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Raffael Herrmann codebude

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import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def (inpRules, inpTicketOwn, inpTicketsOthers) = inp.split("\r?\n\r?\n").collect{ it.split("\r?\n") }
def rules = inpRules.collect {
(all, name, min1, max1, min2, max2) = (it =~ /([^:]+): (\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)/)[0]
[name: name, min1: min1.toInteger(), max1: max1.toInteger(), min2: min2.toInteger(), max2: max2.toInteger()]
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text.split("\r?\n")[1]
def timeStart = new Date()
def eukl //Erweiterter euklidischer Algo.
eukl = { a, b ->
if (b == 0) { return [a, 1, 0] }
else {
(g, u, v) = eukl(b, a%b)
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text.split("\r?\n")
def timeStart = new Date()
def solution = inp[1].split(",").findAll{ it != "x" }.collect {
def i = it.toInteger()
[i, i - inp[0].toInteger() % i]
}.min{ a, b -> a[1] <=> b[1] }.inject(1){ a, b -> a*b }
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def posS = [0,0], posWp = [10,-1]
def cmds = inp.split("\r?\n").each {
(total, dir, param) = (it =~ /(\w)(\d+)/)[0]
def val = param.toInteger()
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def cmdToDir = { currDir, turn, rad ->
def dirs = ["N", "E", "S", "W" ]
dirs[(dirs.findIndexOf { it == currDir } + ((turn=="R"?1:-1)*rad / 90)).toInteger() % 4]
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def printSeats = { sMap -> sMap.each{ println it.join() } }
def md5 = { s -> MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(s.bytes).encodeHex().toString() }
def hashSeats = { sMap -> md5(sMap.collect{ it.join() }.join()) }
def isSeatOccupied = { seatMap, x, y, filledSeats ->
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
//Helper functions
def printSeats = { sMap -> sMap.each{ println it.join() } }
def md5 = { s -> MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(s.bytes).encodeHex().toString() }
def hashSeats = { sMap -> md5(sMap.collect{ it.join() }.join()) }
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def nmbrs = inp.split("\r?\n").collect { it.toLong() }
def tgt = 507622668L
0.upto(nmbrs.size()-2) { i1 ->
def i2 = i1+2, candidates = [nmbrs[i1], nmbrs[i1+1]]
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def sLen = 25
def nmbrs = inp.split("\r?\n").collect { it.toLong() }
sLen.upto(nmbrs.size()-1) { i ->
def predecessors = nmbrs.withIndex().findAll{ val, ind -> ind >= i-sLen && ind <= i-1 }.collect { it[0] }
import groovy.time.*
def inp = "".toURL().text
def timeStart = new Date()
def fac = { n -> (n == 1) ? 1 : n * call(n - 1) }
def adapters = [[0],inp.split("\r?\n").collect { it.toInteger() }].flatten().sort()
adapters << adapters.max()+3