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Last active August 13, 2021 10:36
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How to custom Vue notifications API with Breadstick.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Breadstick from 'breadstick'
// 1. Create a new breadstick instance
export const breadstick = new Breadstick()
// 2. Import your custom Notification component.
// You can use it to render your notifications message.
const MyNotification = () => import('@/components/MyNotification.vue')
// 3. Next let's create a function to handle the rendering
// of your notification. You can pass the `notify`
// arguments as props to your `MyNotification` component.
const notify = (message, options) => {
if (!message || message === '') {
console.warn('[notification]: The notification expects a message before rendering the Toast component.')
if (!options) {
// Breadstick exports a `notify` method that
// you can use to invoke a notification
return breadstick.notify(({ h, onClose }) => {
return h(MyNotification, {
props: {
}, [message])
return breadstick.notify(({ h, onClose }) => {
return h(MyNotification, {
... options.type && { class: [options.type] },
props: {
}, [
options.title && h('span', {
slot: 'title',
}, options.title),
}, {
...options.position && { position: options.position },
...options.duration && { duration: options.duration }
// 4. Attach our notification method to Vue prototype
// if you wish to access it in your Vue components
Vue.prototype.$notify = notify
// 5. Attach the breadstick API to Vue's prototype
// to render custom components if also want to.
Vue.prototype.$breadstick = breadstick
// 6. Since this is just a Javascript function, you are not
// limited ti using the `notify` function in Vue components only.
// You can also export this function and import to another file
// where you can invoke the notification
export default notify
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Can you share a sample of MyNotification.vue?

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Hi, @rlightner! Sorry for the late reply. I've made an example a few months ago on this repo that re-implements this with some components in the repository

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