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Created November 1, 2010 07:06
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# Compile: coffee -c
# Run: coffee
# Dependencies: underscore.js / and backbone.js
# Check if the libs we need are already defined
# When running in browser you will need to bundle or add script tags to include these libs
if not _?
if Backbone?
Events = Backbone.Events
{Events} = require('./backbone.js')
class GameTimer
constructor: (@time, @interval) ->
# when you see @something it really means this.something
# here im extending this object with backbone.js events
# this provides trigger (to fire and event) and bind (to listen to events)
_.extend(this, Events)
# this funny ?= syntax means if its not already defined, set it
@interval ?= 1000
start: ->
# since start takes no arguments, I can drop the ()
@counter = 0
# -> means function and => is a function bound to the local object
# if you want to access this or @something inside the function use =>
# in this example (=> @tick()) is the same as writing function(){ this.tick(); }
@ticker = setInterval( (=> @tick()) , @interval)
# always fire events, more events the better other code can listen
tick: ->
@trigger('tick', {total: @time, counter: @counter, remaining: @time-@counter})
if @counter >= @time
pause: ->
resume: ->
@ticker = setInterval( (=> @tick()) , @interval)
class Game
constructor: (@data)->
console.log("new game, game has " + @data['levels'].length+ " levels")
startLevel: (level)->
# using underscore to pick the first matching level
@level = _(@data['levels']).select((x)->x['name']==level)[0]
@position = 0
@score = 0
@timer = new GameTimer(@level['time'])
# we want to know when the timer is finished, wire that event to this.outOfTime
@timer.bind('finished', (=> @outOfTime()))
showQuestion: ->
@question = @level['questions'][@position]
# show each possible answer
_(@question['answers']).each (answer) ->
answer: (idx)->
if @question['answer'] is idx
console.log('Correct answer!')
@score++ # points mean prizes!
console.log('Incorrect answer! Try again??')
outOfTime: ->
console.log("Too slow!")
gameOver: ->
console.log("You scored: "+@score)
# json rules.. use json. if forced to use xml then read xml and turn into json like structure
data =
levels: [
name: 'easy',
time: 10,
questions: [
{ question: "what is ?", answers: ['foo','boo','coo'], answer: 0 }
{ question: "what are ?", answers: ['foo','boo','coo'], answer: 2 }
{ question: "what do ?", answers: ['foo','boo','coo'], answer: 1 }
name: 'medium'
time: 120,
questions: [
{ question: "what is ?", answers: ['foo','boo','coo'], answer: 0 }
{ question: "what are ?", answers: ['foo','boo','coo'], answer: 2 }
{ question: "what do ?", answers: ['foo','boo','coo'], answer: 1 }
game = new Game(data)
# if the window object exists we are in a brower
if window?
# export the game so it can be called = game
# otherwise we are running using console, just start the game
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