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Last active January 30, 2024 06:21
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MCMessagingUtils is an Apex class used to trigger journey builder actions and push messages from Salesforce service and sales cloud.
public with sharing class Invocable_TriggerMCEvent {
@InvocableMethod(label='Send Message with new Comment to Reporter' description='Send Message with new Comment to Reporter')
public static void TriggerMCEvent(List<String> contactKey) {
public with sharing class MCMessagingUtils {
//inner classes
public class MCMessagingUtilsException extends Exception{}
public class accessTokenResult{
public String accessToken;
public integer expiresIn;
public class TriggerInteractionEventObj {
String ContactKey {get;set;}
String EventDefinitionKey {get;set;}
public TriggerInteractionEventObj(String incomingContactKey){
this.ContactKey = incomingContactKey;
this.EventDefinitionKey = credentials.eventDefinitionKey__c;
// Appropriate HTTP methods for various calls
private static final String kAuthMethod = 'POST';
private static final String kFireInteractionMethod = 'POST';
private static final String kFirePushMessageMethod = 'POST';
// Custom Setting Name to use:
private static final String kCredsName = 'df16';
// Push Message to reuse:
private static final String kMessageId = 'MjoxMTQ6MA';
// URI's
private static final String kAPIAuthBaseURI = '';
private static final String kAPIBaseURI = '';
private static final String kAuthURI = kAPIAuthBaseURI + '/v1/requestToken';
private static final String kFireInteractionEventURI = kAPIBaseURI + '/interaction/v1/events';
private static final String kFirePushMessageURI = '/messageContact/'+ kMessageId +'/send';
private static final String kActivityTriggerMCInteractionEvent = 'kActivityTriggerMCInteractionEvent';
private static final String kActivityTriggerMCPushEvent = 'kActivityTriggerMCPushEvent';
private static McCreds__c credentials = McCreds__c.getInstance(kCredsName);
private static String preservedActivity;
private static String preservedContactKey;
private static String preservedCommentBody;
public static void triggerMCInteractionEvent(String contactKey){
TriggerInteractionEventObj payloadObj= new TriggerInteractionEventObj(contactKey);
String payloadString = JSON.serialize(payloadObj);
system.debug('*** - method: ' + kFireInteractionMethod);
system.debug('*** - payload: ' + payloadString);
system.debug('*** - uri: ' + kFireInteractionEventURI);
system.debug('*** - token: ' + MCMessagingUtils.accessToken() );
public static void sendMCPushMessage(String commentBody, String contactKey){
generateMessageSendBody(commentBody, contactKey),
//Note, I have to use a string building method, rather than serializing an object
// because override is a reserved word in apex.
private Static String generateMessageSendBody(String CommentBody, String SubscriberKey){
return '{' +
'"MessageText": "'+CommentBody+'",' +
'"Override": true,'+
'"sound": "default",'+
'"SendTime": "2012-10-31 09:00",'+
'"content-available": 1'+
'"subscriberKeys": ["' + SubscriberKey + '"]' +
private static string accessToken(){
if(credentials.accessToken__c == null || > credentials.expiresIn__c){
return makeAuthenticationCall();
} else {
return credentials.accessToken__c;
private static string makeAuthenticationCall(){
if(credentials != null && String.isNotEmpty(credentials.clientId__c) && String.isNotEmpty(credentials.clientSecret__c)){
String authJson = '{"clientId":"' + credentials.clientId__c + '","clientSecret":"' + credentials.clientSecret__c + '"}';
HttpResponse response = sendAuthRequest(authJson);
accessTokenResult atr = (accessTokenResult) System.JSON.deserialize(response.getBody(), accessTokenResult.class);
credentials.accessToken__c = atr.accessToken;
credentials.expiresIn__c =;
update credentials;
return credentials.accessToken__c;
private static HttpResponse sendAuthRequest(String body){
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = generateRequest(kAuthMethod, body, kAuthURI);
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
return res;
private static HttpRequest generateRequest(String method, String body, String url){
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
system.debug('%%% - ' + body);
return req;
Public Static void sendHTTPRequest(String Method, String Body, String URL) {
Http h = new Http();
HttpRequest req = generateRequest(method, body, url);
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + MCMessagingUtils.accessToken());
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
system.debug('#### - ' + res.getBody());
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