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Created January 29, 2017 16:08
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module Main where
import LLVM.AST
import qualified LLVM.AST as AST
import LLVM.AST.AddrSpace
import qualified LLVM.AST.CallingConvention as CC
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C
import LLVM.AST.Global
import LLVM.AST.Linkage
import LLVM.Context
import LLVM.Module
import Control.Monad.Except
module_ :: AST.Module
module_ =
{ moduleName = "<string>"
, moduleSourceFileName = "foo.c"
, moduleDefinitions =
[ GlobalDefinition
{ name = Name ".str"
, linkage = Private
, unnamedAddr = Just GlobalAddr
, isConstant = True
, LLVM.AST.Global.type' =
{nArrayElements = 4, elementType = IntegerType {typeBits = 8}}
, initializer =
{ C.memberType = IntegerType {typeBits = 8}
, C.memberValues =
[ C.Int {C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = 37}
, C.Int {C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = 100}
, C.Int {C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = 10}
, C.Int {C.integerBits = 8, C.integerValue = 0}
, LLVM.AST.Global.alignment = 1
, GlobalDefinition
{ returnType = VoidType
, name = Name "f"
, parameters = ([], False)
, basicBlocks =
[ BasicBlock
(UnName 0)
[ UnName 1 :=
{ tailCallKind = Nothing
, AST.callingConvention = CC.C
, AST.returnAttributes = []
, function =
{ pointerReferent =
{ resultType = IntegerType {typeBits = 32}
, argumentTypes =
[ PointerType
{ pointerReferent =
IntegerType {typeBits = 8}
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0
, isVarArg = True
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0
(Name "printf")))
, arguments =
[ ( ConstantOperand
{ C.inBounds = True
, C.address =
{ pointerReferent =
{ nArrayElements = 4
, elementType =
IntegerType {typeBits = 8}
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0
(Name ".str")
, C.indices =
[ C.Int
{C.integerBits = 32, C.integerValue = 0}
, C.Int
{C.integerBits = 32, C.integerValue = 0}
, [])
, ( ConstantOperand
(C.Int {C.integerBits = 32, C.integerValue = 42})
, [])
, AST.functionAttributes = []
, metadata = []
(Do (Ret {returnOperand = Nothing, metadata' = []}))
, GlobalDefinition
{ returnType = IntegerType {typeBits = 32}
, name = Name "printf"
, parameters =
( [ Parameter
{ pointerReferent = IntegerType {typeBits = 8}
, pointerAddrSpace = AddrSpace 0
(UnName 0)
, True)
toLLVM :: AST.Module -> IO ()
toLLVM mod = withContext $ \ctx -> do
errOrLLVM <- runExceptT $ withModuleFromAST ctx mod moduleLLVMAssembly
case errOrLLVM of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "error: " ++ err
Right llvm -> putStrLn llvm
main :: IO ()
main = toLLVM module_
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