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Created October 16, 2012 08:41
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  • Save code-R/3898076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save code-R/3898076 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rails install

Installing Ubuntu :

  1. Insert the USB drive which has Ubuntu Software

  2. Restart your machine.

  3. While it is starting keep pressing ‘Delete’ button until BIOS options page comes.

  4. otherwise go to step 2 and repeat the process

  5. Once you get the BIOS options go to ‘Boot’ from the menu and click on HardDisjDrives

  6. Change the first drive to USB from SATA HARDDisk

  7. Then it will boot from the USB drive.

  8. You can see a exectutable file named ‘Install ubuntu’ double-click on that

  9. when you proceed you will get options like following

    Install Ubuntu Inside Windows Install Ubuntu replacing windows Install Ubuntu replacing windows

  10. Select ‘something else’.

  11. Now the wizard shows available disks. select the last one (ex: /sda4/).

  12. Then click on ‘Change’ button

  13. Select ‘EXt4 journaling file system for “Use as” and / for the Mount Point

  14. Click on “Install Now”

  15. It would show a message saying swap space not on “Continue”

  16. Now in “Where Are you?” window, select kolkata on the map.

  17. then in “Who Are you?” window set your user name, PC name,password etc.,

  18. Select the radio button “Log in automatically” and click on “Continue”

  19. Then “Restart”

  20. It would show message like “Please remove installation media and close tray”

  21. Remove the USB and hit Enter

  22. Now you are done with installing Ubuntu.Repeat step2 to step5 and change the first drive to SATA disk.

  23. Again Insert USB Drive. and copy the file named “DPO-RT35662-3592-3062-LinuxSTA-V2.4.1.1-20101217.tgz” to your Desktop

  24. Now open the terminal.

  25. In the Terminal type the following commands.

    cd Desktop
    tar -xf DPO-RT35662-3592-3062-LinuxSTA-V2.4.1.1-20101217.tgz
    cd DPO-RT35662-3592-3062-LinuxSTA-V2.4.1.1-20101217.tgz
    sudo make && sudo make install
    #Enter password which you had set earlier.
    #It will tell you you needsome space on the system to install the file.Press Y or Enter
    sudo modprobe rt3562sta'''
    sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    blacklist rt2800pci

    Then Restart your machine

Installing all the Programs required

  1. open Terminal

  2. Type the following in the terminal

    sudo apt-get update -y
    sudo apt-get install ack-grep autoconf build-essential bison curl imagemagick git git-gui libcurl3 libcurl3-gnutls libcurl4-openssl-dev libqt4-dev libqtwebkit-dev libreadline6 libreadline6-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libc6-dev libpq5 libpq-dev nodejs openssl postgresql redis-server sqlite3 vim-gnome xvfb zsh zlib1g zlib1g-dev -y --fix-missing
  3. Type the password if asked for it and hit “Enter”

  4. To configure zsh,

    wget --no-check-certificate -O - | zsh
    chsh -s $(which zsh)
    vim .zshrc

    go to plugins line and edit it as follows

    plugins = (bundler dirpersist gem git git-flow github heroku)

    Now press Esc and type “:wq”

  5. Now Log out and Login again It would ask you whether to set up your .zlogout file.Type Y for this

  6. To Configure VIM copy paste the following code in Terminal

    git clone git:// ~/.vim
    ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
    # in the next step it asks to correct gvimrc to .gvimrc type y and enter
    ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc
    pushd ~/.vim
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  7. Configuring GitHub:

    Generate a new SSH key.

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

    press Enter three times to save it in default directory and with no pass-phrase Copy the .ssh directory path mentioned while generating ssh cd “your directory” (ex: home/anitha/.ssh)


    Now copy the code.Now login on Github, go to Account Settings> SSH Public keys. Click on “Add another public key” paste the text you copied into the “Key” field and click “add key”.

    To Configure your git

     cd ~
     git config --global "Your name"

    if you get this message “zsh: correct 'config' to '.config' [nyae]?” , type n press Enter

    git config --global “your”

    if you get this message “zsh: correct 'config' to '.config' [nyae]?” , type n press Enter

  8. Installing ruby:

    git clone git:// .rbenv
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> .zshrc
    echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> .zshrc
    exec $SHELL
    git clone git://
    cd ruby-build
    sudo ./
    cd ..
    rm -rf ruby-build
    exec $SHELL
    rbenv install $(curl "$(git config --global github.user)&token=$(git config --global github.token)")
  9. Cloning from GitHub:

    Cloning repo

    git clone

    Setting up your git project

    cd investopresto
    gem install bundler
    rbenv rehash
    bundle install

    if you get a mesage “zsh: correct 'bundle' to '_bundler' [nyae]?” type n and press Enter

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