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Last active October 30, 2016 07:22
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from StringIO import StringIO
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.compat import range
from openpyxl.cell import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.styles import Style, Font
def make_excel(dataset,
key_headers=None, # The order of attributes, or what to include
line_headers=None, # The order of table attributes, or what to include
heading="HEADING HERE", # Heading of the report
subheading="SUBHEADING HERE", # Subheading of the report
virtual=False, # Do we save a file? Or do we pass it to Django?
I am totally wasted today, no logic's coming out of my head, so guys please help out!!! :P
The record data will have to be in the format (key, value) where those will act as the top level info.
There will be a key called "lines" which will be a list of dicts which will represent the table.
For instance, for
`[{"name": "Mafinar", "age": 32, score: [{"language": "Python", "score": 9}, {"language": "C#", "score": 0}, {"language": "JavaScript", "score": "NaN"}]}]` we should get something like:
|Name | Mafinar |
|Age | 32 |
|Language |Score|
|Python |9 |
|C# |0 |
|JavaScript|NaN |
bold_style = Style(font=Font(bold=True))
heading_style = Style(font=Font(size=16, bold=True))
subheading_style = Style(font=Font(size=14, bold=True))
if not isinstance(dataset, list):
dataset = [dataset]
wb = Workbook()
ws =
row = 1
if heading:
ws["A{}".format(row)].value = heading
ws["A{}".format(row)].style = heading_style
row += 1
if subheading:
ws["A{}".format(row)].value = subheading
ws["A{}".format(row)].style = subheading_style
row += 1
row += 1
for data in dataset:
cache = []
key_headers = data.keys() if not key_headers else key_headers
for k in key_headers:
v = data[k]
if k == line_title:
cache = v
print cache
col = get_column_letter(1)
ws["{}{}".format(col, row)].value = k
ws["{}{}".format(col, row)].style = bold_style
col = get_column_letter(2)
ws["{}{}".format(col, row)].value = v
row += 1
row += 1
if cache:
keys = cache[0].keys() if not line_headers else line_headers
for header_idx in range(len(keys)):
col = get_column_letter(header_idx+1)
ws["{}{}".format(col, row)].value = keys[header_idx]
ws["{}{}".format(col, row)].style = bold_style
row += 1
for line in cache:
for header_idx in range(len(keys)):
col = get_column_letter(header_idx+1)
header = keys[header_idx]
ws["{}{}".format(col, row)].value = line.get(header, " ")
row += 1
row += 3
if virtual:
output = StringIO()
return output.getvalue()
return {
"filename": filename,
"saved": True,
from django.http import HttpResponse
from reporthub import base_engine as engine
def excelify(request, start_date, end_date, report_type):
xl = make_excel(engine.make_report(request.user,
heading="My Awesome Fucking Report",
subheading="Plucked at {}".format(start_date),
response = HttpResponse(xl, content_type='application/')
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=app.xlsx'
return response
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