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Created September 28, 2020 12:22
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const std = @import("std");
const sqlite3 = *@Type(.Opaque);
const sqlite3_stmt = *@Type(.Opaque);
const sqllog = std.log.scoped(.sqlite3);
extern fn sqlite3_errmsg(db: sqlite3) [*:0]const u8;
extern fn sqlite3_open(path: [*:0]const u8, db: *sqlite3) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_close(db: sqlite3) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_exec(
db: sqlite3,
sql: [*:0]const u8,
callback: ?fn (
user: ?*c_void,
row: c_int,
data: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8,
columns: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8,
) callconv(.C) c_int,
user: ?*c_void,
errmsg: ?*?[*:0]const u8,
) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_prepare(
db: sqlite3,
sql: [*]const u8,
nbytes: c_int,
stmt: *sqlite3_stmt,
tail: ?*[*:0]const u8,
) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_finalize(stmt: sqlite3_stmt) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_reset(stmt: sqlite3_stmt) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_step(stmt: sqlite3_stmt) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt: sqlite3_stmt) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, name: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, data: [*]const u8, len: u32, de: ?fn (ptr: *c_void) callconv(.C) void) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, len: u32) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_zeroblob64(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, len: u64) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_double(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, data: f64) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_int(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, data: i32) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, data: i64) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_null(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_bind_text(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int, data: [*]const u8, len: u32, de: ?fn (ptr: *c_void) callconv(.C) void) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_column_blob(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) [*]const u8;
extern fn sqlite3_column_double(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) f64;
extern fn sqlite3_column_int(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) i32;
extern fn sqlite3_column_int64(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) i64;
extern fn sqlite3_column_text(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) [*]const u8;
extern fn sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) c_int;
extern fn sqlite3_column_type(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, pos: c_int) ColumnType;
pub const Database = struct {
raw: sqlite3,
fn reportError(self: @This()) anyerror {
std.log.err("{}", .{sqlite3_errmsg(self.raw)});
return error.DbError;
pub fn open(path: [*:0]const u8) !@This() {
var ret: @This() = .{ .raw = undefined };
const res = sqlite3_open(path, &ret.raw);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
return ret;
pub fn close(self: @This()) void {
const res = sqlite3_close(self.raw);
if (res != 0) @panic("sqlite3_close error");
pub fn exec(self: @This(), sql: []const u8) !void {"exec {}", .{sql});
var stmt = try self.prepare(sql);
defer stmt.deinit();
try stmt.exec();
pub fn prepare(self: @This(), sql: []const u8) !PreparedStatement {"prepare {}", .{sql});
var ret: PreparedStatement = .{ .raw = undefined };
const res = sqlite3_prepare(self.raw, sql.ptr, @intCast(c_int, sql.len), &ret.raw, null);
if (res != 0) return self.reportError();
return ret;
pub const TransportStrategy = union(enum) {
const FuncType = fn (data: *c_void) callconv(.C) void;
static: void,
transient: void,
dynamic: FuncType,
fn get(self: @This()) ?FuncType {
return switch (self) {
.static => null,
.transient => @intToPtr(FuncType, @bitCast(usize, @as(isize, -1))),
.dynamic => |ptr| ptr,
pub const ColumnType = extern enum {
int = 1, float = 2, text = 3, blob = 4, @"null" = 5
pub const ColumnValue = union(ColumnType) {
int: i64,
float: f64,
text: []const u8,
blob: []const u8,
@"null": void,
fn asOptional(self: @This(), comptime T: type) !?T {
return switch (T) {
i32 => switch (self) {
.int => |val| std.math.cast(i32, val),
.float => |val| @floatToInt(i32, val),
.text, .blob => error.WrongType,
.@"null" => @as(?T, null),
u32 => switch (self) {
.int => |val| try std.math.cast(u32, val),
.float => |val| @floatToInt(u32, val),
.text, .blob => error.WrongType,
.@"null" => @as(?T, null),
i64 => switch (self) {
.int => |val| val,
.float => |val| @floatToInt(i64, val),
.text, .blob => error.WrongType,
.@"null" => @as(?T, null),
f32 => switch (self) {
.int => |val| @intToFloat(f32, val),
.float => |val| @floatCast(f32, val),
.text, .blob => error.WrongType,
.@"null" => @as(?T, null),
f64 => switch (self) {
.int => |val| @intToFloat(f64, val),
.float => |val| @floatCast(f64, val),
.text, .blob => error.WrongType,
.@"null" => @as(?T, null),
bool => switch (self) {
.int => |val| val != 0,
.float => |val| val != 0,
.text, .blob => |val| val.len != 0,
.@"null" => false,
[]const u8 => switch (self) {
.int => error.WrongType,
.float => error.WrongType,
.text, .blob => |val| val,
.@"null" => @as(?T, null),
else => @compileError("Unhandled type: " ++ @typeName(T)),
pub fn as(self: @This(), comptime T: type) !T {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Optional => |opt| self.asOptional(opt.child),
else => (try self.asOptional(T)) orelse error.NullValue,
fn ArrChild(comptime T: type) type {
return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Pointer => |ptr| ArrChild(ptr.child),
.Array => |arr| ArrChild(arr.child),
else => T,
pub const PreparedStatement = struct {
raw: sqlite3_stmt,
pub fn deinit(self: @This()) void {
const res = sqlite3_finalize(self.raw);
if (res != 0) @panic("sqlite3_close error");
fn bindNotNull(self: @This(), idx: c_int, data: anytype) !void {
const res = switch (@TypeOf(data)) {
comptime_int => if (data <= std.math.maxInt(i32))
sqlite3_bind_int(self.raw, idx, data)
sqlite3_bind_int64(self.raw, idx, data),
i32 => sqlite3_bind_int(self.raw, idx, data),
i64 => sqlite3_bind_int64(self.raw, idx, data),
f32, f64, comptime_float => sqlite3_bind_double(self.raw, idx, data),
else => @compileError("not support type"),
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
pub fn bind(self: @This(), idx: c_int, data: anytype) !void {
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(data)) == .Optional) {
if (data) |notnull| {
return self.bindNotNull(idx, notnull);
} else {
const res = sqlite3_bind_null(self.raw, idx);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
} else {
return self.bindNotNull(idx, data);
pub fn bindNull(self: @This(), idx: c_int) !void {
const res = sqlite3_bind_null(self.raw, idx);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
pub fn bindText(self: @This(), idx: c_int, data: ?[]const u8, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
const res = if (data) |notnull|
sqlite3_bind_text(self.raw, idx, notnull.ptr, @intCast(u32, notnull.len), strategy.get())
sqlite3_bind_null(self.raw, idx);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
pub fn bindBlob(self: @This(), idx: c_int, data: ?[]const u8, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
const res = if (data) |notnull|
sqlite3_bind_blob(self.raw, idx, notnull.ptr, @intCast(u32, notnull.len), strategy.get())
sqlite3_bind_null(self.raw, idx);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
pub fn bindSlice(self: @This(), slice: []const ColumnValue, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
for (slice) |v, oi| {
const i = @intCast(c_int, oi + 1);
try switch (v) {
.int => |val| self.bind(i, val),
.float => |val| self.bind(i, val),
.text => |val| self.bindText(i, val, strategy),
.blob => |val| self.bindBlob(i, val, strategy),
.@"null" => |val| self.bindNull(i),
pub fn Binder(comptime T: type) type {
const defs = std.meta.fields(T);
return struct {
stmt: PreparedStatement,
cache: [defs.len]c_int = undefined,
fn init(self: *@This()) !void {
inline for (defs) |field, i| {
const idx = sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(self.stmt.raw, "$" ++;
if (idx == 0) return error.InvalidField;
self.cache[i] = idx;
fn bindNotNull(self: *const @This(), i: c_int, value: anytype, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
return switch (@TypeOf(value)) {
ColumnValue => |v| switch (v) {
.int => |val| self.stmt.bind(i, val),
.float => |val| self.stmt.bind(i, val),
.text => |val| self.stmt.bindText(i, val, strategy),
.blob => |val| self.stmt.bindBlob(i, val, strategy),
.@"null" => |val| self.stmt.bindNull(i),
comptime_int => self.stmt.bind(i, @as(i64, value)),
comptime_float => self.stmt.bind(i, @as(f64, value)),
i32, i64, f32, f64 => self.stmt.bind(i, value),
u32 => self.stmt.bind(i, @intCast(i64, value)),
[]const u8 => self.stmt.bindText(i, value, strategy),
else => switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) {
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (@typeInfo(ptr.child)) {
.Array => |arr| if (arr.child == u8) self.stmt.bindText(i, value, strategy) else @compileError("Unknown type: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(value))),
else => @compileError("Unknown type: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(value))),
else => @compileError("Unknown type: " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(value))),
fn bindNullable(self: *const @This(), i: c_int, value: anytype, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
return switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(value))) {
.Optional => if (value) |nn| self.bindNotNull(i, nn, strategy) else self.stmt.bindNull(i),
else => self.bindNotNull(i, value, strategy),
pub fn bindObj(self: *const @This(), obj: T, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
inline for (defs) |field, i| {
const value = @field(obj,;
const idx = self.cache[i];
try self.bindNullable(idx, value, strategy);
pub fn execObj(self: *const @This(), obj: T) !void {
defer self.stmt.clear() catch {};
inline for (defs) |field, i| {
const value = @field(obj,;
const idx = self.cache[i];
try self.bindNullable(idx, value, .static);
defer self.stmt.reset() catch {};
try self.stmt.exec();
pub fn getBinder(self: @This(), comptime T: type) !Binder(T) {
var ret: Binder(T) = .{ .stmt = self };
try ret.init();
return ret;
pub fn bindAll(self: @This(), val: anytype, strategy: TransportStrategy) !void {
const binder = try self.getBinder(@TypeOf(val));
try binder.bindObj(val, strategy);
pub fn execAll(self: @This(), val: anytype) !void {
const binder = try self.getBinder(@TypeOf(val));
try binder.execObj(val);
pub fn execAllMulti(self: @This(), arr: anytype) !void {
const binder = try self.getBinder(ArrChild(@TypeOf(arr)));
for (arr) |item| try binder.execObj(item);
pub fn step(self: @This()) !bool {
return switch (sqlite3_step(self.raw)) {
0 => @panic("Unexpected code"),
100 => return true,
101 => return false,
else => return error.DbError,
pub fn exec(self: @This()) !void {
if (try self.step()) return error.UnexpectedRow;
pub fn reset(self: @This()) !void {
const res = sqlite3_reset(self.raw);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
pub fn clear(self: @This()) !void {
const res = sqlite3_clear_bindings(self.raw);
if (res != 0) return error.DbError;
pub fn get(self: @This(), idx: c_int) ColumnValue {
return switch (sqlite3_column_type(self.raw, idx)) {
.int => ColumnValue{ .int = sqlite3_column_int64(self.raw, idx) },
.float => ColumnValue{ .float = sqlite3_column_double(self.raw, idx) },
.text => blk: {
const ret = sqlite3_column_text(self.raw, idx);
const len = sqlite3_column_bytes(self.raw, idx);
break :blk ColumnValue{ .text = ret[0..@intCast(usize, len)] };
.blob => blk: {
const ret = sqlite3_column_blob(self.raw, idx);
const len = sqlite3_column_bytes(self.raw, idx);
break :blk ColumnValue{ .blob = ret[0..@intCast(usize, len)] };
.@"null" => .@"null",
pub fn iter(self: @This(), comptime Template: type) Iterator(Template) {
return .{ .stmt = self };
pub fn next(self: @This(), comptime Template: type) !?Template {
if (!try self.step())
return null;
var ret: Template = undefined;
comptime const defs = std.meta.fields(Template);
inline for (defs) |field, i| {
@field(ret, = try self.get(i).as(field.field_type);
return ret;
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