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Created April 14, 2012 15:49
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Exercise 2.5 from SICP, in Common Lisp
;; Exercise 2.5 from SICP, in Common Lisp
(defun x-cons (a b)
(labels ((x-power (x n &optional acc)
(let ((acc (or acc x)))
(if (= n 1)
(x-power x (- n 1) (* acc x))))))
(* (x-power 2 a) (x-power 3 b))))
(defun x-find-exp (pair base)
"returns exponent for given base (either 2 or 3) part in pair"
(let ((other-base (if (= base 2) 3 2)))
(labels ((x-log (n base &optional guess)
(let ((guess (or guess 1)))
(if (= n base)
(x-log (/ n base) base (+ 1 guess)))))
(divide-by-other-base (pair)
(let ((elim (/ pair other-base)))
(if (not (= (rem elim other-base) 0))
(divide-by-other-base elim)))))
(x-log (divide-by-other-base pair) base))))
(defun x-car (pair)
(x-find-exp pair 2))
(defun x-cdr (pair)
(x-find-exp pair 3))
(defun test-x-cons ()
(let ((d (x-cons 1 1)))
(assert (= (x-car d) 1))
(assert (= (x-cdr d) 1)))
(let ((d (x-cons 1 8298)))
(assert (= (x-car d) 1))
(assert (= (x-cdr d) 8298)))
(let ((d (x-cons 8298 1)))
(assert (= (x-car d) 8298))
(assert (= (x-cdr d) 1)))
(let ((d (x-cons 472 1353)))
(assert (= (x-car d) 472))
(assert (= (x-cdr d) 1353))))
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