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Created July 24, 2015 13:53
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Intro to Underscore.js
var woot = woot || {};
woot.log = function(key) {
// mimics Collection.each
// args:
// _.each(list, iteratee, [context])
_.each(['Aldrin', 'Armstrong', 'Grissom', 'Hadfield'], woot.log);
// make a super string using Template (same syntax as ERB)
// 1. Create a data object...
// ...or use one from an Ajax call?
var data = {
name: 'Tom',
hobby: 'learning JS',
beer: '3 Floyds'
// 2. Build a template
// call it superString
// check out that <%= variable_name %>
var superString = _.template("<%= name %> really enjoys a <%= beer %> while <%= hobby %>");
// 3. Super string is now a template function. It accepts one argument: a data object with keys that correspond to the <%= variable_name %>
var compiledTemplate = superString(data);
// 4. Log the template
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