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Last active August 3, 2017 13:11
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PhpStorm Code Templates
#set ($ARGUMENTS = [])
#set ($ARGUMENTS_STR = "")
#set ($PARAM_DOC_DESC = "")
#set ($NEWLINE = "
## only process arguments if any are selected
#if ($PARAM_DOC != "")
## split PhpDoc lines generated by PhpStorm into multiple lines
#set ($DOC_LINES = $PARAM_DOC.split("\n"))
## iterate through all lines and append each argument to the parameter string
#foreach ($DOC_LINE in $DOC_LINES)
## trim the line
#set ($DOC_LINE = $DOC_LINE.trim())
## explode the line into "*", "@param", type and variable name
#set ($LINE_PARTS = $DOC_LINE.split(" "))
#set ($PART_COUNT = 0)
## add "type $variable" to the list of arguments
#if ($LINE_PARTS.size() == 4)
## argument has a type defined
#set ($PARAM_VAR = $LINE_PARTS[3])
#set ($PARAM_TYPE = "$LINE_PARTS[2] ")
## argument has no type defined
#set ($PARAM_VAR = $LINE_PARTS[2])
#set ($PARAM_TYPE = "")
## append argument
## convert parameter name to a lowercase sentence
#set ($PARAM_NAME = $PARAM_VAR.substring(1))
#set ($METHOD_DESC = $PARAM_NAME.replaceAll("([A-Z])", " $1"))
#set ($METHOD_DESC = $METHOD_DESC.toLowerCase())
## generate parameter descriptor from the method description
#set ($FIRST_CHAR = $METHOD_DESC.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())
#set ($REMAINING = $METHOD_DESC.substring(1))
## append parameter description to the list
## calculate the last index of arguments
#set ($N = $ARGUMENTS.size() - 1)
## iterate through all arguments and concatenate them into one method hint string
#foreach ($INDEX in [0..$N])
## extract argument at the specified index
## append argument with an optional trailing comma
#if ($INDEX < $N)
* Class constructor
public function __construct(${ARGUMENTS_STR})
#parse ("PHP Setter Method.php")
## convert parameter name to a lowercase sentence
#set ($METHOD_DESC = $PARAM_NAME.replaceAll("([A-Z])", " $1"))
#set ($METHOD_DESC = $METHOD_DESC.toLowerCase())
* @return ${TYPE_HINT}
public ${STATIC} function get${NAME}()#if (${SCALAR_TYPE_HINT}): ${SCALAR_TYPE_HINT}#else#end
#if (${STATIC} == "static")
return self::$${FIELD_NAME};
return $this->${FIELD_NAME};
## convert parameter name to a lowercase sentence
#set ($METHOD_DESC = $PARAM_NAME.replaceAll("([A-Z])", " $1"))
#set ($METHOD_DESC = $METHOD_DESC.toLowerCase())
## generate parameter descriptor from the method description
#set ($FIRST_CHAR = $METHOD_DESC.substring(0,1).toUpperCase())
#set ($REMAINING = $METHOD_DESC.substring(1))
* @return self
public function set${NAME}(#if (${SCALAR_TYPE_HINT})${SCALAR_TYPE_HINT} #else#end$${PARAM_NAME}): self
#if (${STATIC} == "static")
self::$${FIELD_NAME} = $${PARAM_NAME};
return self;
$this->${FIELD_NAME} = $${PARAM_NAME};
return $this;
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