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Created March 3, 2020 13:51
integerToEnglishWords pretty code by psr@CodeSignal
// Simple JS code to convert a number into English Words.
// Copied from CodeSignal Solutions, Coded by psr < >
a = ` One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen`.split` `
b = ` Twen Thir For Fif Six Seven Eigh Nine`.split` `
w = ` Thousand Million Billion`.split` `
f = integerToEnglishWords = (
k = 0,
o = n % 1000,
h = o / 100 | 0,
c = o % 100,
y = c % 10,
d = c / 10 | 0
) => n
? `${
f(n / 1000 | 0, k + 1)
} ${a[h] && a[h] + ` Hundred`} ${
c < 15
? a[c]
: c < 20
? b[c % 10] + `teen`
: b[d] + `ty ` + a[y]
} ${o ? w[k] : ``} `
.replace(/ +/g, ` `)
: k ? `` : `Zero`
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