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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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A reference with the basic commands for VIM

#Vim Basic Commands

###Modes i: change to insert mode to edit text v: change to visual mode to select text Esc: Normal mode to navigate through the text file

###Moves (Normal mode) h: move left | l: move right j: move up | k: move down

w: move to the beginning to the next word to the right e: move to the end of the next word to the right b: move to the beginning of the previous word (to the left)

you can combine keys to move around

3+w: will move to the beginning of the 3rd word to the right. 7+e: will move to the end of the 7th word to the right. 2+h: will move 2 characters to the left.

%: jump to the matching parentheses or bracket under the cursor. 0: beginning of line | $: end of line

gg: jump to the beginning of the file | G: jump to the end of the file 3+G: jump to the 3rd line to the file

###Modify text file o: insert a new line under the current one | O: insert a new line above the current one

3+i+go+Esc: insert 3 'go'. In this way you can insert a repeated pattern.

x: deletes the character under the cursor | X: deletes the characters to the left of the cursor. r: replace the character under the cursor without changing to insert mode a: append from the position of the cursor to the right d: delete command, it need to be combined with a movement. d+w: deletes the first word to the right.

###Find /: find text, you can use RegEx too to match a pattern | n: moves to the next | N: moves to the previous *: find the next occurrence of the word under the cursor #: find the previous occurrence of the word under the cursor f+w: find the first occurrence of 'w' to the right of the coursor.

you can combine the numbers with this find

3+f+w: will find the third occurrence of 'w' in the document

Some commands to remember

.: repeats the last command => d+2+w deletes 2 words to the right of the cursor, pressing . will keep deleting words 2 by 2

:w: save | :q: quit | :q!: quit without saving | u: undo | ctrl+r: redo | :help: help menu

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