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Created January 18, 2016 18:11
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case mc of
Nothing -> return $ FailFatal $ serverErr' Forbidden
Just jwt -> do
mcs <- verifyClaims $ decodeUtf8 jwt
case mcs of
Nothing -> return $ FailFatal $ serverErr' Forbidden
Just clms -> do
let user = lookup "user" $ toList $ unregisteredClaims clms :: Maybe Value
case user of
Nothing -> return $ FailFatal $ serverErr' Forbidden
Just user' -> do
let usr = handleCTypeH (Proxy :: Proxy list) (cs contentTypeH) (encode user')
case usr of
Nothing -> return $ FailFatal $ serverErr' Forbidden
Just (Left e) -> return $ FailFatal err403
Just (Right v) -> return $ Route v
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@Gurkenglas wrote this as well. Putting here for reference:

fromMaybe (FailFatal $ serverErr' Forbidden) <$> (ala EndoT . alaf MaybeT) foldMap
  [ return . Just . either (const $ FailFatal err403) Route
  , return . handleCTypeH (Proxy :: Proxy list) (cs contentTypeH) . encode
  , return . lookup "user" . toList . unregisteredClaims
  , verifyClaims . decodeUtf8 jwt
  , return
  ] mc

newtype EndoT m a = EndoT {runEndoT :: a -> m a} deriving Wrapped

instance Monad m => Monoid (EndoT m) where
  mempty = coerce return
  mappend = coerce (<=<)

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