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Created January 22, 2015 15:13
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Save cocolee/c44f15db0b6bdd97f237 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Wrapper class for the Envato marketplaces API.
* @author Jeffrey Way <>
* @created January, 2012
* @license Do-whateva-ya-want-with-it
class Envato_marketplaces {
protected $api_key;
protected $cache_dir = 'cache';
public $cache_expires = 24;
protected $public_url = '';
function __construct($api_key = null) {
if ( isset($api_key) ) $this->api_key = $api_key; // allow the user to pass the API key upon instantiation
* Attach your API key.
* @param string $api_key Can be accessed on the marketplaces via My Account
* -> My Settings -> API Key
public function set_api_key($api_key)
$this->api_key = $api_key;
* Retrieve the value of your API KEY, if needed.
* @return string The requested API Key.
public function get_api_key()
if ( ! isset($this->api_key) ) return 'No API Key is set.';
return $this->api_key;
* Sets the cache directory for all API calls.
* @param string $cache_dir
public function set_cache_dir($cache_dir)
$this->cache_dir = $cache_dir;
* Retrieve the value of your cache directory, if needed.
* @return string The requested cache directory.
public function get_cache_dir()
return $this->cache_dir;
* Available sets => 'vitals', 'earnings-and-sales-by-month', 'statement', 'recent-sales', 'account', 'verify-purchase', 'download-purchase'
public function private_user_data($user_name, $set, $purchase_code = null)
if ( ! isset($this->api_key) ) exit('You have not set an api key yet. $class->set_api_key(key)');
if (! isset($set) ) return 'Missing parameters';
$url = "$user_name/$this->api_key/$set";
if ( !is_null($purchase_code) ) $url .= ":$purchase_code";
$url .= '.json';
$result = $this->fetch($url);
if ( isset($result->error) ) return 'Username, API Key, or purchase code is invalid.';
return $result->$set;
* Can be used to verify if a person did in fact purchase your item.
* @param $user_name Author's username.
* @param $purchase_code - The buyer's purchase code. See Downloads page for
* receipt.
* @return object|bool If purchased, returns an object containing the details.
public function verify_purchase($user_name, $purchase_code)
$validity = $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'verify-purchase', $purchase_code);
return isset($validity->buyer) ? $validity : false;
* Can be used to retrieve the download URL for a purchased item.
* @param $user_name Purchaser's username.
* @param $purchase_code - The item purchase code. See Downloads page for
* receipt.
* @return string If purchased, returns a string containing the download URL.
public function download_purchase($user_name, $purchase_code)
$download_url = $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'download-purchase', $purchase_code);
return isset($download_url->download_url) ? $download_url->download_url : false;
* Helper method to retrieve the balance on your account.
* @param string $user_name The username attached to your API KEY.
* @return string The balance in your account.
public function balance($user_name)
$vitals = $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'vitals');
return $vitals->balance;
* Retrieve details for your most recent sales.
* @param string $user_name The username attached to your API KEY.
* @param int $limit The number of sales to return.
* @return array A list of your recent sales.
public function recent_sales($user_name, $limit = null)
$sales = $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'recent-sales');
return $this->apply_limit($sales, $limit);
* Retrieve statement for your most recent sales.
* @param string $user_name The username attached to your API KEY.
* @param int $limit The number of sales to return.
* @return array A list of your recent sales.
public function statement($user_name, $limit = null)
$sales = $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'statement');
return $this->apply_limit($sales, $limit);
* Retrieve your account information -- balance, location, name, etc.
* @param string $user_name The username attached to your API KEY.
* @return array A list of account information for the user.
public function account_information($user_name)
return $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'account');
* Grab quick monthly stats - number of sales, income, etc.
* @param string $user_name The username attached to your API KEY.
* @param int $limit The number of months to return.
* @return array A list of sales figures, ordered by month.
public function earnings_by_month($user_name, $limit = null)
$earnings = $this->private_user_data($user_name, 'earnings-and-sales-by-month');
return $this->apply_limit($earnings, $limit);
* Generic method, to be used in combination with the marketplace API docs.
* @param string $user_name The user name of the seller to track.
* @return array The returned data wrapped in an array.
public function public_user_data($user_name)
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'user:' . $user_name, $this->public_url);
return $this->fetch($url, 'user');
* Returns the featured item, author, and free file for a given marketplace.
* @param string $marketplace_name The desired marketplace name.
* @return array The featured file, free file, and featured author for the
* given site.
public function featured($marketplace_name = 'themeforest')
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'features:' . $marketplace_name, $this->public_url);
return $this->fetch($url, 'features');
* Retrieve the details for a specific marketplace item.
* @param string $item_id The id of the item you need information for.
* @return object Details for the given item.
public function item_details($item_id)
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'item:' . $item_id, $this->public_url);
return $this->fetch($url, 'item');
* Returns new files from a specific marketplaces and category.
* @param string $marketplace_name The desired marketplace name.
* @param string $category The name of the category you'd like to search.
* @param int $limit The number of files to return.
* @return array A list of ALL recent files.
public function new_files($marketplace_name = 'themeforest', $category = 'wordpress', $limit = null)
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'new-files:' . $marketplace_name . ','. $category, $this->public_url);
$results = $this->fetch($url, 'new-files');
if ( $results ) {
return $this->apply_limit($results, $limit);
* Similar to new_files, but focuses on a specific author's files.
* @param string $user_name The desired username.
* @param string $marketplace_name The desired marketplace name.
* @param int $limit The number of files to return.
* @return array A list of recently added files by one user.
public function new_files_from_user($user_name, $marketplace_name = 'themeforest', $limit = null)
$cache_path = "$this->cache_dir/$user_name-$marketplace_name-new_files";
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'new-files-from-user:' . $user_name . ',' . $marketplace_name, $this->public_url);
return $this->apply_limit( $this->fetch($url, 'new-files-from-user'), $limit );
* Helper function which automatically echos out a list of thumbnails
* + links. Use new_files_from_user for more control.
* @param string $user_name The username of the account you want to display
* thumbnails from.
* @param string $marketplace_name The desired marketplace name.
* @param int $limit The number of thumbnails to display.
* @return string Helper function immediately echos out thumbnails.
* Careful...
public function display_thumbs($user_name, $marketplace_name, $limit = null)
$results = $this->new_files_from_user($user_name, $marketplace_name, $limit);
echo "<ul class='envato-marketplace-thumbs'> \n";
foreach($results as $item) : ?>
<?php if ( is_null($item) ) break; ?>
<a href="<?php echo $item->url . "?ref=$user_name"; ?>" title="<?php echo $item->item;?>">
<img src="<?php echo $item->thumbnail; ?>" alt="<?php echo $item->item?>">
<?php endforeach;
echo "\n</ul>";
* Retrieve the most popular files of the previous week.
* @param string $marketplace_name Desired marketplace name.
* @param int $limit The number of items to return [optional].
* @return array A list of the most sold items in the given marketplace last
* week.
public function most_popular($marketplace_name = 'themeforest')
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'popular:' . $marketplace_name, $this->public_url);
return $this->fetch($url, 'popular');
* Retrieve the random list of newly uploaded files.
* @param string $marketplace_name Desired marketplace name.
* @param int $limit The number of items to return [optional].
* @return array A list of random new files in the given marketplace.
public function random_new_files($marketplace_name = 'themeforest', $limit = null)
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'random-new-files:' . $marketplace_name, $this->public_url);
$random = $this->curl($url)->{'random-new-files'};
return $this->apply_limit($random, $limit);
* Perform search queries on all of the marketplaces, or a specific one.
* @param string $search_expression What are you searching for?
* @param string $marketplace_name The name of the marketplace you want to
* search. [optional]
* @param string $type The item type (category). See search options on
* marketplace for list. [optional]
* @param integer $limit The number of items to return [optional]
* @return array A list of the search results.
public function search($search_expression, $marketplace_name = '', $type = '', $limit = null)
if ( empty($search_expression) ) return false;
# Can't use spaces. Need to replace them with pipes.
else $search_expression = preg_replace('/\s/', '|', $search_expression);
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'search:' . $marketplace_name . ',' . $type . ',' . $search_expression, $this->public_url );
$search_results = $this->curl($url)->search;
return $this->apply_limit($search_results, $limit);
* Retrieves general marketplace member information.
* @param string $user_name The username to query.
* @return object Contains the requested user information.
public function user_information($user_name)
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'user:' . $user_name, $this->public_url);
return $this->fetch($url, 'user');
* Retrieve an array of all the items in a particular collection.
* @param string $collection_id The id of the requested collection. See url
* of collection page for id.
* @return array A list of all the items in the collection.
public function collection($collection_id)
$url = preg_replace('/set/i', 'collection:' . $collection_id, $this->public_url);
return $this->fetch($url, 'collection');
* Either fetches the desired data from the API and caches it, or fetches the cached version
* @param string $url The url to the API call
* @param string $set (optional) The name of the set to retrieve.
protected function fetch($url, $set = null)
// Use the API url to generate the cache file name.
// So:
// Becomes: collection-739793.json
$cache_path = $this->cache_dir . '/' . str_replace(':', '-', substr(strrchr($url, '/'), 1));
if ( $this->has_expired($cache_path) ) {
// get fresh copy
$data = $this->curl($url);
if ($data) {
$data = isset($set) ? $data->{$set} : $data; // if a set is needed, update
} else exit('Could not retrieve data.');
$this->cache_it($cache_path, $data);
return $data;
} else {
// if available in cache, use that
return json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_path));
* Filters returned result, according to the supplied $limit.
* @param string $orig_arr The original array to work on.
* @param int $limit Specifies the number of array items in the result.
* @return array A new array with a count equal to the passed $limit.
public function apply_limit($orig_arr, $limit)
if ( !is_int($limit) ) return $orig_arr;
// Make sure that there are enough items to filter through...
if ( $limit > count($orig_arr) ) $limit = count($orig_arr);
$new_arr = array();
for ( $i = 0; $i <= $limit - 1; $i++ ) {
$new_arr[] = $orig_arr[$i];
return $new_arr;
* General purpose function to query the marketplace API.
* @param string $url The url to access, via curl.
* @return object The results of the curl request.
protected function curl($url)
if ( empty($url) ) return false;
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Envato Purchase Code Verifier for WordPress");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
$data = json_decode($data);
return $data; // string or null
* Caches the results request to keep from hammering the API
* @param string $cache_path - A path to the cache file
* @param string $data - The results from the API call - should be encoded
protected function cache_it($cache_path, $data)
if ( !isset($data) ) return;
!file_exists($this->cache_dir) && mkdir($this->cache_dir);
file_put_contents( $cache_path, json_encode($data) );
return $cache_path;
* Determines whether the provided file has expired yet
* @param string $cache_path The path to the cached file
* @param string $expires - In hours, how long the file should cache for.
protected function has_expired($cache_path, $expires = null)
if ( !isset($expires) ) $expires = $this->cache_expires;
if ( file_exists($cache_path) ) {
return time() - $expires * 60 * 60 > filemtime($cache_path);
return true;
* Helper function that deletes all of the files in your cache directory.
public function clear_cache(){
array_map('unlink', glob("$this->cache_dir/*"));
* A simple convenience function to save a few seconds during development.
* @param $data The array or object to display on the page, for testing.
public function prettyPrint($data)
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
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