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Last active April 27, 2023 12:33
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Format a date based off of a user defined 'd', 'm', 'y' pattern in VBScript.
Function FormatDateAs( dInput, sFormat, padZero )
' Format a date based off of a user defined 'd', 'm', 'y' pattern.
' dInput <date> - The date to format.
' sFormat <string> - The 'd', 'm', 'y' format you want the date in.
' padZero <bool> - Pads blank spaces with zeros when extra 'd', 'm', or, 'y's are provided than needed.
' FormatDateAs <string> - The formatted date.
' Jeremy England,
' Function FormatDateAs(i,f,z):Dim d,dp,m,mp,y,yp:dp=Len(f)-Len(Replace(f,"d","")):mp=Len(f)-Len(Replace(f,"m","")):yp=Len(f)-Len(Replace(f,"y","")):f=Replace(Replace(Replace(f,String(dp,"d"),"d"),String(mp,"m"),"m"),String(yp,"y"),"y"):If(z)Then:z="000":Else:z="":End If:d=Right(z&DatePart("d",i),dp):m=Right(z&DatePart("m",i),mp):y=Right(z&DatePart("yyyy",i),yp):f=Replace(Replace(Replace(f,"d",d),"m",m),"y",y):FormatDateAs=f:End Function
Dim dPrt, dPad, mPrt, mPad, yPrt, yPad
dPad = Len( sFormat ) - Len( Replace( sFormat, "d", "") )
mPad = Len( sFormat ) - Len( Replace( sFormat, "m", "") )
yPad = Len( sFormat ) - Len( Replace( sFormat, "y", "") )
sFormat = Replace( sFormat, String(dPad,"d"), "d")
sFormat = Replace( sFormat, String(mPad,"m"), "m")
sFormat = Replace( sFormat, String(yPad,"y"), "y")
If( padZero )Then padZero = "000" Else padZero = ""
dPrt = Right( padZero & DatePart( "d", dInput ), dPad)
mPrt = Right( padZero & DatePart( "m", dInput ), mPad)
yPrt = Right( padZero & DatePart( "yyyy", dInput ), yPad)
sFormat = Replace( sFormat, "d", dPrt )
sFormat = Replace( sFormat, "m", mPrt )
sFormat = Replace( sFormat, "y", yPrt )
FormatDateAs = sFormat
End Function
' Put the full or mini class/sub/function in your script to use.
Function FormatDateAs(i,f,z):Dim d,dp,m,mp,y,yp:dp=Len(f)-Len(Replace(f,"d","")):mp=Len(f)-Len(Replace(f,"m","")):yp=Len(f)-Len(Replace(f,"y","")):f=Replace(Replace(Replace(f,String(dp,"d"),"d"),String(mp,"m"),"m"),String(yp,"y"),"y"):If(z)Then:z="000":Else:z="":End If:d=Right(z&DatePart("d",i),dp):m=Right(z&DatePart("m",i),mp):y=Right(z&DatePart("yyyy",i),yp):f=Replace(Replace(Replace(f,"d",d),"m",m),"y",y):FormatDateAs=f:End Function
REM example with today's date zero padded
dim testExample
testExample = FormatDateAs( Date(), "yyyy\mm\dd", True )
MsgBox testExample, vbInformation, "FormatDateAs() Output:"
REM used to switch between zero and no padding
Dim padZeroSwitch
padZeroSwitch = False
REM more examples with pad zero turned on and off
Call TestExamples( Date(), "" )
Call TestExamples( #01/02/2003#, "mm/d/yy" )
Call TestExamples( #Jan 4, 2010#, "yyyy-mm-dd" )
Call TestExamples( #25 April 1992#, "d:yy:m" )
Call TestExamples( "2017/03/14", "yyyy\mmmm\dddd" )
REM looks better if run with cscript.exe
Sub TestExamples( dInput, dFormat )
padZeroSwitch = Not padZeroSwitch
REM get formatted date
dOutput = FormatDateAs( dInput, (dFormat), (padZeroSwitch) )
REM show the user
WScript.Echo _
"Original :" & dInput & vbLf & _
"Format :" & dFormat & vbLf & _
"Padded :" & padZeroSwitch & vbLf & _
"Output :" & dOutput & vbLf & _
REM show again, but without zero padding
If( padZeroSwitch )Then
Call TestExamples( dInput, dFormat )
WScript.Echo vbLf
End If
End Sub
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