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Created May 19, 2020 18:00
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Codecademy export
const prompt = require("prompt-sync")({
sigint: true
const up = ["up", "w"];
const left = ["left", "l", "a"];
const down = ["down", "s"];
const right = ["right", "r", "d"];
const hat = "^";
const hole = "O";
const fieldCharacter = "░";
const pathCharacter = "*";
const stepCharacter = "=";
class Field {
constructor(arField) {
this.field = arField;
print() {
this.field.forEach((element) => {
currentLocation() {
//returns coordinates of current location of pathCharacter
let row, column;
this.field.forEach((element, index) => {
if (element.indexOf(pathCharacter) >= 0) {
row = index;
column = element.indexOf(pathCharacter);
return [row, column];
fetchTarget(coordinates) {
let target = this.field[coordinates[0]];
return typeof target === "undefined" ? target : target[coordinates[1]];
static fetchTargetStatic(coordinates, arField) {
let target = arField[coordinates[0]];
return typeof target === "undefined" ? target : target[coordinates[1]];
canMove(currentLocation, coordinatesAdjustment) {
let canMove = false;
let target = this.fetchTarget([
currentLocation[0] + coordinatesAdjustment[0],
currentLocation[1] + coordinatesAdjustment[1],
if (typeof target != "undefined") {
canMove = true;
return canMove;
move(coordinatesAdjustment) {
//returns boolean based on whether or not this.field was changed based on input
let row = coordinatesAdjustment[0];
let column = coordinatesAdjustment[1];
let playerCoordinates = this.currentLocation();
let moveHappened = false;
if (
(row != 0 && column != 0) ||
this.canMove(playerCoordinates, coordinatesAdjustment)
) {
this.field[playerCoordinates[0]][playerCoordinates[1]] = stepCharacter;
this.field[playerCoordinates[0] + row][
playerCoordinates[1] + column
] = pathCharacter;
moveHappened = true;
if (!this.canMove(playerCoordinates, coordinatesAdjustment)) {
console.log(`Can't move in the specified direction! Reason: out of bounds.`);
return moveHappened;
static random(range) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (range));
static createGrid(h = 3, w = 3) {
let gridToReturn = [];
let row = [];
let [innerCycles, outerCycles] = [0, 0]
for (let i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (let y = 0; y < w; y++) {
row = []; //reset array
return gridToReturn;
static populateGrid(arGrid, holePercent = 10, spawnRandom = false) { //
let spawnCoordinates = spawnRandom ? [this.random(arGrid.length), this.random(arGrid[0].length)] : [0, 0];
let hatCoordinates = [0, 0];
let holeOccurences = Math.ceil(holePercent / 100 * arGrid.length * arGrid[0].length);
arGrid[spawnCoordinates[0]][spawnCoordinates[1]] = pathCharacter; //place spawn
do {
hatCoordinates = [this.random(arGrid.length), this.random(arGrid[0].length)];
} while (this.fetchTargetStatic(hatCoordinates, arGrid) === pathCharacter)
arGrid[hatCoordinates[0]][hatCoordinates[1]] = hat; //place hat
do {
let holeCoordinates = [this.random(arGrid.length), this.random(arGrid[0].length)];
if (this.fetchTargetStatic(holeCoordinates, arGrid) != hat && this.fetchTargetStatic(holeCoordinates, arGrid) != pathCharacter) {
arGrid[holeCoordinates[0]][holeCoordinates[1]] = hole; //place hole
} while (holeOccurences > 0)
return arGrid;
generateField(height, width, holePercent = 10, spawnRandom = false) {
//create grid +
//populate grid +
//verify grid
//return grid +
this.field = Field.populateGrid(Field.createGrid(height, width), holePercent, spawnRandom);
// this.print();
return this.field;
const myField = new Field([
["*", "░", "O"],
["░", "O", "░"],
["░", "^", "░"],
function handleInput() {
return prompt(`In which direction will you move? `);
function translateInput(playerInput) {
//translates input into array of coordinates
let coordinatesAdjustment = [0, 0];
playerInput = playerInput.toLowerCase();
if (up.indexOf(playerInput) >= 0) {
coordinatesAdjustment = [-1, 0]; // move up
} else if (left.indexOf(playerInput) >= 0) {
coordinatesAdjustment = [0, -1]; // move left
} else if (down.indexOf(playerInput) >= 0) {
coordinatesAdjustment = [1, 0]; // move down
} else if (right.indexOf(playerInput) >= 0) {
coordinatesAdjustment = [0, 1]; // move right
} else {
"WRONG INPUT! \nTRY 'W' for 'up'\n'A' for 'left\n'S' for 'down'\n'D' for 'right'"
return coordinatesAdjustment;
let winCondition, loseCondition = false;
function play(playField) {
let randField = prompt(`What game mode do you want to play? '1' for fixed starting field, '2' for random field `)
let playerName = prompt("Hello traveler! What's your name? ");
`Oh my, ${playerName}, you seem to have lost your hat! You should fetch it before someone else finds it!`
if (Number(randField) === 2) {
playField.generateField(5, 5, 50, true);
while (!winCondition && !loseCondition) {
let playerLocation = playField.currentLocation();
let input = translateInput(handleInput());
let targetTile = playField.fetchTarget([input[0] + playerLocation[0], input[1] + playerLocation[1]]);
if (targetTile === hat) {
console.log(`Congratulations! You've found your hat!`);
winCondition = true;
} else if (targetTile === hole) {
console.log(`Whoops! You've fallen down the hole and died! GAME OVER!`);
loseCondition = true;
// Field.createGrid();
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