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Created June 29, 2022 21:29
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Bash script for listing the users who have access to a 1Password item
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Print the users who have access to a given 1Password item.
# Usage:
# 1pw-item-users "$ITEM_NAME"
# Note, the `op` tool must be authenticated before this command is run.
function main {
local item_name="$1"
# Determine the vault ID for the passed item.
local vault_id
vault_id=$(vault_id "$item_name")
# Print the unique emails from the combined lists of direct- and group-linked users.
(vault_direct_user_emails "$vault_id" ; vault_group_user_emails "$vault_id") | sort | uniq
# Print the vault ID for the given item name.
function vault_id {
op item get --format=json "$1" | jq -r ''
# Print a list of user emails who have DIRECT access to a vault (the vault ID is passed).
function vault_direct_user_emails {
op vault user list --format=json "$1" | jq -r '.[].email'
# Print a list of user emails who have GROUP access to a vault (the vault ID is passed).
function vault_group_user_emails {
op vault group list --format=json "$1" | jq -r '.[] | .id' | while read -r group_id;
op group user list --format=json "$group_id" | jq -r '.[].email';
main "$@"
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