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Forked from jsolis/git-commands.txt
Created September 25, 2013 13:37
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# Add a little color to your git cli
git config --global color.ui auto
# Git will automatically manage line endings for you if you set autocrlf option
# on a mac / linux machine you'll want do this
git config --global core.autocrlf input
# one a windows machine you'll want to do this
git config --global core.autocrlf true
# Instead of just showing highlighting the entire line that changed
# this will highlight what in the line has changed. This is one of my favorite options
git diff --color-words
# Adds a graphical representation of the branching and merging history of a repo
git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all
# This turns off fast forwarding when merging.
# This means the merge itself will show up as a commit
git merge --no-ff cart
# This is an example of how to use alias to save some typing
# Now you would be able to type "git lol"
# instead of "git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate"
git config --global "log --oneline --graph --all --decorate"
# Date based filter on your git log? Yes please.
git lol --since=30.minutes.ago
git lol --since=yesterday
## git svn for those who still need to use svn for their deployment process
# git clone that svn project
# -s is for --stdlayout which presumes the svn recommended layout for tags, trunk, and branches.
# -r can also be used like -r 40000:HEAD to take specific revisions.
# If you want to include all of the history, just leave that option off, but it will take a very long time, and you really don't need all of it.
# The older a revision you choose, the longer it will take to import. But you will not be able to "git blame" past the earliest revision you import. Choose wisely.
git svn clone -s svn://jsolis@svn/mkt/smartphone
# After working with git locally and you want to populate svn with your changes you'll need to dcommit
git svn dcommit
# More info on git svn
# A nice write up
# Great resources for continuing eduction
# Free on-line web classes
# Don't have time to sit through classes or have a specific question or issue?
# checkout their repo and open an issue
# Have questions? Try posting to stackoverflow using these hash tags: #git #github
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