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Created September 15, 2015 12:46
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Category trees revisited

Category trees revisited


Category trees are an important classification utility for e-commerce sites. It is allows similar products to be grouped in a single category and related categories to be grouped together, e.g.

Games + Platform + Xbox
      |          |
      |          + PS4
      + Genre + Adventure
              + Fighting

At the top of the tree we have a department with associated category trees below it.

This document contains a proof-of-concept implementation with some technical bits that people may find interesting. This is for informational purposes only.

Representing the tree in an RDBMS

The typical representation of a category tree is a category table where each entry has a unique id and a parent_id pointing to the category directly above it in the tree. If the parent_id is NULL the category is considered a top-level category.

This definition is sound and changing the parent_id of a category effectively means unlinking an relinking a subtree.

For the purposes of this document I will be adding a department table and modifying the typical representation slighty:

  • A top-level category must have a parent_id that is NULL and it must have an associated department_id.
  • A category that is not at the top level must have a parent_id and it must have a department_id that is NULL.

Why the condition that a category with a parent_id may not have a department_id? Well, the department is implied by the ancestor. Duplicating it at lower levels complicates moving categories around and can lead to inconsistencies. (I've seen this in TAL.)

Let's write some code:

CREATE TABLE department (

-- Add some test data

INSERT INTO department(id, name) VALUES
(0, 'Department0'),
(1, 'Department1'),
(2, 'Department2');

-- A category can only be linked to a department (i.e. a top-level category)
-- or to another category, in which case the department is implied
-- by the ancestor.

CREATE TABLE category (
    parent_id INTEGER REFERENCES category(id),
    department_id INTEGER REFERENCES department(id),
    name TEXT NOT NULL,

    CHECK ((parent_id IS NULL AND department_id IS NOT NULL)
        OR (parent_id IS NOT NULL AND department_id IS NULL))

CREATE INDEX ON category(parent_id);

-- Add some test data

INSERT INTO category(id, parent_id, department_id, name) VALUES
(0, NULL, 0, '0:0'),
(1, 0, NULL, '0:0.1'),
(2, 1, NULL, '0:0.1.2'),
(3, 1, NULL, '0:0.1.3'),
(4, NULL, 1, '1:4'),
(5, 4, NULL, '1:4.5'),
(6, 5, NULL, '1:4.5.6'),
(7, 6, NULL, '1:'),
(8, 7, NULL, '1:'),
(9, NULL, 1, '1:9'),
(10, 9, NULL, '1:9.10');

The name of a category was crafted to represent the position in the tree for the purposes of this document. It has the format: department_id:category_id.category_id..., which will be useful to eyeball the correctness of the results in the following sections.

Leaf categories

Leaf categories are the categories at the bottom of the category tree. From the way we defined a category in the RDMS, it is not easy to construct a query to answer "give me all categories without children". It is simple, however, to say "give me all categories that are not parents". We create a view for this:

-- Create a view containing all the leaf categories.

CREATE VIEW leaf_category AS
  FROM category
  FROM category;

Note that we have a unique index on the id column (via the primary key) as well as an index on the parent_id column. Let's try it out:

# select * from leaf_category;
(4 rows)

Category trees

To build a category tree for category id, a naive implemetation would

  1. select information for the category with the id,
  2. select information of categories with parent_id equal to id,
  3. select information of categories with parent_id in the list of ids return in step 2.

Step 3 is repeated until no more results are returned. If this is done at the application level, it can lead to a large amount of calls to the database, which is not efficient.

Postresql extends the SQL standard definition for Common Table Expressions (CTEs), also known as "WITH clauses", to support recursive query definitions. It enables a query to refer to its own output when using the RECURSIVE keyword.

Here is an example which will return the category tree associated with category 4:

WITH RECURSIVE _category_tree AS (
    SELECT *
      FROM category
     WHERE = 4
    SELECT category.*
      FROM category, _category_tree
     WHERE category.parent_id =
  FROM _category_tree;
 id | parent_id | department_id |    name
  4 |           |             1 | 1:4
  5 |         4 |               | 1:4.5
  6 |         5 |               | 1:4.5.6
  7 |         6 |               | 1:
  8 |         7 |               | 1:
(5 rows)

Nice. A single database call to return the tree. But we want to refine this a bit. Category trees can be quite large and sometimes we want to only have a partial view. For this we can specify a depth to the query. Let's repeat the query for category 4 with a maximum depth of 2.

WITH RECURSIVE _category_tree AS (
    SELECT *, 0 AS depth
      FROM category
     WHERE = 4
    SELECT category.*, _category_tree.depth + 1 AS depth
      FROM category, _category_tree
     WHERE category.parent_id =
       AND _category_tree.depth < 2
  FROM _category_tree;
 id | parent_id | department_id |  name   | depth
  4 |           |             1 | 1:4     |     0
  5 |         4 |               | 1:4.5   |     1
  6 |         5 |               | 1:4.5.6 |     2
(3 rows)

Note that I now return the depth in the result as well. The specified category (4 in this case) is at level 0. What is also interesting is that the results are return in breadth-first traversal order.

Further down this post I will show how the results of these queries (which are lists) can be used to construct tree structures in your Python code.

Department trees

Department trees are similar to category trees, with the exception that multiple category trees may be returned. Consider the following query to fetch the department category trees for department 1:

WITH RECURSIVE _department_tree AS (
    SELECT *, 0 AS depth
      FROM category
     WHERE category.department_id = 1
    SELECT category.*, _department_tree.depth + 1 AS depth
      FROM category, _department_tree
     WHERE category.parent_id =
       AND _department_tree.depth < 100
  FROM _department_tree;
 id | parent_id | department_id |    name     | depth
  4 |           |             1 | 1:4         |     0
  9 |           |             1 | 1:9         |     0
  5 |         4 |               | 1:4.5       |     1
 10 |         9 |               | 1:9.10      |     1
  6 |         5 |               | 1:4.5.6     |     2
  7 |         6 |               | 1:   |     3
  8 |         7 |               | 1: |     4
(7 rows)

Once again the breadth-first traversal of the tree is evident.

Category lineage

Where category trees provide a view of a category and everything below it, sometimes one wants an upward view. Once again, this can be accomplished with single recursive query.

The following query gets the lineage of category 8. The depth can only be determined when complete resultset has been returned, so we keep a relative distance count, which we then use afterwards to compute the depth.

-- Category lineage

    SELECT *, 0 AS distance
      FROM category
     WHERE = 8
   SELECT category.*, _lineage.distance + 1 AS distance
     FROM category, _lineage
    WHERE = _lineage.parent_id
SELECT *, COUNT(*) OVER () - distance AS depth
  FROM _lineage;
 id | parent_id | department_id |    name     | distance | depth
  8 |         7 |               | 1: |        0 |     5
  7 |         6 |               | 1:   |        1 |     4
  6 |         5 |               | 1:4.5.6     |        2 |     3
  5 |         4 |               | 1:4.5       |        3 |     2
  4 |           |             1 | 1:4         |        4 |     1
(5 rows)

As can be seen from the results, the first row return is the category specified, then its parent, then granparent and so on until the top-level category gets reached.

Note: the COUNT(*) OVER () is a WINDOW function, which computes an aggregate over a part of the resultset (in this case everything) without the need for an explicit GROUP BY clause.

The lineage can thus be used to determine the depth of a category in the category tree, but more importantly, it can be used to determine the department_id associated with the category.

Everything all at once

To show off some more SQL goodness, let's combine our tree and lineage queries for a consolidated view. Getting a combined view for category 6 would look like this:

-- Combined lineage and tree.
-- Note the use of "UNION DISTINCT" which removes the duplicate row
-- for the category_id specified in the query.

WITH RECURSIVE _category_tree AS (
    SELECT *, 0 AS rel_depth
      FROM category
     WHERE = 6
    SELECT category.*, _category_tree.rel_depth + 1 AS rel_depth
      FROM category, _category_tree
     WHERE category.parent_id =
), _lineage AS (
    SELECT *, 0 AS rel_depth
      FROM category
     WHERE = 6
    SELECT category.*, _lineage.rel_depth - 1 AS rel_depth
      FROM category, _lineage
     WHERE = _lineage.parent_id
), _combined AS (
    SELECT *
      FROM _category_tree
    SELECT *
      FROM _lineage
SELECT *, rel_depth - MIN(rel_depth) OVER () as depth
  FROM _combined
 ORDER BY rel_depth ASC;
 id | parent_id | department_id |    name     | rel_depth | depth
  4 |           |             1 | 1:4         |        -2 |     0
  5 |         4 |               | 1:4.5       |        -1 |     1
  6 |         5 |               | 1:4.5.6     |         0 |     2
  7 |         6 |               | 1:   |         1 |     3
  8 |         7 |               | 1: |         2 |     4
(5 rows)

Wrapping things up (in functions)

No, this is not quite the end. The queries we have seen in this document is quite big. For reasons of simplicity and performance, one may consider wrapping them in functions in the database:

-- Function returning the tree associated with a category, limited to a specified depth

FUNCTION category_tree(_category_id INTEGER, _max_depth INTEGER)
    RETURNS TABLE(id INTEGER, parent_id INTEGER, department_id INTEGER, name TEXT, depth INTEGER)
AS $$
    WITH RECURSIVE _category_tree AS (
        SELECT *, 0 AS depth
          FROM category
         WHERE = _category_id
        UNION ALL
        SELECT category.*, _category_tree.depth + 1 AS depth
          FROM category, _category_tree
         WHERE category.parent_id =
           AND _category_tree.depth < _max_depth
    SELECT *
      FROM _category_tree;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Usage examples:

cattest=# select * from category_tree(6, 100);
 id | parent_id | department_id |    name     | depth
  6 |         5 |               | 1:4.5.6     |     0
  7 |         6 |               | 1:   |     1
  8 |         7 |               | 1: |     2
(3 rows)

cattest=# select * from category_tree(0, 100);
 id | parent_id | department_id |  name   | depth
  0 |           |             0 | 0:0     |     0
  1 |         0 |               | 0:0.1   |     1
  2 |         1 |               | 0:0.1.2 |     2
  3 |         1 |               | 0:0.1.3 |     2
(4 rows)

From list to tree

Defining the position of a category in a tree purely based on its parent is sound. When viewing a category from an application's perspective, however, it is convenient to have its children directly accessible.

As mentioned earlier in the document, the results of the category tree is request is returned in breadth-first traversal order. This means that the fist row returned will be the top of the tree and subsequent rows will be children or grandchildren.

Below is a function implemented in Python which will construct a tree. We construct a dictionary containing the categories returned and use this to update the children attribute associated with the parent_id for each category we process (except the first one, which is the head of the tree and has no parent).

SELECT id, parent_id, department_id, name, depth
  FROM category_tree(%(id)s, %(max_depth)s)

def category_tree(_id, max_depth=100):
    tree = None
    category_by_id = {}

    cur = CONN.cursor()
    cur.execute(CATTREE_SQL, {"id": _id, "max_depth": max_depth})

    for cat_id, parent_id, dept_id, name, depth in cur.fetchall():
        cat = {
            "id": cat_id,
            "parent_id": parent_id,
            "department_id": dept_id,
            "depth": depth,
            "name": name,
            "children": []

        category_by_id[cat_id] = cat
        if tree:
            tree = cat

    return tree

The code for a department_tree would be similar, with the exception that it would return a list of category trees.


I hope you enjoyed reading this. If you are curious and want more information, please chat to me. Or read the documentation


Here is a Python program that prints the category tree for all 10 categories we defined. The result can be seen below. I prefixed the children field with x_ so that it is the last field pretty-printed.

import psycopg2
import pprint

CONN = psycopg2.connect(database="cattest", user="cobusc", password="")
assert CONN, "Not connected"
SELECT id, parent_id, department_id, name, depth
  FROM category_tree(%(id)s, %(max_depth)s)

def category_tree(_id, max_depth=100):

    tree = None
    category_by_id = {}

    cur = CONN.cursor()
    assert cur, "Could not get cursor"
    cur.execute(CATTREE_SQL, {"id": _id, "max_depth": max_depth})

    for cat_id, parent_id, dept_id, name, depth in cur.fetchall():
        cat = {
            "id": cat_id,
            "parent_id": parent_id,
            "department_id": dept_id,
            "depth": depth,
            "name": name,
            "x_children": []

        category_by_id[cat_id] = cat
        if tree:
            # Inherit the department from the parent
            cat["department_id"] = category_by_id[parent_id]["department_id"]
            tree = cat

    return tree

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for i in xrange(0,11):
        print("category_tree({}) = ".format(i))
category_tree(0) =
{'department_id': 0,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 0,
 'name': '0:0',
 'parent_id': None,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': 0,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 1,
                 'name': '0:0.1',
                 'parent_id': 0,
                 'x_children': [{'department_id': 0,
                                 'depth': 2,
                                 'id': 2,
                                 'name': '0:0.1.2',
                                 'parent_id': 1,
                                 'x_children': []},
                                {'department_id': 0,
                                 'depth': 2,
                                 'id': 3,
                                 'name': '0:0.1.3',
                                 'parent_id': 1,
                                 'x_children': []}]}]}
category_tree(1) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 1,
 'name': '0:0.1',
 'parent_id': 0,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 2,
                 'name': '0:0.1.2',
                 'parent_id': 1,
                 'x_children': []},
                {'department_id': None,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 3,
                 'name': '0:0.1.3',
                 'parent_id': 1,
                 'x_children': []}]}
category_tree(2) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 2,
 'name': '0:0.1.2',
 'parent_id': 1,
 'x_children': []}
category_tree(3) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 3,
 'name': '0:0.1.3',
 'parent_id': 1,
 'x_children': []}
category_tree(4) =
{'department_id': 1,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 4,
 'name': '1:4',
 'parent_id': None,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': 1,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 5,
                 'name': '1:4.5',
                 'parent_id': 4,
                 'x_children': [{'department_id': 1,
                                 'depth': 2,
                                 'id': 6,
                                 'name': '1:4.5.6',
                                 'parent_id': 5,
                                 'x_children': [{'department_id': 1,
                                                 'depth': 3,
                                                 'id': 7,
                                                 'name': '1:',
                                                 'parent_id': 6,
                                                 'x_children': [{'department_id': 1,
                                                                 'depth': 4,
                                                                 'id': 8,
                                                                 'name': '1:',
                                                                 'parent_id': 7,
                                                                 'x_children': []}]}]}]}]}
category_tree(5) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 5,
 'name': '1:4.5',
 'parent_id': 4,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 6,
                 'name': '1:4.5.6',
                 'parent_id': 5,
                 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                                 'depth': 2,
                                 'id': 7,
                                 'name': '1:',
                                 'parent_id': 6,
                                 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                                                 'depth': 3,
                                                 'id': 8,
                                                 'name': '1:',
                                                 'parent_id': 7,
                                                 'x_children': []}]}]}]}
category_tree(6) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 6,
 'name': '1:4.5.6',
 'parent_id': 5,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 7,
                 'name': '1:',
                 'parent_id': 6,
                 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                                 'depth': 2,
                                 'id': 8,
                                 'name': '1:',
                                 'parent_id': 7,
                                 'x_children': []}]}]}
category_tree(7) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 7,
 'name': '1:',
 'parent_id': 6,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': None,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 8,
                 'name': '1:',
                 'parent_id': 7,
                 'x_children': []}]}
category_tree(8) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 8,
 'name': '1:',
 'parent_id': 7,
 'x_children': []}
category_tree(9) =
{'department_id': 1,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 9,
 'name': '1:9',
 'parent_id': None,
 'x_children': [{'department_id': 1,
                 'depth': 1,
                 'id': 10,
                 'name': '1:9.10',
                 'parent_id': 9,
                 'x_children': []}]}
category_tree(10) =
{'department_id': None,
 'depth': 0,
 'id': 10,
 'name': '1:9.10',
 'parent_id': 9,
 'x_children': []}
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