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Created July 30, 2021 22:52
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// Mysterious Organism Project
// Returns a random DNA base
const returnRandBase = () => {
const dnaBases = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']
return dnaBases[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)]
// Returns a random single stand of DNA containing 15 bases
const mockUpStrand = () => {
const newStrand = []
for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
return newStrand
const pAequorFactory = (specimenNum, dna) => {
return {
// 4. Randomly select base in DNA and change it
mutate() {
const rIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.dna.length); // random index
let = rBase = returnRandBase(); // select a new random base
while (this.dna[rIndex] === rBase) {
rBase = returnRandBase(); // select a different random if rBase === dna base
} // end while
this.dna[rIndex] = rBase; // Insert the new random base in dna array
return this.dna;
}, // end mutate() Mthd
// **** various approaches to solving Item 5 (compareDNA() method *****
// 5 (option 1). Compares current pAequor's DNA with
// other pAequor DNA (otherOrg). this is codecademy solution
// using Array.prototype.reduce()
compareDNA(otherOrg) {
const similarities = this.dna.reduce((acc, curr, idx, arr) => {
if (arr[idx] === otherOrg.dna[idx]) {
return acc + 1;
} else {
return acc;
} // end if
}, 0 /* set acc = 0 */); // end this.dna.reduce()
const percentOfDNAshared = (similarities / this.dna.length) * 100;
const percentageTo2Deci = percentOfDNAshared.toFixed(2); // returns string
console.log(`${this.specimenNum} and ${otherOrg.specimenNum} have ${percentageTo2Deci}% DNA in common.`);
return parseFloat(percentageTo2Deci); // convert string to floating number
}, // end compareDNA() Mthd
// 5 (option2). Compares current pAequor's DNA with other pAequor DNA
// using Array.prototype.reduce() but uses a conditional ternary operator.
// Also combines formula for percentageTo2Deci but making the code possibly
// more difficult to read and edit
compareDNA2(otherOrg) {
const similarities = this.dna.reduce((acc, curr, idx, arr) => {
return (arr[idx] === otherOrg.dna[idx]) ? acc + 1 : acc; // conditional ternary op
}, 0 /* set acc = 0 */); // end this.dna.reduce()
const percentageTo2Deci = ((similarities / this.dna.length) * 100).toFixed(2);
console.log(`${this.specimenNum} and ${otherOrg.specimenNum} have ${percentageTo2Deci}% DNA in common.`);
}, // end compareDNA() Mthd
// 5 (option3). Compares current pAequor's DNA with other pAequor DNA (otherOrg)
// using Array.prototype.forEach(). Note thatArray.prototype.reduce() already
// provides an accumulator for this type of problem and is more efficient
compareDNA3(otherOrg) {
let totalDnaMatch = 0; // note that array.forEach returns 'undefined'; hence, an
// accumulator variable needs to be defined before .forEach is called
this.dna.forEach((el, idx, arr) => {
return ((arr[idx] === otherOrg.dna[idx]) ? totalDnaMatch += 1 : totalDnaMatch = totalDnaMatch);
}); // end this.dna.reduce()
const percentOfDNAshared = (totalDnaMatch / this.dna.length) * 100;
const percentageTo2Deci = percentOfDNAshared.toFixed(2);
console.log(`${this.specimenNum} and ${otherOrg.specimenNum} have ${percentageTo2Deci}% DNA in common.`);
}, // end compareDNA() Mthd
// 5 (option4). Compares current pAequor's DNA with other pAequor DNA
// using a for loop and variable to accumulate (total) DNA matches
compareDNA4(otherOrg) {
let total = 0;
for (let i=0; i < this.dna.length; i++) {
this.dna[i] === otherOrg.dna[i] ? total += 1 : total = total; // conditional ternary op
} // end for
const percentOfDNAshared = (total / this.dna.length) * 100;
const percentageTo2Deci = percentOfDNAshared.toFixed(2);
console.log(`${this.specimenNum} and ${otherOrg.specimenNum} have ${percentageTo2Deci}% DNA in common.`);
}, // end compareDNA() Mthd
// **** Approaches to solving Item 6 willLikelySurvive() method *****
// 6 (option1). willLikelySurvive() Mthdurns true if objects DNA array
// contains atleast 60% 'C' or 'G' bases, else returns false.
// this.dan.filter() creates a new array of just 'C' and 'G' bases
// codecademy solution
willLikelySurvive() {
const arrayOfGorC = this.dna.filter(el => el === 'C' || el === 'G');
return arrayOfGorC.length / this.dna.length >= 0.6;
}, // end willLikelySurvive() Mthd
// 6 (option2). willLikelySurvive() Mthdurns true if objects DNA array
// contains atleast 60% 'C' or 'G' bases, else returns false.
// Usees for loop to count total 'C' or 'G' bases then divides total
// by length of original array
willLikelySurvive2() {
let total = 0;
for (let idx = 0; idx < this.dna.length; idx ++) {
(this.dna[idx] === 'C' || this.dna[idx] === 'G') ? total += 1 : total = total;
} // end for
return (total / this.dna.length >= 0.6);
}, // end willLikelySurvive() Mthd
// 6 (option3). willLikelySurvive() Mthd returns true if objects DNA array
// contains at least 60% 'C' or 'G' bases, else returns false.
// Uses .reduce() to count the number of 'C' or 'G' bases in array
willLikelySurvive3() {
const numCorG = this.dna.reduce((acc, curr, idx, arr) => {
return (arr[idx] === 'C' || arr[idx] === 'G') ? acc + 1 : acc; // conditional ternary op
}, 0 /* set acc = 0 */); // end this.dna.reduce()
return numCorG / this.dna.length >= 0.6;
}, // end willLikelySurvive() Mthd
// 9. complementStrand() Method creates a new array of
// complementary DNA bases (A = T) and (C = G) based on the
// DNA strand provided.
complementStrand() {
let complementDNA = []; // Array of complement dna bases
complementDNA = => {
return el === 'A' ? 'T' : // multiple ternary expression
el === 'T' ? 'A' :
el === 'C' ? 'G' : 'C';
}); // end of .map()
return complementDNA;
}, // end complementStrand() Mthd
} // end return
}; // end pQequoreFactory() Fn
// 9. Use .compareDNA() to find the two most
// related instances of pAequor.
// Returns a three element array with highest %, specimenNum 1, specimenNum 2
// idxA increments outer loop, and idxB increments inner loop
const findRelatedInstances = (studyArr) => {
let highPercent = 0.0; // tracks highest percent similar between two DNA strands
let rPercent = 0.0; // returned number from .compareDNA() Method
let relatedArr = [0.0, 0, 0]; // [0] = highest %; [1][2] = specimenNums compared
for (let idxA = 0; idxA < studyArr.length-1; idxA ++) { // outer for loop
for (let idxB = idxA + 1; idxB < studyArr.length; idxB ++) { // inner for loop
rPercent = studyArr[idxA].compareDNA(studyArr[idxB]);
if (rPercent > highPercent) {
highPercent = rPercent;
relatedArr[0] = highPercent; // assign values to array for return
relatedArr[1] = studyArr[idxA].specimenNum;
relatedArr[2] = studyArr[idxB].specimenNum;
}; // end if
}; // end for idxB inner loop
}; // end for idxA outer loop
// return array with 3 elements:
// [0] = highest percent DNA match in floating point number
// [1] = the first DNA specimenNum compared to produce highest %
// [2] = the second DNA specimenNum compared to first to produce highest %
return relatedArr; // return array with 3 elements
}; // end findRelatedInstances() Fn
// 7. Function creates requested number (instanceNum) of
// new organisms and returns surviving DNA in an array
function createInstances(instanceNum) {
let newOrg = [], survivingDNA = [];
survived = 0;
for (idCount = 1; idCount < instanceNum; idCount ++) {
newOrg = pAequorFactory(idCount, mockUpStrand());
if (newOrg.willLikelySurvive()) {
} // end if
}; // end for loop
return survivingDNA; // return array of surviving DNA
}; // end mainProg Fn
// ***** MAIN PROGRM *****
// 7. Run 30 DNA strands by calling createInstance() function,
let studyArray = [];
numToCreate = 30;
studyArray = createInstances(numToCreate);
console.log('New species that survived is ' + (studyArray.length) + ' out of ' + numToCreate + '\n');
// 9. TEST: Create a complement of the DNA strand at index [0]
console.log('\nDNA Study Array at index 0')
console.log(studyArray[0].dna); // log original strand at [0] for comparison
let compArray = studyArray[0].complementStrand();
console.log('DNA Complement Array');
console.log(compArray); // log comparison DNA strand to compare with original
console.log(' ');
// 9. TEST: compare DNA from studyArray batch to determine which to specimen
// DNA strands have the most bases elements in common
let compareArrays = findRelatedInstances(studyArray);
console.log(`\nAt ${(compareArrays[0])}%, specimen DNA numbers ${compareArrays[1]} and ${compareArrays[2]} have the highest number of bases in common in the current study batch.`);
// **** Below are other TESTS for pAequorFactory Methods *****
// Uncomment the /* */ to run tests
let dnaArray2 = pAequorFactory(2, mockUpStrand());
// let cloneDnaArray = Array.from(dnaArray.dna); // clone original dna for comparison
console.log(' ')
console.log(' ');
// test mutate method
// call mutate method on dnaArray and note that
// eventhough mutated dna is assigned to mutateDnaArray, the original
// dnaArray is also changed
let mutatedDnaArray = dnaArray.mutate(); // call mutate method on dnaArray
console.log('Random Mutation');
console.log(dnaArray.dna + '\n'); // changed to mutated dna
// ***** Sample Output *****
New species that survived is 5 out of 30
[ { specimenNum: 9,
dna: [ 'A', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'G', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'C', 'T', 'T', 'C', 'C' ],
mutate: [Function: mutate],
compareDNA: [Function: compareDNA],
compareDNA2: [Function: compareDNA2],
compareDNA3: [Function: compareDNA3],
compareDNA4: [Function: compareDNA4],
willLikelySurvive: [Function: willLikelySurvive],
willLikelySurvive2: [Function: willLikelySurvive2],
willLikelySurvive3: [Function: willLikelySurvive3],
complementStrand: [Function: complementStrand] },
{ specimenNum: 14,
dna: [ 'T', 'T', 'G', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'G', 'G', 'T', 'A', 'G', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'G' ],
mutate: [Function: mutate],
compareDNA: [Function: compareDNA],
compareDNA2: [Function: compareDNA2],
compareDNA3: [Function: compareDNA3],
compareDNA4: [Function: compareDNA4],
willLikelySurvive: [Function: willLikelySurvive],
willLikelySurvive2: [Function: willLikelySurvive2],
willLikelySurvive3: [Function: willLikelySurvive3],
complementStrand: [Function: complementStrand] },
{ specimenNum: 16,
dna: [ 'C', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'T', 'A', 'T', 'T', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'C', 'C', 'G', 'C' ],
mutate: [Function: mutate],
compareDNA: [Function: compareDNA],
compareDNA2: [Function: compareDNA2],
compareDNA3: [Function: compareDNA3],
compareDNA4: [Function: compareDNA4],
willLikelySurvive: [Function: willLikelySurvive],
willLikelySurvive2: [Function: willLikelySurvive2],
willLikelySurvive3: [Function: willLikelySurvive3],
complementStrand: [Function: complementStrand] },
{ specimenNum: 25,
dna: [ 'G', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'C', 'T', 'G' ],
mutate: [Function: mutate],
compareDNA: [Function: compareDNA],
compareDNA2: [Function: compareDNA2],
compareDNA3: [Function: compareDNA3],
compareDNA4: [Function: compareDNA4],
willLikelySurvive: [Function: willLikelySurvive],
willLikelySurvive2: [Function: willLikelySurvive2],
willLikelySurvive3: [Function: willLikelySurvive3],
complementStrand: [Function: complementStrand] },
{ specimenNum: 26,
dna: [ 'G', 'G', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'A', 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'C', 'G' ],
mutate: [Function: mutate],
compareDNA: [Function: compareDNA],
compareDNA2: [Function: compareDNA2],
compareDNA3: [Function: compareDNA3],
compareDNA4: [Function: compareDNA4],
willLikelySurvive: [Function: willLikelySurvive],
willLikelySurvive2: [Function: willLikelySurvive2],
willLikelySurvive3: [Function: willLikelySurvive3],
complementStrand: [Function: complementStrand] } ]
DNA Study Array at index 0
[ 'A', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'G', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'C', 'T', 'T', 'C', 'C' ]
DNA Complement Array
[ 'T', 'T', 'G', 'G', 'C', 'G', 'A', 'C', 'T', 'C', 'G', 'A', 'A', 'G', 'G' ]
9 and 14 have 20.00% DNA in common.
9 and 16 have 20.00% DNA in common.
9 and 25 have 26.67% DNA in common.
9 and 26 have 26.67% DNA in common.
14 and 16 have 20.00% DNA in common.
14 and 25 have 40.00% DNA in common.
14 and 26 have 13.33% DNA in common.
16 and 25 have 26.67% DNA in common.
16 and 26 have 20.00% DNA in common.
25 and 26 have 26.67% DNA in common.
At 40%, specimen DNA numbers 14 and 25 have the highest number of bases in common in the current study batch.
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