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Last active May 20, 2020 00:12
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  • Save code-vagabond/1990cddbb82a2cb91f733193e5f7d73e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"login": {
"forgotPassword": "Forgot password ?",
"error": {
"notParticipant": "You are not registered as a participant, please login on website dedicated to organizer."
"profile": {
"edit": "Edit your profile",
"firstLoginDialog": {
"title": "Welcome to the TechBoost Platform !",
"subtitle": "Please fill your profile to participate in your challenge"
"header": {
"item": {
"startupProfile": "Startup Profile"
"user": {
"editProfile": "Edit Profile",
"settings": "User Settings",
"logout": "Logout"
"participation": {
"terms": {
"termsOfParticipationCheckboxLabel": "I have read and accept the terms of participation."
"coworkerDialog": {
"project": {
"title": {
"text": "Project title",
"label": "Title of your project",
"error": "Title is missing"
"description": {
"text": "Project description",
"label": "Briefly describe your project",
"error": "Description is missing"
"terms": {
"text": "Agree to terms"
"title": "Participation"
"button": {
"back": "Back",
"next": "Next",
"accept": "Accept",
"participate": "Participate",
"edit": "Edit",
"submitSolution": "Submit Solution",
"submit": "Submit",
"download": "Download",
"delete": "Delete",
"changePassword": "Send Reset Link",
"save": "Save",
"reset": "Reset"
"dashboard": {
"userInfo": {
"role": {
"startup": {
"title": "Startup Profile",
"name": "Name",
"website": "Website",
"description": "Description"
"coworker": {
"title": "Coworker Profile",
"name": "Name",
"organization": "Orgaization",
"department": "Department",
"jobTitle": "Job Title"
"userChallenges": {
"title": "Your Challenges",
"noChallenges1": "Currently you are not participating in any challenge, go to ",
"noChallenges2": " to see challenges available to you"
"workspace": {
"navigation": {
"settings": "Settings",
"submission": "Submission"
"leave": {
"button": "Leave Challenge",
"snackbar": {
"left": "You have left the challenge but can always participate again"
"yourSubmission": "Your submisison",
"submit": {
"dialog": {
"excedeedMaxFileSize": "File size exceeded our limit of 1GB"
"snackbar": {
"uploaded": "Uploaded {{ fileName }}",
"submitted": "Submitted 🎉 thank you for your participation! You can always submit again before due date.",
"submissionEmpty": "No file to submit, please upload you solution first."
"step1": "1. Upload your solution",
"step2": "2. Approve and submit",
"submitHere": "Drop file(s) here or click to upload for submission",
"submissionFormat": "Submission format",
"lastUpdatedTime": "Last updated"
"approveSubmission": "I hearby approve my submission."
"userSettings": {
"title": "User Settings",
"emailAddress": "Your email",
"passwordChange": "Change Password",
"deleteAccount": "Delete this account"
"footer": {
"legal": {
"agb": "Legal Agreements",
"privacy": "Privacy Protection",
"imprint": "Imprint"
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