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coccoinomane coccoinomane

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coccoinomane /
Last active October 26, 2024 17:03
Show an image from the MNIST dataset, and print its label
Show an image from the MNIST dataset, and print its label.
Usage: <index> <split>
- <index> is the index of the image to show (0-59999)
- <split> is either 'train' or 'test' to select the specific MNIST dataset
coccoinomane /
Last active November 18, 2022 15:29
Bash / zsh function to easily create, activate and deactivate virtual environments for Python 3

Run dotvenv in an empty folder to create a virtual env from scratch and activate it immediately:

$ dotvenv
Created virtual env
Activated virtual env
(.venv) $

Run again to deactivate the virtual env:

coccoinomane / laravel_socialite_migration.php
Created December 27, 2018 20:45
Laravel migration that adds the columns required by Google Login as per this tutorial =>
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
class UpdateUsersTableForGoogleLogin extends Migration
* Run the migrations.
coccoinomane / google-forms-public-images.js
Last active January 13, 2024 10:00
Make images submitted via a Google Form publicly viewable.
* Make images submitted via a Google Form publicly viewable.
* Updated version at
* 1. Open the response spreadsheet.
* 2. Open the script editor (Tools -> Script Editor), paste the content of this
* file inside the editor, and save (Ctrl+S or Cmd+S).
coccoinomane / woocommerce-emails-add-reply-to-and-bcc.php
Last active December 18, 2018 21:36
Add 'Reply-To' header to WooCommerce admin emails, so that the admin can reply directly to the buyer; optionally add also BCC field to all emails sent by WooCommerce (both to the customer and to the admin).
* Add 'Reply-To' header to admin emails, so that the admin can reply
* directly to the buyer; optionally add also BCC field to all emails
* sent by WooCommerce (both to the customer and to the admin).
* The $object argument can be any WooCommerce object (product, order,
* user...) depending on the email ID.
* Possible email IDs can be extracted from filenames in the
* Allow dependent drop downs in Google Sheets
* - Allows any number of nested dropdown columns.
* - Nested dropdowns can occur anywhere in the sheet.
* - All options for the dropdowns live in a unique separate sheet
* - Nesting works only for adjacent columns.
* - Works also when editing a range of cells.
* Updated code at
coccoinomane / dialog.html
Last active July 1, 2020 03:42 — forked from arthurattwell/dialog.html
Google Sheets script to allow multi-select in cells with data-validation (adapted from, original credits to Alexander Ivanov
<div style="font-family: sans-serif;">
<? var data = valid(); ?>
<form id="form" name="form">
<? if( === '[object Array]') { ?>
<? for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { ?>
<? for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) { ?>
<input type="checkbox" id="ch<?= '' + i + j ?>" name="ch<?= '' + i + j ?>" value="<?= data[i][j] ?>"><?= data[i][j] ?><br>
<? } ?>
<? } ?>
<? } else { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
prepaiderr_1 = "{PREPAIDERR_01}";
prepaiderr_2 = "{PREPAIDERR_02}";
prepaiderr_3 = "{PREPAIDERR_03}";
<script type="text/javascript">
var voucher_or_normal = {OPTIONAL} ; // 0 - no optional, 1 is basic, 2 is voucher code, 3 is SMS
var display_facebook_button = {DISPLAY_FACEBOOK_BUTTON} ; // 1 - visible, 0 hidden
var display_google_button = {DISPLAY_GOOGLE_BUTTON} ;// 1 - visible, 0 hidden
* Make sure that Google Forms are stored in Google Spreadsheet
* as plain text; among other things, this script solves the problem
* whereby leading zeros are stripped from Google Form answers.
* This is a Google Script and it needs to be attached to a Google
* Spreadsheet:
* 1) Open the Google Spreadsheet linked to the Google Form, and
* go to Tools -> Script editor.
* 2) Paste the content of this file in the editor and save.
* Send an event to GA whenever a user is about to initiate payment.
* The event is fired not just after the user clicks on the "Place Order"
* button, but when WooCommerce is actually going to redirect the user
* to the Payment Gateway, using the woocommerce_checkout_order_processed
* action.
* Furthermore, additional information is passed with the event: