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Created March 16, 2021 13:20
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kuso random-walk program
using LightGraphs
using GraphPlot
using Colors
using Cairo
using Compose
using Plots
using StatsBase
# plot example
k = 10
m = 2
Gk = complete_graph(k)
# m人のキーパーソン
nodes = sample(1:nv(Gk), m, replace=false)
used = [false for j in 1:k]
used[nodes] .= true
nc = [colorant"white" for j in 1:k] # 色を作る
nc[nodes] .= colornat"tomato"
gg = gplot(Gk, nodelabel=1:nv(Gk), layout=circular_layout, nodefillc=nc)
draw(PNG("example.png", 8cm, 8cm), gg)
# randomwalkのシミュレーションをiter回ぐらいやる
function simulation(;k=30, m=2, max_trial=100, depth=3)
Gk = complete_graph(k)
# 何人知っているかのログ
log_used = Int[m]
# 情報を知っている m 人
selected = sample(1:nv(Gk), m, replace=false)
used = [false for j in 1:k]
used[selected] .= true
known = Set{Int}(selected)
# trial 回数の情報伝達
for _trial in 1:trial
# 全員伝わったら終わり
all(used) && break
# まだ知らない人が他の人に対して,深さ depth ぐらいで聞こうと頑張る
k = sample(1:nv(Gk), Weights([used[j] ? 0 : 1 for j in 1:nv(Gk)]))
rw_t = non_backtracking_randomwalk(Gk, k, depth)
# 伝言ゲーム rw_t の中に知っている人がいるかどうか
f_exist = false
for j in rw_t
if j in known
f_exist = true
# 伝言ゲームした人は全員情報を知った
f_exist && (used[rw_t] .= true)
push!(log_used, sum(used))
# グラフを描く
k = 50
log0 = simulation(k=k, depth=2);
log1 = simulation(k=k, depth=3);
log2 = simulation(k=k, depth=4);
log3 = simulation(k=k, depth=5);
f = plot(figsize=(5, 3), title="On complete graph K$k")
plot!(f, log0, marker=:square, color=:black, label="d=2")
plot!(f, log1, marker=:square, color=:tomato, label="d=3")
plot!(f, log2, marker=:square, color=:blue, label="d=4")
plot!(f, log3, marker=:square, color=:forestgreen, label="d=5")
savefig(f, "graph.png")
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