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Last active January 16, 2020 07:55
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;;; core-modeline.el
;; This file tries to be an almost self-contained configuration of my mode-line.
;; It depends on the following external packages:
;; + powerline
;; + evil-mode
;; + projectile
;; + DejaVu Mono for Powerline font <>
;; + anzu
;; + iedit and evil-multiedit
;; + flycheck
;; The only external functions used are:
;; `doom-fix-unicode' in core/core-defuns.el
;; `doom/project-root' in core/defuns/defuns-projectile.el
;; Both are simple, isolated functions and, besides projectile, has no other
;; dependencies.
(require 's)
(require 'f)
(defvar mode-line-height 30
"How tall the mode-line should be. This is only respected in GUI emacs.")
;; Load powerline only when uncompiled, in order to generate the xpm bitmaps for
;; the mode-line. This is the tall blue bar on the left of the mode-line.
;; NOTE Compile this file for a faster startup!
(eval-when-compile (require 'powerline))
(defun doom/project-root (&optional strict-p)
"Get the path to the root of your project."
(let (projectile-require-project-root strict-p)
;; FIXME Don't hardcode colors in
(defvar mode-line-bar (pl/percent-xpm mode-line-height 100 0 100 0 3 "#00B3EF" nil))
(defvar mode-line-eldoc-bar (pl/percent-xpm mode-line-height 100 0 100 0 3 "#B3EF00" nil))
(defvar mode-line-inactive-bar (pl/percent-xpm mode-line-height 100 0 100 0 3 nil nil))
;; Custom faces
(defface mode-line-is-modified nil
"Face for mode-line modified symbol")
(defface mode-line-2 nil
"The alternate color for mode-line text.")
(defface mode-line-highlight nil
"Face for bright segments of the mode-line.")
(defface mode-line-count-face nil
"Face for anzu/evil-substitute/evil-search number-of-matches display.")
;; Git/VCS segment faces
(defface mode-line-vcs-info '((t (:inherit warning)))
(defface mode-line-vcs-warning '((t (:inherit warning)))
;; Flycheck segment faces
(defface doom-flycheck-error '((t (:inherit error)))
"Face for flycheck error feedback in the modeline.")
(defface doom-flycheck-warning '((t (:inherit warning)))
"Face for flycheck warning feedback in the modeline.")
;; Functions
(defun doom-ml-flycheck-count (state)
"Return flycheck information for the given error type STATE."
(when (flycheck-has-current-errors-p state)
(if (eq 'running flycheck-last-status-change)
(cdr-safe (assq state (flycheck-count-errors flycheck-current-errors))))))
;; pyenv/rbenv version segment
(defvar doom-ml-env-version-hook '()
"Hook that runs whenever the environment version changes (e.g. rbenv/pyenv)")
(defun doom-ml|env-update ()
(when doom-ml--env-command
(let ((default-directory (doom/project-root)))
(let ((s (shell-command-to-string doom-ml--env-command)))
(setq doom-ml--env-version (if (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s)
(replace-match "" t t s)
(run-hook-with-args 'doom-ml-env-version-hook doom-ml--env-version)))))
(defmacro def-version-cmd! (modes command)
"Define a COMMAND for MODE that will set `doom-ml--env-command' when that mode is
activated, which should return the version number of the current environment. It is used
by `doom-ml|env-update' to display a version number in the modeline. For instance:
(def-version-cmd! ruby-mode \"ruby --version | cut -d' ' -f2\")
This will display the ruby version in the modeline in ruby-mode buffers. It is cached the
first time."
(add-hook! (focus-in find-file) 'doom-ml|env-update)
`(add-hook! ,modes (setq doom-ml--env-command ,command)))
;; Initialization
;; Where (py|rb)env version strings will be stored
(defvar-local doom-ml--env-version nil)
(defvar-local doom-ml--env-command nil)
(defun doom-fix-unicode (font &rest chars)
"Display certain unicode characters in a specific font.
e.g. (doom-fix-unicode \"DejaVu Sans\" ?⚠ ?★ ?λ)"
(declare (indent 1))
(mapc (lambda (x) (set-fontset-font
t (cons x x)
(cond ((fontp font)
((listp font)
(font-spec :family (car font) :size (nth 1 font)))
((stringp font)
(font-spec :family font))
(t (error "FONT is an invalid type: %s" font)))))
;; Make certain unicode glyphs bigger for the mode-line.
;; FIXME Replace with all-the-icons?
(doom-fix-unicode '("DejaVu Sans Mono" 15) ?✱) ;; modified symbol
(let ((font "DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline"))
(doom-fix-unicode (list font 12) ?) ;; git symbol
(doom-fix-unicode (list font 16) ?∄) ;; non-existent-file symbol
(doom-fix-unicode (list font 15) ?)) ;; read-only symbol
;; So the mode-line can keep track of "the current window"
(defvar mode-line-selected-window nil)
(defun doom|set-selected-window (&rest _)
(let ((window (frame-selected-window)))
(unless (minibuffer-window-active-p window)
(setq mode-line-selected-window window))))
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'doom|set-selected-window)
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook #'doom|set-selected-window)
(advice-add 'select-window :after 'doom|set-selected-window)
(advice-add 'select-frame :after 'doom|set-selected-window)
;; Mode-line segments
(defun *buffer-path ()
"Displays the buffer's full path relative to the project root (includes the
project root). Excludes the file basename. See `*buffer-name' for that."
(when buffer-file-name
(let ((buffer-path (file-relative-name buffer-file-name (doom/project-root)))
(max-length (truncate (/ (window-body-width) 1.75))))
(concat (projectile-project-name) "/"
(if (> (length buffer-path) max-length)
(let ((path (reverse (split-string buffer-path "/" t)))
(output ""))
(when (and path (equal "" (car path)))
(setq path (cdr path)))
(while (and path (<= (length output) (- max-length 4)))
(setq output (concat (car path) "/" output))
(setq path (cdr path)))
(when path
(setq output (concat "../" output)))
(when (string-suffix-p "/" output)
(setq output (substring output 0 -1)))
'face (if active 'mode-line-2))))
(defun *buffer-name ()
"The buffer's base name or id."
;; FIXME Don't show uniquify tags
(s-trim-left (format-mode-line "%b")))
(defun *buffer-pwd ()
"Displays `default-directory', for special buffers like the scratch buffer."
(concat "[" (abbreviate-file-name default-directory) "]")
'face 'mode-line-2))
(defun *buffer-state ()
"Displays symbols representing the buffer's state
(when buffer-file-name
(concat (if (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))
(if (buffer-modified-p) "✱"))
(if buffer-read-only ""))
'face 'mode-line-is-modified)))
(defun *buffer-encoding-abbrev ()
"The line ending convention used in the buffer."
(if (memq buffer-file-coding-system '(utf-8 utf-8-unix))
(symbol-name buffer-file-coding-system)))
(defun *major-mode ()
"The major mode, including process, environment and text-scale info."
(concat (format-mode-line mode-name)
(if (stringp mode-line-process) mode-line-process)
(if doom-ml--env-version (concat " " doom-ml--env-version))
(and (featurep 'face-remap)
(/= text-scale-mode-amount 0)
(format " (%+d)" text-scale-mode-amount))))
(defun *vc ()
"Displays the current branch, colored based on its state."
(when vc-mode
(let ((backend (concat " " (substring vc-mode (+ 2 (length (symbol-name (vc-backend buffer-file-name)))))))
(face (let ((state (vc-state buffer-file-name)))
(cond ((memq state '(edited added))
((memq state '(removed needs-merge needs-update conflict removed unregistered))
(if active
(propertize backend 'face face)
(defvar-local doom--flycheck-err-cache nil "")
(defvar-local doom--flycheck-cache nil "")
(defun *flycheck ()
"Persistent and cached flycheck indicators in the mode-line."
(when (and (featurep 'flycheck)
(or flycheck-current-errors
(eq 'running flycheck-last-status-change)))
(or (and (or (eq doom--flycheck-err-cache doom--flycheck-cache)
(memq flycheck-last-status-change '(running not-checked)))
(and (setq doom--flycheck-err-cache flycheck-current-errors)
(setq doom--flycheck-cache
(let ((fe (doom-ml-flycheck-count 'error))
(fw (doom-ml-flycheck-count 'warning)))
(if fe (propertize (format " •%d " fe)
'face (if active
(if fw (propertize (format " •%d " fw)
'face (if active
(defun column-number-at-pos (pos)
(goto-char pos)
(defun *selection-info ()
"Information about the current selection, such as how many characters and
lines are selected, or the NxM dimensions of a block selection."
(when (region-active-p)
(let ((reg-beg (region-beginning))
(reg-end (region-end)))
(let ((lines (count-lines reg-beg (min (1+ reg-end) (point-max))))
(chars (- (1+ reg-end) reg-beg))
(cols (1+ (abs (- (column-number-at-pos reg-end)
(column-number-at-pos reg-beg))))))
;; rectangle selection
((bound-and-true-p rectangle-mark-mode)
(format " %dx%dB " lines (1- cols)))
;; line selection
((> lines 1)
(format " %dC %dL " chars lines))
(t (format " %dC " (1- chars))))))
'face 'mode-line-highlight)))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'anzu--state)
(defun *anzu ()
"Show the current match number and the total number of matches. Requires anzu
to be enabled."
(when (and (featurep 'evil-anzu) (evil-ex-hl-active-p 'evil-ex-search))
(format " %s/%d%s "
anzu--current-position anzu--total-matched
(if anzu--overflow-p "+" ""))
'face (if active 'mode-line-count-face))))
(defun *iedit ()
"Show the number of iedit regions matches + what match you're on."
(when (and (boundp 'iedit-mode) iedit-mode)
(let ((this-oc (let (message-log-max) (iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay)))
(length (or (ignore-errors (length iedit-occurrences-overlays)) 0)))
" %s/%s "
(unless this-oc
(setq this-oc (iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay)))
(if this-oc
;; NOTE: Not terribly reliable
(- length (-elem-index this-oc iedit-occurrences-overlays))
'face (if active 'mode-line-count-face))))
(defun *buffer-position ()
"A more vim-like buffer position."
(let ((start (window-start))
(end (window-end))
(pend (point-max)))
(cond ((equal mode-name "PDFView") (format ":P%d/%d" (pdf-view-current-page) (pdf-cache-number-of-pages)))
((and (= start 1) (= end pend)) ":All")
((= start 1) ":Top")
((= end pend) ":Bot")
(t (format ":%d%%%%" (/ end 0.01 pend))))))
(defun doom-mode-line (&optional id)
(let* ((active (eq (selected-window) mode-line-selected-window))
(lhs (list (propertize " " 'display (if active mode-line-bar mode-line-inactive-bar))
;; (*anzu)
;; (*iedit)
" "
" "
,(if (eq id 'scratch) '(*buffer-pwd))))
(rhs (list (*buffer-encoding-abbrev)
" " (*major-mode) " "
(concat "(%l,%c) " (*buffer-position))
'face (if active 'mode-line-2))))
(middle (propertize
" " 'display `((space :align-to (- (+ right right-fringe right-margin)
,(1+ (string-width (format-mode-line rhs)))))))))
(list lhs middle rhs))))
(setq-default mode-line-format (doom-mode-line))
(provide 'doom-modeline)
;;; core-modeline.el ends here
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