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Last active October 7, 2022 16:58
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Dependency injection example of a service in MVVM
// LoginService Protocol
protocol LoginService: AnyObject {
func authenticateUser(request: LoginRequest) - > UserResponse
// Concrete implementation
class LoginServiceImplementation: LoginService {
func authenticateUser(request: LoginRequest) - > UserResponse {
// create the url request
// use the singleton here
HttpUtility.shared.get {
// handle response
protocol LoginViewModel: AnyObject {
func authenticateUser()
class LoginViewModelImplementation: LoginViewModel {
private let loginService: LoginService
// injecting the dependency
init(_service: LoginService) {
self.loginService = _service
func authenticateUser() {
// code
self.loginService.authenticateUser(request) {
// handle response
// factory to return the required protocol
class ServiceFactory {
func createLoginService() -> LoginService {
return LoginServiceImplementation()
class ViewModelFactory {
func createLoginViewModel -> LoginViewModel {
let service = ServiceFactory().createLoginService()
return LoginViewModelImplementation(_service: service)
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