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Last active February 14, 2016 17:22
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An example of a decorated Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\DoctrineEventStoreAdapter that uses a shared database connection between write and read model. This can be useful if you want to avoid eventual consistency issues (only possible if same database is used for write/read).
namespace App\Infrastructure\EventStore;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Iterator;
use Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\Adapter;
use Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\Doctrine\DoctrineEventStoreAdapter;
use Prooph\EventStore\Exception\StreamNotFoundException;
use Prooph\EventStore\Stream\Stream;
use Prooph\EventStore\Stream\StreamName;
* Class DoctrineSharedConnectionAdapter
* Use a shared Doctrine\DBAL\Connection and don't forward transaction handling to it as the transaction is
* handled elsewhere.
* @package App\Infrastructure\EventStore
final class DoctrineSharedConnectionAdapter implements Adapter
* @var DoctrineEventStoreAdapter
private $doctrineEventStoreAdapter;
public function __construct(DoctrineEventStoreAdapter $adapter)
$this->doctrineEventStoreAdapter = $adapter;
* @param Stream $stream
* @return void
public function create(Stream $stream)
* @param StreamName $streamName
* @param Iterator $domainEvents
* @throws StreamNotFoundException If stream does not exist
* @return void
public function appendTo(StreamName $streamName, Iterator $domainEvents)
$this->doctrineEventStoreAdapter->appendTo($streamName, $domainEvents);
* @param StreamName $streamName
* @param null|int $minVersion Minimum version an event should have
* @return Stream|null
public function load(StreamName $streamName, $minVersion = null)
return $this->doctrineEventStoreAdapter->load($streamName, $minVersion);
* @param StreamName $streamName
* @param array $metadata If empty array is provided, then all events should be returned
* @param null|int $minVersion Minimum version an event should have
* @return Iterator
public function loadEvents(StreamName $streamName, array $metadata = [], $minVersion = null)
return $this->doctrineEventStoreAdapter->loadEvents($streamName, $metadata, $minVersion);
* @param StreamName $streamName
* @param DateTimeInterface|null $since
* @param array $metadata
* @return Iterator
public function replay(StreamName $streamName, DateTimeInterface $since = null, array $metadata = [])
return $this->doctrineEventStoreAdapter->replay($streamName, $since, $metadata);
namespace App\Infrastructure\EventStore;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\Doctrine\DoctrineEventStoreAdapter;
final class DoctrineSharedConnectionAdapterFactory
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container)
return new DoctrineSharedConnectionAdapter($container->get(DoctrineEventStoreAdapter::class));
return [
'prooph' => [
'event_store' => [
'plugins' => [
'adapter' => [
//Drop in replacement for the normal DoctrineEventStoreAdapter
'type' => \App\Infrastructure\EventStore\DoctrineSharedConnectionAdapter::class,
'options' => [
//Shared doctrine connection passed to DoctrineEventStoreAdapter as well as used to populate read model
'connection_alias' => 'doctrine.connection.default',
'user_collection' => [
'repository_class' => \App\Infrastructure\Repository\EventStoreUserCollection::class,
'aggregate_type' => \App\Model\User\User::class,
'aggregate_translator' => \Prooph\EventSourcing\EventStoreIntegration\AggregateTranslator::class
namespace App\Http;
use App\Infrastructure\Repository\EventStoreUserCollection;
use App\Model\User\User;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Prooph\Common\Event\ActionEvent;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\TextResponse;
final class RegisterUser
* @var EventStoreUserCollection
private $userCollection;
* @var Connection
private $connection;
public function __construct(EventStoreUserCollection $userCollection, Connection $connection) {
$this->userCollection = $userCollection;
$this->connection = $connection;
public function __invoke(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
$eventStore = $this->userCollection->getEventStore();
//Emulate transaction manager, open both: database and event store transaction as they are no longer the same
try {
$user = User::register('1', 'John Doe');
//Normal usage of prooh/event-store repository
$userWasRegistered = null;
//Fake a read model projector
$eventStore->getActionEventEmitter()->attachListener('', function(ActionEvent $event) use (&$userWasRegistered) {
$recordedEvents = iterator_to_array($event->getParam('recordedEvents'));
$userWasRegistered = $recordedEvents[0];
//First commit event store transaction so that "" gets triggered
//Our fake projector has received the event, we can populuate the read model
$this->connection->insert('users', ['id' => $userWasRegistered->userId(), 'name' => $userWasRegistered->username()]);
//Now commit database transaction to persist both: UserWasRegistered event in "event_stream" and user data in the table "users"
} catch (\Exception $e) {
//Only roll back database transaction, event-store roll back is not possible as it is not needed and would throw an exception
throw $e;
return new TextResponse('it works');
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