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Last active March 2, 2017 13:56
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Save codelahoma/5716957 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using to process multiple result sets from a SQL Server instance.
;; Does not handle parametized queries for the
;; simple reason that I was dealing with a pre-formatted
;; string to call a stored procedure.
;; Feel free to fork and improve. :-)
(require '[ :as j]
'[ :as s])
(def db {:classname ""
:subprotocol "sqlserver"
:subname (db-connect-string :your-connect-string-here)})
(defn get-multiple-result-sets [cmd]
(j/with-connection db
(let [stmt (.createStatement (j/connection))]
(if (.execute stmt cmd)
(loop [rslt (into [] (j/result-set-seq (.getResultSet stmt)))]
(if (.getMoreResults stmt)
(recur (conj rslt (into [] (j/result-set-seq (.getResultSet stmt)))))
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amoe commented Mar 1, 2017

Great stuff, thanks!

The below version will handle parameters, set-parameters is just copied from the source.

(defn- set-parameters
  "Add the parameters to the given statement."
  [stmt params]
  (dorun (map-indexed (fn [ix value]
                        (jdbc/set-parameter value stmt (inc ix)))

(defn query-multiple [sql params]
  (jdbc/with-db-connection [c handle]
    (let [stmt (jdbc/prepare-statement (:connection c) sql)]
      (set-parameters stmt params)
      (if (.execute stmt)
        (loop [rslt [(into [] (jdbc/result-set-seq (.getResultSet stmt)))]]
          (if (.getMoreResults stmt)
            (recur (conj rslt (into [] (jdbc/result-set-seq (.getResultSet stmt)))))

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