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Creating SSL certificate using Openssl for localhost to use https on local machine
Setting Up A Localhost Self-signed Certificate (SSL) For Local Https
# 1. generate key
- create an 'ssl' folder somewhere
- cd to it
openssl genrsa -des3 -out codertoon.key 2048
[provide a passphrase]
# 2. create CSR
openssl req -new -key codertoon.key -out codertoon.csr
[enter passphrase]
- enter details
- leave challenge pass blank
- Common Name: * (for a subdomain wildcard on your localhost domain)
# 3. generate the certificate
openssl x509 -req -days 1825 -in codertoon.csr -signkey codertoon.key -out codertoon.crt
[enter passphrase]
# 4. remove passphrase (or server will ask on every reboot)
cp codertoon.key codertoon.tmp
openssl rsa -in codertoon.tmp -out codertoon.key
[enter passphrase]
# 5. Add certificate to your local keychain. (Stops browser 'red lock' on slf-signed certificate)
- Double-click the CRT file (Keychain assitant should open)
- Click Install Certificate
- Choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities
# 6. Converting your .crt certificate to .pfx certificate
openssl pkcs12 -export -out codertoon.pfx -inkey codertoon.key -in codertoon.crt
# 7. To include certificate in IIS (Windows)
- Goto IIS Manager
- Click on your Server and choose Server Certificates under IIS tab
- Import codertoon.pfx certificate from it's saved location
- Choose your website and edit basic bindings and choose https and your certificate to proceed.
- Run your website.
[Important Note: Your website hostname and Common name for the ssl should be same to make it work.]
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