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Created October 29, 2008 17:30
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# File: swf.rb
# Author: Luke Hubbard
# Gist:
# License: MIT
# SWFObject Embed Helper - Easy swf embed using SWFObject and ruby magic
# ==== Installation (not currently a plugin, just copy and paste!):
# * Grab the latest code from (version 2.1.0)
# * Put the expressInstall.swf in /public/swfs/ and the swfobject.js in /public/javascripts/
# * Add javascript_include_tag 'swfobject' in the head section of your layout
# * Put this code in your /app/helpers/application_helper.rb or another helper
# ==== Usage:
# swf <src>, <id>, <width>, <height>, <version>, <express_install>, <options>, <&block>
# ==== Notes:
# * You can use arguments or options or any combination of the two. Arguments take presidence.
# * If you pass a block it will be used to capture alternate content.
# * All embeds are added to swfobject.embeds js object. Allows for differed embeds and re-embeds
# * MAGIC WARNING! Has some magic to detect the width / height and flash version from the src name.
# * You don't need to give full path or even the extension it will prepend /swfs/ and append .swf if needed
# * Example embed using all the magic: swf 'gallery_600x400_f8'
# ==== Arguments:
# * <tt>:src:</tt> (required) the src of the swf file. e.g. 'intro' or '/flash/some.swf'
# * <tt>:id:</tt> (defaults to first part of src filename) id of the div to be created for the swf to be embedded into
# * <tt>:width:</tt> (magic if src match e.g. 200x100 ) width of the swf object
# * <tt>:height:</tt> (magic if src match e.g. 200x100 ) height of the swf object
# * <tt>:version:</tt> (magic if src match e.g. f8 if not there uses 9.0.0) flash player version
# * <tt>:express_install:</tt> (default /swfs/expressInstall.swf ) location of the express install swf file
# * <tt>:options:</tt> (optional) additional options (note: be used instead of arguments)
# * <tt>:block:</tt> (optional) if you pass a block captures alternative content
# ==== Options ( in addition to :src:, :id:, :width:, :height:, :version:, and :express_install: ):
# * <tt>:flashvars:</tt> (optional) hash of flashvars to be passed through to flash
# * <tt>:params:</tt> (optional) hash of params to be set on flash player, e.g. wmode
# * <tt>:attributes:</tt> (optional) hash of attributes to be set on the object / embed tags
# * <tt>:differed:</tt> (default false) differ the embed, you can embed later using swfobject.embeds['my_id']();
# * <tt>:content:</tt> (optional) alternative content, if you are not using a block
# ==== Todo
# * Make some example gists showing erb and haml usage
# * Turn this into a plugin / gem for easy install
# * Make a merb version, think capture and content_tag are only rails specific bits.
def swf(*args, &block)
opts = (args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash)) || {}
src, id, width, height, version, express_install = args
src ||= opts[:src]
src = '/swfs/' + src unless src =~ /\//
src = src + '.swf' unless src =~ /\.swf/
id ||= opts[:id]
id = $1.split(/\_/).first if id.nil? and src =~ /\/([a-z0-9\-\_]+)\.swf/i
width ||= opts[:width]
height ||= opts[:height]
width, height = $1, $2 if (width.nil? or height.nil?) and src =~ /[^a-z0-9]+([0-9]{1,4})x([0-9]{1,4})[^a-z0-9]+/i
version ||= opts[:version]
version = [$1, $3 || 0 , $5 || 0] * "." if version.nil? and src =~ /[^a-z0-9]+f[\-\_\.]?([0-9]+)([\-\_\.]([0-9]+))?([\-\_\.]([0-9]+))?[^a-z0-9]+/i
version ||= "9.0.0"
express_install ||= opts[:express_install] || '/srcs/expressInstall.swf'
flashvars = opts[:flashvars].nil? ? '{}' : opts[:flashvars].to_json
params = opts[:params].nil? ? '{}' : opts[:params].to_json
attributes = opts[:attributes].nil? ? '{}' : opts[:attributes].to_json
differed = opts[:differed].eql?(true)
content = (capture(&block) if block_given?) || opts[:content] || ''
embed = " (function(so, differed){ if(so.embeds == undefined){ so.embeds = {}; }; var embed = so.embeds['#{id}'] = function(){ so.embedSWF('#{src}', '#{id}', '#{width}', '#{height}', '#{version}', '#{express_install}', #{flashvars}, #{params}, #{attributes}); }; if(!differed){ embed(); }; })(swfobject, #{differed ? 'true' : 'false'}); "
"<div id=\"#{id}\">\n#{content}</div>\n#{content_tag(:script, embed)}"
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