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Last active March 7, 2019 01:59
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  • Save cobaltapps/7c22f34ca7c4822ca8df1c1e35c65a6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cobaltapps/7c22f34ca7c4822ca8df1c1e35c65a6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demo Setup Instructions and Content for the Dynamik Promote Skin.
* Below you will find all of the custom content used to
* create the demo site for the Dynamik Promote Skin.
WordPress Menu Setup: Assign a menu to the "Primary Navigation Menu" as well as the Genesis "Header Right" Widget Area as stated below.
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: Header Right
Widget Type: Navigation Menu
Setup: Select Menu
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Feature Top 1
Widget Type: Genesis eNews Extended
Widget Title: Subscribe To My Latest Course
Setup: Add your own Form Action code
Email Field = EMAIL
First Name Field = FNAME
Button Text = Sign Up
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Top #1
Widget Type: Text
Widget Title: Teaching Success Is What I Do
Widget Content:
For the past decade I've been leading the way as both an aggressive entrepreneur as well as an avid teacher for those wanting to learn how to achieve more online. If this sounds like your next step then let's go!
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Top #2
Widget Type: Genesis eNews Extended
Widget Title: Contact Our Team
Setup: Add your own Form Action code,
Text To Show Before Form = Shoot us an email and let us wow you with our response.
Text To Show After Form = Be sure to give us more than a hot second to respond.
Email Field = EMAIL
First Name Field = FNAME
Last Name Field = LNAME
Button Text = Sign Up
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Middle #1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: EMPTY
Widget Content:
<i class="fa fa-map-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
The Journey
This may be a big step, but it's only the beginning of your journey to greater success.
<a class="button" href="#">Learn More</a>
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Middle #2
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: EMPTY
Widget Content:
<i class="fa fa-line-chart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Instant Results
Positive change takes time, but with my course you will see results before you know it.
<a class="button" href="#">Learn More</a>
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Middle #3
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: EMPTY
Widget Content:
<i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Join Us!
Greatness is a team effort. Join our community and let us help you along the way.
<a class="button" href="#">Learn More</a>
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Home Bottom #1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: See What Our Members Have To Say
Widget Content: EMPTY
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Fat Footer 1
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: EMPTY
Widget Content:
<div class="hp-testimonial-container">
<img class="hp-testimonial-image" src="" alt="Third Testimonial">
<p class="hp-testimonial">
"This experience in growth and success has been off the charts! I mean seriously, how can someone so perfectly package this kind of online wisdome. I really couldn't be any happier!"
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Fat Footer 2
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: EMPTY
Widget Content:
<div class="hp-testimonial-container">
<img class="hp-testimonial-image" src="" alt="Second Testimonial">
<p class="hp-testimonial">
"I try to live my life to the fullest each and every day, whether breaking bread with friends or working hard to succeed in business. And I can say with absolute certainty that this course ROCKS!"
== END Widget Area Info ==
== BEGIN Widget Area Info ==
Widget Area: EZ Fat Footer 3
Widget Type: Custom HTML
Widget Title: EMPTY
Widget Content:
<div class="hp-testimonial-container">
<img class="hp-testimonial-image" src="" alt="First Testimonial">
<p class="hp-testimonial">
"I couldn't be happier with this online course! It's literally helped set me on a path to greater freedom in my day-to-day life and has provided essential tools for the challenges that lie ahead."
== END Widget Area Info ==
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