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Does *__sync intrinsics ensure consistent view on shared memory within a warp?
#include <cstdio>
// compile with: nvcc -g -G -std=c++17 -arch sm_75 -o test-compute-sanitizer-racecheck-with-sync-intrinsic
// execute with: compute-sanitizer --tool racecheck ./test-compute-sanitizer-racecheck-with-sync-intrinsic
// The example at
// mentions that the threads are "synchronized" in the comment behind the function call to `shfl_sync`.
__managed__ float result[1];
__global__ void kernel() {
constexpr int N = 500;
__shared__ int sh_mem[N];
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
int k = tid;
for (int i = 0; i < blockDim.x / 16; ++i) {
// __syncwarp(); // no hazards with this sync statement
k = __shfl_up_sync(0xffffffff, k, 1);
if (tid > i) {
printf("thread %d, i = %d, k = %d\n", tid, i, k);
sh_mem[k] += k;
// Use the result to prevent that it is optimized out.
if (tid == 0) {
int acc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
acc += sh_mem[i];
*result = acc;
int main() {
kernel<<<1, 32>>>();
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