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Created September 16, 2020 00:41
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Codecademy export
import random
import sys
cashPrice = 100
stakes = 0
totalEarnings = 0
jackpot = 35
tenPercentBet = 0
def gameMenu():
print("=*<*>*<*>=* (c)mBot '2020 =*<*>*<*>=* \n")
print("Game Menu \n------------------ ")
print(" |__ 1. Coin Flip Game")
print(" |______ 2. Cho Han Game")
print(" |____________ 3. Card Game")
print(" |____________ 4. The Roulette")
print(" |______________________ 0. Exit\n")
def getUserInput():
print("W=*=E=*=L=*=C=*=O=*=M=*=E TO **<>=====******<> COINFLIP **<>=====******<> ")
print("${} up for Grabs!! \n${}-Stakes\n".format(cashPrice, stakes))
while True:
print("Enter your guess: [head or tail] or Enter q to quit:>>> ")
guess = input(">>> ")
if guess.lower() == "q":
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodBye!!")
if guess.lower() == "head" or guess.lower() == "tail":
print("You chose {}".format(guess))
print("Enter head or tail or q to quit:>>> ")
while True:
print("Place your wager; wager should be a positive value up to the Cash price")
print("OR enter -1 to Exit")
wager = int(input(">>> "))
if wager == -1:
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
"\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* CoinFlip Console ***********************")
if wager <= cashPrice:
print("You have staked ${}".format(wager))
print("Invalid Input. See Instructions for details.")
except ValueError:
print(" **Error** Numeric Input Only!!. See Instructions for details.")
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* CoinFlip Console ***********************")
print("Activity Summary:\n Guess:--> {} \n Stake:--> ${}".format(guess, wager))
return (guess, wager)
def coinFlip():
guess, wager = getUserInput()
flip = random.randint(1, 2)
print("Flipping Coin ..........")
if flip == 1:
print("The coin lands on head!")
print("The coin lands on tail!")
if guess == "head" and flip == 1:
totalEarnings = wager + cashPrice
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}".format(totalEarnings))
return wager
elif guess == "head" and flip != 1:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your wager of ${} is now on the house".format(wager))
return -wager
elif guess == "tail" and flip == 1:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your wager of ${} is now on the house".format(wager))
return -wager
elif guess == "tail" and flip != 1:
totalEarnings = wager + cashPrice
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}".format(totalEarnings))
return wager
def testCoinFlip():
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* CoinFlip Console ***********************")
# testCoinFlip()
def getChoHanInput():
print("W=*=E=*=L=*=C=*=O=*=M=*=E TO **<>=====******<> CHO-HAN **<>=====******<>")
print("${} up for Grabs!! \n${}-Stakes".format(cashPrice, stakes))
while True:
print("Predict the outcome of the dice roll. \nEnter 'even' or 'odd' for predictions OR 'q' to quit: ")
dicePrediction = input(">>> ")
if dicePrediction.lower() == "q":
print("<> Exiting the console<> \nGoodBye!!")
"\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* ChoHan Console ***********************")
if dicePrediction.lower() == "even" or dicePrediction.lower() == "odd":
print("You predicted {}".format(dicePrediction))
print("Enter a valid input")
while True:
print("Place your wager; wager should be a positive value up to the Cash price")
print("OR enter -1 to Exit")
bet = int(input(">>> "))
if bet == -1:
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
"\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* ChoHan Console ***********************")
if bet <= cashPrice:
print("You have staked ${}".format(bet))
print("Invalid Input. See Instructions for details.")
except ValueError:
print(" **Error** Numeric Input Only!!. See Instructions for details.")
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* ChoHan Console ***********************")
print("Activity Summary:\n Prediction:--> {} \n Stake:--> ${}".format(dicePrediction, bet))
return (dicePrediction, bet)
def choHan():
dicePrediction, bet = getChoHanInput()
diceOne = random.randint(1, 6)
diceTwo = random.randint(1, 6)
print("**** Rolling dice *****")
diceOutcome = diceOne + diceTwo
if dicePrediction == "even" and diceOutcome % 2 == 0:
totalEarnings = bet + cashPrice
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}".format(totalEarnings))
return bet
elif dicePrediction == "even" and diceOutcome % 2 != 0:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your bet of ${} is now on the house".format(bet))
return -bet
elif dicePrediction == "odd" and diceOutcome % 2 == 0:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your bet of ${} is now on the house".format(bet))
return -bet
elif dicePrediction == "odd" and diceOutcome % 2 != 0:
totalEarnings = bet + cashPrice
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}".format(totalEarnings))
return bet
def testChoHan():
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* ChoHan Console ***********************")
# testChoHan()
def setupCardGame():
print("W=*=E=*=L=*=C=*=O=*=M=*=E TO **<>=====******<> CARD GAME **<>=====******<> ")
print("${} up for Grabs!! \n${}-Stakes".format(cashPrice, stakes))
player1Name = "House"
print("Card Player '{}' joined the game".format(player1Name))
while True:
print("Enter your screenname or type 'q' to quit:>>>> ")
player2Name = input(">>> ")
if player2Name.lower() == "q":
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 *********** The Card Game ***********************")
if player2Name.lower() != "house":
print("Invalid Input")
while True:
print("{}, place your wager; the wager should be a positive value up to the Cash price".format(
print("OR enter -1 to Exit")
stake = int(input(">>> "))
if stake == -1:
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
"\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* The Card Game ***********************")
if stake <= cashPrice:
print("You have staked ${}".format(stake))
print("Invalid Input. See Instructions for details.")
except ValueError:
print(" **Error** Numeric Input Only!!. See Instructions for details.")
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* The Card Game ***********************")
print("**Game Details**\nPlayers:--> \nPlayer1:- {} \nPlayer2:- {} \nStake:--> ${}".format(player1Name, player2Name, stake))
return (player1Name, player2Name, stake)
def cardGame():
player1Name, player2Name, stake = setupCardGame()
cardDeck = list(range(1, 14))
player1SelectionIndex = random.randint(0, len(cardDeck))
# extract card
player1Card = cardDeck[player1SelectionIndex]
print("{} draws {}".format(player1Name, player1Card))
player2SelectionIndex = random.randint(0, len(cardDeck))
# exctract card
player2Card = cardDeck[player2SelectionIndex]
print("{} draws {}".format(player2Name, player2Card))
if player1Card > player2Card:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your stake of ${} is now on the house".format(stake))
return -stake
# This cannot occur cos i am popping the cards from the stack.
elif player1Card == player2Card:
totalEarnings = stake + 0
print("Its a tie. Your stake of ${} is intact".format(stake))
return stake
totalEarnings = stake + cashPrice
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}".format(totalEarnings))
return stake
def testCardGame():
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 *********** Card Game ***********************")
# testCardGame()
def getRouletteInput():
print("W=*=E=*=L=*=C=*=O=*=M=*=E TO **<>=====******<> ROULETTE **<>=====******<> ")
print("***** Welcome to The Roulette.*****")
print("${} up for Grabs!! \n${}-Stakes".format(cashPrice, stakes))
print("Enter your Numeric prediction below. Any positive value between 0 and 36 OR Enter 'q' to Quit")
while True:
numericPrediction = int(input(">>> "))
if numericPrediction == -1:
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
"\n(c) mBot '2020 *********** The Roulette ***********************")
if numericPrediction > 0 and numericPrediction <= 36:
print("You Predicted {}".format(numericPrediction))
print("Invalid Selection; *Positive integers only*")
except ValueError:
print("Invalid Selection; *Positive integers only*")
while True:
print("Enter Non-numeric Prediction Below: Enter even, odd OR 'q' to QUIT ")
stringPrediction = input(">>> ")
if stringPrediction.lower() == 'q':
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 *********** The Roulette ***********************")
if stringPrediction.lower() == "even" or stringPrediction.lower() == "odd":
print("You predicted: {}".format(stringPrediction))
print("Enter 'even', 'odd' or 'q' ")
while True:
"Place your wager; wager should be a positive value greater than [$50] and up to the Cash price")
print("OR enter -1 to Exit")
yourBet = int(input(">>> "))
if yourBet == -1:
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
if yourBet > 50 and yourBet <= cashPrice:
print("You have staked ${}".format(yourBet))
print("Invalid Input. See Instructions for details.")
except ValueError:
print(" **Error** Numeric Input Only!!. See Instructions for details.")
print("<>Exiting the console<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n(c) mBot '2020 ******* The Roulette ***********************")
print("**** Activity Summary **** \n Numeric Prediction:--> {} \n Non-Numeric:--> {} \n Stake:--> ${}".format(
numericPrediction, stringPrediction, yourBet))
return numericPrediction, stringPrediction, yourBet
def roulette():
numericPrediction, stringPrediction, yourBet = getRouletteInput()
ball = random.randint(0, 36)
print("...... ball is spinning\n")
print("And the ball stops at .............. ", ball)
print(" =*=*=*=*=* Now Playing for the Jackpot =*=*=*=*=* \n")
if numericPrediction == ball:
totalEarnings = yourBet * jackpot + cashPrice
print("***JACKPOT!!!***, You just won ${} on the Roulette\n".format(totalEarnings))
return yourBet * jackpot
elif numericPrediction != ball:
totalEarnings = yourBet * jackpot + cashPrice
print("Ouch!!!! You lost out on a Jackpot of ${}. Your stake of ${} is now on the house\n".format(
totalEarnings, yourBet))
tenPercentBet = yourBet * 0.1
print("'10%' of your bet will be applied to the redemption stakes\n")
print(" =*=*=*=*=* Playing for Redemption =*=*=*=*=*")
if stringPrediction == "even" and ball % 2 == 0:
totalEarnings = tenPercentBet + cashPrice * 0.5
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}\n".format(totalEarnings))
return tenPercentBet
elif stringPrediction == "even" and ball % 2 != 0:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your stake of ${} is now on the house\n".format(
return -tenPercentBet
elif stringPrediction == "odd" and ball % 2 == 0:
print("YOU LOSE!!!! Your stake of ${} is now on the house\n".format(
return -tenPercentBet
elif stringPrediction == "odd" and ball % 2 != 0:
totalEarnings = tenPercentBet + cashPrice * 0.5
print("CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just won ${}\n".format(totalEarnings))
return tenPercentBet
def testRoulette():
# testRoulette()
def run():
while True:
print("To Select game, use Menu reference")
print("Enter 1, 2, 3, 4 to select a game to play OR enter 0 to Exit")
gameChoice = int(input(">>>> "))
if gameChoice == 0:
print("<>*<> Exiting the console <>*<> \nGoodbye!!")
print("\n =*<*>*<*>=* (c)mBot '2020 =*<*>*<*>=* ")
if gameChoice == 1:
elif gameChoice == 2:
elif gameChoice == 3:
elif gameChoice == 4:
print("Refer to the Menu Options\n")
except ValueError:
print("Enter a valid input\n")
def instructions():
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