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Aron cobordism

  • Berlin
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cobordism / attestation.txt
Created September 3, 2021 14:47
I contributed to the Trusted Setup Multi-Party Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit: qvt32
Contributor # 126
Hash: 3cd16fc2 3e8c5220 af1b0f80 5f740972
1e81f69d d0699e9a cd01d966 aa16223b
cfdd0af6 faf4e5fe 9ed48123 fb64fe4a
96cc4c50 d96618fc b29b6165 72fd003c
cobordism / erasure-proposal.rst
Last active February 15, 2016 14:14
Proposal to include erasure codes directly into the swarm client.

# Proposal for integrating Erasure Coding directly into the swarm client.

Erasure coding can increase file availability security by many orders of magnitude more than simply storing multiple copies can.

## What Problems are we trying to address?

### 1. Not all chunks (in the Merkle Trie) are created equal.