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Last active November 30, 2021 09:20
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Detect obfuscated PowerShell through character frequency analysis.
function Measure-CharacterFrequency
Measures the letter / character frequency in a block of text, ignoring whitespace
and PowerShell comment blocks.
Author: Lee Holmes
Original location:
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ByPath")]
## The path of items with content
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPath", Position = 0)]
## The literal path of items with content
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByLiteralPath", Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
## The actual content to be measured
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByContent")]
$characterMap = @{}
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "ByContent")
## If the items were piped in or supplied by Path / LiteralPath, get the content of each of them.
Get-ChildItem @PSBoundParameters | Foreach-Object {
$content = Get-Content -LiteralPath $_.FullName -Raw
## Remove comments and whitespace
($content -replace '(?s)<#.*?#>','' -replace '#.*','' -replace '(?s)\s','').ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {
$key = $_.ToString().ToUpper()
## And store the character frequency for each character
$characterMap[$key] = 1 + $characterMap[$key] }
## Remove comments and whitespace
($content -replace '(?s)<#.*?#>','' -replace '#.*','' -replace '\s','').ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {
$key = $_.ToString().ToUpper()
## And store the character frequency for each character
$characterMap[$key] = 1 + $characterMap[$key] }
## Figure out how many characters were present in total so that we can calculate a percentage
$total = $characterMap.GetEnumerator() | Measure-Object -sum Value | ForEach-Object Sum
## And generate nice object-based output for each character and its frequency
$characterMap.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -desc value | ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject] @{ Name = $_.Name; Percent = [Math]::Round($_.Value / $total * 100, 3) } }
function Measure-VectorSimilarity
Measures the vector / cosine similarity between two sets of items.
Author: Lee Holmes
Original location:
PS > .\Measure-VectorSimilarity.ps1 @(1..10) @(3..8)
PS > $items = dir c:\windows\ | Select -First 10
PS > $items2 = dir c:\windows\ | Select -First 8
PS > .\Measure-VectorSimilarity.ps1 $items $items2 -KeyProperty Name -ValueProperty Length
## The first set of items to compare
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
## The second set of items to compare
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
## If the item sets represent objects that have a main property
## (like file names), the name of that key property
## If the item sets represent objects that have a main property
## to represent the values (like Count or Percent),
## the name of that key property. If they don't have a property
## like this, simple existence of the item will be used.
## If either set is empty, there is no similarity
if((-not $Set1) -or (-not $Set2))
return 0
## Figure out the unique set of items to be compared - either based on
## the key property (if specified), or the item value directly
$allkeys = @($Set1) + @($Set2) | Foreach-Object {
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("KeyProperty")) { $_.$KeyProperty }
else { $_ }
} | Sort-Object -Unique
## Figure out the values of items to be compared - either based on
## the value property (if specified), or the item value directly. Put
## these into a hashtable so that we can process them efficiently.
$set1Hash = @{}
$set2Hash = @{}
$setsToProcess = @($Set1, $Set1Hash), @($Set2, $Set2Hash)
foreach($set in $setsToProcess)
$set[0] | Foreach-Object {
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("ValueProperty")) { $value = $_.$ValueProperty }
else { $value = 1 }
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("KeyProperty")) { $_ = $_.$KeyProperty }
$set[1][$_] = $value
## Calculate the vector / cosine similarity of the two sets
## based on their keys and values.
$dot = 0
$mag1 = 0
$mag2 = 0
foreach($key in $allkeys)
$dot += $set1Hash[$key] * $set2Hash[$key]
$mag1 += ($set1Hash[$key] * $set1Hash[$key])
$mag2 += ($set2Hash[$key] * $set2Hash[$key])
$mag1 = [Math]::Sqrt($mag1)
$mag2 = [Math]::Sqrt($mag2)
## Return the result
[Math]::Round($dot / ($mag1 * $mag2), 3)
function Invoke-ObfuscationDetection {
Attempts to detect if a given script appears to be obfuscated.
Author: @cobbr_io
This function takes a given string (usually containing a powershell
script) and attempts to detect if it contains an obfuscated powershell
String containing the script to be checked for obfuscation.
String with a name for the script. Not required, but can be useful
for correlating detection results with a script when detecting
against multiple scripts.
Path containing the script to be checked for obfuscation.
.PARAMETER RequiredSimilarity
Optionally specify the required vector similarity to be considered
> Invoke-ObfuscatedDetection -Script "Write-Host No obfuscation here!"
Check if the script "Write-Host No obfuscation here!" is obfuscated.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByContent", Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position=0)]
[String] $Script,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByContent", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position=1)]
[String] $ScriptName = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByPath", Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position=0)]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType leaf})]
[Alias('FullName', 'Name')]
[String[]] $ScriptPath,
[Double] $RequiredSimilarity = 0.8
Begin {
# Define a "normal" PowerShell character frequency baseline
$globalFrequencies = @{'E'=9.818; 'T'=7.471;'A'=5.575;'R'=5.464;'S'=5.316;'I'=5.123;'N'=5.066;'O'=5.059;'L'=3.575;'C'=3.253;'M'=3.201;'$'=3.111;'P'=2.875;'D'=2.799;'U'=2.315;'-'=1.932;'.'=1.917;'"'=1.798;'F'=1.696;'G'=1.542;'B'=1.493;'H'=1.474;'='=1.342;'('=1.336;')'=1.33;'Y'=1.193;'W'=1.173;'V'=0.902;'{'=0.771;'}'=0.766;','=0.655;'X'=0.651;'['=0.621;']'=0.62;"'"=0.587;'_'=0.538;':'=0.483;'K'=0.453;'0'=0.45;'/'=0.432;'J'=0.345;'1'=0.316;'+'=0.27;'2'=0.245;'|'=0.238;';'=0.23;'\'=0.222;'Q'=0.218;'>'=0.196;'<'=0.185;'Z'=0.154;'3'=0.133;'*'=0.128;'`'=0.122;'5'=0.114;'4'=0.103;'@'=0.092;'6'=0.087;'8'=0.076;'7'=0.067;'%'=0.063;'9'=0.061;'!'=0.045;'?'=0.035;'&'=0.027}
$globalFrequencies = $globalFrequencies.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -desc value | ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject] @{ Name = $_.Name; Percent = $_.Value }
Process {
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByPath") {
$Script = [IO.File]::ReadAllText((Resolve-Path $ScriptPath))
$ScriptName = $ScriptPath
$scriptFrequencies = Measure-CharacterFrequency -Content $Script
$sim = Measure-VectorSimilarity $globalFrequencies $scriptFrequencies -KeyProperty Name -ValueProperty Percent
$IsObfuscated = $False
if($sim -lt $RequiredSimilarity) {
$IsObfuscated = $True
if($ScriptName) {
[PSCustomObject] @{ Name = $ScriptName; Obfuscated = $IsObfuscated }
else {
[PSCustomObject] @{ Obfuscated = $IsObfuscated }
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