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Created February 15, 2011 17:50
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require 'fileutils'
require 'rubygems'
require 'pony'
# Set absolute path for config file directory
conf_path = "/home/auto-responses"
#for each config file (autoresponder) do |response_file|
# don't act on this file or linux '.' listings
unless response_file[0,1] == "." || response_file == "auto-response-script.rb"
#create a file for reading
file ="#{conf_path}/#{response_file}")
# get the last modified time of the current config file
last_date = file.stat.mtime
# e-mail address to respond from is first line
address = file.gets.chomp
#skip blank lines
line = file.gets
end while line == "\n"
# subject is next
base_subject = "#{line.chomp} (Auto-Response)"
#skip blank lines
line = file.gets
end while line == "\n"
# take all the rest of the lines as the message
message = line
while line = file.gets
message << line
# write parsed info to output (for log file)
puts address
#puts last_date
#puts subject
#puts message
# split the e-mail address into user and domain to put into vmail path
user = address.split('@')[0]
domain = address.split('@')[1]
#puts user
#puts domain
# build the vmail path to the new mail message files
mail_path = "/home/vmail/#{domain}/#{user}/new"
#for each new mail file do |mail_file|
#don't act on the linux '.' listings
unless mail_file[0,1] == "."
# get mail file for reading
mail = + '/' + mail_file)
#log mail filename and mod times (for debugging)
puts mail_file
puts "mail_file_time: #{mail.stat.mtime}"
puts "conf_file_time: #{last_date}"
# act only if mail file is newer
if mail.stat.mtime > last_date
# initialize flags for From and Subject lines in message
found_from = false
found_subject = false
#get first line from email message
line = mail.gets
# regex to check if line starts with 'From:'
# if so, store as from
if line =~ /^From:/i && !found_from
found_from = true
from = line
# regex to check if line starts with 'Subject:'
# if so, append the base_subject from above and store as subject
if line =~ /^Subject:/i && !found_subject
found_subject = true
subject = "Re: #{line.chomp} - #{base_subject}"
#get next line
line = mail.gets
# loop over lines until both from AND subject are foud OR there are no more lines
end while (!found_from && !found_subject) || line
# use the base subject if couldn't find message subject
subject = base_subject unless found_subject
#puts "From line: #{from}"
# take the From line and split on spaces
# each 'word' which contains an @ (and isn't mailer-deamon) store into the to array
to =
from.split(' ').each do |name|
if(name =~ /@/ && !(name =~ /MAILER.DAEMON/i))
to << name
# create comma separated list of email addresses; stripping angle brackets
to = to.join(',').gsub('<','').gsub('>','')
# log to whom sending mail
puts "Sending to: #{to}"
# don't send mail to nobody
unless to == "" || to == ''
Pony.mail(:to => to, :from => address, :subject => subject,
:body => message )
puts "To is invalid"
# log that the mail file is not newer than the conf file
puts "From: #{mail_file} is not newer"
# separate the mail messages in the log
puts "------------\n\n"
# update the auto response file's mod time
FileUtils.touch "#{conf_path}/#{response_file}"
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