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Created June 22, 2020 13:12
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Generated by XState Viz:
const machine = Machine(
id: "wizard",
initial: "nameEntry",
context: { values: {} },
states: {
nameEntry: {
on: {
target: "dobEntry",
actions: ["setValues"],
meta: {
step: 1,
dobEntry: {
on: {
BACK: "nameEntry",
NEXT: "phoneEntry",
meta: {
step: 2,
phoneEntry: {
on: {
BACK: "dobEntry",
NEXT: "addressEntry.hist",
meta: {
step: 3,
addressEntry: {
initial: "lookup",
states: {
lookup: {
on: {
FOUND: "manual",
FAILED: "manual",
MANUAL: "manual",
manual: {
on: {
ADD_PREVIOUS: "previous",
previous: {
on: {
hist: {
type: "history",
on: {
BACK: "phoneEntry",
NEXT: "confirmation",
meta: {
step: 4,
confirmation: {
on: {
EDIT_NAME: "nameEntry",
EDIT_DOB: "dobEntry",
EDIT_PHONE: "phoneEntry",
EDIT_ADDRESS: "addressEntry.hist",
EDIT_PREVIOUS_ADDRESS: "addressEntry.previous",
BACK: "addressEntry",
SAVE: "completed",
meta: {
step: 5,
completed: {
type: "final",
actions: {
setValues: assign({
values: (context, event) => ({ ...context.values, ...event.values }),
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