
return self::crawl($remaining, $crawledLinks, $crawledLevels, $last_3_timeouts, $rules);
* Generates random timeout in specified range($maxTimeout >= timeout >= $minTimeout).
* Checks whether newly generated timeout not in $timeoutArray array.
* If so call itself again(regenerate timeout).
* @param array $timeoutArray The timeouts that the new timeout will not be equal to.
* @param int $minTimeout The min possible timeout value(inclusive)
* @param int $maxTimeout The max possible timeout value(inclusive)
* @return int newly generated timeout which value not in $timeoutArray.
private static function getTimeoutNotInArray(array $timeoutArray, int $minTimeout, int $maxTimeout): int
try {
$delay = random_int($minTimeout, $maxTimeout);
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (in_array($delay, $timeoutArray))
return self::getTimeoutNotInArray($timeoutArray, $minTimeout, $maxTimeout);
return $delay;
* Checks whether xPath query found something. Generate warning otherwise.
* @param DOMNodeList $xpathQuery The xPath to check.
* @param string $queryName The query name, smth that describes given xPath. Used for warning.
* @param string $link The link to the page where this xPath must working. Used for warning.
* @param bool $printWarning If this flag is true, the warning message will be
* printed(if xpath query found nothing). By default message will be printed.
* @return bool - true if the given xPath found smth, false(and print warning) otherwise.
private static function isXpathQueryOk(DOMNodeList $xpathQuery, string $queryName, string $link, $printWarning = false)
if ($xpathQuery->length === 0) {
if ($printWarning)
Logger::log("\n[WARNING] Not found \"$queryName\" at $link");
return false;
return true;
* Checks whether the $needle occurs in $haystack.
* @param string $needle The string to search.
* @param string $haystack The string to search in.
* @return bool true if occurs, false otherwise.
private static function contains(string $needle, string $haystack): bool
return strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false;
* Checks whether the specified url contains following slash.
* @param string $url The url to check.
* @return string - original url if it contains the following slash, url with "/" otherwise.
public static function fixUrl(string $url): string
$lastChar = substr($url, -1);
if ($lastChar !== "/")
return $url . "/";
return $url;
* Reads robots.txt from $domainUrl + "/robots.txt".
* Firstly checks headers, if file exists - downloads it,
* autodetect line ending, split file line by line.
* Than try to get Disallow rules for "User-Agent: Googlebot",
* if no rules found, try to get rules for "User-Agent: *".
* @param string $domainUrl The domain url.
* @return string[] - array of parsed Disallow rules.
public static function robotsDisallowReader(string $domainUrl): array
$url = self::fixUrl($domainUrl) . "robots.txt";
// Check page accessibility
$headers = @get_headers($url);
if (!$headers || substr($headers[0], 9, 3) !== "200")
return [];
// Get file contents
$robots = @file_get_contents($url);
// Determine line ending
$lineEnding = "";
if (self::contains("\r", $robots)) {
if (self::contains("\r\n", $robots))
$lineEnding = "\r\n";
$lineEnding = "\r";
} else
$lineEnding = "\n";
$robots = explode($lineEnding, $robots);
$disallows = self::readUserAgentDisallowRules("User-Agent: Googlebot", $robots);
if (count($disallows) === 0)
$disallows = self::readUserAgentDisallowRules("User-Agent: *", $robots);
return $disallows;
* Reads Disallow rules for the specified userAgent.
* @param $userAgent string The user agent name in format "User-Agent: _NAME_".
* @param $robots string[] The robots.txt lines in an array.
* @return array string[] - found rules.
public static function readUserAgentDisallowRules($userAgent, $robots): array
// Parse disallows
$disallows = [];
$flag = false; // userAgent flag
foreach ($robots as $rob) {
// Parse only userAgent rules
if ($flag === false && self::contains(strtolower($userAgent), // start of userAgent section
strtolower($rob))) {
$flag = true;
elseif ($flag === true && self::contains(strtolower("User-agent"), // end of any agent section
if ($flag) {
$m = [];
preg_match('/^Disallow: (.*)$/', $rob, $m);
if (count($m) !== 0)
$disallows[] = $m[1];
$disallows = array_values(array_unique($disallows));
// Remove empty "rules"
$disallows = array_values(array_filter($disallows, function (string $dis) {
if ($dis === "")
return false;
return true;
return $disallows;
* Robots rules are simple: * - any character in any quantity, $ - end of the url.
* So it's easy to convert it into valid regex: * to .* and $ to $.
* Also this method escapes any reserved regex symbol in the robots rule.
* Reserved symbols: [\^/.|?+(){}]
* * Regex is "Partial" because the rules in robots.txt intend that they will be applied
* to the site urls with trailing domain. Example:
* \/travels\/ and https:\/\/\/travels\/ are not the same regexes.
* @param string $robotsRule The rule from the robots.txt
* @return string - valid(but partial) regex from the rule.
public static function convertRobotsRuleToPartialRegex(string $robotsRule): string
$reservedCharacters = "[\^/.|?+(){}]"; // No $, no * - their have special meanings in robots rules
$searchArray = [];
$replaceArray = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($reservedCharacters); $i++) {
$searchArray[] = $reservedCharacters[$i];
$replaceArray[] = "\\" . $reservedCharacters[$i];
$robotsRule = str_replace($searchArray, $replaceArray, $robotsRule);
$robotsRule = str_replace("*", ".*", $robotsRule);
// If "$" present but rule not starts from "/"
if ($robotsRule[-1] === "$" and ($robotsRule[0] . $robotsRule[1]) !== "\/")
$robotsRule = ".*" . $robotsRule;
return $robotsRule;
* Constructs the valid php regex that can be used to validate site URLs.
* @param $robotsRule string The rule from the robots.txt.
* @param $siteDomain string The site domain URL, like "".
* @return string - valid regex based on the site domain and robots.txt rule of that site.
public static function constructRegexFromRobotsRule($robotsRule, $siteDomain): string
// Get clear domain
$domain = array_slice(explode('/', $siteDomain), 2, 1)[0];
// Extend domain with any protocol
$protocolDomain = "(http|https)://" . $domain;
// Prepare $protocolDomain to be regex
$protocolDomain = str_replace("/", "\/", $protocolDomain);
// Get ruleRegex from robots rule
$ruleRegex = self::convertRobotsRuleToPartialRegex($robotsRule);
// Resolve trailing "/" in robots rule problem
if (($ruleRegex[0] . $ruleRegex[1]) !== "\/") // if robots rule not starts from "/"
$protocolDomain = $protocolDomain . "\/";
return "/" . $protocolDomain . $ruleRegex . "/"; // Construct valid php regex
* Converts relative url to the absolute.
* @param $relativeUrl string The relative url.
* @param $urlAbsoluteLocation string The absolute url;
* @return null|string - converted relative url or null if it's impossible to convert.
public static function convertRelativeURLtoAbsolute($relativeUrl, $urlAbsoluteLocation): ?string
// Check whether the url is empty
if ($relativeUrl === "")
return null;
// Check whether the url is already absolute
else if (preg_match('/^(http|https):\/\/.*$/', $relativeUrl))
return self::fixUrl($relativeUrl);
// To bee sure that input URLs has trailing '/'
$urlAbsoluteLocation = self::fixUrl($urlAbsoluteLocation);
$relativeUrl = self::fixUrl($relativeUrl);
// Common data for the all cases
$protocol = array_slice(explode('/', $urlAbsoluteLocation), 0, 1)[0] . '//';
$domain = self::fixUrl(array_slice(explode('/', $urlAbsoluteLocation), 2, 1)[0]);
$newPathStart = $urlAbsoluteLocation;
// Case relativeUrl consists of one character like "/" or "a"
if (strlen($relativeUrl) < 2) {
if ($relativeUrl[0] === '/') // root
return $protocol . $domain;
else if ($relativeUrl[0] === '.') // 'this directory'
return $urlAbsoluteLocation;
else if (preg_match('/^[\w-]*$/', $relativeUrl[0]))
return self::fixUrl($urlAbsoluteLocation . $relativeUrl[0]);
return false;
// Case ../../path (working only if url starts from sequence of ../../../ and so on)
$stepsBack = substr_count($relativeUrl, '../');
if ($stepsBack > 0) {
$locLevels = array_slice(explode('/', $urlAbsoluteLocation), 2, -1);
if ($stepsBack <= (count($locLevels) - 1)) { // we can do steps back
$newPathStart = join('/',
array_slice($locLevels, 0, count($locLevels) - $stepsBack)) . '/';
} else // we can't step back behind the domain(0 level)
return null;
// Remove stepbacks
$relativeUrl = str_replace('../', '', $relativeUrl);
// Case ./path/path1 (returned in the next case)
if (($relativeUrl[0] . $relativeUrl[1]) === './')
$relativeUrl = join('', array_slice(str_split($relativeUrl), 2));
// Case path/path1 (equals to ./path/path1)
if ($relativeUrl[0] !== "/") {
if (preg_match('/^(http|https):\/\/.*$/', $newPathStart))
return $newPathStart . $relativeUrl;
return $protocol . $newPathStart . $relativeUrl;
// Case //path/path1
if (($relativeUrl[0] . $relativeUrl[1]) === '//')
return $protocol . join('', array_slice(str_split($relativeUrl), 2));
// Case /path/path1
if ($relativeUrl[0] === "/" and $relativeUrl[1] !== "/")
return $protocol . $domain . join('', array_slice(str_split($relativeUrl), 1));
return null;
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