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Created June 29, 2018 05:58
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  • Save codeleson/e0c8eb7c393a852bf72a1814a6763d5f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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how to use my url given below code http://localhost/xxx/yyy/
var DefaultDatatableDemo = {
init: function() {
data: {
type: "remote",
source: {
read: {
url: ""
pageSize: 20,
serverPaging: !0,
serverFiltering: !0,
serverSorting: !0
layout: {
theme: "default",
class: "",
scroll: !0,
height: 550,
footer: !1
sortable: !0,
filterable: !1,
pagination: !0,
search: {
input: $("#generalSearch")
columns: [{
field: "RecordID",
title: "#",
sortable: !1,
width: 40,
selector: {
class: "m-checkbox--solid m-checkbox--brand"
}, {
field: "OrderID",
title: "Order ID",
sortable: "asc",
filterable: !1,
width: 150,
template: "{{OrderID}} - {{ShipCountry}}"
}, {
field: "ShipCountry",
title: "Ship Country",
width: 150,
template: function(t) {
return t.ShipCountry + " - " + t.ShipCity
}, {
field: "ShipCity",
title: "Ship City",
sortable: !1
}, {
field: "ShipName",
title: "Ship Name",
width: 150,
responsive: {
visible: "lg"
}, {
field: "ShipAddress",
title: "Ship Address",
width: 200,
responsive: {
visible: "lg"
}, {
field: "CompanyEmail",
title: "Email",
width: 150,
responsive: {
visible: "lg"
}, {
field: "CompanyAgent",
title: "Agent",
responsive: {
visible: "lg"
}, {
field: "Notes",
title: "Notes",
width: 350
}, {
field: "Website",
title: "Website",
width: 200
}, {
field: "Currency",
title: "Currency",
width: 100
}, {
field: "Department",
title: "Department"
}, {
field: "ShipDate",
title: "Ship Date"
}, {
field: "TimeZone",
title: "Time Zone",
width: 150
}, {
field: "Status",
title: "Status",
width: 100,
locked: {
right: "xl"
template: function(t) {
var e = {
1: {
title: "Pending",
class: "m-badge--brand"
2: {
title: "Delivered",
class: " m-badge--metal"
3: {
title: "Canceled",
class: " m-badge--primary"
4: {
title: "Success",
class: " m-badge--success"
5: {
title: "Info",
class: " m-badge--info"
6: {
title: "Danger",
class: " m-badge--danger"
7: {
title: "Warning",
class: " m-badge--warning"
return '<span class="m-badge ' + e[t.Status].class + ' m-badge--wide">' + e[t.Status].title + "</span>"
}, {
field: "Type",
title: "Type",
width: 100,
template: function(t) {
var e = {
1: {
title: "Online",
state: "danger"
2: {
title: "Retail",
state: "primary"
3: {
title: "Direct",
state: "accent"
return '<span class="m-badge m-badge--' + e[t.Type].state + ' m-badge--dot"></span>&nbsp;<span class="m--font-bold m--font-' + e[t.Type].state + '">' + e[t.Type].title + "</span>"
}, {
field: "Actions",
width: 110,
title: "Actions",
sortable: !1,
locked: {
right: "xl"
overflow: "visible",
template: function(t, e, i) {
return '\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="dropdown ' + (i.getPageSize() - e <= 4 ? "dropup" : "") + '">\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="#" class="btn m-btn m-btn--hover-accent m-btn--icon m-btn--icon-only m-btn--pill" data-toggle="dropdown"> <i class="la la-ellipsis-h"></i> </a>\t\t\t\t\t\t \t<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">\t\t\t\t\t\t \t<a class="dropdown-item" href="#"><i class="la la-edit"></i> Edit Details</a>\t\t\t\t\t\t \t<a class="dropdown-item" href="#"><i class="la la-leaf"></i> Update Status</a>\t\t\t\t\t\t \t<a class="dropdown-item" href="#"><i class="la la-print"></i> Generate Report</a>\t\t\t\t\t\t \t</div>\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="#" class="m-portlet__nav-link btn m-btn m-btn--hover-accent m-btn--icon m-btn--icon-only m-btn--pill" title="Edit details">\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<i class="la la-edit"></i>\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href="#" class="m-portlet__nav-link btn m-btn m-btn--hover-danger m-btn--icon m-btn--icon-only m-btn--pill" title="Delete">\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<i class="la la-trash"></i>\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\t\t\t\t\t'
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
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