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Forked from alxy/GenerateCommand.php
Created September 28, 2013 09:07
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<?php namespace Codebryo\Aidkit\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use \File;
use Illuminate\Support\Pluralizer;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
class GenerateCommand extends Command {
* The console command name.
* @var string
protected $name = 'aidkit:generate';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Generate Aidkit ressource';
protected static $templatePath;
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
static::$templatePath = __DIR__.'/../../../../templates/generator';
* Execute the console command.
* @return void
public function fire()
// To prevent Errors create necessary Folders first
$this->info('Folder Structure has been created');
// Next calls are logically ordered ( at least in my logic :P )
$this->info('Controller has been created');
$this->info('Model has been created');
$this->info('Views have been created');
$this->info('Route has been added');
if ($this->option('createMigration')) {
$this->info('Migration has been created');
return $this->info('Generation complete!');
* Create the basic folter Structure.
* @return void
protected function createFolders()
File::makeDirectory(app_path().'/Aidkit/views/resources/' . Pluralizer::plural($this->argument('ressource')));
* Create a some Controllers.
* @return void
protected function createController()
$templatePath = static::$templatePath;
$template = File::get($templatePath . '/controllers/Controller.txt');
$ressource = $this->argument('ressource');
$ressources = Pluralizer::plural($ressource);
$Ressources = ucwords($ressources);
$Ressource = Pluralizer::singular($Ressources);
$template = str_replace(
array('{{ressource}}', '{{ressources}}', '{{Ressources}}', '{{Ressource}}'),
array($ressource, $ressources, $Ressources, $Ressource),
File::put(app_path().'/Aidkit/controllers/Aidkit'. $Ressources .'Controller.php', $template);
* Create a some Models.
* @return void
protected function createModel()
$templatePath = static::$templatePath;
$template = File::get($templatePath . '/models/Model.txt');
$ressource = $this->argument('ressource');
$ressources = Pluralizer::plural($ressource);
$Ressources = ucwords($ressources);
$Ressource = Pluralizer::singular($Ressources);
$actionLogField = $this->option('actionLogField');
$fields = explode(';', $this->option('fields'));
$rules = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$parts = explode('#', $field);
$rules[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
$template = str_replace(
array('{{ressource}}', '{{ressources}}', '{{Ressources}}', '{{Ressource}}', '{{actionLogField}}', '{{rules}}'),
array($ressource, $ressources, $Ressources, $Ressource, $actionLogField, var_export($rules, true)),
File::put(app_path().'/Aidkit/models/'. $Ressource .'.php', $template);
* Create the provided views.
* @return void
protected function createViews()
$templatePath = static::$templatePath;
$templates = array(
'create' => File::get($templatePath . '/views/resources/ressource/create.txt'),
'edit' => File::get($templatePath . '/views/resources/ressource/edit.txt'),
'index' => File::get($templatePath . '/views/resources/ressource/index.txt'),
'show' => File::get($templatePath . '/views/resources/ressource/show.txt')
$ressource = $this->argument('ressource');
$ressources = Pluralizer::plural($ressource);
$Ressources = ucwords($ressources);
$Ressource = Pluralizer::singular($Ressources);
$tableHeadings = array();
$tableData = array();
$formData = array();
$showData = array();
$fields = explode(';', $this->option('fields'));
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$parts = explode('#', $field);
$tableHeadings[] = '<th>' . ucwords($parts[0]) . '</th>';
$tableData[] = '<td>{{ $' . $ressource . '->' . $parts[0] . ' }}</td>';
$formData[] = '<div class="pure-u-1-2">
{{ Form::label(\'' . $parts[0] . '\',\'' . ucwords($parts[0]) . '\',array(\'class\' => \'' . ((strpos($parts[1], 'required') !== false) ? 'required' : '') . '\'))}}
{{ Form::' . (isset($parts[2]) ? $parts[2] : 'text') . '(\'' . $parts[0] . '\') }}
$showData[] = '<div class="pure-u-1">
<h3>' . ucwords($parts[0]) . '</h3>
<p>{{ $' . $ressource . '->' . $parts[0] . ' }}</p>
foreach ($templates as $templateName => $template) {
$template = str_replace(
array('{{ressource}}', '{{ressources}}', '{{Ressources}}', '{{Ressource}}',
'{{tableHeadings}}', '{{tableData}}', '{{formData}}', '{{showData}}'),
array($ressource, $ressources, $Ressources, $Ressource,
implode(PHP_EOL, $tableHeadings), implode(PHP_EOL, $tableData), implode(PHP_EOL, $formData), implode(PHP_EOL, $showData)),
File::put(app_path().'/Aidkit/views/resources/'. $ressources .'/' . $templateName . '.blade.php', $template);
* Create the routes_admin.php File for clean Route structure.
* @return void
protected function createRoute()
$template = File::get(app_path() . '/Aidkit/routes.php');
$ressource = $this->argument('ressource');
$ressources = Pluralizer::plural($ressource);
$Ressources = ucwords($ressources);
$Ressource = Pluralizer::singular($Ressources);
$position = strpos($template, "\n", strpos($template, 'Route::resource('));
$template = substr_replace($template, PHP_EOL . "\tRoute::resource('" . $ressources . "', 'Aidkit" . $Ressources . "Controller');", $position, 0);
File::put(app_path().'/Aidkit/routes.php', $template);
* Create a basic migration File.
* @return void
protected function createMigration()
$ressource = $this->argument('ressource');
$ressources = Pluralizer::plural($ressource);
$this->call('migrate:make', array('name' => 'create_' . $ressources . '_table'));
* Get the console command arguments.
* @return array
protected function getArguments()
return array(
array('ressource', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Name of the ressource'),
* Get the console command options.
* @return array
protected function getOptions()
return array(
array('fields', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Fields and validation rules for ressource, schema: "field_name#validation_rules#form_field_type;...'),
array('actionLogField', 'a', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Field, that will be used for the action log, default username', 'username'),
array('createMigration', 'm', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Weather to reate migration file or not.'),
class Aidkit{{Ressources}}Controller extends AidkitController {
public function index()
${{ressources}} = {{Ressource}}::paginate(15);
$this->layout->content = View::make('aidkit::resources.{{ressources}}.index',compact('{{ressources}}'));
public function create()
$this->layout->content = View::make('aidkit::resources.{{ressources}}.create');
public function store()
$insertArray = Input::all();
${{ressource}} = new {{Ressource}}($insertArray);
if(${{ressource}}->save()) return Redirect::route('aidkit.{{ressources}}.index');
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(${{ressource}}->errors);
public function show($id)
${{ressource}} = {{Ressource}}::findOrFail($id);
$this->layout->content = View::make('aidkit::resources.{{ressources}}.show',compact('{{ressource}}'));
public function edit($id)
${{ressource}} = {{Ressource}}::findOrFail($id);
$this->layout->content = View::make('aidkit::resources.{{ressources}}.edit',compact('{{ressource}}'));
public function update($id)
${{ressource}} = {{Ressource}}::findOrFail($id);
$updateArray = array_filter(Input::all(), 'strlen');
if (${{ressource}}->update($updateArray)) return Redirect::route('aidkit.{{ressources}}.show',$id);
return Redirect::back()->withInput()->withErrors(${{ressource}}->errors);
public function destroy($id)
if(strtoupper(Input::get('delete')) == 'DELETE'){
${{ressource}} = {{Ressource}}::findOrFail($id);
return Redirect::route('aidkit.{{ressources}}.index');
else {
return Redirect::route('aidkit.{{ressources}}.show',$id);
class {{Ressource}} extends AidkitModel {
* What columns should be guarded
* @var string
protected $guarded = array();
* The table associated with the model.
* @var string
protected $table = '{{ressources}}';
* Indicates if the model should soft delete.
* @var bool
protected $softDelete = true;
* Object name used by the Actionlog
* @var bool
public static $actionlogObjectName = 'Aidkit {{Ressource}}';
* Column used for composing Actionlog messages
* @var bool
public static $actionlogField = '{{actionLogField}}';
* A set of validationrules used when hitting the Database
* @var array
public static $rules = {{rules}};
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