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Created January 29, 2023 10:50
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<div class="banner">
<h1>CAKE BAR</h1>
<div class="body-container">
<div class="menu">
<form id="cake-form" action="/place-order" method="post">
<div class="form-container">
<div class="form-row">
<h2>Enter your name</h2>
<div class="form-row">
<div class="name-flex">
<div class="name-col-1">
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="">
<div class="form-row">
<h2>Pick a cake type</h2>
<div class="form-row">
<div class="input-col">
<label for="plain">
<input type="radio" id="plain" name="cakeType" value="Plain">Plain<br>
<div class="input-col">
<label for="whole-wheat">
<input type="radio" id="whole-wheat" name="cakeType" value="Whole Wheat">Whole Wheat<br>
<div class="form-row">
<h2>Add fillings</h2>
<div class="form-row">
<div class="input-col">
<label for="strawberries">
<input type="checkbox" id="strawberries" name="fillings" value="Strawberries">Strawberries<br>
<label for="blueberries">
<input type="checkbox" id="blueberries" name="fillings" value="Blueberries">Blueberries<br>
<label for="banana">
<input type="checkbox" id="banana" name="fillings" value="Banana">Banana<br>
<label for="apple">
<input type="checkbox" id="apple" name="fillings" value="Apple">Apple<br>
<div class="input-col">
<label for="macadamia-nuts">
<input type="checkbox" id="macadamia-nuts" name="fillings" value="Macadamia Nuts">Macadamia Nuts<br>
<label for="sprinkles">
<input type="checkbox" id="sprinkles" name="fillings" value="Sprinkles">Sprinkles<br>
<label for="chocolate-chips">
<input type="checkbox" id="chocolate-chips" name="fillings" value="Chocolate Chips">Chocolate chips<br>
<label for="bacon">
<input type="checkbox" id="bacon" name="fillings" value="Bacon">Bacon<br>
<div class="form-row">
<div class="input-col">
<h2>Choose a size</h2>
<div class="input-col">
<h2>Set a pick up</h2>
<div class="form-row select-row">
<div class="select-col">
<div class="styled-select">
<select id="select-stack" name="size">
<option id="single" value="1">Single Stack</option>
<option id="double" value="2">Double Stack</option>
<option id="triple" value="3">Triple Stack</option>
<option id="quadruple" value="4">Quadruple Stack</option>
<option id="quintuple" value="5">Quintuple Stack</option>
<option id="sextuple" value="6">Sextuple Stack</option>
<option id="septuple" value="7">Septuple Stack</option>
<option id="octuple" value="8">Octuple Stack</option>
<option id="nonuple" value="9">Nonuple Stack</option>
<option id="decuple" value="10">Decuple Stack</option>
<option id="centuple" value="100">Centuple Stack</option>
<div class="select-col">
<div class="styled-select">
<select id="select-pickUp" name="pickUp">
<option id="8:00" value="8:00">8:00</option>
<option id="9:00" value="9:00">9:00</option>
<option id="10:00" value="10:00">10:00</option>
<option id="11:00" value="11:00">11:00</option>
<option id="12:00" value="12:00">12:00</option>
<div class="form-row place-order-div">
<input class="button" id="submit-order" type="submit" value="Place order">
<form action="/clear-order" method="post">
<div class="form-container">
<div class="form-row place-order-div">
<input class="button" id="clear-order" type="submit" value="Clear">
<div class="order">
<h2 id="deliver-to">deliver to: <span>{{}}</span></h2>
<h2 id="cake-type">cake: <span>{{order.cakeType}}</span></h2>
<h2 id="fillings">fillings: <span>{{order.fillings}}</span></h2>
<h2 id="size">pancake count: <span>{{order.size}}</span></h2>
<!-- Fix the header below -->
<h2 id="pickUp">pick up time: <span>{{order.pickUp}}</span></h2>
const Order = require('../../models/order');
const {assert} = require('chai');
const {mongoose, databaseUrl, options} = require('../../database');
describe('Order', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await mongoose.connect(databaseUrl, options);
await mongoose.connection.db.dropDatabase();
afterEach(async () => {
await mongoose.disconnect();
describe('.updateOrCreate', () => {
describe('when a record already exists', () =>{
it('updates the record', async () => {
const partialOrder = {
name: 'Regular Joe',
cakeType: 'Plain',
size: '2',
pickUp: '9:00',
const update = ['Apple', 'Bacon', 'Chocolate Chips'];
const existingOrder = await Order.create(partialOrder);
const updatedOrder = await Order.updateOrCreate({fillings: update});
const allOrders = await Order.find({});
assert.equal(allOrders.length, 1);
// toObject resolves issues with mongoose metadata in arrays
assert.deepEqual(updatedOrder.fillings.toObject(), update);
// check remaining fields
assert.include(updatedOrder, partialOrder);
describe('when a record does not exist', () =>{
it('creates the record', async () => {
let healthyOrder = {
name: 'Healthy Person',
cakeType: 'Whole Wheat',
fillings: ['Macadamia Nuts'],
size: '1',
pickUp: '11:00',
const order = await Order.updateOrCreate(healthyOrder);
const allOrders = await Order.find({});
assert.equal(allOrders.length, 1);
assert.deepEqual(allOrders[0].fillings.toObject(), healthyOrder.fillings);
delete healthyOrder.fillings;
assert.include(allOrders[0], healthyOrder);
describe('#cakeType', () => {
it('is a String', () => {
const nameAsAnInt = 1;
const order = new Order({ cakeType: nameAsAnInt });
assert.strictEqual(order.cakeType, nameAsAnInt.toString());
describe('#name', () => {
it('is a String', () => {
const nameAsAnInt = 1;
const order = new Order({ name: nameAsAnInt });
assert.strictEqual(, nameAsAnInt.toString());
describe('#fillings', () => {
it('is an Array', () => {
const fillings = ['Apple', 'Bacon'];
const order = new Order({fillings});
// toObject resolves issues with mongoose metadata
assert.deepEqual(order.fillings.toObject(), fillings);
describe('#size', () => {
it('is a String', () => {
const sizeAsAnInt = 3;
const order = new Order({size: sizeAsAnInt});
assert.strictEqual(order.size, sizeAsAnInt.toString());
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const orderSchema = mongoose.Schema({
cakeType: { type: String },
name: { type: String },
fillings: { type: [] },
size: { type: String },
pickUp: {
type: String,
orderSchema.statics.updateOrCreate = async function(attributes, callback) {
const firstOrder = await this.findOne({});
if (firstOrder) { = ||;
firstOrder.cakeType = attributes.cakeType || firstOrder.cakeType;
firstOrder.fillings = attributes.fillings || firstOrder.fillings;
firstOrder.size = attributes.size || firstOrder.size;
firstOrder.pickUp = attributes.pickUp || firstOrder.pickUp;
} else {
return this.create(attributes, callback);
module.exports = mongoose.model('Order', orderSchema);
const {assert} = require('chai');
const {jsdom} = require('jsdom');
const parseTextFromHTML = (htmlAsString, selector) => {
const selectedElement = jsdom(htmlAsString).querySelector(selector);
if (selectedElement !== null) {
return selectedElement.textContent;
} else {
throw new Error(`No element with selector ${selector} found in HTML string`);
describe('User visits index', () => {
describe('to post an order', () => {
it('starts with a blank order', () => {
assert.equal(browser.getText('#deliver-to span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#cake-type span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#fillings span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#size span'), '');
it('provides options within working hours only', () => {
const hrTooEarly = '7:00';
const hrTooLate = '13:00';
const bodyHtml = browser.getHTML('body');
const parsedHtml = parseTextFromHTML(bodyHtml, '#select-pickUp');
assert.notInclude(parsedHtml, hrTooEarly);
assert.notInclude(parsedHtml, hrTooLate);
it('displays the selected pick up time properly', () => {
const hour = "9:00";
browser.selectByVisibleText('#select-pickUp', hour);'#submit-order');
const pickupTime = browser.getText('#pickUp');
assert.include(pickupTime, hour);
// Add the 'labels the pick up hour' test here
it('labels the pick up hour correctly', ()=>{
const label = 'pick up time:';
const bodyHtml = browser.getHTML('body');
const parsedHtml = parseTextFromHTML(bodyHtml, '#pickUp');
assert.include(parsedHtml, label);
it('accepts the customer name', () => {
const name = 'Hungry Person';
browser.setValue('#name', name);'#submit-order');
assert.include(browser.getText('#deliver-to'), name);
it('accepts the cake type', () => {
const cakeType = 'Whole Wheat';
assert.include(browser.getText('#cake-type'), cakeType);
it('accepts multiple fillings', () => {
const firstChoice = 'Strawberries';
const secondChoice = 'Banana';
assert.include(browser.getText('#fillings'), firstChoice);
assert.include(browser.getText('#fillings'), secondChoice);
it('accepts the stack size', () => {
const optionText = 'Double Stack';
const optionNum = '2';
browser.selectByVisibleText('#select-stack', optionText)'#submit-order');
assert.include(browser.getText('#size'), optionNum);
describe('to clear an order', () => {
it('deletes the selected options', () => {
const name = 'Indecisive Person';
const time = '10:00';
browser.setValue('#name', name);
browser.selectByVisibleText('#select-pickUp', time)'#submit-order');'#clear-order');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#deliver-to span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#cake-type span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#fillings span'), '');
assert.equal(browser.getText('#size span'), '');
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