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Forked from billpatrianakos/
Created September 19, 2016 23:27
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Commands to install everything a student needs during a web development class
# Install Fest 2.0
# Welcome message
echo "################################"
echo "# Welcome to InstallFest v2.0 #"
echo "#==============================#"
echo "# This will install all of the #"
echo "# tools you need to work with #"
echo "# the technologies you learn #"
echo "# in this class. #"
echo "# #"
echo "# This program does not change #"
echo "# your system configuration or #"
echo "# any of your dotfiles except #"
echo "# where necessary (adding #"
echo "# paths to your environment #"
echo "# when installing RVM, nvm, #"
echo "# etc). #"
echo "################################"
echo "This tool will install:"
echo " - xcode command line tools"
echo " - RVM (Ruby version manager) and Ruby v2.3"
echo " - nvm (Node version manager) and Node.js v5.x (latest edge version)"
echo " - Homebrew (a package manager for OS X"
echo " - MySQL (a database)"
echo " - MongoDB (a non-relational database"
echo "\n\n"
echo -n "Will you allow this script to automatically install the software listed above? (y/n)? "
read answer
if echo "$answer" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
# Install xcode CLI tools
xcode-select --install
echo "\n\n#===> You have now installled thr xcode command line tools"
echo "\n\n#===> IMPORTANT: You will need to install Xcode itself later in this process manually. Instructions will be provided."
# Install RVM
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
# Source .bashrc and .bash_profile (just in case) so you can use RVM
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
echo "\n\n#===> RVM has been installed"
# Install Ruby
rvm install 2.3.0
echo "\n\n#===> You now have the latest stable version of Ruby installed (2.3.0)"
# Install nvm
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
echo "\n#===> NVM (Node Version Manager) has been installed"
# Install latest version of Node
nvm install 5 default
echo "\n\n#===> The latest version of Node.js has been installed"
# Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install MySQL
brew install mysql
echo "\n\n#===> MySQL is now installed"
# Install MongoDB
brew install mongodb
echo "\n\n#===> You have installed MongoDB"
echo -n "Does your Mac have the Mac App Store app installed? (y/n)"
read has_app_store
if echo "has_app_store" | grep -iq "^y" ;then
echo "Search for Xcode on the Mac App Store"
echo "Attempting to open the App Store application..."
open -a App\ Store
echo "You need to download Xcode from Apple's official website."
echo "Attempting to navigate to using Google Chrome..."
open -a Google\ Chrome
echo "\n"
echo "#######################################################"
echo "# You should now have all the required software for #"
echo "# this course. If you have not installed Xcode yet do #"
echo "# so by searching for it on the App Store or head to #"
echo "# to #"
echo "# download it manually. #"
echo "#-----------------------------------------------------#"
echo "# You may also want to download some of these great #"
echo "# (but optional) helpful tools: #"
echo "# * DB Browser for SQLite: #"
echo "# * Postman: #"
echo "# * Robomongo (MongoDB GUI): #"
echo "#######################################################"
echo "Quitting InstallFest. Run me again when you're ready to install the required tools."
# ----------------------
# 1. Colorize terminal
# 2. Install better terminal themes
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