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Last active November 13, 2021 00:41
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more assorted TERFs
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"id": 44393,
"screen_name": "oopsmeera",
"name": "Drink Coffee and Punch Morons",
"description": "Hairy Atheist Feminazi. Chronic Retweeter. I will block you.",
"location": "Chennai, India"
"id": 350483,
"screen_name": "valkyrierisen",
"name": "Valkyrie Risen",
"description": "Social Justice Valkyrie, WoW\u0026GW2 gamer; liberally progressive veteran, solitary pagan, gender critical feminist, #BLM supporter",
"location": "mainland usa"
"id": 664903,
"screen_name": "princessleia",
"name": "@--@",
"description": "fuck this imperialist bullshit",
"location": "adult human female"
"id": 772582,
"screen_name": "cdn_445",
"name": "Informed Pureblood",
"description": "",
"location": "North Shore Lake Ontario"
"id": 784331,
"screen_name": "tonyander",
"name": "Tony \u201cTexit\u201d Anderson \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Patriot, Self-employed, options trader and Chiefs fan. I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as quick as I could. #MAGA",
"location": "Allen, TX"
"id": 972811,
"screen_name": "Harlem",
"name": "Harlem",
"description": "America First! Patriot. MAGA. $XRP, $VET, $HBAR, $HOT, $ADA. $QNT, $XLM, $ALGO, $SHIB, $SNDL $AMC. \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\ude80\ud83d\udc8e\ud83d\udc50\ud83d\udcb5\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaf. LOVE CONQUERS ALL",
"location": "The Universe"
"id": 1354481,
"screen_name": "surfsalterpath",
"name": "surfsalterpath - #FightBACK",
"description": "Stay FAR away from ebay! #ebaySUCKS\ncommon sense\ud83c\udfc4\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\n#DRAINtheSWAMP\n#WakeUPAmerica",
"location": "salter path"
"id": 1371191,
"screen_name": "adi",
"name": "Adi\u2615\ufe0f",
"description": "\ud83d\udcc8\ud83c\udfc0 | \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea | \u00af\\_(\u30c4)_/\u00af #RepealTheSecondAmendment",
"location": ""
"id": 2097471,
"screen_name": "Histrel",
"name": "Histrel \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Words can be doves or bullets, choose wisely. Reader, writer, idealist, geek, and creator of two life forms. Working on a PhD in Sociology. INFP histrel#7231",
"location": "England"
"id": 2234711,
"screen_name": "Foehammer",
"name": "Foehammer\ud83d\udee1\ufe0f",
"description": "[Retired Account] Angry American | Rabble-rouser | Cage-rattler | Nationalist | Truther | Renaissance man | #AltRight | #EndTheFed |#WhiteGenocide. \u2694\ufe0f\ud83d\udc38\ud83c\udff0\udb40\udc75\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc78\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Secluded cement bunker, TX."
"id": 2829741,
"screen_name": "hcoj__",
"name": "HCOJ",
"description": "Citizen of nowhere. Anti-anti-woke.",
"location": "London"
"id": 2980661,
"screen_name": "incogknitter",
"name": "Jo \ud83d\udd78\ufe0f",
"description": "editor, writer, aspiring polyglot. radfem knitter geek. RT=remember, research, respond",
"location": ""
"id": 2982371,
"screen_name": "kaleida",
"name": "HeLin",
"description": "Editora de V\u00eddeo venida a menos. Cuidando de mi beb\u00e9 since 2019. RadFem. || \u201cAfirmaciones extraordinarias requieren explicaciones extraordinarias\u201d Carl Sagan.",
"location": "Llinars del Vall\u00e8s, Espa\u00f1a"
"id": 3066061,
"screen_name": "E_jeck",
"name": "Superstraight Mr. E \u2b1b\ud83d\udfe7",
"description": "Enjoying the breaths I take. Exposing those who seek to sow discord amongst brothers.\nI Choose Policy Over Party.\n2+2=4\nPronouns: Lord Master/My Sovereign",
"location": "The world"
"id": 3084761,
"screen_name": "DoMonChoo",
"name": "Joe Means",
"description": "Slow to the #MAGA party. I kinda get it now.",
"location": "The Real Phoenix"
"id": 3203071,
"screen_name": "ladydaventry",
"name": "Stefosaurus \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "LX | trainer | \u2708\ufe0f | stop felling trees | adult human female \ud83d\ude43 | YAWN | In the Wrong Crowd | My adjective is Fab-u-lous",
"location": "Buckinghamshire"
"id": 3417351,
"screen_name": "Gayla",
"name": "Gayla",
"description": "Coffee-drinking \u2615\ufe0f, opinionated, political junkie \u0026 22+ years Internet pro. Wife to Gus, #TwinMom, Noni to 8. #TrumpWon #ImpeachBiden",
"location": "USA"
"id": 5339682,
"screen_name": "sgliser",
"name": "Shane \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "family man, and all around geek,\npatriot, anti-woke, chaotic good",
"location": "Kansas City, MO"
"id": 5396782,
"screen_name": "sortedinnit",
"name": "Megaterfosaurus",
"description": "I am Adult Human Female - hear me roar!",
"location": ""
"id": 5404752,
"screen_name": "fritson",
"name": "Fred F Delshad",
"description": "One Humanity, Liberty, Music, \u0026 Humor. #TrumpWon #SaveAmerica #TrumpNESARA1KYearsOfAbaundance. #Truthseeker #TrumpRescuedOver3MMChildern #WalkAway \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc96\ud83d\ude00\ud83c\udf37",
"location": "Santa Monica"
"id": 5539902,
"screen_name": "JeffQuinton",
"name": "Jeff Quinton",
"description": "Catholic, husband, dad, vet, SC native, fmr intel analyst, pro-life, writer, history buff. Opinions are my own.",
"location": "Baltimore, MD"
"id": 6136962,
"screen_name": "janeayres",
"name": "Jane Ayres \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Interested in environmental, socialist, feminist \ud83d\udd78 and human rights issues",
"location": "Derbyshire"
"id": 6245302,
"screen_name": "mrprolife",
"name": "Louis Croix",
"description": "It is a poverty that a child must die, So that you may live as you wish-Mother Teresa ~I thank my mother for raising me #prolife",
"location": ""
"id": 6268872,
"screen_name": "KeithMillsD7",
"name": "Keith Mills",
"description": "Dublin based proud Limerick man. Current affairs/politics commentator. I mute people with pronouns in their bio.\nToo hot for the @ireland account!\n#sexnotgender",
"location": "Limerick \u0026 Dublin, Ireland"
"id": 6292562,
"screen_name": "Joesgolfing",
"name": "Joseph Sullivan",
"description": "Dad, Believer, Truth Seeker, Former crime fighter, Sommelier. Chiro. #Trump2020, #naturalimmunity.",
"location": "Italy/ US"
"id": 6309062,
"screen_name": "Tantrumfly",
"name": "Ruth Richards-Hill \u267f\u2640\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc3e",
"description": "Saffa, Israeli, British, Lesbian. #disabled activist, Digital Strategist, Agitator, Mum and Ouma. GC feminist, Genesis 1:27 #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Wales"
"id": 6468622,
"screen_name": "Indy_Sinead",
"name": "Sinead Corr",
"description": "Don't try and kid a kidder. #NoThankYou",
"location": "Essex"
"id": 6622732,
"screen_name": "Mike1222",
"name": "mike w",
"description": "Retired to Sunny Devon to drink red wine and be grumpy. Ex-squadie, pro Brexit, anti PC. Just an ordinary British bloke, oh, and a grandad.",
"location": ""
"id": 6622882,
"screen_name": "juergenhoebarth",
"name": "Juergen Hoebarth \ud83d\udd34\ud83d\udfe2\u26ab\u26aa#7050",
"description": "#NFTART #NFT #CRYPTOART #ARTIST #BROKERAGE #NFT #ART owner of \u0026 Member of the",
"location": "Austria - Hong Kong - UAE"
"id": 6892312,
"screen_name": "helenlewis",
"name": "Helen Lewis",
"description": "Staff writer: @theAtlantic. Author: Difficult Women. Presenter: BBC Radio 4's The Spark. Contact me via Tweets auto-destruct.",
"location": ""
"id": 6961462,
"screen_name": "bunnygalore714",
"name": "Bunnyknows \ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc3b",
"description": "LEO Family member #1A #2A All Lives Matter.",
"location": "WITSEC"
"id": 7075582,
"screen_name": "trasie",
"name": "Tracey Braun",
"description": "Settler/Treaty7; Bi\ud83c\udf08; She/They; Radical Feminist Witch; Geeker Girl; Salesforce Certified Professional; Nonprofit Activist; Community Builder.",
"location": "Calgary, Alberta, Canada"
"id": 7440482,
"screen_name": "Salt5792",
"name": "Dick Reed",
"description": "Retired. Like travel, surfing the web, fishing, sailing. #MAGA, #KAG, Trump supporter, former US Naval Aviator, current patriot, Blue Lives Matter",
"location": "Dallas, Texas, USA"
"id": 7498162,
"screen_name": "spongey",
"name": "Adam",
"description": "Generous, loving and real. I\u2019m an adult human male with an independent mind.",
"location": "Buffalo, NY"
"id": 7622102,
"screen_name": "memobug",
"name": "Dr Ouchie \u270b\ud83c\udffcmemobug\ud83e\udd1a\ud83c\udffc",
"description": "\u201cPeacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.\u201d Donald J. Trump #MAGAA #FJB #IFBAP",
"location": ""
"id": 8032892,
"screen_name": "seneca",
"name": "Thoroughly Moderna Millie \ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udc89",
"description": "No employer wants my views. GloboHomo. He/Him \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\u264f\ufe0f #FuckCancer. STAY HOME. hobbies include being obnoxious and rage sighing through masks.",
"location": "Highland Park, TX"
"id": 8129032,
"screen_name": "PRAISETRIUNEGOD",
"name": "#DEFENDtheUNBORN ! \ud83d\udc76\ud83d\udc63\ud83d\udc7c\ud83c\udf39\ud83e\udd40\ud83c\udfb5\ud83c\udfb6\u271d\ufe0f\u26ea\ud83d\ude4f\u2665\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#JesusChrist\u26ea\u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4fShiningLight\ud83d\udc70\ud83d\udc8d\ud83d\udc91 ! #TrumpWon #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Twitter backed down, #AshliBabbit \u2764#proLife\ud83d\udc76\ud83d\udc7c#AbortionIsMental-Illness",
"location": "#Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 8208672,
"screen_name": "jammach",
"name": "Gavin Barrie \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc15\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\udc6c\ud83c\udfae \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "CIS is offensive, same Sex attracted Whovian, partnered, doggy dad, @foescotland \u0026 SNP member, Pagan. Unashamed feminist \u0026 #LBGT ally. #NowScotland 1186",
"location": "Edinburgh, Scotland"
"id": 8705442,
"screen_name": "defrost",
"name": "BJM\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "Gender identity is religion. Self-ID erases women, lesbians and single-sex spaces. Puberty blockers and elective surgery is child abuse. No/Thank/You",
"location": ""
"id": 8793352,
"screen_name": "brandootr",
"name": "@brandootr on Gab",
"description": "I'm all for capital punishment. Everyone in the capital ought to be punished - Fred G Sanford #DFS #ESO #MAGA",
"location": "KC"
"id": 9083942,
"screen_name": "ypbrian",
"name": "ypbrian",
"description": "I LOVE God, my Family and my country!!#MAGA",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 9267212,
"screen_name": "Zachariahskylab",
"name": "Space Cadet Skylab",
"description": "In the immortal words of Commisioner Pravin Lal,\n\u201cBeware he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart, he dreams himself your master.\"",
"location": "XY chromosomes "
"id": 9287122,
"screen_name": "emerson_chris",
"name": "Emerson \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Jesus Christ is King. #AmericaFirst",
"location": ""
"id": 9329792,
"screen_name": "keepheaux",
"name": "tulkus",
"description": "I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter Pronouns: Beep/Bop/Boop #superstraight Veteran of the Meme Wars 2008 - 2016",
"location": "\ud83e\udd21\ud83c\udf0e"
"id": 9456912,
"screen_name": "tinab158",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Tina \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Conservative . 2A . Pro Law Enforcement . America First . Patriot",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 10291752,
"screen_name": "Opticheart",
"name": "Dawn \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Just trying to keep it real in life and on the Internet! I identify as the gender I was born as! #IStandWithJKRowling #SuperStraight Tweets are my own.",
"location": "The end of the world!"
"id": 10642142,
"screen_name": "dresserlook",
"name": "Meri. \ud83e\udd9b\ud83d\udc18\ud83e\udda5\ud83d\udda4",
"description": "Adult human female. Middle-aged nerd. Vegan cat mom. Pro-democracy. Reader. Lover of comedy. Hail Satan. Animal Crossing: SW-0706-9026-6317 - I NEED FRIENDS.",
"location": "Virginia Beach, VA"
"id": 11102352,
"screen_name": "AndyWendt",
"name": "Andy Wendt",
"description": "Ohio Constitutionalist, Christian, Highly Flawed. #Security #History #Tech #Science #2a #ProLife Second Home Is - Opinions Are My Own",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 11447982,
"screen_name": "Rickmayhem",
"name": "DeplorablePittBull\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f",
"description": "Give me #liberty or give me death, in 240 characters or less! #God #USAPatriot #scrapper #FreedomFighter #economics #NRA #prolife #bullysoldier #endBSL #infidel",
"location": "4 on floorW/Bubba ridn shotgun"
"id": 11622712,
"screen_name": "JDRucker",
"name": "JD Rucker",
"description": "#Christian. Husband. Father. EIC - NOQ Report. Co-Founder - @freedomfirstnet. Editor - Pro-Life. Pro-2A. Pro-Israel. #AmericaFirst.",
"location": "Orange County, CA"
"id": 11650342,
"screen_name": "mumblefuzz",
"name": "John M. \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Temporarily identifying as a woman as I'm not getting enough abuse here. Pronouns: same. Figure that out!",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 11800052,
"screen_name": "jasonmackenzie",
"name": "Jason MacKenzie",
"description": "Consultant | strategist | campaigner. Visiting Fellow @BCUmedia | Rep\u2019d by @Speaker_Bureau | Former President @CIPR_Global | own views. Chromosomes XY.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 11917342,
"screen_name": "lynnhowlett",
"name": "Mother Trumper",
"description": "Born for these times. Fire-breathing Patriot. Solo Mom Raising 3 Public-Serving, God loving Pats. LET\u2019S GOOO! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Western New York"
"id": 11972192,
"screen_name": "WarDamnGray",
"name": "Gray (World Series Champs \ud83c\udfc6)",
"description": "Barner \u0026 Outspoken @AuburnU Alum | War Damn Eagle | #ChopOn | #LiveMusic | #2A | #AmericaFirst | Forever Grateful | #ATLUTD | Philosopher/Visionary",
"location": "Atlanta"
"id": 12253342,
"screen_name": "CTpatriot1776",
"name": "Great American patriot",
"description": "#CCPVirus survivor, child of a LEGAL immigrant, #MAGA, 2008 Obama voter, #WalkAwayFromDemocratsForever, triathlete \ud83d\uddfd",
"location": "CT"
"id": 12317802,
"screen_name": "Ribbonphobia",
"name": "Ribbon \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 12345362,
"screen_name": "PedanticBohemia",
"name": "Jacqui L. Landry is a #NastyWoman\ud83d\ude37\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udf0e\ud83d\udd96\u270d\ud83d\udcda\u267f\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc08\u264a",
"description": "\ud83d\udeabNo DMs\ud83d\udeab #Author #WritingCommunity #RESIST #FBR #BLM #SCIENCE #Vaxxed #LGBT #Atheist #Disabled\u267f #Cajun\u269c #ENFP #RadFem #Bi #USNavy\u2693#Cats\ud83d\ude3b #Trek\ud83d\udd96#Hamilton",
"location": "Whidbey Island Washington, USA"
"id": 12806102,
"screen_name": "elisabethrobson",
"name": "Elisabeth Robson \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 12896172,
"screen_name": "littlebytesnews",
"name": "Patty \ud83c\udf3b\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf35",
"description": "SAHM/blogger;tweet abt politics to parenting\u0026everything in btwn(feed) #prolife #vaxed\ud83d\udeab#COVID19 mandates #news Contribute/Subscribe",
"location": "USA"
"id": 12986842,
"screen_name": "jkrauss",
"name": "jkrauss",
"description": "Providing expertise in PBL and computing. Coauthor of Reinventing PBL, Thinking through PBL, and Computational Thinking and Coding for Every Student.",
"location": "Eugene, OR"
"id": 13072382,
"screen_name": "AkkadianAngel",
"name": "\u1d05\u1d31\u0493\u028f\u1d00\u0274\u1d1b ~\u2022\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\u2022~",
"description": "#\ud835\udca2\ud835\udc5c\ud835\udcb9\u212c\ud835\udcc1\ud835\udc52\ud835\udcc8\ud835\udcc8\u2020 \ud83c\udd83\ud83c\udd81\ud83c\udd84\ud83c\udd7c\ud83c\udd7f2020\u221e \ud83d\ude82 #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2022 \"AlreadyWon!\" \ud83d\ude4f \u2022 #KAG\ud83e\udd85 \u201c\ud835\udc0f\ud835\udc2b\ud835\udc28\ud835\udc2d\ud835\udc1e\ud835\udc1c\ud835\udc2d \ud835\udc2d\ud835\udc21\ud835\udc1e \ud835\udc08\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc28\ud835\udc1c\ud835\udc1e\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc2d\u201c \ud83c\udf0e\ud83c\udf3f\ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udc63\ud83d\udd4a",
"location": "Amoris, Lux, et Veritas"
"id": 13133342,
"screen_name": "bwilliam46",
"name": "Bryan William",
"description": "Conservative tax payer; small govt, less govt intrusion. Support @realDonaldTrump , @kayleighmcenany, and @GovRonDeSantis. Abolish the Unconstitutional CFPB",
"location": "United States"
"id": 13139342,
"screen_name": "TexasRPhJD",
"name": "DrMariaEnriqueta-Mendoza MS JD RxD",
"description": "Christian ProLife Proud1stGenAmerican Mom Conservative Attorney Pharmacist AmericanNotMexAmer Catholic Longhorn NRA #2A GSDMom \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8IStand",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 13283002,
"screen_name": "HunterRay",
"name": "Son of Liberty",
"description": "Constitutionalist. Former Volunteer Fire Fighter. God-fearing Believer. Freedom Lover. 2nd Amendment Supporter. Born a Proud Texan. #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Land of the Free "
"id": 13424892,
"screen_name": "Biz_Shrink",
"name": "Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes",
"description": "Political Psychologist \u0026 CEO Strategy Firm Fmr. Global V. P. Republicans Overseas/Republican Commentator @BBC World @Sky @CNBC @CNN Breitbart #MAGA",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 13544232,
"screen_name": "JeffHReynolds",
"name": "Jeff H Reynolds - Outspoken Texas Conservative",
"description": "Conservative Native Texan. A Scalia Originalist to the core - #TexasIndependence #KAG #BackTheBlue #StatesRights #2ndAmendment #ProLife #Trump",
"location": ""
"id": 13570282,
"screen_name": "idomains",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Chris. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud835\udc14\ud835\udc12\ud835\udc00 \ud835\udc08\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc1c.\u2122 \ud83d\ude07\u2095\u2092\u2097\u1d67\u209b\u2095\u1d62\u209c.\ud835\udcb8\u2092\u2098",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7 \ud835\udce6\ud835\udcee \ud835\udcfd\ud835\udcf1\ud835\udcee \ud835\udcdf\ud835\udcee\ud835\udcf8\ud835\udcf9\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcee\nMy filter is broken. Ride at your own risk.\nSerious News and/or Funny Shit\nUnapologetically..Trump. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TrumpWon #TheBigLie",
"location": "Paradise, NV"
"id": 13631372,
"screen_name": "rynnster",
"name": "rynnster",
"description": "Pro UK, pro Brexit, pro freedom, anti-SNP, anti Socialism, anti big government. Twitter is my therapy channel for occasional thoughts rants and observations.",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 14084147,
"screen_name": "GorillaToe",
"name": "Conservatives build, unite \u0026 move the country fwd",
"description": "Pro-life gay Catholic, NRA Life member, pro-Military \u0026 Law Enforcement. God makes it all possible. No DeMs",
"location": ""
"id": 14088007,
"screen_name": "PeterOuld",
"name": "Peter Ould (Morecambe / Wise) \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Husband, Father, Principal Consultant @FICO, Anglo-Austrian, (Turbulent) CofE Priest, Psephologist, Deeper Magic from before the Dawn of Time, Adult Human Male",
"location": "Canterbury, UK"
"id": 14090627,
"screen_name": "austinguy87",
"name": "FJB \ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b\ufe0f",
"description": "pronouns Nor/mal \ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 14097516,
"screen_name": "cubedreamer",
"name": "Magdalen Berns Dr. CubedreamerXX\ud83d\udd78\ufe0f",
"description": "#SuperLesbian, exclusively. Philogynist. Nature girl in Oregon. Gender critical atheist. Now fully vaccinated including booster!!!",
"location": "Oregon, USA"
"id": 14100070,
"screen_name": "MirandaNewsom",
"name": "Miranda #IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "Adult human female.",
"location": "London"
"id": 14119324,
"screen_name": "RobDee66",
"name": "Rob B Dee",
"description": "Proud Gay Man Stan Smith is my hero\n#Gaynotqueer\n#sexnotgender",
"location": "Salem, OR"
"id": 14123868,
"screen_name": "Ramseytch1",
"name": "Intothestorm",
"description": "There's a storm coming...Don\u2019t run. Don\u2019t avoid it. Don\u2019t hope it goes away. Take it head on. God, family \u0026 dogs! #Patriot #Godsnotdead #MAGA",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 14125751,
"screen_name": "Larkers",
"name": "Larkers",
"description": "Adult human female",
"location": ""
"id": 14130459,
"screen_name": "weewaa_mommy",
"name": "jamie",
"description": "Joy-filled mommy to our lovely daughter; wife to my beloved husband @AdlerClint; devoted Catholic and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ; ProLife always!",
"location": "anchorage, alaska"
"id": 14140467,
"screen_name": "ajaybb",
"name": "Ajay B\u00f6hr \ud83d\udfe5 \ud83d\udd77 \u26a2 INPL",
"description": "Retired CIO, dyke, parent, life-long learner, atheist, gender abolitionist, radical feminist. Reality and truth matter.",
"location": "Breasclete, Outer Hebrides"
"id": 14152636,
"screen_name": "Borghesia",
"name": "Borghesia",
"description": "Niet westers allochtoon, nostalgisch over de jaren '80, hekel aan lange tenen en verborgen agenda's, anti woke.",
"location": "The Netherlands"
"id": 14176989,
"screen_name": "bravcmo",
"name": "BR\u039bVCMO \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#maga #patriot #conservative. cue the champions of Individual Liberty and Justice for All. Congress: @mo4ca. Vlog: @americasNewC",
"location": "USA"
"id": 14177719,
"screen_name": "sapatardia",
"name": "\u25bc\u00e9rica\u25bckeks\u25bcsapa tardia\u25bc #MarcoTemporalN\u00c3O",
"description": "feminista abolicionista \u26a2 #lesbiannotqueer // 40 // SP/SP aqui eu defendo crian\u00e7a, dou uma biscoitada e morro de amores pela namorada.",
"location": "S\u00e3o Paulo"
"id": 14192667,
"screen_name": "Slayur",
"name": "Slayur",
"description": "Prof. TV/Radio Ops tech. Musician/songwriter/Producer/ engineer. \"Nemo sine arcus solem\" I don't play games, I play guitar.\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #Realdonaldtrump #KAG",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 14194623,
"screen_name": "Brel",
"name": "Gay Sheuvara \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Its whorendous!!",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 14219959,
"screen_name": "Inez023",
"name": "Inez023",
"description": "Love all lives. Love \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf1 and \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddf0 Fan of @BBB. Colour blind. Long Covid. P\u0337e\u0337o\u0337p\u0337l\u0337e\u0337 \ud83d\udc49 \ud83c\udd46\ud83c\udd3e\ud83c\udd3c\ud83c\udd30\ud83c\udd3d. Anti Woke/Drugs/religion/racism. Not all people are equal.",
"location": "Denmark \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddf0"
"id": 14263087,
"screen_name": "poast",
"name": "poast variant \ud83d\udde3\ufe0f",
"description": "patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udcaa#MAGA / it's Nuremberg time! 8.10-12 is gonna be wild! pronouns: none/ya",
"location": "Cincinnati, OH, USA!!"
"id": 14267464,
"screen_name": "billwowdotcom",
"name": "BillNorthCountry",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8freedom #BillsMafia #patriot #maga freedom \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8; //Are some still mad Hillary lost to Trump in 2016?// ;twice #twitterPurge",
"location": "Wadhams, NY"
"id": 14268323,
"screen_name": "sandy4409",
"description": "\"Slack-Jawed-Yokel\" Patriot! - pro Trump MAGA! Biden will never be my President! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude4f(@Sandy4409 on Gettr, Gab)",
"location": "WV US"
"id": 14276260,
"screen_name": "erodik",
"name": "SavageJew",
"description": "A man (X and Y chromosomes and all). A patriot. NOT a snowflake. Love USA. Love Israel and the Jewish people.",
"location": ""
"id": 14280988,
"screen_name": "annelogged",
"name": "Anne",
"description": "What is this thing? Who are you people? #WearAMask \ud83d\udd96 #NoWarButClassWar \ud83c\udf39#WeCanDoBetterThanCapitalism \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 #SexNotGender",
"location": "Best Lafayette, Indiana"
"id": 14281430,
"screen_name": "nepeta",
"name": "nepeta",
"description": "#RadFem #Atheist #Freediver #Childfree #Abolitionist #Vegetarian #AntiMonarchy #ProAbortion #AntiPorn #CrazyCatLady #StayAtHome",
"location": "T\u00edas, Spanien"
"id": 14288040,
"screen_name": "glo_diz",
"name": "lil",
"description": "Beautiful hodag. Radical feminist. I speak PT:BR, EN:US, IT and I would love to meet radical feminists from other countries.",
"location": "Brazil "
"id": 14289114,
"screen_name": "jonathonenelson",
"name": "Jonathon Nelson",
"description": "President, Auctus Agency | The Brand Activation Agency #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Edina, MN"
"id": 14291830,
"screen_name": "mwendling",
"name": "mike wendling",
"description": "Editor @BBCTrending and @BBCNews team investigating disinfo - Author: Alt-Right: From 4chan to the White House - #billsmafia -",
"location": "London"
"id": 14308741,
"screen_name": "BCSTEMinist",
"name": "Kelly Tina \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "Computer Geek \ud83d\udcbb Radical Feminist \ud83d\ude4b Liberal \ud83d\uddfd Black Sheep of the Family \ud83d\udc0f Expect to be ignored if you have a new account.",
"location": "British Columbia"
"id": 14331286,
"screen_name": "[SUSPENDED]",
"name": "\ud835\udd89\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd8a \ud835\udd92\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd97\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd8a",
"description": "Strategist.\nMinimalist.\nAngryWoman. \u2764\ufe0f Animals \ud83d\udd95 Idiots \ud83d\ude80 E39 \ud83d\udc60 Feminism ||| Beauty is easy to love.\nShow me your dark side. ||| #vegan #radfem \ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ud83d\udfe9",
"location": ""
"id": 14331418,
"screen_name": "Lionessque",
"name": "Lionessque \ud83e\udd81 #EndJewHatred",
"description": "Books are for breathing | Woman, straight, no gender, one's cis | Jew, proud Zionist \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \u05e2\u05dd \u05d9\u05e9\u05e8\u05d0\u05dc \u05d7\u05d9 | Centrist | I\u2764\ufe0fJKR | No to the 2030s and Wokezakistan",
"location": "Southern Europe"
"id": 14337904,
"screen_name": "randyburke",
"name": "BILL OF RIGHTS",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservatarian, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Constitution, Bill of Rights, Proud American\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #KAG Proud Papa of 3 awesome grandkids! #thepatriotparty",
"location": ""
"id": 14379951,
"screen_name": "Israel4evalways",
"name": "Israel4evalways",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#AmericanNationalist\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1#AmericanZionist\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#AbolishSlavery\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#AbolishAbortion\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#TrumpWon2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#PrayForIsrael\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "United States"
"id": 14393682,
"screen_name": "RightofCenter13",
"name": "Traditional at \u2764",
"description": "Christian, Constitutional conservative. Awake, not woke. #MAGA #KAG #DraintheSwamp Letr#17 Twit jail took 1k followers. If I follow you, please fb.",
"location": "United States. I follow back."
"id": 14394358,
"screen_name": "Robert_B",
"name": "Robert B",
"description": "Politically Incorrect, Patriot, Free Speech Advocate, Christian, Father, Truth Slinger, Proud Capitalist. Not afraid of BLM BS. #MAGA #KAG #2A #LiveFreeorDie",
"location": "United States"
"id": 14395334,
"screen_name": "lenadoppel",
"name": "Lena Doppel-Prix \ud83d\udd96\ud83c\udffc",
"description": "digital strategist | educator, writer, speaker, consultant | \u201echauvinistic feminist\u201c \u00a9 some PoMo idiots from Leipzig",
"location": "Vienna, Austria"
"id": 14397758,
"screen_name": "mikeymd",
"name": "Mickev",
"description": "@MikeyMD is a physician from the 3rd world. Likes: martial arts, electronic \u0026 tabletop games, anti-wokeness, pop culture, pro-wrestling. Beep/bop/boop",
"location": "Republik der Philippinen"
"id": 14431987,
"screen_name": "sarahditum",
"name": "Sarah Ditum",
"description": "Go ahead and light me up \ud83d\udd25\nJournalist (Times, ST, UnHerd, Guardian, The Critic) Agent: @littlehardman\nNewletter:",
"location": "Bath, UK"
"id": 14447468,
"screen_name": "thisisjames",
"name": "thisisjames",
"description": "Tweeting since 08. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 14460432,
"screen_name": "brettdbass",
"name": "Just this guy who likes Sci Fi \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Brett IRL. Nerd. Skeptic. Chromosomes XY.\n@jeffnoon nut + Iain M Banks, Douglas Adams, Alien, Farscape, Doctor Who.\nAlso, my music:-\n",
"location": "Leicester, England"
"id": 14467915,
"screen_name": "danielle760",
"name": "Choctaw Dani",
"description": "Committed Christian, Proud CDIB Choctaw, Proud supporter of Trump #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 14535637,
"screen_name": "Slidster",
"name": "Slidster",
"description": "#Trump2020 #WWGAWG1 #KAG2020 @POTUS The best President to Save America from the Lunatic, corrupt DemonRats! @SpeakerPelosi is a virus \ud83e\udda0 Parler\ud83d\udc49 Slidster",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 14537389,
"screen_name": "SlackerX",
"name": "SlackerX",
"description": "Retired Marine #MAGA\n#QVArmy\n",
"location": "Arkansas, USA"
"id": 14538507,
"screen_name": "jimflanagan",
"name": "Neanderthal Jim Flanagan",
"description": "#WeThePeople #Trump #MAGA #1A #2A President Trump Looks the American people directly in the eye. On Parler and Gab and GETTR at same handle. @jimflanagan",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 14543022,
"screen_name": "raypettersen",
"name": "raypettersen",
"description": "Advocate for free speech.\nAnti woke, anti Identity politics, anti big-tech.\nAlso a keen football-fan. Leeds United.",
"location": "Norway"
"id": 14548285,
"screen_name": "crafty_terf",
"name": "Jacqueline Chn\u00e9our",
"description": "Freelance literary translator, born-again knitter/crocheter. Radical feminist (2nd wave) \u0026 GC from birth.",
"location": "London"
"id": 14549517,
"screen_name": "meliagante",
"name": "Julie Francis \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "Random musings of a widowed pilgrim soul dancing along the shorelines of independence after an early escape from teaching...",
"location": "Ashby de la Zouch"
"id": 14557357,
"screen_name": "TheMightyBrocks",
"name": "Brockster",
"description": "Human female. Likes to be left alone.",
"location": "Exeter, UK"
"id": 14559721,
"screen_name": "stinchfield1776",
"name": "Grant Stinchfield",
"description": "Radio and Newsmax TV Host. NRA Member and #MAGA Champion. The mission is to expose idiocracy. (Views are my own, feel free to adopt them.)",
"location": "Dallas, TX"
"id": 14569753,
"screen_name": "BIOBDGUY",
"name": "BioBusDevGuy",
"description": "Conservative first. #MAGA Will not suffer fools that believe socialism, communist structures are the direction for America.",
"location": ""
"id": 14574475,
"screen_name": "mtmccarrie",
"name": "\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8mtmccarrie\u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0fmy hubby, son \u0026 family, \ud83d\ude4fRN\ud83e\ude7a, \u2764\ufe0fmy\ud83d\udc36\u2764\ufe0fmy country\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\uddfd, diehard Villanova\ud83c\udfc0\u26f9\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0ffan,\ud83d\udc99BackTheBlue\ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2642\ufe0f#MAGA#BoycottTheNFL",
"location": "Pennsylvania, USA"
"id": 14588916,
"screen_name": "mjrod",
"name": "MJ \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Senior Software Engineer, #EMAW Disciple, Lifelong Steelers Fan, US Army Vet, Conservative, Man Made Climate Change skeptic, America First",
"location": ""
"id": 14590687,
"screen_name": "freedomcanada78",
"name": "Freedom Canada \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"description": "I took the red pill. Glad you\u2019re cool with the blue. Pro-Life, Pro-Choice.",
"location": ""
"id": 14600495,
"screen_name": "ChrisTSlattery",
"name": "Chris Slattery",
"description": "Bold NYC ProLife leader BS Mgmt; MS Psychology #Catholic #BostonCollege #UnivOfDurham #DivineMercyUniv",
"location": "New York City"
"id": 14615037,
"screen_name": "Bascum99",
"name": "Dave Murrell",
"description": "Christian\ud83d\ude4fConstitutional Conservative\ud83d\udc18Drummer\ud83e\udd41, NRA #NashvilleStrong #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAGA #ILOVEJESUS #GunOwner #GodWins Has the whole world gone CRAZY!!",
"location": "Nashville, TN"
"id": 14627244,
"screen_name": "old_hickory14",
"name": "Andrew_Jackson",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #1A #2A #VoterID #ConventionOfStates Trump Won The Truth burns the souls of Democrats like Holy Water -- Gettr: @old_hickory14 gab: oldhickory1812",
"location": "Anywhere, USA"
"id": 14642384,
"screen_name": "Takethelead",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Politely Outraged\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "TRUMP 2020!! AF-Ret. wife to a great guy, mom to 2 smart young men, constitutional conservative, proud DAR patriot, history nerd and wannabe artist.",
"location": "Osgood, USA"
"id": 14684162,
"screen_name": "yojomura",
"name": "Bob U Linski \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \u30b8\u30e7\u30fc\u30fb\u30b8\u30e7\u30fc",
"description": "#IFBP! \u2764\ufe0f all Trump supporters. #Trump2024 #MAGA #Cult45 #Conservative #DrainTheSwamp #SaveChicago : #patriot 4 D \u2764\ufe0f of Pres #Trump #LETSGOBRANDON",
"location": "MAGA Country "
"id": 14707403,
"screen_name": "surrfinTexas",
"name": "BigB",
"description": "If they want your guns, your freedom is next\u203c\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #PROLIFE #AmericaFirst #Reds #Vidalias \ud83d\ude04 - Not woke\u2026",
"location": "Allen, TX. "
"id": 14727565,
"screen_name": "NotWokeThinker",
"name": "James Pew",
"description": "I write about wokeism. I organize with Cdns concerned about radical ideologies. STOP Gender Ideology \u0026 CRT. Read me @ The Turn -",
"location": "Toronto, Ontario"
"id": 14739208,
"screen_name": "zenmom1",
"name": "zenmom1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 14749049,
"screen_name": "cometier",
"name": "Fermented",
"description": "Laugh Early, Laugh Often! No New Normal. Freedom Lover. Free Market Fan. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"location": "South Florida"
"id": 14763428,
"screen_name": "jezibel",
"name": "RebelRebel \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Libertarian, first wave feminist. Everything Right of AOC is *NOT* Alt-Right. I don't buy into #IdentityPolitics. I'm post-race/post-sex. #Individualism",
"location": "Taos, NM"
"id": 14764107,
"screen_name": "ladyjade",
"name": "Jaded Lady",
"description": "Facts matter. Truth is objective. Words mean things. Former press sec to Ron Paul. Does not believe the official story. #MAGA #MAGAA IFB patriots. Thee/thou.",
"location": "Free State of Florida"
"id": 14764187,
"screen_name": "rbrakes",
"name": "Mr. Physics",
"description": "Physicist,Engineer,Patriot. Medical Professional. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MasksOffAmerica. #MAGA Question everything. #Fairtax #KAG #NRA gab handle",
"location": ""
"id": 14787915,
"screen_name": "Heather_EversX3",
"name": "Heather Evers",
"description": "\ud83c\udf97Cancer survivor \ud83c\udf97 #MAGA#Trump2020. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Proud Marine Mom \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Mom to 3 beautiful kids.",
"location": "PA"
"id": 14811417,
"screen_name": "wilkow",
"name": "Andrew Wilkow Sr.",
"description": "American, Independent, Patriotic, Conservative, Husband, father, grandfather and the proud son of Murray Wilkow #Americafirst",
"location": "Galt, CA"
"id": 14813135,
"screen_name": "trumperts",
"name": "trumperTS",
"description": "#MAGA2022 #MAGA2024",
"location": "Los Angeles"
"id": 14825402,
"screen_name": "TheRightWife",
"name": "Kerith \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\u262e\ufe0f\ud83e\udd66",
"description": "America First. Eat your veggies!",
"location": "South Carolina, USA"
"id": 14825715,
"screen_name": "StephenFryerAFC",
"name": "Stephen Fryer",
"description": "Dad to beautiful daughter with 4q rare chromosome abnormality",
"location": "Mytchett"
"id": 14825929,
"screen_name": "jimbednarz",
"name": "Jim Bednarz",
"description": "\u2026 Conservative Geek! Director of IT! Short track racing fan! #Trump2024!",
"location": "Connecticut"
"id": 14835456,
"screen_name": "JenniferLahl",
"name": "JLahl justice is what gets me out of bed each day",
"description": "Award\ud83e\udd47 winning film maker. Science, tech, medicine geek. Ex nurse. My side hustle is non-profit consulting. I smack talk #BigFertility. Pronouns - #NoThankYou",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 14859374,
"screen_name": "DanaPearl",
"name": "DanaPearl \ud83c\udfbe",
"description": "Sassy musicologist and general trailblazer. Gen-Xer, avant gardener, dog lover, francophone, Cult45, America First, Patriot, Bonnaroooooo",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 14863208,
"screen_name": "monkfoobar",
"name": "\ud83c\udf84monkfoobar \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Hello Comrade Citizen, praises to our leader, Joe Biden! #SuperStraight, preferred pronouns: super",
"location": "Domestic Extremism"
"id": 14872511,
"screen_name": "Wealthfront",
"name": "Wealthfront",
"description": "Wealthfront integrates investing and banking services to make it delightfully easy to build long-term wealth.\n",
"location": "Palo Alto, CA"
"id": 14887081,
"screen_name": "diamond_fred",
"name": "diamond_fred",
"description": "#MAGA",
"location": "Orange City, FL"
"id": 14923307,
"screen_name": "To_Be_Benji",
"name": "Benji \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Proud Conservatarian. Empower the individual. was #NeverTrump, but he has more than won me over. Our 1st Culture-War time Prez #Trump2020!",
"location": ""
"id": 14924600,
"screen_name": "SaintMelrose",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Marilyn\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83d\udc18Unapologetically Republican\n\ud83e\udd85Proud Wife of a Veteran\n#Deplorable #2A #ConcealedCarry #VetsBeforeIllegals #BackTheBlue",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst "
"id": 14924650,
"screen_name": "paddyearly",
"name": "paddyearly",
"description": "living Dunmore East married to Ethna, 3 adult sons. Involved in About Flooring selling carpets, timber floors and tiles. Proud Catholic and staunchly Pro Life.",
"location": ""
"id": 14925360,
"screen_name": "explorerdave",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2David\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "#IFBAP #MAGA #KAG #Conservative #Constitutionalist 'Never give in, never give in, never, never, never' Telegram: \ud83d\udeabDM's Please",
"location": "South Carolina, USA"
"id": 14944763,
"screen_name": "Miss_Telitafina",
"name": "Miss Telitafina",
"description": "\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\u2640\ufe0f \ud83e\udd0f\ud83c\udffb\nGender Exclusionary Radical Feminist soy una picaraza times change, women-hate is eternal d'Arag\u00f3n",
"location": "Valencia, Spain"
"id": 14989896,
"screen_name": "LossAngeles",
"name": "Greg D",
"description": "Twitter has turned into a censored sewer of nasty political and celebrity types. I\u2019m just tired and bored to death by it all. Software engineer. #Gemini #MAGA",
"location": "Los Angeles County"
"id": 14994676,
"screen_name": "kittypurrzog",
"name": "Katie Herzog",
"description": "Host of the podcast Blocked and Reported; @jessesingal's boss",
"location": ""
"id": 14996200,
"screen_name": "heidikraut",
"name": "Heather \ud83d\udcabwhatever",
"description": "No thank you. no/ no older than your mother",
"location": "Shrewsbury "
"id": 15009101,
"screen_name": "1976NicT",
"name": "Nic",
"description": "Adult human female.",
"location": ""
"id": 15026778,
"screen_name": "AdultFemale11",
"name": "Woman With Attitude",
"description": "Totally Excellent Real Female. Black. Lesbian. Sick of yo shit. Pronouns: sex based, just like my oppression. #BlackWomenMatter\n#WomansRightsAreHumanRights",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 15062352,
"screen_name": "KissMyMima",
"name": "Res Ipsa Loquitur \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 American \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa Immigrant \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Patriotic \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Conservative. Adjectives: Loyal / Funny / Hopeful\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 15082808,
"screen_name": "funnycow",
"name": "Monique Z. Dur\u00e1n",
"description": "Homo Sapiens with a pinch of Neanderthal.\nA proud: Radfem, leftie, atheist, working class, cook, procrastinator...\ud83e\udd39\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": "Xix\u00f3n (Asturies)"
"id": 15084667,
"screen_name": "ekgmedia",
"name": "ekgmedia \u271d\ufe0f's \u2764\ufe0f the \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#maga #godfirst If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, \u0026 turn from their wicked ways... He will heal our land!",
"location": "Home"
"id": 15117794,
"screen_name": "The_Morningstar",
"name": "Tony H",
"description": "55yo Ex-Military - English Patriot Politically Homeless - DMs Open #GBNews #EnoughIsEnough #ImDone #NoVaccinePassports Also at back up account @Tony_JIC",
"location": "Barrow-in-Furness, England"
"id": 15132485,
"screen_name": "arrtee62",
"name": "TheOtherGuyfromLBK",
"description": "I am a Respiratory Therapist looking for other RTs to chat with....also a Vegas freak. Conservative? Yes. #KeepTexasRed #Trump2020 #KAG",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 15137535,
"screen_name": "jmichelt",
"name": "Michel",
"description": "Chromosomes: XY",
"location": "Birmingham, AL"
"id": 15146870,
"screen_name": "jserb",
"name": "Jill",
"description": "Patriot and entrepreneur. Writing to further Conservative Expression, Fighting for Economic Freedom and Tweeting for Fun. #MAGA Find me on GETTR @jserb",
"location": "USA"
"id": 15147272,
"screen_name": "Jurewicz",
"name": "Afferte mihi gladium",
"description": "Pro-life Trumpkin. Traditional Latin Mass Catholic. Blocked by both sides: Skojec; Fr.Rosica; Rorate; Archbold; Fr.SpodaroSJ; Deacon Nick! RT\u2260like.",
"location": "The World. "
"id": 15148517,
"screen_name": "KJLewisTweets",
"name": "\ud83c\udfc1 K\ud83c\udd70\ufe0f+e Lewis \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Adult human female. Bibliophile. Pronouns are me/my/mine, just like everyone else. #EndFGM #NoThankYou #WomenBornNotWorn",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 15160676,
"screen_name": "CarolynWDC",
"name": "Carolyn",
"description": "Politically homeless classical liberal. #Prolife #ProScience Feminist. Sex is binary. Gender \u0026 race are social constructs. Love is the only antidote to racism.",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 15171972,
"screen_name": "s6smss",
"name": "s6smss",
"description": "Conservative patriotic Christian. IFB #MAGA",
"location": "Fairfield, CT"
"id": 15183925,
"screen_name": "PiperSebring",
"name": "Piper",
"description": "Cars, Music, Politics, and SM Business Owner. Don't tell me I didn't build that! I grew up in the '80s. I listen to both types of music, Heavy+Metal #MAGA",
"location": "Currently not in L.A. or Vegas"
"id": 15186308,
"screen_name": "AlexaShrugged",
"name": "Former \"Clump of Cells\"",
"description": "@theMRC @Newsbusters @MRCTV @MRCCulture On TV Editor #prolife",
"location": "Live Free Or Die"
"id": 15191521,
"screen_name": "bebebailey",
"name": "bebebailey",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 15194896,
"screen_name": "Litehouse",
"name": "Brandon Allen\ud83d\udcd6\ud83e\udd13 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian, anti-abortion, right wing, capitalist, theocratic constitutional monarchist, Aspie. Alex P. Keaton was my hero. #BuildTheWall \ud83c\udfd7\ud83e\uddf1",
"location": "United States"
"id": 15204586,
"screen_name": "janieuk",
"name": "janieuk",
"description": "trans widow. Raging lesbian. Interested in keeping Women's Rights precisely that!",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 15219366,
"screen_name": "greggis",
"name": "Greg",
"description": "#Trump2020 #neverforgetSethRich Friend of Bill W. Parler @greg2059",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 15254643,
"screen_name": "sybilco",
"name": "sybil gertraud",
"description": "Socialist. Retired maths teacher. adult human female. activist for Palestine.",
"location": "london"
"id": 15267298,
"screen_name": "fragglerockboy",
"name": "\u271d\ud83c\udf1fMAGA FraggleRockBoy KAG\ud83c\udf84\ud83c\udf85",
"description": "\ud83d\ude0eConservative #KAG #ProGOD #ProLIFE #ProISREAL #PoliticallyINCORRECT #NOTaSafeSpace #LiberalismISanILLNESS RT \u2260 endorse I'm on Gab/Clouthub @FraggleRockBoy",
"location": "Fraggle Rock \ud83c\udf0e"
"id": 15281435,
"screen_name": "joshuapchase",
"name": "Joshua Chase \ud83d\udc8e",
"description": "Christian | Conservative | Constitution | Nationalist @terazinamae ... @caedenjchase ... #MAGA #2A #NRA #ChooseLife #GoArmy #carnivore #NoMasks",
"location": "Orange County, CA"
"id": 15304443,
"screen_name": "Wes_Head",
"name": "Wes Head",
"description": "Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. Effing the ineffable. Chromosomes XY.",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 15305495,
"screen_name": "cmtripathi",
"name": "Chandreshwar Mani Tripathi",
"description": "Happy Living Freak :) Arsenal Fan, Urban Naxal Anarchist Facist Right Winger Left Winger Central Midfielder, Worship Dennis God Bergkamp, RT not an Endorsement",
"location": "NCR/Delhi,Kashi,Gorakhpur"
"id": 15329294,
"screen_name": "lindyqb5",
"name": "Lindy Mc \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Fearless Conservative, Outspoken Patriot, Pro-Life, 2A, Pilot, Loves to Fly, Trump Won, free the J6 political prisoners",
"location": "Estero, FL"
"id": 15347644,
"screen_name": "IUTruthtellers",
"name": "Independent Unity Truthtellers\ud83d\udc89=\u2620\ufe0f #LetsGoBrandon",
"description": "Don't \ud83d\udcde for Us Unless We \ud83d\udcde 4 U | Truthtellers | #Fmr20YrDems Who Have AWAKEN | #VoteRed '22 | Believers Of #InformedChoice #InformedConsent \ud83c\udf38 #FJB #PureBlood",
"location": "Where We Are"
"id": 15356561,
"screen_name": "Rogue_Villian",
"name": "Biology Matters",
"description": "Nobody is born in the wrong body!",
"location": ""
"id": 15369857,
"screen_name": "texanerinlondon",
"name": "Texaner in London",
"description": "Worked at Henry Jackson Society, London. MA: NatSec, intelligence studies. Concentration: Russia, China. Studied in Germany #MAGA #Gab \ud83d\udc38\u2764\ufe0f\u00a0#Israel #humanrights",
"location": "Sneaking up behind SJWs"
"id": 15385414,
"screen_name": "runningdogx",
"name": "runningdogx",
"description": "\ud83d\udfe5 \ud83c\udf44 \ud83d\udd25\n| pro-gun\n| pro-choice\n| \ud83d\udeab drug war\n| \ud83d\udeab surveillance capitalism\n| military and medical industrial complexes are out of control",
"location": "Westworld, China"
"id": 15387943,
"screen_name": "scottfree",
"name": "Scott Widen",
"description": "#liberty #freedom #constitution #antiwar #endthefed #pista #MAGA #bidenisnotpresident",
"location": "NW Arkansas"
"id": 15395754,
"screen_name": "Catholicgauze",
"name": "Catholicgauze Missionary to the Woke and AltRight",
"description": "Catholic into geography and baseball. Served in the Iraq and Afghan Wars, boy was that a lesson learned.",
"location": ""
"id": 15416699,
"screen_name": "mzvirago",
"name": "mzvirago",
"description": "Rad Fem; bereaved mother",
"location": "UK"
"id": 15417376,
"screen_name": "kristinjo",
"name": "Impeach Biden",
"description": "MAGA! Stage 4B Cancer Survivor. Married by God, not Man. Fan of Mo\u00efse of Old, Elijah and The Man he became, puzzles, surprises \u0026 the Tzadik Pronouns: Pureblood",
"location": "Centered"
"id": 15421780,
"screen_name": "haggisfamily",
"name": "Grantaire Frazier",
"description": "#FreedomofSpeech Anti- political correctness Wake up the silent majority\ud83d\ude4f #MOZGA Australian Politics Pro Trump brexit love dogs not Islam?",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 15440083,
"screen_name": "redheart",
"name": "redheart",
"description": "Let's Go, Brandon! #MAGA Thank you to all followers. Limited Government, Enumerated Powers! NO DM! @redheart on Parler",
"location": ""
"id": 15447533,
"screen_name": "abfrisby",
"name": "Aaron Frisby",
"description": "Conservative, pro-2A, pro-life, Mac using, Royal Ranger \u0026 follower of Jesus. \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395",
"location": "Little Rock, AR"
"id": 15449300,
"screen_name": "EastoftheCoast",
"name": "LeeLee",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA, #CONSERVATIVE, #KAG, #CONSTITUTION, #DEPLORABLE,#TRUMP2020, #PATRIOT, #FREEDOM, #2A, #PROLIFE, #NRA",
"location": "Portland, OR"
"id": 15458484,
"screen_name": "Chrissy_S70",
"name": "Chrissy \ud83c\udfd2 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Blue Jackets fan. Hockey fan. Wife, Mom, Nonnie, bibliophile, \u0026 animal lover. Domestic diva. #prolife #2A",
"location": "Small town Ohio"
"id": 15488022,
"screen_name": "Eric_999",
"name": "Medie999",
"description": "President Trump and Republicans = put America first. Joe Biden and Democrats = BLAME America first.",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 15501088,
"screen_name": "ginabella",
"name": "Gina Bella",
"description": "bleeding heart conservative, mom of 7, grandmom of 11 God bless \u0026 protect #Trump2024 and his administration as they restore our country. parler- @ginabella",
"location": "Once great state of NY US"
"id": 15508119,
"screen_name": "dupsmn",
"name": "Nathan Thomas \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA! #WalkAway #Conservative #Constitution #Trump #BuildTheWall #Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Liberalism is a mental disorder.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 15514699,
"screen_name": "rchaloux",
"name": "Rhonda Chaloux",
"description": "Mental health matters; America First and Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8.",
"location": "Fernandina Beach, FL"
"id": 15528112,
"screen_name": "paul1953uk",
"name": "Paul Macdonald",
"description": "",
"location": "Troon, Scotland"
"id": 15533337,
"screen_name": "TonyKrvaric",
"name": "Tony P. Krvaric | #1A #2A #MAGA | \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf7",
"description": "Entrepreneur and Chairman Emeritus of the Republican Party of San Diego County. Croatian by blood, Swedish by birth, American by choice! Proud Roman Catholic.",
"location": "San Diego, California"
"id": 15533636,
"screen_name": "rlindsey",
"name": "Rob",
"description": "#MAGA #TRUMP\n#Conservative #AntiSocialist\n#REDPILLED #Libertarian",
"location": "Strange Land, GA, USA"
"id": 15557893,
"screen_name": "Travistown",
"name": "\u274cTravistown\u274c",
"description": "BTC, climate science, photography, and the outdoors. #MAGA #KAG \ud83e\udd53 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Carnivore 39 months. Futures trader.",
"location": "Houston, TX"
"id": 15582006,
"screen_name": "kelavelle",
"name": "kelly whitaker",
"description": "EdChoice and Pro-life.",
"location": ""
"id": 15585368,
"screen_name": "Megzwhaaaat",
"name": "Just Here for Shenanigans \ud83d\udd34",
"description": "Neither slug nor fish. Woman not 'cis'. The wrong crowd, apparently. No means no. Science before feelings.\n#IStandWithJKRowling All views are my own.",
"location": ""
"id": 15588032,
"screen_name": "jmeedee",
"name": "jmeedee",
"description": "SWF, pro-life, pro-Jesus, pro-America, anti-BS",
"location": "San Diego, CA"
"id": 15588419,
"screen_name": "MCleaver",
"name": "Martin Cleaver - #rEUnion #FBPE #FPPPR \ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "European cyclist and proud of it. I tweet in English and Dutch. #VoteVolt #JazzNut #MyBodyIsMe Ho/hum. \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"
"id": 15589520,
"screen_name": "bennett1128",
"name": ".@bennett1128",
"description": "TRUMP ALL THE WAY. Very very PROUD deplorable. #maga #kag NO TRAINS",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 15598756,
"screen_name": "_bani",
"name": "Bani Ellen",
"description": "\u2716 Feminazi terrorista \u2716",
"location": "bhz"
"id": 15600729,
"screen_name": "jjkrachtus",
"name": "jjkrachtus",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 15608780,
"screen_name": "starrynite81",
"name": "starrynite \ud83c\udfc1",
"description": "* Single \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 parent of twins * Ex-teacher, author \u0026 trainee child psychotherapist * Gender critical feminist * Gentle parenting advocate \u0026 home edder @ \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "London"
"id": 15615031,
"screen_name": "rhenda_iris",
"name": "Rhenda Iris Strub",
"description": "Mom of 4, grandmom of 5, expert knitter, mediocre torch fired enamelist, clumsy metalsmith, dog lover, happily married. Radical feminist since 1970. BS ChemE.",
"location": "Olympia, WA, USA"
"id": 15620173,
"screen_name": "stropwaffle",
"name": "Pam Demic",
"description": "A gin-soaked Glaswegian hiding out in south London. #prfam #IAmPrimordial #adulthumanfemale",
"location": "N 55\u00b050' 0'' / W 5\u00b02' 0''"
"id": 15628101,
"screen_name": "kIdFrY",
"name": "\ud83d\udd25 Know Your Enemy \ud83d\udd25",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 PHX \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 - pronouns: super/straight - Tribeless // politically homeless",
"location": "Valley of the Sun"
"id": 15630475,
"screen_name": "DFunkey",
"name": "cassma",
"description": "All Lives Matter...!Truther! Digging deeper to seek the truth....!Knowing the truth will set you free...!",
"location": "Living in Paradise"
"id": 15638508,
"screen_name": "MinorityGOP",
"name": "MinorityGOP",
"description": "American. Black. Female. Voter. Activist. Politics = RIGHT LEANING MODERATE",
"location": "Washington DC"
"id": 15646268,
"screen_name": "ulrichphoto",
"name": "Joe in Dela-where?",
"description": "Father. Husband. Photographer. American. Patriot. Trump 2020!\nI'm not woke. I'm AWAKE. Anti-Marxist, Anti-Socialist",
"location": "Delaware"
"id": 15668676,
"screen_name": "aggie89",
"name": "aggie89",
"description": "Texas A\u0026M University 89\u2019. TRUMP 2024!",
"location": "Gatesville, Texas"
"id": 15677006,
"screen_name": "nakedfingers",
"name": "Robert W",
"description": "Over-sensitive, self-righteous, stuck-up prig. Snob, stinking hypocrite, and vile poltroon. Lover of mountains, Archers fan, \u0026 skeptic. Pantomime camel. Fifty.",
"location": "The Cowley Road"
"id": 15681570,
"screen_name": "MichigAndi",
"name": "MichigAndi",
"description": "CELIAC~#MAGA, Jewelry maker-multi-media artist-nail tech-golfer-foodie-Jeep girl-boxer mom \u2764clean water\u2764Patriot \u27642A\u2764GodBlessAmerica\n#Trumpwon \u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude4f Florida",
"location": "Venice, FL"
"id": 15683386,
"screen_name": "mrsrayray",
"name": "rachel",
"description": "adult human female.",
"location": "cincinnati"
"id": 15700586,
"screen_name": "christieLeeRyan",
"name": "Christie-Lee",
"description": "President Raven Strategies, alum @realDonaldTrump Mom of 3 humans and five mastiffs, Political Hack and a little quirky. Opinions in Tweets are my own",
"location": "Saratoga Springs, NY"
"id": 15704314,
"screen_name": "LauraEchevarria",
"name": "LauraEchevarria",
"description": "Writer, speaker, and mom of children with special needs. Returning to role as comms director/spokesperson for national pro-life group.",
"location": ""
"id": 15711601,
"screen_name": "straytski",
"name": "Super Straight Neanderthal Thinker",
"description": "WE ARE ALL UNVACCINATED BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK!! | USN Patriot #ProLife #Constitutionalist \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 ISA 5:20 \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395\nPronouns: Kiss/my/a$$",
"location": "Metro St. Louis - Eastside(IL)"
"id": 15711730,
"screen_name": "River_City",
"name": "Terri",
"description": "Married, Mother, US Army veteran, ASL user, Constitutionalist, Anti-Communist, Libertas Justitia Veritas, America First",
"location": "Iowa"
"id": 15724860,
"screen_name": "LNSmithee",
"name": "Too Bright For Your Gaslight",
"description": "Normal black man in abnormal SF. Microblogger. News junkie. #AllLivesMatter includes black lives (duh). #SportsUnitePoliticsDivide. #DontCalifornicateAmerica",
"location": "San Francisco"
"id": 15745310,
"screen_name": "mlatorra",
"name": "Mike LaTorra",
"description": "Adidam Buddhist Christian Transhumanist retired College Associate English Professor. My chromosomes are XY.",
"location": "North Palm Beach, Florida"
"id": 15756621,
"screen_name": "IncrediBecca",
"name": "Becca",
"description": "Pro-woman, Pro-life. And Pro-baseball.",
"location": ""
"id": 15757702,
"screen_name": "riotsarah",
"name": "Sarah Kerton",
"description": "Women's Rep on @NUS_LGBT Committee. Radical feminist and socialist. Troll-tamer.",
"location": "Manchester"
"id": 15761882,
"screen_name": "cjoliver1",
"name": "Christie Oliver \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#TRUMP2024 #MAGA #KAG #USA TV/Movie buff w/discerning tastes. Raised in Hannibal MO, home of Tom and Huck",
"location": "Jefferson City, MO"
"id": 15773072,
"screen_name": "galacticasitrep",
"name": "Logan",
"description": "Right wingers are all evil and mentally ill and need to be confined to camps to receive LSD treatments so they can no longer harm civilization.",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 15774229,
"screen_name": "chakery",
"name": "Malcom Chakery",
"description": "If you are easily offended you are easily manipulated. I am a freedom-loving conservative. Patriots must win back America. #MAGA #1A #2A #AmericaFirst #GOD",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 15790644,
"screen_name": "SueDinNY",
"name": "SueDinNY",
"description": "Really. There are conservatives in New York! #MAGA",
"location": "Beautiful Central New York"
"id": 15808660,
"screen_name": "mbolch",
"name": "644Blue",
"description": "Christian, USN Vet, Son of WWII Vet, #FJB, #FJoeBiden, 1A, 2A, #Trump2024, #NoPence2024, No DMs #BackTheBlue, #LawAndOrder, #ProLife \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 15815025,
"screen_name": "Joanne13Harding",
"name": "(((Joanne Harding)))",
"description": "Labour \u0026 Co-operative Party Councillor Urmston Ward. Executive Member Adult Social Care. Tweeting personal views \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"location": "Manchester"
"id": 15826536,
"screen_name": "24dking",
"name": "24dking",
"description": "Love Jesus, my family and Texas Longhorns football-in that order. ATX born Texas, Aurora CO living\nUSARMY Soldier Medic \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd18\n#autismdaddy. #girldad #MAGA",
"location": "Denver, Colderado"
"id": 15838286,
"screen_name": "CountessOfNice",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cCountessOfTheNorth\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95 Northern Woman. \ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\n#NoThankYou \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\n#Istandwithrighthoardingdinosaurs",
"location": "The North"
"id": 15853417,
"screen_name": "ToddFrank44",
"name": "ToddFrank44",
"description": "Father, Husband, computer guy and Patriot Finally waking up and finding out all I believed in was a lie.Socialism is proven to fail. Trump 2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 15856931,
"screen_name": "neosynk",
"name": "MAGA David",
"description": "TRUMP 2020 - Formerly @WhiteRabbitHole2020 on instagram - deleted @ 15k with no warning - IFBAP - @neoisthe1 on Telegram",
"location": ""
"id": 15869643,
"screen_name": "creek14",
"name": "Cindy \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "God 1st. Wife, mom, friend. Lover of sports. #AMERICA #MAGA #Trump2020 #Pro2A #BLUELIVESMATTER",
"location": ""
"id": 15872219,
"screen_name": "IndependentlyXX",
"name": "\ud83e\udd96 Current status - supporting Marion Millar",
"description": "Not voting Labour #labourlosingwomen, Lib dems or Green's. Politically homeless.\nRapists should not be in women's prisons, never, ever.",
"location": ""
"id": 15887449,
"screen_name": "ronitaylor",
"name": "ronitaylor",
"description": "Sports/MMA Lifestyle Writer. Have been pretty engrossed in politics recently \u0026 proudly blocked by Trump jr., Sebastian Gorka \u0026 a few other alt right turds.",
"location": "West Palm Beach, FL"
"id": 15907414,
"screen_name": "IvanGH",
"name": "Ivan Garcia-Hidalgo",
"description": "CEO Americano Media Holding Group | Trust yourself | Don\u2019t be afraid to fail | Ignore the naysayers | Work your ass off | Never give up | #AmericaFirst #1A #2A",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 15940228,
"screen_name": "bigbillyb",
"name": "obey ur government masters",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 XBL: boxer11385/ twitch: OG_Boxer11385/ BattleNet: boxer11385#1133 I don\u2019t hide my views open book #alllivesmatter #MAGA #KAG #bluelivesmatter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "iPhone: 40.709961,-73.896317"
"id": 15944794,
"screen_name": "TomBBY",
"name": "Tom Pilcher ~ American Smart-ass",
"description": "The only reason I still have a presence on this platform is in protest to Twitter's ban of @realDonaldTrump \u0026 ALL policies supporting socialism and censorship.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 15957148,
"screen_name": "jackieaus",
"name": "\ud835\udc3d\ud835\udc4e\ud835\udc50\ud835\udc58\ud835\udc56\ud835\udc52 #covfefe",
"description": "Practice what you preach \u2b50\ufe0f Trump = modern-day King Cyrus #Bolsonaro2022 \u2764\ufe0f #TrumpWON2020",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 15969630,
"screen_name": "gousfbulls",
"name": "PGC We the people win",
"description": "I follow back all supporters of @realDonaldTrump If you like a tweet then always retweet it #VoteRed and support @realDonaldTrump",
"location": ""
"id": 15971351,
"screen_name": "pennypru",
"name": "Penny Pru",
"description": "God and Country! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst #Freedom",
"location": ""
"id": 15972064,
"screen_name": "thegreylady",
"name": "Tania #IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "El pasto no es m\u00e1s verde del otro lado, es m\u00e1s verde donde se le riega. #PorqueSoyMexicano\n#IStandWithJKRowling\n(muggle/Su Alteza Seren\u00edsima)",
"location": ""
"id": 15972765,
"screen_name": "gailtalk",
"name": "gailtalk",
"description": "Conservative Patriot. Proud \u0026 grateful to be an American! Let Freedom Ring! @gailtalk2 #MAGA LET\u2019S ROLL!",
"location": ""
"id": 15994601,
"screen_name": "demagazine",
"name": "Design Exchange mag",
"description": "A #magazine of the #future, connecting #Print, #Digital \u0026 #film using #AugmentedReality. Loves exploring new ideas. Supports #cleanair \u0026 #Endourcladdingscandal",
"location": "London / World"
"id": 15996458,
"screen_name": "frkazoid",
"name": "Rachel Williams",
"description": "Natural Immunity\u2026 memory holed along with chromosomes. Certified Non GMO",
"location": ""
"id": 16009327,
"screen_name": "AA7YA",
"name": "AA7YA - Let's Go Brandon \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#ProLife #2A #HamRadio #FJB Gen Xer \ud83d\ude0e Heads up, conversations like this can be in tents.",
"location": "$aa7ya"
"id": 16010795,
"screen_name": "docdvine",
"name": "docdvine",
"description": "Former Arizona law enforcement detective and US Air Force Veteran/Security Policeman. Currently retired/disabled. Advocate for missing persons. #MAGA #TRUMP",
"location": "Missouri"
"id": 16012822,
"screen_name": "takohiofla",
"name": "TK",
"description": "Army vet, conservative and lover of America. #MAGA #PATRIOT #ARMY #VETRAN #CHRISTIAN #NRALIFEMEMBER #TRUMPTRAIN",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 16016642,
"screen_name": "Suziflea",
"name": "Suzanne",
"description": "Mom\ud83d\udd38Navy SEAL Wife\ud83d\udd38Beer Drinker\ud83d\udd38 Political Junkie\ud83d\udd38America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd38 @udtflea",
"location": "Tampa, FL"
"id": 16022444,
"screen_name": "varks3",
"name": "Theresa A",
"description": "Retired Office Manager. #MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 16031661,
"screen_name": "Crooklar",
"name": "Crooklar",
"description": "Stories \u0026 information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. My Chromosomes are XY.",
"location": "Terms and Conditions Apply"
"id": 16043205,
"screen_name": "CherylReynolds",
"name": "Trump 2024 TruthTeller \ud83c\udf4a",
"description": "#Resist * #NeverBiden * Gab @Exigence * Parler @CherylReynolds * Trump since the escalator * Backup: @ElegantExigence * Opinions are most decidedly mine \ud83c\udf3b \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Kansas, USA"
"id": 16046224,
"screen_name": "PatriotProud12",
"name": "PatriotProud",
"description": "DEF-Lep #potus45 #MAGA #freedom #patriotproud \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf52\ud83c\udf70\ud83e\udd8c I follow @AOC for the shear laughter she brings me!! #CLOWNSinmyCOFFEE",
"location": ""
"id": 16054602,
"screen_name": "NASCARNAC",
"name": "NASCRACKEN \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4\ud83c\udfc1",
"description": "South Florida refugee living in Reno NV-Dad of 3-SURVIVOR-JP Montoya for triple crown of Mosport-Keselowski-Colombian(ish)-politics-(salty) Catholic-#MAGA",
"location": "South Florida, Nevada \u2705"
"id": 16062415,
"screen_name": "jrcarter2010",
"name": "jrcarter2010",
"description": "#USAF #Vietnam \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #POTUS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf7e #LTC \u2694\ufe0f #NRA #1A #2A #DrainTheSwamp #buildthewall",
"location": "Fort Worth, TX"
"id": 16062585,
"screen_name": "dc_hollins",
"name": "DCHollins",
"description": "Livin' on an Island learning about Spirit and the wisdom of the Earth. Lover of all things wild. Radical Feminist, not the fun kind.",
"location": "Nanaimo BC"
"id": 16078386,
"screen_name": "joseole1115",
"name": "Joe P",
"description": "America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Huntington Beach, CA"
"id": 16079889,
"screen_name": "AlleeMcD",
"name": "\ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9",
"description": "Appropriator, cultural polygamist, media manipulator, iconoclast, and bon vivant. #genderfree",
"location": "YVR"
"id": 16082787,
"screen_name": "slackadjuster",
"name": "slackadjuster",
"description": "Retired Cross Country Trucker 35 Years Safe Driving \u0026 Saw What The Right Wing Was Doing \u0026 Did A HARD LEFT TURN ! ONLY AN IDIOT WOULD VOTE FOR TRUMP!",
"location": "ST LOUIS MISSOURI"
"id": 16089852,
"screen_name": "JoAnna888",
"name": "Divine Vibes",
"description": "Sword Of The Spirit #1A #2A #4thA #10thA #AmericaFirst #Logos #Christos",
"location": ""
"id": 16097827,
"screen_name": "emilyviola",
"name": "emilyviola",
"description": "self-acceptance is an act of defiance; no thank you",
"location": "brooklyn, ny"
"id": 16102702,
"screen_name": "robertcapko",
"name": "Robert Capko \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Award-winning author of Pararescue novels including the thrillers SAY GOODBYE and The Long Road Home. #MAGA Followed by @antoniosabatojr",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 16116603,
"screen_name": "Patriot_Lou_R",
"name": "Lou R. Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Independent \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG2020 #POTUS45 (Parler: @PatriotLouR)",
"location": ""
"id": 16116801,
"screen_name": "buckskinbowman",
"name": "buckskinbowman",
"description": "Pissed off conservative #MAGA #PATRIOT #NRA #Christian #2ndAmmendment #TrumpWon #FJB",
"location": "Wisconsin, USA"
"id": 16122527,
"screen_name": "shambleslee",
"name": "Mali",
"description": "Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8,Supporter of the Constitution, Veteran Wife, Seeker of Truth, #Maga, Trump supporter,enjoy the show \ud83c\udf7f",
"location": "USA"
"id": 16140669,
"screen_name": "thedankalis",
"name": "Dan Kalis",
"description": "God-loving family man. Right-leaning non-conformist. Marketing Virtuoso. Aspiring Real Estate Mogul. Book junkie. Wannabe Biohacker. Coffee and sushi lover.",
"location": "Sarasota, FL"
"id": 16141994,
"screen_name": "ruhrbarone",
"name": "ruhrbarone",
"description": "Journalisten bloggen das Revier",
"location": "Ruhrgebiet"
"id": 16142020,
"screen_name": "Magpieandbadger",
"name": "Diana Badgersaurus \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Too old to deal with your rubbish. Pronouns in bio? Are you a sheep or an ideologue, you can only pick one...",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 16143783,
"screen_name": "DolceMeta",
"name": "China Owns Us",
"description": "Mom of 4 and wife to J-rad. Love to laugh. Rational. Independent who leans RIGHT. #SmallGovt #Prolife #Constitution.",
"location": "BFLO NY \u27a1\ufe0f NH #LFOD \u27a1\ufe0fFLO-RIDA"
"id": 16156349,
"screen_name": "deva_nyc",
"name": "Deva",
"description": "Resist the NWO/Globalist Socialist takeover. We're in charge. Let's act like it. #1a #2a #donttreadonme #livefreeordie #Trumpwon #bitcoin #LaserRayUntil100K",
"location": "New York, NY USA"
"id": 16157991,
"screen_name": "NOLA_MAGs",
"name": "MAGs #NoThankYou \ud83d\udfe5 \ud83e\udd96\u2694\ufe0f",
"description": "RN. GC. Adult Human Female. Single-sex spaces/sports. Stop transing kids. #IStandwithJKRowling #IStandwithCeri #IStandwithKathleenStock my alt @MAGsInNOLA",
"location": "New Orleans, LA"
"id": 16162664,
"screen_name": "nmb7401",
"name": "nmb7401 Parler @NancyB GAB @phred213",
"description": "#STOPHR1 2 Corinthians 5:7 WeWalkByFaithNotBySight #MAGA #KAG #TrumpisMYPresident #GODBLESSAMERICA #STOPHR1",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 16177985,
"screen_name": "kathy2trips",
"name": "Madame Patriot - MAGA Warrior \u0026 Seasoned Citizen",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst #BSSpotter\ud83d\udd0e#BadWordSayer \ud83d\ude31 #Animals #WarRoom \u2694 #Architecture #Catholic #GoAstros Our Govt is a Republic, NOT a Charity. \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7",
"location": "TX Gulf Coast - MI Born/Raised"
"id": 16190478,
"screen_name": "HouseCracka",
"name": "Oligarch Kabuki \ud83d\udc3b",
"description": "Monkey Human Hybrid - Made in Lab by Dr Fauci. #LetsGoBrandon #LescoBrandon Make America America Again! #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Republic of House"
"id": 16190609,
"screen_name": "SAlberson",
"name": "SAlberson",
"description": "Conservative Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude82 #Christian#AmericaFirst\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc96#BacktheBlue\ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2642\ufe0f#ProLife\ud83d\ude4f#SemperFI\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Life Love Prosperity#SupportOurTroops#No Direct Messages\u203c\ufe0f",
"location": "USA"
"id": 16202327,
"screen_name": "ronenbergman",
"name": "Ronen Bergman",
"description": "The New York Times, Yedioth Ahronoth, Author of \u201cRise and Kill First\", a Mossad History. One of writers of \"a long \u0026 boring story\" according to @realDonaldTrump",
"location": "Tel Aviv , Israel"
"id": 16208100,
"screen_name": "ArielRosa",
"name": "Ariel",
"description": "#TyranicalDad #Superstraight #conservative #Male... Not Ciswhatever... We owned the word first.. you Cis Alter your self.",
"location": ""
"id": 16209168,
"screen_name": "Nvrenough",
"name": "NorCal Deplorable",
"description": "Thats right the silent majority is everywhere. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf7b YES he is your President.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd23 @realdonaldtrump",
"location": "37.547554,-122.047858"
"id": 16226624,
"screen_name": "garyjanet",
"name": "gary \u0026 janet",
"description": "Retired UMC minister. Fundamentalism and alt right views is destroying our country.",
"location": "WV"
"id": 16270167,
"screen_name": "BevEmans",
"name": "BevTheBoomer",
"description": "Getting grumpier the older I get \u0026 Embracing the title conveyed by those with opposing opinions!\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNews",
"location": "Planet Earth"
"id": 16272232,
"screen_name": "LHudson",
"name": "Still Fabulous!",
"description": "Wife Mom #MSULaw. I make copious use of the mute button \u0026 find myself using \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f a lot more since January 20. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #ProLife #BorderSecurity #VoteRed",
"location": "State 48"
"id": 16279337,
"screen_name": "lisaquestions",
"name": "\u00c9ilis, Trans Identified Erinyes (Any/All Pronouns)",
"description": "AY-lish | Any/All | Trans Gendervoid | Disabled Spoonie | White | Queer Femme Lesbian | PFP @dreamingnoctis | #PluralGang #ActuallyAutistic #BlackLivesMatter",
"location": "Seattle"
"id": 16286419,
"screen_name": "MForstater",
"name": "\ud83e\udd96 Maya Forstater \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Executive Director, Sex Matters @SexMattersOrg Sex matters in law and in life It shouldn't take courage to say so Employment Tribunal starts 7 March 2022",
"location": ""
"id": 16291990,
"screen_name": "goinglikeelsie",
"name": "\ud83d\udd78goinglikeelsie",
"description": "My feminism prioritises the material condition of women over the internal identification of men. I am a #mythicalbiologicalfemale.",
"location": ""
"id": 16293511,
"screen_name": "DesignGenius",
"name": "Sarah Dyer-Hall",
"description": "Wife of beautiful Dan. Designer, geek + cyclist. Lover of The Great Outdoors, graphics annuals, Bossa Nova and Defected house. #AdultHumanFemale",
"location": "London"
"id": 16300075,
"screen_name": "liberaljunkie",
"name": "Attntndeficet",
"description": "Aspiring Canadian shoe scuffer. I\u2019m of the 15% that has dropped all friends and family if they voted for trump. #libtard4rats",
"location": "Myrtle Beach"
"id": 16308287,
"screen_name": "ynotamerica",
"name": "ynotamerica",
"description": "I am a Midwesterner helping #MAGA #KAG Conservative. We need a break from the liberal progressives.",
"location": "United States Midwest"
"id": 16315104,
"screen_name": "GraceBrodie",
"name": "Denise Findlay \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "\u2018To the success of our hopeless cause\u2019 #SexNotGender #ScottishIndependence \u201c blogs: \u2018there is truth and there is untruth\u2019",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 16367997,
"screen_name": "mfpdx",
"name": "mfpdx",
"description": "#Autism Mom #BLM #Teacher\n#Fascist #Trump is a GD Racist POS. #MarchTrumpOutInCuffsInJanuary. And if you support him, you're no better, so #BiteMe #MAGAts\u270a\ud83c\udffc",
"location": "SANITYIS, US "
"id": 16373111,
"screen_name": "mlissa1",
"name": "Melissa",
"description": "Proud to be an American. Make America Great Again! God, Family. Country!",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 16382916,
"screen_name": "IndigoPlanet",
"name": "Rocket \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\ude80\ud83d\udcab\u2600\ufe0f\u2728",
"description": "Proud to be an American! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udca5 #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG #GodBlessUSA \ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf89",
"location": "PurplePlanet"
"id": 16401058,
"screen_name": "grayzweb",
"name": "Save America \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "America First #MAGA \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb God, Guns, \u0026 Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Patriot Party. Tesla owner for the tech, Triathlete, 80\u2019s kid #2A \u2764\ufe0f our pups \ud83d\udc15 #DemocratsHateAmerica",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 16433089,
"screen_name": "lasdeantes",
"name": "LasDeAntes",
"description": "La realidad material no es opinable. La evidencia cient\u00edfica tampoco. \u00bfSi el feminismo es mein kampf soy feminazi?\ud83e\udd14",
"location": ""
"id": 16434380,
"screen_name": "BonitaPatriot",
"name": "BonitaPatriot2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Latina for TRUMP IFBAP #LatinosforTrump #NRA member #America1st Followed by @catturd2 \ud83e\udd70KETOCoach Featured Podcast LowCarbMD Epi 64",
"location": "Bonita, CA"
"id": 16448214,
"screen_name": "bolinhasmom",
"name": "A m\u00e3e da Bolinha",
"description": "My baby went away and she took my heart with her. F\u00eamea, vegetariana ativista pelos animais, radfem \u2640\n#IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Brasil"
"id": 16462063,
"screen_name": "lyn911",
"name": "Linda",
"description": "Flyers fan since 1967, school nurse, love my son, hockey mom! NOT HERE TO HOOK UP, HAPPILY MARRIED #MAGA. #KAGA. I block trolls. NO DMs or you will be blocked",
"location": "NJ"
"id": 16465690,
"screen_name": "freedom4USA",
"name": "freedom fighter mom",
"description": "Conservative, pro-life AZ mom sharing tweets, links, feeds and thoughts on politics, all politics, all the time!",
"location": "US"
"id": 16477558,
"screen_name": "GoDucks1979",
"name": "WillNotComply",
"location": ""
"id": 16491845,
"screen_name": "yidwithlid",
"name": "Jeff Dunetz",
"description": "The Conservative and Jewish Voice From the People's Republic of New York- journalist. #constitution #MAGA #Zionist I am Happily Married! Not looking for dates.",
"location": "New York"
"id": 16492765,
"screen_name": "cgpb",
"name": "Carmen G Pastor",
"description": "Retired. Conservative, Pro Life, Jesus, Army Brat. Not Progressive. Anti Socialist. #TCOT #TGDN #TLOT #GOP #NObama #NoHillary #MAGA. \ud83d\udeab Dm's \ud83d\udeab porn. gab: @cgpb",
"location": "USA"
"id": 16499667,
"screen_name": "karyva",
"name": "Karina V. / \"Me opongo totalmente a negar mi voz\"",
"description": "#Mktg \u0026 #PR Specialist / #Interpreter / #ContentWriter / Creadora de Contenidos / #Marketing \u0026 #RRPP. Journalist/Periodista (ex coeditor/ex coeditora). Radfem.",
"location": "Ensenada, Baja California"
"id": 16504112,
"screen_name": "sav01",
"name": "Sheryl Pureblood #rescue #loveofcountry",
"description": "People have lost their minds....\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Where my rescue dogs are..."
"id": 16514451,
"screen_name": "Artie_B",
"name": "Justice is Coming",
"description": "Bible Christian, GC, Husband, Father, NO LISTS #2A #PATRIOT #Israel #MAGA #NRA #Lender #Realtor #BlueLivesMatter #ARMYDAD @realDonaldTrump",
"location": "Orlando/Boston LTDW"
"id": 16529856,
"screen_name": "AnitaStewart",
"name": "Anita Stewart",
"description": "Managing Editor @RockatNight * #anitastewart #Saami #Indigenous #Vet #Music #Art @YesssSheRocks #RadFem #anitastewartpromotions @TarotandStars #NatureFantasies",
"location": "Tampa, FL"
"id": 16537247,
"screen_name": "lbean23",
"name": "Laur - (NJ LD-27)",
"description": "Wife, Mother, Conservative, Catholic, Pro-life, Jersey girl \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\uddfd",
"location": "North Jersey"
"id": 16543847,
"screen_name": "Satsumo",
"name": "Sat Sandhu \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #AllLivesMatter",
"description": "Proud British Patriot. That's why I believe in Brexit and our great nation.\nLiverpool FC fan for life YNWA",
"location": "Bournemouth"
"id": 16550150,
"screen_name": "Scribberlings",
"name": "Helen, a genetic pain\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "I love naps, books, democracies. I hate fascists, cold, traffic. #animals #art #english #history #nature XX",
"location": "The Middle Bit, England"
"id": 16557395,
"screen_name": "hulabird",
"name": "Penelope Pureblood",
"description": "Proud LGBFJB Freedom Fighter. If you're here for sugar-sprinkled, honey-dripped words, wrong place potato. Go get your victimhood on with someone who cares.",
"location": "Makakilo, HI"
"id": 16570951,
"screen_name": "LorMarie",
"name": "LorMarie",
"description": "Writer, radical feminist/womanist advocate, dogs, music, social issues, books, creating alliances. Retweet does not equal endorsement #radfem",
"location": "NY Metro Area"
"id": 16573272,
"screen_name": "DagnySeattle",
"name": "DagnySeattle",
"description": "Classical Liberal #Constitution #MAGA #NotPC #NRA #2A #agreetodisagree #GSDdoglover #GSD #Brexit \u201cWe have delivered you a Republic, if you can keep it\u201d -B.F.",
"location": ""
"id": 16577486,
"screen_name": "robfigaro",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Rob Figaro no longer lives in America \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9",
"description": "Conservative, Catholic, Patriot. Support LEO, Military, babies' right to life, legal immigration, capitalism \u0026 most definitely President Trump. Drain the Swamp!",
"location": "Brooklyn, NY"
"id": 16590167,
"screen_name": "rockyrose",
"name": "rockyrose",
"description": "And the Angels of God hold their breath to see which way we choose to go, CS Lewis. Pray for Trump, Pray for the world entire.",
"location": "England"
"id": 16608127,
"screen_name": "doodlewhale",
"name": "doodlewhale \ud83d\udc32\ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd8b",
"description": "Conceptually an artist. #pwME Autodidact. Multipotentialite. Acting up. #NHSBlueHeart \ud83d\udc99 #WomenWontWheesht \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea Pronouns No/Thank/You #NoThankYou",
"location": "Norfolk, United Kingdom"
"id": 16608248,
"screen_name": "jameslee1776",
"name": "James Lee \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGAFOREVER\nGab: @jameslee1776",
"location": "These United States"
"id": 16648342,
"screen_name": "xmomox",
"name": "_Laika_",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 16656770,
"screen_name": "UltraTrizzy",
"name": "INTraxP \ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b\ufe0f",
"description": "18+ account, you can just block me/dick/asshole, superstraight, this a Amber Heard hate account! All Thought Police Are Bad",
"location": "Pallet Town, Angel Grove, NJ "
"id": 16670146,
"screen_name": "Dennygirl817",
"name": "Prudence",
"description": "#Trump #MikeLindell #AmericaFirst FOLLOWED BY .@Catturd2 NO VOTING MACHINES! PAPER BALLOTS ONLY! #WarRoom Posse @Prudence817 @ #GETT",
"location": "Heartland"
"id": 16679776,
"screen_name": "JealouslyBlue",
"name": "JealouslyBlue",
"description": "SWFC, PRO-BREXIT, CARIBBEAN HOLS, GUITAR \u0026 TRANCE, FREE SPEECH, ROYALIST.\nanti-corbyn, anti nanny-state, anti-bbc, anti-snowflake/millennial, F*CK antifa.",
"location": "On The Right"
"id": 16703058,
"screen_name": "BraveLad",
"name": "Markham Robinson",
"description": "American Independent Party National Chair\u271dChristian Constitutional Conservative #TCOT #MAGA #CCOT #PROLIFE #2A #AMERICAFIRST #TRUMP2024",
"location": "CA Bay Area-MasterPlan Financial Software"
"id": 16716652,
"screen_name": "houselm",
"name": "Linda House",
"description": "A pro-life, flexible conservative who believes in our republic. Pray we stay away from wars, preserve our history, and provide equal opportunity for all.",
"location": "Arkansas, USA"
"id": 16718149,
"screen_name": "nixietangco",
"name": "Nixie Tangco",
"description": "Doctor, student of psychology. Writer, researcher, singer, schemer (did I mention poet?). Bookworm, amateur baker, gamer. #istandwithjkrowling #nothankyou",
"location": "Manila, Philippines"
"id": 16728719,
"screen_name": "tbarr71",
"name": "TeddBarr71",
"description": "Business Owner, Husband, Father, Travel fan, Beach lover, \u0026 Cleveland sports fanatic. #RedPill #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Huntington Beach, CA"
"id": 16743452,
"screen_name": "DiscoAlpaca",
"name": "DiscoAlpaca \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Writer. Short and a bit shouty. Likes a good pun, loves a bad pun. Easily amused. Stops to help bees.",
"location": "Warrington, United Kingdom"
"id": 16811514,
"screen_name": "NudistPoet",
"name": "NudistPoet JONATHAN TAD KETCHEN (JTK.CA)",
"description": "Pro-Life (H8 Abortion/H8 Euthanasia). Creator of Lunar Photog ( \u0026 Nude Model ( Eldest son of @RevDavidKetchen.",
"location": "Guelph, Ontario, Canada"
"id": 16814613,
"screen_name": "FERGOLO11",
"name": "FERGOLO11",
"description": "SAY NO TO WHITE GENOCIDE",
"location": "self determination for whites"
"id": 16815869,
"screen_name": "Nichelle_D",
"name": "Nichelle_D",
"description": "Laid back, #Conservative, carefree. DreDreamer #2. PRESIDENT TRUMP WON 2020! The evidence is there! One falls, they all fall! #MAGA #SaveAmerica NO DMs pls.",
"location": "O Fallon, Missouri"
"id": 16820878,
"screen_name": "bdeviled",
"name": "New Resistance Fighter",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8An American Patriot in Oregon \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nAll Lives Matter\nBLM is a terrorist organization\nSJWs are a plague upon the earth",
"location": "Oregon, USA"
"id": 16822303,
"screen_name": "LibertyPBG",
"name": "Liberty",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TRUMP2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#1A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8America First\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Law \u0026 Order\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Anti-communism\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "United States"
"id": 16852406,
"screen_name": "TinselBean",
"name": "Jewel \ud83d\udc31",
"description": "Pro-Life, Pro-Animal Rights, Animal Lover, Environmentalist, Catholic, Teacher, Photographer, Activity Director",
"location": "Pennsylvania"
"id": 16884647,
"screen_name": "JacquiPJourno",
"name": "Jacqui Paterson",
"description": "UK-based Kiwi // 20 years+ Freelance Journalist \u0026 Blogger // \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95 #AdultHumanFemale #nothankyou #istandwithjkrowling:",
"location": "London(ish)"
"id": 16917736,
"screen_name": "DivaDeplorable",
"name": "MAGAMom ~ Parler @DivaDeplorable",
"description": "~ Catholic Wife \u0026 Mom ~ Private School Teacher ~ Parler at Same Name ~ #MAGA #ProLife #VegasBorn #RecallSisolak #OpenNevada",
"location": "Southwest, USA"
"id": 16934682,
"screen_name": "ap281",
"name": "ap281",
"description": "Work in marketing. believe in equality - member of @wepuk, devour crime novels \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 16936090,
"screen_name": "dimmoro",
"name": "dimmoro",
"description": "Christian, conservative, skeptic. #MAGA",
"location": "Hawaii"
"id": 16944571,
"screen_name": "coachblade",
"name": "Linda Blade",
"description": "A sport performance coach [PhD Kinesiology; ChPC in T\u0026F] who develops athletes, mentors coaches, thrives on innovation, and honours positive nation-builders",
"location": "Edmonton, Alberta\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 "
"id": 16946848,
"screen_name": "petermagellan",
"name": "Peter Magellan, proud Citizen of Nowhere \ud83d\udc99 \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Former Remainer, now Rejoiner. Left-wing/green. Earthling. RT = FYI. Pronouns: #NoThankYou",
"location": "Perfidious Albion"
"id": 16951064,
"screen_name": "ChaoticMomo715",
"name": "chaoticdream715",
"description": "Mom. Pro life. 3 living children. 1 lost to suicide. Pro mental health. Crochet Artist! Lurker. Learner. Writer. Gamer.",
"location": "center of the earth"
"id": 16988706,
"screen_name": "VF44",
"name": "Vinsint Fletcher",
"description": "I'm not alt right I just want everyone to have health insurance and guns and I hate Ian Miles Ching Cheong and Scott Crowder.",
"location": ""
"id": 16988775,
"screen_name": "Gerbs919",
"name": "JB",
"description": "North Georgian \u2022 Catholic \u2022 cat mom \u2022 Conservative \u2022 Gen X \u2022 Pro-gun \u2022 Pro-life \u2022 Pro-military \u2022 Back the Blue",
"location": ""
"id": 16999554,
"screen_name": "davemcwatters",
"name": "Hon.David G. (Dave) McWatters",
"description": "Retired USMC Mustang (MGySgt/1st Lt);3 deployments \u2018Nam; SIGINT/COMINT Chief , Aux. Dep. Sheriff; NRA Lifer;Trump 2022;fol. by Gen Flynn;MAGA. Ret. RE Broker",
"location": "Loudoun County, VA"
"id": 17013467,
"screen_name": "Helen47",
"name": "~\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8~Helen 47~ \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Anti-progressive~fiscally \u0026 socially conservative~ #BuildTheDamnWall #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 No lists~No porn. #KAG",
"location": "USA"
"id": 17047015,
"screen_name": "Oiorpata",
"name": "Oiorpata",
"description": "Angry old lesbian feminist. Outraged by the cotton ceiling and gaslighting of young lesbians. My pronouns are sex based, just like my oppression.",
"location": "Wales"
"id": 17050815,
"screen_name": "mk2000",
"name": "CDR Harbinger",
"description": "\ud83c\udf0a\ud83d\udee5\ufe0f\ud83c\udfd6\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0f\ud83c\udfca\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf32\ud83c\udfe1\ud83c\udf33\ud83d\ude97\ud83c\udf04\u26f0\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 17076503,
"screen_name": "crankbitch",
"name": "The Little Stranger \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Loves cats and bicycles. Yoga. Ukuleles. Sewing. Smashing the patriarchy\n#IstandwithMarionMillar",
"location": "No longer on my bicycle"
"id": 17101082,
"screen_name": "dianakennedy",
"name": "Diana Kennedy \ud83c\udfa8 \ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udc89",
"description": "Comic and Animation artist from France.\nWoman (adult human female) I tweet in \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea \ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "France"
"id": 17104103,
"screen_name": "muldimedia",
"name": "Marion Mulder",
"description": "My passion: Making Digital Technology Work For You Current interests #GenderFreeTech #voice #AI #VR #AR #AIethics #WhereAreTheWomen #SDGs #Futurism #futurist",
"location": "Netherlands"
"id": 17107705,
"screen_name": "vickib501",
"name": "TruthTeller501",
"description": "Christian \u2764\ufe0fIsrael, pro-life, descendant of Patriots who shed blood for America",
"location": "Alabama"
"id": 17143599,
"screen_name": "prowomanprolife",
"name": "prowomanprolife",
"description": "Pro-Woman. Pro-Life. Canada without abortion. By choice.",
"location": ""
"id": 17147215,
"screen_name": "kenzie45230",
"name": "kenzie45230",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, TEA party member. #MAGA Fibromyalgia does not define me, but those other words do!",
"location": "Ohio"
"id": 17153291,
"screen_name": "avapiemama",
"name": "Gayle",
"description": "....une femme f\u00e9roce! \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cProud Mama \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc67 Part-time Mermaid \ud83e\udddc\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": "Bonnie Scotland \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f"
"id": 17177336,
"screen_name": "PeakMullett",
"name": "Peak Mullett \ud83d\udd25",
"description": "Full time Cat, Dog \u0026 Child herder, Husband, CrossFit Avoider, Hopeful Cynic. Follows are not endorsements. Pronouns: the/The/THE. Gender: Superstraight \ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b",
"location": "England"
"id": 17186736,
"screen_name": "joebosco",
"name": "Joe Bosco",
"description": "Human Capital Performance Coach-Consultant 4 Business executives, Sales, College \u0026 HS Student Athletes, Pro Athlts certified Hypnotherapist for anxiety+ #MAGA",
"location": "USA, orlando, FL "
"id": 17208780,
"screen_name": "Colley1962",
"name": "Pam \u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f",
"description": "Wife/M/GM, Constitutional Conservative. Pro-life for unborn, pro-death-penalty for murderers \u0026 child molesters. #Trump2020. RTs are not always endorsements.",
"location": "Kentucky, USA"
"id": 17217175,
"screen_name": "TerryMDayJr",
"name": "Too Many Opinions",
"description": "I'm anti-theist, pro-education, pro marijuana, pro-gun. pro freedom, pro LGBT, Pro choice, pro liberty.",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 17222129,
"screen_name": "JaniceBH",
"name": "Janice BH",
"description": "Pro Life, Pro God, Pro Gun, Pro Constitution, #MAGA #Trump2024",
"location": "Central Florida"
"id": 17240162,
"screen_name": "KCAvenger",
"name": "Jim",
"description": "Pro-law enforcement, pro-life, pro- @kubball and pro-constitutionalist",
"location": "Somwhere between CA and NJ"
"id": 17265346,
"screen_name": "LyndaHilburn",
"name": "LyndaHilburn: vaccinated, masked, radical feminist",
"description": "Pro-choice radical feminist, non-religious, pro-gun-control, psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, intuitive, paranormal author. I'm for female rights, HRC and JKR.",
"location": "Boulder, Colorado"
"id": 17269338,
"screen_name": "JamieCarin",
"name": "JamieCarin The Dangerous Catholic",
"description": "Catholic homeschooling wife and mother. Love the traditional mass, knitting, reading, and my husband! #fssp #traditionalcatholic #catholictwitter #trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 17293613,
"screen_name": "thebogwoppit",
"name": "\ud83e\udd96 The Bogwoppit",
"description": "The dinosaurs roar 'Women wont wheesht!' \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea\nPolitically homeless.\n\ud83c\udf0d\ud83e\udd9e",
"location": "Fleet, Hampshire"
"id": 17297199,
"screen_name": "PhillyTechGuy",
"name": "PhillyTechGuy (Pure Blood)",
"description": "windows networks . general IT work. onsite/remote consulting on hardware/ OS and Ubiquity networks. Windows Forensics. Technology Troubleshooters, LLC",
"location": "Philadelphia, PA"
"id": 17312690,
"screen_name": "ariana_erbon",
"name": "Andreia Nobre \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Journo (Woman \u2122\u00a9) at @QGfeminista \u0026 @4wPub, writer, sometimes comedienne. The Grumpy Guide to Radical Feminism 2nd Edition on Amazon: \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea",
"location": "Terra do Munca"
"id": 17339157,
"screen_name": "pawpawdude",
"name": "Pawpawdude",
"description": "Forensic behaviorist.Currently Surviving.The ONLY way is through.#Seahawks #YoungEnoughToKnowBetter #Conservative #MAGAA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Di Di Mau Beaucoup Dinky Dau \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Seattle, WA"
"id": 17349381,
"screen_name": "frfrankpavone",
"name": "Fr. Frank Pavone",
"description": "Personal account. Catholic Priest. Fulltime prolife leader. Was National Co-Chair, ProLife Voices for Trump. Director, @priestsforlife YouTube-FrFrankPavone",
"location": "Titusville, FL"
"id": 17434665,
"screen_name": "SmallGov4All",
"name": "Small Government",
"description": "Pro-economic-growth, prefer-life, pro-merit-based-immigration, #Libertarian #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Followback #DrainTheSwamp",
"location": ""
"id": 17446746,
"screen_name": "TomiKazi",
"name": "Thomas Vachuska",
"description": "moderately moderate; e^i\u03c4 = 1; 1/\u03c6 = \u03c6 + 1; \ud835\udf01(-1) = -1/12; ctrl-left alt-right del; 2 + 2 = 4;",
"location": "California"
"id": 17453966,
"screen_name": "BDorr",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 BDorr \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Patriot #NewEnglander #Maine #Conservative #SmallGovernment #Freespeech #LowTaxes #LawAndOrder #Liberty #Freedom #Strongborders #Rebublican #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Maine, USA"
"id": 17472240,
"screen_name": "LucySaysSo",
"name": "Lucy",
"description": "Conservative mama of three \ud83d\udc66\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc66\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc76\ud83c\udffd ProLife \ud83c\udf38 Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Military Family \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Support our Vets \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Support the Police\ud83d\udc6e\ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 17477919,
"screen_name": "esafille",
"name": "esafille",
"description": "HR + Mgmt Professional // Professor // UM football fan \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udfc8 // Husband // Dad // #MAGA \ud83d\uddfd\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Miami, FL"
"id": 17487173,
"screen_name": "Kate_Butler",
"name": "#NoDebate? #NoThankyou",
"description": "RTs are just RTs. Views all mine. Can also be found over at @CllrKateButler. Enjoy. Pronouns: I/me/mine/my. Some people think gender is harmful - get over it.",
"location": "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"
"id": 17494765,
"screen_name": "wanderlustlost",
"name": "riverdaughter #ReclaimTheGenderQueerFlag \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Archaeo-Conservator\ud83c\udffaHot Queer Mess\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08survivor\ud83d\udcaa fierce\ud83d\udde1bruja\ud83d\udd2epowered by plants\ud83c\udf31mestiza\ud83d\udc94\u2721\ufe0fish ASD, ADHD\ud83e\udde0disabled\u267f\ufe0f#blacklivesmatter\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\u26a7\ufe0fthey/elle\ud83e\udddc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": "X-roads of white coded \u0026 angry"
"id": 17514441,
"screen_name": "christimcdaniel",
"name": "christimcd",
"description": "Blessed with a wonderful family \u0026 a spouse that have put up with me for 38 years! Love you guys ;) #MAGA",
"location": "The Midwest"
"id": 17539968,
"screen_name": "Lilith45",
"name": "Andrea\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\udf1e\ud83d\udcab",
"description": "Sovereign; Woman: Adult Human Female; Patriot; Starseed ;Freedom; Nature is my church; I AM that I AM",
"location": "GTA, Ontario"
"id": 17545473,
"screen_name": "mooselips",
"name": "mooselips \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "Retired R.N. lives in Florida.\ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf34 \ud83c\udf79\ud83c\udf79\ud83c\udf79\nAmerica First\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2600\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2600\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #LTC \ud83d\udeabDM's. \ud83d\udeabPORN. \ud83d\udeabDM's. \ud83d\udeabTRAINS \ud83d\ude01 Happy gal",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 17552416,
"screen_name": "cvc415",
"name": "cvc415 #StopTheSteal #CountEveryLegalVote",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Pro Trump Conservative Christian, Pro America, Pro Life, Pro 1st and 2nd Amendment, MAGA, KAG #AuditTheVote",
"location": "Philadelphia, PA"
"id": 17553081,
"screen_name": "dlhanson",
"name": "dlhanson",
"description": "Gardener,Marriage=1Man+1Woman #BornAgain #Deplorables #MAGA #Tampa #CCOT #Engineer #BlueZones #BlueLivesMatter #NoSnowflakes #NoDemRats",
"location": "Tampa Bay area"
"id": 17553359,
"screen_name": "macranger",
"name": "Jack Moss",
"description": "Former CIA, Military Intelligence, Military Contractor, Security Specialist, with lots of friends in low and high places. #MAGA",
"location": "Undislosed"
"id": 17558880,
"screen_name": "monica531",
"name": "monica531",
"description": "Self-employed. Trump Supporter. Can get a little opinionated at times. #Trump2024. On GETTR with the same name... I will FB.",
"location": "Atlantic County, NJ"
"id": 17590516,
"screen_name": "danwootton",
"name": "Dan Wootton",
"description": "Presenter @GBNews Columnist @MailOnline Instagram @danwootton",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 17590899,
"screen_name": "David_P_Mullins",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 DAVID",
"description": "A can-do unless its a knot. #MAGA",
"location": "Restricted"
"id": 17593157,
"screen_name": "kekky67",
"name": "Kek Kek",
"description": "#BenghaziAintGoingAway #DrainTheSwamp #BlueLivesMatter #MAGA #KAG Parler: kekky",
"location": ""
"id": 17608839,
"screen_name": "eddiedavidson",
"name": "Data not Drama",
"description": "2021 progressive culture is what the the leftists have conjured up to convince themselves first principles don't exist. Chromosomes XY.",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 17624383,
"screen_name": "fredsparky",
"name": "mtb mike @fredsparky",
"description": "pro life - patriot- 1st and 2nd amendments -pro Jesus- hard work. family, MAGA, Go Dawgs!!",
"location": ""
"id": 17626317,
"screen_name": "chadfelixg",
"name": "Chad Felix Greene \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "Author of Without Context: Evaluating the Anti-LGBT Claims Against the Trump Administration | Etsy/Insta/FB: TheQuiltingChad\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 I like jokes.",
"location": ""
"id": 17642129,
"screen_name": "Gygantar",
"name": "Stefan Magnan \ud83d\ude80",
"description": "Geek, Gamer, Rebel, Christian. Pataphysics, News, Sushi, Space, Sci-fi, RPGs, Comics, Cthulhu, Politics, Bible, Smarties, Retrofuturism, Habs. #SuperStraight.",
"location": "Trois-Rivi\u00e8res"
"id": 17655692,
"screen_name": "davidrayshaw",
"name": "davidrayshaw",
"description": "Grandfather. Husband. Christian. American. Pro-Life. Conservative. Army Combat Veteran. Sooner. #MAGA #KAG #2A #XONR8",
"location": "Kansas"
"id": 17664181,
"screen_name": "ProdWhiskyRebel",
"name": "Deplorable Irish Prod Whiskey Rebel",
"description": "Self determined western classic liberal .Think for yourself. Support Yourself. Defend Yourself. #MAGA #PATRIOT #CONSERVATIVE #CONVENTIONOFSTATES",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 17677016,
"screen_name": "masonbo",
"name": "masonbo",
"description": "let\u2019s go Brandon-Trump 2024-PATRIOT-NRA- \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395--BLUE LIVES MATTER--BUILD THE WALL--LOVE DOGS- blocked by Rosie, Acosta, Griffin\u2014-TERM LIMITS",
"location": ""
"id": 17688580,
"screen_name": "TruthWarrior88",
"name": "Truth Warrior",
"description": "Here to reveal the truth! #MAGA #KAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 17691518,
"screen_name": "LindsayEveXX",
"name": "Lindsay Eve \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Woman, adult human female",
"location": "east sussex"
"id": 17696108,
"screen_name": "BGraceful",
"name": "Becky Carlson \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Deplorable \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude09",
"description": "JESUS - Lord \u0026 Savior!!! Blessed Beyond Words! John 3:16; Matt 5:26; Luke 6:27-28 #TeamJesus #ItIsFinished #MAGA #KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": ""
"id": 17696640,
"screen_name": "RandomBilliance",
"name": "Bill Spain III",
"description": "Christ follower, blissfully married 30+ years. TBI survivor (Prov.5:18) My tweets are mine alone \u0026 not those of my employer. Parler/Gab/GETTR #MAGA",
"location": "Oklahoma"
"id": 17751422,
"screen_name": "Mgon",
"name": "Mgon \ud83d\udd4a God is Sovereign",
"description": "Christian\u271d\ufe0fGod\ud83d\udc51#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#KAG #1A #2A\ud83d\udd2b#WalkAway\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08| @Debostic @Cernovich @JackPosobiec @realJamesWoods @ScottBaio @iWashington @PrisonPlanet @KSorbs",
"location": "USA"
"id": 17754306,
"screen_name": "SharonDFraser",
"name": "Sharon Fraser \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Woman, Noun, Adult Human Female. Mom, Wife, Step Mom, Grandma, Lover of Labradors.",
"location": ""
"id": 17768863,
"screen_name": "dmac88",
"name": "dmac88",
"description": "Horror fan. video games. retro computers. memes. #PPC #MAGA #TRUMP",
"location": ""
"id": 17769127,
"screen_name": "firemann816",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Back The Blue \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. My pronouns = LetsGo/Brandon",
"location": "USA"
"id": 17793130,
"screen_name": "melindadreed",
"name": "melindadreed",
"description": "Realtor with BHHS in KY. \u201cGammy\u201d to a bunch of crazy boys. Love crazy, deal with crazy daily! Ultimate Smart Ass! Baseball fan #MAGA",
"location": "Kentucky #BBN"
"id": 17797129,
"screen_name": "SteveS13F",
"name": "Steve",
"description": "My opinions are my own. i used to care but now i take a pill for that, conservative with libertarian leanings, Trump won, Army vet, Metal Head, #Reds, #GoBucs",
"location": "Minnesota, USA"
"id": 17799713,
"screen_name": "DawnFurness",
"name": "Dawn Furness #GrowingGreenRecovery",
"description": "PPC Blyth Valley Green Party - views own unless stated. Opera Singer, Filmmaker, Composer \u0026 Physicist, Gender critic, Loves dogs, hates violence against women.",
"location": "Cramlington, UK"
"id": 17802081,
"screen_name": "basschica",
"name": "basschica",
"description": "China is asshoe\nAlt-Russian 400# hacker just here to #MAGA - NRA lifetime member",
"location": "Michigan... USA USA USA USA"
"id": 17806664,
"screen_name": "ianrich2611",
"name": "Ian Richardson \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddff\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "Englishman living in NZ...Cycling le tour...The Real Resistance...Trump2020...onlymalefemale...",
"location": "New Plymouth District"
"id": 17808231,
"screen_name": "ColumboEye",
"name": "\u274cColumboEye\u274c",
"description": "Just a simple midwestern guy trying to keep my head above water... #MAGA #KAG #KAG2020 #PATRIOT #CONSERVATIVE #FBTS Only took a week to be shadowbanned! \u274c",
"location": "Midwest"
"id": 17862261,
"screen_name": "dholloway32",
"name": "Dave Holloway",
"description": "Former sports editor, Montgomery Media, Suburban Philadelphia \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump 2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 Penn State grad. 'We Are!'",
"location": "Fort Washington, PA"
"id": 17870713,
"screen_name": "thekmills",
"name": "Kevin: Professor Pureblood \ud83e\ude78\ud83e\uddd0",
"description": "Writer of short stories. Reader of Twilight Zone \u0026 Alfred Hitchcock. Stubborn Follower of Christ. @K2Mills @jackardiac (, etc) \ud83d\ude09",
"location": "Lubbock, TX"
"id": 17880389,
"screen_name": "UgandaGal",
"name": "UgandaGal",
"description": "Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservative #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #KAG #Jesus #Bornagain #2A",
"location": ""
"id": 17886100,
"screen_name": "JaeDQuinn",
"name": "Hybrid Transsexual Humanoid\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\u26a7\ufe0f \ud83c\udf0a",
"description": "Writing 3 memoirs - One memoir at a time | We are better than this | #Resist | #FBR | #BidenHarris | #Facts | #Feminist | I believe in #Science \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddec\ud83d\ude95\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"location": "Tucson"
"id": 17886548,
"screen_name": "ImaWooman",
"name": "ImaWooman",
"description": "#MAGA, Christian, life experienced voter ID proponent, CA USCCR civil rights. I don't see color. new golfer.",
"location": "southern cal"
"id": 17893040,
"screen_name": "hkmoon87",
"name": "\u262f\ufe0fHeather Stosberg\ud83c\udf53\ud83e\uddcb",
"description": "I\u2019m just a nobody with some radical ideas. #antiwar, #milspouse, #donoharmtakenoshit, #NAP, #prolife, occasional rambling. \ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udda4 Alt: @unladylikelibe1",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 17908362,
"screen_name": "mediajournal",
"name": "Storyworld Magazine",
"description": " - Children's Digital and Print Magazine; #audiobook #shortstories #magazine #kidsbooks #interactivebooks",
"location": "Richmond, VA"
"id": 17918065,
"screen_name": "SBAList",
"name": "Susan B. Anthony List",
"description": "Working to end abortion by electing leaders \u0026 passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @lozierinstitute\ud83e\udd30\ud83d\udc76",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 17919287,
"screen_name": "rairojasii",
"name": "Raimundo J. Rojas",
"description": "ALL views expressed are my own. NGO/UN. Pro-Life. Anti-Communist. #SOSCuba",
"location": "New York, NY"
"id": 17920042,
"screen_name": "Doug1943",
"name": "Doug1943",
"description": "American living in UK. Ex-Left Pro-civilization, esp. Western. Things look bad in the US now. Hope we can save some of it. #conservative #patriot #maga #kag #2A",
"location": "England"
"id": 17980372,
"screen_name": "prspear",
"name": "Paul Spear",
"description": "'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given 'Tolkien#MAGA#KAG",
"location": "Eagle Rock, Ca"
"id": 17980384,
"screen_name": "JacksonDS",
"name": "Jackson D.S. \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#LetsGoBrandon #PureBlood\nChristian and Conservatarian.\nI use Twitter mostly as a news reader.\nI like Films and TV/Video Games etc.\nRTs \u2260 endorsements.",
"location": "@Home On My PC!"
"id": 17982838,
"screen_name": "BreakthematrixM",
"name": "BreakTheMatrix: Parler",
"description": "#CHRISTIAN #AMERICAFIRST #MAGA #KAG #1A #2A #Constitution #FreeSpeech. Unplug from the Matrix free your mind ! Break The Matrix ! Gen 50:2 Parler:BreakTheMatrix",
"location": "MAGA KAG"
"id": 17993908,
"screen_name": "EricBurlison",
"name": "Eric Burlison",
"description": "Conservative Running for Congress. Senator in Missouri Senate #Christian, husband, and father of two girls. #SoftwareEngineer, #Conservative, #2A, #prolife.",
"location": "Springfield, MO"
"id": 18011648,
"screen_name": "dank1j",
"name": "dankbubba, citizen neanderthal Tex-arCA",
"description": "Just a proud American who believes we are the shining city on the hill \u0026 Trump did very well. #MAGA #MAGAA\nSame Bat Name on Parler\nAffiliated with nobody.",
"location": "CA"
"id": 18023344,
"screen_name": "mattbowman2000",
"name": "Matt Bowman",
"description": "Pro-Life Attorney",
"location": "Washington, D.C."
"id": 18033796,
"screen_name": "leonardpayne",
"name": "Leonard Payne",
"description": "Priest, C of E, Jesus Lover, hater of chancel screens - Chromosomes XY - Man - scourge of overreaching episcope",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 18050983,
"screen_name": "brandonvickers",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 President B. Vickers \ud83d\udc38",
"description": "\"I leave this rule for others when I'm dead\nBe always sure you're right - THEN GO AHEAD!\" \u2014 Col. Davy Crockett P.S. TRUMP WON AND I KNOW IT",
"location": "Based in Eastern NC"
"id": 18075443,
"screen_name": "bjsgarda317",
"name": "Brion Eoin O\u2019Searcaigh\u2618",
"description": "America First, 20\u0026out, married NYC Irish-Catholic, SJU \u0026 John Jay College of CJ, Conservative, Reagan \u0026 Trump MAGA, Blue Lives Matter. bjsgarda317@GETTR",
"location": "Long Beach NY"
"id": 18087548,
"screen_name": "jaemdpc",
"name": "James Engelbrecht",
"description": "Physician (MD), Bibliophile, Free Market Capitalist ; Pro Life, Pro Liberty, Pro Pursuit of Happiness, Christian, Iowa Hawkeye, St Louis Cardinal, Bronco Fan",
"location": "SD"
"id": 18093218,
"screen_name": "silverbfly",
"name": "Silver",
"description": "GOD\ud83d\udca5U.S.Constitution DCBorn #SETHRICH #ASSANGE \ud83c\udf97HEROES\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KEK #AMERICAFirst #KAG #1A #2A FckOBAMA #NEVERHillary EVER! \ud83d\udc4a",
"location": "Sarasota, Florida"
"id": 18097199,
"screen_name": "abhoria",
"name": "abhoria",
"description": "\ud83e\udd96 perpetually screaming into a pillow. #nothankyou",
"location": ""
"id": 18115814,
"screen_name": "mikef1965",
"name": "Mike",
"description": "Reasonable and unapologetic conservative with some libertarian commonalities. If this bothers you, I'm not apologizing! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Land of 10,000 fLakes",
"location": ""
"id": 18117002,
"screen_name": "stimmer64",
"name": "TXSherry22",
"description": "\u201cIf you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much\" Jackie O #conservative #widow #maga",
"location": "United States"
"id": 18125677,
"screen_name": "truesome",
"name": "Julie Quist",
"description": "Minnesota. #MAGA",
"location": "Norseland, MN"
"id": 18126205,
"screen_name": "lovelytemple",
"name": "Lovely Temple",
"description": "\u2640Gender-free lover of women, hater of bullies. #IstandwithJKRowling #nothankyou",
"location": ""
"id": 18137781,
"screen_name": "bmarcois",
"name": "Bart Marcois",
"description": "Old Cold Warrior. Writer, opinion maker. Former career diplomat and PDAS for Int'l, Dept of Energy. GOP, conservative,Tea Party, #MAGA Parler: @bmarcois",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 18150814,
"screen_name": "laurenmarie10",
"name": "L.M.Whistleblower",
"description": "Conservative graphic designer w/severe sarcastic bent. Fave words: Fantastic, Orgasmic, Bitchin, Snarky, Maroon (as in \"What a maroon!\"), Gossamer and Poltroon.",
"location": "Southern CA"
"id": 18162363,
"screen_name": "BrianBollmann",
"name": "Big B",
"description": "Believer. Dad. Libertarian. Programmer/Web Developer. Cards Fan! Blues Fan! Left-Handed Guitarist. Rush Fan. Outraged!! #tcot #MAGA Gab: @Bbollmann",
"location": "St. Louis, MO"
"id": 18185401,
"screen_name": "MissWendyWood",
"name": "Wendy Wood \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7fWoman =Adult Human Female. \ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96Speaking the truth is now an act of rebellion.\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c#WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Edinburgh"
"id": 18192315,
"screen_name": "VideoRon",
"name": "Patriot Ron - \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump Won \ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Naval Academy Grad, Army vet. Writer, Prod/Dir - and Clouthub. Visit for news and articles. Thanks LTG Flynn et al",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 18198348,
"screen_name": "srobhartkopf",
"name": "Steve Hartkopf",
"description": "Husband-Father-Grandfather. Retired. Laugh often, life is short. USA! Vets! Dogs. Think. #MAGA",
"location": "United States, North Carolina"
"id": 18213002,
"screen_name": "neputevaya",
"name": "Marina S \ud83d\udfe5 #IStandwithJKR",
"description": "Shooshpunker. Adult Human Female. #WomenIsNotAdirtyWord\u00a0 #IStandWithJKRowling\n#OnlyFemalesHaveCervicalCancer",
"location": "Moscow, Russia"
"id": 18216902,
"screen_name": "brigola",
"name": "Deus Lo Vult",
"description": "\u201cGod Wills It\u201d. Catholic \u271d\ufe0f. Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. Loves family. Pro-life. No mandatory vaccines. Back the Blue.",
"location": ""
"id": 18259462,
"screen_name": "matthewholmes1",
"name": "MattQuality",
"description": "Husband. Father. Patriot. Golfer. Poker player. 2A Supporter. TDS is much more deadly than COVID19. #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 18264560,
"screen_name": "fatblackcatspaw",
"name": "Mary Gordon",
"description": "I\u2019m not looking for equality- I\u2019m looking for reparations - pronouns Your Imperial Majesty #IStandWithMarionMillar #FACTSHAMER",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 18269496,
"screen_name": "mzee26",
"name": "mzee26 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Politically Independent/Conservative, mostly political tweets. LOVE my Dallas Stars \ud83d\udc9a \ud83c\udfd2 , LOVE my NY Yankees. \ud83d\udc99 \u26be #MAGA! #USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 18275400,
"screen_name": "finchill",
"name": "Charl \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \ud83d\udfe5 \ud83d\udc99 \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "ITU nurse. Pronouns? I find them quite useful in a sentence at times. Shrill Siren. #SexNotGender",
"location": ""
"id": 18288353,
"screen_name": "mmcmartin2",
"name": "mmcmartin2",
"description": "woman =adult human female great admiration for Graham linehan, and Posie Parker . no cis adjectives needed.",
"location": "England"
"id": 18297424,
"screen_name": "abiroberts",
"name": "A B I \ud83e\uddca",
"description": "Comediator @GBNEWS @TalkRadio @TimesRadio \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \u201cWell-behaved women seldom make history.\u201d",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 18310308,
"screen_name": "mydigitaldiva",
"name": "\ud835\ude96\ud835\udea2\ud835\ude8d\ud835\ude92\ud835\ude90\ud835\ude92\ud835\ude9d\ud835\ude8a\ud835\ude95\ud835\ude8d\ud835\ude92\ud835\ude9f\ud835\ude8a \ud83d\udc99\u2744\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udda5",
"description": "Back behind the BLUE Orange Curtain (#CA45) after 20 yrs in the fabulous foggy bubble of #CA12. \ud83d\udc99\u2744\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udda5 / \ud83d\udd95#MAGAats \ud83d\udd95",
"location": "#CA45"
"id": 18316631,
"screen_name": "MargoRey",
"name": "margorey",
"description": "Top 20 Billboard multi-charting Singer/Songwriter/Actress/Advocate/Organica Founder / Cancer Warrior | The Roots Of Rey download now",
"location": "Los Angeles"
"id": 18319998,
"screen_name": "1gintrick",
"name": "PatriotBee\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "News junkie,nature lover,problem solver. Certified troublemaker.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#1A #2A #Patriot #Deplorable #MAGA #VetsFirst #BuildtheWall karma has no deadline. #Phillies",
"location": "Downingtown, PA"
"id": 18339639,
"screen_name": "rhiannoceros",
"name": "rhiannoceros",
"description": "Adult human female. Together my cats can do anything.",
"location": "Warsaw"
"id": 18342649,
"screen_name": "RNPsychO",
"name": "RNPsych",
"description": "Nurse (ER Psych \u0026 Rehabilitation Services) Finding humor anywhere I can, the sicker, the better!! #Patriot #MAGA #KAG No DM's Please \ud83d\udc40",
"location": ""
"id": 18345594,
"screen_name": "straysauce",
"name": "Louis Matthew Sihler",
"description": "Filmmaker/Producer. Currently developing film projects for future production. Cancer survivor, believe in Christ. Be kind to people. We're here briefly\u263a\u263a#MAGA..",
"location": "Santa Cruz, CA"
"id": 18346357,
"screen_name": "grumnutt",
"name": "UprightCat \ud83c\udf38",
"description": "Adult human female refusenik witch. Part-time Bigfoot investigator. Full-time tree lover. Mother of cats \u0026 child. Copywriter. Science. Evidence. Choice.",
"location": "Rhu, Scotland, Earth"
"id": 18347797,
"screen_name": "AlisaDMay",
"name": "Rebellious Joy! #ResistAlways",
"description": "#BidenWON/#StrongerTogether/#Resist/4w5/INFP/Ravensclaw/Follower of Christ /Cat Lover/ #BLM/\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udda4\ud83e\udd0e\ud83e\udd0d No DMs.",
"location": "McConnell needs to go, WA"
"id": 18353866,
"screen_name": "dianjo",
"name": "diane jones #NOPRONOUNS! LGBS - NOT cis! FFS",
"description": "Adult Human Female shrill siren \u0026 VERY uppity NO Pronouns! Socialist, rejected by Labour. Rejecting them now... music, art, cinema, literature for sanity",
"location": "Newcastle upon Tyne"
"id": 18358597,
"screen_name": "bamafanonly",
"name": "MAGABAMAGAL\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "The love of my life has Stage 4 Lung cancer. (non smoking). Every day counts! I love God,family, career, \u0026THE CrimsonTide.#twitterphilanthropy #TRUMP2020",
"location": "Mississippi, USA"
"id": 18358977,
"screen_name": "stevesougstad",
"name": "SOG\u271d\ufe0fOWN",
"description": "Pro God. Pro Guns. Pro Freedom. Former Democrat. Former Republican. Constitutional Originalist. Free Thinker. Freedom Fighter. Animal Lover.",
"location": ""
"id": 18370412,
"screen_name": "mike3davis",
"name": "Mike Davis \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Catholic husband. Proud father. #ProLife. Pro #American. #Conservative \ud83d\udd34. Gov't geek. BIKE Doctor-Waldorf fan! @BikeSoMd. My tweets are my own.",
"location": "Southern Maryland"
"id": 18395747,
"screen_name": "MACSkeptic",
"name": "\ud83d\udc4c \u2665 \u2615\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea",
"description": "superstraight querdenken liberty or death",
"location": "berlin - germany"
"id": 18421117,
"screen_name": "Novemberswrath",
"name": "Pinball wizard",
"description": "Father, husband and proud American. After sitting on the sidelines I just recently started using my Twitter account because fb is terrible. #maga",
"location": "USA"
"id": 18431566,
"screen_name": "dalewood",
"name": "Truth Seeker",
"description": "Entrepreneur and businessman with certain unPC views on Life, Politics and Business, love Europe, loath the EU, very proud of our glorious history, GB NEWS!",
"location": "Southampton"
"id": 18440135,
"screen_name": "Nymeses",
"name": "Heath Atom Birilli",
"description": "Detransitioned woman. Former trans activist. Former radical feminist activist. Politically vague. Loves discourse and free thought.",
"location": ""
"id": 18442582,
"screen_name": "tkulberda",
"name": "Tonia Kulberda",
"description": "Conservative Christian Female Entrepreneur in NJ. Doing it all in the Republican Party. Life is good. No one said it would be easy. #MAGA #KAG #NJforTrump",
"location": "Kendall Park, NJ, USA"
"id": 18447625,
"screen_name": "Claudiacc",
"name": "Claudia Connell",
"description": "National newspaper writer/editor and critic. Watches a lot of telly. Hates The Archers Adult Human Female",
"location": "Brighton"
"id": 18460100,
"screen_name": "alwaysthemama",
"name": "chocomama29",
"description": "Fun, sassy mom to 5 Home-schooled, God, gun, USA-loving kids. Luv Jesus, My Family, \u0026 TRUMP! #MAGA #PATRIOT #CONSERVATIVE #GeritolJoeNotMyPresident #Impeach46",
"location": "USA"
"id": 18467604,
"screen_name": "wrandyholman",
"name": "Randy Holman",
"description": "64yo Conservatarian.Christian,2A,NRA Life mem,cigar addict. #MAGA...Support Military Armed Forces/Vets-God Bless America...",
"location": "Henrietta, N. Texas..."
"id": 18478414,
"screen_name": "BwanaPjotr",
"name": "XZ!",
"description": "Ich traue mir das Kanzleramt zu!",
"location": ""
"id": 18480391,
"screen_name": "minumonline",
"name": "Mary Pullen",
"description": "Its down to us at the end of the day. Not them. Gender critical. Feminism learnt in the 1980s, reinforced daily.",
"location": "Hackney, London"
"id": 18488539,
"screen_name": "boomerkel",
"name": "boomerkel",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #KAG2020 #PATRIOT #CONSERVATIVE",
"location": ""
"id": 18501154,
"screen_name": "Michelle1113",
"name": "Pure Blood Michelle",
"description": "\ud83e\udd84 Magical Unicorn \u2764\ufe0f Women's Wellness Consultant\n\ud83c\udfcd\ufe0f Motorcycle Enthusiast\n\ud83c\udf55 Pizza Lover\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Air Force Vet\n#PureBlood",
"location": "Somewhere, MN"
"id": 18516833,
"screen_name": "undeader",
"name": "merangue",
"description": "#bitcoin #superstraight #ancap",
"location": "USA"
"id": 18523265,
"screen_name": "GreatGretchen",
"name": "Glitterati Gretchen",
"description": "Conservative, COWBOYS FANATIC, I support our military and vets, all animal charities. Adopted so I'm #ProLife. Daily Life with #RheumatoidArthritis",
"location": "The Great State of Texas"
"id": 18527224,
"screen_name": "Merocity",
"name": "Deplorable Neanderthal Merocity",
"description": "Artist, Boxer, Pro-life #Maga Trump supporter, strong women are the future. love Liberal tears. #HispanicsforTrump #FreakinRican \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7",
"location": "Brooklyn, NY \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7"
"id": 18533363,
"screen_name": "TucsonTrumpGirl",
"name": "Arizona Kate",
"description": "#45. #TRUMP #MAGA #KAG Am @ArizonaKate on Parler.",
"location": "Tucson, Arizona"
"id": 18533473,
"screen_name": "scaifette",
"name": "caroline\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "",
"location": "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"
"id": 18536997,
"screen_name": "Tzeporah",
"name": "Tzeporah Berman",
"description": "International Program Director, Adjunct Professor York University.Chair, Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty",
"location": "Vancouver"
"id": 18585417,
"screen_name": "kevinnikkel",
"name": "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\udf41 Kevin Nikkel \ud83c\udf41\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"description": "Justin #Blackface #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauDictatorship #BillC10 Following \u2260 Endorsement I \u2665 JK Rowling",
"location": ""
"id": 18593918,
"screen_name": "bonmon",
"name": "Bonmon",
"description": "Liberty, federalism, constitutionalism, charity, @SetFreeAlliance #TCOT #TGDN #MAGA #enditmovement",
"location": "Red State"
"id": 18601303,
"screen_name": "Spyonmike",
"name": "Goody Spy",
"description": "Woman, Mother, Gender Critical, worried about the future of women.",
"location": "London"
"id": 18604461,
"screen_name": "grahamterris",
"name": "Grhm frm Abrdn",
"description": "Ex right winger and winner of 2012 Nobel Peace Prize (shared). Scottish/Citizen of Nowhere. World leading at something.",
"location": "Bishop's Stortford/London"
"id": 18606665,
"screen_name": "Biffking",
"name": "Biffking",
"description": "IT/Tech Nerd, Long-time Duranie. Women are a sex class, not a costume or feeling. Woman; adult human female. RadFem. #ianterryfan #IStandWithMaya #SexNotGender",
"location": "Newcastle upon Tyne"
"id": 18610633,
"screen_name": "Alisdisgrace",
"name": "Alisoraus \ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Pronouns: I/me \ud83d\ude44 Unapologetically pro-women. When it comes to female spaces, sports, prisons, etc, I am a self-declared MERF.",
"location": ""
"id": 18635250,
"screen_name": "MarcoGutierrez",
"name": "Marco Gutierrez",
"description": "\u201cOPEN MINDS\u201d \u2728 \u201cOPEN DOORS\u201d\ud83d\udeaa|Knowledge of the path is not a substitute for walking it| Co-founder of the Latinos For Trump movement |Show Host |Estratega",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 18649169,
"screen_name": "t20racerman",
"name": "t20racerman QC \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Stood for UKIP in Hertford \u0026 Stortford in GE. Love Europe, hate the EU\nHead of Physics. 8 motorcycles, 1 tattoo, lots of arthritis \ud83d\ude44\nPronouns: F**k/off\n#GBnews",
"location": "Herts"
"id": 18659505,
"screen_name": "mac56er",
"name": "\u2615\ufe0f Van Matthews \u2615\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2642\ufe0f",
"description": "God first, Christian, pro-life, love my country, USAF veteran, Member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Razorback, contemporary Christian music listener.",
"location": "San Antonio, Texas, USA"
"id": 18673125,
"screen_name": "rmack2x",
"name": "rmack2x",
"description": "Patriot, Constitutionalist, Oppose all Democrats at any level of gov't. Friend of Israel. Married, father of three, every day an adventure. #MAGA #tcot",
"location": ""
"id": 18680633,
"screen_name": "AuntSparticus",
"name": "AuntSparticus 4God \u0026Country Dark2Lite",
"description": "BEST.PRESIDENT.EVER.\u2764\ufe0f#MAGA\u2764\ufe0f#TRUMP2020 Luke8:17 For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed nor anything secret that will not be made known\u0026 come to light.",
"location": "Los Angeles ="
"id": 18689772,
"screen_name": "peter90402",
"name": "Peter A",
"description": "Liberal voter. won\u2019t be happy until @realDonaldTrump is brought to justice. tweeting to change the world. hahahahaha",
"location": "United States"
"id": 18692891,
"screen_name": "WMAIndivisible",
"name": "Classof90RULES\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd29\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffb",
"description": "GenX, liberal but not insane. Team JK Rowling. #LGB #WomenExist #Feminist",
"location": "Massachusetts, USA"
"id": 18698202,
"screen_name": "lindapwylie",
"name": "Linda Wylie",
"description": "Allegedly retired Midwife and Social Media Enthusiast. Web weaver extraordinaire!",
"location": "Troon"
"id": 18708867,
"screen_name": "focusedfrog",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Eric A. Churchill\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA All the way \u0026 Build that Damn WALL! !! #TRUMP #KAG 11 years British Royal Navy \u0026 Marines - Submariner/Photographer - 42 Commando Unit - Patriot since 1982",
"location": ""
"id": 18715745,
"screen_name": "greengranma",
"name": "Annegre",
"description": "Rad Fem - Environmentalist - Social Justice Campaigner. RTs are not endorsements! Died Nov.2019. My partner Max tries to uphold my spirit.",
"location": "Penarth, Wales"
"id": 18731677,
"screen_name": "WanderingBen",
"name": "WanderingProudJew",
"description": "I'm an American Jewish conservative and Zionist. Supported president Trump in 2020. Time to resurrect conservatism. #CruzShapiro2024 #AllLivesMatter #ProudJew",
"location": "\u00dcT: 40.6225915,-73.9687856"
"id": 18743912,
"screen_name": "derekfrench",
"name": "Derek French",
"description": "Family man. Prolife. Runner. Crossfitter",
"location": "Oregon"
"id": 18779133,
"screen_name": "JPfromHB",
"name": "Jim from Huntington Beach",
"description": "Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Huntington Beach, CA"
"id": 18795350,
"screen_name": "cynigirl",
"name": "\uae40\uc9c4\uc544\ub294 \ub429\ub2c8\ub2e4",
"description": "\ucc45 '\ub098\ub294 \ub0b4 \ud30c\uc774\ub97c \uad6c\ud560 \ubfd0 \uc778\ub958\ub97c \uad6c\ud558\ub7ec \uc628 \uac8c \uc544\ub2c8\ub77c\uace0'\ub97c \uc37c\uc2b5\ub2c8\ub2e4. 7\uc6d4 1\uc77c \uc77c\ubcf8 \ucd9c\uac04!\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f \ud50c\ud14d \uacc4\uc815 \ud314\ub85c \uc548\ubc1b\uc544\uc694. Girl can do GC. Be Kind? No Thank You!",
"location": ""
"id": 18808934,
"screen_name": "irenegott",
"name": "irenegott",
"description": "Inspiring others to lead happier, healthier lives and be the best they can be!",
"location": "Troon"
"id": 18810387,
"screen_name": "OCAmericans",
"name": "OrgConservAmericans",
"description": "Org of Conservative Americans: The @GOP belongs to 70 Million #MAGA now, those who don't stand with @realDonaldTrump now have no future! Parler: @OCAmericans",
"location": "Washington, D.C. \u0026 TEXAS!"
"id": 18817746,
"screen_name": "elapresta",
"name": "Jake West",
"description": "Metal pro, antiquity geek, Texan, Adoptee!. #MAGA",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 18822612,
"screen_name": "AmyKremer",
"name": "Amy Kremer \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Chair @america1stwomen; co-founder @womenfortrump PAC; former Chair #TeaParty Express; #MarchforTrump #MAGA #womenfortrump #stopthesteal",
"location": "Roswell, GA"
"id": 18831048,
"screen_name": "jennied5588",
"name": "Achub y bobl tsili \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\u2615\ufe0f",
"description": "Gender: Non Gender, (because biological girls can do, dress, behave however they want) Sex: Adult Human Female... Prof Prons: Scone / Breadcake",
"location": "The Isle of Chip Spice"
"id": 18844527,
"screen_name": "BippetyBoop",
"name": "She who Rants \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d",
"description": "Hopefully compassionate but not always kind adult human female. Everymother. Woman \u2122\ufe0f - don't call me cis. Keen for follows - I will reciprocate.",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 18856444,
"screen_name": "suzy_rice",
"name": "suzyrice",
"description": "Susan Elizabeth (Suzy) Rice, not the other one. // Patrick Henry is among my ancestors. \"@suzyrice\" on GETTR. #2A #MAGA #SaveAmericaAgain #BorderWall. No DMs.",
"location": "U.S.A."
"id": 18896304,
"screen_name": "Siriusly92",
"name": "\ud83c\udf0aNaomi",
"description": "Music lover, \ud83c\udfb6\ud83c\udfb5 DW fan \u0026 bookworm. \ud83d\udcd6\u26a1 Sharing the love for Roger Delgado on @DelgadoFans \u2764\ufe0f Sis turtle Bon @Zephyrdust8 \ud83d\udc22\ud83d\udc9c #IStandWithJKRowling \ud83d\udc78\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc96",
"location": ""
"id": 18915889,
"screen_name": "the_batgirl",
"name": "CaptainChaos",
"description": "Actually not a batman fanatic. I do however like cake. Science nerd. Collector of things. Biology matters.",
"location": "In the Middle of England"
"id": 18957784,
"screen_name": "PrizmGazer",
"name": "Joey Martinez",
"description": "boop/bop/beep \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 I love South Park, Final Fantasy, Thundercats, Sliders, Lost, Knight Rider, Captain N, One Piece. Respect is earned, not given #SuperStraight",
"location": ""
"id": 18960519,
"screen_name": "Dragunlady",
"name": "Dragunlady",
"description": "Canadian for Trump KAG it matters to the North",
"location": ""
"id": 18965946,
"screen_name": "KenGreenberg",
"name": "Ken Greenberg",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #DEPLORABLE #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #TRUMP #CONSERVATIVE #WalkAway #TCOT #PATRIOT #CONSTITUTION #COS #AmericaFirst #FBTS #BanSharia #2A #banFGM",
"location": "Hauppauge NY 11788-4017"
"id": 18995594,
"screen_name": "underhermantle",
"name": "Barb Moroney",
"description": "pro-life, Catholic, former homeschooler, CGS catechist, mother of 8, incl. 2 born in Haiti., \u0026 grandma to 13 beautiful grandchildren",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 18996956,
"screen_name": "SocialismsEnemy",
"name": "SocialismsEnemy",
"description": "SAGE CON, x-NFL,x-MLB,x-NHL,x-NASCAR fan\u2026still a big fan of Females\u2026Vets\u2026NHRA\u2026Muscle Cars\u2026Warbirds and enemy of Socialism everywhere\u2026#FightForTrump #MAGA",
"location": "Red State w/ pustules of blue"
"id": 19017675,
"screen_name": "Nigel_Farage",
"name": "Nigel Farage",
"description": "Watch Farage on @GBNEWS. Mon-Thurs at 7pm.",
"location": ""
"id": 19021510,
"screen_name": "don_bav",
"name": "U.S. Navy Veteran",
"description": "Desert Storm U.S. Navy veteran. Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2#MAGAVeteran. Country livin' \ud83d\ude9c",
"location": "Azle, Texas"
"id": 19024721,
"screen_name": "CodeTalker",
"name": "CodeTalker #RESIST!",
"description": "\"I rejoice that I am not a Republican.\"\nI have no use for tRump or his cult of brainwashed losers.\nNo lists please.",
"location": "UpstateNY"
"id": 19040087,
"screen_name": "Cherylwatching",
"name": "Cheryl O",
"description": "Passionate pro-life, Home school advocate, pro-informed consent #bossy, and opinionated.",
"location": "KaliPharma"
"id": 19063818,
"screen_name": "TrustedPilot",
"name": "Kate",
"description": "Partnered \u0026 loved AGP for 10 yrs. #IStandWithRayBlanchard #IStandWithRosieDuffield #IStandWithJKRowling\n\u201cSay what you see\u201d - Roy Walker. Views mine.",
"location": "London"
"id": 19079406,
"screen_name": "neilblackwood",
"name": "Neil Blackwood",
"description": "Tarzan by nature. #Pureblood. Ancestral food lover.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 19100406,
"screen_name": "joshland",
"name": "\u26a1 White Boy Sumer \ud83d\udc51 \u26a1\ufe0f",
"description": "Imbibe of only they which makes you stronger. Pure blood. Statists Gonna State. AnGFY Twitter won't let me follow you. Not your enemy. \u30a2\u30e1\u30ea\u30ab\u30f3\u30d0\u30a4\u30ad\u30f3\u30b0",
"location": ""
"id": 19108163,
"screen_name": "marthathebear",
"name": "Charles Metternich \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Adult human male, old, straight, not cis. Radicalised by Mumsnet. \"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.\" (Voltaire.)",
"location": "England"
"id": 19108310,
"screen_name": "chrisacorbett",
"name": "Chris",
"description": "Husband, father of two kids, #DrainTheSwamp, #MAGA. Will follow back any Trump supporter. I love a good political argument. But insulters will get ignored.",
"location": "San Antonio, TX"
"id": 19127281,
"screen_name": "LadyCyra",
"name": "Lady Cyra \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9c Hope and joy! \ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc9c\u2764\ufe0f",
"description": "Pro-choice, pro gun control, not religious. She/her. Biden/Harris have lifted us up \u0026 will help us to get away from the horror that was the previous admin! #BLM",
"location": "Providence, RI"
"id": 19134998,
"screen_name": "piprabbit_uk",
"name": "Piprabbit \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Bemused parent. Domestic disaster. Frustrated creative. Excessive MNer.",
"location": ""
"id": 19135439,
"screen_name": "bkru",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Brett Kruschke \u271e",
"description": "Philippians 3:12 \"Christ Jesus has made me his own.\" Follow @OpenBKChristian\ud83c\udf9aPsalm 139:13-16 \ud83d\udcd6 Proverbs 8:22-30 #ProLife\ud83d\udc76\ud83c\udffe @bptigertown \ud83d\udc05\u26be\ufe0f\u2728",
"location": "Belle Plaine, MN"
"id": 19137540,
"screen_name": "frangopoulos",
"name": "Angelos Frangopoulos",
"description": "Chief Executive Officer, GB News Limited.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 19147690,
"screen_name": "RightNowLady",
"name": "CindyLou",
"description": "If you are not part of the 17 movement yet you will be soon!!! God Bless our POTUS !!! #Trump2020. #bitcoin",
"location": " Southeast, USA"
"id": 19150301,
"screen_name": "ted1953",
"name": "Ted Said",
"description": "Lover of the Constitution, disciple of CAPITALISM and, a proud new member of the NRA. #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. Please no DMs. I will not kneel, ever.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 19150735,
"screen_name": "jmacdeee",
"name": "Janey #AdultHumanFemale \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Passionately pro-Indy Adult Human Female. #womenwontwheesht #voteYES #BothVotesYES #AlbaGuBr\u00e0th #SaorAlba \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f no DMs please",
"location": "Scotland, EU \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f"
"id": 19167833,
"screen_name": "LizLemeryJoy",
"name": "Liz Joy",
"description": "(R)(C) 20/22 Candidate for U.S. Congress #NY20 Wife. Mom. NY\u2019er. Love my Family, my State, my Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 It\u2019s Time to put Joy back in NY \u0026 USA #AmericaFirst",
"location": "New York"
"id": 19181226,
"screen_name": "RedEyeJedi420UK",
"name": "RedEye Jedi",
"description": "\u201cTell the children the truth\u201d - Bob Marley , I\u2019m Exempt from BS. PureBlood - Man of God - The Globe is a lie!",
"location": "UK"
"id": 19191480,
"screen_name": "Tpagrl7",
"name": "Teresa. KAG. Let's Go Brandon",
"description": "I am ready to #MAGA and have fun while I am doing it.\nNo DMs please. I follow back.",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 19214556,
"screen_name": "AmonVandenacht",
"name": "ArmonVanDeNacht \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 \ud83e\udde2\u2b06\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Pronouns: are/NOT/yours Disaffected Liberal. For the Right, I'm on the Left.\nFor the Left, I'm on the Right.\nFrak tribalism.\nI often don't have a filter on \ud83e\udd2a",
"location": "Inveni me in nocte."
"id": 19227566,
"screen_name": "sofadog",
"name": "anything is possible \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "An ant \ud83d\udc1c on the move does more than a dozing ox - Lao Tzu",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 19230673,
"screen_name": "SeffieJT",
"name": "SeffJT",
"description": "centre right, voted leave, no DMs, will block you if you\u2019re rude/nasty. I\u2019m not a gammon, or a TERF, or a racist, I am a mother, a wife and a woman. GBNews",
"location": "Southampton, Hampshire"
"id": 19232907,
"screen_name": "Lampiekat",
"name": "Kat Coy",
"description": "Hi, i'm Kat. I'm full time carer for our daughter who has a rare chromosome disorder. I'm a UW Distributer and Scentsy consultant plus Disney fanatic",
"location": "St Neots, Cambridgeshire"
"id": 19234920,
"screen_name": "Eddiemc10",
"name": "Eddie",
"description": "Insurance broker from Essex based in Lincolnshire",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 19242403,
"screen_name": "momo_airbags",
"name": "Momo \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Voiceover artist and seasoned workplace change professional. Prone to hot water bottle burns. #WomenWontWheesht \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 19264063,
"screen_name": "Decoder2",
"name": "\"Dr\"Art Copeland-MAGA--Lost 3K followers!",
"description": "\u201cBlessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord",
"location": "All Lives Matter, WA"
"id": 19283282,
"screen_name": "bagpussfoster",
"name": "Kara Latrobe \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Would be fount of all knowledge with an overactive imagination (also needs to superglue bum to chair and write more).",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 19286149,
"screen_name": "JimboDubyah",
"name": "IYDLIGTHO",
"description": "#IYAAYAS, father of 4, grandfather of 3, husband, soccer coach,...oh, and 24 year Air Force Veteran #MAGA #IYDLIGTHO\n@ninelineapparel - IYAAYAS, 20%",
"location": "Leesburg, FL"
"id": 19288813,
"screen_name": "CarrionSoul",
"name": "\u2694Mestizo\u2694 - #EarnedNotGiven",
"description": "Singer/guitarist/POET. #STOICISM \"I'll not, carrion comfort, Despair, not feast on thee;\" Founder's Liberalism! #ToWriteLoveOnHerArms #MAGA #OrangeManBADASS \u2620",
"location": "Shit Creek"
"id": 19289953,
"screen_name": "98Webs",
"name": "98 Webs",
"description": "Trump Won! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Faith in God \u271d\ufe0f Truth, Justice, Freedom, Family, Patriot, Q, Thankful, Born Again Christ Follower, Drain the Swamp! #MAGA \ud83d\udd25",
"location": "Hattiesburg, MS"
"id": 19290986,
"screen_name": "palavrossavrvs",
"name": "josh",
"description": "Looking for that Blessed Hope, the glorious appearing of our great GOD and SAVIOUR, YESHUA! \u2764\ufe0fYisra'el \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2014 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A \u2014 IFB all Patriots/Believers.",
"location": ""
"id": 19292496,
"screen_name": "ocean8wl",
"name": "Sky white",
"description": "#TRUMP 2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA RED WAVE 2020 PATRIOT-EXPRESS",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 19308681,
"screen_name": "bluebonnet_m",
"name": "miss",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #Q -- Libs take a hike! Hook 'em, Horns! Trump is saving our country, and I thank God! No lists/trains. @missBluebonnet on Parler.",
"location": "Texas, always!"
"id": 19340136,
"screen_name": "Pippa1950",
"name": "Valerie Johnson",
"description": "happily married. two grown up children. three grandchildren. one dog Conservative supporter. \u2764\ufe0fGBNews",
"location": "London"
"id": 19340971,
"screen_name": "Stephy4030",
"name": "Stephanie Coop",
"description": "Wife, Mom,Pro-life",
"location": "Valdosta Georgia"
"id": 19341346,
"screen_name": "SisterKaff",
"name": "SisterKaff\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa(\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7)Sistersaurus",
"description": "French thank f*ck. I'm with the dinosaurs \ud83d\udc49 \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96 and as for Brexit... \ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udde6\ud83c\udf7f\ud83c\udf7f",
"location": "Ille et Vilaine"
"id": 19351514,
"screen_name": "muckystar_77",
"name": "EyeAmAwake\ud83d\udc41",
"description": "Believer of Real Science. (Lyme Warrior) #MAGA PATRIOT PARTY \ud83e\udd81\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Parler/Gab EyeAmAwake",
"location": "Chicago, IL"
"id": 19366330,
"screen_name": "jennielee147",
"name": "\u2728The Grand Experiment\u2728",
"description": "I get my rights from god, not gov\u2019t \u26ea\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#mybodymychoice #pureblood",
"location": "Seattle"
"id": 19378944,
"screen_name": "angelbear48",
"name": "STOP the STEAL Deplorable",
"description": "#LoveJesus!! #Family!! #KAG!! #Pro2A #ProLife #Chinaliedpeopledied Parler: @lilangelbear51",
"location": "WV, USA"
"id": 19380022,
"screen_name": "EyesOnTrump2020",
"name": "ItsLorysStory",
"description": "Trump was Right!",
"location": "United States"
"id": 19392325,
"screen_name": "BuyCapital",
"name": "Capitalizm",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Loyal American. TRUMP2020. Nationalist. AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM #Trump #LetsGoBrandon #BlueLivesMatter\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB",
"location": "Born in The USA "
"id": 19398172,
"screen_name": "superkelstar",
"name": "Kelly Woodcock",
"description": "A Marketeer, a wife \u0026 a mummy to 2 boys, one of those boys rocks an extra chromosome. Our family is complete, life is pretty amazing. #downsyndrome",
"location": "Norton, England"
"id": 19418959,
"screen_name": "TheStugotz69",
"name": "Stugotz",
"description": "#AwakeNOTwoke #AmericanPatriot #AmericaFIRST #FreeSpeech #GUNS # #SilentMajority #MAGA #TRUMP #USA #NotMyPresidents #LAWandORDER #LiberalismISaMentalDisorder",
"location": "United States of America"
"id": 19420691,
"screen_name": "dragonflya64",
"name": "amanda \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Mum and Nanna, Loves records,books,bikes and my job. \ud83d\ude42 DA survivor and now DA victim supporter \ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Suffolk via Lincolnshire "
"id": 19423521,
"screen_name": "nikkimcgee",
"name": "nikkimcgee",
"description": "Mum to a toddler and teen, northerner in exile, RE teacher and radical feminist",
"location": "Wareham, England"
"id": 19424496,
"screen_name": "Hage_W",
"name": "Herr Statler",
"description": "Weniger Kontroverses. Lieber etwas mehr Flausch. \u00bbMehr als n\u00f6tig leidet, wer schon leidet, ehe es n\u00f6tig ist.\u00ab",
"location": "Auenland"
"id": 19429989,
"screen_name": "OldGrockle",
"name": "Grockle",
"description": "No thank you",
"location": ""
"id": 19439092,
"screen_name": "jonwhay",
"name": "maximus terfinus",
"description": "Gay not CIS, LGB alliance, single sex spaces for women.",
"location": "Cardiff, Wales"
"id": 19439474,
"screen_name": "slinkysauruss",
"name": "Slinkysaurus\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "\ud83e\udd40\u201dYou are indeed unique\u2026\u2026.just like everyone else\u201d\ud83d\udc85\ud83c\udffb #NoThankYou \u2640",
"location": ""
"id": 19441439,
"screen_name": "McGraceFace_",
"name": "Gracie:) \ud83d\udc9a\u00af\\_(\u30c4)_/\u00af",
"description": "Mother, Feminist #SexNotGender #NoThankYou\nCritical thinking is critical these days. If you think nothing is impossible,try slamming a revolving door.",
"location": ""
"id": 19442326,
"screen_name": "Charlie_Lou88",
"name": "Charlie \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffc\u200d\ud83e\uddbc",
"description": "Yorkshire lass living with a disability. Love books \ud83d\udcda, history and dogs\ud83d\udc36 (especially my gorgeous Canine Partner Lexi!). Passionate about disability rights. GC",
"location": "Yorkshire, UK"
"id": 19445186,
"screen_name": "norman005",
"name": "Norman Eccleston",
"description": "Brexiteer, just right of centre, anti woke, Conservative. Love Europe,hate the EU.",
"location": "Staffordshire"
"id": 19447065,
"screen_name": "TaraJH",
"name": "Tara \ud83d\udfe5\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "#IStandWithMarionMillar #SexMatters #IStandWithRosieDuffield #IStandWithKathleenStock",
"location": "UK"
"id": 19447691,
"screen_name": "The_Morganism",
"name": "The_Morganism_homme des cavernes",
"description": "#Catholic, #hunter, #shooter, #prolife, #adoption, #USMC, #termlimits, #CCW",
"location": ""
"id": 19450961,
"screen_name": "darcwood",
"name": "DARCY \ud83d\udc99",
"description": "The capacity to overcome hardship and disappointment builds resilience \u0026 grace. VT to B\u2019klyn to Cali. #RadicalFeminist #Redhead #knitter #BLM.",
"location": "In Atlanta for a bit"
"id": 19452129,
"screen_name": "Alan_Henning",
"name": "Alan Henning",
"description": "American Citizen | British Citizen | DualCitizen | Isle-of-Wight | Amateur Photographer | Opinionated | Fully Vaccinated | GBNEWS | Patriot | unwoke",
"location": "St Helens, Isle of Wight, UK."
"id": 19469664,
"screen_name": "LotsForTots",
"name": "Lots for Tots",
"description": "'How to survive with the under fives' #Magazine #franchise for families with under 5s. Posts by founder Nadine, mum of 2 girls. #Derby #Nottingham #Staffs",
"location": ""
"id": 19470319,
"screen_name": "SensibleOne",
"name": "Trump Won",
"description": "--- If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. Mark Twain --- #tcot",
"location": "Taxed to Death New York"
"id": 19481371,
"screen_name": "leilarubyW9",
"name": "AlyS \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Brown, adult human female sy\u2019n siarad Cymraeg.",
"location": "Ireland"
"id": 19485383,
"screen_name": "chuggie99",
"name": "KayB \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "\ud83c\udd86\ud83c\udd7e\ud83c\udd7c\ud83c\udd70\ud83c\udd7d not cis;pronouns \u201coy you\u201d Loving life;happy in my own uncomplicated world and working on keeping it that way...#IstandwithJKRowling\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Hampshire "
"id": 19485684,
"screen_name": "atticvs",
"name": "atticvs",
"description": "Common sense in a world that's losing the plot. #Brexit #Trump. #MEGA. Alt Right. Identitarian. #FreeSpeech",
"location": "Norwich, Norfolk."
"id": 19485921,
"screen_name": "toriajayne",
"name": "\ud83e\udd96Toria in McGilead \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "I read more than can be healthy. Ravenclaw with a hint of Hufflepuff. I don't play chess with pigeons. Deluded Pillock - some Twitter rando's list.",
"location": ""
"id": 19488995,
"screen_name": "ciaranmcconnell",
"name": "Ciar\u00e1n McConnell",
"description": "Ciar\u00e1n. @Infinite_Promo boss. Sometime Wrestler. Catholic. Nice guy (I hope). Pro Life. Pro Palestine.",
"location": "Liverpool, England"
"id": 19495007,
"screen_name": "IanCownie",
"name": "Snow Dog",
"description": "I eat and sleep and drink. Superstraight.",
"location": "Cardiff"
"id": 19513933,
"screen_name": "MichaelicAlly",
"name": "Michaelic_Warrior",
"description": "Don't just like-ReTweet it! #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #2A #Deplorable Independent-Constitution-Futures-Biodynamic-Organic-Health-Wood-Capitalist-Swim",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 19527806,
"screen_name": "girlsmudda",
"name": "BeeTee\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udf38",
"description": "Politically homeless now. Anti woke, pro common sense. It's not a theory, wake up. On Gab and Telegram #NoVaccinePassports",
"location": ""
"id": 19530060,
"screen_name": "Mark_Prettyman",
"name": "Mark Prettyman",
"description": "Experience designer, web coder \u0026 stained glass artist. Loves beer, thai, pizza \u0026 debate! Chromosomes XY. p.s. I have dyslexia. So pedants beware.",
"location": "moreton in marsh"
"id": 19531133,
"screen_name": "Fanny_Ann",
"name": "Frances",
"description": "Adult human female. I like art and gardens.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 19537220,
"screen_name": "WebbOne",
"name": "Josh Webb",
"description": "Competitive, Conservative, Candid #MAGA",
"location": "Franklin, TN"
"id": 19542083,
"screen_name": "StuartMMoss",
"name": "Stuart Moss MCCT",
"description": "Bath Rugby fan. Dad, husband, son and brother to wonderful people! Teacher, Tory \u0026 Pro Brexit. Love Europe- hate the EU! Freemason. Generation X",
"location": "Keyworth. Nottinghamshire."
"id": 19545948,
"screen_name": "hrprr",
"name": "American Savage",
"description": "American, opposed to progressive liberal indoctrination \u0026 govt overreach. Political savage, music junkie \u0026 #Longhorn4Life! #MAGA #TrumpTrain",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 19546697,
"screen_name": "Shatterface",
"name": "Shatterface",
"description": "Something went wrong. Try again.",
"location": "Arkham Asylum"
"id": 19553930,
"screen_name": "geophilly21",
"name": "Dr. Super\ud83d\udc4fStraight FJB.",
"description": "Super Straight\nG/F/Y\nEverything Woke Turns To Shit",
"location": ""
"id": 19582622,
"screen_name": "chad_8899bev",
"name": "BEV",
"description": "walk without rhythm and you won\u2019t attract the worm. proud supporter of our president!! love my country! Family first, America First! God Wins!!",
"location": "United States"
"id": 19586643,
"screen_name": "spiralmoney",
"name": "Where the f*k is Oscar Goldman \ud83e\udd96 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Adult female horse = mare Adult female sheep = ewe Adult female chicken = hen Adult female human = woman The word woman is taken. Not yours. Not male.",
"location": ""
"id": 19587729,
"screen_name": "cba500",
"name": "Clare Brown Agami (I am my initials)",
"description": "Here for the Goodeness. A Discovery of Witches, Hozier, Bear's Den, The Last Kingdom, Wynonna Earp, Lin-Manuel Miranda. Adult female human.",
"location": "Surrey, UK"
"id": 19654724,
"screen_name": "suzanne_moore",
"name": "suzanne moore",
"description": "Freedom is what you do with what\u2019s been done to you.\nPronouns This,That and the Other . The Daily Telegraph",
"location": ""
"id": 19664992,
"screen_name": "newsjunkie_ky",
"name": "Sherry TRUMPWON2020",
"description": "Political junkie, Conservative, TRUMP 2020! Former DJ. former Regional Sales Mgr. for radio group.",
"location": ""
"id": 19674279,
"screen_name": "elaineypainey",
"name": "elaine thomas",
"description": "WOMAN actual biological #genderfree #superstraight mother",
"location": "home"
"id": 19685246,
"screen_name": "pgc_911",
"name": "\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8LETS GO BRANDON!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274c",
"description": "Christian, Husband, Father, Papaw, NavyVet #MAGA #MolonLabe 1 LIFE; CHOOSE WISELY! #LETSGOBRANDON #ProtectorOfUSConstitution",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 19685405,
"screen_name": "NewYorkFamilies",
"name": "NYFRF",
"description": "New Yorker's Family Research Foundation (NYFRF) tweets from a pro-life, pro-family, conservative Christian perspective on all things New York State.",
"location": "Rochester, NY"
"id": 19689969,
"screen_name": "mistmonster",
"name": "mistmonster",
"description": "Florida girl, the state with the best governor ever! Tweeting from President Trump's home district of #FL21 #Patriot #MAGA #IFBP Parler/GAB @mistmonster",
"location": "West Palm Beach, FL"
"id": 19695517,
"screen_name": "abk75",
"name": "Ann Keadle",
"description": "TRUMP WAS RIGHT",
"location": "Columbus, GA"
"id": 19716792,
"screen_name": "KJX33",
"name": "Kerry \u201ckick my stick, I kick you\u201d",
"description": "she / her.",
"location": ""
"id": 19724628,
"screen_name": "ciarama",
"name": "Ciara \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Happy",
"location": ""
"id": 19732568,
"screen_name": "tfox123",
"name": "tfox123",
"description": "\u201cLiberty, once lost, is lost forever\u201d ~ John Adams #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 19734871,
"screen_name": "hazey_jane",
"name": "Hazey Jane \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "Pronouns: #nothankyou",
"location": ""
"id": 19741396,
"screen_name": "JeZzA_is",
"name": "DJ",
"description": "Brawl Stars, MOTO GP Super Fan #46.\nMetal Detecting, Rugby player and all lives matter.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 19744643,
"screen_name": "Anyechka",
"name": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7fChanaEstherDafna\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Hist-fict writer, Socialist, rad \u0026 GC feminist, crunchy within reason, one million percent pro-vaccination. Riddle wrapped in a puzzle inside an enigma.",
"location": "Planet Earth"
"id": 19752286,
"screen_name": "bethsd",
"name": "Beth Daranciang",
"description": "Christ follower, mom, pro-life, woman=adult human female; Vice Chair of the King County Republican Party, MPH",
"location": "Seattle, WA"
"id": 19790359,
"screen_name": "LordeBacon7",
"name": "Chris",
"description": "Presence of mind, awareness \u0026 common sense. Whatever life throws us, America shall overcome - Be Bold! #DRAINTHESWAMP #MAGA",
"location": "Shreveport, LA"
"id": 19792518,
"screen_name": "ericlaforte",
"name": "Eric LaForte",
"description": "Patriot; Sheepdog; America first; Opinions are my own.",
"location": ""
"id": 19802992,
"screen_name": "MexicanReagan",
"name": "Mexican Reagan \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I follow Christ, I lead my family, Constitutionalist, Proud American, U.S. History teacher, #CruzCrew #KeepTexasRed #MAGA",
"location": "Great State of Texas"
"id": 19810475,
"screen_name": "Juliety",
"name": "Pixilicious",
"description": "\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"location": "Leamington Spa"
"id": 19823508,
"screen_name": "RealChristineMc",
"name": "RCMC \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a#WomenWontWheesht",
"description": "No voter \u2764. Standing up to vile toxic Nationalism \u0026 Separatism. RTs not necessarily an endorsement. Sock puppets are blocked \ud83d\udeab",
"location": "UK "
"id": 19826703,
"screen_name": "Key621",
"name": "Key Cole\ud83d\udddd",
"description": "Night shift \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1#MAGA Sir, Custer was a pussy , you aint.#Bowie Proud father of the blue 100% IFB #Neverbiden jus because u shot Jesse James don\u2019t make u Jesse",
"location": "Kentucky, USA"
"id": 19832989,
"screen_name": "AngryAngler1",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Angry_Angler\ud83e\udd88\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#AllLivesMatter to include those of the unborn. America is a great country. I enjoy talking about Scripture, politics, and fishing. Just ask. USA, SFC (Retired)",
"location": "Third Rock From The Sun"
"id": 19847690,
"screen_name": "BklynToBoca",
"name": "Michael Ackerman",
"description": "\u2018Align your actions with your intentions to create the results you want.\u2019 #MAGA #Byeden",
"location": "BklynToBoca"
"id": 19856969,
"screen_name": "MissouriJayhawk",
"name": "Mike F",
"description": "Christian, American, Conservative from Kansas City I'm just a Jayhawk living in MU Country, #kubball #LivePD #BackTheBlue #MAGA Opinions my Own RT \u2260 Endorsement",
"location": "Midwest - KCMO"
"id": 19868783,
"screen_name": "lordingit",
"name": "Tina Lord",
"description": "Feminist 2021 #saveearth #JKR #california Justice is worth fighting for. Don\u2019t let the egos win. Gen X",
"location": "Joshua Tree - UK - Anywhere"
"id": 19872080,
"screen_name": "_wolfffffff",
"name": "Paul",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNews @GBNEWS #Brexit Anti #Woke \u0026 #Lefties #HateEU \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"location": "England"
"id": 19872120,
"screen_name": "wigglewoggle",
"name": "Wigglewoggle \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.",
"location": ""
"id": 19873250,
"screen_name": "Knowfree77",
"name": "Think2Know",
"description": "Truth Seeker, Conscious. PUREBLOOD. Morally obligated to resist tyranny",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 19873992,
"screen_name": "thepotatofarmer",
"name": "Ms Anthrope",
"description": "I may be crabby, but my friend's kids said I'm 'a kind woman'.....or was that a 'kind of woman'? Shameless feminist. #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "location. location. location."
"id": 19886180,
"screen_name": "ScotsAHF",
"name": "Chocolatey \ud83e\udd96\ud83c\udf52 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #WomenWontWheesht",
"description": "Scottish Indy Supporter. Feminist. Partial to strong black coffee \u0026 cheap chocolate. #WomenWontWheesht\n#NoThankYou",
"location": "Scotland, United Kingdom"
"id": 19892165,
"screen_name": "Lilly_Femme_NP",
"name": "Lilly \u2640\ud83e\udd8b\ud83d\udd4a",
"description": "Personal acct. Mom \u0026 Survivor. By Grace through Faith. MSN, FNP. Believer: Science/Healthcare. Feminist/GC on Sex vs Gender. Adult Human \u2640 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cin \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. \ud83d\udeabDMs.",
"location": " USA"
"id": 19916920,
"screen_name": "Busyor00",
"name": "Roy Couchman",
"description": "Pro-brexit, therefore old and stupid with 3 degrees including a PhD. Follow and I\u2019ll follow you back.",
"location": "London, UK"
"id": 19923734,
"screen_name": "wizardsthename",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Col Mays",
"description": "Big Arsenal fan. Gooner family will follow all gooners back. Brexit done at last.\nGB News, let's get behind Andrew Neil.\nProper news not biased reporting.",
"location": "East Yorkshire U.K"
"id": 19930888,
"screen_name": "JackieRMark",
"name": "Jackie Mark",
"description": "Christian, Mom of 5, Retired Attorney, homeschool mom, love the Constitution, Freedom, Law \u0026 Order. Drain the swamp! No DMs please! I follow back Patriots.",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 19952173,
"screen_name": "xchief1",
"name": "xchief1",
"description": "Husband, dad, grandpa, great grandpa, former Fire Chief/EMT-retired. \ud83d\ude92\ud83d\ude91 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Harley rider. #1A #2A Done with spineless Republicans #MAGA",
"location": "Minnesota, USA"
"id": 19964292,
"screen_name": "craftymiss",
"name": "Sharon MacDonald-Armitage",
"description": "Theatre loving mum to 3 wife to 1. I love animals, people not so much. Love the UK. No reason needed to block (Parler @SMacA) \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNEWS #SupportArmedForces",
"location": "God's county - Wiltshire"
"id": 19969015,
"screen_name": "Msandr1st",
"name": "Rad the Impaler \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Contragender. For women, always.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 19971072,
"screen_name": "hlvincent15",
"name": "Helen Vincent",
"description": "@//* *\\\\@ Military Veterans FB admin. Loves outdoors, old places, books, keeping fit and dogs. Hates racism, bullying and Marxism....ALL LIVES MATTER!",
"location": ""
"id": 19984776,
"screen_name": "StandTrue",
"name": "Stand True",
"description": "Christ-centered, pro-life youth outreach of Priests for Life, led by Bryan Kemper",
"location": "Troy, OH"
"id": 19986211,
"screen_name": "Aundibob",
"name": "Andrea Cummins \ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udca5",
"description": "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \u2640\ufe0f",
"location": "Bolton, England"
"id": 19990029,
"screen_name": "realpaulalan",
"name": "Paul Alan",
"description": "Patriot, musician, artist, almost surfer. #MAGA, #2A, Country before Party\nFollowed by @CharlieKirk11,@mitchellvii,@cov_Gretchen\n@1776Stonewall",
"location": "Living the #AmericanDream"
"id": 20001121,
"screen_name": "SkadeNjord",
"name": "Skade",
"description": "\u201cWith all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy\u201d Adult human female\u2026",
"location": ""
"id": 20008835,
"screen_name": "CarrieSing",
"name": "Carrie Singleton",
"description": "Class solidarity to fight racism, anti-imperialist; gender critical; women\u2019s rights are human rights; solidarity with all oppressed people of the world",
"location": "United States"
"id": 20012603,
"screen_name": "MFnP",
"name": "MissFluffy'n'Pink \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "\u201cThe idea that any kind of free society can be constructed in which people will never be offended or insulted is absurd\u201d Salman Rushdie Feminism, footie \u0026 F1",
"location": "The Real World"
"id": 20026068,
"screen_name": "adjewels",
"name": "Angela Daczko",
"description": "Catholic Christian. Wife. Mother. Pro-Life. Executive Administrator. Treasurer. Survivor. Politics.",
"location": "Ohio"
"id": 20026287,
"screen_name": "dsbrenner",
"name": "Pureblood Lentus Amor \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2nationalist \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude49\ud83d\ude4arecovering libertarian \ud83e\udd51foodie \ud83e\udd8dcontrarian \ud83c\udf08integral spiral dynamics \ud83d\udca12nd tier consciousness \ud83c\udfa7holosync \ud83c\udfadtheater \ud83c\udfbcearly music",
"location": "Cambridge, MA, USA"
"id": 20035953,
"screen_name": "FrankieBulgaria",
"name": "Frankie Dinosaurus Lorry",
"description": "Ex hippy but now a fierce Rad Fem fighting the GC cause on Terf Island \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96",
"location": "By the sea in East Sussex"
"id": 20041634,
"screen_name": "davels",
"name": "Dave",
"description": "Footie ref. Chelsea ST-holder. Work in IT - big oil alum \u0026 now software - views purely my own! love #grassroots \u0026 #gbnews",
"location": "south east"
"id": 20047675,
"screen_name": "StretchySarah",
"name": "Sarah Jeffrey",
"description": "XX. Rad Fem, not the fun kind.",
"location": ""
"id": 20058088,
"screen_name": "itsjillgardner",
"name": "The-Fat:Controller \ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udee1\ud83d\ude00\ud83d\udfe5\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "I identify as a thought criminal #beigefree #lowcarb \ud83e\udd69 #MECFS #LymeDisease #ROGD parent musician \ud83c\udfa4\ud83c\udfb8 pronouns suck #NoThankYou",
"location": "Universe"
"id": 20073843,
"screen_name": "doozerinhardhat",
"name": "Rachell",
"description": "WOMAN- Adult human female",
"location": ""
"id": 20074252,
"screen_name": "1_Tracy_",
"name": "Tracy \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Believer of facts not fiction.",
"location": "Portsmouth, ENGLAND"
"id": 20107538,
"screen_name": "Spacecadetrik",
"name": "Space*Cadet \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udda4\ud83e\udd0e",
"description": "CLD Professional, tech geek, political junkie. Should know better. The views expressed here are my own. Retweets are not endorsements.",
"location": ""
"id": 20128333,
"screen_name": "TrippyPip",
"name": "Trippy Pip",
"description": "Free speech: you're entitled to your opinion but don't presume I'm obliged to listen to it. Allergic to PC guff. Olympic level loon magnet. Adult Human Female.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 20130776,
"screen_name": "georgie777",
"name": "George \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #XRPTOTHEMOON",
"description": "Pro Brexit, West Ham and Miami Dolphins fan. I have my own opinion, if you don\u2019t like it, it doesn\u2019t make it wrong.",
"location": "London"
"id": 20148236,
"screen_name": "lissiewalton",
"name": "lisa walton",
"description": "Ravenclaw, pro-JKR, feminist killjoy",
"location": "Shropshire"
"id": 20148273,
"screen_name": "arual_sinned",
"name": "Laura Dennis",
"description": "Female Human",
"location": "Nottingham, UK"
"id": 20148371,
"screen_name": "psychomum5",
"name": "alethea Fletcher \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe5 #IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "Wife, mother, daughter, sister. Survivor, Warrior, protector of women and girls.",
"location": "dorset"
"id": 20149038,
"screen_name": "Brammer9",
"name": "Gazza Hawk",
"description": "Truthseeker - lift the veil \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #PATRIOT",
"location": "Scotland, United Kingdom"
"id": 20195435,
"screen_name": "x_Silli_x",
"name": "x_Silli_x",
"description": "MarriedMySoldier/CancerSucks #BackTheBlue #ARMY #MAGA #TRUMPWON #FSOCIALISM #PrayForUSA #GamerGirl #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": "US of A "
"id": 20204255,
"screen_name": "addierama",
"name": "Addierama",
"description": "Waiting for my District assignment, #MAGA #BeFree #WeThePeople *retweet\u2019s are not endorsements. Former Republican, watch out - look what we did to Fox News",
"location": "TEXAS "
"id": 20218966,
"screen_name": "alaskop",
"name": "RetiredAlaskaTrooper",
"description": "There is nothing wrong with a police state as long as you're the State Police.\n(it's sarcasm)#MAGA #TRUMP2020 #TRUMP #CONSERVATIVE #PROLIFE #PATRIOT#TrumpWON",
"location": "Pensacola"
"id": 20229511,
"screen_name": "judgejules75",
"name": "Julie Scott \ud83c\udf52 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9impenitente bastarda femmina",
"description": "Unrepentant female bastard",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 20232355,
"screen_name": "KingKalidasa",
"name": "Taprobaneman \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Proud father. Proud Brit. Desperate Leaver. Anti woke!",
"location": "Cambridge"
"id": 20232848,
"screen_name": "NoShirleyNo",
"name": "Hackney Terven",
"description": "It\u2019s me. Cantankerous and ghastly as always. Snark and swearing guaranteed. I instablock trans ideologues.",
"location": "TERF Island \ud83c\udfdd"
"id": 20236592,
"screen_name": "kateflett",
"name": "Kathryn Flett",
"description": "Biological woman following *the science*: if E=mc2 isn\u2019t up for debate, why are my XX chromosomes? Words for money since 1985:",
"location": "Random-on-Sea"
"id": 20240072,
"screen_name": "jologo",
"name": "jo goff \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "NHS immunisation nurse. I like cooking.",
"location": ""
"id": 20243337,
"screen_name": "jeee475",
"name": "jeee475 \ud83d\udc9c \ud83e\udd0d \ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Woman. Not cis. Ex-Labour. Shrill siren. \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"location": "London, UK"
"id": 20246300,
"screen_name": "femminaastuta",
"name": "Catherine \ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b",
"description": "If I decide to be an idiot, then I'll be an idiot on my own accord - Johann Sebastian Bach. Woman = Adult Human Female",
"location": "Middle-ish UK"
"id": 20247020,
"screen_name": "CherylNkt81",
"name": "HorseyDancer\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "\ud83e\udd95 Adult human female. Mum of 2, Wife of 1. 20+ years in horse racing/Bloodstock industry. Enthusiastic, if lacking in talent, dancer. All opinions are my own.",
"location": "Cambridge"
"id": 20250374,
"screen_name": "lisakaymiller20",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TrumpWon\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Non participant in rat race.",
"location": "Detroit, MI"
"id": 20250954,
"screen_name": "BenNCM",
"name": "Ben NCM",
"description": "Started writing the night after Trump won the election",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 20265591,
"screen_name": "sugarmagnani",
"name": "SugarG.Monster \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\udd85\ud83e\udd85\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "development chemist, dead head, chili cook-off winner, former cleveland sports fan, future resident of yellowstone national park\ud83e\udd85 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA4EVER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85",
"location": "Cleveland, Ohio"
"id": 20271070,
"screen_name": "danfenn",
"name": "Dan Fenn",
"description": "Gender free",
"location": ""
"id": 20291821,
"screen_name": "colsiegirl",
"name": "\ud83d\ude0e colsie \ud83d\ude0e",
"description": "\ud83d\udc18.Vino\ud83c\udf77.Talk radio \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Small business owner \u0026 licensed esthetician. My \u2764\ufe0f is still in Cabo. #MAGA",
"location": "USA "
"id": 20328115,
"screen_name": "Mazzerkhan",
"name": "Marianne Anderson",
"description": "Sarcastic optimist, Atheist, Proud European,loves books, comedy, politics and chemistry. Prone to drinking tea at the drop of a hat. Adult human female.",
"location": "Liverpool, England (EU)"
"id": 20334863,
"screen_name": "peteacton",
"name": "peter acton",
"description": "Pro a United Kingdom. I don\u2019t like bullies and am proud to be Welsh \u0026 British. Monarchist and for GB, not a separatist \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7#GBNews",
"location": "cardiff"
"id": 20335455,
"screen_name": "trex620",
"name": "Goldilocks \u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Women's rights are human rights and human rights are women's rights. #WomenWontWheesht\nSex is observed not assigned\n#sexworkisntwork\n#womensBillofRights",
"location": "Richmond Upon Thames"
"id": 20346225,
"screen_name": "MAGIC47",
"name": "Arizona deplorable",
"description": "Arizona native, #MAGA #1A #2A #veterans # Patriot # walkaway # blue lives matter",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 20364976,
"screen_name": "BuildBakBetter",
"name": "BiggsyUK\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83d\ude4a\ud83e\udd2d\ud83d\ude02",
"description": "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money - Margaret Thatcher \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNews# \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Will unfollow unfollowers.",
"location": "England"
"id": 20367509,
"screen_name": "crocsforlife2",
"name": "crocers",
"description": "#gbnews",
"location": "earth"
"id": 20372008,
"screen_name": "jayceeaitchbee",
"name": "Jaycee Aitchbee #istandwithJKRowling",
"description": "I\u2019m stayin. I\u2019m finishin my coffee.",
"location": ""
"id": 20392736,
"screen_name": "IowaStateproud6",
"name": "Ted",
"description": "Go Cyclones! Super Pro animal agriculture! Proud father of two beautiful girls...#maga ... conservative! #Drinkmilk All posts are my own....",
"location": "Iowa, USA"
"id": 20417396,
"screen_name": "OldstockCanuck",
"name": "President Elect Steve",
"description": "13th generation Loyalist aka refugee. Stong \u0026 Free. Fort et Libre. #PPC founding member \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #BlueLivesMatter l#IStandWithDonCherry",
"location": "Ontario, Canada"
"id": 20419354,
"screen_name": "LdyDianeLenning",
"name": "\ud83d\udc8eDiane\ud83d\udcabLenning\ud83d\udde3JD\u2696\ufe0f",
"description": "Political-Legal Analyst\ud83d\udcab @LdyDi DigitalWarrior1\ud83d\uddfdConstitution Law-JD\u2696\ufe0f #MAGA\ud83d\udcab#RetiredEducator #SupportConstitutionRights\ud83d\udde3\n\ud83d\udcab",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 20427023,
"screen_name": "outofthe6norm",
"name": "Out of the ordinary",
"description": "Love \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7voted for Brexit! Dislike the mainstream media, identity politics, far left and woke virtue signallers \u0026 those who use pronouns #GBNEWS",
"location": "England"
"id": 20429604,
"screen_name": "wrongfield",
"name": "Wrongfield \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Londoner. #AdultHumanFemale #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Haringey"
"id": 20453102,
"screen_name": "Chefanim",
"name": "Chefanim",
"description": "Florida Man, but not the one in the newspaper. #MAGA",
"location": "Panama City, FL"
"id": 20457441,
"screen_name": "susiesparkler",
"name": "Susan - Duchess of Dorset \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7- beach bum, Rugby Union. Animal lover.- Anti woke. I am a woman, I have a cervix. I am scum apparently \ud83e\uddd0",
"location": "Branksome Park, Dorset"
"id": 20472154,
"screen_name": "christy_lanham",
"name": "Christy Lanham",
"description": "Texas A\u0026M Class of '96 \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc Mom to 3 awesome young men and numerous pets. Kentucky girl at heart. #WestPointMom #GoArmyBeatNavy. #MAGA. Luke 21:36",
"location": "Graham, TX"
"id": 20482762,
"screen_name": "PALICE",
"name": "008",
"description": "Be Supernatural, Be Radical, Be Free \u0026 Please stay Peaceful. Save the \ud83c\udf0e\ud83c\udf0d\ud83c\udf0f\ud83e\ude90\ud83d\ude4f\ud83e\udd8b\ud83d\udcdd\ud83c\udfa8\ud83c\udfa4\ud83c\udfac\ud83d\udcf2\ud83d\udcbb\ud83d\udcfb\u262e\ufe0f\u262f\ufe0f\ud83d\udd49\u264e\ufe0f\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\udfbc\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udf0d\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83e\udd0e\ud83d\udda4\u269c\ufe0fxoxo Alice Mary Palau",
"location": "Wandsworth, London"
"id": 20483786,
"screen_name": "misspacey",
"name": "Nerissa",
"description": "Mother. \ud835\udd38\ud835\udd55\ud835\udd66\ud835\udd5d\ud835\udd65 \ud835\udd59\ud835\udd66\ud835\udd5e\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5f \ud835\udd57\ud835\udd56\ud835\udd5e\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5d\ud835\udd56, @SWS_Australasia, pro-reality, gender abolitionist, \u201cMen aren\u2019t women tho\u201d #sexnotgender boop/bop/beep",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 20492710,
"screen_name": "auntiesam_2",
"name": "Auntie Sam \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\udc63",
"description": "Christian wife, Daughter of the American Revolution, Missourian. #ProLife",
"location": "St. Louis, MO, USA"
"id": 20496966,
"screen_name": "userIDtaken",
"name": "4-star Admiral LeftRightOut",
"description": "Australian expat in the USA \ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa \ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf0 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Chromosomes XY",
"location": "Nashville, TN"
"id": 20510368,
"screen_name": "msstiles",
"name": "Michelle Stiles \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "#FBPE #RejoinEU #Rejoiner Socialist, feminist, optimist, Liverpool FC fan, gender atheist",
"location": "Stoke-on-Trent, England"
"id": 20517036,
"screen_name": "axis_jimi",
"name": "hector morales",
"description": "Trump2024",
"location": "Buffalo, NY"
"id": 20517143,
"screen_name": "letticoco",
"name": "Letti Roche \ud83d\udd78 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Things that interest me ... Nature, radical feminism and the occasional human - armchair environmentalist with aspirations.",
"location": "iPhone: 53.457092,-2.199860"
"id": 20519332,
"screen_name": "lauraleeconboy",
"name": "Laura Lee-Conboy",
"description": "DJ/Broadcaster.Family, friends \u0026 cats are life.I like tea,ukulele\u0026guitar. Rad Fem, survivor, vegan, activist, EDS\u0026OCD sufferer. All views expressed are my own.",
"location": "Dublin, Ireland"
"id": 20520561,
"screen_name": "polly2149",
"name": "Waspi Woman \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Lifelong socialist and newly acquired feminist, hate Tories, racists and avocado. Grandma to 8, child bride obvs.",
"location": "Terf Island"
"id": 20527047,
"screen_name": "damilne1",
"name": "Doreen \ud83d\udfe5 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Football: Armadale Thistle, Morton, Liverpool, Scotland. \u262e \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"location": "West Lothian Scotland"
"id": 20534175,
"screen_name": "DarthVoter",
"name": "Darth Voter",
"description": "MAGA! AMERICA FIRST!",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 20536170,
"screen_name": "marybinpei",
"name": "Mary Burke",
"description": "Woman: Adult Human Female. Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Sister. Being a woman has shaped every aspect of my life.",
"location": "PEI Canada"
"id": 20542395,
"screen_name": "cliodhna_Danann",
"name": "Cliodhna \ud83d\udfe5 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Law graduate, Third Sector, GC feminist, #IStandWithKeiraBell #IStandWithRosieDuffield #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithMarionMillar",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 20542897,
"screen_name": "HIBISCUS30",
"name": "elissa \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Lets go Brandon",
"description": "Trump won",
"location": "Tetney, England"
"id": 20546387,
"screen_name": "steffers27",
"name": "Stephanie \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "Jesus follower, wife, mother, Texan, Pro-Life, Pro-Israel, Never been polled, One Nation Under God. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 20547450,
"screen_name": "Velsar9",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a Sonsaurus",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 20587469,
"screen_name": "what_now_ffs",
"name": "Or is it warm in here?",
"description": "Woman (arch). Worthy of respect. In *any* society. me/me/me #NoThankYou",
"location": ""
"id": 20590256,
"screen_name": "gwynhwyfaer",
"name": "Gwynhwyfaer",
"description": "Human Adult Female (historically known as Woman). Big fan of Feminism, Byron, and Freedom of Speech. My Pronouns and Chromosomes? Irrelevant.",
"location": "Audley, England"
"id": 20596948,
"screen_name": "Danabott",
"name": "Dana Young",
"description": "Jesus is my Savior and my family rocks. My teams are the Cowboys, Mavs, Rangers and Aggies #Conservative #MAGA #constitutionalist, #Texan through and through.",
"location": "Amarillo, TX"
"id": 20604623,
"screen_name": "Roaringgirl",
"name": "ForzaVale \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Adult Human Female. That is all I need say. Full On Nuclear TERF. #IStandWithJKR",
"location": ""
"id": 20604757,
"screen_name": "PrittyKat",
"name": "Katie",
"description": "\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f - Woman \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": ""
"id": 20606903,
"screen_name": "garagegirl72",
"name": "Calyx",
"description": "Love my life, my family and friends, my cat and my amazing job. GC Feminist. Can't wait until Scotland has her independence \ud83d\udc96 Learning guitar sloooowly",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 20612467,
"screen_name": "SewMuchNo",
"name": "Stephanie",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 20613687,
"screen_name": "lord_dunc",
"name": "Carl \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Patriotic, Gay, Eurosceptic, Thatcherite, Tory, Brexiteer, Atheist, Royalist, Northern, anti-woke, loves history \u0026 cats..(not necessarily in that order) \ud83d\ude42",
"location": ""
"id": 20617148,
"screen_name": "Loubysaurus",
"name": "Lou_b_saurus \ud83e\udd96 \ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Woman/Mother. \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96 Doesn't require validation from anyone. Not believing in something doesn't mean you hate the people who do. #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 20619787,
"screen_name": "lov2laf",
"name": "Robert Tollen",
"description": "myeloproliferative polycythemia, essential thrombocythemia, myelofibrosis",
"location": "key west florida usa"
"id": 20627286,
"screen_name": "EmmitaJuana",
"name": "Terfasaurus Roaring",
"description": "#Angryfeminist, #BLMally, #TeamTERF \ud83e\udd95 \ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c Pronouns: No/Thank/You. #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithDrKathleenStock #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "London"
"id": 20628670,
"screen_name": "RamblingMother",
"name": "Rambling Mother \ud83d\udc3b",
"description": "#MAGA; Conservative Tea-Party Type; #EndCommonCoreNow; #tcot; #ccot; #tlot. #TRUMP2020;",
"location": "somewhere south"
"id": 20629742,
"screen_name": "behindthedoor",
"name": "F",
"description": "Editor, writer, archaeologist. Manchester born, black sheep of the East. Adult human female. Itchy feet.",
"location": "Yorkshire"
"id": 20636000,
"screen_name": "2plus2iswhat",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cMENFLEV",
"description": "Morally Exploitable Non-Person Flesh Vessel\nPronouns: it/that",
"location": "UK"
"id": 20652565,
"screen_name": "meadowshadow",
"name": "Meadowshadow \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Value Conservative Values / America First",
"location": ""
"id": 20662800,
"screen_name": "Duke_4_America",
"name": "The Duke for Trump",
"description": "God, Family, Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 and our Vets. I'm for the liberty of the individual. You tangle with me, I\u2019ll have your hide. Thanks for the follows and tweets.",
"location": "Belton, MO"
"id": 20663233,
"screen_name": "TungusGrump",
"name": "Marco",
"description": "\ud83d\uddfdAir Force Veteran \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, Freethinking American; \u2764\ufe0f God, Family, Country, Pro Life, 2A, Miami Sports \u0026 Classic Rock nut \ud83c\udfc8\ud83d\ude0e\ud83c\udfb8 \u201cFreedom Isn\u2019t Free\u201d \ud83d\ude82\ud83d\uddfdMAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Heartland"
"id": 20677245,
"screen_name": "johnny2k",
"name": "The REAL johnny2k \u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udfb9\ud83c\udfb5\ud83d\ude4f Since 2009!",
"description": "Orig. acct. of johnny2k since 2009! #Cult45 #ProLife #Christian #Conservative #PATRIOT #MAGA #KAG #BacktheBlue #USAF #Vet #2A protects #1A #JohnnyPlaysMusic",
"location": "#IowaHawkeyeLand "
"id": 20677726,
"screen_name": "PatrickChristys",
"name": "Patrick Christys",
"description": "Host @GBNEWS 9am-12pm Mon-Fri. Hosted @talkradio Drive 4pm-7pm. Contributor @skynews. Radio Academy 30under30 winner #RWRA30. Views own.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 20680203,
"screen_name": "Seggy216",
"name": "Sarah Irving",
"description": "Marketing \u0026 stuff, Mum of two gorgeous kids, complete rocker at heart. Views are my own etc etc #IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithMarionMillar #NoThankYou",
"location": "Windsor, UK"
"id": 20685158,
"screen_name": "RedTxintheUK",
"name": "TexasRed",
"description": "\u2018Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness\u2019!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#maga #kag #Trump2024! #creepyjoebiden is NOT my President!",
"location": "Here, there, \u0026 everywhere!"
"id": 20688854,
"screen_name": "ElderRebel",
"name": "Fumble Whip",
"description": "Been told Im a Left Winger and Right Winger... You Choose lol.\nI Follow back.\nBuy Bitcoin, even If its a tenner a week!...\nDon' DM me about investing or money!",
"location": "UK"
"id": 20691413,
"screen_name": "happydayusa2020",
"name": "Adorable Deplorable \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I Love my Family \u0026 Country! I\u2019m a proud conservative \u0026 supporter of President Trump. Only here for our 45th President Trump! #trump2020, #MAGA #KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf1\ud83d\ude0e",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 20696498,
"screen_name": "Sparkyduchess",
"name": "SparkyDuchess",
"description": "Oldish, tired. I stand with Maya and Allison. And JK Rowling. No thank you.",
"location": ""
"id": 20719549,
"screen_name": "mallycuz",
"name": "Malcolm Cousins",
"description": "British/English, and proud, former Labour voter Never again. Brexit for Britain.Anti WOKE . Ex forces. I always forgive my enemies but never forget their names.",
"location": "North of Watford"
"id": 20733972,
"screen_name": "Reince",
"name": "Reince Priebus",
"description": "President @MichaelBestLaw; Political Analyst @CBSNews; Exclusive Speaker @WSB_Speakers; Former @GOP Chairman; Former WH Chief of Staff - @realDonaldTrump",
"location": "Kenosha, WI and Washington, DC"
"id": 20738390,
"screen_name": "billycrash",
"name": "William Corbridge",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #Trumpwon \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Freedom is the core principle that defines my politics. Twitter sucks but the fight is here. USA Constitution.",
"location": "Republic of Texas"
"id": 20757381,
"screen_name": "DavesData",
"name": "David Martin",
"description": "Liberty enabler. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #KAG",
"location": "Jefferson City, MO"
"id": 20758914,
"screen_name": "angiegoldy",
"name": "Pissheads Matter Too",
"description": "searching for the truth. sick of the lies and propaganda. ALL lives matter.",
"location": "North East Lincs, UK"
"id": 20764309,
"screen_name": "KILMORY",
"name": "IAN TOWNSEND",
"description": "North Berwick born. Happily Retired Bank Manager.",
"location": "TROON,SCOTLAND"
"id": 20769931,
"screen_name": "JohnWick4582",
"name": "John Wick",
"description": "Proud American\nAnti-Communist\nTrump Supporter #MAGA",
"location": "Communist Occupied U.S.A."
"id": 20772326,
"screen_name": "ScoutBird",
"name": "ScoutBird \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGAveteran \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#VietnamVet 1st Bde 1st Cavalry Div (Airmobile) Flying-Circus Scout 68-69 #ConstitutionalConservative #MAGA #NRA #Retired on: Parler \u0026 Gab @ScoutBird",
"location": "Indiana, USA"
"id": 20785506,
"screen_name": "Hermoso1",
"name": "SaveAmerica",
"description": "Wife, Mother, Grandmother #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #SaveAmerica #DraintheSwamp #FinishtheWall",
"location": ""
"id": 20788041,
"screen_name": "1_bluejumper",
"name": "Bluejumper \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 20803217,
"screen_name": "MattySold",
"name": "Matt Soldano",
"description": "Smart, Funny, Loyal,\nBuckeye, Bengals \u0026 Reds Fan, Common Sense Advocate\n#2A #GunVote #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #MAGA #KAG #FixIt\nFake Accounts That Follow Me WILL BE REPORTED",
"location": "Fort Lauderdale, FL"
"id": 20805041,
"screen_name": "MarciaAHamby",
"name": "Marcia Hamby\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, USAF Veteran, happily married, Texas Real Estate Broker, avid golfer, dog and cat lover. #MAGA #Trump2020 \ud83d\udeabDMs",
"location": "The Woodlands, Texas"
"id": 20829017,
"screen_name": "marykat1204",
"name": "Just Mary Kathleen",
"description": "Roman Catholic. Full, Conscious, Active. Sinner with aspirations of sainthood. Pro-Life. Pro-Love, Pro-Logic. TexasForeverY\u2019all. Mostly harmless.",
"location": "Houston, TX"
"id": 20846658,
"screen_name": "DarrenGBNews",
"name": "Darren McCaffrey",
"description": "Political Editor and Presenter",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 20850781,
"screen_name": "kaaeyl",
"name": "kaaeyl",
"description": "friendly \ud83d\ude07\nlife long biker loves beer and cheese.\nForces GBNews Mental healthcare, animal welfare, Music. laughs. i love a DM from a known friend",
"location": "British and Proud."
"id": 20862426,
"screen_name": "bluesingincat",
"name": "Rhonda Gl\u00fcckleder \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian Conservative Libertarian \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 HAPPILY MARRIED \ud83d\udc95 #NotabraveLove VERY Pro-life. ~ I STAND WITH ISRAEL.\u2661 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 ~ \ud83d\ude4f Pray for @realDonaldTrump\ud83d\udeabDMs",
"location": "Wisconsin"
"id": 20869563,
"screen_name": "sierrapapahotel",
"name": "SPH",
"description": "",
"location": "UK"
"id": 20871437,
"screen_name": "southofwatford",
"name": "Ian Hunter",
"description": "Mostly retired now but...NHS Volunteer, Lapsed guitarist, Lambretta, Vespa, Tamla, MOD, Chelsea FC, vinyl collector/player, #BackBoris @GBNEWS",
"location": "Sunny Downtown Andover"
"id": 20883103,
"screen_name": "Montyferbert",
"name": "Monty Ferbert",
"description": "#MAGA #Prolife Navy Veteran \u2694\ufe0f I sell Watkins to support myself Watkins ID #685811",
"location": "Indianapolis, IN"
"id": 20884752,
"screen_name": "snadp",
"name": "Laurel",
"description": "Sweet Lamb @GAB \u2764\ufe0fPresident TRUMP and am disgusted by 99% of Republican Party. Traitors. NRA Member, Pro-Life. Love Capitalism, lobster hooping and Paris.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 20892309,
"screen_name": "Chella11",
"name": "Chella",
"description": "Call it like I see it!! weight lifter fitness enthusiast #KAG Constitutional Conservative Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 MOLAN LABE 2A There won\u2019t be a 2024 w/o fixing2020\ud83d\udc38",
"location": "Washington DC"
"id": 20904610,
"screen_name": "krazyglue",
"name": "Patrick Santucci - WOTY: \u201cTransform\u201d",
"description": "Unabashed #Catholic, happily married to @PraynHard. 7 children. 10 grandchildren. #Homeschool Dad, #ProLife, #SmallGovt. Preferred pronouns: Who, me?",
"location": "Cincinnati, OH, USA"
"id": 20913640,
"screen_name": "Thornqueen",
"name": "Thornqueen",
"description": "professional lazy. ambidextrous. radfem.",
"location": "Thornland"
"id": 20923431,
"screen_name": "MeiowMix",
"name": "MM",
"description": "Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum #sexnotgender",
"location": ""
"id": 20926373,
"screen_name": "garys1n2",
"name": "SemperFi1n2",
"description": "TRUMP \ud83d\ude8a tsunami 2020. #KAG Trump dynasty has only just begun! #MAGA Enjoy life, love, and liberty to the fullest!!!",
"location": "Orlando, FL"
"id": 20934397,
"screen_name": "MMMMMMeow",
"name": "Meow\ud83c\udfc1#Genderfree XX #ReinstateMeghanMurphy\ud83e\udd9c",
"description": "I love crisps. And wine. GC XX PERF\u0026MERF. Genderfree. Adult human female. \u201dPurported feminist\u201d \u201cMythical biological female\u201d \u201cwoman means a female of any age\u201dEqA",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 20947346,
"screen_name": "SentFromMyPhone",
"name": "Name cannot be blank",
"description": "'@SentFromMyPhone His profile picture screams zanu-leftism/cultural marxism. Probably wanks over Ed Milipede.'",
"location": ""
"id": 20965880,
"screen_name": "abobbination",
"name": "Bob-O",
"description": "I do a little trading. Notre Dame/49ers/Lakers. Freedom is the way, live unfettered. Based tradwife acquired. Decent tier reply guy.",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 20990435,
"screen_name": "Clampers",
"name": "Karen Clancey \ud83d\udc99",
"description": "A cigarette, a glass of wine, and a right good chinwag ...",
"location": "Troon, Ayrshire"
"id": 20991735,
"screen_name": "danhellman",
"name": "Dan Hellman",
"description": "Catholic, Dad, Attorney, Reagan Conservative, #Trump2024, #MAGA, Former Prosecutor",
"location": "United States"
"id": 20997098,
"screen_name": "KnownHeretic",
"name": "Amy E Sousa, MA \u0026 PhD-ABD Depth Psychology",
"description": "Gender atheist, resisting gender fundamentalism: dissident, dissenter, nonconformist, heterodox thinker, apostate, freethinker, iconoclast, schismatic, renegade",
"location": "Rent free in your head"
"id": 20998693,
"screen_name": "discomonkfish",
"name": "Tada \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 21005270,
"screen_name": "joecam71",
"name": "Joe Camaro",
"description": "Forever Hardcore Patriot, Husband, Father, Grandfather, 1st and 2nd Amendments, Business owner. #Trumpwon #FJB #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 21010525,
"screen_name": "SixFootBlonde",
"name": "Susanna M",
"description": "Baseball fan-girl, NRA Pistol Instructor, fancier of alpha males #2A \u039cO\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #Liberty #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "By the Sea"
"id": 21014132,
"screen_name": "LoneStarYankee",
"name": "Bleeding Green Texan",
"description": "#Disciple #conservative #prolife\nHCRP Precinct 938 Chair, #ConventionOfStates District Cpt\n-Never apologize for being Right!\n-Liberalism is a mental disorder.",
"location": ""
"id": 21017551,
"screen_name": "Chatenough",
"name": "Robert",
"description": "Brexit all the way, no half measures, West Ham United \u2692 COYIRONS \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Gym, Star Trek, Sci-fi, #GBNews",
"location": "England UK \u0026 Crete Greece"
"id": 21023944,
"screen_name": "DANNK2",
"name": "\u274cDeborah\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50",
"description": "Christian , Conservative, 100% Pro-Life, Pro 2nd A, Pro Israel Three generations of Military Family. I Stand for our Flag and Kneel at the Cross #MAGA #KAG \u271d\u271d\u271d",
"location": "usus"
"id": 21030701,
"screen_name": "annah038",
"name": "Anna \u271d\ufe0f\u2728",
"description": "subject to change at a moment's notice. #MAGA proud #Trump supporter. #VFL",
"location": "Knoxville, TN"
"id": 21040094,
"screen_name": "BryanLongworth",
"name": "Bryan Longworth",
"description": "#God #Christian Husband Father Pastor Conservative #ProLife #TeaParty #tcot #tlot end #abortion #912 #Personhood Computer #Tech Website Design #TeamFollowBack",
"location": "Port St. Lucie, Florida"
"id": 21041535,
"screen_name": "sweetsmokscreen",
"name": "SweetSmokeScreen \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a feminazi mutha, I'm a ginger unconstrained - a lefty snowflake",
"location": "Proud British European \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa"
"id": 21044127,
"screen_name": "BluegrassPundit",
"name": "Howard Notelling #ArrestFauci",
"description": "Conservative blogger from Kentucky. Bluegrass Pundit blog. #TCOT #MAGA Retweet is not endorsement. Pronouns: Up/Yours",
"location": "Kentucky"
"id": 21047585,
"screen_name": "delgood",
"name": "Del Goodchild",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea Photographer Tractor boy Brexitier Anti Woke, Anti Cancel Culture, Pro Tolerance, no DMs",
"location": "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"
"id": 21052809,
"screen_name": "ElevationGrace",
"name": "Tamsen Grace \u270c\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "I'm CPhT, plant based, love @U2, old movies, probably tweet #TCMParty and I did not vote for Trump.",
"location": "Near the house the mouse built"
"id": 21080841,
"screen_name": "sarzpdx",
"name": "sarz",
"description": "UNBORN lives matter! #SavetheChildren #ENDchildsextrafficking #MAGA #TrumpWON \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #JESUSisKING \u271d\ufe0f",
"location": "Portland, OR"
"id": 21081237,
"screen_name": "dlueking",
"name": "Don Lueking",
"description": "Christian, Reagan Conservative,Single Parent two daughters,Pro-Life, Pro 2nd, Pro-Israel, Pro-Constitution,golf, fishing, travel and Redeye",
"location": "Northern Shire"
"id": 21093246,
"screen_name": "guilddv52",
"name": "Dick Tracy...",
"description": "Conservative, Musician, Dog lover,Husband,Tenderfoot scout, cigar aficionado, single malt scotch, Vikings, Twins, Gophers BB, 3 hdcp golfer \ud83c\udfcc#MAGA",
"location": "Minnesota"
"id": 21093285,
"screen_name": "rubblyjubbly",
"name": "Joseph Meehan",
"description": "Yorkshire born and bred. blocked by @owenjones84 \u0026 @georgegalloway. MBA candidate, Amature egg chaser for @HuddsRUFC. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 21103885,
"screen_name": "damienridge",
"name": "Prof Damien Ridge: Born @ 324 ppm",
"description": "Judith Butler: \u201cThe anti-gender ideology is one of the dominant strains of fascism in our times.\u201d",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 21113779,
"screen_name": "dresden01",
"name": "Alex Day",
"description": "Derby County, boxing, cricket, books, history. Love Europe hate EU. English \u0026 proud. All Lives Matter. Anti-lockdown. Anti-mask.",
"location": "Derby, England"
"id": 21114382,
"screen_name": "arcutha",
"name": "\u274cEnd Tyranny\u274c America has always been great",
"description": "same as parler MAGA TRUMP2020 KAG2020 #AntifaAreTheFascist #NRA #GOA #EndTheFED #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #tommyrobinson #RepealThe17th #RepealThePatriotAct",
"location": "United States"
"id": 21118112,
"screen_name": "champsbear",
"name": "Pete Kennedy",
"description": "Proud Patriot #MAGA #TrumpChump",
"location": "N 41\u00b033' 0'' / W 72\u00b059' 0''"
"id": 21119984,
"screen_name": "meadowgroove",
"name": "Muddy Mae Suggins",
"description": "Criminal lawyer, atheist, nature/animal/music lover, politically homeless, interior designer manqu\u00e9e, general messer. Panic when running low on mayonnaise.",
"location": "Dublin"
"id": 21125943,
"screen_name": "joshualionel",
"name": "rantat",
"description": "Christian Conservative, Texas, Hook Em, NRA life member, 2a,1a #TGDN #TCOT #MAGA #KAG F/B all like minded patriots. #Trump2020 I Follow Back!",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 21127293,
"screen_name": "jakode78",
"name": "AEH78",
"description": "#Jesus #Christian #wife #conservative #momof4boys #workingmom #Mimi #prolife #backtheblue @Demand_Voter_Id belongs to me \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 21130688,
"screen_name": "MaryFernandez",
"name": "Mary Fernandez \ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #SOSCuba #MMIW #GC",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 21134460,
"screen_name": "spz74",
"name": "RedpilldRedhead",
"description": "#conservativemale #MAGAt #2A #seropositive",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 21175055,
"screen_name": "MelanieNathan1",
"name": "Melanie Nathan",
"description": "Executive Director of African HRC, Speaker, In movie UNSETTLED. Blocked by @RealDonaldTrump, Attorney Mediator, Past VP San Francisco Pride,",
"location": "San Francisco"
"id": 21175399,
"screen_name": "ChronicHope_DC",
"name": "Chronic Hope\ud83e\udd8b",
"description": "Christian wife, mom, artist, small business owner, nature lover, amateur photog and passionate pro-lifer. Politically conservative because of all of the above.",
"location": "Heartland, United States"
"id": 21183024,
"screen_name": "thegriffter",
"name": "Griff - It's about fairness!",
"description": "Independent Unitary Councillor. Pro Brexit. Love Europe, Hate EU. Unwoke. Views are my own. Love Roland drums.",
"location": "Iver, Bucks, UK"
"id": 21188666,
"screen_name": "Heddex",
"name": "Ben",
"description": "pureblood",
"location": "Bielefeld, Deutschland"
"id": 21201150,
"screen_name": "spikedonline",
"name": "spiked",
"description": "The magazine that wants to change the world as well as report on it. For humanism, democracy and freedom. Donate:",
"location": ""
"id": 21202588,
"screen_name": "henryclward",
"name": "Henry",
"description": "Coronavirus realist, right of centre anti-wokeist. My views quite clearly and unashamedly my own",
"location": "Surrey, England"
"id": 21225933,
"screen_name": "MichelleLGa",
"name": "Michelle Garrett",
"description": "Mum to 2 great daughters \u0026 3 peculiar cats. Sex not gender #nothankyou",
"location": "Tunbridge Wells"
"id": 21237646,
"screen_name": "jimd22551",
"name": "Jim D.",
"description": "Followed by @DineshDSouza, his wife @Debber66, @JessieJaneDuff, @RCamposDuffy @Thomas1774Paine,\n\u0026 @CharlieKirk11 Conservatarian Author #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Minnesota"
"id": 21242235,
"screen_name": "BeverleyJB",
"name": "BJB\ud83d\udc99 \ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9",
"description": "",
"location": "UK"
"id": 21269780,
"screen_name": "OurPrinciples",
"name": "Howard \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservative, Independent, Proud American, \u2764\ufe0f our Vets, Father, Son of Bud, #Patriot, #TrumpWon#MAGA, Retired Personal Financial Adviser. Pennsylvania",
"location": ""
"id": 21281039,
"screen_name": "LibrtyBelle",
"name": "LibertyBelle",
"description": "\ud83d\udd14Liberty loving woman. I bleed red always \u0026 4ever. #AmericaFirst. Those who hate her can leave her. #MAGA #prolife #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": "Ohio"
"id": 21283587,
"screen_name": "DavidBugnon",
"name": "Real Nowhere Man \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Commonsensatarian. Animal lover, Guitarist, Photoshop, \ud83e\udd53 \ud83c\udf7a \u0026 Jesus. Socialism leads to poverty, slavery, \u0026 toilet paper shortages. IFBAP #Freedom #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Merica ~ MN"
"id": 21297732,
"screen_name": "redpillboom76",
"name": "\ud83d\udca5RedPillBooms4U\ud83d\udca5",
"description": "Trump/Won",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 21302028,
"screen_name": "imnotspartacus",
"name": "Jo \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #Rejoin",
"description": "Maya Angelou: \u201cI can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.\u201d",
"location": "On the cusp..."
"id": 21322994,
"screen_name": "rea_milton",
"name": "Andrea Milton",
"description": "Sports Therapist, Scientist. Loves books, travel, Scotland (Indy), horses, cats, music, democracy. Adult human female \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 21323944,
"screen_name": "edonn84",
"name": "erin",
"description": "artist. Christ follower. conservative. prolife. chronically ill w/pain 24/7.",
"location": ""
"id": 21327035,
"screen_name": "127bama",
"name": "SusieQ4USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Conservative #2A #ProLife #BackTheBlue #VETS #RollTide Let Freedom Ring! NOT looking for a relationship - don't DM me!",
"location": "USA "
"id": 21329348,
"screen_name": "norcalredpill",
"name": "Bullshit Variant",
"description": "#redpill #MAGA #2A #Libertarian #verysmallgoverment",
"location": ""
"id": 21331501,
"screen_name": "TexGEOas",
"name": "Fact Check This...!",
"description": "\u201cThe welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants\" -Camus... My pronoun = Patriot\n#MAGA #2A #1A\n#NRA\n#IFBAP",
"location": "TX GA SC USA"
"id": 21338207,
"screen_name": "mimado",
"name": "Michael Henke",
"description": "Freiberufler. T\u00f6ne, Bilder, Medien, Politik, Kommunikation. Ruhri by nature. #teamWissenschaft \ud83d\udfe3\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe2 Threema #U38WAF8K",
"location": "Dortmund, NRW, Germany"
"id": 21345787,
"screen_name": "trishmulholland",
"name": "\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddeaTrishasaurus.",
"description": "Definitely hoarding your rights! #noplaceinlabourforwomen #noplaceinlibdemsforwomen #womenwontwheesht",
"location": "Suffolk, England"
"id": 21349439,
"screen_name": "GrazzaD",
"name": "Graz\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 #FBPE #Woke #Resist #Rejoiner",
"description": "Graz - G - Graham",
"location": "Bath"
"id": 21349567,
"screen_name": "TheLadyJane",
"name": "Jane \u0646 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\u26be",
"description": "Catholic. Pro-life. Conservative. Jane Austen. History \u0026 book \u0026 music \u0026 BASEBALL \u0026 dog lover. Tea Drinker. English folk fan. Anglophile. Teacher. Zag. #GoMs",
"location": "Pemberley/Pacific Northwest"
"id": 21353016,
"screen_name": "thumbwitch",
"name": "Thumb Witch \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "#IstandwithJKR #NHSblueheart #IstandwithRosieDuffield #IstandwithDocStockk #IStandWithMarionMillar #IstandwithMayaForstater #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": ""
"id": 21366945,
"screen_name": "mimi60",
"name": "Stephx7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 21370133,
"screen_name": "Cat58",
"name": "CatLady! who hate liar! Trump 2020!",
"description": "I am a old woman, who love Trump and Patriots! been on here for awhile and just in the last few month start using!",
"location": "Woodbridge,,, Va"
"id": 21387734,
"screen_name": "fifi_j",
"name": "\u2670Pureblood Fifi J",
"description": "'Communism will be wrapped in a rainbow flag and carrying a double-ended dildo' 100% Organic\nI \u2764 carbon Follow my back-up account @Fifi_J2\nGab @fifi_j",
"location": "Occupied UK"
"id": 21389707,
"screen_name": "loverlylauraloo",
"name": "Laura",
"description": "Mother. Feminist. Wife. Employer. Not necessarily in order of importance. Biological woman. Guernsey \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddec",
"location": "Guernsey"
"id": 21402698,
"screen_name": "snwboardbaddie",
"name": "Weaponized Kekistani",
"description": "NPC Assassin of the 69th Order",
"location": "Rifle, CO"
"id": 21436916,
"screen_name": "SpOoNmAn360",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 SpOoNmAn \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\nConstitutional Conservative \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Pro2A \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#AllLivesMatter #NotMyPresident\n\u271d\ufe0f #GodBlessTheUSA \u271d\ufe0f\nPronouns: Remington SIG PSA",
"location": "Constitutional Conservative "
"id": 21437751,
"screen_name": "GoodOleSav",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Sav \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Proud Daddy, Proud American #AmericaFirst #GunOwner #SmallBusiness #SmallGovernment #Autonomy #MMA #Angler #Prepper #RollTide",
"location": "United States"
"id": 21456233,
"screen_name": "Georgie_Duane",
"name": "Georgie. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf39",
"description": "\ud83c\udf39Patriotic Democratic Socialist \ud83e\udd40 | Pro Brexit \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 | Working Class | Attlee, Shore \u0026 Benn | Trade Unionist | Views My Own.",
"location": "Albion"
"id": 21471777,
"screen_name": "Davcol1",
"name": "Dave Collins - Let's make Britain Great again!\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "These are my opinions. Not necessarily shared by reasonable-minded people. #GBNews supporter.",
"location": "South East, England "
"id": 21473120,
"screen_name": "Brownbrock",
"name": "Browner \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83d\udc13 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \u2692\ufe0f \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Northern Irish Unionist, Glenman, Rangers man, Hammer, husband and dad. All lives matter. Give peace a chance \u270c",
"location": "Belfast, Northern Ireland"
"id": 21479557,
"screen_name": "mopnodemopvo",
"name": "robert witherspoon",
"description": "creative frustrated artsy computer geek who contrary to general assumptions didn't vote for Trump!",
"location": "WASHINGTON DC"
"id": 21486745,
"screen_name": "wilyearthworm",
"name": "Wily Earthworm (Gab\ud83d\udc38 @wilyearthworm)",
"description": "#FreeSpeech #Climaterealist #reformparty \ud83c\udf0d Anti Vaccine Passports \u2764\ufe0f Pure Blood",
"location": "Blackpool, Lancashire, England"
"id": 21494746,
"screen_name": "tonguepop",
"name": "gab",
"description": "cat lover \u0295\u2022\u032b\u0361\u2022\u0294\u2022\u032b\u0361\u2022\u0294\u2022\u032b\u0361\u2022\u0295\u2022\u032b\u0361\u2022\u0294 \ud83d\udc9a \ud83e\udd0d \ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Ireland "
"id": 21495269,
"screen_name": "HoveSteve",
"name": "Sussexmatelot",
"description": "Armed forces veteran. Living life one day at a time on the south coast. Anti woke..",
"location": "South East, England"
"id": 21520307,
"screen_name": "Shella_Bella",
"name": "Shell",
"description": "Wife, Mother, Christian, Conservative. So Excited to have President Trump as my President! Ready to #MAGA! God Blessed America!",
"location": "INDIANA"
"id": 21523000,
"screen_name": "donkep",
"name": "donkep",
"description": "MAGA. Law and order. Wall. America First. 2A.",
"location": ""
"id": 21533732,
"screen_name": "clrcrtq",
"name": "clrcrtq",
"description": "negative minded gender critical radfem ally #LGBnotQueer #SexNotGender\n\ud83d\udc08\ud83c\udf31\ud83d\udef8\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": ""
"id": 21535453,
"screen_name": "jssacramento",
"name": "JLSmith_MAGA",
"description": "#Father #Husband, #ArmyVeteran #NationalGuard #Scholar, #MBA #Entrepreneur #BusinessOwner #MAGA #KAG #Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#VoteRedtoSaveAmerica2022",
"location": "California "
"id": 21537391,
"screen_name": "CoconutCole",
"name": "Nichole",
"description": "Bookworm extraordinaire. Conservative and proud. Trump 2020.",
"location": "NH, USA"
"id": 21545041,
"screen_name": "jllgraham",
"name": "Lu",
"description": "#MAGA, #KAG,#NRA, #1A, #2A, RN, GSW, Mother of a Marine, Blue Star Family, Semper Fi, Molon Labe, Covid Nurse, Covid Survivor \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 21557246,
"screen_name": "kissannabettina",
"name": "Anna",
"description": "if you are not angry, you are not paying attention \ud83d\udeba \ud83c\udf31|| My pronouns are: sex based, just like my oppression",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 21568480,
"screen_name": "GenericWarrior",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85XenUSA\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I am so deeply flawed. Yet, He died for me, for us all. ~John 3:16~ #JesusFirst #BackTheBlue #SupportOurMilitary #ProLife #GodIsInControl",
"location": "Indiana, USA"
"id": 21579646,
"screen_name": "Bjoux",
"name": "B\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "RadFem Cat \u0026 Crochet Lover Not fragile like a flower, fragile like a bomb",
"location": "I stand with Marion Millar"
"id": 21595043,
"screen_name": "Jeyssika",
"name": "Jessica Jones",
"description": "29. Radical Feminist. Woman. Person. '...Intelligence is not ladylike' - Dworkin.",
"location": "Middlesbrough, North East Engl"
"id": 21597194,
"screen_name": "ginflower",
"name": "Ginflower\u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "Southern, Christian, Conservative, Natural health, Pro-life, wife, \u0026 homeschool mom. Retweet =/= endorsement. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f",
"location": "TN native, living in AR"
"id": 21598228,
"screen_name": "karebair",
"name": "SmokyEyes (Parler/CloutHub: @Karebair) \u274c",
"description": "I'm moving to Parler and also CloutHub: @karebair for both. Please do the same, let this dump of a site fail. Pro-life conservative.",
"location": "Parler @karebair"
"id": 21602025,
"screen_name": "avaree",
"name": "BoomFlake\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf40",
"description": "Politics is my addiction Liberty loving Proud Generation X Catholic Pro-life American First \ud83c\udf83 \ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7",
"location": "Proud Southern American Woman"
"id": 21604836,
"screen_name": "NaplesQueen",
"name": "NAPLES QUEEN \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "God Saves. BSPharm 1988. PharmD 2002. Classic Conservative. Fact Based \u27a1\ufe0fPsychopharmacology-Autoimmune Disorders. Neuro \u201cvax\u201dRXN \ud83d\ude31 #MAGA \ud83d\udcaaArmed Forces",
"location": "Naples, FL"
"id": 21619961,
"screen_name": "barbtherock",
"name": "Ashamed of the pResident\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian, mom, wife, American, conservative. In that order. #MAGA \ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 21622754,
"screen_name": "alta247",
"name": "Sonne",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump #1A #2A #Brexit #AntiGlobalization | John 15:18-21 and 1 Corin 2:14 | Same name on Parler",
"location": "Miami, FL"
"id": 21638425,
"screen_name": "fasterpussycat9",
"name": "Bob Goblin",
"description": "Partner, Mother, Support worker, x NHS worker, general dogs body, doesn't suffer fools gladly, ACDC fanatic, hobbies include turning wine in2 urine, pro Brexit!",
"location": "Ely, Cambridgeshire"
"id": 21654847,
"screen_name": "Bullcelt",
"name": "BullCelt",
"description": "85 Bears best team ever! Tyranny will never win because evil will ultimately destroy itself. Convention Of States is how we drain the swamp. No more GOP Rinos.",
"location": ""
"id": 21659469,
"screen_name": "mauricehd1",
"name": "Maurice Smith",
"location": "Virginia"
"id": 21672898,
"screen_name": "ljw6227",
"name": "Liberty Belle",
"description": "Let Freedom Ring\ud83d\uddfd\n#USA #Freedom #Conservative #AmericaFirst #Christian #GodBlessAmerica",
"location": "missouri"
"id": 21677170,
"screen_name": "Scunner13",
"name": "Scunner \ud83e\ude78",
"description": "Father, Husband, Son, Brother, Salesman, Marillion Fan, Chef, Muso, Golfer, Anti-racist, Libertarian, Anti-prejudice, Anti-Tabloids, Brighton fan, pro-Brexit",
"location": "The Weald"
"id": 21692789,
"screen_name": "JayMan_510",
"name": "Mr. Anderson",
"description": "\u2b1b\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe7",
"location": "Somewhere Near Concord, CA"
"id": 21699895,
"screen_name": "peechypomegrans",
"name": "Wicked witch of the North \ud83e\udddb\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udddf\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf83\ud83d\udc7b\u2620\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Radfem. GC. Descendant of witches #sexnotgender @witches_t is a decent lass I've heard...",
"location": "UK"
"id": 21712325,
"screen_name": "CarolynGarcia",
"name": "Carolyn Garcia",
"description": "Christian, Constitutional Conservative, Pro-Life, Pro-2\nAmendment, Proud American, Heritage Wall of Honor, Speaker #GACOT #ProudAmerican",
"location": ""
"id": 21745651,
"screen_name": "anoncitizenhere",
"name": "Vegan For Life\ud83c\udf3f#XR \u262e\ud83d\udd4a",
"description": "Abolitionist Vegan, Environmental, pro-life, drugfree, pansexual, anti religion/police/monarchy/war \u0026 I'm definitely NOT a robot!",
"location": "London"
"id": 21748027,
"screen_name": "elenna597",
"name": "\ud83e\udd38\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f mujer \u0026 radfem",
"description": "cr\u00eda cuervos y \u00e9chate a dormir",
"location": "el mundo"
"id": 21749927,
"screen_name": "katekelly31",
"name": "Kate Kelly \u26a2 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Lesbian Feminist. Researcher, web and print designer based in South Wales. Pushover to three black and white cats and one wife. \u26a2",
"location": "Garw Valley, South Wales"
"id": 21754465,
"screen_name": "KatrinaWatson",
"name": "Katlodocus \ud83e\udd95 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\udd96\ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udfe5\ud83c\udf97\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "Hoarding all my Rights in my neighbours shed.\nI am woman: noun, adult human female, as distinguished from a girl or a man. Born not Worn, deal with it.",
"location": "Scotland\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f"
"id": 21778073,
"screen_name": "Lauramomx3",
"name": "Laura B",
"description": "Momma to three kiddos, wife to an awesome veteran, Trump loving patriot, and lover of all things outdoors. #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 21785215,
"screen_name": "Green_Footballs",
"name": "Charles Johnson",
"description": "Guitar with Al Jarreau, George Duke, Stanley Clarke, Pages, many others. I remain, as always, unsurprised. Zero tolerance for Trumpism. Hele on, braddah.",
"location": "Anonymous Function Junction"
"id": 21789755,
"screen_name": "pir8gold",
"name": "Patty",
"description": "CONSERVATIVE. Collect pir8 coins, volleyball, NASCAR, NRA, Israel. Married to a vet/(ret) firefighter \u2665Harley. #BlueLivesMatter #AmericansFirst #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395",
"location": ""
"id": 21798118,
"screen_name": "bennite75",
"name": "Lee Bee \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "I get along, just singing my song...",
"location": ""
"id": 21798372,
"screen_name": "JaRad4",
"name": "JaRad Lei",
"description": "Denver,Conservative,USN,God,Family, USA #Pjnet #Ccot #Tgdn #Tcot #Tlot #Maga #AmITheOnlyOne",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 21802176,
"screen_name": "kevinackland",
"name": "Kevin Ackland",
"description": "Personal twitter account. converted brexiteer #GBNEWS",
"location": "Didcot oxfordshire"
"id": 21807879,
"screen_name": "littlemisscoul",
"name": "Suzi Coul",
"description": "Proud to be a bloody difficult woman. Woman - adult human female. All views my own, and I have lots of them! \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"location": ""
"id": 21812171,
"screen_name": "airsilk",
"name": "Airsilk\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "#Patriot,#American, #MAGA, #Trump2020, Responsible, Honest, Protected by guns, Respect for all, Open minded, Fair minded, Hard working, Selfless, and Kind.",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 21823387,
"screen_name": "Suphronia2000",
"name": "MaryLou",
"description": "Follower of Christ. Kansas City Roots with an Oklahoma Foundation. Blessed by Adoption. ProLife Conservative",
"location": "Oklahoma, USA"
"id": 21828685,
"screen_name": "denicarter",
"name": "Even When I'm Wrong, I'm Right",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8IDGAF\ud83e\udd2c#MAGA\ud83d\uddfdLiberals need not apply\ud83e\udd21Stupidity will be blocked\ud83e\udde0Sarcasm will be spewed\ud83c\udfafI\u2764\ufe0fcake\ud83c\udf70Dogs over People\ud83d\ude4c",
"location": "Cos Cob, CT"
"id": 21830058,
"screen_name": "Afl0343",
"name": "Alan Linardich",
"description": "Conservative, husband, father... Not PC. MAGA #Trump 2024 SWFlorida DeSantis Country",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 21830230,
"screen_name": "MJmcnult",
"name": "Mike McNulty",
"description": "Dad, husband, music nerd. Love birds, aircraft, Thailand. MA, MLIS, PHD (ABD) Applied Ethics. No to communism, Antifa, gender ideology. Leave the kids alone!",
"location": "Vancouver, BC, Canada"
"id": 21837259,
"screen_name": "FilthyRegan",
"name": "ANTI COVID VAXXER Filthy Regan",
"description": "Do I look filthy? Well, looks are NOT deceiving. I am conservative #PATRIOTPARTY I love Horror \u0026 my freedom! #Horror Blog:",
"location": "Filthy Town, #MAGA USA"
"id": 21840205,
"screen_name": "maxschneider1",
"name": "\ud83c\udf0fOpen Borders",
"description": "One World... One People... Open Borders... welcome to the Fifth Estate",
"location": "Bondi Beach, Sydney"
"id": 21846652,
"screen_name": "RichardJSpencer",
"name": "Richard Spencer",
"description": "Middle East Correspondent @TheTimes. Contact NOT alt-right, neo-Nazi, or American. That's the other one.",
"location": "Beirut"
"id": 21874827,
"screen_name": "andreafed",
"name": "Andrea Fed",
"description": "Lifelong Dem. Once offered Gore Vidal a lap dance.\ud83d\udc8b#Cats \ud83d\udc08\u200d\u2b1b No #MAGATs #DMs \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 #LGBTQ #BLM #wtpBLUE #DemVoice1 #Resister\ud83e\udd85 #TrumpPrison \ud83e\udd85 #TripleVaxxed",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 21879805,
"screen_name": "driverjohn",
"name": "john rowe",
"description": "Brexit supporter. Hate the eu and left wing. No replies to emails.GBnews. Ban halal.",
"location": "gloucester"
"id": 21889321,
"screen_name": "keeleyg33",
"name": "GinaMarie",
"description": "Sixy with a side of eight. School Board meeting mom extraordinaire. Question everything. Trump won.",
"location": "SC"
"id": 21889665,
"screen_name": "Cleversaz",
"name": "Cleversaz \ud83d\udfe5\ud83e\udd96\ud83c\udfc9\ud83c\udccf",
"description": "Bird. Not into cults. #NoThankYou",
"location": "Loondoon"
"id": 21894911,
"screen_name": "sasha_dubinsky",
"name": "Kypa",
"description": "Christian \u271d\ufe0f Flyfishing \ud83d\udc1f Texan\u2b50\ufe0f theologian. #AnimalsAgainstFascism #WeThePeople #MAGA",
"location": "McKinney, TX"
"id": 21894959,
"screen_name": "click4mrh",
"name": "Michael \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Distinguished LGBFJB Fellow",
"description": "Husband, Dad, small biz owner, model railroader. Anything but PC. Opinions are mine #BuildtheWall #NRA #TermLimits #BacktheBlue #LibsCheatToWin",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2"
"id": 21909330,
"screen_name": "MissBlakeney",
"name": "Amy Blakeney (Woman \u0026 Mother)\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Proud owner of a Toyota Cervix. Lover of books \u0026 nature, art \u0026 ideas, mothers \u0026 babies. Witchy. #NoThankYou",
"location": "Albion"
"id": 21914871,
"screen_name": "jorgan10s",
"name": "JOrgan",
"description": "Happily Married. Enjoy tennis, working out, Nice dinners,I don't take too much serious.usually having fun. No DM conservative.#MAGA #KAG Same Parler/GAB name.",
"location": ""
"id": 21917697,
"screen_name": "glenn21701",
"name": "glenda \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"description": "married female Christian Independent #Constitution #1A #2A #Military #Vets #BlueLivesMatter #Prolife #Israel #DueProcess #VoterID - LEO for 28 years \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"location": ""
"id": 21928044,
"screen_name": "aimeb",
"name": "Aime #IstandwithJKRowling",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 21938534,
"screen_name": "belovedest",
"name": "Texican",
"description": "Redeemed. Native Houstonian, 1836% Texan/Mexican (7th gen.), currently a Tex-Pat in Deutschland #UHalumna #Constitutionalist #ProLife #IStandWithIsrael",
"location": "K\u00f6ln, North Rhine-Westphalia"
"id": 21950101,
"screen_name": "norbkohler",
"name": "Norb Kohler",
"description": "Husband, Father, Poppie \u0026 Entrepreneur #canadianborn #americafirst",
"location": "Orange County, CA"
"id": 21971954,
"screen_name": "miz_rat",
"name": "Miz Demeanor \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udda4\ud83d\udc28\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\udc00\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c#MEAction FullyVaxd",
"description": "I acknowledge I live in Wurundjeri country, \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd. I believe in progression not repression. Thinking about the universe makes me smile. I am #pwME",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 21983005,
"screen_name": "LisaLTN3",
"name": "Lisa L. TN \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\udd85ON GAB: @LisaLTN3",
"description": "God, Family, Country, Patriot, Christian, MAGA, Prolife, 2A.\nOn GAB: @LisaLTN3\nParler: @LisaLTN I Do Not Unfollow Anyone!! Twitter does it!!!",
"location": "TN, USA"
"id": 21987765,
"screen_name": "SkinBag",
"name": "Skin Bag Becky the pureblood",
"description": "Soul supersedes Skin Bag and Life supercedes Choice",
"location": "Salt Lake City, UT"
"id": 21992920,
"screen_name": "AnneJoS",
"name": "AnneJoS\ud83c\udf52\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Here\u2019s tae us Wha\u2019s like us Damn few, And they\u2019re a\u2019 deid Mair\u2019s the pity!",
"location": "Bonnie Scotland"
"id": 22005732,
"screen_name": "MartineVotvik",
"name": "Martine Votvik",
"description": "Radical feminist activist Some kind of artist Mostly distracted",
"location": "Tehran"
"id": 22013470,
"screen_name": "dianebrewster",
"name": "\ud83e\udd96 (((Dr Diane Brewster))) \ud83d\udea9\ud83d\udea9\ud83d\udea9",
"description": "\u201cHere comes the \u201cnew generation\u201d: \u2026 same as the old Left. Full of misogyny\u2026 with the emotional intelligence of whelks. \u2026 .\u201d Suzanne Moore",
"location": "Brighton, England"
"id": 22017453,
"screen_name": "Ashrah",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 President-Elect VampKitten\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Iowa, USA"
"id": 22025797,
"screen_name": "katywarburton",
"name": "Katy Warburton \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Mum to 3 beautiful humans. CP, epilepsy, ASD family. Proud wife. Adult Human Female. You do your thing and I'll do mine.",
"location": ""
"id": 22034898,
"screen_name": "robjessel",
"name": "Robert Jessel \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "",
"location": "The North"
"id": 22036532,
"screen_name": "patrckm",
"name": "Patrick C. Morgan",
"description": "Husband \u0026 father #believer #wdw #uoap #MAGA #NRA Ottawa Co. Mi. Georgetown Precinct 3 GOP Delegate, #MIGOP Delegate, Ottawa county #GOP Executive committeeman",
"location": "georgetown twp, michigan"
"id": 22038300,
"screen_name": "shawnleege",
"name": "Shawn Leege",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Texas Patriot. MAGA. TRUMP 2021!!",
"location": ""
"id": 22047603,
"screen_name": "BadAnimal",
"name": "Marc",
"description": "Family, IT, video games, nerd. #MAGA #TermLimits #BackTheBlue Patriot Star Trek Nintendo Switch #LetsGoBrandon #ForTheH",
"location": "TEXAS"
"id": 22054008,
"screen_name": "itzblue",
"name": "Carol Scott",
"description": "Catholic, pro-life, unashamed",
"location": "Louisville KY"
"id": 22079247,
"screen_name": "KatieOXO",
"name": "CVO \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Pro-UK, love our Royals, anti-woke, Wife, mum, happy sort of person.",
"location": "Yorkshire, England"
"id": 22104620,
"screen_name": "VickiJacquesXO",
"name": "Vicki Jacques \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Gen X - #AmericaFirst Patriot - Socialism distancing - If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem----- Get out of the way! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85",
"location": "New Hampshire, USA"
"id": 22109363,
"screen_name": "Queen4ever7",
"name": "ReynaMay",
"description": "\"FACTS can NEVER be:Sexist, racist,homophobic, Islamophobic, hateful, antisemitic, deplorable or prejudiced. #Prolife #Nationalist #Jesus #Impeach46 #NRA",
"location": "United States"
"id": 22115384,
"screen_name": "1_WILD_WOMAN",
"name": "Just my thoughts \ud83d\udcad",
"description": "#WeThePeople - defending our Constitution BEFORE it's TOO weak to defend us! #Trumplican #ConstitutionalFreeMarketCapitalist\n#Trump2024 #saveAmerica",
"location": "Bowling Green, KY"
"id": 22122033,
"screen_name": "lirkavas",
"name": "Lirkavas",
"description": "Proud American Patriot. Socialism sucks. Communism sucks. I've lived through it - you don't have to.\n#MAGA, #1A, #2A,",
"location": "New York"
"id": 22130650,
"screen_name": "sophbridge",
"name": "Sophie Bridge \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 22133083,
"screen_name": "gwpurnell",
"name": "Graham P",
"description": "Wanting better than we've got, for my kids and yours",
"location": "Edinburgh"
"id": 22147760,
"screen_name": "Just_Jen_09",
"name": "let's/go/Brandon",
"description": "lists I'm on: vaccinated antivaxxer; Dislike for POTUS = automatic Trump lover; disapproval of anything left = white supremacist. Am I getting this right?",
"location": ""
"id": 22157285,
"screen_name": "sparky264",
"name": "Sparky264\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Conservative, #Christian, #2A, #MAGA, #KAG, #Trump2024, #Florida, #Deplorable, #Huskers, #GoBigRed FB all Patriots",
"location": "Lehigh Acres, Florida"
"id": 22170482,
"screen_name": "nrlc",
"name": "National Right to Life",
"description": "The nation\u2019s oldest \u0026 largest #prolife org with 50 state RTL affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters. Led by @CarolTobias1",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 22178060,
"screen_name": "Calibeeches",
"name": "brodie",
"description": "SAVED BY THE \u2763BLOOD\u2763\nOF JESUS CHRIST\n1A 2A \ud83d\udc9dVETS\u2764\nBACK THE BLUE\ud83d\udc99\nTRUMP WON, CRT SUCKS, NO JABS\nCLIMATE CHANGE IS BULL \ud83d\udeabDM'S\u2757",
"location": ""
"id": 22181836,
"screen_name": "JWBritten",
"name": "JB",
"description": "Parscale Strategy, @AmericaFirstPAC, @AmericaFirstPol, @JudicialWatch, @freetelegraph, @GOP, @The_RGA, Opn Sesame, @WPP and @Smart_MediaGRP.",
"location": "City of Magnificent Intentions"
"id": 22186521,
"screen_name": "MrsXXV25",
"name": "Karen \u267f\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf1e\ud83d\udc90 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Disabled housewife. Proud wife of proud British Army veteran.\nI stand with JK Rowling.\nAdult human female. TWATW and TMATM.",
"location": ""
"id": 22187753,
"screen_name": "betsyboo1616",
"name": "BetsyBoo",
"description": "pure blood, Patriot, Fitness \u0026 Bacon lover, proud wife \u0026 mom of 3 awesome kids, Bestselling food and fiction Author; \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #familyiseverything #46NotMyPresident",
"location": "Milwaukee, WI"
"id": 22214019,
"screen_name": "Wisdom_Truth_",
"name": "Truth\u0026Liberty",
"description": "God \u0026 Country\u271d\ufe0f \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc#ElectionIntegrity #1A #2A #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#TrumpWon #Family #Marriage #LetsGoBrandon #Unvaxxed #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Minnesota, USA"
"id": 22216885,
"screen_name": "n2goo",
"name": "Bethann Poole \ud83c\udfb6",
"description": "#AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#KeepAmericaGreat \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nNo Lists",
"location": "Ma."
"id": 22219847,
"screen_name": "MatStaver",
"name": "Mathew Staver",
"description": "Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. Constitutional attorney defending life, liberty and family. #prolife #tcot",
"location": ""
"id": 22221082,
"screen_name": "infieldflguy",
"name": "Paul Drake",
"description": "Biden is a nervous clueless pussy. Everything woke turns to shit. Neanderthal #MAGA Don't Mess With Texas \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8ReTweets are endorsements! #WinsomeWarrior",
"location": "Realityville, TEXAS"
"id": 22226758,
"screen_name": "TheFullmetalrpg",
"name": "FullMetalRPG",
"description": "Christian, Main Character, Newtype, Gamer, Pure Blood. There is only one truth. Definitely anti-vax now.",
"location": "Houston, TX"
"id": 22231389,
"screen_name": "wirefreeguy",
"name": "Jeffro",
"description": "Right of Center - America First - Predators Die-Hard - TitansUp!!",
"location": " NashVegas!!"
"id": 22233308,
"screen_name": "Coletteen1",
"name": "Colette \ud83e\uddd9\ud83c\udffb",
"description": "Dub | feminist | scrutiny \u2260 vitriol. \u201cTruth is so rare it is delightful to tell it\u201d E.D. #nothankyou",
"location": "ireland"
"id": 22244204,
"screen_name": "CerianJohn",
"name": "Cerian \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Socialist \u0026 feminist who dabbles in computing to pay for seeing the world\n...\n#FullyVaccinated #NoThankYou",
"location": "@\ud83c\udfe1 "
"id": 22244255,
"screen_name": "PigDawg80",
"name": "Craig Ashton Maguire",
"description": "Angler, Golfer (Bad Angry One) Anti-Labour, anti alt left(I fucking hate Anfifa) anti alt right, Secularist, Antitheist. NOT VERY PC EVER!!!",
"location": "Luton,Corralejo,Chatteris"
"id": 22252399,
"screen_name": "Philpvfc06",
"name": "Phil",
"description": "Vale! Pro brexit, anti-FBPE!",
"location": "Wouldnt you like to know!"
"id": 22255886,
"screen_name": "GlennHutton",
"name": "#MadWorld \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#COYS - #Brexit - #ExToryVoter #NoVaccinePassports - #AntiDepopulation / #AntiGlobalisation / #KalergiPlan #AllLivesMatter",
"location": ""
"id": 22264171,
"screen_name": "nolibgal",
"name": "NOLIBGAL",
"description": "passionate about preserving my country, liberty and individual freedoms: seek truth and wisdom from the one true God #trump2020 #MAGA @nolibgal on parler",
"location": ""
"id": 22265286,
"screen_name": "Latybugstl",
"name": "Dawn",
"description": "Missouri Girl Here \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udfd2\ud83e\udd45 Mom\ud83d\udc83\ud83c\udffbMom \u2653\ufe0f #MAGA #2A #FreeSpeech. Parler @Latybugstl",
"location": "Missouri, USA"
"id": 22270993,
"screen_name": "SoCalEdgyGal",
"name": "SoCal\u2618\ufe0f\ud835\udd40\ud835\udd63\ud835\udd5a\ud835\udd64\ud835\udd59\ud835\udd3e\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5d\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffc\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u210d\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd61\ud835\udd61\ud835\udd6a\ud835\udd4e\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd63\ud835\udd63\ud835\udd5a\ud835\udd60\ud835\udd63!\u2022Trump Won\u2022UnVaxxed\ud83e\ude78AKA:Mom/Boss/Irish\u2618\ufe0f #boyMom\u2022Patriots UNITE!\u2022MAGA2024\u2022fluent in sarcasm \u0026 profanity\ud83d\udca5Let\u2019s Go Brandon!\ud83d\ude80FJB",
"location": "Cali Baby\u2665\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99"
"id": 22283739,
"screen_name": "Queendode",
"name": "Let\u2019s Go Brandon! #FJB",
"description": "on Telegram @QueenDode \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Queen of Conservatism \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#EndTheDogMeatTrade, #PROLIFE, #PATRIOT \u2764\ufe0f , #2A, #TrumpTrain, #DRAINTHESWAMP #TrumpWon",
"location": "Naples, FL"
"id": 22283872,
"screen_name": "ullikemike",
"name": "Time4fisticuffs\ud83d\ude4f\u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Christian #Catholic #Conservative #Reagan #Republican #Capitalist; Sports lover - #BBN #Cincinnati #Reds #Bengals #Trump2020",
"location": "Pewee Valley, KY"
"id": 22294708,
"screen_name": "euroconservativ",
"name": "Mark McKillop",
"description": "I'm a Proud American Conservative living in Texas! MAGAMAX!!! TRUMP 2024!! 1A 2A!! NO CRIMINAL RACE THEORY!! MAKE DEMOCRAT SOCIALIST MAGGOTS EXTINCT! USA! USA!",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 22298548,
"screen_name": "SkythPrincess",
"name": "WarriorPrincess \ud83e\udd96 \u26a2 Superlesbian \ud83d\udfe2\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe3",
"description": "Comics, Filme, B\u00fccher, Cholecalciferol.\nPummelig. Alter 14-54 gesch\u00e4tzt von Twitter.\nLesbian blocked by Lesbenring.\nNo, thank you.",
"location": ""
"id": 22303330,
"screen_name": "garethmoorehull",
"name": "Gareth Moore \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Owner \u0026 director of a digital marketing agency, love to travel, love the gym, love a good mojito! Anti woke, British \u0026 proud. In Martian years I\u2019m 20 years old.",
"location": "Hull, UK"
"id": 22311847,
"screen_name": "Jkonkle",
"name": "Jon",
"description": "USMC vet America first always if words offend you I wanna be friends I need the entertainment",
"location": ""
"id": 22313958,
"screen_name": "PatrickDowns",
"name": "Maximus MUGWUMP \ud83e\ude93",
"description": "Artisanal grudgefarmer wandering the Disinformation Cowpath. Lapsed photojournalist. R/Ts *sometimes* = endorsement (your riddle). Just say no to #Cult45 \u26d4",
"location": "PacNW / NeverTrumpistan"
"id": 22321753,
"screen_name": "AlbanyUpdate",
"name": "NYCF",
"description": "New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms (NYCF) lobbies the New York State Legislature from a distinctly pro-life and pro-family perspective.",
"location": "Albany, NY"
"id": 22323155,
"screen_name": "cathlabscott",
"name": "President-Elect Scott Cox",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Just a regular guy making his way in the Arizona desert heat. \ud83c\udf35",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 22349078,
"screen_name": "TDSDoctor",
"name": "The TDS Doctor \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Prescribing daily #MAGA doses \ud83d\udc8a",
"location": "USA"
"id": 22350698,
"screen_name": "powerHaSe",
"name": "H-J Seiffert \u2022 Experte h.c. \u2022 Spiritus rector \u2022 Sa",
"description": "#Adept #Veteran #Asket #Profund #Eloquent #Du'zer #Eccentrics #KaltDuscher #LOHAS #ISFJ #KonfessionsFrei #ParteiFrei #FreiDenker #Philosemit #S\u00e4kular #Resilient",
"location": "Chemnitz, Germany"
"id": 22353594,
"screen_name": "JazzTulip",
"name": "Louise\ud83d\udd77\ufe0fH-S\ud83c\udf37\ud83c\udfa8\ud83d\udfe3\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe2",
"description": "Art, jazz, poetry, tea. Painter, professional, Head of Something somewhere or other. Liverpolitan married to the Dutch. #EU, obvs. Also shrill siren, it seems.",
"location": "an eco house in Rotterdam"
"id": 22365814,
"screen_name": "winans1013",
"name": "mw",
"description": "#TRUMP2020 #WOMENFORTRUMP \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 22366146,
"screen_name": "TheEllieMo",
"name": "Ellie",
"description": "Adult Human Female \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c; Bookish; introvert; Novice Aviator; Novice gardener; Owned by 2 cats; Once ran a marathon. Vulcan cover pic @darrenlewington",
"location": "Gloucester"
"id": 22367460,
"screen_name": "GODWINGI",
"name": "Renee Godwin",
"description": "Office Manager for Family Business, Conservative, Trump2020, MAGA KAG!",
"location": "Zebulon, NC"
"id": 22367546,
"screen_name": "KeyWestAuthor",
"name": "Michael Ritchie",
"description": "Historian, Cuban Revolution. Contributor, Havana Times \u0026 Cuba Business Report. Fidelista. Author, \"Blood of the Dragon Tree,\" Amazon. #MAGA, DogeCoin Magnate",
"location": "Key West"
"id": 22368831,
"screen_name": "Matt_Escobedo",
"name": "\ud83d\udc49Transition to Greatness \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "NRA\ud83d\udc49PRO ISRAEL, Incredible beautiful wife and three great boys, Jesus is alive! PRO LIFE!! #KAG \ud83c\udfc3\u200d\u2642\ufe0fBoston Marathon \u0026 New York Marathon. MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Pismo Beach"
"id": 22371600,
"screen_name": "PilgrimsLanded",
"name": "Pilgrim",
"description": "If you're not catching flak, you're not over the target. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #AmericaFirst #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #Trump #SpyGate",
"location": ""
"id": 22401823,
"screen_name": "nofeargage",
"name": "lb gage \ud83d\udd6f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274c",
"description": "Christian. Conservative. Against the Illegal Alien invasion \u0026 politicians that support the hoarde. Build the Wall!! Arizona.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I miss President Trump!!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 22409500,
"screen_name": "Airess",
"name": "#FJB #FMM Let's Go Brandon!",
"description": "Very Conservative American against government waste and corruption. MAGA Proud Trump supporter. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 BuildTheWall DrainTheSwamp",
"location": "Right of Right"
"id": 22410684,
"screen_name": "Jen_ChristieUK",
"name": "Jen Christie",
"description": "Mostly Scottish. I'm usually chatting about tech, travel or social innovation. Work in Partnerships @what3words - #knowexactlywhere",
"location": "London/ Troon, Scotland"
"id": 22428855,
"screen_name": "scuttigirl",
"name": "Donna Scutti",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8God Bless America #MAGA \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffcPro Life #BackTheBlue #Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Love my family, my country \u0026 strong coffee. No DMs.",
"location": ""
"id": 22440042,
"screen_name": "DancingDennis",
"name": "President-Elect Denis - God Bless The USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Red Blooded American/God/Family/Country/#NRA/#MAGA/#KAG/#CHRISTIAN/#VET/#PROLIFE/#DEPLORABLE/#IRREDEEMABLE/#HUSKERS/No DM/\ud83d\udcafTRUMP",
"location": "Somewhere in SoCal"
"id": 22442937,
"screen_name": "TheTybeeTimes",
"name": "The Tybee Times",
"description": "\ud83c\udf34Uniquely island local with a window on the world. News/opinions posted by retired publisher/editor. Gab/Gettr/Facebook/LinkedIn/Minds/MeWe #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Tybee Island, GA"
"id": 22460758,
"screen_name": "truthpreferred",
"name": "Be Direct",
"description": "Trump 2020 Landslide Climate Change is a hoax. China Virus made in lab. CCP must pay.",
"location": ""
"id": 22468582,
"screen_name": "peterbegley",
"name": "Peter Begley \ud83d\ude42",
"description": "Pre-millenial snowflake and gender-fluid otherling. Pronouns: mongfap/tardfap. Now available in gammon flavour. Pure blooded and generically unmodified.",
"location": "Nuuk, Greenland"
"id": 22479891,
"screen_name": "anneorack",
"name": "Audre Solanas",
"description": "Born woman. Super Lesbian (same SEX attracted) Feminist.",
"location": "Somewhere in the North West."
"id": 22497093,
"screen_name": "revik",
"name": "Bob Vik",
"description": "Conservative. Patriot. #MAGA 2020.",
"location": "Bluffton, SC"
"id": 22502870,
"screen_name": "suzyjerve",
"name": "Suzanne Jervis \ud83c\udf38\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "A bit wild at times, GSOH, rants a bit, loves having fun, enjoys good food, wine and company, is a petrolhead and works too much.",
"location": "Gloucester"
"id": 22515159,
"screen_name": "eldy81",
"name": "JLD1963",
"description": "Tired of hearing Liberal garbage portrayed as Truth. Ready for the audits to reveal how Mushmouth didn\u2019t really win#Maga #Bidencheated",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 22542877,
"screen_name": "GetLabourOut",
"name": "Prosecute Trump \u0026 his GOP / Fox Enablers",
"description": "Trump is #MAGA: Moronic A**hole Grifting Americans Sadly Cowardly Bone Spurs has brainwashed his cult members to be undemocratic, unpatriotic, unamerican thugs",
"location": ""
"id": 22564991,
"screen_name": "SheSaz",
"name": "Jamie Doe",
"description": "\ud83d\udd34 I am a work in progress. Some of the titles I currently embrace are Deplorable, Conservative, Pro Life, Army Wife, Christian \u0026 Rescue Mom of \ud83d\udc36 Fur Babies",
"location": "\ud83d\udd34 #Patriot #ProudAmerican "
"id": 22570613,
"screen_name": "jackdefends",
"name": "Jack\u2019sNiceButHeDefends\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I love My Lord Jesus, My Family, My America, My Marine Corps, My \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, My \u271d\ufe0f, My Friends \u0026 The University of Alabama #RollTide #ProLife",
"location": "Alabama, USA"
"id": 22588009,
"screen_name": "AndreaNRuth",
"name": "Andrea Caruso",
"description": "I talk @JayCaruso in to, and out of, good and bad ideas. Pro-life. Former writer/editor. Not my monkeys, not my circus. Oxford comma stan account.",
"location": "Arlington, VA"
"id": 22588192,
"screen_name": "soundofsilence7",
"name": "Kate S",
"description": "Physician Assistant. Political junkie, reader, and radical feminist. I also like TV, music, podcasts, and movies too much.",
"location": "Stratford, CT"
"id": 22602940,
"screen_name": "Spoony01",
"name": "Spoony",
"description": "Just Your Friendly Adult Human Female",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 22614944,
"screen_name": "thgrmsd",
"name": "\ud83c\udd83\ud83c\udd77\ud83c\udd76\ud83c\udd81\ud83c\udd7c\ud83c\udd82\ud83c\udd73 \ud83e\udd96 TE-GC-RF",
"description": "-In the future, -FLYING CARS! -There will be unity, -FLYING CARS! -Uh, magic phones, -AGCK! FLYING CARS, YO! -Sustainable, -WE'RE DONE HERE! \ud83d\udfe2\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe3\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddee",
"location": "Be fucking kind! \ud83c\udf15 \u2728 \ud83d\ude80 \ud83d\udd96 Star Trek \u0026 Space \ud83d\udd96 Cats/Birbs/Bees/Spiders et al/L'enfer, c'est les autres \ud83e\udd89 \ud83e\udd96 \ud83d\udc09 \ud83d\udc19\ud83d\udc1d\ud83d\udd77\ufe0f\ud83d\udc33\ud83e\udd85\ud83e\udd87"
"id": 22622823,
"screen_name": "williamrendle",
"name": "William Rendle",
"description": "Vegan. All lives Matter.",
"location": "Edinburgh"
"id": 22637747,
"screen_name": "blue4butterfly",
"name": "Rose \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "#Peace\u0026Justice",
"location": "North East England"
"id": 22640530,
"screen_name": "K311yS",
"name": "Kelly Smith",
"description": "Living my super lesbian life with my super lesbian wife. Teacher of tiny humans. Mother of Magnificent Meg. British born. Detroit Strong. Finite and Forever.",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 22643177,
"screen_name": "AngelStar254",
"name": "Alexandra \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83e\ude78NoVaxPass",
"description": "Pureblood Patriot \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. Untested,Unmasked ,Unvaccinated and Unapologetic. #novaccinepassports #trudeaumustgo #firefordopenontario",
"location": "Onterrible"
"id": 22661527,
"screen_name": "sambem",
"name": "sammy",
"description": "\u2665#teamlesbian #istandwithjkrowling #radicalfeminist #adulthumanfemale\nIf you were born with a dick, you're not a fucking lesbian. Get the L out.",
"location": "england,manchester"
"id": 22667634,
"screen_name": "peter_daly",
"name": "Peter Daly",
"description": "Employment, discrimination and whistleblowing lawyer.",
"location": "London"
"id": 22671065,
"screen_name": "stacie_grahn",
"name": "Stacie",
"description": "Christian, conservative, pro life, Canadian, married and mom to 3 boys!",
"location": "Surrey, British Columbia"
"id": 22673229,
"screen_name": "IGotAlgorhythm",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I Got Algorhythm \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 - \"Let's Go Brandon!\"",
"description": "If you reply to my tweet and I don't respond, 2 possible reasons exist; 1) I didn't see it 2) I refuse to engage with morons. Believe what you will. #AntiWoke",
"location": ""
"id": 22677397,
"screen_name": "atensnut",
"name": "Juanita Broaddrick",
"description": "Author, \"You'd Better Put Some Ice On That\" retired RN \u0026 business owner, Speaker. TRUMP WON. Let\u2019s Go Brandon.",
"location": "Fort Smith, Arkansas"
"id": 22679926,
"screen_name": "graydominic4",
"name": "Dom Gray \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Anti woke/cancel culture,MSM critic. Pro the right of #GBnews to UK, Anti left. Love the idea of #FBPE types abusing me while they are muted \ud83d\ude02",
"location": "Norfolk, England"
"id": 22681460,
"screen_name": "Skinnydecaf",
"name": "Flea",
"description": "#NoThankYou",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 22693542,
"screen_name": "SophieXY44",
"name": "That Guy Called Sophie",
"description": "I do not identify as a woman, I identify WITH women. #IStandWithJKRowling bitcoin:bc1qtf6mscvmdfusc4n09yqfvlmxkv7stvre2mszsv",
"location": "Maryland, USA"
"id": 22713336,
"screen_name": "mackbarron",
"name": "Mack Barron",
"description": "Army veteran. #MAGAVETERAN. Enjoy ticking off Liberals.",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 22726693,
"screen_name": "coax_k",
"name": "gbh",
"description": "Pronouns: Fuck you/off. Super Straight, Transvaxxite",
"location": "Rent free, in your head"
"id": 22757428,
"screen_name": "sarahhill5",
"name": "Sarah Mapstone",
"description": "Northern Irish adult human female. Living in England now beside the sea. With an Englishman! \ud83d\ude0e",
"location": "Eastbourne, England"
"id": 22758767,
"screen_name": "SFE043",
"name": "Stephen Edwards",
"description": "Watching what\u2019s happening to my country in absolute disbelief. #AllLivesMatter #BritishLivesMatter\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Wokingham, England"
"id": 22777526,
"screen_name": "ndough",
"description": "American, Patriot, Doctor, 1A, 2A , NRA member, Jewish, #MAGA. #KAG. #BanIslam, Voter ID is a MUST.",
"location": "Liberal Shithole NJ"
"id": 22777675,
"screen_name": "Karenr59",
"name": "Karen",
"description": "Patriot. Conservative. Pro-life. Wife to Phillip. Kiki to Juliette.. I love my country and my president. MAGA! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 -Jesus is my savior, not my religion.",
"location": "Greenville, SC"
"id": 22815166,
"screen_name": "bobeinhorn",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Bob Einhorn\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian, Family, Conservative, #MAGA, Pro 2nd Amendment, Pro Life, Texan, Former LEO \u03bc\u03bf\u03bb\u1f7c\u03bd \u03bb\u03b1\u03b2\u03ad\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 22833654,
"screen_name": "LBKirsop",
"name": "Laura Beth Kirsop",
"description": "PR Professional \u0026 Fundraiser in #yeahTHATgreenville | Co-Host of @TheEditPodcast | #Prolife | Politico | Galatians 2:20 | Tweets are my own | RTs \u2260 endorsements",
"location": "Probably Chick Fil A"
"id": 22850353,
"screen_name": "Atco64",
"name": "Heading 270 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Brexit - ALL Lives Matter. Kneel for No-one. Defund the BBC. Ban Halal, Mass Immigration \u0026 Trophy Hunts. Boycott China. Take Responsibility - Hate Victims.",
"location": ""
"id": 22858458,
"screen_name": "angelam29",
"name": "angela \"FightlikeFlynn\" monroe",
"description": "#livesimple #Walkaway #MAGA #Wackadoodle #resist",
"location": "virginia"
"id": 22860247,
"screen_name": "CaioMGA",
"name": "Kyle of All-Saints \u271d",
"description": "Puppies and memes. VIVA CRISTO REY!\n#pr\u00f3vida #prolife",
"location": ""
"id": 22862240,
"screen_name": "MyBellevue",
"name": "Bellevue Rocks (XY) \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc4a",
"description": "I was there #InaugurationDay. #Patriots #MAGA #KAG #Winning",
"location": "Bellevue WA"
"id": 22869757,
"screen_name": "beckybutler6",
"name": "Becky Butler",
"description": "Jackson, MS| Proud wife \u0026 mom of 4, Catholic, ProLife, conservative. GH fan! \u26be\ufe0fCincinnati Reds fan! \ud83d\udc99 \u0026 miss NKY. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us!",
"location": "Jackson, MS"
"id": 22877920,
"screen_name": "ABDinOz",
"name": "Andrew Davidson",
"description": "Cat loving Aberdeen supporting Scot in Australia who wants independence for Scotland and knows sex is real while gender is a construct. Dealing with depression.",
"location": "Brisbane, Australia"
"id": 22891714,
"screen_name": "superxballerina",
"name": "Regina Kent",
"description": "No thank you.",
"location": "Pensacola, FL"
"id": 22899657,
"screen_name": "marmacmal",
"name": "MarMacMal",
"description": "Proud conservative #MAGA",
"location": "St Louis"
"id": 22911980,
"screen_name": "karamantha",
"name": "Dr Kara PhD \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udfe5\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "hi she/they",
"location": ""
"id": 22915667,
"screen_name": "StudentsforLife",
"name": "Students for Life of America",
"description": "\ud83d\udce2 Equipping and Activating the Next Generation of Pro-Life Leaders to Abolish Abortion. #ProLifeGen MAKE YOUR CITY ABORTION FREE \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffe",
"location": "Virginia"
"id": 22927708,
"screen_name": "BeccaHutson",
"name": "Becca Hutson",
"description": "Head of digital \u0026 presenter @GBNews\nOutfits",
"location": "Paris, Texas"
"id": 22946720,
"screen_name": "pjn0524",
"name": "Paula Noakes",
"description": "Wife, Mom, Conservative, LDS, what else? #whovian #Trekkie #browncoat Not doing the stupid pronouns. Figure it out. #MAGA #Trump2020",
"location": "Kennewick, WA"
"id": 22952649,
"screen_name": "tellmequick",
"name": "Andrea",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, Patriot, #AmericaFirst #TRUMP, RN, BSN \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": ""
"id": 22953032,
"screen_name": "PaxHart",
"name": "Pax Hart",
"description": "Conservative writer, commentator, and GOP campaign manager. Easter Worshipper. America First. @NDTV, @Reuters, @CNN. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf4\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddfc",
"location": "New York, NY"
"id": 22980725,
"screen_name": "chocolatehound",
"name": "| : -- ) XX (Yippee/Ki/Yay)",
"description": "Woman: adult human female - Super Bi - West Coast - USA - Gen X - ancap- unkempt - exclusionary - judgmental - prudish - disrespectful - believer in reality",
"location": "based"
"id": 22993909,
"screen_name": "Gardrail",
"name": "Not as Grumpy",
"description": "NY born,Philly raised. Ex-Lib.2A.Pro-Life. IN \"I ain't got nothing, but you can always have half\" ,Chico Marx",
"location": ""
"id": 23002113,
"screen_name": "topgirls",
"name": "BBC People's Hour \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "From the BBC who enabled \u0026 covered up Jimmy Savile's child abuse comes their Trans Propaganda that harms children. #repealtheGRA\n#WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Terf Island\u2640\ufe0f"
"id": 23002200,
"screen_name": "croftysoandso",
"name": "Sophie Crofts",
"description": "Parent of amazing daughter. Librarian. GC feminist. \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"location": "Devon"
"id": 23024849,
"screen_name": "skydiverD37424",
"name": "Jacob",
"description": "Texan, Skydiver, PhD, Conservative, US Army Veteran. Fascinated by people and how we all interact. #KAG #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\ude82\ud83e\ude82\ud83e\ude82\ud83e\ude82\ud83e\ude82 Parler: @skydiverD37424",
"location": "Fort Worth, TX"
"id": 23026824,
"screen_name": "TexarkanaFantom",
"name": "TexarkanaFantom \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "MAGA PATRIOT SwampDraining 1/2A VETERANS 1ST KAG2020 Will FB ALL VETS; #Trump2020 Founder of",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 23031343,
"screen_name": "TheGrayRider",
"name": "David Joe May",
"description": "Opinions are my own.\nJesus is Lord\nMarried to my Jr High sweetheart, The Appalachian Princess\n#ProLife #2A #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #IFBP",
"location": "United States of America"
"id": 23034194,
"screen_name": "aldetect",
"name": "Alan D. Bowles",
"description": "Lucky man traveled the world. My family \u0026 children amazing! Lived UK/USA/SE \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea COYS #Brexit #MAGA #Masonic #RAF Ex Det. follows back.",
"location": "LONDON"
"id": 23038007,
"screen_name": "matt4787",
"name": "Matt\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Take the Red-Pill and come down the Rabit hole. #MAGA",
"location": "St. Charles, MO USA"
"id": 23039417,
"screen_name": "KarenTirio",
"name": "Karen Tirio",
"description": "Liberty loving Conservative, Free Markets/Responsible govt, pro 1st \u0026 2nd amendment, Sm biz owner, Pro-LIFE and grateful follower of Jesus Christ, Hallelujah!",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 23051870,
"screen_name": "AffinityIFA",
"name": "Shona Barr",
"description": "Lover of travel, fitness, dogs, art, painting, personal development and brass bands. Lifestyle financial planner.",
"location": "Troon, Scotland"
"id": 23101285,
"screen_name": "OldReepicheep",
"name": "Tim Meshginpoosh, Commander, 1st Feline Battalion",
"description": "#SoftwareEngineer \u2665\ufe0f Jesus\u0646, #MamaCat #LittleNinja \ud83c\udfca\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udeb4\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\udfc3\u200d\u2642\ufe0f#Ironman #NeverQuit #OneMoreMile #LifeIsEndurance #ProLife #WeirdChristianTwitter",
"location": ""
"id": 23109153,
"screen_name": "Boiler_Patriot",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Boiler_Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "MAGA, ProLife, CopsWife, FB @ryanafournier @timrunshismouth @EricMMatheny @realmattcouch @ritacosby @emeraldrobinson @ildonaldotrumpo pronouns: Fuck/Biden",
"location": ""
"id": 23130798,
"screen_name": "Jrrmn",
"name": "Jrrmn",
"description": "#WalkAway \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8America First!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #IBOR IFBAP!",
"location": "5D"
"id": 23145176,
"screen_name": "RosieWestCoast",
"name": "Rose Francesca",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0f I prefer the mean tweets over dead Afghans \u0026 American Soldiers. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Get Woke, Go Broke #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV"
"id": 23154269,
"screen_name": "alltakenfuckit",
"name": "Count Anon",
"description": "trans man - anti-woke - libertarian-ish",
"location": ""
"id": 23155445,
"screen_name": "Jason_toronto",
"name": "Jason B.",
"description": "Conservative. Dual Citizen. #MCGA #MAGA #Trump2024 \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Toronto/Florida"
"id": 23163431,
"screen_name": "DCBducci",
"name": "MAGA PATRIOT GiGi",
"description": "A lifelong California resident. A farmer's wife, mom of 3, and a Gigi. A very happy life. #MAGA #Patriot #RECALLGAVINNEWSOM",
"location": "California "
"id": 23163451,
"screen_name": "Kraken_Addict",
"name": "Pencil Neck\u2019s DSLs",
"description": "#2A If #MAGA is wrong, I never wanna be right. Make Orwell Fiction Again No Representation Without Taxation Democrats, Kiss My A$$",
"location": "My favorite chair"
"id": 23195603,
"screen_name": "Dbargen",
"name": "Dale Now\u274c #COVFEFE",
"description": "DM for prompt follow back! Click LIKES for Twitter TIPS! #MAGA Parler:\u2026 GAB:",
"location": "Send \u2b50\ufe0fDM 4 Follow Back!"
"id": 23215586,
"screen_name": "RoshiChris",
"name": "Robster",
"description": "Human male. Size medium.",
"location": "London"
"id": 23216541,
"screen_name": "halciber",
"name": "\ud83d\ude80\ud83d\udef0\ufe0fMike Goldweber \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83d\udef0\ufe0f\ud83d\ude80",
"description": "Software engineer, data analyst, artist, coffee achiever, KB3IXO, Army Vet, jazz lover, friend to all animals. Radicalized Constitutionalist. #COS #MAGA #NRA",
"location": "Wolcott, CT"
"id": 23219426,
"screen_name": "merrytexas",
"name": "Official Source Merry Texas",
"description": "Proud Texan! #MAGA No DMs",
"location": "Somewhere in Texas"
"id": 23220731,
"screen_name": "copperpenny222",
"name": "DeplorableAmerican",
"description": "MAGA! DrainTheSwamp!",
"location": ""
"id": 23232296,
"screen_name": "stpatstjoe",
"name": "stpatstjoe",
"description": "I am a Catholic servant, husband and father. Matthew 6: 25-33 - Pro2A, Pro Life, Reimagine Good Morals",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 23245438,
"screen_name": "SusannaMDavis",
"name": "SusieQ",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, #KAG, #MAGA, Remember the Alamo, John 8:32, Here for the news",
"location": "TEXAS"
"id": 23254990,
"screen_name": "MSE1950",
"name": "Michael Evans",
"description": "Republican Committeeman. Pro Life-Pro Gun- Master Mason- Private Pilot Married MAGA",
"location": "Illinois"
"id": 23257393,
"screen_name": "spiffyw",
"name": "SpiffyWolf \u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#FreeAnnCoulter Recovering Nut Job and #Burner14\u2019 #WAR #CoulterNation #BuildTheWall #MAGA #BlueBloodedRHINOS #MichiganIsInTrouble #WhiteMan2019",
"location": "Saginaw"
"id": 23258257,
"screen_name": "RBaumannSR",
"name": "Ray Baumann Sr",
"description": "Husband, Father, PaPa, ProLife, Retired Air Force officer, Snowbird, Golfer, Fisherman, BeeKeeper, Conservative Christian \u271d\ufe0f",
"location": "iPhone: "
"id": 23262624,
"screen_name": "lillisgam4Trump",
"name": "Lou",
"description": "Wife, mother, grandmother, Christian and flower gardening, painting, floral design, anything creative and President TRUMP! #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 23267075,
"screen_name": "G999Brian",
"name": "BrianG",
"description": "Trying to survive unchanged in a world that's changing everyday. #GodblessAmerica \u2764\n#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#AllLivesMatter\n#Procrastinator\n#Writer\nRT's- NOT endorsements",
"location": ""
"id": 23271894,
"screen_name": "Proudtrumpsupp5",
"name": "Purebred Tammy",
"description": "Christian (With a Sailor Mouth), Mother, Boss Lady, Trump Supporter, Pro Life, Back the Blue. FB @ScottBaio, @RealMattCouch, @scottisbell_, @Fiobaio,",
"location": "Kentucky"
"id": 23275942,
"screen_name": "mattcleavernz",
"name": "\ud83d\ude37 Covid Cleaver",
"description": "Pandemic and Virology Expert and Professor of Epidemiology at the Cleaver Institute. Trump 2024 Communications Director and part time gardener at Mar-a-Largo.",
"location": "New Zealand"
"id": 23277750,
"screen_name": "WVStardust",
"name": "Harper",
"description": "Special Education High School teacher. Veteran. #MAGA",
"location": "United States"
"id": 23282557,
"screen_name": "lululexie",
"name": "Lexie Robins \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "A mom to 5 fabulous boys. Pilates Reformer and Spin Instructor. #Trump2024 #FreeSpeech #2A",
"location": "Barrington, IL"
"id": 23297554,
"screen_name": "rumackdh",
"name": "((MakeEarthGreatAgain/AllLivesMatter))\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "\u2721\ufe0f Gooner SelfEmployed @HandyDavey. Love my Son, Wife, StepSon \u0026 Daughter, DrWho, 42, 80s \u0026 BritPop \ud83c\udfbc Beatles, F1, Yankees, Dolphins",
"location": "London, UK"
"id": 23297778,
"screen_name": "BeccaVM_97",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96Becca \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffb\u200d\ud83e\uddbd\ud83d\udea9\u267f\ufe0f",
"description": "Living the MS dream with my Canine Partner! I\u2019m a cripwitch and a criptastic 1 handed stitcher! \u267f\ufe0f\ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffb\u200d\ud83e\uddbdadult human female \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Aberdeenshire"
"id": 23300602,
"screen_name": "gunnho2",
"name": "Gunn_Ho",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7fConservative. Patriot. Free speech.ALL lives matter. No to EU. UK Law \u0026 Order only-No Sharia.Retweets may not be my own view",
"location": "UK"
"id": 23312293,
"screen_name": "EmilyC_MAGA",
"name": "Emily",
"description": "TRUMP SUPPORTER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\u2764\ufe0f #MAGA #MAGAForever #TruthSeeker",
"location": ""
"id": 23322806,
"screen_name": "MannysGrammy",
"name": "Deb~ G-Ma \ud83d\ude4f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Child of God \ud83d\ude4f\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "We love \u0026 miss you SO much Ryan~my man of 21 yrs, murdered 4-23.\nSevere MS Saved by Grace\n5kids \u0026 6 g/k's\nGod, family, Country! #Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\n\u2764 Patriots!",
"location": "USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 23326916,
"screen_name": "susankayjordan",
"name": "Sista SuzieQ (Influencer)",
"description": "#JesusSaves \u271d\ufe0f #BabiesLivesMatter \ud83d\udc7c #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #SaveThelChildern \ud83e\uddd2 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #BackTheBlue \ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2640\ufe0f. #FJB --Please no DM--",
"location": "Washington, USA"
"id": 23336968,
"screen_name": "mindsci",
"name": "Barry Thain \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Husband, dad, therapist, cook.",
"location": "Kingston, Surrey, England"
"id": 23355136,
"screen_name": "gcmello",
"name": "George C. Mello",
"description": "Disciple of Jesus. Born Bermuda (Paradice). Proud Briton, \u0026 now American too. Vocal Conservative, anti elite lefty. PC is fascism! Pro Brexit + MAGA + Israel.",
"location": "Belmont, New Hampshire"
"id": 23359443,
"screen_name": "summysoom",
"name": "Lynne Chellingworth\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83d\udc99\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Feminist. Boomer. Adult human female = woman, Volunteer. Retired from NHS.",
"location": "Dorset"
"id": 23362742,
"screen_name": "Catherrs",
"name": "Miffysaurus \ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "\"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities\" - Voltaire",
"location": "The Netherlands"
"id": 23363396,
"screen_name": "bobcat2777",
"name": "bob catani",
"description": "Proud American, America first always #MAGA #TRUMP2024!!! #BacktheBlue",
"location": "Staten Island, NY"
"id": 23367452,
"screen_name": "justjanejarvis1",
"name": "I am woman hear me sigh \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 23369242,
"screen_name": "Divalizzous",
"name": "The Equality Act \u2260 Equality",
"description": "Conscious young BLACK WOMAN. Don't call me 'cis'. Betrayed by the left. Politically homeless. Against elimination of \"sex\". Biology is not bigotry. WAKE UP.",
"location": "Everywhere"
"id": 23376602,
"screen_name": "BASH1955",
"name": "Bob",
"description": "Pro-Life conservative....Palinista....TAM....Husker fan...\u2026. Trump 2020......IFBP with a vengeance...Paler bash1955",
"location": "Hawkeye state!"
"id": 23377273,
"screen_name": "karla7101",
"name": "karla beason",
"description": "Wife ,mother, grandmother, Great-grandmother. I love my country. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #BlueLivesMatter",
"location": "Indiana, USA"
"id": 23382766,
"screen_name": "Wheels68",
"name": "TonyaF",
"description": "Constitutionalist, fiscal conservative. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Southern US"
"id": 23431193,
"screen_name": "cpbyrne",
"name": "Chris Byrne- \u2618\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udcff Save our Farmers",
"description": "Concerned Catholic Irishman and Prolife. RTing doesnt mean support. Anti Zerocovidiots Save the planet by not following Scientists that are leading us astray.",
"location": "Dublin, Ireland"
"id": 23457920,
"screen_name": "derry3",
"name": "#GBNews",
"description": "Hard time of year for a lot of folks. Suicide Hotline 116 123 (Samaritans",
"location": "East Riding, Yorkshire England"
"id": 23464009,
"screen_name": "margopittendry",
"name": "I love the c word!",
"description": "@GBNEWS I identify as a capybara- and am eagerly anticipating the fall of mankind ! and all the other crazy variations !",
"location": "England"
"id": 23465637,
"screen_name": "lynnlufc",
"name": "Im just me.",
"description": "Slighlty deranged, wine drinking Leeds fan, and an adult human female. I\u2019m not playing along with the 371+ gender bollocks.",
"location": "Yorkshire and The Humber"
"id": 23469666,
"screen_name": "junkoid",
"name": "Dan Gilbert \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa \u26ab\ufe0f",
"description": "Intellectual extremist. Still waiting to hear a single reason for Brexit that is actually a reason, with argument \u0026 facts, not just an alt-right slogan.",
"location": ""
"id": 23480800,
"screen_name": "lyndasecrets",
"name": "Stay Strong USA",
"description": "Proud #Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f#CHRISTIAN #CONSERVATIVE #CCOT Biden NOT MY PRESIDENT, WE WILL WIN BACK SENATE \u0026 HOUSE 2022.TRUMP 2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": " USA"
"id": 23484056,
"screen_name": "dreamflh",
"name": "TrumpWon",
"description": "Christian,MAGA ,Cult45,constitutionalist,#2A ,Live Free or Die,NRA,Belichik,Biden is illegitimate and stole the Election #Trumpwon2020 #auditall50",
"location": ""
"id": 23488931,
"screen_name": "AlienBeeUSA",
"name": "Alien Bee \ud83d\udc7d\ud83d\udc1d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "America First / Horror and Sci-fi Fan / Movie Collector /Toy Collector / Mutant Fam / Sports / Christian / Patriot / \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Brian Shirley"
"id": 23499359,
"screen_name": "LIN_artist",
"name": "Linda B",
"description": "politically conservative, pro life, retired, animal lover, musician, and artist",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 23503232,
"screen_name": "Behave_and_Live",
"name": "Biden Is My Favorite Comedian",
"description": "Proud American #MAGA #NRA, Constitutionalist,#BuffaloBills, #BuffaloSabres but not lately. From a small town near Buffalo. Back the blue",
"location": "USA"
"id": 23518842,
"screen_name": "rockapepolitics",
"name": "Rock-Ape-Politics",
"description": "love politics. from Liverpool but in a brexit town. love political satire. brexiter. belief in freedom of speech. anti woke. patriot. Atheist History buff",
"location": "U.K. Weaver Vale "
"id": 23520267,
"screen_name": "Gerwyn247",
"name": "Gerwyn Williams",
"description": "Ponty \u0026 CCFC ST holder, go to as many \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f games as I can, \ud83c\udfc9 \u0026 \u26bd\ufe0f #GBNEWS",
"location": "Wales"
"id": 23523469,
"screen_name": "gtargirl",
"name": "\ud83c\udf31Deborah L. Alten\ud83c\udf31",
"description": "\ud83c\udf3fJesusGirl | ProLife\ud83e\udd40| Caregiver | Christian #Blogger | Author | #affiliatemarketer | #amwritingfantasy | #YouTuber",
"location": "San Jacinto"
"id": 23524881,
"screen_name": "msjanedoes",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"description": "Classic liberal. All lives matter. Anti woke.",
"location": ""
"id": 23526758,
"screen_name": "waynemullins",
"name": "Wayne Mullins",
"description": "Southern/Country Gospel Singer USAF, Trump supporter backtheblue #MAGA, please no DM\u2019s, I\u2019m not looking and you are not getting any money",
"location": "Lexington, KY."
"id": 23538672,
"screen_name": "CNNisDISGUSTING",
"name": "The AR-15 is NOT an ASSAULT RIFLE",
"description": "\u274cPUGS! 911 Dispatcher, Firefighter/EMT-Politics #NRA God Family \u0026 USA FIRE/EMS \ud83d\ude94\u0026 TROOPS #2A #MAGA I STAND\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Blocked by #AlecBaldwin #SaltLife \ud83c\udf34",
"location": "Parris Island, SC/OHIO"
"id": 23545373,
"screen_name": "Wolverfan",
"name": "WolverFan",
"description": "GETTR = @Wolverfan\nFiscal Conservative, Immigration Hawk, Logical Environmentalist.\nAmerica First and Populism are NOT dirty words.",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 23573818,
"screen_name": "andreainindia",
"name": "andrea merrell \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \ud83d\udc94",
"description": "",
"location": "Herne Bay Kent"
"id": 23586450,
"screen_name": "941957",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Jim Drechsel\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Father of 3 and Grand Pa of 4 so far. Truck Driver with my own opinions. No dates \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst #Igotur6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#prayforrush\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Shoemakersville, PA"
"id": 23590837,
"screen_name": "brainey5",
"name": "Bev Rainey",
"description": "Military Wife, Mom, Sister. #AmericanBorn, #Conservative #DrainTheSwamp #AmericaFirst \u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 23593325,
"screen_name": "alisondale101",
"name": "Alison Dale",
"description": "Girly Swot; amateur forager. \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a. Does L\u0026D. Limps a bit. Views my very own (unless clearly someone else's).",
"location": "Exeter, England"
"id": 23606993,
"screen_name": "STERANGELI5",
"name": "#President-Elect Legal Immigrant\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83d\udc38\u274c\u274c",
"description": "Christian mother very concerned with how our country was going before #MAGA . Keeping God center of my family. #ImNotaBot #Trump2020 #AntiAntifa #TampaRealtor",
"location": "United States"
"id": 23617145,
"screen_name": "redrivergrl",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Redrivergrl\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#christian #prolife #2A \u201cIf we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to.\u201dThis is the last stand on Earth.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Reagan @redrivergrl@Parler #BoomerSooner",
"location": "Oklahoma City, OK"
"id": 23626652,
"screen_name": "LIgal629",
"name": "Debbie G",
"description": "I'm a retired school bus driver who enjoys Country Music, comedy, and almost all things in life.Trump supporter!! #MAGA #impeach46\ud83d\udeabmen looking.. keep going",
"location": "northeast"
"id": 23642675,
"screen_name": "luconilu",
"name": "Socialism Sucks",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nGod Bless America\n#AmericaFirst Anti Communist\nAnti Socialist Socialism is the gateway to evil.\n#NoVaccinePassport\n#FUCKANTIFA\n#DemocratsHateAmerica",
"location": "Greatest Country in the World"
"id": 23659772,
"screen_name": "Angel__Angelica",
"name": "Angel \u2606 Russo \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "#IStandWithJKRowling\n#IStandWithGlinner",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 23665196,
"screen_name": "LeroyTeeroy",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Troy",
"description": "Trump train! #MAGA #Trump2020",
"location": "San Jose, CA"
"id": 23670501,
"screen_name": "Thundrmcawesum",
"name": "Pureblooded Thunder",
"description": "Let's go Brandon",
"location": "Tx"
"id": 23682600,
"screen_name": "FocusDesignz",
"name": "aWebWizard",
"description": "Web Developer followed by Britney Spears \u2022 Supports Right Now Super PAC \u2022 American Patriot \u2022 Pro 2nd Amendment \u2022 #MAGA \u2022",
"location": "Lake Mille Lacs, MN"
"id": 23706374,
"screen_name": "ocmd1424",
"name": "Dawn til Dusk",
"description": "#Prolife \ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Protect our children (born \u0026 unborn), veterans, senior citizens, our constitution \u0026 animals. I don't answer DM's unless I know you.",
"location": "N FL USA"
"id": 23723528,
"screen_name": "belynda13",
"name": "Bea",
"description": "#BlueStarMom #ProLife #BackTheBlue #Israel #2A #TCOT #BuildTheWall #Benghazi #WalkAway #SupportOurMilitary #JesusSaves #FightLikeDomsMom",
"location": "USA"
"id": 23738963,
"screen_name": "HarlotOHara",
"name": "SWP",
"description": "my opinion is my own... proud to be a Londoner living in East Belfast \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7fAnti Woke - Patriot \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "East Belfast"
"id": 23744364,
"screen_name": "ry0ko3",
"name": "\ud835\udd44\ud835\udd54\ud835\udd4b\ud835\udd56\ud835\udd63\ud835\udd57\ud835\udd6a\ud835\udd4b\ud835\udd56\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd54\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5c\ud835\udd56\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\uddd9\ud83c\udf12\ud83c\udf15\ud83c\udf18\ud83e\udd95 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Ashamed of my country.Worried for my children.#IStandWithMarionMillar #WomenWontWheesht @SexMattersOrg #JusticeforAllison #NoThankYou #IStandWithKeiraBell",
"location": "In a \ud83d\udd90\ud83e\uddfaen route 2 \ud83d\udd25"
"id": 23745304,
"screen_name": "Truth247",
"name": "Mark D'Truth",
"description": "Trump is a danger to our Democracy. He surrounds himself with Russian sympathizers and 1%ers. He didn\u2019t drain the Swamp, he just replaced the SwampCreatures.",
"location": "USA"
"id": 23771507,
"screen_name": "ExecutivesRUS",
"name": "Maria - Reiki Master",
"description": "Reiki Master- Leveraging our Spiritual Connection to Succeed in this Lifetime. #Author #StRaphael #TCOT #KAG #WeAreOne #Winning\ud83d\ude4f#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "USA"
"id": 23808091,
"screen_name": "neilhughes1",
"name": "Neil Hughes",
"description": "Smileage on the facebolder is carbol-neutry, so frownage is to be avoidy.",
"location": "Troon, Scotland"
"id": 23831601,
"screen_name": "xjv12",
"name": "V32",
"description": "#maga #DrainTheSwamp #wikileaks #PodestaEmails",
"location": "Laniakea"
"id": 23843749,
"screen_name": "allecto",
"name": "Dani Tauni",
"description": "multiracial, lesbian separatist, activist, poet, writer, singer/songwriter, blogger, woman-loving, sister, vegan, radical feminist",
"location": "Brisbane, Australia"
"id": 23848113,
"screen_name": "venusrixen",
"name": "venusrixen",
"description": "male ally of females. sex matters. homosexual.",
"location": "Bath, England"
"id": 23859359,
"screen_name": "LGPena",
"name": "LG Pena\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA\nAmerica First!",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 23863268,
"screen_name": "iu70us",
"name": "iu70us",
"description": "Retired Army. Political junkie. Enjoying each day. Fiscal Conservative. Social Liberal. Appreciates clever humor. Supporter of Trump's #AmericaFirst agenda.",
"location": "St Augustine, FL"
"id": 23887497,
"screen_name": "Scarlett_613",
"name": "Tara4Truth",
"description": "Mom of 3. Transplanted Michigander. Proud Pro-Lifer. Baby Lives Matter! Love exploring nature \u0026 admiring God's beauty. Faith, Family, \u0026 Freedom Forever \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Weston, WI"
"id": 23891577,
"screen_name": "demonista",
"name": "Winnie Small",
"description": "radical feminist, animal liberationist, heartily anarchist, Like Marina, but I don't look like her; I'm too unfeminine ;)",
"location": "land called Ontario"
"id": 23919418,
"screen_name": "TruthBomberBob",
"name": "Truth Bomber Bob",
"description": "American by birth, freedom loving patriot by choice. Defender of God and the Constitution #AlwaysStandForLiberty #CruzCrew #MAGA #SemperFi #USMC",
"location": "L.A."
"id": 23921732,
"screen_name": "FoxNewsMom",
"name": "Anita Miller \u274c AUDIT ALL 50 STATES",
"description": "Conservative Christian. Trump Won. ResistTheGreatReset. Pandemic=Hoax. L.A.Native. DodgerFan. RIP GOP \u0026 FoxNews. Shadowbanned \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Gab: @ADKM",
"location": "Deplorable Chump - Carlsbad CA"
"id": 23926616,
"screen_name": "stevievbrown",
"name": "Stevie Girl | Flying Home Soon \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7+\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "@gbnews f4f | \ud83e\udda0 Vaccinated | \u26cfCrypto Newbie | \ud83d\udc3b Stuffy Friendly | \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Brexiteer | \ud83d\udc36 Lover | \ud83d\udcbcBusiness Owner | \ud83e\udd13 Unlikely to reply. RT/LIKE \u2260 endorsement.",
"location": "iPhone: -33.850513,151.121628"
"id": 23966392,
"screen_name": "Messenjah36",
"name": "dave forbes \u271e",
"description": "38 \u2022 saved\u2020\u2627 \u0646 \u2022 ISFP\u2022 SigOth: @sbgtfijc \u2022 aggressive music enthusiast \u2022 proud never sleever \u2022 pureblood #foreverNE #NHLBruins",
"location": "724 "
"id": 23970626,
"screen_name": "Hunter7Taylor",
"name": "Hunter7Taylor",
"description": "Christian. Conservative. #BeijingBiden #MAGA",
"location": "United States"
"id": 23979231,
"screen_name": "57classic",
"name": "Beverly",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG\n#Republic\n#Constitution\n#NoFGM\n#BacktheBlue\n#BanSoros\n#NoShariah\n#BuildtheWall",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 24002293,
"screen_name": "JulieFeminist",
"name": "Julie Lewis #FBPE#toriesout",
"description": "gender critical feminist, activist, waspi member, addicted to coffee, crochet and circle dancing, proud to be \ud83d\udcb6, never voted Tory",
"location": ""
"id": 24026874,
"screen_name": "mrswendle",
"name": "\ud83d\ude42 Wendy J \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Freedom of Speech, Democracy, Pro-Choice, Anti-Lockdown. \"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.\" #WakeUpBritain #GBNews",
"location": "West Midlands, UK"
"id": 24040568,
"screen_name": "kailuarealtor",
"name": "LM",
"description": "End Corruption in Government. FAIR tax proponent, #MAGA #draintheswamp",
"location": "Kailua, HI"
"id": 24072531,
"screen_name": "rwrlar",
"name": "Snarky Truth",
"description": "Tired of Republicans \u0026 Democrats. Both suck most of the time! Catholic \u0026 Pro-life (shouldn\u2019t need to differentiate).",
"location": ""
"id": 24081859,
"screen_name": "Carolina4NV",
"name": "Carolina Serrano",
"description": "Catholic\u271d\ufe0fRepublican Candidate #NV4. Proud \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4. FMR-Hispanic Engagement: NVGOP/LatinosforTrump2020 IG/TikTok: @carolina4nv.",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV"
"id": 24083023,
"screen_name": "ellwoodblues1",
"name": "The Mad Scotsman",
"description": "photographer,musician, and writer,#GMM,free thinking registered Republican that didn\u2019t vote for Trump,Illegitimi non carborundum ,no DM\u2019s",
"location": "kentucky"
"id": 24095744,
"screen_name": "metime417",
"name": "Who benefits?\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "news junkie, independent, sarcastic, appendix cancer survivor (so far)\nAmerica First! Sick of Uniparty! It's elites against the rest of us.",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 24096381,
"screen_name": "PsalmDrummer",
"name": "Jegan Simon",
"description": "Painter and Decorator, Conservative, Pro-lifer, Christian",
"location": "Letchworth GC, Herts, UK"
"id": 24109753,
"screen_name": "bbtoots",
"name": "JAL",
"description": "#Trump2020 Lover of God, my family, my country\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, my husband and great humor! #Maga2020\nNo DM's I'm not rude but wont respond.\ud83e\udd10",
"location": ""
"id": 24124394,
"screen_name": "westcoastmale",
"name": "john hancock",
"description": "Great grandfather AthleanX junkie Trump supporter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83d\udeabDMs WILL GET YOU BLOCKED\ud83d\udeab",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV"
"id": 24178059,
"screen_name": "DeborahHanson63",
"name": "Dhanson",
"description": "God, Family, Country is Everything\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f Grateful for the Constitution. Grateful for Freedom of Speech. Grateful for 2A. Grateful for Trump MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 24180813,
"screen_name": "aniki1",
"name": "aniki",
"description": "\u201cIf you aren\u2019t a socialist at twenty, you have no heart. If you are a socialist at forty, you have no head.\u201d Based Doc. Woman = Adult human female.",
"location": "Norway"
"id": 24192269,
"screen_name": "GFLprolife",
"name": "Generations for Life",
"description": "Equipping teens to share the pro-life message. We are the youth outreach of the Pro-Life Action League \u0026 a member of the Nat\u2019l Fed. for Catholic Youth Ministry.",
"location": "Chicago, IL"
"id": 24203943,
"screen_name": "scottljacobsen",
"name": "Scott Jacobsen \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"description": "Former Arminian, now 1689 Refomed. Prolife. The liberties under attack today are the fruit of Christendom. If you are a Christian, don't run from it. Own it.",
"location": "Hamilton, Ontario"
"id": 24219396,
"screen_name": "Angel_H_70",
"name": "Angel'sDemons \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I love my country and my family\n\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85Conservative \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 America First",
"location": ""
"id": 24244545,
"screen_name": "Jace902",
"name": "Jason Grotting",
"description": "Trump2020! American Patriot. Stand by the constitution. #DONTTREADONME",
"location": ""
"id": 24249934,
"screen_name": "Gailbee",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Lionhearted \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "...the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Mt11:12 Not meant to be silent. meant to be a LION. RN #Trump2020 #KAG #TrumpWon",
"location": "TN by way of VA"
"id": 24278642,
"screen_name": "the_912_project",
"name": "The 912 Project Fan",
"description": "Ex Blogger, Part of The 912 Project, loved the Tea Party movement, \u0026 conservative - Fighting to Keep America Great! #tcot #912 #nra #goa #KAG #MAGA #Trump",
"location": "Iowa, USA"
"id": 24335510,
"screen_name": "lazlohollyfeld1",
"name": "Lazlo Hollyfeld",
"description": "Trump 2020, 2024, 2028. Why? It makes liberal heads explode. Living off winnings from Frito Lay contest",
"location": "DC area"
"id": 24354511,
"screen_name": "Carrieneverwins",
"name": "Carrie \ud83d\ude0a",
"description": "What\u2019s happening to our beautiful, accepting country? Why are we all at war? Anti woke. Pro opinions",
"location": "Milton Keynes, England"
"id": 24363209,
"screen_name": "Eddie_1412",
"name": "Eddie Graf",
"description": "Mit Linksg\u00fcrkchen diskutiere ich nicht. Sinnlos, da k\u00f6nnt ich auch versuchen einem Ochsen ins Horn zu petzen..",
"location": ""
"id": 24393081,
"screen_name": "tehuti1",
"name": "Jill Palmer \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Dog lover. Bag maker. Food lover. Wine lover. Creative writer. Dog lover",
"location": "South East, England"
"id": 24396367,
"screen_name": "artStuvsSeaton",
"name": "I DO NOT COMPLY",
"description": "While I work on getting my art account(s) restored you can check out my etsy page. Haven't renewed my .scot domain (yet) because they're too frigging dear!",
"location": "@scotbeasts"
"id": 24400828,
"screen_name": "starlesssteph",
"name": "Stephanie wants the Greenbelt \ud83c\udfde\ud83c\udf1e",
"description": "Christian Wife \u0026 Mother. Artist behind CAPRAVERDE Creative. Still Metal. Pro life and God given rights. Amen.",
"location": "Austin, TX"
"id": 24402221,
"screen_name": "ceejcee",
"name": "cjc",
"description": "Brit with Spanish wife. Passionate European \u0026 pro Brexit. Love Liverpool FC, Adventure motorbikes, free trade, freedom of speech. Economist.",
"location": "Lisbon, Leon, London"
"id": 24413079,
"screen_name": "dpouncer51",
"name": "Debbie I do not consent",
"description": "Christian, conservative, mother, grandmother, wife, PA, Holistic medical practitioner. Food is medicine. Take responsibility for your health. #MAGA #TRUMPTRAIN",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 24413124,
"screen_name": "AspieCharlie",
"name": "Charlie Farlie",
"description": "Brit. Right wing Libertarian with conservative values. Detrans lesbian and a lover of the natural world.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 24426321,
"screen_name": "EvelynRGold",
"name": "Evelyn",
"description": "\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 Jewish \ud83d\udd2f Retiree in Florida \ud83c\udf34\ud83d\udc0a\ud83c\udf1e\ud83e\udd8e\ud83c\udf34 America First!",
"location": "The Villages Florida"
"id": 24444547,
"screen_name": "betsvigi9",
"name": "\ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udfe5 \ud83e\udd95Oviraptor Bagshot \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Lesbian, female homosexual #WeAreAllMarionMillar #TheStanilandQuestion. No males in female single sex spaces. None at all. No thank you.",
"location": "Huddersfield"
"id": 24448649,
"screen_name": "debbyhay",
"name": "Debby Hayden",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Happily married!",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 24463071,
"screen_name": "mamachik",
"name": "Mammachik\ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9 \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "all humans have human rights, period.",
"location": "Cascadia"
"id": 24505179,
"screen_name": "edenjukebox",
"name": "Amy Eden \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "She/Her // Parent to Dixie // #DeafKidsRock // champion of chromosomal uniqueness // Chief Exec at South Bank SU // views my own natch",
"location": ""
"id": 24505199,
"screen_name": "BretStoraska",
"name": "Bret Storaska",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, Father, PRO LIFE!!, Gamer. Go Steelers!! @BretStoraska on Parler BTS! @BTS_official\n9,593 Tweets\nSee new Tweets @BTS_offici",
"location": "Flower Mound, Texas"
"id": 24513815,
"screen_name": "Michellebudd",
"name": "Michelle Alise",
"description": "I eat plants, never animals- Woman is not a feeling- Truth seeker- Sex not gender- Politically homeless- Had Covid, not getting the shot\u2026",
"location": ""
"id": 24520071,
"screen_name": "CaesarSextus",
"name": "CaesarSextus",
"description": "brexiteer; no TV licence; no nanny state; no so-called diversity; no positive or clandestine discrimination; all lives matter including those of the unborn;",
"location": ""
"id": 24547328,
"screen_name": "ReneeGiraldy",
"name": "Renee Giraldy",
"description": "A Book For Every Mood #MAGA #KAGA Many Opinions #Patriot #Conservative #Trump #WeveGotAStateToSave #WeveGotACountryToSave @oann",
"location": "Irvine,CA"
"id": 24622495,
"screen_name": "uncertain_i_am",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u1974.\u1b59.\u19c1\uaa96\uaa9c\u2148\uaab6\uaab6\uaa96\uaa80\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7",
"description": "#MAGA #JerseyCity #Trump2020\n(\ud835\udd74 \ud835\udd88\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd94\ud835\udd99 \ud835\udd99\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd88\ud835\udd8d \ud835\udd86\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd9e\ud835\udd87\ud835\udd94\ud835\udd89\ud835\udd9e \ud835\udd86\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd9e\ud835\udd99\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd8c, \ud835\udd74 \ud835\udd88\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd93 \ud835\udd94\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd9e \ud835\udd92\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd90\ud835\udd8a \ud835\udd99\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd92 \ud835\udd99\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd90 -\ud835\udd7e\ud835\udd94\ud835\udd88\ud835\udd97\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd99\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd98)",
"location": "Jersey City, NJ"
"id": 24626274,
"screen_name": "tonytorquato714",
"name": "Tony Torquato",
"description": "President, Torquato Drilling Accessories, Inc. (USA). America First And Always. #Trump #Conservative #Patriot #MAGA #RESISTANCE #REDWAVE2022",
"location": "Old Forge, Pennsylvania. (USA)"
"id": 24634326,
"screen_name": "wanda_swindell",
"name": "Wanda Swindell",
"description": "Christian, Family, Country, Texan - Nationalist, Pro Trump, Q Follower since Oct. '17",
"location": "TX"
"id": 24635878,
"screen_name": "shocker23456",
"name": "Semper Fidelis 0321",
"description": "I will never let America fall to socialism as long as I have a breath in my body. God, country Family MAGA Trump 2020 all of the way 110%",
"location": "Knoxville, TN"
"id": 24645369,
"screen_name": "BearlyOne",
"name": "TheBear \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Former Californian now in PNW. Retired after 40+ Bell System years. #MAGA, #NRA, #LTC, #1A, #2A, #WalkAway",
"location": "NE of Seattle, WA"
"id": 24658978,
"screen_name": "alycialeah",
"name": "\u201cFortified\u201d not rigged TexasRed",
"description": "Because Democrats can\u2019t even pretend to be normal\ud83d\ude33 #Trump2020 CruzCrew #KeepTexasRed #BackTheBlue #VirescitVulnereVirtus",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 24662600,
"screen_name": "RightInLA",
"name": "Right In L. A.",
"description": "Trump won.",
"location": ""
"id": 24671982,
"screen_name": "Pris_G",
"name": "\ud83c\udf38Priscilla",
"description": "Trump 2020",
"location": "Big Island, Hi"
"id": 24673284,
"screen_name": "Beck_C",
"name": "Becca \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "A flibbertigibbet, a will-o'-the-wisp, a clown.",
"location": ""
"id": 24678249,
"screen_name": "Cherismoore",
"name": "Cheri S Moore",
"description": "Jesus loves you\u2764\ufe0f Trump 2020",
"location": "Winter Haven, FL"
"id": 24688679,
"screen_name": "febroker",
"name": "lala",
"description": "Trump won\nImpeach 46\nFuck your masks and your pronouns",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 24697476,
"screen_name": "jollybloke",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cJohn Hollyoak \ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Pro women-only spaces. #IStandWithMaya Pronouns: obvious/immutable",
"location": "I'm not here."
"id": 24708790,
"screen_name": "yanni007",
"name": "Yanni Jah",
"description": "US VET\ud83c\udf96 - \ud83c\udf10COUNTRY OVER COLOR \ud83d\uddefWORDS: MANIFEST PEACE \ud83d\udee1#KAG\ud83c\udfc3#BLEXIT #MAGA \ud83d\udeab ANTI EXTREMISTS \ud83d\udde3 ANTI BS \ud83d\uddfdPRO HUMAN \ud83c\udf0fAMERICAN NATIONALIST",
"location": "Simulation"
"id": 24709209,
"screen_name": "karmjm",
"name": "Karen Murphy",
"description": "RN ~ a displaced southerner in Yankee territory.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Patriot Conservative\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Card carrying member of the NRA #BackTheBlue #Trump2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8/\ud83d\udeabNo trains",
"location": "Barnstable Town, MA"
"id": 24718290,
"screen_name": "philbarberjr",
"name": "Phil Barber",
"description": "For our President, the Constitution, Rule of Law, and America First. Against Political Correctness, Liberal Media and RINOs.",
"location": "Naples, FL"
"id": 24724232,
"screen_name": "Right_NJ",
"name": "Resident Biden's Decaying Brain",
"description": "I block Communists. I curse. A lot. #MAGA Then, Now and Forever",
"location": "New Jersey, USA"
"id": 24736037,
"screen_name": "Linpar",
"name": "Linda Parish \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNews \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Proud Scot living in England. Conservative member \u2764\ufe0fEurope hate EU. Views are my own, if you don\u2019t like them move on. Retweets not an endorsement.",
"location": "South East, England"
"id": 24737663,
"screen_name": "LadyDi_MAGA_KAG",
"name": "\ud83c\udf38* \ud83c\udf80 \ud835\udc3f\ud835\udcb6\ud835\udcb9\ud835\udcce \ud835\udc9f\ud835\udcbe\ud835\udcb6\ud835\udcc3\ud835\udc52 \ud83c\udf80 * \ud83c\udf38",
"description": "God \ud83d\ude4f - Family \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc66 - Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 - Friends \ud83d\ude0d - PRO-lifer - Unapologetic ReTrumplican \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 - #Cult45 ~ IFBAP - I BLOCK TRUMP HATERS\ud83d\ude12",
"location": ""
"id": 24748111,
"screen_name": "jdewberr",
"name": "2+2!=5",
"description": "Super extra anti-woke. My pronouns are firearms and mayonnaise.",
"location": "Raleigh, NC"
"id": 24748984,
"screen_name": "Brookeland",
"name": "Brooke Conaway",
"description": "God first, political activist, fighting for our great president one scummy liberal at a time, mom to 4 awesome kids, former WCU dancer and dance teacher. #maga",
"location": "Atlanta, GA"
"id": 24759653,
"screen_name": "ellachar05",
"name": "Lovespottering \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "",
"location": "landan"
"id": 24777241,
"screen_name": "Polly_Evans",
"name": "Polly Evans",
"description": "Senior Producer @GBNEWS Polly.Evans@GBNews.UK | The Afternoon Agenda | Ex BBC | Ex Head of Comms @AccessProjectUK | Views all mine | Welsh",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 24777380,
"screen_name": "felsenme",
"name": "(((Felsenme)))",
"description": "Retired law prof, lifelong radical feminist, proud liberal, progressive. #FBR #Resist #BanAssaultWeapons #BlueWave2018 #FireStephenMiller\ud83c\udf08",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 24790611,
"screen_name": "thnoone",
"name": "Tom Noone",
"description": "IT Network Support. Trump supporter from the beginning. Common sense is like deodorant, those who need it the most never use it. #Draintheswamp #MAGA",
"location": "St Louis, MO"
"id": 24796255,
"screen_name": "vdennisjr",
"name": "Vernon Dennis \ud83c\udf97",
"description": "Veteran | Rheumatoid Arthritis | RAWarrior | ProLife | RAwarrior #ChooseJoy #VoicesOfLife #SpeakLife #MAGA #USA @VoicesOfLife",
"location": "Saint Louis, MO"
"id": 24869391,
"screen_name": "jmac999",
"name": "\"Col Mac\"",
"description": "God,Family,USA #Conservative, #NRALife #Hunting,#Travel #Tennis TRUMP #MAGA I FOLLOW BACk 100% #SEC #Florida #UniversityofFlorida",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 24869716,
"screen_name": "Pietro_Andolini",
"name": "Pedro Loureiro",
"description": "Sports fanatic melomaniac cinephile software engineer.\nFiercely anti-theist and anti-woke.\nPronouns: WTF/FFS",
"location": "Lisbon"
"id": 24879607,
"screen_name": "Michael_Urban",
"name": "Alex",
"description": "Conservative, Nationalist, America first! Trump the greatest president in my lifetime!\nGuitarist for a Judas Priest tribute band.",
"location": "Washington, USA"
"id": 24898270,
"screen_name": "MAGAMama67",
"name": "Andie\ud83d\udc9dIona",
"description": "Daughter.Sister.Mother.Wife.Lover of God \u0026 Country\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff4PSU football \ud83c\udfc8 for life.\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee #BLUELIVESMATTER #MAGA #UNAPOLIGETICALLYCONSERVATIVE #LETSGOBRANDON",
"location": "Reading, PA"
"id": 24921055,
"screen_name": "tonycapp23",
"name": "Anthony Cappiello",
"description": "Proud christian, husband, son, pure blood, conservative, patriot, AMERICAN. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": ""
"id": 24925005,
"screen_name": "annewilko",
"name": "Anne McArthur",
"description": "Scottish Adult Human Female.",
"location": "southport"
"id": 24944507,
"screen_name": "kirstyboo79",
"name": "kirstyboo \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "she/her/hers\n\ud83e\udd0d\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0e\ud83d\udda4\nHuge-hearted humanitarian, wanderlust-filled wanderer, proud pansexual, spoonilicious survivor.",
"location": "UK, Hun"
"id": 24947371,
"screen_name": "crismontrees",
"name": "Crismontrees",
"description": "Happy Desert Dweller- Christ Follower-Independent-Conservative Values - #MAGA- Offering my prayers \u2014 sorry can\u2019t RT vulgarity",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 24981061,
"screen_name": "beresfsd",
"name": "beresfsd",
"description": "#MAGA, #TRUMP2020, #PROLIFE, #MILWAUKEE TRUMP SUPPORTER! 2 sons, 2 daughters, 3 grandsons, 3 cats \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Milwaukee"
"id": 24981211,
"screen_name": "aehuerta",
"name": "MrsH\ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd4a\u2615\ud83d\udcda",
"description": "Catholic wife, and mom of 5. I like coffee, a good beer, reading, and podcasts. Prolife. 'We are all called to be great saints. Don't miss the opportunity'",
"location": ""
"id": 25021179,
"screen_name": "cfoye",
"name": "Chris Foye",
"description": "Father, Husband, American, Catholic, Wolverine, Conservative, Schwabie, Outdoorsman, Gamer! #MAGA #906 #GoBlue #Schwab4Good #peloton",
"location": "Denver, CO"
"id": 25023243,
"screen_name": "PattySchaefer",
"name": "PattyS",
"description": "#USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Wife/Mom/Granny \u2764\ufe0f #AMERICA is another name for Opportunity-Ralph Waldo Emerson -I was Born in NJ - Texas \u2b50\ufe0f loves me anyway! \u2b50\ufe0f #MAGA \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99",
"location": "Spring, Texas"
"id": 25039517,
"screen_name": "RyanShaun84",
"name": "Ryan",
"description": "Not politically correct, no slippery slopes, not sorry for supporting our president. #MAGA #VegasStrong \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Las Vegas, Nevada"
"id": 25050346,
"screen_name": "cintvelt",
"name": "CIVL",
"description": "pronouns? nope, not going to go there...I\u2019m a woman: adult human female... if you don\u2019t know and/or misgender me? I won\u2019t be offended... this is social media\ud83d\ude07",
"location": ""
"id": 25056911,
"screen_name": "GerryTEFC",
"name": "Chris Thomsen",
"description": "I'm British and German with a hint of Nigerian and here for a laugh. Centre right and anti woke. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7. Don't take life too seriously. Everton, UTFT",
"location": "Shropshire, United Kingdom"
"id": 25058921,
"screen_name": "liamburnsy",
"name": "Liam Burns",
"description": "Scottish born, Essex based. work for @UKScouting.",
"location": ""
"id": 25060226,
"screen_name": "vetmar4",
"name": "Vet Marine-To protect against ALL enemies!",
"description": "USMC Veteran! #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "U.S.A"
"id": 25063024,
"screen_name": "e1duchess",
"name": "Sukey Deutschkron",
"description": "#IStandWithMarionMillar #AdultHumanFemale. #Resister #StopBrexit Northerner in the South. GC RadFem. May have my own Falling Down Moment soon.",
"location": ""
"id": 25078587,
"screen_name": "cityhall506",
"name": "Kathy Pryce",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump supporter from day 1. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Married to a Vet. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf82 Amazing grandkids #MAGA #NRA #2nd Am. \ud83e\udd85Fly Eagles fly\ud83e\udd85 please NO LISTS\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Philadelphia \u0026 Jersey Shore "
"id": 25082288,
"screen_name": "Shady_v",
"name": "Shady",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": ""
"id": 25089214,
"screen_name": "csjd",
"name": "C.W.S.",
"description": "A rare life form: conservative, pro-life, trial attorney; talk show broadcaster and producer; raised kids with conservative values and hope they stick.",
"location": "Oklahoma"
"id": 25098358,
"screen_name": "Melski1",
"name": "\u2600\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0f\u2698 Mel\u2698\u2600\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0f",
"description": "I am a sample size of one, not statistically significant, nor representative Follow me on Gab @Melski1 Pro life \ud83d\udc08\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "United States"
"id": 25120851,
"screen_name": "intranick",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\udf2a\u26c8Nick \u26c8\ud83c\udf2a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#1A and #2A are symbiotic, constitution, balance, justice, freedom. #MAGA #grilling - communists can rot in Hell.. no trains Gettr: @intranick #impeach46",
"location": ""
"id": 25127561,
"screen_name": "TuAnhPhan",
"name": "Tu Anh Phan",
"description": "Conservative, American Citizen, TRUMP 2024, NDM.",
"location": "USA"
"id": 25128745,
"screen_name": "searanniccanna",
"name": "Searan Nic Canna",
"description": "Twitter-wary woman. Writer. Reader. Wife. Mother. #IStandWithKathleenStock. #IStandWithMilliHill. #IStandWithRosieDuffield. #IStandWithJKRowling.",
"location": "Cambridge, UK"
"id": 25155598,
"screen_name": "Richlwp",
"name": "Sunday Money",
"description": "The System IS Rigged... #PresidentTrump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #BidenMustResign #FauciLied #2AShallNotBeInfringed \ud83d\udd2b #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udea8\u26a0\ufe0f#TDSWarning , I Follow Back",
"location": "Nanny State Of New York"
"id": 25238570,
"screen_name": "Save_America45",
"name": "Save America 45\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Patriot - Pro-Life - America First - Resident Pot Stirrer -$GME - \u201cIn reality, they\u2019re not after me. They\u2019re after you. I\u2019m just in the way\u201d. - DJT",
"location": "Illinois"
"id": 25247742,
"screen_name": "bestillanlisten",
"name": "Bestillanlisten",
"description": "A Christian Homeschooling Mom who is now an Empty Nester, and a breast cancer conqueror through Christ. Love God, family, and the USA! #MAGA #Trump2020! No DM's",
"location": "Austin, TX"
"id": 25252417,
"screen_name": "AimingSouth",
"name": "J-Fae...",
"description": "Uppity Non-Compliant Gobshite a.k.a. Adult Human Female. Atheist. Almost liberal. Biology before ideology. Will not pander to delusions.",
"location": ""
"id": 25292876,
"screen_name": "IamJustSayn",
"name": "BDubsTx",
"description": "Proud #American #Hafu #Hapa Trying to make sense of it all. Seek the truth. Facts first. One day at a time. Love my kids, dogs, Texas, Country Music #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Houston, Tx"
"id": 25305432,
"screen_name": "Oceangrl191",
"name": "Oceangrl191",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 25317575,
"screen_name": "BetsyJust",
"name": "Betsy Ross",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2b50\ufe0f#2A\u2b50\ufe0f#conservative \u2b50\ufe0f#prolife\u2b50\ufe0f #MAGA \ud83d\udca5Happily married-No dm\u2019s please.",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 25317732,
"screen_name": "ssschnebly",
"name": "Scott from Denver",
"description": "#maga @cubs @avalanche @compoundamerica @broncos @gasdigital #letsgobrandon @censoreddottv",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 25326262,
"screen_name": "ninigator1",
"name": "Steph \u2764 America \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Not PC. No Identity Politics. Treat everyone with kindness and respect \u2764 #Independent #AmericaFirst #SaveAmerica #2A #BackTheBlue #BanCRT #NoGlobalism #GoGators",
"location": "Arizona via Florida"
"id": 25327949,
"screen_name": "brjo",
"name": "Brad Johnson",
"description": "#MAGA #WAREAGLE\nFoxtrot Juliet Bravo",
"location": ""
"id": 25359542,
"screen_name": "NJP0329",
"name": "NancyJP \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA #TrumpWon #NeverBiden #CA25 #FJB #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": ""
"id": 25374746,
"screen_name": "theITphoneguy79",
"name": "Nic",
"description": "IT and telephone repair field technician..Pro Trump...Pro Police....Pro USA",
"location": "louisiana"
"id": 25427532,
"screen_name": "Oscaretta",
"name": "Athenia Maga-KAG",
"description": "Retired educator, independent American, mother, grandmother, reader, writer, and beach walker. GO GATORS! Fighting for America to win again! #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Florida \u0026 Texas"
"id": 25436570,
"screen_name": "debragarrett",
"name": "Debra Garrett\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "American living in beautiful RED FLA. I \u2764\ufe0f my Family, God, America, the Military, Golf and Country Music Join me on GETTR @debragarrett #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 25445785,
"screen_name": "lkrwriter",
"name": "Linda R",
"description": "Christian wife...Conservative voter...Pro-life...Freedom \u271d\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1Jesus, I trust in You.\ud83d\uded0",
"location": "Louisiana"
"id": 25447330,
"screen_name": "LippService",
"name": "LippService\ud83d\udde3",
"description": "God-fearing, Christ serving, Constitutional-loving citizen of the USofA. \u201cHave I become your enemy for telling you the truth?\u201d Gal 4:16 #maga #45",
"location": "United States"
"id": 25462022,
"screen_name": "jhwarner",
"name": "Jeff Warner",
"description": "Christian.\n#ProLife #1A #2A",
"location": ""
"id": 25495182,
"screen_name": "sal7",
"name": "\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa Sallysaurus\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83e\udd7a\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "I am Woman, hear me roar! \u2640\ufe0f #WomenWontWheesht. I do a bit of running\ud83c\udfc3\u200d\u2640\ufe0f, Labour Party re-joiner\ud83c\udf39, Liverpool FC fan\u26bd\ufe0f , Work: Theatre \ud83c\udfad Stage Technician",
"location": "Skegness"
"id": 25495335,
"screen_name": "theresealting",
"name": "Therese Alting",
"description": "Hmm\u2026work: neuropsychologist and Huntington\u2019s disease. Fun: birding, chatting about ideas while drinking Shiraz. Neither woke nor anti-woke.",
"location": "Sydney, New South Wales"
"id": 25505203,
"screen_name": "FranChats",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96Frances Stegosaurus \ud83d\ude37 \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a #BLM #FBPE",
"description": "Pro-EU, Pro-UN, pro-international cooperation, peace and social justice. Anti-sexist feminist.",
"location": "London, England, UK, EU, World"
"id": 25568270,
"screen_name": "rlweaver48",
"name": "Deplorable Rick",
"description": "#MAGA @KAG #TRUMP2020 #Deplorable #Conservative #Patriot #Prolife #Nationailst #TRUMPLandslide2020 Working solely on #RedWave2020 Happily married #NoSexting",
"location": "Missouri, USA"
"id": 25575784,
"screen_name": "wendelabra",
"name": "Wendelabrasaurus \ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9 \ud83c\udf52 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Adult human female (CIS my ass!)\ud83d\udd78 YES for Scottish Indy. There may be some swears; I'm not sorry. There will 100% be a lot of RTs.",
"location": "Edinburgh"
"id": 25591496,
"screen_name": "AlbertaFoodie",
"name": "Expat Foodie",
"description": "2nd class citizen living in Mexico; loves people, horses, music, and Jesus. Photog \u0026 graphic designer. Pro-science, pro-woman, pro-life. I \u2764\ufe0f holding babies.",
"location": "Calgary, AB"
"id": 25595473,
"screen_name": "rafaellacj",
"name": "Charlotte Edwards \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Lesbian Adult Human Female radfem. Blocked by Stonewall \u0026 Owen Jones. 'Gender is pink and blue horseshit' (Janice Turner)",
"location": ""
"id": 25612177,
"screen_name": "P38GAL",
"name": "KR",
"description": "To the bone Christian Constitutional Conservative for limited gov. Militant defender of traditional marriage, \u0026 pro-life advocate.",
"location": ""
"id": 25621188,
"screen_name": "tennisplayer29",
"name": "Novak 21 Goatovic",
"description": "Part of the Serbian Disapora. Anti-neoliberal. Anti-woke. Anti-war. Cats for world domination.",
"location": ""
"id": 25632938,
"screen_name": "spzkaz",
"name": "Abe Normally",
"description": "Right Wing Extremist, Reagan Conservative, Pro Life, Dittohead, Palin Supporter, Slayer of Liberals",
"location": "USA"
"id": 25635618,
"screen_name": "schoolerxing",
"name": "Karen S",
"description": "Gramma, Christian, Conservative, God Bless the USA!!! #KAG #MAGA",
"location": "Washington State"
"id": 25650836,
"screen_name": "FinnFactor",
"name": "\ud83c\udf7b Finnfactor \ud83c\udf7b",
"description": "#MAGA ... Parler Finnfactor ...Gab ... I follow back #MAGA patriots \ud83d\udcaf #WalkAway #KAG ...",
"location": "Pennsylvania, USA"
"id": 25653301,
"screen_name": "Tetenterre",
"name": "Stephen Magus",
"description": "Physicist (nominally retired, ha ha!). Intolerant of all forms of #pseudoscience, but especially #ApolloHoax #FlatEarth #Quackery #GenderIdeology.",
"location": "Bottom of a kite string"
"id": 25672194,
"screen_name": "rachelevahobbs",
"name": "Terfy Mc Miss Chief",
"description": "In with the wrong crowd. #IStandWithMarionMillar #IStandWithJK #WomenWontWheesht Only men can be trans women.",
"location": "Dumbarton"
"id": 25673685,
"screen_name": "Barue1",
"name": "Bill B \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "AMERICA FIRST .CHRISTIAN.MARRIED. #TEXAS #MAGA #Trump2024. #Deplorable #BackTheBlue",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 25677460,
"screen_name": "mibiker",
"name": "Biker Man \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\udd85 \u2694\ufe0f#Deplorable\u2694\ufe0f",
"description": "Founding member of GoFounders OnPassive. #Constitutionalist \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA Buy the best CBD Products\ud83d\udc47",
"location": "USA"
"id": 25685281,
"screen_name": "cacollegegop",
"name": "CA College Republicans \ud83c\udf57\ud83c\udf41",
"description": "The Official College Republican org @CAGOP, @ASU_CRU | Leading #Trump wing | 35 Clubs | 2000+ members | Est. 1963 | In @FOXnews @Politico @CNN @TIME #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 25689848,
"screen_name": "randallmonica",
"name": "Soccer Mom",
"description": "MAGA! Trump 2020. Love Winning, Winning, Winning! Eastern Washington",
"location": ""
"id": 25695870,
"screen_name": "ptheoph",
"name": "Peter Theophilos",
"description": "Attorney, Chef, Musician, Trump supporter, MAGA, KAG. Fed up with fake news \u0026 sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, hypocritical politicians and media. Trump 2020.",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 25704791,
"screen_name": "krdeepak",
"name": "kumar deepak",
"description": "software engineer, startups, tennis, chess, economics, finance, right leaning, politically neutral in India and pro Republican in USA.",
"location": "Bengaluru, India"
"id": 25723564,
"screen_name": "shejambert",
"name": "Sherrie",
"description": "America First Conservative, Traditional Catholic, lover of Rescued Fur Babies \ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udc3e Proud Deplorable. Gratitude changes everything",
"location": "New Bern, NC"
"id": 25725994,
"screen_name": "AngieMTKD",
"name": "\ud83d\udc99Angie \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0fMother Dinosaur \ud83d\udc9cPsychotherapist\ud83e\udde1Love @wolves \ud83d\udda4 GC \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cWondering why the people who are supposed to know better are not doing better! \ud83c\udf93\u2640\ufe0f",
"location": "Somerset, UK. \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa"
"id": 25745365,
"screen_name": "MichelleAComo",
"name": "Michelle A. Comeaux",
"description": "Mom, soon-to-be grandma, disillusioned yogini, carnivore, autonomous soul, dog-lover. Love to cook. Alpha when necessary. PRONOUNS: Organic/Non-GMO/Pureblood",
"location": "USA"
"id": 25753388,
"screen_name": "CAPTTCANADA",
"name": "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6Ken Burke, Navy Chief(Ret)\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Proudly/Originally from Victoria Canada! \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Dual \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6/\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Citizen. 30 year vet. 10 yrs \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6Army, 20 yrs \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Navy Chief(Ret) \ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f, Married, Hockey Guy #MAGA",
"location": "Death Star \ud83c\udf1a"
"id": 25780843,
"screen_name": "ToddABarnett",
"name": "Todd Andrew Barnett\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffc \ud83e\uddd1\ud83c\udffb\u200d\ud83e\uddaf\ud83d\ude4f \ud83c\udf83 \ud83c\udf83 \ud83c\udf83",
"description": "Official Twitter account. #Singer-#songwriter, #Trekkie, #actor, #Libertarian, #Republican, etc. #Wiccan. #ProLife. I support the term #ADOS. #DontWearMasks.",
"location": "Clinton Township, MI"
"id": 25784027,
"screen_name": "conservegirl001",
"name": "Libertarian Chick",
"description": "follow me on Facebook @ConservativeWomenRule for a right leaning Libertarian view of the world.",
"location": "in the South, USA"
"id": 25818419,
"screen_name": "LFB2",
"name": "LEE",
"description": "Positive, PRO Teachings of the BIBLE, husband, father, pro capitalism, PRO TRUMP, anti Herbert Marcuse.",
"location": "Houston, TX"
"id": 25839797,
"screen_name": "BuffyS73",
"name": "Buffy Sloan",
"description": "NO DMs! Trump Won! Patriot and love the USA! I'm a wife and a mother of 3 girls!",
"location": "Kentucky, USA"
"id": 25878445,
"screen_name": "bigwows",
"name": "The Marvellous Muttdini \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\udd30\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Often tweet at stupid o\u2019clock, mainly about football (MUFC and HMFC), TV, tech, books, random stuff that I find interesting and general goings-on.",
"location": "North of the Border"
"id": 25916973,
"screen_name": "tweetyrealtor",
"name": "Trapped in Cali",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #Christian Mom to 2 successful sons \u00262 d-i-love, grandmom. Love USA, Constitution, NO DM's",
"location": "Central Valley of California"
"id": 25917143,
"screen_name": "bioman777",
"name": "ed goodman",
"description": "#MAGA; It\u2019s time to stand up and resist the left wing green loons. #lauraloomer #freetommyrobinson Vietnam 70-71 #Harleys, #Harleydavidson, veteran. #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 25947313,
"screen_name": "MichelleMaxwell",
"name": "Michelle Maxwell",
"description": "Mom, Author, PREVIVOR God Bless The USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Unity Love For All. #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG Proud Virginia Conservative. Instagram-Proud Conservative Mimi. On GETTR",
"location": "Richmond, VA"
"id": 25984378,
"screen_name": "Dannyboy7",
"name": "Danny",
"description": "I've learned so much from my mistakes, I'm thinking of making some more... @royalnavy @helpforheroes @poppylegion @mentalhealth @manutd @realdonaldtrump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcab",
"location": ""
"id": 26003271,
"screen_name": "asulli",
"name": "Stop Censoring Republicans",
"description": "I stand with President Trump always! #Trump 2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f #MAGA @asulli on Parler/Gab",
"location": ""
"id": 26009762,
"screen_name": "victoriaargoty",
"name": "Victoria Argoty",
"description": "Hinduismo marxista. Vegetariana. RYT 500hrs. Traductora. #RadFem #KidneyTransplantRecipient",
"location": ""
"id": 26038259,
"screen_name": "hugebeats",
"name": "#nothankyou",
"description": "#No/Thank/You/notcis",
"location": "reality "
"id": 26071396,
"screen_name": "ProLifeAction",
"name": "Pro-Life Action League",
"description": "Leading America's public witness against abortion. Recruiting, training, and equipping pro-life activists for nearly 40 years.",
"location": "Chicago, IL"
"id": 26080061,
"screen_name": "clazmania",
"name": "nunya",
"description": "#MAGA #ConstitutionalRepublic",
"location": "nunya"
"id": 26107393,
"screen_name": "DebStibbs",
"name": "The Duchess of Surrey \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "Lover of cars, cats, courtesy democracy \u0026 my garden. Female woman. Pronouns are for plonkers.",
"location": "Overseas"
"id": 26108460,
"screen_name": "AZDeploralove",
"name": "Arizona \ud83c\udf35 Deplorable \ud83c\udf35 aka TRUMP WON \ud83c\udfc6",
"description": "MAGA \ud83d\ude0e PATRIOT \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 PRO LIFE \ud83d\udc76 2nd AMENDMENT \ud83d\udd2b Two Genders\n#LETS GO BRANDON",
"location": "Utah"
"id": 26114629,
"screen_name": "jojo_8790",
"name": "Joy Upton",
"description": "I love my family, God and America \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #TRUMPWON #FJB \ud83d\uddfd\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2696\ufe0f",
"location": "Bedford, IN"
"id": 26151734,
"screen_name": "greenenvelope",
"name": "Mon Maree",
"description": "Unapologetic Radical Feminist \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffc Feminism is for women, girls and lesbians. Critical thinking here, leave your cognitive dissonance at the door\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": ""
"id": 26152484,
"screen_name": "NYACC1978",
"name": "AmericanHULKPatriot",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #FJB #LetsGoBrandon I am an American Patriot. I believe in limited government \u0026 individual liberty.",
"location": "New York"
"id": 26191459,
"screen_name": "jmatusik",
"name": "Johnny Matusik",
"description": "America First! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Dad of 3 boys. Christian. All things Baseball.... WHITE SOX, Blackhawks, Packers. Natty Light.",
"location": "Tx"
"id": 26196329,
"screen_name": "charsskull",
"name": "La Sorci\u00e8re Charl\u00e8ne \u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "Woman = adult human female / radical feminist / gender critical / TERF = Tirelessly Explaining Real Facts / XX to the bone / Nordic Model /",
"location": "somewhere in United States"
"id": 26234974,
"screen_name": "drlouisejmoody",
"name": "Dr Louise Moody",
"description": "Philosopher / Gender Atheist / Cis-Ginger / Lesbian not Queer / York's Premier Terf / Building Chapter 2 / Survivor / Dreaming Forwards.",
"location": "Cis-Atlantic"
"id": 26245521,
"screen_name": "garyhiggins58",
"name": "Gary Higgins",
"description": "Living the Dream!! Husband, Father, Papa!! God is Good!! #MAGA",
"location": "Oklahoma City, OK"
"id": 26251747,
"screen_name": "juannel",
"name": "Juan Nel-Cocolas \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7",
"description": "classicist / lawyer / husband / animal lover / #GayNotQueer #FreeSpeech \ud83e\udd10 Chromosomes XY",
"location": "Voula, Greece"
"id": 26265741,
"screen_name": "lizbot79",
"name": "Not Helen",
"description": "Mum, wife, daughter, sister, auntie, friend, love all the people who made me these things \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"location": ""
"id": 26267040,
"screen_name": "VickiMcKenna",
"name": "Vicki McKenna",
"description": "WI talk show host. Right-wing hippie. #Catholic #ProLife #ProMen #KissYourDog #PitBulls #2A #Vape. I would always rather be fishing.",
"location": "Milwaukee/Madison"
"id": 26268585,
"screen_name": "dscottgilbert",
"name": "Scott Gilbert",
"description": "Mostly Conservative.\nSomewhat Libertarian.\n#MAGA\n@realscottgilbert on Parler #NC\n#2AShallNotBeInfringed",
"location": ""
"id": 26277130,
"screen_name": "ConservativeRed",
"name": "Pure Blood Deplorable",
"description": "Experimental drug refuser - not part of the two-party circus. Nothing hatched in the District of Communism (DC) is deficit-neutral. Stop The Vaxx Ovens!",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 26278305,
"screen_name": "AZWS",
"name": "",
"description": "I am the owner of AZWS. Like #Firearms? Join our #ShootingForum. #TGDN #NRA #TCOT #MAGA #2ADefenders | || I \u2764 @Miaa_Babyy! \u2661\u2661",
"location": "Phoenix - 85020"
"id": 26281746,
"screen_name": "pfoad",
"name": "Freedom \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Conservative against Big Brother Govt invading my life and home. I support our Troops \u0026 Law Enforcement #KAG #MAGA I follow back all Patriots",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 26284625,
"screen_name": "catsvideo1",
"name": "G. K.",
"description": "Tea Party fan; Blue Star Family; ACT FOR AMERICA! #MAGA! #JOE #KENT for Congressional Dist 3 Washington State",
"location": "USA"
"id": 26294703,
"screen_name": "frogbride",
"name": "Gail",
"description": "Retired with my husband to fulltime rving...loving the road.Proud to be a Christian conservative, Trump supporter and proud deplorable. #MAGA #GoHawks!",
"location": "where the road takes us."
"id": 26301491,
"screen_name": "blondememaw",
"name": "DeAnne",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, Wife, Mother, Grandmother! Living la-vida-loca in west Texas! #KAG #MAGA",
"location": "Lubbock, TX"
"id": 26308591,
"screen_name": "tillymannn",
"name": "\u274cTilly \ud83e\udd53\ud83d\ude0e",
"description": "No DM\n\u2764USA, constitution, conservative. lost my mom1/09/14toAlzheimer's.#MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 #noPorn #nolist #NoDate #HailState\ud83d\udc36,love husband",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 26311860,
"screen_name": "patrickgjackson",
"name": "Patrick Jackson \ud83e\udd33",
"description": "BBC digital news journalist with focus on world stories \ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa \ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7",
"location": "Broadcasting House London"
"id": 26316360,
"screen_name": "AngeliteCenter",
"name": "Kathleen Stewart",
"description": "Patriot MAGA Trump2020 I live independent of the system homesteading on the land. God, Family ,America",
"location": "on a mountain in Washington"
"id": 26317788,
"screen_name": "vagaza",
"name": "Lola Markle",
"description": "#maga #harryswifeisabully #harryswife #harrysfirstwife",
"location": ""
"id": 26329311,
"screen_name": "Barbara_Bachman",
"name": "Barbara B Barnes\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Patriotic American!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA",
"location": "Ponte Vedra Beach, FL"
"id": 26340571,
"screen_name": "IrishTexan2009",
"name": "Kate - #LetsGoBrandon",
"description": "Love Trump\u2019s America first policies, border policies. I do believe the 2020 election was stole. Who ordered 5 states to stop counting votes until 3 a.m.?",
"location": "scuba diving somewhere!"
"id": 26342976,
"screen_name": "susanmullineux",
"name": "Sue Smith",
"description": "woman, XX in every cell in my body, gender critical feminist, good cook, fanatical reader and occasional writer and poet. road race lover. all views are my own",
"location": "york"
"id": 26343222,
"screen_name": "MarzipanRug",
"name": "MarzipanRug",
"description": "If you followed me, and now I don't, DM me and I'll FB. #TrumpWonBidenCheated. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 26347382,
"screen_name": "C_Russ_",
"name": "Catie",
"description": "Catholic. Pro-life. BAC alum. Teacher. Artist. Pin collector. Swiftie.",
"location": "North Carolina "
"id": 26355800,
"screen_name": "starsinsextile",
"name": "Not Complying. Not a Test Subject.",
"description": "\u2728\ud83c\udf0e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 I said what I said.\n\ud83d\udcaaBodily autonomy is an inalienable right. \ud83d\udeab\ud83d\udc89\ud83d\ude37You do you, boo, just don't expect me to. \ud83d\udc41\ufe0fAwake, not woke\u270c\ufe0f\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump won\ud83d\udce3",
"location": "5D"
"id": 26411526,
"screen_name": "cclienhard",
"name": "Colleen Lienhard",
"description": "The bigger the government the smaller the citizen- A man\u2019s reach should always exceed his grasp- Christian Dissident #craftbeer snob #USA #MAGA #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": ""
"id": 26463940,
"screen_name": "stevenjeve",
"name": "Steven Eveleigh",
"description": "Embrace \uf8ff Technology, Music \u0026 Dance \ud83d\udd7a | Qualified Counsellor MBACP | #sexnotgender",
"location": "Bournemouth, England"
"id": 26476606,
"screen_name": "Susan7inGA",
"name": "Susan McMc",
"description": "Unapologetic Christian/Washington, Reagan \u0026 Trump-my favorite presidents. Biden makes me cuss. #Trump2024 #ImpeachBidenHarris",
"location": ""
"id": 26476775,
"screen_name": "CaryCasoli",
"name": "Cary Casoli",
"description": "TRUMP 2020 2024 2028 FOREVER. #SAVEREPUBLIC",
"location": "Massachusetts, USA"
"id": 26487102,
"screen_name": "obijuanmusic",
"name": "Obijuan",
"description": "Studio musician/pro photographer #MAGA #KAG tours nationally explosive guitarist\ninsta: obijuanmusic\n",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 26497320,
"screen_name": "blaw52",
"name": "william lawson",
"description": "Christian,Love being with family,Let\u2019s go Mountaineers!,1A,2A ,Maga, Trump 2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Keep America Great \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8!!!",
"location": "Bolt West Virginia "
"id": 26501703,
"screen_name": "angieselvage",
"name": "Patriotz17",
"description": "#walkaway.. recently red pilled, pissed at all the years of lies and bullshit!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG #Trump2020 \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Utah"
"id": 26502029,
"screen_name": "Alikersh",
"name": "Alison Kershaw \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "wine drinker, mum, trying to be a gardener. I mainly retweet people much funnier than I am. UTC",
"location": "Littleborough, England"
"id": 26512319,
"screen_name": "Mckenna87",
"name": "Mckenna A",
"description": "Christian, I support the miltary, Pro Life,",
"location": "Charlotte, NC"
"id": 26516292,
"screen_name": "FelizFeliz",
"name": "Sir Stewart Wallace",
"description": "#IStandwithIsra\u00ebl \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\n#Christianlivesmatter #WhiteLivesMatter #UnbornLivesMatter\n\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddfa \ud83d\udc9a \u271d\n#SuperStraight",
"location": ""
"id": 26516324,
"screen_name": "Frank2Ausa",
"name": "Frank 1776",
"description": "America First. Naturalized US citizen. Trump 4ever. 2nd A. God bless the \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udc99 #MAGA",
"location": "Miami, FL"
"id": 26533766,
"screen_name": "nicuola",
"name": "Nicola \u2b50\ufe0f\u2b50\ufe0f | \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "CFC fan | Servant to \ud83d\udc08 \ud83d\udc08 | Country music fan | Binge watcher of shit telly",
"location": ""
"id": 26543623,
"screen_name": "JeannesTweeting",
"name": "Jeanne Nicholson \ud83d\udd39",
"description": "Wife/Mother/Grandmother/Proud Conservative/Genealogist/ crafter/horse \u0026 dog lover. #MO\u039b\u03a9N\u039bABE #USA #PREDS #HOCKEY #MAGA - I block trolls. @jeannen on GAB",
"location": "Tennessee"
"id": 26558023,
"screen_name": "kellabeck",
"name": "Holly Tooker",
"description": "We can\u2019t convert the poorly educated #Cult45 members. Thank god we outnumber them. #VoteBlue Save our democratic republic!",
"location": "nyc"
"id": 26563525,
"screen_name": "DixieLand__Diva",
"name": "Dixieland Diva CSA\ud83e\udd53\ud83e\udd53\ud83e\udd53",
"description": "Jesus Is Lord ReaganRepub Southern by Grace of God MolonLabe prolife 1A NRA 2A MAGA 311Confederate Lives Matter America First \u2606My pronouns are Let\u2019s/Go/Brandon\u2606",
"location": "USA"
"id": 26565185,
"screen_name": "American_Mully",
"name": "American Mully",
"description": "Forever Freedom and Forever America First!",
"location": "Good ol\u2019 USA! "
"id": 26566064,
"screen_name": "CzSpartan",
"name": "\ud835\udc0b\ud835\udc1e\ud835\udc2d\ud835\udc2c \ud835\udc06\ud835\udc28 \ud835\udc01\ud835\udc2b\ud835\udc1a\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc1d\ud835\udc28\ud835\udc27",
"description": "#2A #MAGA #Trump2024 #NRA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder",
"location": "USA"
"id": 26591222,
"screen_name": "hay_tasha",
"name": "Natasha Perry",
"description": "Woman: adult human female!\n#sexnotgender",
"location": "Venus"
"id": 26592801,
"screen_name": "seanakerr",
"name": "Se\u00e1n Kerr",
"description": "Adult human male. Married to my wife. 2 kids \u0026 a dug. Value balance and sense. Awake not woke. Equality of opportunity. Bearded. Not a Nat. \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": ""
"id": 26617598,
"screen_name": "baileyspapa",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "I call it like I see it! If that bothers you, go back to your safe space with your emotional support animal.\n100% Texan!\n#TrumpWon\n#TWGRP\n#AmericaFirst\n#1A\n#2A",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 26628164,
"screen_name": "Realgeron",
"name": "Algeron, ctrl-left | alt-right | delete",
"description": "\u2388 \u2190\n\u2387 \u2192\n\u2326",
"location": ""
"id": 26652733,
"screen_name": "heifer109",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Deplorable M\u2019la",
"description": "TRUMP 2020 MAGA ~ KAG ~CONSERVATIVE ~ PRO LIFE ~ CHRISTIAN ~ No BS here",
"location": "City Girl n\u2019 small town Texas"
"id": 26652743,
"screen_name": "Aussiedogmom2",
"name": "JustaTxGirl~~Livin in A Barbie World\ud83c\udf0e",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8IFBAP\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udeabDM\ud83d\udeab\u2600\ufe0fWife/Mom/G\u2019Ma\u2600\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0fSarcastic\ud83e\udd0dSassy\ud83d\udc99Simple\u2764\ufe0f \u274cNOT here to DATE\u274c WARNING :MY TWEETS MIGHT OFFEND YOU\ud83d\ude3c\ud83d\ude3c\ud83d\udd95",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 26658853,
"screen_name": "dupui",
"name": "I Have No More Patience follow dupuitoo",
"description": "My posts are my opinion. I have a Failure To Yield #God #Family #Country #BTB #Veterans #TrumpWon #ImpeachGregAbbott Parler may be up but I can\u2019t get in",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 26673784,
"screen_name": "RealChrisHwang",
"name": "Chris Hwang",
"description": "Follower of Christ, Pro-family, Pro-life, Defender of Truth and Life",
"location": "United States"
"id": 26683542,
"screen_name": "deerhunt1",
"name": "Bill DuBois",
"description": "Pontificator of common sense wisdom with a theme of liberty and charity. Michigan State Spartans #MAGA.",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 26691613,
"screen_name": "schandler78",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Sarah Beth",
"description": "An ordinary Louisiana girl; just Me. I \u2764\ufe0f God, I \u2764\ufe0f My Family/Friends \u0026 I \u2764\ufe0f My Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #AmericaFirst #SAVEAMERICA #IFB",
"location": "Louisiana"
"id": 26704678,
"screen_name": "Gotcha3613",
"name": "Gotcha",
"description": "You end up with what you put up with. #BlueLivesMatter #BackTheBlue",
"location": ""
"id": 26714962,
"screen_name": "Reenit",
"name": "Reeni",
"description": "MOTHER of 3, LOVE God, Country, People, Politics, \u0026 Our U.S. Military. TOLERANCE \u0026 APATHY ARE THE LAST VIRTUES OF A DYING SOCIETY. Parler @Reeni Trump 2024!!!",
"location": "\u2665 At The Foot Of The Cross \u2665"
"id": 26720483,
"screen_name": "raruma",
"name": "Alexander \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Chromosomes: XY",
"location": ""
"id": 26728374,
"screen_name": "___Irma___",
"name": "I\u1587\u15f0\u15e9",
"description": "Click here to add Irma to your shopping cart. Tweets in English and Dutch, und manchmal sogar auf Deutsch, when the mood strikes me. #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Netherlands"
"id": 26738994,
"screen_name": "PatriciaByers",
"name": "PitPat1",
"description": "Riding the TrumpTrain for the Glory Of God Almighty and His \ud83d\udc8e Children \ud83d\udc9c Burning with The Violet Flame of our Father Mother God's Holy Spirit \ud83d\ude07 Transmutation",
"location": "United States"
"id": 26820035,
"screen_name": "Lamiabrunetta",
"name": "AnaCaffeina",
"description": "Mam\u00e1 de \ud83d\udc36 #AA\u2763/ Animallover, \ud83c\ tolerance for animal cruelty. /\ud83d\udc9a\u2640\ufe0f/\u2708 avvocatessa/ #curiosa/ \ud83d\udda4\ud83e\udde1#IStandwithJKRowling",
"location": "where there's coffee "
"id": 26834981,
"screen_name": "mindus",
"name": "Mindy",
"description": "Simple Patriot. Proud Vet Mother. #MAGA everyday!!! #Covefefe",
"location": ""
"id": 26839113,
"screen_name": "arachthiot",
"name": "o engonos tou dimitraki #GBNEWS",
"description": "#britishhistorymatters Empires come and go. some good some bad. let\u2019s be the best we can be. cancel the cancel culture and viva democracy",
"location": ""
"id": 26846618,
"screen_name": "TXJoolz",
"name": "Julie Moran",
"description": "Bible believing, constitutional loving, conservative. The problem with liberals is they know so much that isn't true. Reagan #TGDN #TeaParty #Texas #MAGA",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 26847219,
"screen_name": "hagrat1",
"name": "theresav",
"description": "....firm believer in protecting single sex spaces for women. Sex not gender. All tweets are in a personal capacity.",
"location": "Fairy castles in the air "
"id": 26849753,
"screen_name": "stephencarlin",
"name": "stephen carlin",
"description": "Beach Goth.\nDoes computery stuff. Likes cats and rabbits. Level 5 vegan.",
"location": "Akademgorodok"
"id": 26865175,
"screen_name": "lufi77",
"name": "dat dude formally known as lufi",
"description": "Small cage, big bird. Part-time philosopher, cynic, philanthropist, libertarian anarchist. In love with Helicopters. Pronouns, me / mine.",
"location": "Strafplanet"
"id": 26870656,
"screen_name": "susiem57",
"name": "Susie",
"description": "Catholic Conservative Trump supporter, Wife and Mother, and Prolife! Love Animals \ud83d\udc98Love America and the Patriots\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764And most of All Love God \ud83d\udc98",
"location": "Pennsylvania, USA"
"id": 26872966,
"screen_name": "miles4ok5",
"name": "Miles Rahimi",
"description": "\u00b7First-Gen American \u00b7Navy Vet \u00b7America-First Conservative -@officialOKGOP Comm Director -Opinions/Tweets are my own.",
"location": "Oklahoma City, OK"
"id": 26890987,
"screen_name": "zacko343",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Keith \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian| Conservative| #MAGA #TRUMP2020 Sarcasm - One of my many talents... Typically don't answer DM's",
"location": "South Carolina, USA"
"id": 26909006,
"screen_name": "AmpGal88",
"name": "#Let's Go Brandon",
"description": "#alllivesmatter #backtheblue \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udda4 #Beaglelivesmatter #trump2020 #trump2024 #USA \u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FJB #LetsgoBrandon",
"location": "Lincolnton, NC"
"id": 26909699,
"screen_name": "srohm",
"name": "Steverino",
"description": "Just a guy, supporting 45 #MAGA GSD Dad and Grandpa \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Anything that comes along against freedom is by definition anti-American.",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 26918307,
"screen_name": "Tim_Ludwig",
"name": "Tim Ludwig \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Internet Marketer, Stock Trader, Investor, Runner, Chess and Poker player, #MAGA #TRUMP \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "United States"
"id": 26922455,
"screen_name": "EllenStreiff",
"name": "Ellen Streiff \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "TRUMP\u2022 America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2022 Philippians 4:13 \u2022 Intuitive \u2022 FREEDOM \u2022 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\u2764\ufe0f\u2696\ufe0f\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 GAB:@ellenstreiff",
"location": "Tempe Arizona USA"
"id": 26926145,
"screen_name": "mommak_mu",
"name": "Momma Km\u00fc",
"description": "Conservative at birth, Pro-Life'r and an adoring mom and wife who loves our veteran and LEO communities. Dietetic Professional \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "New Jersey, USA"
"id": 26940226,
"screen_name": "uconnbill",
"name": "Bill Wilson-America First",
"description": "UConn, NY Giant, NY Yankee, Bruin and Celtic fan. Chairman for the Middletown Republican Party. My views are my own",
"location": "Connecticut, USA"
"id": 26946959,
"screen_name": "SteveUncooked",
"name": "Steve",
"description": "Rancher, Dad, Oilers fan. Canadian Conservative and Trump supporter.\n#MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 26949666,
"screen_name": "ConstitutionRN",
"name": "@ConstitutionRN {pronouns Steak, Ribs, Brisket}",
"description": "#MAGA Conservative, mother of 3 girls, wife, pro 2nd Amendment, hobby farmer, BSN, MSN, Parler @ConstitutionRN",
"location": "Too close to Seattle"
"id": 26952030,
"screen_name": "Rachelbomb",
"name": "RachelHereForTrump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "God and Country #MAGA \u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99",
"location": "Boston, MA, USA"
"id": 26970146,
"screen_name": "Taradisechic",
"name": "Tara aka Taradise",
"description": "#Adorabledeplorable \u2764\ufe0f Being part of #Trump2020 Army! #2ndamendent , Just #Disabled Inst taradise_Chic #Patriot #Maga #Kag \ud83d\udc99@realdonaldtrump",
"location": "Dirty South, Ga. "
"id": 26979420,
"screen_name": "RiverLeven1957",
"name": "Brenda Dempster \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "WOMAN = Adult Human Female, #ScottishIndependence",
"location": "Dumbarton"
"id": 26980175,
"screen_name": "raychilled",
"name": "Rachel Terfasaurus \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\udfdd",
"description": "Woman. Women. Adult human female. Rad fem. Immigrant. Loves sea swimming, proud Terf Islander. what/ever.",
"location": ", England"
"id": 26983758,
"screen_name": "kittykatfish",
"name": "KKF",
"description": "Gender Free Woman",
"location": "Philadelphia PA"
"id": 27023021,
"screen_name": "coucourouz",
"name": "Christine Fernandez",
"description": "Catholic, wife, homeschooling mom of 3 awesome sons, prolife, scfi \u0026 geeky, knows what it means to miss New Orleans. #allinthatorder\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb \ud83d\udc99#FandomMenance\ud83d\ude0e",
"location": ""
"id": 27024441,
"screen_name": "TomCurle",
"name": "Tom Curley",
"description": "Conservative, believer in the Constitution and States Rights. #MAGA, Parler - @TCurley \u201cThe Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies\u201d - Lost 15k in Purge.",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 27029512,
"screen_name": "helmut0",
"name": "Helmut0",
"description": "Stock investor,Gun lover,NRA life member,horologist,antique collector.Trump won.Commies can fuck off!!!",
"location": "The divided states of America"
"id": 27053052,
"screen_name": "KristyLasha",
"name": "Kristy \u271d\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udc17\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Christian. Nurse. Conservative. American Nationalist. Razorbacks \u0026 Braves fan. Anti-feminist. Gun owner. Pro-life. Sick of liberal media bias.",
"location": ""
"id": 27094620,
"screen_name": "amystuff",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Amy L\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Self Employed, Self Supporting, Mom \u0026 USAF Widow, Animal Advocate, Proud American Anthem Singing Woman \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #BackTheBlue #SupportOurVets #BuildTheWall #MAGA #2A",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 27095829,
"screen_name": "waldo3777",
"name": "Where's Waldo",
"description": "Retired veteran, ILA longshoreman pro life 2nd amendment conservative believe Jesus died on the cross",
"location": ""
"id": 27096412,
"screen_name": "amanda1080",
"name": "Amanda Anderson",
"description": "A lover of God, country, family, and freedom... and my sweet hubby. #MAGA2020 #TRUMPismyPRESIDENT\ud83d\ude0d",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 27103714,
"screen_name": "Tizbit",
"name": "Biden Worked My Last Nerve",
"description": "lOnly the Best. Happily Married. No Dates. No DM\u2019s #MAGA #KAG #IBleedRedWhiteAndBlue",
"location": "Western Colorado"
"id": 27107454,
"screen_name": "billknobbe",
"name": "William Kenneth",
"description": "Father \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc66 Son \ud83e\uddd2 Veteran \ud83c\udfd4\ufe0f Cop \ud83d\udd75\ufe0f TROLL | When the screams of war go silent, the screams in your head get thunderous. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 27115773,
"screen_name": "ScampiSupper",
"name": "\u263b",
"description": "Adult human female",
"location": "Frog Comics, Santa Carla"
"id": 27136159,
"screen_name": "Abomination1349",
"name": "Trumpelstiltskin",
"description": "Always #MAGA'ing. Thanks for stopping by! \"We\u2019re going to win so much, you\u2019re going to get sick and tired of it!\" -- Donald J. Trump",
"location": "San Antonio, Texas"
"id": 27146170,
"screen_name": "Tetsuyama511",
"name": "President-Elect Shadow-banned Tetsuyama511",
"description": "Musician/Producer/Song crafter/Owner Sunhouse Project Studio Retired/Disabled Vet/US NAVY Chief. Orig from NYC. FDNF C7F 14/20 yrs. #MAGA #KAGA #TrumpFromJump",
"location": "Amphoe Mueang Chon Buri"
"id": 27164642,
"screen_name": "WilliamColvard",
"name": "William Colvard",
"description": "Co-Founder @NowWhatStudio. Our nation is in a Golden Age of Success \u0026 Prosperity. Let's #MAGA.",
"location": "Atlanta, GA"
"id": 27166492,
"screen_name": "Uncle_Lloyd",
"name": "Lloyd Hunt",
"description": "Live in and Love Alaska. Veteran and PATRIOT / TRUMP2020. GO BILLS. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, #ISRAEL #FUCKJOEBIDEN",
"location": "Anchorage, Alaska"
"id": 27174143,
"screen_name": "Truth_Incoming",
"name": "Cecil Way",
"description": "Husband and father of 6. All aboard the #TrumpTrain. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Fully support President Trump #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Enjoy my firearms and support #2A as much as Illinois allows\ud83d\ude41",
"location": "Pekin, IL"
"id": 27185431,
"screen_name": "KingfaceF1",
"name": "kingface_f1",
"description": "#ConservativeTHUG\u2122\ufe0f #RepubliCAN #liberaltearssipper #MAGAtron Pot Smoking Patriot #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE: KINGFACE_F1",
"location": " "
"id": 27191003,
"screen_name": "LumielleKorgath",
"name": "Dawn Marie",
"description": "Centrist. Pro-life. Dog person. Fishkeeper/aquatic plant nerd extraordinaire. ASMR experiencer. I prefer Instagram.",
"location": "Southwestern Ontario."
"id": 27192244,
"screen_name": "wildswim",
"name": "Robbie \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea#TeamTERF",
"description": "Naturist, retired nurse interested in swimming, skinny-dipping, drawing, walking photography and knitting. Live in the Scottish Borders with Helen.",
"location": "Borders, Scotland"
"id": 27206399,
"screen_name": "TEX1S",
"name": "Buzz",
"description": "\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Taking life seriously\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf2 ...All lives matter!!!\nwhat ever the skin color.",
"location": " "
"id": 27264856,
"screen_name": "ChelmBel",
"name": "Heather \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 27271446,
"screen_name": "TiffyStolich",
"name": "Tiffany 1776 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Black/Multiracial 1st gen Jamaican-American Trad Christian Nationalist #1A #2A #Backtheblue #Buildthewall #Banislam #antiZOG and #FuckBLM!",
"location": "Sugar Land, TX"
"id": 27276358,
"screen_name": "linapatriot",
"name": "CaRoLiNaPaTrIoT",
"description": "#Christian husband..#conservative ..#pro constitution #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #Prolife #deplorable #GameCock #UniversityofSouthCarolina",
"location": "Dillon, S.C."
"id": 27300403,
"screen_name": "Notfiman",
"name": "Mark Jackson \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "'Don't get old son, it's a long journey and it turns out it wasn't worth it' Husband, Father, Son Don't do woke #LFC #YNWA #GBNews",
"location": "Bikini Bottom."
"id": 27301111,
"screen_name": "dosherfamily",
"name": "HoneyBadger \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#SemperFi I love the USofA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 BIDEN IS OWNED BY CHINA! #Trump2024 VAXXholes can #kissmyass. #AntiMandate",
"location": ""
"id": 27304133,
"screen_name": "DivineComity",
"name": "I See You",
"description": "Catholic/Christian, independent conservative, pro-life, 1A/2A, secure borders, America First, personal responsibility.",
"location": ""
"id": 27304952,
"screen_name": "CanadaAwaken",
"name": "AwakenNOW #PureBlood #NoVaxx4me",
"description": "Fight for truth, freedom and Canadian values.\u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f \u26ea\ufe0f #GenerationScrewed is blind. #TrudeauCrimeBoss is leading them down the garden path. #SaveCanada #noVaxx4me",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 27398460,
"screen_name": "thetami_m",
"name": "Tami",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Conservative, Christian, Mom. #MAGA",
"location": "TX"
"id": 27402458,
"screen_name": "LadyKiowa",
"name": "50 Shades of Red \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "USMC Brat #TrumpWon \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Sandpoint, ID"
"id": 27410822,
"screen_name": "joedallas",
"name": "Dallasjoe",
"description": "Super/Straight",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV"
"id": 27433174,
"screen_name": "4divots",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I Believe in America\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Proud wife of a Iraq War Vet, enjoyed military life for 21 yrs. Dedicated to keep USA strong for my children!Jet Noise is the Sound of Freedom! #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "NV.AZ.NY.Germ.SKor.VA.UT.GA.TX"
"id": 27444912,
"screen_name": "Rebel_Hillbilly",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd85\ud83e\udd85\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "Patriot\ud83d\udcaf /#MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 27454926,
"screen_name": "klmconllc",
"name": "Paul M",
"description": "Liberals have \u0026 will continue to destroy this country. #MAGA. Trump(s) 2020 \u0026 beyond. Parler @klmllc",
"location": "jersey shore"
"id": 27474986,
"screen_name": "sergio_fedelini",
"name": "sergio",
"description": "#DrainTheSwamp, #BuildTheWall, and #MAGA!",
"location": ""
"id": 27476298,
"screen_name": "melissar_215",
"name": "Melissa TX \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Married \ud83d\udc69\u200d\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\ud83d\udc68 \ud83d\udc8d. Mom.\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc67Grandma. \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67. Trump Supporter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. Conservative Christian. Pro-Life. Pro-Gun. No DM\u2019s. No DM\u2019s.",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 27477748,
"screen_name": "NancyDiaz",
"name": "Do\u00f1a Manzana",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 27478779,
"screen_name": "nikstar1000",
"name": "#NoThankYou \u2764\ufe0f",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 27512774,
"screen_name": "Ranger_Neil",
"name": "Neil Plucknett \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "\u2764GBNews\nRetired IT Specialist with Ford Motor Co.\nServed with the Artists Rifles. Restorer of ex-military machines \u0026 classic cars.\nBuilder of Scale models.",
"location": "\u00dcT: 51.56715,0.135736"
"id": 27513200,
"screen_name": "martay60",
"name": "Mark Taylor",
"description": "Christian, Patriot, Conservative family man. I love my God, my Family, my job and my Country! Opinions expressed are my own. #MAGA!",
"location": "Owasso, OK"
"id": 27532052,
"screen_name": "esmita",
"name": "Esmita \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Scientist. Economic migrant. Atheist. Feminist. Sceptic.",
"location": ""
"id": 27550554,
"screen_name": "jeffvillarreal",
"name": "Jeff Villarreal",
"description": "Band/Jazz director by day...assassin by night, Publishers Clearing House Runner up 5 years in a row...and #MAGA! What a time to be alive!",
"location": "Wherever"
"id": 27551771,
"screen_name": "debbie_pegue",
"name": "Debbie Pegue",
"description": "Retired office manager, Mother of 3, Grandmother of 6. Conservative. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 27562033,
"screen_name": "iPULLEDaLEWIE",
"name": "Lew Ie",
"description": "Only the Good Die i'd rather Laugh with the Sinners than Cry with the Saints!! #KCCO #Cubs #Bears #Blackhawks #Bulls #FLAGators #Trump2024 #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "SouthSide of Chicago"
"id": 27563805,
"screen_name": "MurphyBoys",
"name": "MURPHYBOYS",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG\nRespect God, Family, Country, Freedom, Authority, Law Enforcement, History and Each Other",
"location": "Boston, MA"
"id": 27587178,
"screen_name": "AngelaTN777",
"name": "Angel777TN",
"description": "I'm 6ft \u0026 Bullet Proof, I'm just a Country Girl at \ud83d\udc96, I \ud83d\udc9c GOD , I Love #TRUMP45 \ud83d\udc9c I LOVE USA \u2b50 #GODBLESSUSA\ud83c\udf1f #KAG #MAGA\ud83d\udca5 FIGHT FOR USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaf \ud83d\udca5",
"location": "Tennessee, USA"
"id": 27632875,
"screen_name": "patriot8510",
"name": "Mericka1st #MAGA",
"description": "MAGA. Always question those who will not answer questions",
"location": ""
"id": 27638269,
"screen_name": "Hotspur67",
"name": "Mo",
"description": "Female season ticket holder at Spurs in the Park Lane. Hate arsenal !! Happy Clapper - TTID Support our soldiers. Cat Lover. Woman - \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9aAdult human Female",
"location": "North London"
"id": 27645752,
"screen_name": "tonymt",
"name": "Tony Nagendran",
"description": "Bar \u0026 Casino Manager, Montana. \u201cLegal\" Immigrant. Constitutional Conservative. #SriLankaCricket. Golf. Horses. Dogs. #MAGA #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Stevensville, MT"
"id": 27676513,
"screen_name": "JoeFree76",
"name": "Joey Freeman",
"description": "\u201cHuman beings are born with different capacities. If they are free they are not equal. And if they are equal they are not free.\u201d\n- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn #MAGA",
"location": "\" know.. the thing!\""
"id": 27676961,
"screen_name": "Dudesmomma",
"name": "VintageGal",
"description": "Texas is Home \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf1 Fort Worth \u269c\ufe0fNOLA Lover \u269c\ufe0f \ud83d\udda4WIDOW\ud83d\udda4#Halloween \ud83c\udf83\ud83e\udd87\ud83d\ude08\ud83e\udde1\ud83c\udf83 #AirforceBrat #IFBAP #MAGA #LivePD #BackTheBlue \ud83d\udeab #NoDMs \ud83d\udeab",
"location": ""
"id": 27683627,
"screen_name": "oxfamcampaigns",
"name": "Oxfam GB Campaigns",
"description": "Mobilizing the power of people against poverty \u270a\ud83c\udffe Take action with us #PeoplesVaccine \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffc #ClimateAction \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffc",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 27697007,
"screen_name": "JCCWilliams",
"name": "(((Julia Williams)))\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Mother of four, author, editor, occasional runner, wouldbe triathlete, totally insane life",
"location": "Surrey"
"id": 27733416,
"screen_name": "Rofrano",
"name": "Jules di Islington\ud83c\udfa9\ud83c\udf52\ud83d\udca1\ud83d\udfe5\ud83d\udc28\ud83e\udd81\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\uddcf\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udf0a2\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a\u26a2",
"description": "QPR\u2026hoop dreams\ud83c\udfc6 A Jack-the-Lass\ud83c\udfa9 O soave fanciulla\ud83c\udf19 Viva Verdi! And Puccini, Handel \u0026 celestial Mozartino #NoThankYou \u012a\u015bvarapra\u1e47idh\u0101na",
"location": "Islington London"
"id": 27760216,
"screen_name": "ChristinaCBird",
"name": "Christina Bird",
"description": "Florida Transplant | Salsa Snob | Full #MAGA",
"location": "Satellite Beach, FL"
"id": 27789247,
"screen_name": "forevere",
"name": "My Ego does the talking",
"description": "Follow me If you can take diversified views . Psalm 119:105\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#SOSCUBA\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#WalkAway\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#BuyMoreGoya",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 27808841,
"screen_name": "acco1st",
"name": "Act, dont just tweet",
"description": "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. - Abe Lincoln #MAGA #FOREVERTOTHEE",
"location": "Columbia, SC"
"id": 27840560,
"screen_name": "twinski",
"name": "Shredded like a Banksy \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udd76\ud83c\udf1f",
"description": "Woman not cis \ud83e\udd70\ud83e\udd96 Ex police. BSc For Psych. Legal decision maker often found sat on the fence. I love good books and a good argument. Views are all my own.\ud83e\uddd0",
"location": "At the seaside. \ud83c\udfd6 \ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udcda\ud83e\udd70"
"id": 27848485,
"screen_name": "lapislazuli121",
"name": "John C. Smith",
"description": "Remember the little things in life because one day you\u2019ll realise they were the big things.#GBNews",
"location": "Devon England"
"id": 27859716,
"screen_name": "RyanTMcAllister",
"name": "Ryan McAllister \u0646",
"description": "Lead Pastor at Life Community Church Alexandria. Prolife. James 1:20",
"location": "Alexandria, VA"
"id": 27862070,
"screen_name": "mykelc",
"name": "michaelc",
"description": "Snowflake Libtard masquerading as an Alt Right Libertarian",
"location": ""
"id": 27863826,
"screen_name": "savannahjohn",
"name": "Texas COVID flight #666",
"description": "#Libertarian.Lover of our constitution! #TrumpWon #BlueLivesMatter #Prolife #DHS #Comply. Love Satire and Sarcasm. Troll Free Zone",
"location": "Tampa, FL"
"id": 27867940,
"screen_name": "therealJDLowe",
"name": "LetsGoBrandon\u26f3\ufe0f",
"description": "(Leave/Me/Alone) ALL Lives Matter. Christian Conservative. Addicted to Golf, Fan of The 2019 World Series Champion WASHINGTON NATIONALS, and UNC Tar Heels",
"location": "North Carolina"
"id": 27871616,
"screen_name": "j_ex4444",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u01ddo\u027e4444 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #1A #2A #MAGA #KAGA I follow back Patriots as soon as I can.\nAnd I unfollow those who don't follow back.",
"location": "Somewhere over the Rainbow"
"id": 27878996,
"screen_name": "lmikel0075",
"name": "Michael Loftus",
"description": "Just an American searching for truth, if I follow you, you have earned a bit of my trust, or none at all. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 #NRA",
"location": ""
"id": 27882729,
"screen_name": "thereal_steve",
"name": "steve",
"description": "Major shitlord, SJW hater, anti-radfem, but 100% for women's rights and equality for all.",
"location": "Everywhere"
"id": 27885407,
"screen_name": "molokaicreeper",
"name": "Liliana Evelin \ud83d\udde3\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7",
"description": "#MAGA #BluesLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter Mom of 3 #AutismMom, proud to be a Patriot \u0026 LGBT. #TRUMP2024 --Parler/Gab:\"MacCentris\"",
"location": "Philadelphia PA"
"id": 27889313,
"screen_name": "cowcoach",
"name": "Mo Whittenberg",
"description": "#KAG, 5 Solas, Patriot, #Trump2020, #Texasnative",
"location": ""
"id": 27895210,
"screen_name": "NaturallyWells",
"name": "Elizabeth Wells",
"description": "Naturopath by training, copy writer by profession. #biohacking for metabolism. #Electronicmusic/#Techno geek. GC feminist, ex-academic \u0026 culture wars sceptic.",
"location": "Folkestone, England"
"id": 27897429,
"screen_name": "PresWallace",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f Ron Wallace\ud83d\uddfd\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA CEO Softel 1989-present, Married, Big Family, MBA, Univ of Chicago (Booth). Regent MS Cybersecurity, Writer, #CleanVote2022 Mostly Retired",
"location": "United States"
"id": 27899508,
"screen_name": "jordankross",
"name": "jkross",
"description": "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered. - GK Chesterton",
"location": ""
"id": 27903891,
"screen_name": "moxiesmummy",
"name": "Caroline Hannigan",
"description": "Adult(ish) Human Female. Who really loves cats",
"location": "London"
"id": 27903923,
"screen_name": "46Kaydd",
"name": "kaydd",
"description": "Flag-waving, hand-over-heart Christian and patriotic American. #MAGA \u201cAll that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.\u201c",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 27916941,
"screen_name": "RealJessRusell",
"name": "Jesse Russell",
"description": "WOKE FREE ZONE #Author Husband Father #Believer, #MAGA, Politically Uncorrect Terrifying fact-based fiction with some great humor",
"location": ""
"id": 27927872,
"screen_name": "Miranto",
"name": "Miranto \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\udde7\u270d",
"description": "Voted for Trump in '16. Biggest buyer's regret ever. I will never see the end of this burn. I question everything. I worship nothing. #HandMarkedPaperBallots",
"location": "USA, baby!"
"id": 27938485,
"screen_name": "xAmericanPridex",
"name": "Brandy Baron \u274c",
"description": "People who don't respect our laws \u0026 borders don't respect our country \u0026 people. They don't deserve the American Dream. #MAGA #Trump2024 @xAmericanPridex - GETTR",
"location": "Phoenix, AZ"
"id": 27943433,
"screen_name": "JuanitaBerguson",
"name": "Juanita Berguson",
"description": "Christ-Follower, #MAGA Let\u2019s extend the Kingdom of God in our nation, communities \u0026 families.",
"location": ""
"id": 27943915,
"screen_name": "ugotchristina",
"name": "Christina ~ #MAGA \ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf35\ud83d\udc3e",
"description": "Love 2 Write ~ Love 2 Laugh ~ Love America! ~ IFB ~ Levity: @LiteChristina Ps 46:10 ~ Be Still And Know I'm Lord",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 27976785,
"screen_name": "Mister_North",
"name": "Mr_North",
"description": "Shitlord. Considers the regressive left and the alt-right equally cancer. get your dirty hands off manga",
"location": "Cowtown, NA"
"id": 27995030,
"screen_name": "marlae001",
"name": "Mark Leavitt",
"description": "''The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'' -R. Reagan \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 For MSgt. John DL Ryder \u271f CTANG, #MAGA",
"location": "Connecticut, USA"
"id": 27995424,
"screen_name": "johncardillo",
"name": "John Cardillo",
"description": "TV guy. Twitter leftists call me an \"Ammosexual.\" I tweet what you think but are too afraid to say. #NYPD once upon a time, wannabe cowboy now.",
"location": "Florida "
"id": 28001741,
"screen_name": "ChunKukDo",
"name": "Chuck",
"description": "Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 IFBAP\nWe need #MAGA more than ever!",
"location": "Midwest"
"id": 28038428,
"screen_name": "redsuzie",
"name": "QueenBee",
"description": "Love my daughter and grandson\nLove dogs, cats, chickens\nLiving the dream\n37+ years truck driver Keep on truckin'\n#Trump\n#Trump2020",
"location": "Seattle, WA"
"id": 28051550,
"screen_name": "melsalazar",
"name": "WaitingandWatching",
"description": "Christian Constitutionalist. Supporter of things that make sense. Military Mama. Fled CA for red MT. Primary the RINOS! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Kalispell, MT"
"id": 28075196,
"screen_name": "mrsmarstin",
"name": "Lucy \u26a1\ud83e\udd13 Pureblood \ud83e\ude84\ud83e\uddd9\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "Batshit crazy morris dancer \u0026 nature lover.",
"location": "Delph, England"
"id": 28092030,
"screen_name": "gngibson",
"name": "Glenn Gibson \u2618\ufe0f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Jess for Galactic Empress",
"description": "Christian \u271d\ufe0f; Irish Unionist \u2618\ufe0f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7; Ulster \ud83c\udfc9; \u2764\ufe0fHistory; @wehavewayspod; Tuaisceart \u00c9ireann; Contae Ard Mhacha \ud83c\udf4f; Port na D\u00fan\u00e1in; Romans 10:9 \ud83d\ude4f GBNews; DM\ud83d\udeab",
"location": "Northern Ireland"
"id": 28106357,
"screen_name": "FrankMcG_1",
"name": "Frank McGinley #FBPE",
"description": "Socialist. No time for selfishness, greed, warmongers, extreme right wingers, racists....and now hypocrites. 'At the end of every road there is a mirror',",
"location": "Merseyside."
"id": 28108817,
"screen_name": "mrkartoom",
"name": "MrKartoom \u201cPureblooded\u201d \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "Conservative * God * Family * Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 2A. Fed up w/the nonsense. Anti-woke yet \"Ultra Sophisticated\" #TrumpWon / Biden was installed - prove me wrong. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Enemy territory"
"id": 28111960,
"screen_name": "Ray_Camacho",
"name": "Ramon Camacho (Us/We)",
"description": "God, Family, Conservative Christian, NY Mets, NY Giants, NY Knicks, NY Rangers, pro-gun, pro-life, Boricua de pura sepa but more American than any liberal.",
"location": "God's Country, USA"
"id": 28114499,
"screen_name": "sidhucer",
"name": "Mandizzle",
"description": "#bluelivesmatter\nLover of humour, sarcasm and wit.",
"location": "Toronto, Ontario, Canada"
"id": 28141858,
"screen_name": "bobisahamster",
"name": "Simon",
"description": "Adult Human Male. Disagreement is not hate. I \u2764 JKR. \ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"location": "Sheffield, England"
"id": 28142644,
"screen_name": "ulick82",
"name": "Hombre",
"description": "Chromosomes XY",
"location": "Haifa, Israel"
"id": 28149665,
"screen_name": "twitttiepie",
"name": "aNa\ud83d\udd3b",
"description": "mater, feminazi, aut\u00f3noma y profaELE entreotrascosas",
"location": "aqu\u00ed y all\u00e1"
"id": 28153659,
"screen_name": "becccacacaca",
"name": "Becca \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Offspring lovin', husband lovin', critter lovin', potty-mouthed veggie, feminist, proud northerner. Alleged badger shagger.\nAdult human female \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "in t'north"
"id": 28159857,
"screen_name": "beechie1",
"name": "neil beech",
"description": "Northern lad\nloves watching Sunday league football\nplaying golf\npro Brexit",
"location": "South Yorkshire"
"id": 28161086,
"screen_name": "roswell2001",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 roswell2001 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Followed by @cvpayne @ScottAdamsSays @GeorgePapa19 @RyanAFournier @DineshDSouza @catturd2 @michellemalkin @scottpresler @scottbaio #ChopOn #GoDawgs #MAGA",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 28166035,
"screen_name": "elliemama",
"name": "Hey Doll",
"description": "Proud Patriot. #MAGA. Auburn Fan. Braves fan. May give advice or smartass remark #WarDamn #GoBraves.",
"location": "Auburn, Alabama"
"id": 28169892,
"screen_name": "dirtyboyg",
"name": "Chris G",
"description": "Always be kind. Not Left or Right leaning, annoying moderate. Mindset Coaching, Person Centered Counselling (student), Conflict Mediation.",
"location": "\u00dcT: 52.574809,1.725728"
"id": 28171422,
"screen_name": "KaroleRisker",
"name": "Karoline Risker",
"description": "Patriot, mom of amazing daughter, love of God and country. Love our constitution and our great president Trump. #maga #thebestisyettocome",
"location": "Paragould, AR"
"id": 28173232,
"screen_name": "purplelillith",
"name": "Secret Squirrel \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Lesbian.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 28198958,
"screen_name": "Donnicabab",
"name": "Where'sMeJumper",
"description": "\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udd78\ud83d\udfe5 women won't wheesht!\ud83e\udd96",
"location": "England"
"id": 28205995,
"screen_name": "XORDER",
"name": "The MAGA Report \u26be\ufe0f",
"description": "my pronouns are Super Straight/ Pure Blood! \u2620\ufe0fone salty ass cracker\u2620\ufe0f anti-socialist\ud83d\udc80defender of our American heritage\ud83d\udc80\ud83e\udd2e \ud83e\udd18metalhead\ud83e\udd18Horns up! Trump 2024",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 28225423,
"screen_name": "WesternLandman",
"name": "Chump For Trump",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Conservative #Boxers #Dogs #Pilot #Trump2024 #2A #NRA #DrainTheSwamp #TermLimits #ClimateDenier #BidenIsIllegitimate #RecallWhitmer \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "The Great Lake State"
"id": 28262769,
"screen_name": "LILJAYWERKS",
"name": "LIL JAY onthetrack",
"description": "LILJAY FROM CRIME MOB producer. \ud83c\udfbc\ud83c\udfb9\ud83c\udfa7\ud83c\udfa4\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #maga #trump2020 #christian #jesus #flatearther parler:@dontitor twitch: liljaywerks Phil:4:13 ig:jon_earllew",
"location": "Atlanta, GA"
"id": 28273116,
"screen_name": "joyreaper",
"name": "Super Elite Trump is My Forever President \ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Stable Genius Pilot Cosmonaut in Trump's Space Force Army! \ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udd25\u26a1\ufe0f Mom of a US Marine!! #SemperFi \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Love God, family, country. @potus! #MAGA #KAG #Trump",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 28273986,
"screen_name": "Paulos1",
"name": "Paul Sutliff",
"description": "Author, Public Speaker, Talk Show Host\nWarning people about Islamic Social Norms and jihad, #MAGA #News #Christian",
"location": ""
"id": 28276790,
"screen_name": "meeladavis",
"name": "Meela Davis",
"description": "I write about human-centered information management among other things. My views are my own.\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 28277877,
"screen_name": "insano007",
"name": "\u274cMattityahu Schwarzhaupt\u274c",
"description": "conservative, Pro Life : Small Govt",
"location": "Christchurch City, New Zealand"
"id": 28305154,
"screen_name": "[SUSPENDED]",
"name": "S\u00e9an",
"description": "La m\u00e9chante sorci\u00e8re de l'ouest. \ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 Vaccin\u00e9 18/07/2021 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "J\u2019ai laiss\u00e9 mon coeur \u00e0 Paris"
"id": 28323405,
"screen_name": "annebrandolani",
"name": "Anne Brandolani #IStandWithJKRowling #johnsonout",
"description": "Eat, drink and be merry. Oh, and be political too.",
"location": ""
"id": 28323833,
"screen_name": "ashmill1973",
"name": "Ash \u0026 GD Rusty",
"description": "Alba Dundee LACU Depty Chairperson\nTweets and R/T are my own as this is my personal account\n#Indy #WomenWontWheesed #IStandWithMarionMillar #BriansForIndy",
"location": "Dundee"
"id": 28351338,
"screen_name": "lizzielor",
"name": "Liz Short",
"description": "Love my family, love the\u2600\ufe0f\ud83c\udf1c\u0026\u2728\ud83d\ my Queen \u0026 Country\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Proud Brexiteer\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7..Free Speech!!\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7.. @GBNEWS. Kindness is everything.. NO DMs!!",
"location": "UK"
"id": 28382703,
"screen_name": "tricki_woo",
"name": "fatrelic \ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "\"first they steal the words, then they steal the meanings\" - George Orwell, 1984",
"location": ""
"id": 28410666,
"screen_name": "tractorgirly",
"name": "\ud835\udcaf\ud835\udcc7\ud835\udcb6\ud835\udcb8\ud835\udcc9\ud835\udc5c\ud835\udcc7\ud835\udc54\ud835\udcbe\ud835\udcc7\ud835\udcc1\ud835\udcce \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\ude9c",
"description": "Brit Cyber Crew Member, Anti WOKE, not a \ud83d\udc11, anti SNP #sailinglife #brexit #proudyoon #womenwontwheesht #mother NATS \u0026 FBPE blocked on sight. No DMs plz.",
"location": "Ecosse"
"id": 28425113,
"screen_name": "tutti_caramel",
"name": "Lee Ellis",
"description": "I was an angry, young, woman in the 1980's and I'm still angry. Adult Human Female (Views are my own)",
"location": "Poole, Dorset"
"id": 28428068,
"screen_name": "lisacahillohio",
"name": "Lisa Cahill",
"description": "Happily married, Trump fan. #GreatAwakening #MAGA Its time to take our country back!",
"location": "Salem, OH"
"id": 28429047,
"screen_name": "FL4TOUT",
"name": "FL4TOUT\ud83d\udc09\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "SuperStraight \u2b1b\ud83d\udfe7 Leave/Me/Alone",
"location": ""
"id": 28434281,
"screen_name": "MelodieMadison",
"name": "Melodie Madison",
"description": "Coxswain of Seattle Pacific men's basketball. UW/SPU alumna, Pac-12 After Dark enthusiast, GNAC basketball junkie, \u0026 lover of all things snuggly. #RadFem",
"location": "Seattle \u0026 Spokane"
"id": 28438885,
"screen_name": "cbjsay",
"name": "#MAGA, pro-Trump, #1A, #2A",
"description": "\u54ea\u91cc\u6709\u9f50\u5965\u585e\u65af\u5e93\uff0c\u54ea\u91cc\u5c31\u662f\u4ed6\u4e61.\nOther Platform: @cbjsay.",
"location": "Nazi U.S.A."
"id": 28447556,
"screen_name": "MAGATRUMPWINNER",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8PROUD CONSERVATIVE \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "I Follow Back Patriots. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #LSU #Saints",
"location": "San Francisco, CA"
"id": 28452459,
"screen_name": "AudreyAnnW",
"name": "Audrey Weber",
"description": "Dagny\u2019s Mom. Ann Coulter reader. Used Books. Latin coffee. Live free or die. #AmericaFirst #ProLife #FeminismIsCancer #2A #MAGA2020 #KAG #TCOT \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "West Columbia, SC"
"id": 28467202,
"screen_name": "carolyncjam",
"name": "Kazzzy \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Divorced mom of 2 amazing young adults\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc66. Proud Conservative \ud83d\udc18. Jewish \ud83d\udd2f. Cancer survivor-Lynch Syndrome \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffd. Animal lover\ud83d\udc3e. #MAGA #KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "U.S.A."
"id": 28482396,
"screen_name": "dfrost733",
"name": "Let's go Brandon!",
"description": "Patriot, mom, golf, #maga Proud of my country and supporter of the police and our president!! NO DM\u2019s please!",
"location": "Oklahoma"
"id": 28541784,
"screen_name": "DanielCreminUK",
"name": "Daniel Cremin \u2702\ufe0f",
"description": "Centre-right. Enjoying #GBNews. Tweet about freedom, free enterprise, lean \u0026 effective government, and rigorous education. Cut taxes \u0026 red tape. Personal views.",
"location": ""
"id": 28559712,
"screen_name": "ssmack",
"name": "Lance Manion",
"description": "Using analytics to defeat the Left; Election integrity; 2A advocate; #MAGA; Take back the GOP from the RINOs",
"location": "Arkansas, USA"
"id": 28567518,
"screen_name": "Trixie40",
"name": "Beck",
"description": "#MAGA, #KAG, #TRUMP, #PATRIOT, #CONSERVATIVE",
"location": "Hurst, TX"
"id": 28577889,
"screen_name": "judynbea",
"name": "Beverly Shields",
"description": "Better-a-bleeding-heart-than-no-heart liberal, Christian. I block right wingers. In a relationship. No DMs. Blue \ud83d\udc99 wave \ud83d\udc4b 2022, '24 ad infinitum. #BidenHarris",
"location": "USA"
"id": 28579799,
"screen_name": "WillBush",
"name": "Will Bush",
"description": "Ret USN Cryptologic Off CWO4/Wife USN Vet #2A #Parler #TRUMP2024 #MAGA #CCarry #LegalVoters #NewGOPsfightback #GodBlessUSA #ProLife #TrumpWon80Milto76Mil #IFB",
"location": "The Villages, FL"
"id": 28620566,
"screen_name": "_MareW",
"name": "Marilyn \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "Conservative/Libertarian hybrid+ advocate for Medical Freedom Trump 2020! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 28639318,
"screen_name": "jillhhisland",
"name": "hhislandgirl",
"description": "Stephen Minister. #ProLife. #2A. James 1:2-3. Pens. Pirates. Steelers. Pitt. \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99",
"location": "Paradise"
"id": 28645411,
"screen_name": "gkirila",
"name": "Gkirgir",
"description": "Entrepreneur Business Development - Growing the Valuation of Entrepreneurial Companies\n#Patriot, #MAGA",
"location": "Port St. Lucie, FL"
"id": 28648589,
"screen_name": "scamwise",
"name": "Scott",
"description": "Christian | Conservative | Patriot | @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #DefendElectionIntegrity #CountEveryLegalVote #AuditTheVote",
"location": ""
"id": 28656933,
"screen_name": "AyeshaKazmi",
"name": "Ayesha Kazmi",
"description": "Anti-Racist. Anti-Fascist. Radical Feminist. Muslim. Mouthy AF. DV/SA Advocate Tweets are my own",
"location": "Boston, MA USA"
"id": 28657994,
"screen_name": "iJancy",
"name": "Jancy \ud83e\udde1\ud83c\udf41\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8AMERICA FIRST \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Make America Great Again \u2728 #MAGA \u2728 \u2728#MASA \u2728 #KAG \u2728",
"location": "\u26a0\ufe0f Porn = Block \u26a0\ufe0f"
"id": 28674715,
"screen_name": "jepeder",
"name": "Joel Pedersen",
"description": "God first, MAGA Conservative, Pro Life, Pro 2A and I'm not taking the jab; save your poison for someone else.",
"location": ""
"id": 28674811,
"screen_name": "Gringz",
"name": "Jeneanne",
"description": "Recovering lib. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Orange, TX"
"id": 28683603,
"screen_name": "linda8h",
"name": "OorWeeTazTumbles\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Sweary, crabby, good coffee addict *like a bag of fireworks exploding in a winters sky*-The Indy Poet-\ud83d\udc9e Legendary Quunt,\nScottish,European.#WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 28736295,
"screen_name": "RaedarFor",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 raedar \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "God, USA, Patriot, Fire-breathing Wordsmith, #MAGA. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85\ud83d\uddfd",
"location": "Austin, Texas"
"id": 28744544,
"screen_name": "aurylopez",
"name": "AURY LOPEZ",
"description": "I am Panamanian and an american citizen who loves US.\nI am humbled for the amazing opportunities in my long career. Conservative, Christian, Pro life Republican",
"location": "Eagle River, AK"
"id": 28760451,
"screen_name": "WayneScholes",
"name": "Wayne Scholes",
"description": "#ProudFather #IstandwithJKRowling @LFC JFT96. #Dontbuythesun Enthused by travel \u0026 chocolate. #USConstitution. #SexIsReal There\u2019s no such thing as Cis. Anti woke",
"location": "Salt Lake City, UT"
"id": 28771945,
"screen_name": "KarenNI",
"name": "Karen \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "'s simple Biology\ud83d\ude0a",
"location": "NI UK"
"id": 28799723,
"screen_name": "purplemom9",
"name": "Tammy",
"description": "Fitness \u0026 exercise rock!! \ud83c\udfcb\ufe0f#gymrat #maga never too old to rock n roll\ud83c\udfb6 #trump2020 #buildthewall",
"location": " Texas"
"id": 28814059,
"screen_name": "amandab1877",
"name": "amanda",
"description": "xx chromosome homosapien",
"location": "Toronto, Ontario"
"id": 28830479,
"screen_name": "mnbodden",
"name": "AmericaTheBeautiful\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Love\u2665Family, God 'n Country~ Live Life Well! Kidney Cancer Survivor. ~Celebrating Life means at any age, any stage. #MAGA #StopCensorship",
"location": "South Florida"
"id": 28838979,
"screen_name": "BlondeNY",
"name": "Speak Louder JK",
"description": "Woman = Adult Human Female. I love Jesus, but I drink a little \ud83e\udd42",
"location": "Communist, New York"
"id": 28849949,
"screen_name": "SofloBaddie",
"name": "SoFlo Baddie \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Truth Seeker/ Social Worker/ Entrepreneur/ #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u201cMasks don\u2019t do shit but get people sick\u201d",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 28851241,
"screen_name": "Phil_The_Aggie",
"name": "Mr. Phil",
"description": "Conservative, Christian, Husband, Father, Mech Engr, all around nice guy. #MAGA #MAGAforLife #EndHumanTrafficking #PrimaryRINOs",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 28879553,
"screen_name": "Goldtrader67",
"name": "Larry",
"description": "Hard core right winger but I'm attracted to liberals. Lol",
"location": "IL"
"id": 28880981,
"screen_name": "Emeibaguazhang",
"name": "The Bagua",
"description": "\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Visual Artist, Martial Artist, Gym Rat, Constitutional Supporter, Gun Enthusiast, #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 2nd Amendment RIGHTS PROTECTOR! #2a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f #RedWave #NRA #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 28900109,
"screen_name": "LizYannay",
"name": "Liz Yannay",
"description": "Catholic. Wife. Aunt. Conservative. American. ProLife. ProGod. ProGun. Rush Limbaugh. Dallas Cowboys. Houston Astros.\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "Houston, TX"
"id": 28905642,
"screen_name": "FMEightyOne",
"name": "FM \u201881",
"description": "Troon boy, exiled Killie fan. Music and football mostly",
"location": ""
"id": 28913145,
"screen_name": "10secondslost",
"name": "It's Just Me, If I don't like U, its b/c UR an A$$",
"description": "#MAGA #BackTheBlue #ProudAmerican #Conservative\nAn appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last~Winston Churchill\nM-NO DM\nRT\u2260Endorsement",
"location": "On cloud 9"
"id": 28920238,
"screen_name": "khn4048",
"name": "hotfuzz4040",
"description": "20 year Law Enforcement veteran, 8 year Army veteran, father of 4, pitbull father of 3; III%;Constitutionalist; #kag2020 #TRUMP2020 #autism #autismdad $kurtnagl",
"location": "United States"
"id": 28929835,
"screen_name": "drrachelgreen",
"name": "Dr Rachel Green",
"description": "Gender critical evolutionary biologist Fond of tea and mongrels",
"location": ""
"id": 28939136,
"screen_name": "Parker_Wolf",
"name": "Parker Wolf \ud83d\udfe5 \u2640\u2640 \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Aka BigBooButch | WOMAN | Butch Dyke | Radical Feminist | Disabled Navy Vet \u270c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 | Mama to 4 dogs, 1 cat, 1 snake | Politically Homeless | Gun-Toting Lib \ud83d\udd2b",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 28943037,
"screen_name": "Soliloquy7777",
"name": "Soliloquy",
"description": "Send Crooked Hillary to prison for her 30-year crime spree. Support President Donald J. Trump #MAGA #BuildTheWall",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 28943851,
"screen_name": "rjsirishfan",
"name": "Robert Santiago",
"description": "Elementary school teacher, father of four, passionate Catholic, Notre Dame fan, and pro-lifer.",
"location": ""
"id": 28959928,
"screen_name": "fiwithers",
"name": "fifififi\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Small and ginger poet. Feminist",
"location": "Aberdeen, Scotland"
"id": 28986976,
"screen_name": "tn_tn_nashville",
"name": "TN_TN",
"description": "Tamilnadu to Tennessee \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude00 Trump 2020",
"location": "Nashville, TN"
"id": 29017268,
"screen_name": "AshleahSkinner",
"name": "Ashleah Skinner F.Inst.Pa \ud83c\udf65",
"description": "Fellow Paralegal with the Institute of Paralegals, NHS Volunteer Responder, NHS Steward Volunteer, Assessor at Citizens Advice - Pro Brexit \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNEWS",
"location": "London"
"id": 29019630,
"screen_name": "BuckeyeGirrl",
"name": "AFenixRises\ud83d\udd25\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Buckeye born and bred; Buckeye til I'm dead. #MAGA #CancerSurvivor #ProudParent #BuckeyeNation #BillsMafia Parler @AFenixRises",
"location": "Panama City Beach"
"id": 29023872,
"screen_name": "iamgreekdiva",
"name": "Olga Covfefe",
"description": "Put GOD first you will never be last ...#MCGA...Trudeau needs to go!#womanforTrump!",
"location": ""
"id": 29036789,
"screen_name": "spiritbride",
"name": "Spiritbride 1 a/k/a Dr.Ivonne Carlson",
"description": "CONSERVATIVE #MAGA No messages! Married to Jesus! #Save the Children #FreeCuba\nI follow back all Patriots!",
"location": "USA"
"id": 29082715,
"screen_name": "AdvertisingLaw",
"name": "John Lichtenberger",
"description": "#Christian | #lawyer (Ret.) Tweets on Christianity, law, politics, conservativism, tech, social media. Author/publisher (Ret.) advertising law, #FTC. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Roxbury, NJ"
"id": 29105093,
"screen_name": "kjsealion",
"name": "KJ",
"description": "I'm a wife,mother,saltwater aquarist. I'm #prolife \u0026 love all nature. #Catholic, #Conservative",
"location": ""
"id": 29165824,
"screen_name": "XRPGLOBALRESET",
"name": "Willy",
"description": "#MAGA\nCrypto #XRP.",
"location": ""
"id": 29177395,
"screen_name": "Daniel_DuPaul",
"name": "DeltaAlphaNovember",
"description": "A figment of your imagination. #MAGA #KAG #2A=1A Security Technician. Pronouns .223/7.62",
"location": "Pineville, La"
"id": 29184911,
"screen_name": "AmazonTraveler",
"name": "Silver Wolf \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Writer, retired Atty, Radical Lesbian XX Feminist, Author \"Stanly Has A Lynching\" Interests photography, travel #FBR #IStandWithJKR #LGBAllianceUSA",
"location": "North Carolina"
"id": 29195700,
"screen_name": "SarahWontWheest",
"name": "Sarah",
"description": "Y\u2019all are saying everything so much better than I am. I\u2019m just gonna sit here in my corner and retweet \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c Pronouns: No/Thank/You",
"location": "Northern Ireland"
"id": 29226662,
"screen_name": "MNHockeymama",
"name": "@HockeyMama on Gettr",
"description": "Co-Founder of Deplorable Housewives of the Midwest; Writer; MN Escapee; RTs\u2260Endorsement #MAGA #2A #CONSTITUTION; Married; on Parler @MNHockeymama",
"location": "United States"
"id": 29243936,
"screen_name": "allenskillicorn",
"name": "Allen Skillicorn",
"description": "Different kind of #Republican Leader #MAGA #ArizonaAudit #2A #Constitutionalist #TeamLiberty \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Fountain Hills, AZ"
"id": 29349996,
"screen_name": "junchaya",
"name": "miguelito",
"description": "#maga - I Don't Kneel",
"location": ""
"id": 29372026,
"screen_name": "luvenmyboys",
"name": "Texas Girl \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #backtheblue\ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2642\ufe0f #AllLivesMatter",
"location": ""
"id": 29398698,
"screen_name": "JenLawrence21",
"name": "Jennifer Lynn Lawrence",
"description": "\u271e \u0026 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2661 #marchfortrump Team \ud83d\ude8d \u2661 Media - We Build the Wall \ud83e\uddf1 \u2661 Conservative America 1st Activist \u2661",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV"
"id": 29402836,
"screen_name": "Amalkadog",
"name": "Brian Lord Muckety Muck O Leith\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Buckle up, the tory lie bus is coming. Tories are so dense, light bends around them. Don't believe a word. Still YES \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f #BriansForIndy\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"location": "#WomenWontWheesht #KilltheBill"
"id": 29427509,
"screen_name": "joek14",
"name": "Joe Kasper",
"description": "Producer at @GBNews. Former showbiz reporter at the @thesun. From hottest place in UK. DMs open.",
"location": ""
"id": 29443262,
"screen_name": "Moses67",
"name": "Jim Moses",
"description": "America First",
"location": "NY"
"id": 29482630,
"screen_name": "TeamEmmenRacing",
"name": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa John \ud83c\udf52",
"description": "#IndyScotWales - European, Anti dishonesty in any shape or form. #SexNotGender \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"location": ""
"id": 29512808,
"screen_name": "1US_Patriot",
"name": "Lynn \u0646 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Love #God #Wife #family #\u0646 #USA #Pro #Israel #Constitution #BBQ, An Old #Gun carrying #Infantryofficer #teaparty #GOP #Conservative #GoHogs, #MAGA #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 29518948,
"screen_name": "EloiseMcGuffin",
"name": "Jls",
"description": "Librarian and Learning Assistant. Feminist and lefty. Druid tree hugger. Sarcasm a speciality.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 29530235,
"screen_name": "hamnitup",
"name": "Susan Ham",
"description": "Happily married no dms looking for a date #MAGA pro-Trump police \u0026 military. #RESIST #BIDENNOTMYPRESDIENT joined Parler @hamnitup",
"location": "las vegas"
"id": 29530943,
"screen_name": "sipes42",
"name": "Cody Sipes",
"description": "America First!",
"location": "Mercersburg, PA"
"id": 29562807,
"screen_name": "GinaMorin34",
"name": "Gina",
"description": "Strong believer in America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffd And I will never stop supporting our REAL President TRUMP along with my family. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 29581958,
"screen_name": "PeterCIAmCoptic",
"name": "Trumpwonwi on gettr #alllivesmatter",
"description": "Conservative God Loving believer that the United States IS exceptional. #ISTANDWITHISRAEL",
"location": "Wisconsin, USA"
"id": 29590039,
"screen_name": "lmtobias",
"name": "Laurieann Lettau",
"description": "Pro-God. Pro-Life. Pro-Gun. Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it's common sense. \u2014 Ronald Reagan",
"location": "Kingwood, TX"
"id": 29592756,
"screen_name": "0x52524d",
"name": "Athanasius Contra Mundum",
"description": "Jesus is the Word made flesh, Husband, Homeschool dad, Reformed Postmil, #prolife, Computer Scientist, #Gold, #Silver, #Bitcoin and #Ethereum enthusiast",
"location": ""
"id": 29597581,
"screen_name": "TeamThead",
"name": "TeamThead \ud83d\udcaf% Trump Extremist",
"description": "\n #NRA #2AFDN #GunOwners #MAGA #Trump #Extremist #FJB #LetsGoBranden #LGBFJB #PatriotPurge",
"location": "2MASS J23062928-0502285 d"
"id": 29620256,
"screen_name": "SOHLTC",
"name": "Sanctity Human Life",
"description": "Pro-life, Abstinence, Chastity, Christ Centered Ministry protecting women \u0026 children, Against Abortion, Planned Parenthood, \u0026 Graphic Condom Ed #tcot prolife",
"location": "Treasure Coast, FL"
"id": 29661514,
"screen_name": "TorryQ",
"name": "Annie Reid \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Scottish Singer, Indy Quine Stonehaven Folk Festival Ticket Faerie I add stuff up on the side",
"location": "Stonehaven"
"id": 29673273,
"screen_name": "GG53UK",
"name": "GG UK \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Love my country. Love the Monarchy. Love Brexit. Love animals. #GBNews #antiwokeuk",
"location": ""
"id": 29690486,
"screen_name": "akaCW1",
"name": "Claire_l \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "WOMAN\u2122\ufe0f (adult human female/chromosomes XX / gametes large) Opinions are mine and mine alone. \ud83e\udd95 \ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95",
"location": ""
"id": 29695425,
"screen_name": "callatink",
"name": "JMN",
"description": "Conservative. Thankful to God - every day - that Trump/Pence won Nov 8! We have a true leader in WH!#NODaca, #NODacadeal, #Americansfirst, #Buildthewall, #MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 29715226,
"screen_name": "Shropygirl",
"name": "Pauline Jones \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Retired \u0026 Rebelling. Trying to get back to my music \u0026 soul, Singing,Mandolin, Keyboard, anything I can hit or strum. I may make music... one day! \ud83d\ude01",
"location": "Shropshire"
"id": 29748026,
"screen_name": "janwilliams03",
"name": "LET\u2019S GO BRANDON!",
"description": "Let\u2019s keep Joe \u201cBig Guy\u201d Biden in the private sector! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8pro-life Catholic Christian, MAGA #KAG Trump / Pence 2020",
"location": "Coppell, TX"
"id": 29750347,
"screen_name": "madmom1979",
"name": "mrs.patriotjenn",
"description": "wife\ud83d\udc8d mom\ud83e\udd47\ud83c\udf77 dog mom \ud83d\udc15\nbacktheblue \ud83d\udc6e, #trumptrain \ud83d\ude86 #MAGA\nweekend hooker \ud83d\udc1f\ud83c\udf1e\ud83e\udd90\ud83e\udd80\ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02 no DM'S \ud83d\ude20\ud83d\udc79",
"location": "florida"
"id": 29768528,
"screen_name": "magarnets",
"name": "Mary Ann",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2618\ufe0f \ud83d\udd96 RN, MT(ASCP), #2A, #MAGA, #NRA lifer. #GoBuffs #RockChalk. IA, NY, KC, WY, CO Adoption not abortion.",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 29793271,
"screen_name": "cageybird",
"name": "cageybird \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Rad Fem, British, Politically homeless.",
"location": ""
"id": 29804479,
"screen_name": "mmolek",
"name": "Michael Molek",
"description": "Faith. Family. Freedom. America First. Student of the Founding Fathers. Homeschooling Dad to two brilliant kids. Christian. \u2764\ufe0fthunderstorms",
"location": "Pittsfield Township, OH"
"id": 29843639,
"screen_name": "rockstarplumber",
"name": "Eric Sanders",
"description": "#ClotShotResistance. Biden is a traitor and thief. Trump won.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 29944034,
"screen_name": "Recklessgoddess",
"name": "Fabulousaurus",
"description": "\u201cWell behaved women never changed history\u201d",
"location": "Litchborough, England"
"id": 29957941,
"screen_name": "NormaSausage",
"name": "Norma",
"description": "A human being, not a clown fish, humans can\u2019t change sex. Gender critical, gender ideology is thought salad, Laryngospasm is nasty Trans is a Cult",
"location": "UK"
"id": 29987603,
"screen_name": "tabithahickman",
"name": "tabitha hickman",
"description": "America First * In God We Trust * Patriot * Trump Won * Make yourself a priority * Stay humble * Chop On * No Grit No Pearl",
"location": "Alabama, USA"
"id": 29998305,
"screen_name": "UnitedsRedArmy",
"name": "Uniteds RedArmy",
"description": "Some people have X \u0026 Y chromosomes, I have M.U.F and C",
"location": "Planet Red"
"id": 30005032,
"screen_name": "yophotoman",
"name": "John Brown",
"description": "Retired Webmaster, Author, Youtube content creator, KN4RBO #MAGA",
"location": "Largo, FL"
"id": 30018850,
"screen_name": "sullysc",
"name": "Tim Sullivan",
"description": "Awake Now #patriot #1A #2A #BACKTHEBLUE #NRA #KAG2020 #TRUMP2020 #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 30044524,
"screen_name": "trebsnikpoh",
"name": "Bert",
"description": "Vietnam Era Air Force Vet, retired engineer, who loves Israel, proudly pro-life , interested in innovation, creativity \u0026 Warfare in South Pacific during WW2",
"location": "United States"
"id": 30053756,
"screen_name": "wickedpoptart",
"name": "[::::] \u2122\ufe0f",
"description": "Wife of an 11 Bravo, proud Air Force/Army/Marine mom, small town gal! Don't Tread On Me! #BlueStarMom #TCOT #SOT #GoBuckeyes #2A #prolife #LetsGoBrandon #FJB",
"location": "Dirtyratbastard, WI"
"id": 30108655,
"screen_name": "doribellan",
"name": "Dori Gunderson",
"description": "conservative mom and geologist, Trump supporter, loves the outdoors and healthy debate. #2a #maga #securetheborder #doanfilm #UnplannedMovie",
"location": "Sacramento, CA"
"id": 30122242,
"screen_name": "riwired",
"name": "#ExDemocrat \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf3",
"description": "Dogs, Theater, Music, Art, Dog Training, Peace, America First, LGBT. Recovered \"Progressive\". RT not necessarily endorsement. #Followback",
"location": "Broadway"
"id": 30134699,
"screen_name": "luvspurpletulip",
"name": "Myra \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "War Eagle \ud83e\udd85. Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump 2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Christian\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Mom\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Pro-Life\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 30156533,
"screen_name": "MikiAbatecola",
"name": "Miki Abatecola",
"description": "Married, Catholic, Conservative, wife, mother, grandmother, currently employed at Old Iron AZ LLC, #NEVERHILLARY #TRUMP2020 #GOP_UNITE_TO_WIN #VOTE_RED",
"location": "Tucson, AZ"
"id": 30250833,
"screen_name": "rockibel",
"name": "Patriot4Constitution",
"description": "#MAGA #patriot, conservative, fighting for my grandkids. #4grandies Love God, America, our Flag, our vets. #Trumpsupporter #CONSTITUTION NO LISTS!!",
"location": ""
"id": 30267588,
"screen_name": "alliek40",
"name": "Allison Clover",
"description": "Run my own Business, I have one daughter, have an amazing man in my life \u0026 a scruffy terrier. Pro Brexit. Loving life \u2764 No DMs #GBNews",
"location": "gloucester UK"
"id": 30272463,
"screen_name": "bucs70",
"name": "Linn",
"description": "Christian, conservative, retired; secure borders; not looking for a boyfriend; no messages, #MAGA. PROUDLY FOLLOWED BY CHARLIE KIRK. @linn450 on Parler, IFB",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 30278432,
"screen_name": "chacomlilith",
"name": "disappointed but not surprised #ForaBolsonaro",
"description": "Zeppeliana - fenem\u00eara - gatera - radical feminist - music teacher",
"location": "Vila Velha, ES, Brasil"
"id": 30287382,
"screen_name": "WRETCHEDPIGGY",
"name": "Aric Epperson",
"description": "I'm a irredeemable deplorable, chump,neanderthal Patriot..and most importantly a very Proud husband and father of 4 amazing children!!! Trump 2024!!!!",
"location": "AZ"
"id": 30288286,
"screen_name": "Brucealeg",
"name": "Bruce Leggett",
"description": "Pro Life dad",
"location": ""
"id": 30293523,
"screen_name": "cdhat211",
"name": "A Trump Deplorable \u274cXGOP\u274c",
"description": "AML Executive, #MAGA, Donald J Trump is President, love \u0026 respect the military and police, proud lifetime member of NRA \u0026 retired from FinCEN, Treasury. #KAG",
"location": "Fairfax, Va"
"id": 30347087,
"screen_name": "dropsoul",
"name": "CArasmo #NoWrongBody #NoWrongSkinColor #NoMandate",
"description": "Woman, person, mom (human+4 cats), wife of awesome dude, artist, developer. Major geek...neuroscience, #lotr, #harrypotter, science fiction + gender atheist ...",
"location": "Gender Infidel"
"id": 30362399,
"screen_name": "jbgobigred",
"name": "Ed Schmedly",
"description": "Libertarian. Freedom loving. Trump 2020.\n#TRUMP #MAGA #KAG #BREXIT",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 30362984,
"screen_name": "dlo629",
"name": "Dave O",
"description": "#TrumpWon #TrumpWasRight #MAGA IG _deplorabledaveo_",
"location": "Omaha, NE."
"id": 30387315,
"screen_name": "MikeTheMover",
"name": "Censored Veteran\ud83e\udd81\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "#Survivor #HappilyMarried #ProudPapa\u2693\ufe0f #MAGAveteran \u271d\ufe0f\u2721\ufe0f#God\u2764\ufe0f#Famliy\u2764\ufe0f#Country\u2764#1A \u270c\ufe0f#2A #AllLivesMatter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trumplican #AntiRINO #Meningioma #FIGHTBACK",
"location": "USA"
"id": 30393963,
"screen_name": "trbln",
"name": "Thomas \u24cb \ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc07 \ud83d\ude37 \ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udc89 \ud83d\udd34",
"description": "Ex-religiot, anti-irrationalist, ethicist, greenie, democratic socialist, rabbit dad, \u26a3 , #NoSelfID, #NoPronouns. No consistent anti-fascism without veganism!",
"location": "Berlin, Germany"
"id": 30418180,
"screen_name": "vik75",
"name": "victoria marshall",
"description": "Adult human female",
"location": ""
"id": 30437978,
"screen_name": "Gordon29",
"name": "George Gordon \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f \ud83d\udfe2\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe3",
"description": "Scot first, European, ALWAYS both. Fundamentally opposed to nuclear weapons. Anti #brexit. For #ICAN \u0026 #INDYSCOTLAND. #FBPE. #yoga #womensrights #suffragist",
"location": "Scotland in Europe"
"id": 30467544,
"screen_name": "tweetems",
"name": "Michele-Boots On The Ground",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Seek truth - facts matter. Pay attention to what others DO, not what they say. America First!",
"location": ""
"id": 30493742,
"screen_name": "tomasocarthaigh",
"name": "Tom\u00e1s \u00d3 C\u00e1rthaigh",
"description": "Into #boating, #history, #politics, #travel and culture. Oh, and #horsefairs! There are issues with environment, but the sky is NOT falling. #prolife #think32",
"location": "All over the place!!!"
"id": 30511255,
"screen_name": "m7kenas",
"name": "Mike Naz \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#realdonaldtrump",
"location": "Miami"
"id": 30524827,
"screen_name": "astroterf",
"name": "Cheryl Bowman",
"description": "Business owner of 32 years, conservative suffocating in a liberal college town. What kind of platform arbitrarily removes 1/3 of all your followers? #MAGA",
"location": "Republic of Lawrence, KS"
"id": 30524954,
"screen_name": "lilkrazylife",
"name": "KrazyOnTheBeatDeyDontLikeDat",
"description": "To Official Book DJKRAZY @lilkrazylife\n#lilkrazylife #KeyzDaMonster #KrazyOnTheBeatDeyDontLike",
"location": ""
"id": 30532868,
"screen_name": "DeplorableTJ",
"name": "TJ",
"description": "I proudly voted for President @RealDonaldTrump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Wife, Mom, Christian - On Parlor/GAB under @DeplorableTJ",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 30584336,
"screen_name": "Peter_Aus_BTC",
"name": "Untitled",
"description": "#Bitcoin is the future. Join us. Adult human male. Pronouns: bit/coin. Somewhat TERFish.",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 30625005,
"screen_name": "Skinnsy",
"name": "Andy Perkins \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Straight, white, English male. Anti EU. Pro Brexit. Dad and Grandad. Hates FBPE, wokeness and the lefty bellends.",
"location": "Bedford, UK"
"id": 30650532,
"screen_name": "hels61",
"name": "Helen McKenna \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"description": "Blocked by James O\u2019Brien \u0026 Angela Rayner,\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0fBrexiteer, Love my CountryLife isn\u2019t risk free,but it is for Living. No time for Woke or Snowflakes Awake.GBNEWS",
"location": "Somewhere in Middle Earth"
"id": 30675595,
"screen_name": "LibertyScott63",
"name": "Scott",
"description": "Conservative #ProLife #Israel #2A",
"location": "Maryland"
"id": 30713159,
"screen_name": "Dream_Twisted",
"name": "Lauren\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Bored 99.99% of the time. Here to mostly retweet \u00af\\_(\u30c4)_/\u00af",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 30740966,
"screen_name": "Bayside_Lady",
"name": "Bayside_Lady",
"description": "conservative, Patriot Party, married to the love of my life, YUGE Trump supporter DM= INSTA BLOCK #TrumpArmy #MAGA",
"location": "San Diego CA"
"id": 30783883,
"screen_name": "blackgrendel",
"name": "Frank",
"description": "Anti Woke snowflake PC brigade. Antifa = uneducated plebs. Beep/bop/boop",
"location": ""
"id": 30810120,
"screen_name": "KLynnSwan",
"name": "Karen Swanson",
"description": "Push Your Boundaries, Live Each Day, Love your kids, Love your country. God Bless The USA #KAG #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 30813031,
"screen_name": "GriffinJ_Q17",
"name": "GriffinJ",
"description": "Married #NAVY #AirForce #MAGA #RedPill #CHRISTIAN #DEPLORABLES #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #TRUMP #TRUMP2020 #CONSERVATIVE #PATRIOT #NRA #2A",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 30844798,
"screen_name": "JELynchElliott",
"name": "Jele \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "NOT a group thinker. INDEPENDENT as hell. #MAGA #WalkAway #Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 DM\u2019s = Instant Block! NOT looking for dates! No profile or protected = NO FB.",
"location": "Finally, back home. "
"id": 30847506,
"screen_name": "Andy_Gez_",
"name": "Andy Gez GB News viewer",
"description": "If you follow me, I follow straight back. GB News viewer. TalkRadio. Love the NHS. Brexit. I no longer back Boris. I back Farage. Conservative.",
"location": "Twitter"
"id": 30908683,
"screen_name": "ppsdmt01",
"name": "The D5K \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2b50\u2b50\u2b50",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#AmericaFirst\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#TrumpLandslide2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\udfd2Boston Bruins Fan\ud83c\udfd2",
"location": "Massachusetts, USA"
"id": 30942903,
"screen_name": "coachwaams",
"name": "Coach Waams",
"description": "\ud83d\ude0f #impeachbidenharris , Helping Baseball Players and people everyday. Pronouns: Letsgo/Brandon #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Letsgobrandon",
"location": "Dugout, USA"
"id": 30943919,
"screen_name": "Aspen_Taylor",
"name": "Aspen Taylor Ventano",
"description": "#TRUMP \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85 #POTUS #FLOTUS #BackTheBlue #BuildTheWall #MAGA #RedWave2020 #TrumpTrain #Trump2020 #Vets #Military",
"location": ""
"id": 30944765,
"screen_name": "AmandaMoussa",
"name": "Amanda Moussa",
"description": "I tweet about writing and books. Knee deep in editing a dystopia. Eyebrow deep in living in one.\n\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": "Glossop, England"
"id": 30948561,
"screen_name": "Booze_and_Tacos",
"name": "Christian",
"description": "Defender of our Constitution: #1A and #2A Capitalism fosters innovation. Love live rock music, great beer and beautiful women. Trump 2020. #MAGA",
"location": "Chicago"
"id": 30963457,
"screen_name": "Zglory",
"name": "Alana H. \ud83d\udd0aMAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Conservative Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \ud83d\udd25Believer in\ud83d\udc51JESUS\u2721The Messiah\u2764",
"location": "Flyover Country, USA"
"id": 30967825,
"screen_name": "mbraaheidner",
"name": "Michele Braa-Heidner",
"description": "Radical Feminist",
"location": "Washington State"
"id": 30972665,
"screen_name": "lynnwa",
"name": "Little Miss Sunshine",
"description": "Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow. - Helen Keller #KAG #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #Truth",
"location": "Illinois"
"id": 31016830,
"screen_name": "Ms_T_CBD",
"name": "\ud83d\udde3Ms Theresa Lea",
"description": "\ud83d\udde3#Freespeech #PresidentTrump #MAGA. #ImpeachBidenHarris #MsTrumpWon\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcaaBidenCheated\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21\ud83d\ude21",
"location": ""
"id": 31053294,
"screen_name": "miggiess",
"name": "Margaret H",
"description": "Graduate of University of Missouri, prolife, proconstitution, Catholic, Mother and activist. Conservative all the way.",
"location": "Kansas"
"id": 31057963,
"screen_name": "southsalem",
"name": "BarbaraMcMahon((\ud83d\udc38))",
"description": "#MAGA #AmYIsraelChai\n#RollingStones #Photography Clinging to my Taurus TheJudge \u0026 Chanel ;) #NeverHillary",
"location": "Drinking TrumpWine at TrumpBar"
"id": 31071973,
"screen_name": "DesertLoco",
"name": "DesertLoco\ud83e\ude86\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\u270c\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Conserv, Open-Minded woman. Sometimes serious, sometimes a smart ass, but always truthful! I read a lot, so I retweet a lot, uv been warned!",
"location": "Cali"
"id": 31126007,
"screen_name": "mwoakley",
"name": "Matthew Oakley",
"description": "Husband. US Air Force Veteran. Investment Banker. Taking life easy. 3 Percenter #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "West Kentucky"
"id": 31149561,
"screen_name": "mrsgilpiraptor",
"name": "MrsG \ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9",
"description": "Geordie Woman living in Northumberland. Loves the North East, history, art, books, nature, comedy, rock music, food, current affairs and is generally curious.",
"location": "Northumberland UK"
"id": 31196314,
"screen_name": "modelerr",
"name": "MilnerBear",
"description": "Retired Chemist, Fortune 500 Corp Exec. \u0026 #40 Wall St. I-Banker. Currently a fledgling Playwright \u0026 Lyricist. Widower. Catholic. INTJ. Chess, #MAGA Colorado",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 31196771,
"screen_name": "ACEMeSkinny",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f\ud83d\udc1eKat\ud83d\udc1e\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Wife, Mom, Nana, Christian, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Proud American \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Conservative | MAGA | KAG | DEPLORABLE | ProLife |",
"location": ""
"id": 31227557,
"screen_name": "Sablebell",
"name": "CornPops Mom\ud83d\ude0e",
"description": "Followed by Gen Flynn! Love Covfefe, Dragon Energy \ud83d\udc32 and I Love MY President (Bigly)! De - plor - a - ble = HardworkingAmerican! #MAGA",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 31229003,
"screen_name": "CAJUNKOVO",
"name": "Steven Kowalewski",
"description": "Christian, Independent, USAF retired veteran, a hint to the wise, should be sufficient. Thank God for sports! #MAGA .",
"location": "Baton Rouge, LA"
"id": 31230821,
"screen_name": "lsollock",
"name": "txbelle",
"description": "Love Jesus and His word. A science nerd too\ud83d\ude02 Life long educator and proud mom of an amazing young you son! #KAG #MAGA.",
"location": ", TX"
"id": 31249279,
"screen_name": "HankRJN",
"name": "OlllllllO",
"description": "me|myself|I Super-straight pride, Libertarian-Conservative, History, Pol Sci, Economics, Cubs, Blackhawks, Bears, Bulls, NIU, Jeeps, beaches.\ud83c\udfdd\ud83e\udd41\ud83d\udc5f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf4\ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b\ufe0f",
"location": "Democratic Socialist Rep of IL"
"id": 31336946,
"screen_name": "Reauxbeaux",
"name": "Reauxbeaux",
"description": "Colorado Springs, #MAGA. Trump Supporter. #KAG Patriot",
"location": "Colorado Springs, CO"
"id": 31352162,
"screen_name": "CoachBobAZ",
"name": "Bob Esposito",
"description": "Married to my Squeeze 30 yrs. Proud Dad of 3 Young Men. US Marine, Husband, Father, Lover, Singer-Songwriter #USMC #Pepperdine #Liberty #62nFit #MAGA #TermLmts!",
"location": "Arizona"
"id": 31397793,
"screen_name": "VIC_HILL",
"name": "Vic Hill",
"description": "Retired Marine, Les Mills Instructor, Fitness aficionado Sports and Fishing Enthusiast, #nygiants #lesmills #bodypump #2A #ODAAT #MAGA #tiredofliberalbs",
"location": "Stafford, VA"
"id": 31440699,
"screen_name": "DeplorablemomM",
"name": "#Christian, #Maga",
"description": "Mother of 3, madly in love with husband for over 25 years, legal profession, worried sick what I've seen coming from the Democrat party!#Maga",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 31454241,
"screen_name": "giolla_nic",
"name": "Wendy",
"description": "#SaveWomensSport #WomenWontWheesht #NoThankYou",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 31477780,
"screen_name": "martini68",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95I am me \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Crazy, outgoing and freaking amazing \ud83d\ude1c woman = adult human female \u270cbiology over ideology \ud83d\udc40\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95 life over fear \ud83d\ude0a no muzzles, no lockdowns, no jabs \ud83d\udd95\ud83d\udca5",
"location": "Cornwall"
"id": 31483845,
"screen_name": "lgwilk",
"name": "lisa dobkinson \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 31522943,
"screen_name": "joeyab",
"name": "JoJo and Charles B",
"description": "Christians; Retired educators; tax \u0026 spend conservatives; civil discourse, #SAL,#LEO, #1A #2A, #CCOT; UGA, UCF! #MAGA, Eagle Scout; road bike, swim, artist",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 31523302,
"screen_name": "TheKateFreeman",
"name": "Kate'sFree~\ud83d\udda4\ud83c\udf2a\ufe0f\u26aa\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f",
"description": "JESUS IS LORD/ProLifeFeminist/\nProGLB/Conservative/AdamDriverFan/\nOld-55/ACE/Journaling/HTML/Crafts/Investing/\nPro-mask/KeepUSATrumpless. NO DMS EVER.",
"location": "SF Bay Area, CA"
"id": 31539240,
"screen_name": "LongerTime",
"name": "LongTime",
"description": "Mom of two, maybe three. Warrior for MAGA! TRUMP WON 2020!!",
"location": "ThankGod I\u2019m in Central OR\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc"
"id": 31544891,
"screen_name": "Saved4theSouth",
"name": "SouthernPatriot",
"description": "Ephesians 6:12 #ProLife #CHRISTIAN #PATRIOT #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #2A #DefundPP #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #GoHogs #JesusSAVES #ProMilitary #FollowBack #WW1WGA",
"location": "Arkansas, USA"
"id": 31548226,
"screen_name": "cheyenne70",
"name": "cheyenne70 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\uddab",
"description": "reality show watcher, conservative,mom, loving wife #maga my pronouns bitch",
"location": "none of your beewax "
"id": 31553733,
"screen_name": "Lalikitita",
"name": "\u2640 Katia\u25bc#5 || Epp\u03c5r \u0455\u03b9 \u043c\u03c5ove\u00b0\u2022\u2218\u2729",
"description": "\u2640 \u26a4 ||\ud83d\udc27|| Lo \u03c1\u1971\u027e\u2cfdo\u1952\u1972\ua646 \u1971\u2cfd \u03c1o\ua646\u0269\u0301t\u0269\u1974o || apparently I should come with a hazard warning || Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist || FEBFem (\u207f\u1d52\u1d57 \u1d60\u1d58\u1d49\u1d49\u02b3) || ESP/ENG",
"location": "#ChileResiste\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf1 #SuperHoech "
"id": 31558978,
"screen_name": "pisthlthinswrkr",
"name": "FuriousHlthInsWrkr",
"description": "\ud83e\udd85Christian \u271d\ufe0f,#standwith\u2721\ufe0f #Conservative, Bama Fan, #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #GreatDanes \ud83d\udc15 #WAR #inmatelivesmatter.",
"location": ""
"id": 31579226,
"screen_name": "Vhalen67",
"name": "VaughnVhalen",
"description": "This is the war of lightvsdarkness. Never walk away from home without axe \u0026 sword. You can't feel a battle in your bones or foresee a fight.#MAGA #KAG2020",
"location": "Portland Oregon"
"id": 31580633,
"screen_name": "Pattikke",
"name": "Patti \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I am a mom and grandmother, Religious Scientist (not Scientology), member of SFV Tea Party Patriots. Sarah Palin supporter \u0026 fan of Outlander book series. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 31585002,
"screen_name": "Night_Rider2014",
"name": "\u2694The Mighty Night\u2694",
"description": "We are ALL American citizens. \"When you open your heart to patriotism there is no room for prejudice.\" ...#DonaldTrump #MAGA #TRUMP \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 31598514,
"screen_name": "steelcurtaingal",
"name": "Felice Perry Pete",
"description": "Jesus is Lord. [r]epublican not the big R. Wife,mother and nurse anesthetist. Believes all lives matter, Let's save the unborn. The Truth= Freedom\u0026Liberty",
"location": "Raleigh, NC"
"id": 31603906,
"screen_name": "TromanMn",
"name": "FJB_TRoman",
"description": "30+ yr Dem \ud83d\udc4e #Walkaway \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #DrainTheDCswamp \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SaveAmericaFromTyranny \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 * Locked Accts/DMs/Sellers = Blocked * \ud83e\udde1 M.S. Sucks \ud83e\udde1",
"location": "Minnesota"
"id": 31659950,
"screen_name": "HeavenCanW8t",
"name": "GOD BLESS THE USA \u2694\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2694\ufe0f",
"description": "Songwriter. I support our veterans, MWD's, POW, MIA. I seek the truth and live my life with integrity \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #shadowbanned #AmericaFirst #TrumpWon",
"location": "U.S.A."
"id": 31660933,
"screen_name": "paburdette",
"name": "Lessco Brandon",
"description": "Intolerant of \u2744\ufe0f\u2018s #Conservative in #MiddleAmerica. Don\u2019t care about race, religion, sexuality, etc. I care about our #Constitution. #BoomerSooner #MAGA",
"location": "Planet GzBrt (pronounced irth)"
"id": 31721547,
"screen_name": "SunBadger",
"name": "Badger Fuller",
"description": "Reaganite conservative values farmer Soldier father husband #MAGA #molonlabe #Army pronouns: Kahn, His Honor, Magnificence I identify as a Diety \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "NH"
"id": 31792121,
"screen_name": "erico18",
"name": "President Elect Erico",
"description": "I love the USA! Its the greatest country in the world! All Lives Matter! I only kneel to God and my wife!",
"location": "Brownstown, MI"
"id": 31855283,
"screen_name": "sean7866002",
"name": "Sean_e_boy1",
"description": "Went from #Resist to #Trump2020. I used to love Chiefs, Royals, and Jayhawks..then woke happened.",
"location": "Lee's Summit, MO"
"id": 31960610,
"screen_name": "dpoole1957",
"name": "Donna/Conservative Patriot",
"description": "Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 TRUMP2024 \ud83d\udeabDMS/Happily Married/MawMaw to 4 amazing grandchildren/#LetsGoBrandon",
"location": ""
"id": 32138442,
"screen_name": "52York",
"name": "Rita McConnell",
"description": "God, family, country. Mom of two beautiful girls. Lucky wife of an amazing man. Proud Catholic. Dog lover. #Prolife #westie",
"location": "Pennsylvania, USA"
"id": 32235720,
"screen_name": "bettyboop7499",
"name": "SensibleFeminist",
"description": "#Christ Follower \u2764\ufe0fhubby,\ud83d\udc992Boys,baby girl-Choc Lab, #MAGA, Nationalist, Parler-SensibleFminist@Bettyboop7499 DREAM:Huge ranch w/horses \u0026 adopt many^ kids",
"location": "WHEREVER MY \u2764\ufe0fIS! "
"id": 32273871,
"screen_name": "goodinthewood",
"name": "washyourhands",
"description": "Pet lover,Trump supporter!! #MAGA #TRUMP, salty, President elect",
"location": ""
"id": 32274248,
"screen_name": "average_joeg57",
"name": "\ud83c\udf9a Joeg \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\uddfd",
"description": "Texas Tech Red Raiders Fan for Life \ud83d\udc46| Houston Texans |@realdonaldtrump is blocked permanently; #BidenHarris2020Landslide #Trump #Tre45son",
"location": "Tumbleweeds, USA; West Texas"
"id": 32280889,
"screen_name": "tigertail65",
"name": "\ud83d\udc3eNancy\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Country girl \u0026 C-Store Renegade: loves cats, LEO's, K9's, NASCAR #9ChaseElliott, KC Chiefs #ChiefsKingdom, #BlueLivesMatter #BluePawsMatter $tigertail2000",
"location": "Jacksonville, NC"
"id": 32284292,
"screen_name": "MissGoodFella",
"name": "Mrs.GoodFella",
"description": "Now go home and get your fu*kin shinebox #MAGA #KAG #Wall Trump was right about everything \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "In High Limits"
"id": 32318544,
"screen_name": "welldaisy",
"name": "\ud83e\udd37\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "Radical feminist \u2022 gender abolitionist \u2022 perpetually sleepy \u2022 mother of brachycephalic dogs",
"location": ""
"id": 32332528,
"screen_name": "TheDonVincenzo",
"name": "Vincent A. Strangis",
"description": "Blessed with the best wife \u0026 kids. Grateful for the ministry of Victory Outreach. Mindful of my salvation \u0026 HIS sheer Grace \u0026 Mercy. #Trump2024 #KAG \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd19\ud83c\udffd",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 32340059,
"screen_name": "Eugenio69",
"name": "Guardian of the Innocent",
"description": "Don\u2019t be nasty. \u261d\ufe0fLive and let Live. \u2763\ufe0fProtect the innocent.\u2763\ufe0fTreat others, like you want to be Treated. #MAGA \u26a0\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf9 \ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf7",
"location": ""
"id": 32352896,
"screen_name": "CaptSara",
"name": "Capt. Sara Patriot",
"description": "The Lord\u2019s Navy Vet Vietnam Era.USS Tusk USCG Merchant Marine Officer.Pronouns are #LetsGoBrandon \u0026 #LetsGoBrandon #MAGA #Hooyah",
"location": "Free State of Florida"
"id": 32356195,
"screen_name": "chrislee12345",
"name": "\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9b\ud83e\udd0d Chris Lee (3,3)(\ud83c\udfa9,\ud83c\udfa9)\ud83d\udcaa",
"description": "Leeds United, Leeds Rhinos. Cleck born \u2018n\u2019 bred. Pure blooded",
"location": "UK"
"id": 32376236,
"screen_name": "meb141",
"name": "Margaret E Bruce",
"description": "Hey!! I'm Margaret - I'm a retired Artist living in Troon... I have 2 fantastic grown up children - and I'm loving life at the moment! ;-D",
"location": "Troon, Scotland"
"id": 32382771,
"screen_name": "jrevelotis",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8American Momma",
"description": "God. Family. Country. No DM. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "USA"
"id": 32394815,
"screen_name": "passportt",
"name": "Passportt",
"description": "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Trump Won. Covid Zombie. Dems are delusional. Please no weird private messages. Patriotic love my Flag. Love my Country. Respect law.",
"location": "WASHINGTON"
"id": 32400683,
"screen_name": "thecharleschall",
"name": "Charles Hall",
"description": "Supporting Trump by exposing Dems, Libs, Establishment, Media \u0026 Press who tell us not to believe what we see clearly. #MAGA.",
"location": "Baton Rouge, LA"
"id": 32411566,
"screen_name": "CatLadyNTexas",
"name": "Da Vega's",
"description": "Conservative. Christian. America first. Pro-life and pro cats. TNR works. Love Texas! Adopt don't shop \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 32412717,
"screen_name": "loves2bmom5",
"name": "Jennifer Olson",
"description": "wife. mom. Mimi. Christian. conservative. pro-life.",
"location": "Wisconsin, USA"
"id": 32413360,
"screen_name": "WhipRealer",
"name": "Whip Realer",
"description": "Coach. Youth Leader. Bible Teacher. American. Proud Patriot. Southern Born. #MAGA. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TRUMPWON\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#PatriotsUnited",
"location": "Lancaster, SC"
"id": 32417603,
"screen_name": "Lockeandkey88",
"name": "Locke and Key \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "MAGA conservative. Jesus is my Savior\nTrump 2024 On Gab \ud83d\udfe2 and Gettr \ud83d\udd25",
"location": ""
"id": 32419102,
"screen_name": "Martink303",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Mr Knox of the North\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Northerner and proud of it, absolute geek, history buff. Thoughts are my own @GBNEWS",
"location": "Great Britain"
"id": 32419127,
"screen_name": "joecaradine",
"name": "Socially Distant",
"description": "Let's Go, Brandon! #SupportTheMilitary #FirstResponders #AllLivesMatter #BacktheBlue #RollTide #DeSantis2024",
"location": "Nashville"
"id": 32419964,
"screen_name": "Cunning13",
"name": "Freedom\u2019s Calling",
"description": "Wife, Mother, Veterinary Professional, Patriot. Love my Country. Love my President. #MAGA #VoteTrump #Womenfortrump #freeassange",
"location": ""
"id": 32423076,
"screen_name": "southerngal56",
"name": "Southern Gal",
"description": "A follower of Jesus Christ.\ud83d\udd46 Prolife, \ud83d\udc96 America, #GodBlessAmerica, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#InGodWeTrust, #MAGA\nBlock negative, stupid, and vulgar!",
"location": ""
"id": 32426901,
"screen_name": "kholiday60",
"name": "KaHoBa",
"description": "Widow of a disabled Marine Veteran. Mother of a disabled Marine Veteran. Believes in truth, liberty, the pursuit of Happiness AND our COUNTRY! #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 32458906,
"screen_name": "sablomenkamp",
"name": "Wide Awake",
"description": "#ArticleV #MAGA #KAG #CCOT #DEPLORABLE #DrainTheSwamp #PATRIOT #2A #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #CCW #Sic_Semper_Tyrannis #9thand10th_Amendments_Rule #Conventionofstates",
"location": ""
"id": 32472467,
"screen_name": "shellancey",
"name": "Shelly Larche",
"description": "Patriot, Veteran, #maga #trump2020",
"location": "Sioux City, Iowa"
"id": 32486554,
"screen_name": "DJSKARAOKE99",
"description": "NO DM\u2019s or you will be blocked. Love westerns. Big @Christiankane01 fan. \ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7 #MAGA #TRUMP #DeSantis #LeverageRedemption @RealDeanCane fan",
"location": "Tallahassee, FL"
"id": 32499182,
"screen_name": "fofgofx",
"name": "Jewel.Eyed.Judy",
"description": "Adult Human Female",
"location": "Flyover Bluedot Red Sea"
"id": 32501767,
"screen_name": "TeamBigBri",
"name": "BigBri",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2721\ufe0f#MAGA",
"location": "Beverly Hills, CA"
"id": 32510569,
"screen_name": "thunderbird233",
"name": "Art",
"description": "America First",
"location": ""
"id": 32530423,
"screen_name": "bubbleeyed",
"name": "Suzanne. AOC is a LIAR\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "PROUD #Trump2016 supporter. ALL ABOARD! HA HA HA!!!! #TrumpTrain OUR next POTUS Donald J. Trump! proud BOOMER",
"location": ""
"id": 32531047,
"screen_name": "kris10ryan54",
"name": "Kristin Ryan",
"description": "AmericA FIRST, Patriotism, God, Family, Truth, Accountability, Free Speech \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 32550386,
"screen_name": "Princessgen2917",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Princess Rachel\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd",
"description": "Wife, Mother. Teacher .Faith .God. Family. Country. City Girl in the Country Life. I know things \ud83e\udd2b #CONSERVATIVE #PATRIOT #PROLIFE",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 32552566,
"screen_name": "TheRealLindy",
"name": "In the background",
"description": "On the edge of sanity. Q is a public health emergency. Pro-Healthcare for all, pro jail for Trump and all his little friends.",
"location": "Somewhere nearby."
"id": 32579252,
"screen_name": "Tac55",
"name": "Gidget's Mom",
"description": "MAGA~#BuildtheWall~NRA~#BlueLivesMatter. TRUMP from DAY 1!",
"location": ""
"id": 32585988,
"screen_name": "andycnorman",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 andy Normann",
"description": "Pro brexit..Anti knee... . Anti left..Pro Royals...Anti woke..blocked by James O'Brien.... Adil Ray...\u2764\ufe0f#GBNews",
"location": " norfolk, uk"
"id": 32590246,
"screen_name": "bbenede",
"name": "Bill Benedetto",
"description": "No Problem Has Ever Been Solved By Creating More Government. ~ ProLife \u0026 Doing What I Can To Protect The Constitution And Preserve The Republic.",
"location": ""
"id": 32596485,
"screen_name": "eytrujillo",
"name": "Emily Trujillo 6%",
"description": "NO DMs! The Lord is always first in my life. Wife, mother and doTERRA Essential oil junkie! #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "\u00dcT: 37.270271,-93.113385"
"id": 32605499,
"screen_name": "LuckyPenni22",
"name": "Penni",
"description": "Happily married Christian and Proud Trump supporter! AMERICA FIRST! No DMs please!",
"location": ""
"id": 32631735,
"screen_name": "muffypih",
"name": "SandyG",
"description": "NO DMS, #WalkAway, Passionate ProLife/Military/Secure Borders/School Choice, #MAGA",
"location": "United States"
"id": 32633437,
"screen_name": "kristalladybug",
"name": "Kristal\ud83d\udc1eIT\ud83d\udca5AIN'T\ud83d\udca5OVER!\u2764TRUMPWON2020!!\ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f",
"description": "My favorite things n life are my fam, music\ud83c\udfb6\u0026Rob Thomas (other than my 2 beautiful children!) Supporter of Trump \u0026 I stand with him and Scott Baio! \ud83d\udc18\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "TEXAS/NO BS DM'S!"
"id": 32642412,
"screen_name": "SoftSable",
"name": "LynetteMohr",
"description": "Conservative Navy Vet, Term Limits, Recovering atheist, black lives don\u2019t matter to PP, #Trump2024 #basturdbiden #fortysux",
"location": "United States of America"
"id": 32676870,
"screen_name": "DGirlinTX",
"name": "Donna",
"description": "Lover of the Lord, my family, my country, #2A, #AmericaFirst, #Israel...!!! --Believer of #TANSTAAFL \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "\u2b50\ufe0fTexas, Y'all! \u2b50\ufe0f"
"id": 32683003,
"screen_name": "JLarey83",
"name": "Let\u2019s Go Brandon!",
"description": "Ardent Patriot. Conservative. Pro 2A. Pro 1A. Anti radical-left. Keep our borders safe. End Socialism. Individual freedom. America First! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Tampa, FL"
"id": 32685036,
"screen_name": "Jimwag69",
"name": "Jim",
"description": "Make America great again Trump @Covfefe fan! @StableGenius Man of mystery \u0026 Master of social distancing.",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 32698102,
"screen_name": "bellaitalia888",
"name": "Nadia",
"description": "Christian, Conservative \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA Mom, Hairstylist, Current College student #MCC #GCU",
"location": ""
"id": 32721135,
"screen_name": "lukeramone",
"name": "Luke Ramone",
"description": "Prominent, revered, Independent, #ProLife, Israel, Grant/Lincoln fan, Pork-free, #VaccinesSaveLives, Pro-#DACA #ACB #FreeAliAlNimr\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "USA"
"id": 32757599,
"screen_name": "fixedforlicks",
"name": "Jayne Wattie",
"description": "Gender critical,born female, radical feminist, ally to lesbians, gays and trans, one love, NO bullshit!",
"location": ""
"id": 32796356,
"screen_name": "ManicOlive",
"name": "Michelle \ud83e\uded2\ud83c\udf78\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "\u2661 Mother \u2661 Adult Human Female \u2661 #superstraight \u2661 No. #NoThankYou\n#IStandWithJKRowling I need a martini.",
"location": "Reality "
"id": 32812995,
"screen_name": "PAPatriotChris",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Chris \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Career Firefighter \u0026 American Patriot! Happily Married! #2A #MAGA",
"location": "Pennsylvania "
"id": 32847380,
"screen_name": "NotfakenewsMiss",
"name": "Hypocrite free zone \ud83d\udc87\ud83d\udc8b",
"description": "If you are green and eat animals,you are not green. You are full of shit.The carbon tax can't save the world.Only ending Intensive farming \u0026 killing.\n#MAGA2024",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 32891359,
"screen_name": "proudpatriot57",
"name": "Hope",
"description": "Conservative,believe in my country \u0026 salute it's heroes! Patriot! Honor the Constitution! #Trump2020 Parler @VickiUSA",
"location": ""
"id": 32957044,
"screen_name": "nesweeney",
"name": "Misty Nan",
"description": "MAGA all the way everyday. KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FaceBookisevil #BuildTheWallAndCrimeWillFall",
"location": "USA"
"id": 32976647,
"screen_name": "FredaJones666",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95 Freda \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Rights Hoarding Dinosaur.",
"location": "South Coast Of England"
"id": 32985717,
"screen_name": "cfeike",
"name": "CFeike",
"description": "#MAGA, #KeepAmericaGreat, \u201cOne day many will hang their heads in shame, when they realize the evil they defended, and the heroes they ridiculed.\u201d",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 32990089,
"screen_name": "RascalKingKami",
"name": "The Rascal King",
"description": "In the midnight hour, she cried \"More! More! More!\" With a rebel yell, she cried \"More! More! More!\" Gab: @MyFartsKillPlantlife",
"location": "Kekistan"
"id": 33043283,
"screen_name": "slugsurmamates",
"name": "alan bowker",
"description": "Enemy of Cultural Marxism, Feminism, NWO, EU, UN etc.",
"location": ""
"id": 33073764,
"screen_name": "SidneyVoorhees",
"name": "Angelica \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 33091632,
"screen_name": "exsailor62",
"name": "Sam Barrett (Gettr - @exsailor, Gab - @Cpasam)",
"description": "U.S. Navy(Mustang), Retired, Vietnam Vet., CPA, CIA CFE. Fiscal Conservative- constitution originalist, fair elections \u0026 govt. accountability #MAGA #tamucc",
"location": "Conroe, TX"
"id": 33104250,
"screen_name": "desiraenp79",
"name": "desirae n hoyle",
"description": "Conservative mom of four !! Trump 2020 !! Pro-God Pro-Gun Pro-Life Pro-trump !!!!",
"location": "Charlotte, NC"
"id": 33117548,
"screen_name": "RPollardRealtor",
"name": "Richard Pollard",
"description": "Follower of Christ, Husband, Father (Girl Dad), Proud American Patriot, Supporter of the Constitution, America First, MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, Braves \u0026 Dawg Fan.",
"location": "Columbia, SC"
"id": 33175037,
"screen_name": "Jayne1115",
"name": "Jayne Magdalena",
"description": "Wife, mom, friend, accountant, wannabe musician, and daughter of the King. ISFJ. #ProLife #Catholic #CatholicTwitter #Yankees",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 33199105,
"screen_name": "RadioFarrell",
"name": "Alex Farrell",
"description": "Exec Producer @GBnews (former @talkRADIO) Managing Director @RadioTamworth \u0026 MD @EnactAcademy @TamworthPanto",
"location": "Tamworth, England"
"id": 33249823,
"screen_name": "astroannabelle",
"name": "ann fountain",
"description": "#ThankfulBelieverSavedByGrace #Over50 #HappilyMarriedToMyHero #MomTo6TerrificAdults #NanaTo3ThiefofHearts1Grandboy2Grandgirls #PROLIFE #HoustonAstrosYES!!",
"id": 33280581,
"screen_name": "obianuju",
"name": "Obianuju Ekeocha",
"description": "I'm passionately pro-life,pro-woman,pro-family,pro-marriage\ud83e\udd35\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc70\ud83c\udffd\u0026 pro-Africa!So iSpeak,iAdvocate,iWrote #TargetAfrica,iFounded @COLAfrica \u0026yes iBlock trolls",
"location": "Africa-Europe-America "
"id": 33284171,
"screen_name": "conky421",
"name": "jimmi",
"description": "TRUMP 2020 #islanders \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea #isles",
"location": ""
"id": 33300817,
"screen_name": "jeanwood",
"name": "JeanWood",
"description": "Trump 2020 MAGA Patriot Member of #TheMighty200+PatriotsInTune.",
"location": "Dock Junction, GA"
"id": 33306157,
"screen_name": "plineytheelder",
"name": "colleen \ud83d\udde3",
"description": "Catholic, conservative in CA, loves America; will fight for our rights \u0026 protection\u0026 the sovereignty of America. CONSTITUTION#MAGA. Followers have been deleted",
"location": "Orange County, California"
"id": 33310170,
"screen_name": "TheBridportTwo",
"name": "ThoughtsAreMyOwn",
"description": "Angry woman; you know, the adult human female kind\nMY consent is not within YOUR gift",
"location": "Bridport, England"
"id": 33337265,
"screen_name": "Maureclaire",
"name": "Maure Briggs",
"description": "Artist, activist, Communist, INFP, ADHD, vegan, GC Feminist, vaxxed, atheist, Mom, Grandmother \u0026 Great-Grandmother; and, my freakin' pronouns should be obvious.",
"location": "Vernon, CT"
"id": 33385222,
"screen_name": "23JAM_23",
"name": "Jeff \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Trump won Trump Wins Trump will win again Followed by @cvpayne @ASoftstar @realminiAOC @realmattcouch @stclairashley Sports, Humor \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA! IFB @JeffMe PARLOR",
"location": "Boston, MA"
"id": 33389504,
"screen_name": "ednshar",
"name": "Sharon Konechny",
"description": "Canadian, Manitoban, former Conservative, extremely dissatisfied with a Socialist/Marxist/Progressive Trudeau federal government and the CPC's. #PPC, #MAGA",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 33456869,
"screen_name": "mdc_1",
"name": "MDinosaurC",
"description": "I don't believe in Gender! I am a GA (Gender Atheist) Worthy of Respect in a democratic society \ud83d\ude09",
"location": ""
"id": 33486676,
"screen_name": "mgelis",
"name": "Matthew Gelis",
"description": "pro-life, patriotic, proud supporter of President Trump #Chump4Trump",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 33486944,
"screen_name": "Joncreid",
"name": "\ud83e\udd85 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Everybody knows he won Trump2020Landslide",
"location": "Communist England \ud83e\udd2e"
"id": 33576442,
"screen_name": "gdh222",
"name": "\u2668\ufe0fTacticalGMan\u2668\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Registered Securities Principal and Constitutional Conservative, dog-lovin, \ud83d\udcafgun nut. #MAGA, #glock, #1911, #NRA",
"location": "Orange, CA"
"id": 33577278,
"screen_name": "mikerhartley",
"name": "Michael Hartley",
"description": "#Crowe #CPA #auditquality #butlerufootball #gratefuldead #SKOBUFFS #Trump #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Views are my own. \u26f3\ufe0f\ud83c\udfcc\ufe0f\u200d",
"location": "St. Charles IL"
"id": 33597746,
"screen_name": "Troup1998",
"name": "Michael Emmons\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Brandon",
"description": "My HouseTestimony No American should have to TRAIN Foreign Replacements #MAGA @Parler_app @Troup\nJoin",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 33642243,
"screen_name": "juzjaz2",
"name": "\u2694\ufe0f\ud83d\udee1\ufe0f\ud83e\ude78 \ud835\udd0f\ud835\udd1e\ud835\udd24\ud835\udd22\ud835\udd2f\ud835\udd31\ud835\udd25\ud835\udd1e \ud83e\ude78\ud83d\udee1\ufe0f\u2694\ufe0f",
"description": "A true Queen does not need a King- All Art fills the Soul- American 1563, Scot, Dane, English - Mom to a LEO\ud83d\udc6e #BacktheBLUE #1A #2A #IFBAP #MAGA #TrumpWon!",
"location": "The high seas "
"id": 33646624,
"screen_name": "LostCandid8",
"name": "LostCandid8",
"description": "Fanatic fan of The OA, sacred geometry artist, free spirit, queen of curly haired girls, gender-critical feminist",
"location": "USA"
"id": 33653110,
"screen_name": "Druinwalf",
"name": "John Tessier",
"description": "Cold War era veteran. Former member 287th MP co. Berlin Brigade. Witness to President Reagans \u201cTear down this Wall\u201d speech. #Maga2020",
"location": "United States"
"id": 33733664,
"screen_name": "nscrgrl20",
"name": "Trump Won! Debbie Hamilton",
"description": "#MAGA #TRUMPWON Fl. 100% #Trumplican Follow back 100% , followed by the best!",
"location": "Tampa, Florida"
"id": 33775386,
"screen_name": "sapir295",
"name": "Kelly",
"description": "Sexy Liberal #BidenHarris2020. #NoThankYou",
"location": "Manhattan"
"id": 33811812,
"screen_name": "betseyross",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8SmirkingDeplorable \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Runs w/scissors\u2764\ufe0fGod \u26ea\ufe0fFamily \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85America \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump \ud83d\ude82#Trump2020Landslide only if our legal votes out# D\u2019s illegal votes. #FightBack Follow @LLinWood",
"location": "A Line in The Sand"
"id": 33815054,
"screen_name": "CindyMellinger",
"name": "Cynthia Mellinger",
"description": "Christian, Conservative Texan, Support US Constitution #originalist #limited government #capitalism #individual rights #strong military #2A #MAGA No DMs",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 33849798,
"screen_name": "brettoz2000",
"name": "\ud83d\udca7\ud83d\udc38 kero \u27a1\ufe0f\ud83e\udd26\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\udf08\u2721\ufe0f @parler @Gab",
"description": "est1788 Pauline Hanson member Trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 LePen\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7 milo Geert\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf1 Katie Tommy\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 NO sharia law No apartheid in Oz/SA white genocide 2genders",
"location": "Manhattan, NY"
"id": 33860243,
"screen_name": "Jaimeesue",
"name": "Donna M",
"description": "Christian/Conservative.#MAGA #Constitution #Trump2020 #BuildTheWall #BanSharia #BlueLivesMatter #AmericaFirst \ud83d\udeabDM",
"location": "USA"
"id": 33874088,
"screen_name": "Pierrot53",
"name": "Pierrot had both shot",
"description": "Master Jedi Nerd level\nTrans-actionnal\nProud grandfather of one girl, with a boy coming up",
"location": "Montr\u00e9al"
"id": 33886863,
"screen_name": "stauche53",
"name": "Off the Schneid",
"description": "#Conservative #Freedom #MAGA #TermLimitations #StopTheCorruption #NeverGiveUp #Neanderthal",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 33903160,
"screen_name": "stueyken",
"name": "Stuart 'Let's go Brandon!'",
"description": "They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say 'Shit, it's raining!' Right wing and pro life.",
"location": "North East England"
"id": 33905880,
"screen_name": "neesietweets",
"name": "Neesie \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Christian \u271d\ufe0f #ProLife \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Gab: Neesie@Neesiegabs \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "America\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 33925189,
"screen_name": "mistahgarcia",
"name": "Garcia",
"description": "America First, slysloth.crypto",
"location": "San Diego, CA"
"id": 33947838,
"screen_name": "cottongirl45",
"name": "Texas Momma",
"description": "single mom, 2 amazing kids, Sped teacher, #trump2024 #conservative \u0026 no DMs",
"location": "Lubbock, Texas"
"id": 33953022,
"screen_name": "hojoismyname",
"name": "Hodd",
"description": "Farmer. Conservative Constitutionalist. A Christian that supports Israel. In a loving relationship. No DM. #MAGA #KAG #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 33960276,
"screen_name": "stacycorr",
"name": "Saved by Jesus",
"description": "NO DM'S!! Jesus is my KING \ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\udc95 TRUMP won\ud83c\udf89 SAVE THE CHILDREN \ud83d\ude4f GOD WINS!\ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\udc95",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 33991627,
"screen_name": "pjones150158",
"name": "peter \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Leaver, Pro Trump, Anti Corbyn, Anti Clinton \u0026 Obama, Anti Khan",
"location": "Redcar"
"id": 34019825,
"screen_name": "brittanybethusa",
"name": "Brittany",
"description": "\u271e Faith. Family. Freedom. \ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc96 #MAGA #Trump2020 #AmericaFirst #SaveAmerica\nIn God We Trust \u271d\ufe0f\nJohn 3:16-17 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc",
"location": "God Bless the USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 34033738,
"screen_name": "Tom_Zavresa",
"name": "Tom Z",
"description": "A husband, dad, pro life conservative, NY Giant fan, laughs at his own jokes and himself, a private citizen that receives fan mail, and an advertising guru.",
"location": "York, PA"
"id": 34037166,
"screen_name": "blue_skies554",
"name": "Mel",
"description": "#patriotsunite\nTrump won\nKeep Texas red\nLet me answer your DM questions here: I'm great today! I'm happily married. I don't want to buy your coins.",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 34080729,
"screen_name": "ECHOVOICES",
"name": "ECHO\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8REBEL WITH A CAUSE\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "GOD TRUMP2020 PATRIOT MAGA KAG NRA \ud83d\udeabDACA \ud83d\udeabAMNESTY BTW DTS TermLimits USA CONSERVATIVE Married to a",
"location": "Texas, USA\ud83d\udeabNo Dates\ud83d\udca5ENGLISH "
"id": 34119879,
"screen_name": "Vinithian",
"name": "RedEyedVinithian",
"description": "Gamer, Entertainer, Meti-Canadian , Video Game Support, Super Straight.",
"location": ""
"id": 34124729,
"screen_name": "nigerski",
"name": "Nigerski",
"description": "100% Pure Patriot, Pro-Trump, Pro-America, Pro-legal immigration, Anti-PC \u0026 I want the Wall ASAP. As in NOW #MAGA #WalkAway #BuildTheWall\n#VoteRedToSaveAmerica",
"location": "Nebraska, USA"
"id": 34181213,
"screen_name": "JulesR_N",
"name": "Julie",
"description": "I am a wife, mom, Christian and Republican. I \u2764\ufe0f Trump! #MAGA",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 34204169,
"screen_name": "Julia_NC_910",
"name": "Julia_NC_910 \u2b50\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2b50\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2b50",
"description": "NC born and raised. #AGTG #MAGA #SaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f I support \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "North Carolina"
"id": 34219057,
"screen_name": "rjdearinger",
"name": "RJ Dearinger",
"description": "TRUMP 2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Austin, TX"
"id": 34220819,
"screen_name": "ryanward87",
"name": "Ryan Ward \u274c",
"description": "Your pal, no matter your politics\u270c\ufe0f(but\u2026#MAGA)\u2014Film Grad(Bachelors)\u2014Photog\u2014Writer\u2014Musician\u2014Editor\u2014BestKnownFor\u2026\u201detc\u201d\ud83d\udcbb\u260e\ufe0f\ud83d\udc7b\ud83d\udcdd\u2014#Shadowbanned for wrongthink\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f",
"location": "FL"
"id": 34237904,
"screen_name": "2manyblondes",
"name": "Samantha Face",
"description": "Elder Millennial. #womenwontwheesht",
"location": "Ginger Limbo"
"id": 34251471,
"screen_name": "planeengineer",
"name": "planeengineer",
"description": "Conservative; Christian; believer in God, family, country! Made in the USA. Island life!, #MAGA, #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 34298239,
"screen_name": "ouactam",
"name": "Mama Against CRT",
"description": "Small Business owner. #Homeschool #FireFauci #Maga",
"location": ""
"id": 34308113,
"screen_name": "CaptainT5",
"name": "Archie Turnbull",
"description": "Brexiteer, anti lockdown, anti woke, white van man. ITFC. No DMs. #GBNews #talkRADIO\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Alnwick, Northumberland"
"id": 34371410,
"screen_name": "mcrownover",
"name": "The Voice of Reason",
"description": "Proud Boomer #Trump2020\n#Maga2020\n#Parler\n#Twitexit",
"location": "Raleigh, NC"
"id": 34396209,
"screen_name": "TwizzlerGirl",
"name": "Dr. Deplorable Belinda @CodeOfVets #BacktheBlue",
"description": "Small business owner, proud \u0026 everlasting supporter of the greatest POTUS of my lifetime, @realDonaldTrump. follow back all MAGA. #redwings",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 34409085,
"screen_name": "_andreimuntean",
"name": "Andrei",
"description": "Software Engineer. Chromosomes XY.",
"location": "London, UK"
"id": 34415202,
"screen_name": "beautyanthefeet",
"name": "Debbie Blackman",
"description": "America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Prescott, AZ"
"id": 34418531,
"screen_name": "Ant628",
"name": "liberalism is a curable disease",
"description": "Love America. hate what politicians have done to it. conservative. #MAGA #TRUMPTRAIN #NODACA #PACKYOURSTUFF",
"location": ""
"id": 34428229,
"screen_name": "kagpatriot2020",
"name": "The KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8PATRIOT",
"description": "#AMERICAFIRST ! \u2764 #TRUMP \u2b50 #MAGA #KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #2A Followed by Hannity, James Woods, etc. More importantly, I'm joined with THE most amazing group of Patriots!!\u2764",
"location": ""
"id": 34431176,
"screen_name": "jenfleros",
"name": "Jen",
"description": "Blessed Mother of 2, 100 % Trump Supporter! #2A #Trump2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#ProLife #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FullDisclosure",
"location": "Missouri, USA"
"id": 34441027,
"screen_name": "bmccown",
"name": "AwakeNotWoke\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Let\u2019s Go Brandon!",
"description": "\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffbWife\u2764\ufe0f, Mom\u2764\ufe0f, Conservative, Proud Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, #MAGA, #Trump2024, #BackTheBlue",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 34446688,
"screen_name": "sussuza2",
"name": "Suzanne -\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA #Trump2024",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 34531911,
"screen_name": "corapeake",
"name": "JT",
"description": "10th gen Farmer, Engineer, EIT, Firefigher FFII; Asst.Chief, Hunter Ed Instructor, NRA Life, Methodist, Conservative, Unaffiliated #MAGA #2Aprotects1A #GOPACK",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 34546959,
"screen_name": "Rastor77",
"name": "John",
"description": "Traditional Family Values, Pro Life, conservative",
"location": ""
"id": 34572982,
"screen_name": "melaniarf",
"name": "melania rodriguez",
"description": "Utilizo esta red solo para informaci\u00f3n period\u00edstica, feminista y pol\u00edtica. Radfem",
"location": "valencia, espa\u00f1a"
"id": 34633253,
"screen_name": "57student",
"name": "Katherine",
"location": "Wisconsin, USA"
"id": 34656718,
"screen_name": "DearProgeny",
"name": "Too Much Sugar in Your Coffee",
"description": "Pro-life feminist conservative, in love w/same hot guy for 35+, parent of pediatric cancer survivor, 10th child, hockey \u0026 geek mom.",
"location": ""
"id": 34663375,
"screen_name": "peachstatebaby",
"name": "SlighlyOffensive",
"description": "\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2665\ufe0f\ud83d\udc31\ud83e\udddc\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc18\u2649\ufe0f\ud83d\udc84\ud83c\udf55 #MAGA #KAG #BlackAmericansBeforeillegals #RollTide #AmericaFirst #TrumpGirl #ProFreedom #AllLivesMatter #ProChoice No MAGA= No Follow",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 34665063,
"screen_name": "MSGrits1155",
"name": "GRITS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcafMAGA TRUMP",
"description": "Girl Raised in The South. #Christian, #Conservative, #2A, #ProLife, #BuildTheWall, #ProIsrael, #USAF Veteran\u2019s wife. #GoVols, #Trump2020",
"location": "USA"
"id": 34672304,
"screen_name": "runurage10K",
"name": "FJB",
"description": " Equal Opportunity Offender",
"location": "Colorado Springs"
"id": 34691612,
"screen_name": "rhondaveit",
"name": "Rhonda Veit",
"description": "Constitutional conservative (AKA proud Tea Partier), farm wife, Havanese dog lover, 2-A , CCW, RV-er #MAGA...Again",
"location": "Flyover Country, Illinois"
"id": 34740553,
"screen_name": "paddyheyward",
"name": "paddy heyward \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 34777153,
"screen_name": "chris30542",
"name": "Mostly Peaceful Patriot",
"description": "Loyal American Patriot #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SupportOurTroops \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Veterans \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #1A #2A \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FightBack \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #DrainTheSwamp \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 34789073,
"screen_name": "eliz850",
"name": "Ann",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f #MAGA #GoTrump #draintheswamp",
"location": ""
"id": 34793005,
"screen_name": "gold_digger49",
"name": "Dani",
"description": "Take the Red Pill \ud83c\udf39 I \u2764\ufe0f my God, my family, my SF 49ers and our Great Constitution...\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump2020",
"location": "AZ"
"id": 34813109,
"screen_name": "kimmiintx",
"name": "kimmitx #MAGA#USA#Americafirst#Resist#",
"description": "loving mom proud deplorable christian values I am a Trump supporter but a free thinking individual..MAGA....Proud Texan and will stand up for America forever",
"location": "USA"
"id": 34836283,
"screen_name": "DANKBEANS",
"name": "Loki Anthony \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Latino Florida resident,raised in Los Angeles #LatinosForTrump Vet of the Great MEME War 2 #KAG #Stonks #Doge #DogeCoin #NeverForgetOrlando",
"location": "Indian Rocks Beach, FL"
"id": 34878542,
"screen_name": "Earthling_44",
"name": "Female Earthling 3.5% \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Human being from planet earth. Of the biological sex that gestates and bears offspring. Bollocks to Brexit. #GenderFree",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 34920927,
"screen_name": "scottyk1",
"name": "Scott Kemper",
"description": "I love America! America First!! Piano. Keyboards. Whammy Clav. Guitar. Vocals.",
"location": "Indianapolis"
"id": 34952890,
"screen_name": "wigglebabe15112",
"name": "rebbautista",
"description": "Catholic. Pro Life. Conservative. Elvis fan. Movie buff. Special needs. Soap opera fan. Sports fanatic. TV fanatic. Trekkie.\ud83d\udd96\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 #autism #deaf #trekkie",
"location": "Toronto, Ontario"
"id": 34972385,
"screen_name": "furerlise",
"name": "Echo Bravo",
"description": "~Nationalist~Anti-Feminist~Anti-Communist~White Preservation~No White Guilt",
"location": "Texas USA"
"id": 34974808,
"screen_name": "Wsswendy",
"name": "Wuhan Wendy parler @wsswendy",
"description": "Just a suburban mom, wife, daughter, sister\n#MAGA",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 34975388,
"screen_name": "wildwood62",
"name": "Don't Call Me Cis \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Cis Off! #SexMatters. Sex not Gender. \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": ""
"id": 34983817,
"screen_name": "gixxers",
"name": "she redden",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8America\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2President Trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2Blue Lives Matter\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ua59b\ud835\udcdc\u0391\u0262\u0391",
"location": "\ud835\udd79\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd9c \ud835\udd7a\ud835\udd97\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd98, \ud835\udd77\ud835\udd6c"
"id": 34994737,
"screen_name": "Onealster",
"name": "Oneal Reid",
"description": "Live free\n#superstraight pride",
"location": "Poland"
"id": 35022561,
"screen_name": "djones0332",
"name": "Dan Jones",
"description": "Fed up with censorship on leftist Twitter and Facebook? Go to Parler. My permanent home is there (@Djones3332). #MAGA #NRA #Trump2020",
"location": "El Dorado, Kansas"
"id": 35022668,
"screen_name": "TootieD",
"name": "Lee Andrea Danley",
"description": "Conservative, TRUMP2020, Farmer",
"location": "CA"
"id": 35024444,
"screen_name": "mickoshea",
"name": "Mike",
"description": "Wildlife and nature lover, dream of #rewilding.\nDevoted to my dog. Adult Human Male. Gay Not Queer..And I'm sane!",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 35028052,
"screen_name": "AskYnow",
"name": "Bill S\u1d5b\u1d49\u02b3\u1da6\u1da0\u1da6\u1d49\u1d48\u1d40\u02b3\u1d58\u1d50\u1d56",
"description": "Freedom loving conservative Boomer~talk radio aficionado~following fin'l mkts \u0026 culture~Restore America's Values! #MAGA #KAG @COSproject Parler = @AskYnow",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 35092347,
"screen_name": "minimex1",
"name": "Alouren",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a #NoThankYou 'I am standing in the light and I find myself unafraid' Ceri.",
"location": "Somewhere over the rainbow"
"id": 35102967,
"screen_name": "Shellieh98",
"name": "Shellie- #FaithisAction!",
"description": "Christian, political junkie. Not on twitter to date, don\u2019t bother. #MAGA #KAG #laurenboebert #FaithisAction!",
"location": "colorado"
"id": 35163209,
"screen_name": "SmallFederalGov",
"name": "Reject Communism",
"description": "Our Federal Government spends too much money #NYRefugee #MAGA #AmericaFirst #EndTheFed #Crypto",
"location": "Mount Pleasant, SC"
"id": 35164986,
"screen_name": "Yockney",
"name": "\ud835\udd38\u211d\ud835\udd4a\ud835\udd3c\u2115\ud835\udd38\ud835\udd43 \ud835\udd39\ud835\udd46\u211d\u2115",
"description": "Gooner\nFollowed by @Arsenal\nGrass roots football coach\n@GBNEWS - go watch",
"location": "Emirates"
"id": 35188202,
"screen_name": "CharlyISaLION",
"name": "Charly",
"description": "#MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 35192683,
"screen_name": "theblindblogger",
"name": "Alun J. Elder-Brown, Esq. #GBNews",
"description": "Guide dog owning pleb esquire of Royal Tunbridge Wells. #UKIP NEC member \u0026 Regional Chairman UKIP SE; Ex Army (RAOC). #RTW #GBNews #GBN",
"location": "Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent"
"id": 35205435,
"screen_name": "HskrCPA",
"name": "Kathy Lockhart",
"description": "Working Mom...just trying to balance it all and have fun in this crazy thing called life!! #MAGA #Christian #Patriot #2A",
"location": ""
"id": 35208235,
"screen_name": "frizzychick",
"name": "Liz B\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Haphazard mother; rubbish amateur photographer; tea drinker. Bakes. Grows veg. Adult human female.",
"location": "S Cambs, UK"
"id": 35212648,
"screen_name": "diane_hughes",
"name": "QuestionEverything\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Ole Miss fan \ud83e\udd88 Hotty Toddy \ud83e\udd88Truth seeker\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8America First\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8SaveAmerica",
"location": "McComb, Ms"
"id": 35221873,
"screen_name": "HawkSker",
"name": "Steve Dyl",
"description": "Chicago Sports(SoX SuX)and Nebraska Cornhusker fan.TCU Horned Frogs. Creighton Bluejays. US Marine. #CheerTheAnthem #FlyTheW #cigarlife #USMC #LetItFly #MAGA",
"location": "Omaha Nebraska"
"id": 35234424,
"screen_name": "davidmwhited",
"name": "David Whited",
"description": "Husband, Father, Disciple, Patriot, Chiefs Fan, Entrepreneur. Conservative, Trump202WON",
"location": "Lee\u2019s Summit, MO"
"id": 35241007,
"screen_name": "hghigenbottom",
"name": "Heather Higenbottom",
"description": "Christian, conservative, I love my President and the USA! #MAGA #KAG #VFL \ud83c\udfc8\ud83c\udfc0\u26be\ufe0f\ud83e\udd4e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Somewhere in the south"
"id": 35298128,
"screen_name": "Corey_Thompson",
"name": "Corey Thompson \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Just a guy \u271d\ufe0f Family man Teacher/Coach Patriot #ProLife \u2694\ufe0f I hunt demons\u2026and they hunt me. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 I follow HIM \u201cwho makes the dead COME ALIVE.\u201d #GBOLM #IFBAP",
"location": "SC, USA (\ud83d\udd25\ud83e\udd64\ud83c\udf03, \ud83c\udf19\ud83c\udf34, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8)"
"id": 35301840,
"screen_name": "heartdaughter",
"name": "ladynada",
"description": "Servant of the Living God, prophet/teacher giving prophetic words from Father God and Godly Messages. Holy Spirit-filled and led, aware of whatsup \u0026 #MAGA!",
"location": "New England"
"id": 35323039,
"screen_name": "StacyTFoote",
"name": "STACY. \ud83d\ude0e It's all about the mind, body \u0026 soul!",
"description": "I \u2764\ufe0f God, George \u2615\ud83c\udf2e\ud83c\udf55\ud83e\udd68! \ud83c\udfc8Aaron Rodgers is an idiot!\ud83c\udfc8 Go Badgers!\n#Trump 2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Wisconsin/Florida \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\uddc0\ud83c\udfdd\ufe0f"
"id": 35329182,
"screen_name": "taz_sav",
"name": "Taz Patriot Party 2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "#1A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#maga\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #patriot You either love me or hate me, there is no in between!\nNO DM's #sicilianpride \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf2\n#staylockedandloaded",
"location": "North Andover, Ma."
"id": 35336040,
"screen_name": "CaptainHaZ",
"name": "Craig \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "A GC dad, bearded but not a woke-bro. So very tired of explaining reality to....",
"location": ""
"id": 35336886,
"screen_name": "whitemaxabba",
"name": "Hels Bels \ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Life's too short so make the most of every minute\ud83d\ude01 Woman - Adult Human Female #sexmatters #istandwithjkrowling #sexnotgender",
"location": "UK"
"id": 35354808,
"screen_name": "stappbystapp",
"name": "Caryn",
"description": "grandma to the right and drama queen\n#TGDN #LDS #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 35372504,
"screen_name": "Ronnie_Reed",
"name": "Ronnie Reed",
"description": "JESUS LOVER! Truth seeker! Kingdom Warrior! TRUMP Train! I follow back \ud83d\udcaf parler: REEDRONNIEL",
"location": "Missouri"
"id": 35373783,
"screen_name": "patriot8O8",
"name": "Surf7Trumpet \ud83d\udde1",
"description": "Never faked a sarcasm. ALL LIVES MATTER. wake up, Neo... #stonks",
"location": "Hawaii, USA"
"id": 35382330,
"screen_name": "hannahudomlee",
"name": "PrisonerofBrandonAssministration",
"description": "Married, Conservative PATRIOT, Pro Life,#LGB, #KAG, Pro Gun, \u2764Flag \u0026 Constitution, I Stand with Israel. No lists/DM",
"location": ""
"id": 35387304,
"screen_name": "theSLABradio",
"name": "The SLAB Radio",
"description": "Indy film maker, Special effects artist, Talk show host .Retired Navy #2A supporter. #AMMOSEXUAL #KAG #MAGA #IStandWithTrump #RallyForAbigail #MolonLabe",
"location": "Aberdeen South Dakota"
"id": 35390359,
"screen_name": "karinekcha",
"name": "karine \u2720",
"description": "ocupada",
"location": "radfem"
"id": 35394247,
"screen_name": "sameoldjosh",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservative~Josh\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I curse way TOO much! Family, dogs and hard work sums up my life. 2020 election was stolen! I STAND BEHIND TRUMP! MAGA-KAG-AMERICA FIRST #bidenisnotmypresident",
"location": ""
"id": 35406801,
"screen_name": "gunchick357",
"name": "Janada Oakley",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0fthe USofA.\u2764\ufe0fUS #Military.\u2764\ufe0fmy #dog. #AllLivesMatter, #NRA Member. I hunt and fish. The #2020Election was Stolen! \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffdfor\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffdfor\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffdfor the\ud83c\udf0e",
"location": "in Texas, south of Dallas"
"id": 35419044,
"screen_name": "mikeso3691",
"name": "Mike",
"description": "American Patriot #MAGA",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 35437602,
"screen_name": "frankiejai",
"name": "Frankie Baird",
"description": "Former LVAD'er and \u2665\ufe0ftransplant recipient! #donatelife #MAGA #gayconservative #gaysfortrump",
"location": "Warrior, AL"
"id": 35443582,
"screen_name": "stebner",
"name": "Sheila",
"description": "pro life, pro self responsibility. Love my animals, books and coffee",
"location": "Ohio"
"id": 35458043,
"screen_name": "witchlet",
"name": "Marsaili Nic a ghobhainn",
"description": "Living under the paw. My L was never in. Transgender ideology heretic. Channeling primeval mitochondrial fury. Sturgeon Ultras+TRAs blocked. Saor Alba gu brath.",
"location": "Scottish Highlands"
"id": 35488410,
"screen_name": "tgert",
"name": "Tina",
"description": "#Browns #Buckeyes #Braves #ProudDeplorable #MSsucks #bloodclotssuck #liveinflyovercountryOH...My hubby of 28 years is the best!!! #MAGAWomen #dogecoin",
"location": "Buckeye Country"
"id": 35502254,
"screen_name": "DeplorableRick1",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Rick S\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Never forget those who have given their lives for our freedom. Proud Navy \u0026 Marine Father. #MAGA #NAVY #MARINES God Bless The U.S.A.!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 35552053,
"screen_name": "PrioritizeBW",
"name": "pro BW \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "radfem, living a life of peace, reading everything I can get my hands on, and encouraging other BW to rest. #WeCantConsentToThis",
"location": "The South \ud83c\udf3e"
"id": 35572225,
"screen_name": "evansnfm05",
"name": "Keanu's Cousin",
"description": "DC metro area, graduated from Maryland, love Music, sports, video games, Redskins, and Trump #MAGA $baconviking #AMC $AMC #AMCSqueeze #AMCARMY",
"location": "Washington D.C."
"id": 35576032,
"screen_name": "SamCSheff",
"name": "\ud83d\udd78\ud83c\udfc1Sam C\ud83c\udf88Terven 2020",
"description": "Woman//#WeSaidNoToSelfID// #SexNotGender//#SexMatters//\n@ResistersU//#NoToSurrogacy//#WeCantConsentToThis// My pancreas has cancer",
"location": "Up here, freezing"
"id": 35577652,
"screen_name": "Smoothtwister",
"name": "Terry Ogden",
"description": "#MAGA #GREATAWAKENING\nChristian living in Texas",
"location": "Lewisville, TX"
"id": 35599665,
"screen_name": "knight3058",
"name": "Adam Magie",
"description": "TX Christian, Constitutional conservative. #JesusChristIsLORD #America2021 #SelfResponsibility #VotedForTrump, Tumblr ID: lord-blue2k #Trump2024",
"location": "Temple, TX"
"id": 35605443,
"screen_name": "BILLDTERRY",
"name": "Bill Terry",
"description": "Run of the mill deplorable, fetal condition survivor, clinging to God, Guns, and Bible....wait, can I say Bible? #MAGA (At)Bdterry on Parler",
"location": ""
"id": 35607928,
"screen_name": "Mas_hoc",
"name": "Who's Running Our Country?--Pounch",
"description": "America First. Mom. Cancer survivor. Fan of life. My glass is neither half empty nor half full. It is refillable. Numbers 6:22-27",
"location": "Richmond, VA"
"id": 35609230,
"screen_name": "Sojo16",
"name": "I am @RealDonaldTrump",
"description": "Old Man Can't is dead; I helped bury him. **\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Censorship is un-American \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8**",
"location": "North America"
"id": 35627530,
"screen_name": "victori59",
"name": "Patriotsrock",
"description": "Patriot and dog lover,happily married! #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020",
"location": ""
"id": 35629526,
"screen_name": "tttrini",
"name": "Trini Hurtado",
"description": "I am a mom of 5. I am a maker of pretty things. Six months ago I could care less about politics or the news now #trump2020",
"location": "California"
"id": 35655149,
"screen_name": "BarbieKeleigh",
"name": "Keleigh \ud83d\udc96 Trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "PoliticalActivist Scientist ClinicalSpecialist ScienceNerd TruthSeeker StarGazer AnimalLover RockCollector LakeLife TeslaDriver Pronouns: Still/Your/President",
"location": "MakeAmericaGreatAgain\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 35677553,
"screen_name": "naeem_oba",
"name": "Naeem Oba",
"description": "Politics, Hip Hop \u0026 sports. Black perspective minus the Kool-Aid. North MPLS native #PurpleGang #BLEXIT #ThugLife Source of Libtard butt hurt. TEA PARTY #MAGA",
"location": "Denver by way of Murderapolis"
"id": 35771905,
"screen_name": "Tiffeeee",
"name": "\u2728\ud835\udce3\ud835\udcf2\ud835\udcef\ud835\udcef\ud835\udcea\ud835\udcf7\ud835\udcf7\ud835\udcf2\ud835\udcee\u2728",
"description": "All Glory to God. Jesus is my savior. Patriot, Married, Mother, Grandmother. Artist of many trades. Off Grid Homesteader. Trump Won!",
"location": "Susanville, CA"
"id": 35779221,
"screen_name": "Raging_Red",
"name": "Raging Red Pureblood Domestic Terrorist",
"description": "United We Stand, So Globalism Falls. \u201cFret not yourself bc of evildoers\u2026 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass\u2026\u201d Psalm 37:1-2\u2026 On GETTR: @RagingRed",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 35787028,
"screen_name": "StephPrichard1",
"name": "Steph Prichard",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Conservative.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Navy mom, Navy wife. My motto is there isnt anything that cant be done. #LNYHBT #2A #NRA #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 35812120,
"screen_name": "heavyr2020",
"name": "heavy",
"description": "Patriot, trump 2020, love the President of the United States. Proud to be an American and a law enforcement officer for 27 years.",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 35822974,
"screen_name": "Peachey4",
"name": "Teeda Fore - Prayer Warrior!",
"description": "Christian first and foremost! I'm the Bible loving, gun toting, abortion hating, conservative woman you were warned about! \ud83d\udeab\ud83d\udeab\ud83d\udeabDM's\n#Trump2020",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 35853407,
"screen_name": "FlapperEva",
"name": "FlapperBlonde",
"description": "#woman #conservative #brexiteer #writer #teacher #wife #mother #daughter #aunt #normal, #antiwoke #roaring20s #dancer #gbnews #lighthearted",
"location": "London United Kingdom"
"id": 35856589,
"screen_name": "isabelagraton",
"name": "griton",
"description": "Comunicadora feminista e antipornografia. Criadora do @PessoalPodcast e mestranda do NEIM/UFBA. Aqui voc\u00ea encontra bobagens, feminismo e fotos de gamb\u00e1s!",
"location": "Bras\u00edlia, Brazil"
"id": 35975380,
"screen_name": "scr_9808",
"name": "femmefatale",
"description": "Radfem. Me gusta jugar con mis realidades alternas. Ah\u2026 y escribir",
"location": ""
"id": 36073494,
"screen_name": "Oner001",
"name": "Intellectual Bum",
"description": "Living the laid back Floridian lifestyle. Doesn't like assertions made by those who can't provide proof to support said assertion. Ind / Right Leaning Rican.",
"location": ""
"id": 36083165,
"screen_name": "watp2020",
"name": "Sandra",
"description": "Conservative~ Proud Deplorable~ Love of my Country and Constitution~ Pro-Life",
"location": "Nebraska, USA"
"id": 36098004,
"screen_name": "killnada",
"name": "Gene",
"description": "#MAGA, 80's music lover, guitarist,\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\udfb8\ud83c\udfc0 Trump Won! #FJB",
"location": "Indiana"
"id": 36099621,
"screen_name": "YankeeinAZ",
"name": "Leslie",
"description": "#Trump #MAGA Disabled, old, and aghast at where we\u2019ve gone | Worried for my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren | God Save America",
"location": "New Hampshire, USA"
"id": 36131805,
"screen_name": "catturdfan",
"name": "Freedom's #1 Fan\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TRUMP is #1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG. \u2764\u26aa\ud83d\udc99 #MAGA\u2764\u26aa\ud83d\udc99 #LockHerUp\u2764\u26aa\ud83d\udc99 #SethRich\u2764\u26aa\ud83d\udc99\n#FreeJulianAssange\u2764\u26aa\ud83d\udc99",
"location": ""
"id": 36145466,
"screen_name": "Guineveres",
"name": "Ms McGoo",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f #DefundTheBBC #BackTo60 #FairFuelUK #PoliticallyHomeless #IncreaseSinglePersonsSP #IStandWithIsrael #GBNEWSFan",
"location": "UK"
"id": 36181704,
"screen_name": "estellabella",
"name": "estellabella927",
"description": "Traditional Roman Catholic, happily married, mom, grandmom. Conservative, born in Cuba, made in the USA. Want to see America return to greatness. #MAGA",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 36227341,
"screen_name": "jennifer10vb",
"name": "JennSanchez (Deplorable Patriot)",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Patriot and Nurse #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Newman, California, USA"
"id": 36240617,
"screen_name": "rsech57",
"name": "\u00df\u00f8\u03b2",
"description": "Retired Chemist. Happily Married for 41 years. Conservative. Trump Won Impeach 46 and prepare to impeach 47. IFBP",
"location": "Nebraska, USA"
"id": 36319880,
"screen_name": "plumbuk",
"name": "G P",
"description": "Old skool gooner anti woke anti race baiting free speech extremist",
"location": "london"
"id": 36324328,
"screen_name": "beti_mac",
"name": "GenCrit \ud83d\udeba\u2640\ufe0f \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Scotland Independent in my lifetime. Not a generation thing a Scottish thing.",
"location": ""
"id": 36332754,
"screen_name": "clareigriff",
"name": "Clare",
"description": "I am me. Adult human female.",
"location": "South East, England"
"id": 36373566,
"screen_name": "digidana",
"name": "dana hughes",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0f\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99, E.Deploribus.Unum. LOVE\u2764\ufe0f.....\ud83d\udeabhate. #MAGA. 2A is not optional. #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Finding humor in crazy. IFB #WalkAway. NO DMs",
"location": ""
"id": 36376016,
"screen_name": "joshalex30",
"name": "John Palmer",
"description": "Conservative, Christian, Constitutionalist, Pro Life, Second Amendment, Freedom of Speech; Stop Common Core; UT Vols; West Rebels, Dallas Cowboys",
"location": "Big Orange Country "
"id": 36378942,
"screen_name": "pamatt777",
"name": "pam",
"description": "Christian Conservative Patriot. Colorado native. God, Family, Country. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 36423201,
"screen_name": "RandallJQuick",
"name": "Randy Quick",
"description": "Jesus, Pro 2A, Constitutionalist. Pro Israel. Anti-Jihad. anti-Marxist, Anti-Anarchist",
"location": "Trump2020"
"id": 36437130,
"screen_name": "ChrisCottrell",
"name": "Chris Cottrell",
"description": "Christ is king, liberty in law, pro-life, Harvard MPA \u201823",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 36443842,
"screen_name": "briangbc",
"name": "Brian Bond",
"description": "GGGG grandson of Col John Bond of US Revolutionary army. A husband, dad \u0026 Pastor. Love America, guns and Hail State. #2a #ProLife #Texas #DallasCowboys #KAG IFB",
"location": "Weatherford, TX"
"id": 36492705,
"screen_name": "AlfredJoe_2009",
"name": "Joseph",
"description": "Independent \u2022 atheist \u2022 Trekkie \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd96 #MAGA",
"location": "Northeast USA"
"id": 36498524,
"screen_name": "NRABuckeye",
"name": "Joe NRA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "May god save the republic.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 When one right falls the others will follow, you\u2019ll see. #Trump2020 #BlueLivesMatter #Military #NotMyPresident",
"location": "Buckeye State"
"id": 36578490,
"screen_name": "TheCeoMethod",
"name": "Tech CEO #Pureblood",
"description": "Tech CEO | Investor | Believer | Fighter | Musician \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7",
"location": ""
"id": 36604346,
"screen_name": "skhp_",
"name": "skhp#NoThankYou\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "I was a girl, am now a woman; I was born to my mother! Vagina.",
"location": ""
"id": 36608895,
"screen_name": "AndersTurgeon",
"name": "Anders Turgeon \ud83d\udfe5 #Deboosted #Supergay",
"description": "R\u00e9dacteur, blogueur, \u00e9tudiant en #Communication @TELUQ et gay libre et rationnel. Mes tweets n'engagent que mon cynisme, mon sarcasme et mon ironie.",
"location": "Montr\u00e9al, QC, Canada"
"id": 36624465,
"screen_name": "alwysbtchn",
"name": "Alwysbtchn",
"description": "Love people, my country, love crafts, animals, working out, tending to my garden, yoga, spiritual positive people, GOD, Trump 2020,LOVE Q+..",
"location": " San Diego now St. Augustine"
"id": 36633239,
"screen_name": "serenity1097",
"name": "serenity1097",
"description": "Mother, grandmother \u0026 proud patriot\n#Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#BidenCheated\n#MAGA\n#FireFauci\n#LetsGoBrandon\nNo DMs, not interested in whatever you're selling",
"location": "Maine"
"id": 36640805,
"screen_name": "moleatthedoor",
"name": "mole at the counter",
"description": "I support women. Adult (ish) human (ish) male. Pr*n**ns: No/Thank/You.\nSon of Horus. T-shirts \u0026 stuff here...\n",
"location": "Northwich, Staffordshire."
"id": 36652930,
"screen_name": "gigi1955derose",
"name": "Proud Deplorable Georgina",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0fPresident Trump MAGA #Trump 2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Pro-Life Catholic wife, blessed mom of 5 ,grandmom of 8 \u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb#Patriot TRUMP WON! NO MASKS OR VACCINE PASSPORTS",
"location": "Turnersville New Jersey "
"id": 36660310,
"screen_name": "biglypatriot00",
"name": "Bigly\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Patriot",
"description": "#AmericaFirst #ProLIFE #2A",
"location": ""
"id": 36670293,
"screen_name": "ruxcytbl",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 laura \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\u201cWhenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect\u201d. ~ Mark Twain #MAGA #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 36675888,
"screen_name": "lizkaz1",
"name": "kazza\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f#Karen \ud83d\udd95\ud83c\udffb",
"description": "Pro brexit love Europe hate the EU hate the loonie left. Love my family, a stroke survivor and grateful to be here. Left twitter for 10 years back 2019.",
"location": "Birmingham Uk"
"id": 36694550,
"screen_name": "prof_zoidberg",
"name": "Scott Wellman",
"description": "Leftism Is A Belligerent Rebellion Against The Created Order. NOT looking for love. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Warsaw, IN"
"id": 36703667,
"screen_name": "TXTrumpFan",
"name": "I\u2764America\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "You didn't win if you cheated! Hopeful one day that libs will pull their heads out of the sand! Conservative #maga #kag No dm or porn!",
"location": "Born Ohio - Reside Texas!"
"id": 36704334,
"screen_name": "nXgenR",
"name": "AmericanPatriot2021",
"description": "Constitutional Conservative; lover of liberty \u0026 freedom; Senior Fellow of TAMchat!; #2A #teaparty #patriot #MAGA #covfefe #Trump2020",
"location": "Katy, TX"
"id": 36747002,
"screen_name": "SmartLudmilla",
"name": "Me",
"description": "Musician, Libertarian, Pro Life, Christian, mom of 3, gardener, birder, Engineer. Gab: SmartLudmilla",
"location": "Washington State"
"id": 36749533,
"screen_name": "TouchyWalnut",
"name": "TouchyWalnut",
"description": "First Responder. Car enthusiast. Gamer. $DOGE \ud83c\udf15\ud83c\udf15\ud83c\udf15",
"location": "AMERICA FIRST"
"id": 36756464,
"screen_name": "desertman56",
"name": "Kent Woodburn",
"description": "GAB @desertman56 Father Granddad Husband Patriot Air Force Vet Despises Globalisation Living with Disabilities #Trump2020 #MAGA #KAG #TrumpTrain #Brexit IFB",
"location": ""
"id": 36763706,
"screen_name": "renny587984",
"name": "RennyJ",
"description": "Member of the Patriot Party. Pres. Trump won 2020 in a landslide. Everyone knows it.",
"location": ""
"id": 36830693,
"screen_name": "Ego69",
"name": "Carla Sara Egan",
"description": "Full Time Mommy and Pro Life Activist \u2764 Endowarrior Cyster \u2640\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f Khalessi / Sassenach \ud83d\udc95",
"location": "Ireland"
"id": 36831091,
"screen_name": "allenmelissa23",
"name": "Melissa Allen",
"description": "Mom, Wife, Teacher, Coach. Concerned for our Great Country. \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8where. we. go. one. we. go. all \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump2020\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Love Trumps Hate! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8No DMs",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 36875924,
"screen_name": "beeatch35",
"name": "Jil",
"description": "Social Scientist, Cultural Anthropologist, 1A, 2A, love 4 military, #MAGA #Armymom #Armystrong #NRA Perfectly broken",
"location": "wa."
"id": 36894919,
"screen_name": "rrodartejr",
"name": "Polyslomech \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Engineer \u2022 Patriot \u2022 #LatinosForTrump USC Trojan",
"location": "California"
"id": 36907652,
"screen_name": "whatadayhuh",
"name": "S \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Addicted to Skittles - I am tasting the rainbow as we tweet. I stand with JK! Woman: Adult Human Female",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 36944103,
"screen_name": "puddy33",
"name": "puddy \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Against corrupt tyrannical governments. No \ud83d\udc89 passports ever! Free thinker. Pureblood!",
"location": ""
"id": 36963048,
"screen_name": "MarkRosenh",
"name": "Mark Rosenholtz",
"description": "Mega MAGA, Clinical Leftologist: I study the idiocy of the Left. TRUMP2024!!",
"location": ""
"id": 36979147,
"screen_name": "Avranan",
"name": "Tullius",
"description": "Former broadcast journalist. Forever history and philosophy buff. Travel addict. Donald Trump is my President. \u044f \u043e\u0442\u043a\u0430\u0437\u043d\u0438\u043a. Pureblood.",
"location": "Forest Hills Gardens, New York"
"id": 37002799,
"screen_name": "nikki4333",
"name": "nikki4333",
"description": "Working class Bev Skeggs fan, RadFem, Sociology and Social Policy Graduate, and XX FEMALE",
"location": ""
"id": 37040349,
"screen_name": "bigdaddy001",
"name": "Bob",
"description": "MAGA! TRUMP 2020-2024. Christian, USAF Veteran. The only person I bow to is Jesus,\u274c\u274c\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udfd6\ud83d\ude4f",
"location": "USA"
"id": 37063101,
"screen_name": "4hicks",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Beth Hickey \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "@codeofvets \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#USMC\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb#BackTheBlue\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99#KidsHelpingOurVeterans\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8SoCal native\u2022 Wife of retired Marine Major \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Stage 2 Melanoma survivor\ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffb#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 37090710,
"screen_name": "SusanDRieger",
"name": "Susan DeMoss-Rieger",
"description": "TRUMP SUPPORTER! BLUE LIVES MATTER! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8NATIVE AMERICAN AND PROUD.",
"location": ""
"id": 37093938,
"screen_name": "Elaine6342",
"name": "Elaine6342",
"description": "#911NeverForget#STILLPRAVINGFORTRUMP2024#MAGA,#KAG, #LOVEMYCOUNTRY #USA #BLUELIVESMATTER \ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#NRA DM's and Replies to post will not be read or answered.",
"location": ""
"id": 37094038,
"screen_name": "madmarty1231",
"name": "Marty Piercy",
"description": "Widower with children and Grandchildren. United States Army (Retired) Love Nascar and other Stock car racing. I am an UBER SciFi fan. #MAGAveteran",
"location": "Fort Wayne, Indiana"
"id": 37116971,
"screen_name": "Bejar15",
"name": "Joe Bejar",
"description": "Christ follower \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd l Husband \ud83e\udd35\ud83c\udffd| Pro Freedom \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 l Pro Life \ud83d\udc76\ud83c\udffd l Pro Israel \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 l Pro Free Speech \ud83d\udde3l Broncos \ud83c\udfc8 l Wolves \ud83c\udfc0 l A\u2019s \u26be\ufe0f l Biola Alum \ud83e\udd85",
"location": "United States"
"id": 37133541,
"screen_name": "AnnJeanBS",
"name": "Ann Sutherland",
"description": "Proud of Our President Trump! So happy 2 see so many SANE PEOPLE for Trump on twitter! #Trump2020 @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @AmericaFirst Don\u2019tForget #katesteinie",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 37176607,
"screen_name": "Happiest_Gurl",
"name": "DonDon",
"description": "Adult Human Female, Mother (not birthing person), former Scotland prop forward, cog, Warrior and all round general dogsbody. Indyref#2",
"location": ""
"id": 37191344,
"screen_name": "JamesMay125",
"name": "Clown World",
"description": "Live in Sunshine State..grew up in Michigan..Husband and Father! Proud American! #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 37194117,
"screen_name": "MRDIRK49",
"name": "RICHARD C. STRYPE-GetaLifeCxlCulture on GAB",
"description": "NY Rangers, Manchester United,Glasgow Celtic,Notre Dame... #MAGA #FIGHTINGCANCER #STOPISLAM Retweets do not = approval. JoeBama Lost.",
"location": "Tottenville Staten Island, NY"
"id": 37201807,
"screen_name": "nurvilya",
"name": "Nurvilya",
"description": "Member of the Wrong Crowd.\nAssigned Vitutus at birth.\nPronouns? \"Your Highness\" will do.",
"location": "Germany"
"id": 37202644,
"screen_name": "Yngwie77",
"name": "Robert \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Retired FDNY...New Yorker(hopefully not much longer)...Conservative...",
"location": "\u00dcT: 40.554175,-74.16084"
"id": 37324587,
"screen_name": "NYGuy13",
"name": "NY Guy \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Proud American #conservative #Maga #2a #patriot #TurnNYRed",
"location": ""
"id": 37348417,
"screen_name": "Jeff__Ellington",
"name": "Jeff Ellington \ud83e\ude95",
"description": "Father, husband, photographer, Historian, Texan, terrible banjo player. #Trump2024\n#GTAOnline, #RDOnline #RedForHaden",
"location": "Royse City, TX"
"id": 37355463,
"screen_name": "Rwwatson",
"name": "Rwwatson US Navy Veteran \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2693",
"description": "Father, Husband, US Navy Veteran (CV-63 Shellback), NRA Member, and Proud American! Parler: @Rwwatson\n#MAGA #Trump2020",
"location": "Colorado, by way of FL and CA"
"id": 37392318,
"screen_name": "wonder000",
"name": "wonder000 #rejoinEU #WomenWontWheesht",
"description": "Private client solicitor w 5 yrs exp of this area of law - LPAs, Ct of Protection, wills/probate. (also the Archers!). I block idiots who argue for fantasies.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 37399242,
"screen_name": "s_soupdragon",
"name": "\ud83c\udfc1 clanger \ud83c\udfc1",
"description": "#IStandWithMarionMillar\n#IStandWithJKRowling\n#IStandWithMaya",
"location": "West Yorkshire "
"id": 37400965,
"screen_name": "carolee5",
"name": "carole peil",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #BackTheBlue Love all that our great President Trump is accomplishing. #NotABot",
"location": "Free Republic of America"
"id": 37447675,
"screen_name": "BasedInfidel",
"name": "Based \u0646 Infidel \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#1A #2A #NRA #MAGA #BackTheBlue #AmericaFirst #LGBFJB Time to toss the tea into the harbor!",
"location": "The Great State of TEXAS "
"id": 37453344,
"screen_name": "LindaMcCorkle",
"name": "Linda Mc Covfefe",
"description": "MAGA!/ Nurses for Trump/ Q/Truth Seeker/No DMs",
"location": ""
"id": 37471042,
"screen_name": "Jamiemchg",
"name": "JM",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udd7f\ud83c\udd81\ud83c\udd7e\ud83c\udd84\ud83c\udd73 \ud83c\udd7f\ud83c\udd70\ud83c\udd83\ud83c\udd81\ud83c\udd78\ud83c\udd7e\ud83c\udd83\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TrumpWon",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 37514841,
"screen_name": "nnnanceee",
"name": "Dame Nancy of the Confused #ITM",
"description": "#ITM Antiwar Libertarian ProLife Grandmother. I follow back.",
"location": ""
"id": 37528559,
"screen_name": "treylet",
"name": "Trey",
"description": "Liberal, outspoken, gender critical, I am a Realtor in Fl by way of Woodbury CT, who spent most of her life with racehorses.",
"location": "Archer, FL"
"id": 37532396,
"screen_name": "jlehr23",
"name": "jil lehr",
"description": "Pro life Catholic",
"location": "camarillo"
"id": 37579226,
"screen_name": "perrisgirl1",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Trump supporter and a right leaning independent. NO LISTS. Animals are better than MOST people.",
"location": ""
"id": 37584540,
"screen_name": "Jeanelynn",
"name": "Jeane\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "This is my account, not yours. Educate Yourself! Stop Socialism! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump won and was right about everything...and you know it \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 BUY AMERICAN! Made in USA",
"location": "Former State of California "
"id": 37596599,
"screen_name": "LoriGrayban",
"name": "Lori Grayban",
"description": "Deplorable, Pro-Life, Anti-Political Correctness, Christian Conservative. Proud to call @realDonaldTrump MY President! I've been Q'd! #MAGA #Trump2020",
"location": "Gulf Coast of Mississippi, USA"
"id": 37634235,
"screen_name": "paulcopsey",
"name": "Paul Copsey",
"description": "Adult human male. Sharing sylvan acres with: the current Mrs C, 2-gun dogs, 7-chickens, weather station \u0026 a vintage tractor.",
"location": "The High Weald "
"id": 37668346,
"screen_name": "Brian_the_cat",
"name": "Linny \u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe5 \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "I am an adult human female - woman, daughter, wife, sister, mother, aunt and grandmother. Chromosomes XX. Pronouns - I, me, goddess",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 37669218,
"screen_name": "mrkoampah",
"description": "Prolife, Pro-liberty, Not ashamed of the gospel,\n",
"location": ""
"id": 37683489,
"screen_name": "FutureNJeopardy",
"name": "FutureNJeopardy (Parler: Let Freedom Ring)",
"description": "Conservative, Rational, Policy Over Personality. Screenwriter, Founding partner of Natl Healthcare IT Consulting Company, avid tennis player #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Nashville, TN"
"id": 37709232,
"screen_name": "msellshomesbr",
"name": "Mary Johnston",
"description": "Wife \u0026 Mother of 5 beautiful children \u0026 2 grand children \u0026 3 on the way!! Lover of Jesus, and our great nation!! #MAGA2020 #Trump2020 all the way!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83d\ude4f\u2764\u2764",
"location": ""
"id": 37731250,
"screen_name": "FreedomRules67",
"name": "Freedom_and_Liberty",
"description": "Unapologetically America First",
"location": "USA"
"id": 37747880,
"screen_name": "AndreaBeeee",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9aAndrea\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 37764633,
"screen_name": "rk510",
"name": "Roger Kerr",
"description": "I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it. Chromosomes: x,y",
"location": ""
"id": 37767097,
"screen_name": "T900",
"name": "James Thomas",
"description": "Truth Seeker. Freedom Friend. Free Thinker.. God Bless the USA. \ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf7 #TRUMP2024 #MAGA #FJB",
"location": ""
"id": 37767138,
"screen_name": "disintergration",
"name": "Mica",
"description": "North London radical feminists @northradical",
"location": ""
"id": 37778005,
"screen_name": "AlohaDoc",
"name": "Dr. Bradley",
"description": "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. Ecclesiastes 10:2 #MAGA I follow back patriots.",
"location": "California"
"id": 37779169,
"screen_name": "portybella",
"name": "Dudley's Butler",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9aThe word \u201cwoman\u201d is taken\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a#IStandWithMarionMiller #WomenWontWheesht #IStandWithAlexSalmond #Alba",
"location": "Edinburgh, Scotland"
"id": 37808197,
"screen_name": "125LolaLola",
"name": "Lola \ud83e\udd81",
"description": "Stand up Be heard \ud83d\udc76\ud83c\udffbPROLIFE \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I love our country and I miss our President My\u2764\ufe0fbelongs to @Swamp_Voice",
"location": "#Florida "
"id": 37808851,
"screen_name": "TexBlue",
"name": "Texas Gal",
"description": "Support 45, Military, God \u0026 Country. Christian, Conservative. Daughter of Purple Heart/Bronze Star Korean War Vet #MAGA #KAG GAB/GETTR @TEXBLUE. No DM\u2019s.",
"location": ""
"id": 37824864,
"screen_name": "Det_Blondi",
"name": "\u2b50DetroitBlondi\u2b50",
"description": "Extremely focused smart-ass who likes to run naked in the...ooh look a puppy! Right leaning, rap listening, #WeVapeWeVote #LivePD OG",
"location": "Beer Cussing Detroit \u0026 Houston"
"id": 37835409,
"screen_name": "brockgd70",
"name": "Greg Brock",
"location": ""
"id": 37859727,
"screen_name": "dinger05",
"name": "The Dinger Variant",
"description": "Soon to be a girl dad. America first. Not PC. Awake, not woke. Everything woke turns to shit. #2A #MAGA #CRTisRacist #FJB #DoNotComply #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": "Missouri, USA"
"id": 37882733,
"screen_name": "katierosemum1",
"name": "julie turner",
"description": "Mum, Grandmother, Roman Catholic , Supporter of Fr John Corapi, Pro life, Conception to Natural Death without exception.",
"location": "Lancashire"
"id": 37917900,
"screen_name": "kennels1",
"name": "valerie cole",
"description": "Love my family, love my dogs and love the Arsenal.. Ardent Brexiteer who is so happy to have left the EU. GB News\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Boreham, East"
"id": 37932540,
"screen_name": "BarbaraMHughes",
"name": "Raging Feminist Granny\ud83d\udfe2\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe3",
"description": "Radical Feminist grandmother sick of fighting the Patriarchy and wishes it would just fuck off. I love my cat and Pink Floyd.",
"location": "A Scot living in England"
"id": 37995467,
"screen_name": "HouseBowlrz",
"name": "#BrandonCornPopBadDudes (#TrumpWonBidenCheated)",
"description": "IT professional, very single, Northern Virginia (often in Southern VA). Parler/GAB/CloutHub/AnonUp: @HouseBowlrz. #DeleteFacebook #BoycottTheNFL #TrumpWon",
"location": "Wherever You Aren't ... :-)"
"id": 37997391,
"screen_name": "akistner71",
"name": "Andrew Kistner",
"description": "Donald Trump won. #trump2021",
"location": "Milford, MI"
"id": 37998687,
"screen_name": "Bethitis",
"name": "Beth A.",
"description": "Radical, gender-critical feminist, environmentalist, geology major, amateur writer. C-PTSD \u0026 bipolar, no apologies. \ud83c\udf19",
"location": "Jacksonville, NC"
"id": 38006034,
"screen_name": "FemShep79",
"name": "FemShep \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Lover of Star Wars,Stargate,Superhero stuff,primarily rock but all genres considered,Drag Race and The Eurovision Song Contest. Woman. All opinions are mine.",
"location": ""
"id": 38066785,
"screen_name": "shetiggerr",
"name": "Lori",
"description": "I love God, my hubby, my family, and my doggies Allie \u0026 Jagen. #MAGA\n#PATRIOT #CONSERVATIVE",
"location": "USA"
"id": 38124652,
"screen_name": "veganboyscout",
"name": "Brett Johnson",
"description": "Intactivist at @CockfightUSA. Only Kansan that believes in evolution \u0026 climate change \u0026 doesn't own a gun. Free speech. Colorblind Liberal. All Lives Matter.",
"location": "Kansas City, USA"
"id": 38137942,
"screen_name": "naenaeca",
"name": "Naenae2a",
"description": "Conservative patriot, prolife, Catholic",
"location": ""
"id": 38159201,
"screen_name": "BapsMac",
"name": "Babs Mac",
"description": "#stillyes\n#womenwontwheesht\n#nothankyou",
"location": "North East Fife"
"id": 38187199,
"screen_name": "Yvetoro",
"name": "Yvetoro",
"description": "Conservative, Proud American, Trump supporter. #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#GodBlessUSA NO DM\u2019s please.",
"location": ""
"id": 38217620,
"screen_name": "modiekins",
"name": "Inalienable Rights \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "Servant of Jesus Christ. Love of God and Country. Defender of the Constitution. #TrumpWon #Bigly",
"location": ""
"id": 38219248,
"screen_name": "chopper1066",
"name": "Colin",
"description": "Conservative, unionist, liberal and former remainer , but have since seen the light. Dad and golfer living in the lovely Chilterns. #GBNews",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 38228856,
"screen_name": "QunitedWe",
"name": "UnitedWeStand \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Patriot and capitalist living in the land of the free...FL. #MAGA #SaveAmerica #LetsGoBrandon.",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 38243666,
"screen_name": "eufre",
"name": "earthling-Ufree \ud83c\udf31",
"description": "#WeAreAllEssential / #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "Toronto, Ontario"
"id": 38244761,
"screen_name": "NeepsnTatties",
"name": "Lauren",
"description": "Sometime analyst, mother, pro-science, atheist, New OU psychology + philosophy graduate. Feminist. Biology matters.",
"location": "Edinburgh"
"id": 38251853,
"screen_name": "lucky88duck",
"name": "President Elect Layla",
"description": "#KAG #MAGA\nDoing my part to help save America for my kids! \ud83d\ude82\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 38277778,
"screen_name": "Thomas_Noe",
"name": "Thomas R. Noe",
"description": "Husband to my sweet wife, Beth, father and Pop Pop. USAF Veteran. w/Rice \u0026 Rice Attorneys/Elder Law. #MAGA #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "\u00dcT: 34.250263,-88.703427"
"id": 38285596,
"screen_name": "mamabird69",
"name": "T",
"description": "Common Sense Conservative \u2022Wife\u2022Mom\u2022 #WomenForTrump\u2022#MAGA",
"location": "United States"
"id": 38389952,
"screen_name": "bpz6961",
"name": "\u271e jo\u0366h\u036an d\u0369o\u0366u\u0367gh\u036a \u271e",
"description": "#Jesus #ProLife #ProMilitary #ProLawEnforcement #2A META = Make Everything Trump Again \u2584\ufe3b\u30c7 \ud835\udd04\ud835\udd2a\ud835\udd22\ud835\udd2f\ud835\udd26\ud835\udd20\ud835\udd1e \ud835\udd23\ud835\udd26\ud835\udd2f\ud835\udd30\ud835\udd31! \u2550\u2550\u2501\u4e00",
"location": "U.S.A."
"id": 38416683,
"screen_name": "Honoratoo",
"name": "Honora \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\uddfd\u2696\ufe0f\ud83e\udd80\u2618\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": "Baltimore"
"id": 38462648,
"screen_name": "mattz00",
"name": "Matt Zerrusen",
"description": "Bring God Back to College; #CatholicsforTrump Advisory Board; Views are my own",
"location": "Dallas, TX"
"id": 38464667,
"screen_name": "steve1iron",
"name": "Massachusetts Patriot #Lets Go Brandon#",
"description": "#MAGA, Conservative, Republican, family first, #trumptrain, Catholic,Irish American, liberalism is a mental disorder, New England Patriots fan since 1960",
"location": ""
"id": 38509053,
"screen_name": "jadedinalaska",
"name": "michelle Monteiro",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#HispanicsForTrump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#BuildTheWall\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Believer in God \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Lover of Animals",
"location": "alaska"
"id": 38516083,
"screen_name": "jvstewart3",
"name": "Jim Stewart",
"description": "Husband to one; father to two; lover to all. Follow if you must but follow at your own peril. Liberals need not apply. #MAGA, #Trump2024, #ProudAmerican",
"location": "Lake County, IL"
"id": 38521731,
"screen_name": "michelelfrost",
"name": "Michele Frost",
"description": "Wife. Mom. Freedom Enthusiast. #Army #4ID #Signal (#OIF I \u0026 OIF 05-07). #2A, #prolife #GigEm #Fannibal",
"location": "Belton, TX"
"id": 38554160,
"screen_name": "DaniMcClellan",
"name": "Danielle McClellan",
"description": "On behalf of \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 WE will Right Wrongs and Triumph over Evil #MAGA",
"location": "Atlanta, Georgia"
"id": 38599630,
"screen_name": "Gammababe",
"name": "Martha Wright (Fearing for my Grandkids)",
"description": "If you tell the truth, then you don't have to remember anything. --Mark Twain. TRUMP 2024! I block anyone who puts me on a *Train*.",
"location": "Smithdale, MS"
"id": 38617538,
"screen_name": "thebennyman",
"name": "Ben Steimle",
"description": "For GOD, FAMILY and COUNTRY!\nDISABLED U.S. Army Veteran, Ironworker, Full time Grandpa and Metal Head\nDonations Welcome: $thebennyman\n#Maga #kag",
"location": "Kanab, UT"
"id": 38627787,
"screen_name": "ttantrum",
"name": "Toni \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Proud Mom, Pro-life, Anti-abortion, TX girl in FL, #MAGA, #Trump2024, #GodIsAbsolutelyGood",
"location": "Pompano Beach, FL"
"id": 38676108,
"screen_name": "mdrogo",
"name": "Drogo \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\u271d\ufe0f Conservative - Saved by His grace. #KJV #MAGA #Married #QuestionEverything #SocialismSucks #2a #BackTheBlue #DefundPP #DefundTheUN",
"location": "WesternNC"
"id": 38691434,
"screen_name": "thisismeimdone",
"name": "VeganCat",
"description": "Adult human female.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 38712994,
"screen_name": "libertarican",
"name": "LibertaRican #230mil \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7",
"description": "Disenfranchised #AmericanCitizen #PuertoRicoUSA #51StateNow #Veteran #GOARMY #AllLivesMatter #PuertoRicoisaNation #Libertarian \u25cfRe-tweet isn't endorsement",
"location": "Puerto Rico, USA"
"id": 38744416,
"screen_name": "Passie_Kracht",
"name": "Passie",
"description": "Woman. Not \u201ccis\u201d. Not a \u201cTERF\u201d. Not Shutting Up.",
"location": ""
"id": 38747482,
"screen_name": "luvjenuine",
"name": "Jen",
"description": "Once I allowed MSM to stop manipulating me, is when I became free. #MAGA #walkaway #backtheblue #militarywife #veterans #AMC #AMCNOTLEAVING",
"location": "WI"
"id": 38831262,
"screen_name": "nemonought",
"name": "Jem",
"description": "Geeky Dad and Husband. Foodie. I\u2019m on JK Rowling\u2019s side.",
"location": ""
"id": 38865866,
"screen_name": "dessielle",
"name": "\uff41\uff4e\uff41\uff52\uff41\u25c3\u2727\u25b9\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\u25c3\u2727\u25b9",
"description": "\u25c3 v o r a c i o u s b l o c k e r \u25b9 l e f t w i n g \u25b9\u25b9 p o l i t i c a l l y h o m e l e s s",
"location": "r a i n \u00eb \u25b9\u25b9\u25b9"
"id": 38917331,
"screen_name": "shesova",
"name": "Sweet Polly Purebred GETTR",
"description": "#MAGA #Lefthanded-GETTR @Sweet_Polly Spoke to Christopher Buckley on the \ud83d\udcde in 2015. Educating public on USMMWWII to carry on my Father's Legacy.\u2693\ufe0f",
"location": "Illinois"
"id": 38926453,
"screen_name": "Right2Liberty",
"name": "Right2Liberty\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udef8\ud83d\udc7d\ud83d\udcab\ud83e\ude90",
"description": "Unapologetically \u201cAmerica First\u201d. Anti-PC. Smart-ass. Cynical GenX-er. Sports Nut. Animal lover. #RollTide #GoAvsGo #BroncosCountry #UAPDisclosureNow",
"location": "Northern Colorado"
"id": 38951312,
"screen_name": "BrotherFrankie",
"name": "Brother Frankie",
"description": "Preacher to addicts, drunks, bikers \u0026 the Least of Us #MAGA #Patriot #BrotherFrankieG",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 38958981,
"screen_name": "KiKi1185",
"name": "Kristin",
"description": "mom, wife, conservative pro-life Catholic ~cat owner~ #ASPMember",
"location": "United States"
"id": 38983330,
"screen_name": "jwfamar",
"name": "Francis Amar",
"description": "Unabashed Conservative, cat guy, Delta Upsilon, history enthusiast, football coach, college and pro sports (Philly teams) fan. #MAGA.",
"location": "New Jersey"
"id": 38985262,
"screen_name": "Alohaheyjahey",
"name": "Typ",
"description": "Home-Officer. W\u00e4chter der Couch. Von der ewigen Romantik des Vielleicht.",
"location": ""
"id": 38991695,
"screen_name": "pnix49",
"name": "ForeverTrumper",
"description": "#KAG, #Cult45, #TrumpWasRight,love my dogs,Alabama football, and our great President Trump. MARRIED! #MAGAA",
"location": "TN"
"id": 38997088,
"screen_name": "tarahtori",
"name": "\u2600\ufe0fSunshineStateOfMind\u2600\ufe0f \ud83d\udde3 Trump WON by a lot!",
"description": "\u2728Luke 8:17 \u2728 #GODISKING \u2764\ufe0fVery Married\u2764\ufe0f#DoBlackChildrensLivesMatter #PrayingForOurEnemies #MagatProud! In case you're asleep, TRUMP WON 2020! Gettr @tarahtori",
"location": "USA"
"id": 39104767,
"screen_name": "Timmerie",
"name": "Trending with Timmerie",
"description": "Timmerie | Catholic | radio/podcast host on @RelevantRadio | chastity | human dignity | theology | pro-life | dancer | tea lover | mountain girl",
"location": "California"
"id": 39117910,
"screen_name": "Pezzab5",
"name": "Perry Bradley",
"description": "Used to breed rabbits when I was little. Grew to love them all - especially Matilda. Anti-woke, critical race theory and all pseudo intellectuals.",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 39191285,
"screen_name": "UniqueThings1",
"name": "Chelle C",
"description": "Trump/Pence they stand with us and l believe togather we will Make America Great Again \u2764 United WE stand....Divided WE fall!",
"location": "Buckeye State"
"id": 39198575,
"screen_name": "dm0x",
"name": "DM0X",
"description": "Pro gay marriage, pro choice, pro strong borders, pro Gun Rights, Egalitarian, pro equality, Anti-Fascist, Anti-marxist,liberal leaning anti-sjw Gamer.Doggo Fan",
"location": "AMERICA"
"id": 39262943,
"screen_name": "wee_mo",
"name": "Me \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "loading...",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 39273092,
"screen_name": "jrangel99",
"name": "Do Not Comply",
"description": "Attorney. Wife of 1, Mother of 8, Daughter of 2, Sister of 7. America First. I love iced tea.",
"location": ""
"id": 39282287,
"screen_name": "phelandebbie07",
"name": "Debra Robbins",
"description": "It is what it is. MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 TRUMP 2020. IFBAP\u2764\ufe0f NO DM\u2019S",
"location": "San Tan Valley, AZ"
"id": 39294694,
"screen_name": "planetpie",
"name": "AP",
"description": "California Republican #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020 #BLEXIT #WALKAWAY",
"location": "Corona del Mar, CA"
"id": 39300739,
"screen_name": "graphigal",
"name": "Karen Dunn \ud83e\udd96\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udd77\ufe0f\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Observed female at birth. Sex is binary. Dress anyway you want.",
"location": "Clare, Ireland"
"id": 39329492,
"screen_name": "BaconbitsyOG",
"name": "Baconbitsy",
"description": "Radical feminist. Notorious RBG fan for life. Trump is a disgrace; the GOP is subverting the Republic. Atheist. Pro-choice. TERF.",
"location": "Seattle, WA"
"id": 39349894,
"screen_name": "EricTrump",
"name": "Eric Trump",
"description": "Executive Vice President of The @Trump Organization. Husband to @LaraLeaTrump. Large advocate of @StJude Children's Hospital @TrumpWinery #MakeAmericaGreatAgain",
"location": ""
"id": 39355100,
"screen_name": "fiver56",
"name": "Fiver~",
"description": "\u2b50\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85 #MAGA small business owner \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "between the darkness and light"
"id": 39392514,
"screen_name": "blueeyesrock",
"name": "Ampu-Tee",
"description": "Northern Irish what else do I need to say ?\n#notcis\n#sexnotgender",
"location": "Northern Ireland"
"id": 39405871,
"screen_name": "ambeadextrous",
"name": "Trumper \ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "#MAGA TRUMP 2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Twitter has taken thousand of my followers - WE NEED A PATRIOT SIGHT",
"location": "New York, NY"
"id": 39421758,
"screen_name": "JDW604",
"name": "PurpleKush",
"description": "Conservative, Capitalist, Investor. #LiberateHongKong #Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 \ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf0 I\u2019m sorry Trump\u2019s mean tweets triggered you.",
"location": "Cayman Islands"
"id": 39427251,
"screen_name": "truckfreak69",
"name": "GormlessDimwit\ud83d\udc3b",
"description": "engineer, Floridian, #MAGA,",
"location": "Orlando, Florida"
"id": 39472394,
"screen_name": "ACCooldown",
"name": "AC",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 @giants @yankees @nyrangers @ndfootball @uconnmbb sports nut, America first, #GirlDad",
"location": "USA "
"id": 39507825,
"screen_name": "mmagno_63",
"name": "\u274canny \u274c \u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "Ohio-born, West Virginia-raised. Buckeyes/Tigers/Timberwolves baseball dad. Proud Crusader, Terrier and Rambler alum. #MAGA",
"location": "Dublin, OH"
"id": 39513216,
"screen_name": "CariPlatt",
"name": "Cari Platt",
"description": "God, Family, Friends and Country. America is the best. Back the Blue, Against hate groups: BLM and Antifa. Trump won. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SickoftheDemocrats",
"location": "Proud Red State\ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf19"
"id": 39521243,
"screen_name": "xscheiner",
"name": "The Unchained Block",
"description": "Dual national. One country\u2019s gone for Brexit and one for Trump.",
"location": "London"
"id": 39544242,
"screen_name": "Datrebor",
"name": "Robert",
"description": "Loves God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I Vape to stay off Cigarettes. Enjoys books, TV, crocheting, and Motorcycles. #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 #Pro2A1A",
"location": "Sevierville, TN"
"id": 39619277,
"screen_name": "themomofthem",
"name": "madre",
"description": "the mom of 3 great kids, married 27 years, Catholic, Pro life, pro family",
"location": "Rocky Mountain West"
"id": 39670672,
"screen_name": "afterdinnertalk",
"name": "afterdinnerspeaker",
"description": "\ud83c\udfad, retired, common sense Conservative \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 values, manmade global warming \u0026 carbon trading are a leftist hoax, support \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1, \u2764\ufe0f #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8!",
"location": ""
"id": 39676196,
"screen_name": "AmericanDadAss1",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8American Dad Ass\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Faith\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Family\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Freedom\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Pro Life\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8School Choice\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf81st Amendment\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf82nd Amendment\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8America 1st\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8God Bless The United States of America!!!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "None Of Your Business"
"id": 39714800,
"screen_name": "MetalFaerie",
"name": "K MetalFaerie",
"description": "Vegan, Atheist, Drummer, Mother! Passionate about nutrition and the environment. Adult Human female.",
"location": "Another Universe"
"id": 39741866,
"screen_name": "goqivana",
"name": "Linda Masci",
"description": "Mom-2 kids, happily married for 30yrs, FSU grad,Homeschool mom, Christian, I \u2764\ufe0f JESUS! #USA #prolife #proisrael #Fairtax #cruzcrew #CCOT \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \u26be\ufe0f\ud83d\ude82 #MAGA",
"location": "Jacksonville, Florida"
"id": 39755667,
"screen_name": "PMgeezer",
"description": "Join me on #GETTR ! Donald J. Trump will soon regain his rightful place!\nWatch #WarroomPandemic ! Vietnam Era Vet #ClimateHoax #NRA",
"location": "DFW area"
"id": 39778290,
"screen_name": "isisfrog",
"name": "Froginni of Padua \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Leo - Water Rat - INTP - Contradictory as hell (see previous)\n\ud83d\udd96",
"location": "Dayton, OH, USA"
"id": 39781766,
"screen_name": "angryfromeston",
"name": "Iver Mectin\ud83c\udf38",
"description": "genuine conservative, anti woke anti lockdown critical thinker. Dad of two",
"location": "Middlesbrough, England"
"id": 39866217,
"screen_name": "Terrye_",
"name": "Terrye - Trump Won\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Trump2020 supporter Followed by @catturd2 @IWashington @RealEricCarmen #TexasRangers #Cowboys #KAG #MAGA #Military #TheWalkingDead #Supernatural No DM\u2019s Plz",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 39913164,
"screen_name": "Benlene6776",
"name": "DarIsHot",
"description": "Been on the Trump Train since it was an escalator ride! MAGA",
"location": "Seminole, FL"
"id": 39924649,
"screen_name": "ClydeMcK",
"name": "Only America Can Save the World",
"description": "#ConstitutionalConservative #ConventionOfStates #Repeal16 #FairTax #MAGA #NeverForget @FairForAll_org",
"location": "Greenville SC USA"
"id": 40025770,
"screen_name": "BiGGMiKe1031",
"name": "BiGGMiKe",
"description": "I am a WI sports fan, love the Packers, Brewers, Bucks, and Badgers!!! Also an avid fantasy football \u0026 baseball player!! America First! USA! #girldad",
"location": "Milwaukee, WI"
"id": 40047146,
"screen_name": "atwhoseexpense",
"name": "At Whose Expense?",
"description": "\"You've gotta ask yourself one question: 'At whose expense?' Well, punk... WHOSE?\" - Henry Hazlitt, Economics in One Lesson #IFBAP #MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 40048743,
"screen_name": "UnVaxx_Patriot",
"name": "Myson\u2019s Mom",
"description": "My ideal day is a sunny beach day with a great book in my hand and my toes in the sand. Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 FJB Unvax\u2019d \u0026 proud. Pro-choice \u0026 Licensed to Carry.",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 40070512,
"screen_name": "_HughBris",
"name": "(((Hugh Briss)))",
"description": "Freedom-loving American, Bible-believing Christian, pro-life, conservative therefore #NeverTrump I unfollow those who send automated DMs.",
"location": "USA"
"id": 40094614,
"screen_name": "psyminion",
"name": "psymin \ud83c\udf41",
"description": "Family Man \u2206 Gamer \u00d7 Wizard \u03c0 #pureblood \ud83c\udd71\ufe0f Martial Artist \u262f\ufe0f 2 Wheel enthusiast \u00b0\u00b0 Find me everywhere same @",
"location": "Paleto Bay, San Andreas"
"id": 40106985,
"screen_name": "youngie618",
"name": "i@/n #all-lives-matters",
"description": "cybersecurity consultant, information and #GDPR advisor, influencer and guru. Also a nice guy but sceptical of all politicians and a Jedi. A Sun Tzu fan.",
"location": "londonderry"
"id": 40154522,
"screen_name": "cheryleliz",
"name": "Cheryl",
"description": "\u2728\ud83e\udd85Trump Was Right \u2728 Retired IT Exec \u2728 Jersey Girl \u2728 Second Language: Sarcasm \ud83d\ude0f #stopthesteal #MAGA",
"location": "New Jersey, USA"
"id": 40159524,
"screen_name": "JF_RadioHour",
"name": "Jeremiah Farmer",
"description": "\u26ea\ufe0fChrist Follower|\ud83d\udc99Elizabeth's Husband|\ud83d\udcfbCountry Radio Show Host: Highway 106 \u0026 102.3|\ud83c\udf99Official Spokesperson|\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8The South #MAGA|Hunt \ud83e\udd8cCatch \ud83d\udc1f",
"location": "OLD DIXIE: North Carolina "
"id": 40168986,
"screen_name": "Danigirl_DG",
"name": "Dani",
"description": "Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f #MAGA: I love God and this Country: \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. \u2665\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f.",
"location": "Pennsylvania, USA"
"id": 40179879,
"screen_name": "Badphish419",
"name": "Badphish419",
"description": "Super Straight beep/bop/boop",
"location": "up your ass"
"id": 40231981,
"screen_name": "QUEENMAIDEN",
"name": "SL Wiles",
"description": "Wife, mother, daughter, I\u2019m about being with the ones you love. Animal lover. Support The Lupus Foundation. Support President Donald J Trump. #MAGA #KARMA.",
"location": "Tampa, Florida"
"id": 40262448,
"screen_name": "sentmeRae",
"name": "Rae",
"description": "Southern by birth, saved by grace, pureblood (unvaxxed) by choice. No DMs",
"location": "Sunshine State "
"id": 40311118,
"screen_name": "NadineV44",
"name": "NV in NV \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Mom #Wife #Patriot #2A #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Las Vegas, Nevada"
"id": 40356888,
"screen_name": "Andrea_fromTX",
"name": "Andrea",
"description": "Happily married, mom of 3, grand of 1, Conservative, cradle Catholic, mostly retweet, just trying to spread the truth. \ud83d\ude0a #MAGA #KAG #Impeach46 #RESIST",
"location": "Texas Panhandle, USA"
"id": 40403195,
"screen_name": "pelosisnephew",
"name": "Racist Liberal Democrat",
"description": "#MAGA",
"location": "Los Angeles"
"id": 40407057,
"screen_name": "birdie1162",
"name": "Very Proud Patriot",
"description": "Deplorable Trump supporter. GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY, BACK THE BLUE AND GOD BLESS THE USA!! #SaveCalifornia #Trump2020",
"location": "Bermuda Dunes, CA"
"id": 40492707,
"screen_name": "bl2sphere",
"name": "Blue Knight 4",
"description": "IT pro \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Constitution, Liberty and America 1st \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TruthWarrior \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Navy #VET #StarWars #RedWave #Vote2020 #MUFON",
"location": "Great Lakes"
"id": 40511233,
"screen_name": "C_scip",
"name": "ngrywmn \ud83d\udc9a 'no me jodan, crezcan'",
"description": "Woman of too many interests. Born in the 80s, Mom \ud83d\udc67\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc67\ud83c\udffc and (PhD) student of the world. You are never too old to learn sth. new. #womensrightsarehumanrights",
"location": "BsAs (CABA). MGA. R\u00edo. YOW."
"id": 40554821,
"screen_name": "CrankyNan",
"name": "CrankyNan",
"description": "#MAGA #Brexit #1A #2A #AmericaFirst #FinishTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #BanSharia #BanFGM #ProLife #AbortionIsMurder #ThereAreTwoGenders GAB @ConspiracyRealist",
"location": "Followed by @RepThomasMassie"
"id": 40586083,
"screen_name": "jhunternz",
"name": "James \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddff\u2764\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddfc\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf0",
"description": "| Bsc - Industrial Mathematics | Ice production at a Meal Kit delivery service | #Capitalist #ProLife #FollowBackHongKong #Conservative #Zionist",
"location": "Auckland Central, Auckland"
"id": 40599246,
"screen_name": "CZECHmate789",
"name": "Bitcoin Practitioner (Pureblood)",
"description": "Jesus is the only source of eternal Truth, satisfaction, and freedom \u2022 Freedom Maximalist \u2022 Observer \u2022 Assimilator \u2022 Archivist \u2022 Signal Propagator \u2022 #Bitcoin",
"location": ""
"id": 40615831,
"screen_name": "That_Lifee",
"name": "Choc",
"description": "\u2022| Los Angeles Native \ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddff in the Blood |\u2022 \u264f\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udda4\ud83e\udd0d\ud83e\udd0e Love wins|\u2022 judge free zone \ud83d\udeab",
"location": "Compton, CA"
"id": 40623989,
"screen_name": "LiveActionNews",
"name": "Live Action News",
"description": "The Reporting Arm of @LiveAction Covering Pro-life \u0026 Human Rights News",
"location": "United States"
"id": 40676861,
"screen_name": "bertrumtamblyn",
"name": "Mrs Bertram. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Brexit all the way. Back British Farming #AllLivesMatter",
"location": ""
"id": 40705587,
"screen_name": "jeffreymlevy",
"name": "Jeffrey Levy \ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf0a",
"description": "Cloud Architecture and Cyber Security. Democrat with no patience for Trump or his lies. Love animals and positive people. #Resist #UnitedBlue2022 #ClimateChange",
"location": "New York"
"id": 40843948,
"screen_name": "jules1508",
"name": "jules1508",
"description": "No thank you",
"location": ""
"id": 40848617,
"screen_name": "aoifebower",
"name": "Aoife Bower",
"description": "Human female. Television Producer.",
"location": "London"
"id": 40864183,
"screen_name": "tellypolly",
"name": "Polly Middlehurst",
"description": "Former Sky News presenter now GBNews Presenter | Media Resilience Coach | Live Events Host ...also appearing as \u2018CNN News Anchor\u2019 in upcoming spy movie '355'",
"location": "London"
"id": 40866722,
"screen_name": "hotdogface",
"name": "Linds \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "",
"location": "Central Scotland"
"id": 40908168,
"screen_name": "navyChiefalways",
"name": "Trump Hardcore",
"description": "husband, father, grandfather, twenty year Navy Chief veteran! 2A #MAGAFOREVER NRA Texan Conservative Pro Lifer Deplorable #Donald J Trump 2024",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 40932278,
"screen_name": "mrsjademonkey",
"name": "Emma Barker-Lloyd \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\ude0d Still quirky \u0026 abit random even with a small person who calls me \u2018mummy\u2019. Red wine \u0026 exercise, need you more than ever!",
"location": "Guildford, England"
"id": 40939309,
"screen_name": "AzimuthPlus",
"name": "Azimuth",
"description": "I\u2019m loyal to my country, my people, my nation. Always #AmericaFIRST",
"location": ""
"id": 40972650,
"screen_name": "CaseyRobin88",
"name": "Casey #FreeAssange",
"description": "\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Wife \u0026 Momma \u270c\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\ude0a Conservative. Fur/Feather Mom. Photography, Crafts, Unique beliefs. Orcas have my heart. #EmptyTheTanks #MAGA 17 same name on Parler",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 40988269,
"screen_name": "rrchiaratt",
"name": "Ronal Chiara",
"description": "Question Everything especially the 2020 election #Trump2024 conservative values #Patriot \"Make America Great Again\" #MAGA_",
"location": "Northern California"
"id": 40991755,
"screen_name": "GaryD_Sr",
"name": "\ud83d\ude82\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 G \u2122\ufe0f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83d\udc4d",
"description": "\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395#2A#MAGA \u264d\ufe0f NY Sicilian \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u264d\ufe0f in ATL #NRA #BackTheBlue #ItalianAmericans4Trump G\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea\u271d\ufe0fR\u2721\ufe0f IFB ALL #Patriots",
"location": "#RollTide @GaryDSR Parler"
"id": 41057737,
"screen_name": "myhkm",
"name": "Kids n Hawaii",
"description": "Kids n Hawaii Huge Trump Supporter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf3a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. \ud83d\udcafMAGA TrumpTrain coming covid is a hoax I\u2019m on Parler @Happynhawaii",
"location": "Maui Kauai Oahu \u0026 Mainland"
"id": 41067762,
"screen_name": "Bubbachitchat1",
"name": "Debra",
"description": "Retweeted by @realDonaldTrump, Nat Trump Delegate '16, MI Trump Co Chair, Constitutional,Common Sense Trump Conservative, Grammy, Det Tigers",
"location": "Michigan"
"id": 41080011,
"screen_name": "[NOT_FOUND]",
"name": "Nightsusie \ud83d\udde3",
"description": "Patriot!!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\uddfd \ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\uddfd\u201dThe Big Lie!!!\u201d \u201cBack The Blue\u201d \u201cTrump Won\u201d \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\uddfd\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Retired Nurse\ud83c\udf1f\u2b50\ufe0f\u2728\ud83d\udcab",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 41083268,
"screen_name": "butjedo",
"name": "Edwina",
"description": "\u201cIt\u2019s not a girl, it\u2019s Eddie!\u2019 #IstandwithJKRowling",
"location": ""
"id": 41101026,
"screen_name": "AlicornPatriot",
"name": "AlicornPatriot",
"description": "Fan of 1 7 th letter of the alphabet \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\nOn Gab too #Trump2020 #AllLivesMatter #Patriot",
"location": "Philadelphia, PA"
"id": 41118362,
"screen_name": "SarjC9",
"name": "Sarah",
"description": "English/Irish woman | Left leaning liberal | GC | Feminist | (There/are/four/lights)\n#IStandWithJKRowling\n#IStandWithMayaForstater\n#IStandWithMarionMiller",
"location": "Irland"
"id": 41171159,
"screen_name": "gav44",
"name": "Gavin Patterson",
"description": "Love football, love cycling, love life, pro Brexit.",
"location": "Morecambe"
"id": 41172174,
"screen_name": "uxaleri",
"name": "Robin R Weiss",
"description": "Artist. #MAGA #KAG #cometogether",
"location": "Dallas, TX"
"id": 41188214,
"screen_name": "68pfc",
"name": "me.",
"description": "The truth matters #littleboats2020 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7TRUMP 2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2pro Brexit\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "planet earth\ud83c\udf0d"
"id": 41197857,
"screen_name": "jaccarp",
"name": "UAmom\ud83c\udd70\ufe0f\ud83d\udc18",
"description": "#MAGA #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Dothan, AL"
"id": 41232100,
"screen_name": "trefaye",
"name": "Rhonda",
"description": "Christian \u271f\nConservative\nMAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nHappily married. Proud Patriot. Pro-Life, Pro-Gun. Business owner.",
"location": "NC"
"id": 41262952,
"screen_name": "gawdynews",
"name": "GawdyNews",
"description": "Political, Sports \u0026 Entertainment News \u0026 Commentary. Fiscal Conservative, Libertarian, Small Govt \u0026 Free Market Advocate. #VoteDemsOut #AmericaFirst #MAGA",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 41264859,
"screen_name": "KeziahHorne",
"name": "Keziah Horne",
"description": "Lifelong socialist, Feminist, gender critical, supporter of gay and lesbian rights, not sure where I fit in anymore.",
"location": ""
"id": 41270524,
"screen_name": "MAGA_Melanie",
"name": "Michigan Melanie",
"description": "Conservative Christian mom of 2 amazing boys, wife, #archery, #bowhunting, #gardening, #succulents, #MAGA.",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 41289470,
"screen_name": "neuromirchi",
"name": "Neuromirchi",
"description": "A conservative and ardent supporter of Trump. #MAGA #KAG #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall #TRUMP #CONSERVATIVE #AmericaFirst #CAPITALISM #MILITARY #ARMY #NAVY",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 41292783,
"screen_name": "BilliesHoliday",
"name": "Billie Harris",
"description": "#Travel | #BilliesHoliday \u2693\ufe0f #Bourbon | #Champagne #Patriot | #TrumpWon | #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u271d\ufe0f Proudly followed by @RealMattCouch",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 41334710,
"screen_name": "Ursulalaland",
"name": "AUK\ud83c\udf38\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddff\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Existentialist. Scottish-South African. Proud British Patriot. Dog Mother. Business Owner. Trump Lover. STOP THE GREAT RESET. #Together #NoVaccinePassports",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 41356099,
"screen_name": "I__G__O__R",
"name": "\u2721 - Russian Jews - \u2721",
"description": " PROUD AMERICAN. Jewish.\nPro-Trump. Pro-Gun Rights. Pro-USA.\nThe Jewish Silent Majority. Facts First. FUCK your feelings. #MAGA",
"location": "Dominican Republic"
"id": 41390185,
"screen_name": "prema14",
"name": "Latha",
"description": "Wife. Mom. Love to travel. Brexiteer. Conservative\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f Boris supporter. #GBNews",
"location": "UK"
"id": 41392226,
"screen_name": "magazinecafe",
"name": "Magazine Cafe",
"description": "World's Best Magazine Store specializing in Fashion, Trends,Graphics,Design, Art, Architecture...Magazines in store \u0026 online. #Magazinecafe",
"location": "15 W 37 Street, New York"
"id": 41399055,
"screen_name": "Lalatdah",
"name": "LaLa #MAGA",
"description": "Proud American Endorsing Common Sense \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Planet Earth"
"id": 41424047,
"screen_name": "jayharward",
"name": "SwiftCreekMafia",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nPureBlood, American Patriot, Let's go Brandon!",
"location": "Raleigh North Carolina"
"id": 41441492,
"screen_name": "jonny_stubbs",
"name": "Jonathan Stubbs",
"description": "I have the standard human male anatomy",
"location": ""
"id": 41490209,
"screen_name": "KTmommaUT",
"name": "Will Always \u2764\ufe0f My President Trump",
"description": "Wife \u0026 Mom, Constitutional \"Trumplican\" Independent.\nHere for President Trump, the TRUTH \u0026 the LIGHT.\n#Trump2020 #MAGA\nSame on Gab \u0026 Parler @KTmommaUT",
"location": "USA"
"id": 41500810,
"screen_name": "jdubbsnk",
"name": "SkipHope",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Husband\u0026Father. Afraid of growing totalitarianism \u0026 division among humanity. #USA, #2A, Freedom, #MAGA, GrillMaster, ClassicRock #cancersucks \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "United States"
"id": 41508252,
"screen_name": "coheley",
"name": "John Coheley",
"description": "Married 47 years, #VietnamVeteran, #USNAVYAO2 #TGYC #SARATOGA CVA-60 #AMERICA CVA-66 #Catholic #ProLife #MAGA #2A #NRA #VFWLIFEMEM #ALPOST199 #IFB #DD214",
"location": "30.29702 -87.01172"
"id": 41550430,
"screen_name": "aniobrien",
"name": "Ani O'Brien",
"description": "Like good faith disagreements \u0026 principled people. Dislike disingenuousness \u0026 Foucault. Political staffer. Women\u2019s rights. Opinions my own, not my employer\u2019s \u26a2",
"location": "Wellington, NZ"
"id": 41578094,
"screen_name": "1219Trump",
"name": "1219Trump2020",
"description": "#Trump2020 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u203c\ufe0f",
"location": "USA"
"id": 41581019,
"screen_name": "bonkersjeremy",
"name": "jeremy james",
"description": "#StandbyTommy #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 41589988,
"screen_name": "msnemelka",
"name": "Mark Nemelka",
"description": "The official twitter page of Mark S. Nemelka - Vice President of CLEANWRAP Interior Protection Systems. #MAGA, stop #illeople = illegal people voting!",
"location": "Tennessee, USA"
"id": 41623564,
"screen_name": "SilkCutBlue",
"name": "Janny Woman",
"description": "Knows the Truth #democracy #lexit #woman #TooLatetoExpelMe #NoThankYou",
"location": "UK"
"id": 41628569,
"screen_name": "jgreet71",
"name": "John",
"description": "Tara\u2019s husband, Brandon \u0026 Ryan\u2019s dad. Conservative, Constitutionalist, USAF Veteran, \u201cFriedman economics\u201d, originalist. No DM\u2019s. #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020",
"location": "Brick, NJ"
"id": 41645052,
"screen_name": "personnamedseth",
"name": "Seth \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2708\ufe0f\ud83d\udcf7",
"description": "Proud American, NRA member, Car guy, AV Geek, shutterbug, foodie, sports nut, fiscal conservative, French bulldog enthusiast #AmericaFirst #MAGA #patriotparty",
"location": "So Cal"
"id": 41655655,
"screen_name": "peppgrad",
"name": "TheObserver",
"description": "Actors Richard Armitage, Matthew Goode. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #BlueLivesMatter#BackTheBlue News junkie. U can be friends w/ people who don't agree w/ U. Find common ground",
"location": "Somewhere in Time"
"id": 41670906,
"screen_name": "NCHomBuyer",
"name": "George Stevenson",
"description": "Raleigh and Fayetteville NC Real Estate Investor; Creative Real Estate Teacher and Coach specializing in Lease Options #MAGA same username on Parler",
"location": "Raleigh, North Carolina"
"id": 41690164,
"screen_name": "RDJim",
"name": "PureBlood",
"description": "GMO-Free\n.. .. .. ..\nBlocking All Followers.",
"location": ""
"id": 41696667,
"screen_name": "Southernboy365",
"name": "GS",
"description": "RTR! Trump2020! Hunting/Fishing 2nd Amendment",
"location": ""
"id": 41745080,
"screen_name": "nedralynn03",
"name": "Nedra\ud83d\udc9cRoberts",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Apopka, Florida"
"id": 41771092,
"screen_name": "VeroAutomatique",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95 Veronique Automatique \ud83e\udd96 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Curiosa por naturaleza \ud83d\udc40Ratita de biblioteca \ud83d\udcda \u2728 Feminista radical (creo) en constante aprendizaje. \u2640\ufe0f #ResistenciaFeminista",
"location": "Madrid"
"id": 41786312,
"screen_name": "redcap111",
"name": "St3v3n H45l3tt",
"description": "My opinions are my own! Anti-woke. Anti-Communist. Pro-Union. Pro-Life. Pro-Israel. Proud Ulsterman. Fan of GB News.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 41836838,
"screen_name": "sissy_48",
"name": "Sissy",
"description": "Q supporter. Conservative, Christian Working to Take America Back. I block list \u0026 porn adds. #STAND! #MAGA #KAG2020",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 41883456,
"screen_name": "The_TwoWolf",
"name": "AndyElliott \u0646",
"description": "\u267f #USMCVet 5955 '74-80 #Yeshua \u0646 #PROLIFE #TRUMP #2A",
"location": "Poplar Bluff, MO USA "
"id": 41905954,
"screen_name": "ElenaHaskins",
"name": "Elena Haskins, Authentic American",
"description": "Father killed in service to USA; Brother shot by blacks; DAR eligible; Anti-Usury; Anti-Immigration; AntiWarProfiteers; ProNobleWhite; ProGun; AntiTrophyHunters",
"location": "CA \u0026"
"id": 41933342,
"screen_name": "dacw10",
"name": "Deborah \u274c #ADOS\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#ADOS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#ReparationsIsRespect\ud83e\udd1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd1f\n#BuildTheWall #LineageMatters",
"location": "United States"
"id": 41981259,
"screen_name": "DCfegan",
"name": "David Fegan",
"description": "Christian | Conservative | Businessman | Former Candidate for TX-24 | Pro-Life | @NRA Member #Trump2024 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Parler @DCfegan",
"location": "Colleyville, TX"
"id": 41984288,
"screen_name": "iamparnelli",
"name": "\ud83c\udf0aParnelli\u2744\ufe0f",
"description": "\ud83c\udf0a \ud83c\udf32PNW squirrel who hasn\u2019t relaxed since 2017 and misses Obama!#impeachtheorange #lbgtq #blm #resist #equality #angelparent #FBR #MAGAt\u2019s will happily be \ud83d\udeab",
"location": "Portland, OR"
"id": 42071192,
"screen_name": "lolipopdragon",
"name": "Lou lou #BACKINGBORIS\ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Proud of being Welsh and proud of being British hate the EU , \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7love being a mammy \u0026 nanny, #Backing Boris, \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GB news",
"location": ""
"id": 42091411,
"screen_name": "CakeFollies",
"name": "Amanda Whelan\ud83c\udf38",
"description": "I am an anti gene therapy, lockdowns \u0026 fake world order. 'Pureblood' Viking woman, fighting for my son and grandchildren",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 42119678,
"screen_name": "katwoody99",
"name": "Kathy Woody",
"description": "Proud Momma! Serious Bama fan: #RollTide!! YUGE Trump Supporter! #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Const, Security \u0026 Fiscal Conservative; Harvard, Rhodes Coll., School of Life.",
"location": "Alabama, USA"
"id": 42126313,
"screen_name": "fluiza",
"name": "Lu Avill \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9a \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "No to gender stereotypes, yes to protecting women-only spaces. If TERFphobes and Feminaziphobes don't like what I'm saying they'll hate what I'm thinking.",
"location": "#IStandWithJKRowling"
"id": 42156664,
"screen_name": "rorybowman",
"name": "Rory (\ud83e\udd84\ud83d\udca9\ud83d\udc0d)",
"description": "\ud83d\ude37 Pro-feminist, biological realist, #ObservedMaleAtBirth. Sex \u2260 gender \u2260 identity \u2260 personality, and it is poor public policy to conflate them. #SexNotGender",
"location": "Vancouver WA"
"id": 42180339,
"screen_name": "dawn_navygirl",
"name": "Dawn Atkinson Jones",
"description": "US Navy Veteran, Paralegal (Civilian \u0026 Military Certs), Musician (voice/piano), Massage Therapist, Christian, Republican \u0026 Mom (always on call)! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Bradenton, Florida"
"id": 42245226,
"screen_name": "N_DOLLA",
"name": "Ndolla \ud83d\udc99 \ud83d\udcab \u2618\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Huge #Madonna Fan. Irish do it better! #ProudMommy #Britney #Kylie #Writer #Journalist #Sociologist #Feminist #Singer \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83d\udc8b \ud83c\udfa4 #NoThankYou",
"location": "Dublin"
"id": 42276435,
"screen_name": "pippi1969",
"name": "portia",
"description": "Florida Nurses for Trump",
"location": "WPB, FL"
"id": 42283722,
"screen_name": "LusciousLather",
"name": "Diane",
"description": "Christian, Pro Israel, Conservative, Constitution, Proud American \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 1A, 2A, #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020, #ExonerateFlynn I \ud83d\udc97 45! #TRUMP2020",
"location": "Michigan"
"id": 42284908,
"screen_name": "luv18wheels",
"name": "\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Patricia Powers\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274c",
"description": "Wife of a trucker, living day to day in the NW with our sweet pup Emma Rose. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude82\ud83d\udc3eConservative views...oh and I RT a lot \u2649 My Backup acct: @PatnJim2",
"location": "Portland, OR"
"id": 42285630,
"screen_name": "Schvidah",
"name": "Kevin",
"description": "Law and order Conservative. Hoping to one day escape from the People's Republic of Maryland. Pronouns: King/Your Majesty. #BlueLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "Charm City and Monkey County"
"id": 42294131,
"screen_name": "dominicbox",
"name": "DXB",
"description": "Cultural larcenist. Globe trekker. Experimentalist. Writer. Foodie. Photographer. Aspiring Nomad. UARK '12. #MAGA #TrumpTrain #Trump2020",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 42296988,
"screen_name": "CrimsonTruth516",
"name": "NON DENOMINATIONAL-CHRISTIAN ~ In Jesus Name, Amen",
"description": "PATRIOTS STAND UP! - TRUMP WON ! -GOD ALWAYS has TRUMP's Back!! - \ud83d\ude07 - Fight Back with PRAYERs ARE MOST POWERFUL..",
"location": "Middle Village, Queens"
"id": 42306695,
"screen_name": "_PrettiSWEET",
"name": "_ShennetteSparkes",
"description": "Head Coach PHCA Girls Basketball. Wife. Mom. Author. Coach. Lupus Advocate\ud83e\udd8b\ud83d\udc9c . #TeamFreedom #MAGA \u2763\ufe0f #AdvocateForChildren",
"location": "Jacksonville Beach, FL"
"id": 42318346,
"screen_name": "aintnobarbie",
"name": "aintnobarbie \ud83d\udeab\ud83d\udc02\ud83d\udca9",
"description": "SoCal gal with deep roots, pushing back at the illegal alien invasion. #NoSanctuary #NoAmnesty #VetsBeforeIllegals #BackTheBlue #AmericaFirst #MAGAforever",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 42349949,
"screen_name": "glorielle03",
"name": "GloJean \ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udf37",
"description": "Reiki Master \ud83d\udd4a - Usui \u0026 Karuna \ud83d\udd49\n#AmericaFirst\n#DrainTheSwamp",
"location": "New Jersey, USA"
"id": 42377918,
"screen_name": "teer_d_arc",
"name": "T\u00edr D'Arc",
"description": "Irish. Woman. Human. Sex not gender. Question everything... pas de pronoms fou.",
"location": "Europe "
"id": 42429101,
"screen_name": "stewilpo",
"name": "Marcel Wave",
"description": "HCP ,Happily Married .GC .Gay not Queer .Awake not woke .",
"location": "london"
"id": 42459455,
"screen_name": "YouthDefence",
"name": "Youth Defence",
"description": "We are Ireland's most active pro-life organisation, working to protect and save mothers and babies from abortion. #youthdefence #WeStandforLife #marchforlife",
"location": "Ireland"
"id": 42461462,
"screen_name": "mustangusn",
"name": "LisaG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 100%",
"description": "Retired Navy Mustang-Officer \u0026 Enlisted-DAV, Life NRA, RC, Married; \ud83d\udeabDMs. RETIRED \u0026 STILL single handedly stimulating the economy to #MAGA \u0026 #KAG-BFF45 x 2!",
"location": "WA"
"id": 42463851,
"screen_name": "iflitifloat",
"name": "\ud83d\udc95",
"description": "\ud83d\udc95Trad Cath \u271d\ufe0f Based OG Groyper \ud83d\udc95America First \ud83d\udc38\u261d\ufe0fNO \ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2695\ufe0f\ud83d\udc89\ud83d\udeab\u2620\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 42475830,
"screen_name": "sarahloldfield",
"name": "Sarah Oldfield",
"description": "Adult human female. Feminist. Socialist. Trying to navigate through a familial ROGD situation protecting from harm but not increasing distress.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 42566526,
"screen_name": "01UWGRAD",
"name": "Chris Olson",
"description": "#TRUMP2020, Conservative, Catholic, UW HUSKY, Seahawks Fan, #Pro2a, #BackTheBlue",
"location": "Seattle, WA, USA"
"id": 42605527,
"screen_name": "Miss_Adler78",
"name": "Irene Adler\ud83c\udf37The Woman \u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "Bordiamable. Ni estoy, ni se me espera. \ud83e\udd85 Liga del Co\u00f1o. JK Rowling Army.",
"location": ""
"id": 42640212,
"screen_name": "Aperrrrr",
"name": "Aperski",
"description": "Gender critical.",
"location": "Birmingham, England"
"id": 42651172,
"screen_name": "keyo513",
"name": "Kimberlee Bowman",
"description": "Conservative Christian. #MAGA2020",
"location": ""
"id": 42682980,
"screen_name": "whkthree",
"name": "iamHowd \ud83e\udd20",
"description": "America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 anti-woke pro-45 #HomoCon \ud83d\udc6c #walkaway Proud 24/7/365 \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffb",
"location": ""
"id": 42693733,
"screen_name": "joyce_rdh_cda",
"name": "Joyce",
"description": "A pro-life conservative who loves Jesus, my family, and rock-n-roll! Always striving to be productive, meet goals, and solve problems. Future Tesla owner.",
"location": "Here and now, yet looking at the future"
"id": 42712272,
"screen_name": "woldsend",
"name": "Mike Perry \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f #antiwokeuk",
"description": "Handle stressful situations like a dog, if you can't eat or hump it, piss on it and walk away.\nKeeping things in perspective.",
"location": "Lincolnshire"
"id": 42722895,
"screen_name": "dwinslow_gce",
"name": "D Pureblood Winslow",
"description": "government is out of control. Gab @dwinslow",
"location": ""
"id": 42752729,
"screen_name": "subdoc_3",
"name": "Westley Durnell",
"description": "Father, Husband, Submarine Veteran. America Always \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 TRUMP 2024",
"location": "Groton, CT"
"id": 42754775,
"screen_name": "recoveringpunk",
"name": "JI",
"description": "Husband, Father, Law Man, Natural Conservative in that order. #nationalist #americafirst",
"location": ""
"id": 42765339,
"screen_name": "darelle41",
"name": "dred",
"description": "Adult Human Female",
"location": "UK"
"id": 42767629,
"screen_name": "TypicalCon",
"name": "ConservativeWoman",
"description": "Mother of three, Married, Small Business Owner, Conservative. Keyboard warrior. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 42793804,
"screen_name": "makingmorenoise",
"name": "Sara",
"description": "One of those mythical millennial radfems.",
"location": "On the hill"
"id": 42827936,
"screen_name": "IUgirl524",
"name": "xx1Dragon1xx",
"description": "\ud83c\udf0aTotally not talking to you... But if I am...Crushing it... #MAGA is bulls**t. America has been and will always be great. Veteran \u0026 Teacher of the young.#FBR\ud83c\udf0a",
"location": "New Mexico"
"id": 42861116,
"screen_name": "gary_robertson",
"name": "Gary\u2019s Tweets \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Brexiteer, British, @GBNEWS, Kneel only for HMQ \u0026 God, #defundBBC, #alllivesmatter, not privileged, 2 genders only, all my own views JFT96",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 42912657,
"screen_name": "laptag",
"name": "Larry Moses",
"description": "A Businessman just proved he ran this Country better than all Politicians before him... Moral: No more Politicians!\n#Amirite...Ubetiam...hgwt...",
"location": "America First"
"id": 42928338,
"screen_name": "JoG27",
"name": "Jo de Guns",
"description": "Yamaha Girl, IAM F1RST, Save Women's Sport. Feminist in the old fashioned way i.e. women's rights! #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "The right side of history"
"id": 42950627,
"screen_name": "txaggies99",
"name": "CoveredC",
"description": "Trump won. MAGA.",
"location": ""
"id": 42957323,
"screen_name": "Mugatu519",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf86DTOWN9\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Art Director, Artist, Purveyor of thought, inimitable portrayer of allure. #MAGA #2A #KAG Parler @Mugatu55",
"location": "Detroit/Chicago"
"id": 42962895,
"screen_name": "lseeburr",
"name": "anamatopoeia",
"description": "Proud Cult 45 member #MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020\n#ProudTrumpChump",
"location": "fort mill sc"
"id": 43012119,
"screen_name": "potterphile3",
"name": "Potterphile3",
"description": "*loves Harry Potter* 'nuff said (actually, not enough. dear jkr: trans rights are human rights)",
"location": "Boston"
"id": 43013192,
"screen_name": "MisterRational",
"name": "Friendo\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83d\udfe9",
"description": "What business is it of yours where I am from. Call it. Everything is at stake.\n#bitcoin your majesty/battleship\n#superstraight",
"location": "Earth."
"id": 43031498,
"screen_name": "bman_1013",
"name": "|\u152d\u152d99/n| \u0287\u0265\u0183n\u0250u\u0279\u01dddnS \u272a",
"description": "$supernaught. Impossible to gauge. Proud husband + Dad to two amazing boys. Engineer in a previous life. Forced induction junkie. Patriot / MAGA guy. Anti-woke.",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 43045271,
"screen_name": "kamalas_a_witch",
"name": "Wendy",
"description": "i support @realdonaldtrump #kaga #fuckblm #blmisamarxistorganization #boycotthollywood #trudeaumustgo PS I only follow smart people \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 43061364,
"screen_name": "Lindalou143",
"name": "LindaLou143",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Phil 4:13 Trump 2020 No DMs NO Coin offers PATRIOT PARTY",
"location": ""
"id": 43094696,
"screen_name": "xmlwx75",
"name": "Melissa Waz",
"description": "-CAPITALIST-Independent-Constitutional WATCH-DOG -The 2ndAmendment isn't a suggestion.\n#GoVegan\ud83c\udf31 #iStandWithIsrael #GatorNation\ud83c\udfc8 #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Gainesville, FL"
"id": 43121192,
"screen_name": "Frognet14",
"name": "Slip Right",
"description": "#MAGAveteran Sua Sponte. Interested in history and the future.",
"location": ""
"id": 43139246,
"screen_name": "kathleenmaryj",
"name": "Dr. Kathleen Johnson - PHD Trump 2020",
"description": "USMC \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Semper Fi - oooh rah - Trump 2024 \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Drain the swamp!! DO NOT DM me please! ok",
"location": "Lake Tahoe, NV"
"id": 43149071,
"screen_name": "GoRixter",
"name": "Rixter | #AllLivesMatter",
"description": "Conservative / IT Manager / Goaltender / Cyclist",
"location": ""
"id": 43167962,
"screen_name": "Branlion",
"name": "Freedom to Think Differently",
"description": "StrictConstitutionalist#1A#2A, ProtectTHEweakListen1st, LOVElikeJesus! ExposeUSGovCorruption SpeechISNOTviolence climateAgnosticTURNback2GODAmerica#MAGA",
"location": "California"
"id": 43239208,
"screen_name": "TTBLDK",
"name": "LadyT\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\udc1d",
"description": "Just little ol me. Don't like it? Go away! \u270c\ufe0f\ud83d\ude1c\ud83d\ude18\n#mom #wife #daughterofTheKing #prolife #friendsnumberonefan \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc96",
"location": ""
"id": 43241574,
"screen_name": "soundcabinet",
"name": "Music Man\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udee9\ud83c\udfb8\ud83c\udfbc\ud83c\udfad",
"description": "Patriot,#MAGA, Musician, composer, arranger, #keto cook, gardener, Photographer, Dad and Grandad, NASCAR fan, anti covid vax with 2 science degrees, no DMs!",
"location": "Virginia Beach, VA"
"id": 43252150,
"screen_name": "Prayn4uandme",
"name": "Prayn4USA - parley @prayn4uandme",
"description": "#MAGA, Patriot, *RT does not = endorsement; comments do not represent that of anyone else",
"location": ""
"id": 43283887,
"screen_name": "yokipoki",
"name": "Jenny Willmott",
"description": "JK Rowling fan.",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 43311388,
"screen_name": "Noriay",
"name": "Norah",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": "London"
"id": 43314328,
"screen_name": "colinjeffery",
"name": "Colin Jeffery",
"description": "Owner of @icenimagazine - Publisher of Iceni Magazine #Norfolk a FREE monthly Lifestyle #Magazine \u0026 Co-organiser of @norfolktweetup",
"location": ""
"id": 43356553,
"screen_name": "heaandbooks",
"name": "Kelly LetsGoBrandon",
"description": "Wine lover, book lover, and lover of HEA's. And, I get political! #MAGA #TRUMP2020",
"location": "United States"
"id": 43368583,
"screen_name": "RightnTexas",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2Texas Right Winger \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "IFB all patriots-esp. veterans. No Libtards. M.B.A. Analyst, Love America, God, \u0026 making fun of Dems \u0026 socialism @CodeofVets #KAG #Trump #NRA #Military #Dogs",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 43399291,
"screen_name": "Reevsie123",
"name": "Paul Reeve \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "I love our Queen \u0026 country - despise cancel culture, FBPE \u0026 all other single issue fanatics. I voted Brexit \u0026 would do again. No DM\u2019s #GBNews",
"location": "Norfolk"
"id": 43412303,
"screen_name": "jlh4468",
"name": "Reagan_68",
"description": "Unsophisticated Patriot. Retired teacher. 53 years young. Christian. Conservative. Country girl. Pro-Life. St. Louis Cardinals fan #stlfly",
"location": "Louisville, KY"
"id": 43422486,
"screen_name": "TheGigIsUpBoom",
"name": "The Gig is Up",
"description": "Wife \u0026 mom. Accused of being that crazy conservative aunt and proud of it. News junkie but not of #fakenews.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #Trump2020 #Women4Trump \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99",
"location": ""
"id": 43426483,
"screen_name": "cookie_kim",
"name": "Kim Headley",
"description": "All of my tweets are anti-abortion, anti-porn, and anti-human trafficking. If you don\u2019t like that don\u2019t follow me. Curling Canadian \ud83e\udd4c\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 \u2764\ufe0f Love Jesus \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Ontario, Canada"
"id": 43434729,
"screen_name": "robertihde",
"name": "PatriotParty2020 \u271d \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA2016 #KAG2020",
"description": "ENTP (The Debater) personality-type. Father to 2 wonderful kids. Former GOP. Registered Independent on 1/6/21. FB: Scott Baio and Cathy Bernstein.",
"location": "Fresno, CA."
"id": 43455900,
"screen_name": "Jd072235",
"name": "JD\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "Love the outdoors. Summer. The Shore. Weather Nerd. Independent Thinker. Voted Republican only for Trump. Despises political correctness.",
"location": "New Jersey "
"id": 43459488,
"screen_name": "GC_Doomwitch",
"name": "Keighley\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Adult Human Female \u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udfc1\nBorn: \ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddff\nAncestry: \ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f Insubordinate daughter of the witches they couldn't burn",
"location": "Australia"
"id": 43478464,
"screen_name": "JRyanE",
"name": "J. Ryan",
"description": "A man of few words, but driven to succeed. #MAGA #TRUMP #Conservative #2020 God Bless America #supportourtroops #bluelivesmatter #2ndAmendment",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 43508994,
"screen_name": "BAMAPERRY",
"name": "Perry",
"description": "#TrumpTrain @BAMAPERRY on Parler \u0026 Gab. Israel. Muslims + Progressives = Marriage blessed by Satan (Allah). #Maranatha Pronouns: Master/Lord/Most High\ud83d\ude10",
"location": "Florida Panhandle"
"id": 43533947,
"screen_name": "KalahD",
"name": "Kalah Love",
"description": "#KAG, Retired/Disabled Nurse, #BlueLivesMatter, Support our Military \u0026 1st Responders",
"location": "Rural AR"
"id": 43590884,
"screen_name": "blstlcic",
"name": "Billy Benign",
"description": "major Jesus freak, who loves his country, his God, his guns (they're real), and his Family no one can take that away from me! I'm Pro-LIFE!!!!! #abortionmustgo!",
"location": "Anywhere Timbuktu"
"id": 43606672,
"screen_name": "JB_Conserv4Life",
"name": "Jake \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\udfae\u2694\u2615 \ud83e\udd88",
"description": "#Christian, Husband, Father, #ProLife, #Reagan #Conservative, and Rush Baby. #Psalm 139 #Psalm 90",
"location": ""
"id": 43639536,
"screen_name": "Spamicide",
"name": "DGClarke #CancelDisneyPlus",
"description": "#IStandWithVic #AllLivesMatter\nIT Professional, Survivor two brain aneurysms and a Stroke\nLikes and Retweets ARE an endorsement of expressed views!",
"location": ""
"id": 43686506,
"screen_name": "bobbymarriott",
"name": "Bobby Marriott",
"description": "i love you all even if i don't show it. America is great; our world is great. the 2 are not mutually exclusive. i don't care for Biden; i didn't care for Trump.",
"location": "columbia, sc"
"id": 43748591,
"screen_name": "pcraymond",
"name": "BamaPama",
"description": "Owner:Imperial Manufacturing Inc. Cast aluminum mailboxes, street signs and lamp post. Beautifying America's communities. #MAGA",
"location": "Millbrook, AL"
"id": 43763866,
"screen_name": "Valentinesday1",
"name": "Latino Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA, #LatinosForTrump Conservative, Proud of My President \u0026 bot to Snowflakes. Viva President Trump! I got a followback from @RealJamesWoods, @RealEricCarmen",
"location": "Phoenix, Arizona"
"id": 43765849,
"screen_name": "bigbadant",
"name": "George Kaplan",
"description": "SORELY missed: @ThomasWictor\nLefty I NUKED: @ChanceAustin\nMAGA KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 TRUMP2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#Trump2020LandslideVictoryBaby\nThere Are No Teams\n#KAG2020us@POTUSus",
"location": ""
"id": 43902475,
"screen_name": "Janeknowsbest",
"name": "JaneAdkins",
"description": "Experienced PR in SW: travel \u0026 tourism, Arts, #Sherborne, Biz2Biz, food. Also #Editor of The Conduit #magazine #SBS winner #Dorset #Somerset",
"location": "South West"
"id": 43936831,
"screen_name": "naryamie9",
"name": "I Do Not Comply!",
"description": "Sarcastic not so normal me. I have 3 mini-mes \u0026 2 boys who stole my heart. Lover of God, Guns \u0026 Animals. Book Worm. Amateur Photographer. Pro-Life. On Parler.",
"location": ""
"id": 43996487,
"screen_name": "UKEmpLawyer",
"name": "James Moss",
"description": "Windsurfing, employment solicitor \u0026 Managing Partner @Slate_Legal. KCL \u0026 Sorbonne grad. Married to @Commsbird. Dad to 3 boys. Drums, piano #GBNews \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77",
"location": "Newport, South Wales, UK"
"id": 44002861,
"screen_name": "shad39",
"name": "Jeff",
"description": "#JesusIsLord #Godrules #TrumpWon ! #MAGA #Trump2024 #Israel",
"location": "Suffolk , Lake Ronkonkoma , NY"
"id": 44025253,
"screen_name": "zestyitalianCA",
"name": "zestyitalian",
"description": "I love my country #2A #MAGA Digital Warrior fighting for Freedom Followed by @RealJamesWoods",
"location": "USA"
"id": 44053393,
"screen_name": "GoGoGlockzilla",
"name": "GoGo Glockzilla",
"description": "#USA #MAGA #KAG #2A #NRA #MolonLabe #Patriot #Deplorable #TrumpChump #Constitution #SupportOurVets NO DM'S",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 44067978,
"screen_name": "rambunc",
"name": "carol cocca",
"description": "Conservative, Mom, Wife, Grandma, Paralegal, Catholic, Proud of my Country; #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8; #ZeoliArmy",
"location": "Southern NJ"
"id": 44098501,
"screen_name": "dirtydianic",
"name": "L \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Feminist. Woman. Adult human female.",
"location": ""
"id": 44111669,
"screen_name": "andweknow",
"name": "And We Know (8:28) \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Master Sergeant (ret) U.S. Marine Corps, very conservative Christian. Thank God 4 Trump. #maga Romans 8:28",
"location": "Georgia, USA;"
"id": 44116979,
"screen_name": "carolinmcmillan",
"name": "Caroline McMillan \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #WomenWontWeesht",
"description": "Woman! Opinions my own. Pronouns: Dinosaur/RightsHoarder",
"location": "Glasgow in my heart."
"id": 44119408,
"screen_name": "roshans89",
"name": "Roshan Summun",
"description": "Books, politics (conservative), anti-woke, economics, running, sports fan, computer programming, rock music. Grumpy old man \ud83d\udc80",
"location": "Mauritius"
"id": 44130454,
"screen_name": "ntblmncereus",
"name": "#Resist \u270a Marxist Communist Democrats /join GETTR",
"description": "#VoteOutAllRinos #BuildTheWall #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica/ follow me on GETTR \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 @NINA_G",
"location": ""
"id": 44130771,
"screen_name": "sukbirkaur",
"name": "Sukbir Kaur",
"description": "Simple girl in a complex world. Poet, Vegetarian, Student of Stoicism and Radical Feminist. Vi\u1ec7t Ki\u1ec1u",
"location": "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"
"id": 44135635,
"screen_name": "SoCalTrumpMAGA",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Dean Meek\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Trump2024 #Conservative #KAG #MAGA #LivesInSanDiego #BuildTheWall Please read \u0026 bookmark my #Free paper: Keep America Great Conservative Daily linked below:",
"location": "San Diego, CA"
"id": 44184048,
"screen_name": "yahuckleberry1",
"name": "Joel",
"description": "Believer in democracy and integrity. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7. MSM has an agenda. Arsenal FC. Listen to Thomas Sowell as he\u2019s a wise man. @GBNEWS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 44213548,
"screen_name": "BarbaraSM_60",
"name": "BarbaraSM",
"description": "#prolife #Israel #BuyGuns #1A #2A #NRA Happily Married, Catholic Conservative Woman. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1Strong supporter of Israel. \u27a1\ufe0fNO LISTS!\u2b05\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 44230265,
"screen_name": "vonisebeach",
"name": "Verny Juane",
"description": "\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Haitian American Aquarius \u2652\ufe0f Pro-black woman #blackfemalelivesmatter #sexisreal Baby Nail Tech \ud83d\udc85\ud83c\udffe",
"location": ""
"id": 44235951,
"screen_name": "jakeskupkake",
"name": "PATTY WADE",
"description": "#MAGA. \ud83d\udcaf #NODM #YOUWILLBEBLOCKED. #I AMNOTHERETODATE!",
"location": "CARMICHAEL, CA"
"id": 44264328,
"screen_name": "TwiloGuy73",
"name": "Dr. Deplorable Gay Guy \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "Conservative Gay Guy. Everyone needs to stop being so fucking offended. Lighten the fuck up! #ProLife #Married #Liberty #NRA #EDM #HouseMusic all night long.",
"location": "Brandontown. Let\u2019s go!"
"id": 44276093,
"screen_name": "Neece415",
"name": "Denise\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "In Connecticut, originally from Brooklyn NY.\nBlocked by Avenatti \u0026 Rosie, so I must be doing something right.\ud83d\ude0e \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TRUMPDESANTIS2024",
"location": "Location: anywhere my phone is"
"id": 44294971,
"screen_name": "PhantomBe11e",
"name": "\ud83e\udd85\u2b50\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8PhantomBe11e\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\u2b50\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "For God so loved the world. John3:16 #SAVED #PROLIFE #WALKAWAY\nMatthew15:10 Psalm56:9 Psalm14:1-7 Isaiah5:20-21",
"location": ""
"id": 44316802,
"screen_name": "ArtySin",
"name": "Ken aka Lord Petrolhead \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Chelsea FC nut, car nut, a few MG TFs, Supercharged Mini Cooper S \u0026 computer boffin. #gbnews community",
"location": "ENGLAND! the place to be"
"id": 44365200,
"screen_name": "KevinShaver",
"name": "Kevin Shaver",
"description": "Everyday is Saturday! Retired USPTO, #Billsfan, #KAG, #MAGA, #NRA, #1A, #2A, #ProLife, #Patriot, #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395, #BuildTheWall, #Jeeper, #4x4",
"location": "N 38\u00b035' 0'' / W 77\u00b018' 0''"
"id": 44407179,
"screen_name": "SweetPatootieee",
"name": "Fitzy",
"description": "Woman - Female human",
"location": "London"
"id": 44420178,
"screen_name": "magsmccall",
"name": "mags",
"description": "Birth geek, passionate defender of women\u2019s rights, breastfeeding guru \u0026 proud to be an NHS midwife pursuing normality \u0026 continuity",
"location": "Troon, Scotland"
"id": 44455466,
"screen_name": "olageir",
"name": "Ola Geir Soppeland(man/father)",
"description": "NOTE: RTs/follows are not to be read unfailingly as endorsements. I sometimes post material with which I do not agree. #ProLife #coys",
"location": "Denmark"
"id": 44519760,
"screen_name": "FergsNVA",
"name": "Optimus Ferg",
"description": "Christian conservative. #TRUMPWONBIGLY #BeijingBidenCheated #AMERICAFIRST",
"location": ""
"id": 44542844,
"screen_name": "CaliBlondeLady",
"name": "MrsCaliBlonde\u2122",
"description": "Cali Conservative \ud83c\udf41 In Blonde Theory \ud83c\udf41 Military Wife/Mom \ud83c\udf41 #MAGA",
"location": "California Dreamin'"
"id": 44556700,
"screen_name": "KnightAweigh",
"name": "\u274cA Knight Aweigh\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Parler\u27a1\ufe0f@Knightaweigh\nHusband and Dad\n#FollowMe #IFollowBack Patriots only!\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2#KAG2020",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 44585564,
"screen_name": "Angels_Ackiz",
"name": "Oh what now?",
"description": "Sci Fi lover, ghostbuster, dancer, trancer, #nerd, #radfem, sarcastic sod, sick of your bs, Nasty Woman, witch",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 44599716,
"screen_name": "4JGST",
"name": "JGST\ud83d\ude42\ud83c\udf38",
"description": "Retweets are not endorsements. I retweet for all kinds of reasons.\nHuman female.\nNuremberg Code!",
"location": "Canada "
"id": 44604022,
"screen_name": "singingfranny",
"name": "FrancesW \ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Endearingly cheeky. Work in education by day, sing a bit by night. Chronic recycler of others' Tweets \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #FBPE #RejoinEU \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa #GTTO #BLM #hope \ud83d\ude37 \ud83c\udf31",
"location": "West Sussex"
"id": 44618901,
"screen_name": "Tarvid2",
"name": "Marge",
"description": "Trump supporter, back the Blue. america first. trust in God",
"location": "Chicago"
"id": 44621357,
"screen_name": "Shescomeundone",
"name": "Thorny Rose",
"description": "Conservative Patriot. Veteran. College degree. Pro gun. Your vaccine is a joke.",
"location": "Bermuda "
"id": 44622120,
"screen_name": "wrenchboy",
"name": "Anonymous Source",
"description": "Red Blooded American. I cuss during inappropriate times. God, Family, Country. There are only 2 genders. #ProLife",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 44655498,
"screen_name": "MervusP30",
"name": "Mervyn #KBF",
"description": "Pro Brexit, George Formby fan and a Keep Britain Free supporter \u0026 men's rights activist. Now an official member of the Monster Raving Loony Party.",
"location": "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"
"id": 44665311,
"screen_name": "gtodriver",
"name": "Joe, eoJ",
"description": "American? Check. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Nationalist? Check. #45 the best. Capitalist? Check. All things Industrial \u2699\ufe0f\ud83d\udcd0\ud83d\udd29\ud83d\udee0\ufe0f \ud83d\udd0c\ud83d\udca1 USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Impeach them all. TRUMP 2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "State of Chicago, USA."
"id": 44733172,
"screen_name": "Trance39",
"name": "Fred Maynard",
"description": "#MAGA #Trump",
"location": ""
"id": 44734306,
"screen_name": "imcorvette64",
"name": "Yvette Cornwell\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Happily married to my Luv of my life... ~\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 44780138,
"screen_name": "mpc7777",
"name": "Flattus Maximus",
"description": "Nonproliferator",
"location": "Lyon"
"id": 44814475,
"screen_name": "BigBilly98",
"name": "Resident Brandon",
"description": "Conservative, Back the Blue, Keep Arizona Red #MAGA #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 44852237,
"screen_name": "Brennan55777",
"name": "Brennan Doherty",
"description": "Catholic, Pro-Life, Love Traditional Latin Mass, #MAGA.",
"location": ""
"id": 44857296,
"screen_name": "itcamille",
"name": "Mina Estrona",
"description": "You didn't say Boutros Boutros Ghali proud #radfem",
"location": "obliviate"
"id": 44868992,
"screen_name": "MinneytheMooToo",
"name": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f Moo\u2019s Mum \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Viva GBNews \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7fBrexit\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7WRAF Veteran\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7fYorkshire Lass\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Anti woke\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7fCervix Owner\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Cocker Mummy\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7fNo DM\u2019s thanks\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 England."
"id": 44887568,
"screen_name": "BanAllLiberals",
"name": "DrJoeBiden",
"description": "Just because I hate American cheese doesn\u2019t mean I\u2019m a Democrat. #MAGA #DESANTIS2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "MAGA Country"
"id": 44970058,
"screen_name": "M4xi_M3lon",
"name": "Mariechen \u2764",
"description": "Studentin \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83c\udf93",
"location": ""
"id": 45021742,
"screen_name": "deplorable_jen",
"name": "Than Q. Brandon",
"description": "Christian. Conservative. Retired USAF officer. #deplorable #MAGA",
"location": "earth"
"id": 45050364,
"screen_name": "WillZejda",
"name": "Buck Foe Jiden",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG #USA We are a nation of assimilation, not immigration, second generation American USCG 78-84",
"location": "Nebraska, USA"
"id": 45052149,
"screen_name": "momgonebananas",
"name": "Candice McClellan",
"description": "I'm a strong conservative, fighting for what's right!! #MAGA #45cult",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 45058489,
"screen_name": "SGIHome",
"name": "EGB",
"description": "\ud83e\udd85Patriot, anti-socialism, anti-communism, anti-corruption, anti-BS\u2b50\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \u2b50VERITAS\u2b50LIVE FREE OR DIE \u2b50\nWill not entertain the trolls\n#MAGA\ud83e\udd85",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 45075512,
"screen_name": "SurvivorSKS",
"name": "\ud83d\ude38Constitutional Cat Man\ud83d\udc08\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2660\ufe0f",
"description": "Looking to interact with others, Anarchist/Libertarian/Constitutionalist, Xiden is a geriatric moron, but his VP is worse, Trump 2024.",
"location": "Minnesota, USA"
"id": 45093169,
"screen_name": "lookin4et",
"name": "CC~Deplorable",
"description": "Researcher, Consultant, Mom, Grandma, Bandma, Muse, INFJ, Old Soul, Old School, Christian Warrior. Trump Is My President! #2A #MAGA #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp",
"location": "Twilight Zone, CA"
"id": 45101749,
"screen_name": "tropical1959",
"name": "pam-mb",
"description": "Forever a red \ud83d\udfe5 She/her. \ud83d\ude37\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9 ynwa",
"location": "London"
"id": 45190267,
"screen_name": "ProChoiceGramma",
"name": "ProChoiceGrandma",
"description": "#Obama #Dem #ProChoice #Atheist #uniteblue #Hillary2016. Sarah Palin FAKED her 'pro-life' pregnancy \u0026 named the child Tri-G, an abbreviation for Down syndrome.",
"location": "Northern Virginia"
"id": 45234638,
"screen_name": "tommyelwell",
"name": "Tommy Elwell",
"description": "#Believer, Husband, Daddy and #Sales #Professional #MAGA",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 45265121,
"screen_name": "lachillonachina",
"name": "China Chillona",
"description": "Una Ana cualquiera de tiempo completo.\nRadFem \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": ""
"id": 45277959,
"screen_name": "debsstar57",
"name": "debbie s.",
"description": "..Retired..Trump Supporter and Proud.Blocked by Rosie and Kathy Griffin. #MAGA..NRA supporter.......I Follow Back ...No Porn, not looking to hook up",
"location": "Missouri"
"id": 45320077,
"screen_name": "TheRealOnlyDrew",
"name": "Lord Drew (Yes I am a Lord)",
"description": "Patriotic Brit - Believer in free speech - Democracy - Brexiteer - Anti woke - Cannot tolerate lefty Snowflakes - Love a fine wine or a JD \ud83c\udf77\ud83e\udd43\ud83c\udf77\ud83e\udd43\ud83c\udf77",
"location": "Suffolk, England. "
"id": 45340023,
"screen_name": "onlinesales4u",
"name": "hiconsulting",
"description": "Semi-retired. Midwestern conservative. Proud supporter of president Trump as he tries to drain the swamp. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Indiana, USA"
"id": 45354512,
"screen_name": "Cassthestafff",
"name": "CASS",
"description": "Love animals HATE ANIMAL ABUSE. I make no apology for loving my country. #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "Somewhere"
"id": 45399876,
"screen_name": "mark999bikes",
"name": "mark griffiths",
"description": "you can't hide the truth the audits will prove what we already know! trump won the election by a massive margin!!",
"location": "swansea United kingdom "
"id": 45404321,
"screen_name": "mmodonohoe",
"name": "Michael O'Donohoe",
"description": "Pro life as if that needed saying. United supporter. Inhabitant of the North Atlantic archipelago.",
"location": "Ireland"
"id": 45421138,
"screen_name": "icecreamforD",
"name": "Kate",
"description": "Gym rat. 2 small kids, 1 good-sized husband. Ask me about cheese, insurance and making things look tidy without actually tidying.",
"location": "Essex, UK"
"id": 45439586,
"screen_name": "humblegrandma",
"name": "jpad",
"description": "Catholic, conservative, #independent, Grandma, #MAGA, #WeThePeople, God bless the USA! I tweet and move on... don\u2019t be petty.",
"location": "Underground bunker"
"id": 45448317,
"screen_name": "J_alvin",
"name": "Pure Blooded J",
"description": "",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 45452750,
"screen_name": "pchkoreff",
"name": "Patrick Chkoreff",
"description": "programmer, accountant, born with XY chromosome so feel free to use he/him/his. All relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all.",
"location": "Georgia USSA"
"id": 45473344,
"screen_name": "MonMundy",
"name": "Mandy Mundy \ud83d\udfe5\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Woman. Glasgow. Mostly lurk here but I WOKE UP and am trying to be active. The \ud83c\udf0e is a mess #endmaleviolence #istandwithmarionmiller",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 45500814,
"screen_name": "margrfed",
"name": "\u269c\ufe0fmarg federico\u269c\ufe0f",
"description": "\u269c\ufe0f#MAGA #KAG \u269c\ufe0fTwitter is decimating my account. (on January 6th I had 17200 followers.) Started back up account- @margrfed1",
"location": ""
"id": 45554005,
"screen_name": "DrouthyScot",
"name": "Drouthy Scot \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "If You Stand for Nothing, You'll Fall for Anything. Mainly post political stuff, aspire to listen to all sides \u0026 be courteous. Internationalist \u0026 Dog Lover #YES",
"location": ""
"id": 45564470,
"screen_name": "PraireLady",
"name": "Fang-Fang: God-given Inalienable Rights",
"description": "#MAGA cats rule. \"This is no time for ease \u0026 comfort. It is Time to Dare and Endure\": Winston Churchill. Proud conservative. Patriot.",
"location": "SE Wisconsin"
"id": 45572084,
"screen_name": "trish4leave",
"name": "trish",
"description": "Nigel Farage is my hero #redwall .EX Labour and politically homeless Retweets mean I'm interested not necessarily an http://endorsement. \u2764\ufe0fGBNEWS sky515",
"location": "England"
"id": 45684501,
"screen_name": "speppers69",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8speppers69\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#2A Conservatarian. Die-hard #MAGA #KAGA #T2G...Transition to Greatness! Bleed \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8! NorCali girl. Making America Great 1 tweet at a time. #HeavyMetal",
"location": "Nor Cal, USA!!"
"id": 45688064,
"screen_name": "crazirockerchic",
"name": "dawn connors",
"description": "I\u2019m Just A Sun Of A Beach \ud83e\udd23#FuckBiden #DrainTheSwamp",
"location": "Fort Myers, FL"
"id": 45736642,
"screen_name": "DaveDisalvo",
"name": "dave disalvo \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea",
"description": "proud American ,left handed bowler ,western New Yorker , fortune and glory and for the record life is like a bottle of scotch you get better with age !!!, #MAGA",
"location": "mount morris NY"
"id": 45738291,
"screen_name": "rmed10",
"name": "Mary Ellen Dwyer",
"description": "Conservative/wife/mother/grandmother of 15/ #Trump2024#ProudPatriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97",
"location": "New York"
"id": 45808341,
"screen_name": "harshmallow01",
"name": "HarshMallow \ud83c\udf4f\ud83e\udd5a\ud83c\udf47",
"description": "Happy adult human female. Happy wife. Happy Mummy of five free thinkers. \ud83d\udc31 Happy devout, committed, born-again Atheist. Chromosomes XX",
"location": ""
"id": 45826469,
"screen_name": "genderfreeDV",
"name": "genderfreedv",
"description": "We are a #Survivor led Charity. Invisible experiences made visible. Seeking INCLUSION in DVA practice. DV doesnt discriminate - neither do we #gfdv",
"location": "Vereinigtes K\u00f6nigreich"
"id": 45838237,
"screen_name": "audrey_russo",
"name": "Audrey Russo \ud83c\udf99",
"description": "Host of #REELTalkRadioShow; member of SAG-AFTRA in NYC #Conservative! Followed by @AllenWest @CharlieDaniels @Travistritt #MAGA #SupportOurVeterans #BackTheBlue",
"location": "New York, NY"
"id": 45848019,
"screen_name": "Genderisbull1",
"name": "Charlie Coco",
"description": "Feminist, mother, wife, social worker, gender critical \u0026 fighting misogyny however it dresses. Trying to remain hopeful in the face of perpetual disappointment.",
"location": "Berkshire"
"id": 45859412,
"screen_name": "BucsareChamps",
"name": "Wake me when they\u2019re gone",
"description": "Stop Dems from being elected .... they are ruining our country ! #MAGA #Patriot #Floridalife",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 45865738,
"screen_name": "EdwardRaven",
"name": "Ed Courgette",
"description": "cinephile. feminist. daylight dreamer. nature and animal lover. cat lad. librocubicularist. ravenclaw. #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Bologna, Emilia Romagna"
"id": 45930032,
"screen_name": "janelochleven",
"name": "Jane McC \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Independence is normal",
"location": "Loch Leven"
"id": 45937118,
"screen_name": "erickpacheco",
"name": "erick pacheco",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Alhambra, CA"
"id": 45950861,
"screen_name": "Emmerdale12345",
"name": "realitycheck",
"description": "#justice4stuart @justice4stuart #IStandWithJKRowling #nobodyrecovered #MaryBoyle. Love #rickygervais",
"location": ""
"id": 45975879,
"screen_name": "duderdude2009",
"name": "dude",
"description": "Pure blood. No poison death shot. \u201cThe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.\u201dThomas Jefferson",
"location": "All over the joint"
"id": 45997067,
"screen_name": "cprossa",
"name": "chris prosser",
"description": "#commonsense #MAGA #VFL",
"location": "Pelham, AL"
"id": 46114432,
"screen_name": "dghdavies",
"name": "President Elect - Dave Davies - CONJOB-19",
"description": "Watching the whole world I thought I knew, is revealed as controlled by a small group. Pro-Brexit, anti-EU, and anti UN. Prefer Gold/Silver to fiat currency.",
"location": "South East England "
"id": 46120987,
"screen_name": "nickhughes04",
"name": "Nick Hughes",
"description": "38 Years Young..Wife..3 Daughters..Football Fanatic..EFC..Colwyn Bay FC..All Views Are My Own..Anti-Woke..Tory \ud83d\udc99",
"location": "Old Colwyn LL29 "
"id": 46129071,
"screen_name": "asum6760",
"name": "sister by the sea",
"description": "Adult human female #fbpe \ud83c\udfc1 \ud83d\udfe5",
"location": ""
"id": 46134857,
"screen_name": "mykeweljewels",
"name": "Autumn Longshadow \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd8b\u2660\ufe0f\ud83d\uddfd\u271d\ufe0f\u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "TRUMP WON! SAVE AMERICA!Proud President Trump supporter! #MAGA #KAG!",
"location": "Northwoods USA"
"id": 46159957,
"screen_name": "MAGA_Praefectus",
"name": "Antoninus",
"description": "Deplorable Neanderthal | \u2b1b\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe7",
"location": ""
"id": 46218141,
"screen_name": "EdwHWilliamsJr",
"name": "edward h williams jr",
"description": "born june 1976,#Alllivesmatter, #horrormovies, #Americafirst, #TrueCrime, #illegitimateJoeBiden, #Trunalimunumaprzure,\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83e\udd84\ud83d\ude4f\ud83e\udd87",
"location": "Conway, SC"
"id": 46231703,
"screen_name": "peacelove1967",
"name": "Name cannot be blank \ud83c\udf52 KYOGOOOALLL!!!",
"description": "Don't tell me to wheesht... \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": ""
"id": 46242376,
"screen_name": "snevey",
"name": "Random Dude",
"description": "Patriot. Trump 2020 Campaign Manager. Follower of the real news. TRUMP 2020!! Democrats suck and need a lesson in reality...",
"location": "York, PA"
"id": 46246816,
"screen_name": "adampetty",
"name": "Adam Sultan-Petty #GBNews",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \u2693\ufe0f Military man for 25+yrs. Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. Following @Femi_Sorry for entertainment \ud83e\udd23",
"location": "Dorset"
"id": 46265312,
"screen_name": "crisseee",
"name": "Crissee",
"description": "I came here to follow President Trump now I just follow people who love him....Trump2024",
"location": "NYS"
"id": 46310770,
"screen_name": "Raider_David",
"name": "David Valencia \ud83d\udc0d",
"description": "\u2020 JESUS \u2020; Father of two, Pilot. Raiders. 2A and Pro Life. A's. Wyoming IG: Raider_Dave Snap: Raider_Dave12",
"location": "Abroad most of the time"
"id": 46326226,
"screen_name": "allisonccox",
"name": "Allison Cox",
"description": "I\u2019ll let you know when I\u2019ve gone back to normal\u2728pro-life \u2764\ufe0fLDS",
"location": "United States of America"
"id": 46359942,
"screen_name": "TuxaCabuxa",
"name": "Tuxa Cabuxa",
"description": "Muller, RadFem, neorural",
"location": "Santiago de Compostela"
"id": 46382134,
"screen_name": "Texaslady120",
"name": "\u2764\ufe0fShirley Ray\u2764\ufe0f",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0fFAITH \u2764\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0fHEALTH\u2600\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0f\u2600\ufe0fQuotes\u2600\ufe0fpro life\u2600\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 46438601,
"screen_name": "KerryBG",
"name": "Kerry Garmon",
"description": "Gen-u-Wine American. #AmericaFirst #MAGA Ephesians 6: 11-17 Retweet Queen-may or may not be my views. *GETTR: KerryBG GAB: Kerrybg",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 46451036,
"screen_name": "Smudge82",
"name": "SJ",
"description": "I can only sing like an angel when I'm driving on my own! Woman. Adult Human Female \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": "Ystalyfera, Wales"
"id": 46482584,
"screen_name": "Packers041512",
"name": "Trump2024",
"description": "",
"location": "Wisconsin, USA"
"id": 46508974,
"screen_name": "meme9898",
"name": "Emer Walsh",
"description": "Adult Human Female",
"location": "Dublin"
"id": 46520263,
"screen_name": "jeanus50",
"name": "ALL Americian Girl",
"description": "From the great State of OHIO. The home of the Buckeyes and TBDBITL. #MASA-#MAGA-#KAGA. Pro-life! Pro A-2!",
"location": ""
"id": 46602039,
"screen_name": "PaulGWesson",
"name": "Paul Gerald Ellis Wesson",
"description": "Charming, witty, handsome, political. Chromosomes: XY",
"location": "Rugby, home of the gentleman's game."
"id": 46687833,
"screen_name": "VenusFlytrap13",
"name": "Venus Flytrap\ud83c\udf38",
"description": "Fierce Plant Lover \ud83c\udf31 A Wellspring of Eternal Ping \u2728 Heretic Queen \ud83d\udc51 #SexNotGender \ud83d\udc83",
"location": ""
"id": 46712077,
"screen_name": "turkey_mike",
"name": "Mike",
"description": "\ud83d\udcaf Trump, #MAGA, NRA, The University of Texas\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffc\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffc, and Born/Raised Great State of TX \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. Married to my Best Friend. Once a Marine always a Marine 98-02",
"location": "Utah, USA"
"id": 46734526,
"screen_name": "jemisalu",
"name": "Edith (Edie) \ud83e\udd81\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\udde8\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc99\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\ud83e\udd0d\u2764",
"description": "*Pro life Aborto es asesinato\n*Anti-feminista Patriarcado no existe\n*Anti-ideolog\u00eda de g\u00e9nero\nBiolog\u00eda es ciencia\n*Anti-marxista\nSocialismo es pobreza",
"location": "usa, nj"
"id": 46792896,
"screen_name": "ddjonesey",
"name": "President-Elect DD",
"description": "#MAGA. #KAG #AmericaFirst #BackTheBlue \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99\u2764\ufe0f #BuildTheWall. I identify as Vaccinated",
"location": ""
"id": 46863153,
"screen_name": "_ZakuAbumi_",
"name": "\ud83c\udf83 Zaku The Legendary Spook \ud83d\udc7b",
"description": "Witches Are The Best Kind Of Magical Girls",
"location": ""
"id": 46863213,
"screen_name": "69Doc",
"name": "\ud835\udd7d\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd8a \ud835\udd7e\ud835\udd88\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd94\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd93\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd99 \ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Erschreckt \u00fcber den absurden Kniefall Europas vor dem Heerlager der Heiligen (Raspail). #Remigration \ud83d\udc4d - #Gendergaga \ud83d\udc4e Like/RT: Depends",
"location": "#superstraight"
"id": 46864243,
"screen_name": "rosolleson",
"name": "Ros Olleson\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Feminist lawyer. Mother. Sex matters",
"location": ""
"id": 46864868,
"screen_name": "franee_walsom",
"name": "franee",
"description": "Family \u2764\ufe0f Brexiteer. GBNews. Buy British food. Look after our veterans, not illegals. Khan\u2019s ruined our London.",
"location": "Bromley \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7"
"id": 46886559,
"screen_name": "Tomhedrick",
"name": "Tango,Oscar,Mike",
"description": "Protect and serve in the Commonwealth, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u201cLiving the dream!\u201d Will follow all Patriots back \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#NRA #MAGA #trumptrain2020 #winning #backtheblue",
"location": "Konkcity "
"id": 46900014,
"screen_name": "Cheesey11Joe",
"name": "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf3 \ud83e\udda0",
"description": "Thinker , individual, introvert, wannabe foodie, critic, snacker and positive addition to the human race. Pro Brexit, Pro Trump. @AverageJoe1 on Parler",
"location": ""
"id": 46919716,
"screen_name": "PatriciaOBrown",
"name": "Patricia Orlando Brown",
"description": "Director of Marketing Worked on Trump Campaign! I am on Twitter 2 help my President!#maga #kag #hesmypresident\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#InTrumpWeTrust #IFB #parler NO DM plz!",
"location": ""
"id": 46952195,
"screen_name": "BillChambers43",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Bill\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "No death jab for me Pronoun\u2019s No/Fuckoff #pureblood",
"location": ""
"id": 46974375,
"screen_name": "tweeterthanwine",
"name": "KarenM",
"description": "#TRUMP2021 #MAGA #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 47042483,
"screen_name": "jonnythemower",
"name": "Jonathan R. Williams \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Troon Golf Director of Agronomy @ Whirlwind Golf Club, ELGA award recipient, formerly @ Sewailo Golf Club. U of A alumni. \ud83d\udc3b \ud83d\udd3b",
"location": "Chandler, AZ"
"id": 47061062,
"screen_name": "HugeGirlySwot",
"name": "JHelen",
"description": "George Michael splashed water on me 11/12/84, Whitley Bay Ice Rink. Keep men out women\u2019s sports Woman isn\u2019t a feeling Pronouns: No Thankyou #IstandwithJKRowling",
"location": "England"
"id": 47083944,
"screen_name": "LarryBaker_",
"name": "Larry Baker",
"description": "#MAGA Political DMs only. #BackTheBlue Married Christian. Trump supporter. #prolife.",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 47099879,
"screen_name": "gwardhome",
"name": "GWardHome",
"description": "Conservative South Floridian - FL23 Precinct Committeeman N010 - #NRA #MAGA #GOP #IFBAP - Blocked by my Congressional Rep @DWSTweets",
"location": "Plantation, FL"
"id": 47133990,
"screen_name": "Atlantiso1",
"name": "Linda",
"description": "I'm a PureBlood, Politics, Educate Yourself. 'Like' means \"I've read it\". Argue with troll/bots on my posts, you get blocked too.",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 47180329,
"screen_name": "RTweetie5",
"name": "\ud83c\udf52Jac\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "ScotsLassie\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf52 #AlbaRising \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f #WomenWontWeesht\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f#ScottishIndependence\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7fALBA",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 47234632,
"screen_name": "drew_melbourne",
"name": "Drew_Melbourne",
"description": "Cranky, 50 something commonsense conservative.\nI support toxic masculinity\n#Trump2020",
"location": "Yarra Valley, Australia"
"id": 47261397,
"screen_name": "akfirefly76",
"name": "Tracy S \ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udecd\ufe0f",
"description": "Mom of three (15, 13 \u0026 10). Radfem. Theater director, gardener, writer, cook, banjo dabbler and maker of herbal medicine.",
"location": "Houston, TX"
"id": 47269448,
"screen_name": "mauipinney",
"name": "susieQ",
"description": "#GodFirst #Family #Country #GreatAwakening #Patriot #ProLife Parler: @DeplorableSusieQ",
"location": ""
"id": 47342456,
"screen_name": "Karyelizondo",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9cKarina Elizondo, pero d\u00edganme Norte\u00f1a\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "#feminasty #feminazi Lecturaci\u00f3n disfrutaci\u00f3n y adoraci\u00f3n de libros encuadernados. Correcciaci\u00f3n de estilaci\u00f3n, pero nuncamente gratis en tuiteraci\u00f3n. Bachatera",
"location": "#posmedoy"
"id": 47346791,
"screen_name": "Mspen219",
"name": "RuthP.",
"description": "Loves old movies and new walls. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nFollowed by @nedryun \u0026 @atensnut, Juanita Broaddrick (so honored!)\nWill always support our Peace President 45.\nTrump Won.",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 47393293,
"screen_name": "lebel1886",
"name": "The World's Biggest Race Fan",
"description": "I've been pro Trump since he announced he'd run \u0026 have learned so much since. America would be doomed without President Trump!",
"location": "United States"
"id": 47483726,
"screen_name": "Salamoochi",
"name": "Salamoochi",
"description": "Partial to facts. Not keen on labels or groupthink. politically homeless. Adult human female with matching pronouns. On again, off again (on Twitter).",
"location": "NZ"
"id": 47564146,
"screen_name": "OKKIMMY",
"name": "A female human. Thinks a lot. Cares a lot. \ud83d\udc93",
"description": "WOMENS LIVES MATTER... And see the DIFFERENCE COME! \ud83d\udc93",
"location": "London. United Kingdom of some"
"id": 47576224,
"screen_name": "edudobe",
"name": "d\u00f6b",
"description": "Identify as GARFA Gender Abolitionist Radical Feminist Allied. Freethinker. Anti-fascist. Ecologist. antipatriarchal",
"location": "Spanien"
"id": 47651305,
"screen_name": "felicis22",
"name": "Vera",
"description": "GC feminist\n",
"location": ""
"id": 47696862,
"screen_name": "carolineb180",
"name": "Caroline",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 47702737,
"screen_name": "TerraRidge",
"name": "PattyAnn",
"description": "Love Life, Love God, Love Country, Love People, Love Hair, Conservative, CCW, Trump 2020",
"location": "The Villages. fl"
"id": 47719376,
"screen_name": "forcedar",
"name": "forcedar777",
"description": "One of my favorite places: HAWAII. On June 9, 2020 TW!TT!R STOPPED ME FROM ADDING NEW PATRIOTS (CENSORSHIP)!!! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f... #MAGA #SaveTheChildren",
"location": "California "
"id": 47737906,
"screen_name": "isabellasoobiah",
"name": "Isabella Soobiah",
"description": "26 years of anecdotal folly. Atheist, feminist \u0026 pacifist. Adult human female \u0026 person in business.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 47758589,
"screen_name": "tpope88834",
"name": "ReeeeEducation Camper",
"description": "America First period.",
"location": "Revere MA"
"id": 47784784,
"screen_name": "mehbp",
"name": "satsangi",
"description": "Libertarian. Love nature and animals \ud83c\udf34\ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udc31 #Trump2020 #Trump2021 #Chinavirus #MAGA \ud83c\udfca\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\udfc4\u200d\u2642\ufe0f I'm living at Salinas beach, Ecuador..Parler: @mehbp No DM please",
"location": "At the beach and is perfect"
"id": 47804650,
"screen_name": "Bryan1949",
"name": "Bryan from TX",
"description": "Husband, father, retired engineer, rancher, and animal lover. #MAGA #KAG, #KAG2020, #1A #2A #NRA #GIGEM #YOGA IFBAP \ud83d\udeab DM",
"location": "Granbury, TX"
"id": 47806130,
"screen_name": "Bryan700",
"name": "Bryan Doyle",
"description": "Love everything Star Wars and Star Trek. WWE Wrestling, Disney, USA The Beatles and Paul McCartney. #MAGA #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "San Francisco Bay Area"
"id": 47815789,
"screen_name": "riverjock",
"name": "Joe",
"description": "Father, #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 NRA Life Member,",
"location": "Baltimore, MD"
"id": 47823898,
"screen_name": "cbntaRMNP",
"name": "Galt's Cuban Mami",
"description": "Born in \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa , made in \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Libertarian \u2022 Christian \u0026 ProLife #FreeAgent #MedicalFreedom \u2022 Co-Host of The Cuban \u0026 The Cracker #SmallBiz #WhoIsJohnGalt",
"location": "Galt\u2019s Gulch Underground "
"id": 47844265,
"screen_name": "PortiaRedux",
"name": "MarketMaven",
"description": "AMERICA FIRST \u2b50\ufe0fFREE MARKET CAPITALIST\u2b50\ufe0fSEEK TRUTH AND JUSTICE \u2b50\ufe0f",
"location": "United States"
"id": 47871631,
"screen_name": "rochellegregg",
"name": "Rochelle \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Farrier since 1996. Mama's AKC Boston terriers. #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SaveAmerica \u2764\ufe0fDJT \ud83d\udc0e\ud83d\udc3e\u2615\ufe0f",
"location": "southern California"
"id": 47880392,
"screen_name": "Ukayngavi",
"name": "Kudzai Ngavi",
"description": "A sinner, saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to scripture alone, for the glory of God alone. #HalaMadridYNadaMas #MAGA",
"location": "Johannesburg"
"id": 47889731,
"screen_name": "sineadsiobhan",
"name": "Sin\u00e9ad \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "A deaf Irish-American married to a Welshman. Conjunctions: and/or",
"location": "Newcastle upon Tyne"
"id": 47906323,
"screen_name": "tanaffor",
"name": "Sara",
"description": "Don't like dirty Politicians. Love Our Military #Trump #MAGA #draintheswamp Love #IranregimeChange Pro #Israel I Have A Dream Iran Will Be Free of #Mollas Again",
"location": "Tehran, Iran"
"id": 47932723,
"screen_name": "privat_henrik",
"name": "Henrik",
"description": "Gen X + boomer. Anonym da jeg godt vil beholde mit arbejde, som er anti woke og PC. Der vil blive beg\u00e5et fejl, lev med det",
"location": "Denmark"
"id": 47947858,
"screen_name": "boothgr8",
"name": "Booth GR",
"description": "#CCOT #Constitution #Retired #Married #DoesNotExist \ud83d\udeab#ESG #PatriotsUnite #Trump2024 #NotASugarDaddy",
"location": "Michigan"
"id": 47964997,
"screen_name": "burnsiec",
"name": "Burnsie",
"description": "Love God and my country. Retired and riding that Red Wave. #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 47973653,
"screen_name": "panoramicgeorge",
"name": "George Campbell \u23f3\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "retired photographer, lecturer,. lefty green land reform proponent. support biological women graduate U of Glasgow. Support Indy Scotland Alba founder member",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 47974131,
"screen_name": "liamjoe92",
"name": "Liam Joe \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Political Activist | @conservatives | Proud Tory Scum | @gbnews | Centre Right | Thatcherite | Business Owner | Brexit Voter | CEO | Anti Woke \ud83d\udc4a\ud83e\udd1f",
"location": "Leeds, England"
"id": 47992838,
"screen_name": "chelles919",
"name": "Chelles",
"description": "#TRUMP2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #MAGA",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 48074967,
"screen_name": "Coleslaw_84",
"name": "Cole",
"description": "Veteran. As Conservative as it gets. America first. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 *Isaiah 41:10*",
"location": "United States"
"id": 48076196,
"screen_name": "jaylen_nv",
"name": "jaylen",
"description": "Love traveling, writing, politics, gambling, Tiger and Adam Lambert \u2665 Please Be Kind to Animals! \ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udc3e Trump/Owens 2024\u203c\ufe0f#MAGA #KAG #TrumpTrain \ud83d\ude82\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "USA"
"id": 48076581,
"screen_name": "dtannie",
"name": "dtannie \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 PrayForAmerica",
"description": "I support President Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 *POTUS *MAGA *KAG *PATRIOTS *1A *2A *DEPLORABLES *BuildTheWall \u2764\ufe0fI follow Patriots and Pres Trump supporters!\u2764",
"location": "Louisiana, USA "
"id": 48091128,
"screen_name": "Skylark57",
"name": "\u274c LeonidasOfSparta \u274c \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "I'm at Parler @Skylark1957\nVIRTUS TENTAMINE GAUDET Constitutional Conservative; MOLON LABE! #MAGA #KAG SICK \u0026 DAMN-TIRED OF SOCIALIST-COMMUNIST LIARS\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "Everywhere"
"id": 48106505,
"screen_name": "BriStenz",
"name": "Bri Stensrud",
"description": "Jesus follower I Wife I Mom I Human Dignity/Pro-life Advocate l @DallasSeminary Alum I Director: Women of Welcome (FB+IG)",
"location": ""
"id": 48110113,
"screen_name": "dtain99",
"name": "Can\u2019t wait for 2024! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "ALL LIVES MATTER! Defend the police do not Defund them.",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 48139905,
"screen_name": "stevenmgonzalez",
"name": "Steven M. Gonzalez",
"description": "CCHS '10 / FIU '15 / Theta Chi /#LatinosForTrump / RTs are not endorsements. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Miami, FL"
"id": 48162444,
"screen_name": "JOYx4",
"name": "Paula J \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udd4a\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christ alone. Saved by Grace. Animal lover, especially \ud83d\udc36\ud83d\udc15\ud83d\udc29 #Christian #Conservative #BackTheBlue #Prolife #StandWithIsrael",
"location": "Grand Canyon State "
"id": 48176350,
"screen_name": "Rasperries",
"name": "Bell",
"description": "\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA! #Christian #BlueLivesMatter #VetsLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BuildTheWall #IFollowBack all Patriots #IFBP #StopHumanTrafficking",
"location": ""
"id": 48199839,
"screen_name": "brightdisplay1",
"name": "C \ud83d\udd78",
"description": "bookworm, radical Feminist, trying to use twitter for the first time in a long time, KinDA? getting the hang of it",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 48220048,
"screen_name": "MaryJ801",
"name": "Mary J",
"description": "Trump won! Best president of my lifetime!",
"location": "Utah, USA"
"id": 48308217,
"screen_name": "christytoomer",
"name": "Christy Toomer",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u203c\ufe0f\u203c\ufe0fSTOP THE STEAL\u203c\ufe0f\u203c\ufe0f #MAGA #Conservative #BacktheBlue #Trumplican #AmericaFirst\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#WalkAway",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 48310513,
"screen_name": "YoriKitKat",
"name": "POTUS Deplorable Mary",
"description": "Conservative, small-town girl, crazy about horses, all animals. Love our GREAT country \u0026 my home state Texas. Grins to all you wonderful peeps! #MAGA\u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Texas Hill Country, USA"
"id": 48325136,
"screen_name": "Prycey240",
"name": "Richard pryce",
"description": "right leaning, well travelled Mech/Elec engineer. hobbies include online gaming, fly and lure fishing, off road motor biking and great food",
"location": "Lancaster"
"id": 48347885,
"screen_name": "rtinniswood",
"name": "Rachael Tinniswood Lynch",
"description": "Journalist. Media consultant. Coffee addict. #media #journalist #magazines #PR",
"location": "Liverpool"
"id": 48348918,
"screen_name": "BaronVonBongo",
"name": "Punished Opinions",
"description": "Hello. I like fluffy bunnies and nothing at all controversial @jack #SuperStraight #Kekistani #AttackHelicopter",
"location": "England"
"id": 48441905,
"screen_name": "ashoktewari",
"name": "Ashok Tewari",
"description": "Right Winger, There are only 2 sides, Right or Wrong. Left is a myth. It is wrong wing. Typos are my signature\nAbuser will be muted without exception",
"location": ""
"id": 48478900,
"screen_name": "yvonnewright",
"name": "Yvonne wright",
"description": "Adult human female. Biology matters.",
"location": "UK Kiwi"
"id": 48492254,
"screen_name": "MsChopsy",
"name": "MsChopsy \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Bit sweary. Quite cranky. Soft-centred. Mixed Race. Mid-life. Anti-theist. Not 'Cis'.",
"location": ""
"id": 48493212,
"screen_name": "sorry_honey_",
"name": "Rena",
"description": "I speak English, but also fluent in sarcasm, Refusing to be complicit. Do what's right, not popular,\nPush back, we will win\u270a\ud83c\udffd\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\nAnti-woke \ud83e\udd2e",
"location": "Realville"
"id": 48494901,
"screen_name": "exedosman",
"name": "Mark Reilly",
"description": "anti woke , no time for the lefty lunatics , GB news viewer \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Swansea, Wales"
"id": 48512310,
"screen_name": "SISterN0TCister",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a Somerville \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Feminist. Women\u2019s Rights. Equality. Gender Critical. #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 48527251,
"screen_name": "Shamgar1963",
"name": "Robert Sparkman",
"description": "Particular Baptist/abolitionist/anti-Woke. Pro-choice = Accomplices to murder\nTrans women = men\nTrans men = women\nJoe Biden = traitor\nHomosexuality = vile",
"location": "USA"
"id": 48528011,
"screen_name": "unleashed1969",
"name": "ready2respond \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274c",
"description": "\u201cLoyalty to country ALWAYS. #MAGA Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.\u201d \u2015 Mark Twain\u201c NO LIST!",
"location": ""
"id": 48535609,
"screen_name": "NattyAnn489",
"name": "\u2115\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd65\ud835\udd52\ud835\udd5d\ud835\udd5a\ud835\udd56",
"description": "Wife. Mama \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc99. Nature. Running. Hiking. Photography. Reading. Chocolate. Coffee. Biology. Texas Ex. #ProLife",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 48578416,
"screen_name": "AscensionHelp",
"name": "Cameron Day \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Counselor and healer. Here for the Awakening, not the Diet-woke. Pronouns: PureBlood/Dude/Man/Bro. $SAITO",
"location": "Hawaii, USA"
"id": 48689713,
"screen_name": "RoaringRed",
"name": "TheRedOne",
"description": "Woman, funny, wife, sMother, facts and details matter, emotional intelligence and empathy matter. Did I mention I\u201dm an adult human female!!",
"location": "Belfast, Northern Ireland"
"id": 48705483,
"screen_name": "janelizzie",
"name": "Lizzie Page \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Atheist. Animal lover. Biker. Free thinker. Feminist. There's nowt so blind as identity politics. Biologically female. No pronoun needed. Straight. #NoThankYou",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 48742124,
"screen_name": "megamuchomary",
"name": "Mary Meadows",
"description": "I am a mother of one and nana of two. I love my family with every breath that I take. \u2764\ufe0f#1 Trump supporter! Please no DM\u2019s! Trump Won! MAGAA Let\u2019s Go Brandon!",
"location": "Proctorville, OH"
"id": 48747826,
"screen_name": "PincheLore",
"name": "Tu feminazi de confianza \u2640\u262d",
"description": "Feminista, zurda y atea. \"Porque lo personal es pol\u00edtico.\"",
"location": "CDMX-GDL"
"id": 48778151,
"screen_name": "crizzydime",
"name": "crizzydime",
"description": "America First",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 48822802,
"screen_name": "Barbijaputa",
"name": "Barbijaputa",
"description": "Soy responsable de lo que yo digo, no de lo que t\u00fa entiendas.",
"location": "#RadFem"
"id": 48839054,
"screen_name": "rosegeorge3",
"name": "Rose George",
"description": "Adult human female. Author: The Big Necessity \ud83d\udebd, Ninety Percent of Everything \u2693\ufe0f, Nine Pints \ud83c\udd8e. Agent: Erin Malone @wmebooks. Going fishing \ud83d\udc1f.",
"location": "Yorkshire"
"id": 48867264,
"screen_name": "jodster36",
"name": "jodster36",
"description": "mom, wife, love to cook, love my close-knit family \u0026 friends, Packer fan, Trump2020 No more bullshit, Recall Evers, MAGA\nMy dad is retired LE, I back the blue!",
"location": "WI"
"id": 48960313,
"screen_name": "marburell",
"name": "Martin Burchell",
"description": "Uniting Patriots \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddff \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8BLEXIT\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7BREXIT\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Seeking the truth ProLife WakeUpAmerica\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Parler @martin2",
"location": ""
"id": 48964867,
"screen_name": "xapnomapcase",
"name": "A. L. \"Badger\" Greene \ud83d\udfe5\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Woman: Adult human female. no/thank/you \"Proles and animals are free\" Sometimes it's better to be nobody. I stand with JKR.",
"location": "Los Angeles"
"id": 48981311,
"screen_name": "kathryncannon",
"name": "Kathy Cannon",
"description": "Passionate Christian and Patriot. Pro-Life, Pro-Israel, and Pro-Constitution. Hates big intrusive government. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 48991754,
"screen_name": "Nylon09",
"name": "Conservative NY Mom \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Living behind Blue ENEMY LINES of NYS #AmericaFirst #SaveAmerica #TrumpTrain #MAGA #2A #IFBAP... bio MUST have Pro \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 tweets for FB #WeThePeople #FJB",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 49017570,
"screen_name": "EJSears",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Fishhead \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Despise Liberal/Progressive scum! Proud husband,father \u0026 Pop-Pop. Eat, Sleep, Fish \u0026 Hunt. NYC 9/11 Survivor #AmericaFirst NYC/S.Fla \u0026 \"Out East\" #TrumpWon \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 49024305,
"screen_name": "NancyEubanks",
"name": "Nancy Eubanks",
"description": "I am trying to figure it out myself... Dental hygienist, passionate about family, friends, community \u0026 USA I\u2019m tired of the silent majority being silent. #maga",
"location": "Las Vegas"
"id": 49034122,
"screen_name": "MikeSaffran",
"name": "Mike Saffran",
"description": "Music \ud83c\udfb6 radio \ud83d\udcfb @WGSU. #ProLife #FreeSpeech. Anti-#BigTech Anti-#BigPharma Anti-#BigMedia #AntiWoke. Views mine. Question Everything. Ex-ducere. #FJB",
"location": "Rochester, N.Y."
"id": 49034507,
"screen_name": "real_defender",
"name": "RD",
"description": "Conservative / Proudly Retweeted by @realDonaldTrump / Hated by the Left",
"location": "United States"
"id": 49075846,
"screen_name": "haucebauce",
"name": "Trumplican \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Unvaccinated",
"location": ""
"id": 49089495,
"screen_name": "nates2k1",
"name": "N8_TheOcho",
"description": "Married. Proud conservative, self proclaimed beer nerd, cigar lover, duck hunter. #KAG #MAGA #Trump2024",
"location": "Johnston, IA"
"id": 49096200,
"screen_name": "jimmymjones",
"name": "Jimmy Jones",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG @FightingFirst @USACEHQ #2A Father, Grandfather, Veteran, Patriot G@b = @jimmymjones",
"location": "Boulder"
"id": 49118873,
"screen_name": "liambeadle",
"name": "Liam Beadle",
"description": "\u00c9litist metropolitan liberal, rejoiner, Pro-Life. I like Barth, the Book of Common Prayer, and cats.",
"location": "North-West Europe"
"id": 49120099,
"screen_name": "atragicvision",
"name": "Tragic Vision \ud83c\udf39\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "he/him #superstraight #bornthisway #lgbtq+\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 49120470,
"screen_name": "LakeMonsterCL",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Steve2A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8FJB\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#PoopyPantsBiden\ud83d\udca9",
"description": "#illegalvoting #voterid #2A #KAG #NRA #ProLife #MAGA #DefundPP #ConcealedCarry \u2764\ufe0fmy80% ,Reloader, Si vis pacem, para bellum(if you want peace, prepare for war)",
"location": "United States"
"id": 49130199,
"screen_name": "MikeRinaldiJr",
"name": "MR Jr.",
"description": "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public\u2019s money #Nationalist #AmericaFirst",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 49164802,
"screen_name": "sw1a0aa",
"name": "Gareth Milner",
"description": "Army veteran. All views my own. Senior Digital Producer @GBNews. Former @Int_Corps.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 49181414,
"screen_name": "warrantonegirl",
"name": "Liberty\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Love God, retired military, 3 children 1 is a Marine. Nursing student\u2764\ufe0fLOVE Trump!\u2764\ufe0f #God #MAGA #AuburnFootball #Alzheimers #Israel #Music",
"location": "United States"
"id": 49192993,
"screen_name": "Calvin_Mizer",
"name": "Conservative Calvin \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2618\ufe0f",
"description": "#BlueLivesMatter #Trump, #military, #police, #family, #faith #PROLIFE #GoBGSU #CBJ",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 49199149,
"screen_name": "Seaventure97",
"name": "DL Davis",
"description": "A family man and patriot who loves his God, wife, son, country, guns, and dogs. #MAGA.",
"location": "California"
"id": 49239992,
"screen_name": "TrumplicanJen",
"name": "Trumplican Jen \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\udf4a",
"description": "\ud83c\udf4a#MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #Conservative #Veteran #Prolife #2A #Deplorable \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udc38 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 e deploribus unum \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 I follow interesting non-leftists back.",
"location": "Minnesota's 6th "
"id": 49292320,
"screen_name": "ryderdane",
"name": "Terri Wood",
"description": "Southern girl, Air Force retired Vet, Animal lover, love my Great Dane's, I love our President Donald Trump's. #MAGA, #Walkaway, #Trumptrain no DM's please",
"location": "LaGrange NC"
"id": 49301737,
"screen_name": "Keefer1958",
"name": "Me",
"description": "USAF Vet #MAGA \"First Gulf War\" #VETERAN. #CodeOfVets Proud Yinzer.",
"location": ""
"id": 49317619,
"screen_name": "ailsybabe",
"name": "Alina \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Proud to be British. Plenty life experience. Have faith in my country. Follower of many parties. Member of one. All Lives Matter! No SNP abusers!",
"location": "Edinburgh"
"id": 49366894,
"screen_name": "unborn_advocate",
"name": "Sister Golden Hair\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Proud Prolife Catholic Patriot \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Parler: @UnbornAdvocate Gab: Unborn Advocate Clouthub: @UnbornAdvocate",
"location": ""
"id": 49374350,
"screen_name": "amymacny",
"name": "Pureblood Yaya",
"description": "Mom, musician, Artist, 2A, Catholic, Pro-Life. #BillsMafia Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Insta-mikopaintings YouTube YayaMac",
"location": "Upstate NY"
"id": 49465966,
"screen_name": "Anutfish",
"name": "Victori",
"description": "#MAGA Lover of America, American Soldiers, Rock and Roll, Freedom and traveling this great country. Go Bucks! photo from RSBNetwork KAG!!",
"location": "The West"
"id": 49495906,
"screen_name": "davebrownz",
"name": "dave brown pro-Vax Zero-Covid Anti-fash Anti-Cap",
"description": "Aotearoan Marxist Revolutionary, Adult Human Male, With Bolshie Women leading the revolution against human extinction",
"location": "Aotearoa/New Zealand"
"id": 49532121,
"screen_name": "Kimberly200",
"name": "Kim Mcginnis",
"description": "a True Patriot in California\nTrump Won\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 GOD Always Wins",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 49577208,
"screen_name": "OneAndOnlyZel",
"name": "Zel",
"description": "Irish-British / Guitarist / Artist / Wesleyan alumna #INTJ / #Recluse / #LvMI / #ExDem / virulently #AntiWoke Atlanta, GA / Lake Lanier \u2796",
"location": "Atlanta, GA"
"id": 49580658,
"screen_name": "bilgenfrosch",
"name": "Bilgenfrosch",
"description": "...doch alle guten Dinge kann man tauschen - gegen bessere Dinge.\n#AllLivesMattter\n#ReplyDeboosting\n#WirMaennergegenBaerbock\n#superstraight",
"location": ""
"id": 49604520,
"screen_name": "armoireaddict",
"name": "Mab \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "This girl is on \ud83d\udd25 acquires armoires \u0026 hoards rights \ud83e\udd95 unrepentantly \ud83e\udd41",
"location": "London \u0026 Languedoc "
"id": 49610918,
"screen_name": "PlayfulWalrus",
"name": "The Playful Walrus",
"description": "#Christian #Constitution #prolife #FreeMarkets #TaxReform #NoShamnesty -I explain here pronouns",
"location": "Orange County, California, USA"
"id": 49623320,
"screen_name": "ptb1971",
"name": "Paul Gaskell",
"description": "Runner (18/37/81/2:56), engineer, skeptic, occasionally argumentative sod, and not-a-builder. Unbearable of late. #nothankyou",
"location": "Belfastish"
"id": 49636153,
"screen_name": "FlintMacwood",
"name": "FLINT MACWOOD\u270d\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd96\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udd1e\u2615\ufe0f\ud83e\udd84\u267f\u26a7\ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83e\ude90\ud83d\udcda\u2694\ufe0f",
"description": "Author of SCI-FI | I'm bi-sexual | Pronouns: He/Him/ #Mandalorian /Rebel/Browncoat. #FuckCancelCulture #KidsToo #Prolife #AllLivesMatter #SupportTransPOC",
"location": ""
"id": 49651032,
"screen_name": "NaturalSci",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#TrumpWon #BidenCheated #StolenElection\ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\ud83d\udde3",
"description": "#LetsGoBrandon Conservative Mizrahi Jew-#BestPresidentEver45 #GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessPresidentTrump. THE WORLD KNOWS #TrumpWon #BidenCheated - #MAGA!",
"location": "Rivendell"
"id": 49663068,
"screen_name": "AskWorldWhy",
"name": "Michael Walsh",
"description": "Concearned Citizen~Solutions not Politics/Anti-Liberal Hypocracy ~\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 To the Republic.-We Stand,\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nThank you Veterans-Forever Grateful\n#MAGA #JudicialWatch#",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 49682568,
"screen_name": "Mature_Sceptic",
"name": "Mature Sceptic",
"description": "Wide experience of life. Sceptical of all politicians. Pro Brexit and control of immigration. Retweets not necessarily an endorsement.\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "England"
"id": 49698312,
"screen_name": "Fionanel",
"name": "Fiona \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France",
"location": "Argyll, Scotland"
"id": 49732519,
"screen_name": "pavel131",
"name": "Paul Henry",
"description": "am right winger with of late left wing tendancies. hmmmmmnnnnn",
"location": "Loughton, Essex"
"id": 49738212,
"screen_name": "kitkatdfw123",
"name": "\u2600\ufe0fI am the Sunshine of his life \u2600\ufe0f",
"description": "\ud83d\udc60#HotConservativeChick\ud83d\udc60 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #2A \u2708\ufe0f #travel \ud83d\ude3b#Leo #BitchWolf\ud83c\udfb8Music soothes the savage beast \ud83c\udfb8#Cubs \u26be\ufe0f #Harley \ud83c\udfcd#Horses \ud83d\udc34\u0026 #offgrid",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 49792181,
"screen_name": "plumblues",
"name": "GREG\ud83c\udfb8BLUESMAN!",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8AMERICA-FIRST \ud83d\udebdDOWN\u0026DIRTYBLUES \ud83c\udf89CELEBRATE FAMILY \ud83c\udfa4SAVE SOULMUSIC \ud83d\udd7aUNITE WITH MUSIC \ud83c\udfcc\ufe0f\u200d\u2642\ufe0fPLAY HARD \ud83d\udd28WORK HARD \ud83c\udf7bLIVE LONG \u2764\ufe0fLOVE FULLY \ud83d\ude02LAUGH OFTEN.",
"location": "Vancouer WA. Portland OR."
"id": 49794258,
"screen_name": "LoudAmerican",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Cull Chur \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\u2728\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2728 Pro-Constitutionalist \ud83d\udc49God, Family, Country, Honor",
"location": "on God's earth \ud83c\udf0e"
"id": 49809542,
"screen_name": "Sassenach1743",
"name": "Sassenach1743 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf83",
"description": "#MAGA #Trump2024 #VFL",
"location": "Northeast Tennessee, USA"
"id": 49898113,
"screen_name": "IBLeTruth",
"name": "Kenneth Swearengin",
"description": "Trumplican. Back the Blue. Never Kneel! Pro Life. It is the Wuhan Bat Flu. God Bless Israel. Past Master, SMSgt USAF retired.",
"location": "Jambalaya Bayou, Mississippi"
"id": 49942417,
"screen_name": "rubyrocks76",
"name": "Ruth Sullivan",
"description": "Foley Artist, Theatre Practitioner, Knitter. Also Feminist, Reader, Procrastinator. And Anosmic. #sexnotgender",
"location": "London"
"id": 49977742,
"screen_name": "Captngeetch",
"name": "Captngeetch",
"description": "Guitar Player, MARRIED, Father, Vet (11H), PATRIOT, NRA member Trump Supporter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Trump2020 #MAGA I FOLLOW BACK ALL PATRIOTS",
"location": "USA"
"id": 49978080,
"screen_name": "timothynelms",
"name": "Timothy Nelms",
"description": "antiwokeretireddoctorfatherathletetravlerhumamist",
"location": "morgantown wv"
"id": 50017437,
"screen_name": "McNamaraDCP",
"name": "David McNamara Esq.",
"description": "Sailor, Husband, Conservative \u0026 Proud Englishman. My pronouns: (are/irrelevant) and my chromosomes are (XY) \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \u2693\ufe0f #LetsgoBrandon",
"location": "Grimsargh, Preston"
"id": 50047647,
"screen_name": "EntirelyToo_",
"name": "Adult Human Female",
"description": "I'm great",
"location": "North West, England"
"id": 50050373,
"screen_name": "LH_1980_",
"name": "\u2692\u2692\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Not afraid to speak what I think! Value others opinions though #GBNEWS",
"location": "Newcastle Upon Tyne "
"id": 50098414,
"screen_name": "melandnat",
"name": "melissa",
"description": "I mostly retweet. Catholic. Pro-life. Mom/Mommy/Moooooommmmyyyyyy",
"location": ""
"id": 50100554,
"screen_name": "Knittinglynnie",
"name": "Lynne Miller",
"description": "CEO at The Family Therapy Training Network @Scotfamilyther . All views my own",
"location": "Troon"
"id": 50174923,
"screen_name": "2nd_Amendment",
"name": "Marc \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 America 1st-#MAGA-Constitutionalist-Patriot-2nd Amendment-NRA \u201cBenefactor\u201d-I stand with Israel \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u05d9\u05b4\u05e9\u05b0\u05c2\u05e8\u05b8\u05d0\u05b5\u05dc Tweet \u0026 RT \u2260 Endrsmnt",
"location": "Deep South"
"id": 50253505,
"screen_name": "birgitteg",
"name": "angry_old_woman",
"description": "Dane, living in Scotland \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddf0 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f/Pro indy/Adult human female/Shrill Siren/\ud83e\udd96 #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 50272660,
"screen_name": "Sunpoches",
"name": "Free at Last",
"description": "52% Pro Brexit: 48% Anti EU #ManagedNoDeal - WTO, then FTA.. Sunlit Uplands = Sovereignty #FBPD\nSocial Conservative, Global UK, #StandUp4Brexit, Free Markets",
"location": "London"
"id": 50279920,
"screen_name": "NickiScroggin",
"name": "Nicki Scroggin",
"description": "Christian, Wife, Mom, UK fan. Blue Collar Conservative. Pro-Life. Animal lover. #MAGA Followed by @RickSantorum",
"location": ""
"id": 50345945,
"screen_name": "hoosier456",
"name": "hoosier",
"description": "Make America Great Again!! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 50349525,
"screen_name": "SamAdamsTPP",
"name": "Sam Adams",
"description": "Just a regular guy that loves the \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8! #Conservative #Army #Veteran #TeaParty #Trump2020 #KAG2020 #KAG #MAGA #TeamTrump #TrumpTrain #NRA #2A #MarchForTrump",
"location": "USA"
"id": 50364331,
"screen_name": "WokeMamacita",
"name": "FreeThinkingLatina \ud83d\udc8b",
"description": "#RedPilled #Latina #PewPewLife #Alpha #Vet #USMC #MAGA",
"location": "San Diego"
"id": 50399955,
"screen_name": "paulmaroe",
"name": "Paul(itics)\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf1\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\udfc4\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\u26f3\ufe0f",
"description": "Polish American born in Szczecin. Expelled from Poland in 82. Youngest detainee during martial law when they came for my mother on December 13 1981. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV / Kailua, HI"
"id": 50409886,
"screen_name": "Katey_01",
"name": "Jinny Joe \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Woman born, borne of woman",
"location": ""
"id": 50419117,
"screen_name": "mandik1974",
"name": "TrumpWon",
"description": "American Patriot - God, Family \u0026 Country \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 50431245,
"screen_name": "CITYTRAILER",
"name": "RICHARD",
"description": "Trump 2020 \u2764\ufe0f wife , grandkids, #military, #back the blue#animals #dogs, life\u2019s what you make it! #Patriot #MAGA. IFB all patriots! DM = instant block",
"location": "Oklahoma, USA"
"id": 50434933,
"screen_name": "LifeNewsHQ",
"name": "",
"description": " is a pro-life news outlet fighting abortion. \u0026 and",
"location": "USA"
"id": 50482229,
"screen_name": "Bjarku",
"name": "Nikita Litvinkov",
"description": "Super Straight! I LOVE ISRAEL (plz no ban). Seeker of Truth and Penitence. Please be patient I have autism",
"location": "Nessus"
"id": 50522054,
"screen_name": "Dancergrangran",
"name": "Mrs. Wish-Trump-was-back",
"description": "Happy wife of 45 years, mother, grandmother and soon-to-be great grandmother! I love my sweet Savior, Jesus. Conservative Patriot of USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 and #ProLife",
"location": "Pennsylvania"
"id": 50556906,
"screen_name": "jball459",
"name": "jball",
"description": "Trump 2020",
"location": ""
"id": 50591081,
"screen_name": "magalifestyle",
"description": "Trump was right about everything.",
"location": ""
"id": 50598105,
"screen_name": "puffin1952",
"name": "PUFFIN. All Lives Matter . White and Proud .",
"description": "All post are my own , don't blame anybody else ! And Yes it\u2019s OK to be White or any other colour .",
"location": "South West"
"id": 50637081,
"screen_name": "Jintyf",
"name": "jan #womenwontwheesht",
"description": "MY opinion is my MAP of the WORLD my beliefs \u0026 guided by my moral compass.Don\u2019t like my tweets? scroll on. \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa",
"location": "Scotland, United Kingdom"
"id": 50687708,
"screen_name": "Dungcrumb",
"name": "Brig",
"description": "America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Austin, TX"
"id": 50701648,
"screen_name": "Deadpreacher",
"name": "Preacher\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "And this lady's \u0026 gentlemen is how I invented BS\n#2A #DrainTheSwamp I follow the Peoples President #Trump2020",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 50780046,
"screen_name": "GennyMKing",
"name": "Genny King \ud83d\udc51",
"description": "Mother and lifelong child advocate. Catholic, Conservative and so grateful to God for the wonderful life and family He has given me! #MAGA",
"location": "Proud Texan"
"id": 50782633,
"screen_name": "HelenHighwatr",
"name": "Helen HH",
"description": "Card carrying member of the Cloud Appreciation Society.",
"location": ""
"id": 50794008,
"screen_name": "Steelersgirly73",
"name": "\ud83c\udf84Holly\ud83c\udf84",
"description": "Mom to 5, Steelers football\ud83c\udfc8, Army Vet wife, Pro Life \u0026 Conservative.",
"location": ""
"id": 50800845,
"screen_name": "Adamant_Patriot",
"name": "America First",
"description": "#Conservative #GODBlessed #TrumpWasRight #CongressSucks #BuildTheWall #EndSanctuaryCities #ProLife #TermLimits #VoterID #LoveOurVets IFBAP",
"location": "Land of Lincoln"
"id": 50836715,
"screen_name": "mallorytq",
"name": "mallory quigley",
"description": "vp of communications @sbalist #prolife",
"location": "washington, D.C."
"id": 50882677,
"screen_name": "sunnyek",
"name": "sunny \ud83d\udde3Only Jesus \ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\u271d\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0fTRUMP WON\u2764\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83d\ude4f",
"description": "Jesus girl, aspiring writer, #NRA #America #1A #2A #Patriot, NASA\ud83d\udcabnerd, avid gardener, no DMs",
"location": "USA"
"id": 50902189,
"screen_name": "janagriz",
"name": "CNN Sucks",
"description": "God Loves Me~Married~Mom to 3 boys~3 dogs~Native Battle Born State~Cooking \u0026 Wine~#2A~#OlllllllO~Bicentennial Baby~Venerate the Alpha Male~Drain the Swamp",
"location": "Nevada, USA"
"id": 50931413,
"screen_name": "mrgrumpell",
"name": "mrgrumpell",
"description": "Christian #digitalforensics #datarecovery #gamer #backtheblue #trump2020 spiritual gifts Empath,\nClairsentience ,Clairgustance",
"location": "Las Vegas, NV"
"id": 50940533,
"screen_name": "davek",
"name": "davek",
"description": "Proud American/Japanese Descent,Conservative,Retired at 50, Family-1st,Raiders,Dodgers,USC,Maui/Hawaii,Firearms Sales,NRA/DOJ Instructor,2A,Love Big Dogs #MAGA",
"location": "Southbay of LA, CA"
"id": 50960738,
"screen_name": "Neil1971",
"name": "Neil.",
"description": "I post stuff most of you will not like. In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Retweets not endorsements. Thank you @GBNEWS",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 51028510,
"screen_name": "astronomer14",
"name": "Julie",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Proud Brit, Brexit, no woke, the only snowflakes tolerated are those that fall from the sky. Like a bit of debate. GBNews",
"location": "South"
"id": 51047609,
"screen_name": "Di_Tanio",
"name": "Di Tanio #GSBOUT \u2692\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f",
"description": "Dad, Fiance, #WHUFC ST holder, AS Warrior #AxialSpond , #GSBOUT #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "Essex"
"id": 51054460,
"screen_name": "JAKEB1993",
"name": "Jake B",
"description": "Jess \u2764\ufe0f Conservative \ud83d\udc99 Pro Brexit \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 ITFC \ud83d\udc99Arizona Cardinals \ud83d\udd34\ud83c\udfc8",
"location": "Lowestoft, England"
"id": 51131135,
"screen_name": "suekenmax",
"name": "Sue Hughes",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7#Britishindependence \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Following @GBNEWS",
"location": "kent"
"id": 51132542,
"screen_name": "jmgc654",
"name": "JamesM \u271d\ufe0f\ud83d\udc51\ud83c\udf0e",
"description": "#MAGA #USConstitution #Trumpaddress Thanx 4 followg Wood like 2 \"follow\" many more but twitter has made that very difficult \u0026 continues to delete # of followers",
"location": ""
"id": 51139027,
"screen_name": "Shell_MaBelle",
"name": "Michelle Lyons",
"description": "Teacher and autism parent. Adult human female. Views personal.",
"location": "Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland"
"id": 51228477,
"screen_name": "cattywit",
"name": "Catherine Burrell \ud83e\udd8b",
"description": "Teacher, lover of Rubik\u2019s cube, #Christian #PlantBased #BodyPump ENFP\ud83c\udf3b #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "East Yorkshire"
"id": 51274577,
"screen_name": "eloracnasus",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9a Darth Kitteh",
"description": "Pro-God pro-life pro-gun pro-military pro-constitution. STAND WITH ISRAEL! XX",
"location": "Clevelander in lewiston Idaho"
"id": 51338540,
"screen_name": "azlady8",
"name": "Azladydi",
"description": "Proud \u0026 Grateful American. Grateful for our Military \u0026 Veterans. Korean War Vet daughter. #MAGA No patience for jerks. I bite back.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 51343172,
"screen_name": "j_weimar",
"name": "Jonathan Weimar",
"description": "Dad to three amazing girls, Husband to SuperMom. #Tigers #Grizzlies #itsa901thing #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Patriot",
"location": "Germantown, TN"
"id": 51406969,
"screen_name": "ldupc3",
"name": "Lammot Copeland",
"description": "Happy in marriage, originalist, conservative, pro 2A, free thinking, liberty addicted, bitter clinger, prostate and pancreatic cancer survivor. #MAGA, #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 51412652,
"screen_name": "crazyparrot",
"name": "crazy parrot \u26a2\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "adult human female.",
"location": ""
"id": 51413710,
"screen_name": "GirlHasNoGender",
"name": "A Girl Has No Gender",
"description": "Working towards justice and due process for all domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault and child sex abuse survivors. Gender Critical",
"location": ""
"id": 51420231,
"screen_name": "MissMcTweeter",
"name": "Deanna AKA \ud83d\udc95SILKY \ud83d\udc95",
"description": "Love my Husband my children and my country \u2763\ufe0fAll lives matter including the furry ones \u2763\ufe0f\ud83d\ude3b\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0fVOTE RED\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TRUMP IS STILL MY PRESIDENT \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 51424810,
"screen_name": "ConservaTibbs",
"name": "Scott Tibbs",
"description": "Husband, father, Christian conservative, pro-life, Indiana University alumnus, cancer survivor.",
"location": "Indiana"
"id": 51466529,
"screen_name": "johnny_giotto",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 John Blaney \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Let's Go Brandon - #LGBFJB\n#Pendragon #Riverside #Three Colours Dark\n#Brexit #Trump2024 #QuestionEverything\n#BollockstoBiden #GBNews #antiwoke",
"location": "The Netherlands"
"id": 51490097,
"screen_name": "JonaR029",
"name": "Jonathan R \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#AllLivesMatters #InGodWeTrust #RedSoxNation #PatriotsNation #TB12",
"location": ""
"id": 51502802,
"screen_name": "53flowerchild",
"name": "\u270c\ud83c\udffc\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc3e Abracadeborah",
"description": "Just an angel with a tilted halo.\ud83d\ude07Down With Drama #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 51559711,
"screen_name": "666Sparkly666",
"name": "SparklyPurplePickles",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0fAtheist\ud83e\udde1Equality,not equity\ud83d\udc9bPronouns R stupid\ud83d\udc9aAnti-CRT\ud83d\udc99SuperStraight\ud83d\udc9cHP/LotR\ud83d\udc96Geek\u0026gadget girl\ud83d\udc9eMy thoughts R my own \u0026 have nothing 2 do w/where I work\ud83d\udc9d",
"location": "USA"
"id": 51582927,
"screen_name": "jotahal",
"name": "Jahal Lyma #AllLivesMatter",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 51612234,
"screen_name": "Jamiewuzhere",
"name": "jamie.a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd\u2764\ufe0f on Parler \u2014- Jamiewuzhere",
"description": "love God \u0026 country. blocked by DeBlasio\ud83d\ude44 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffd\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Am a wife,mom, \u0026Nana. Queen of retweets \ud83d\udc51. Love to laugh. Haters =blocked! NO DMs. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #TrumpTrain.",
"location": ""
"id": 51664353,
"screen_name": "peaches147",
"name": "Terri Fallen",
"description": "TRUMP2020 I love my President and my Country\nMAGA ** Vote Vote, Vote!!!",
"location": "Illinois"
"id": 51704029,
"screen_name": "marieosullivan",
"name": "Marie O'Sullivan \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Dementia Health Care Worker, Gardener, Gin lover, Fulham / Cork",
"location": "Hampshire, U.K "
"id": 51746666,
"screen_name": "gaelicana",
"name": "Banbha \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Adult Human Female. Rights Hoarding \ud83e\udd96. Womanhood Is Not An Identity. Sex Is Immutable. #teamTERF",
"location": ""
"id": 51783244,
"screen_name": "Jessie_Pot8os",
"name": "Jessie \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Vodka, dancing, feminism and archaeology, what more could an Irish woman ask for?! From NI living in Scotland\n#AdultHumanFemale",
"location": "Highlands, Scotland"
"id": 51787666,
"screen_name": "dalyandot",
"name": "Dorothea",
"description": "Adult Human Female. Women's Liberation. Biology exists",
"location": ""
"id": 51813058,
"screen_name": "steve7572",
"name": "Steve Wilson",
"description": "Loves Following Aberdeen. Anti woke and for freedom of speech. Nobody should be cancelled.",
"location": "Aberdeen, Scotland"
"id": 51852211,
"screen_name": "subicbarnwells",
"name": "Cynthia Barnwell",
"description": "faith, family, pro life",
"location": ""
"id": 51853845,
"screen_name": "[SUSPENDED]",
"name": "Carnalhag",
"description": "Evolutionary Radical Feminist, Gender Identity Abolitionist, Atheist, Pro-science, GenX \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Survivor of sex-based violence and oppression.",
"location": "Calgary, Alberta"
"id": 52027528,
"screen_name": "BeicioGwenda",
"name": "Gwenda",
"description": "bike rider - cycle campaigner - community engager- \ud83e\udd95 radical feminist - mother to 3 amazing people - Fellow RSA",
"location": "Wales"
"id": 52055570,
"screen_name": "IAmSwell",
"name": "Honey badger doesn't give a sh!t \u274c\ud83e\udda1",
"description": "Wife, mother, and all around awesome. My pronouns are I, me and mine\nMAGA, KAG, Trump won \ud83d\udc90\ud83c\udf38\ud83d\udc90\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf3c\nSome people think I'm swell",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 52085813,
"screen_name": "RandomWritings",
"name": "Twltter is part of the Election Fraud",
"description": "Pro Brexit. Anti Corbyn. Stroke Surviver. Twitter suppresses free speech. It bans accounts trying to tell you the truth about Biden.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 52135454,
"screen_name": "lorabama",
"description": "God, Pro life, 2A, Secure Borders! #FJB #TraitorInWhiteHouse! #JustSayNoToTyranny MAGA VOTE RED IFBP ROLL TIDE\ud83c\udfc8BABY!",
"location": "USA"
"id": 52145280,
"screen_name": "GaryZPon",
"name": "Slip Stream News - \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Phenomonologist",
"description": "Fighting enemies foreign and domestic in the Belly of The Beast NO lists/Trains\nRetweets = I saw it, not endorsement\n#KAG. #MAGAKAG",
"location": "United States of America"
"id": 52152144,
"screen_name": "jaymierp",
"name": "Jaymie (Forever a Trump Girl)",
"description": "Navy Vet mom, wife, keeping God and My Family First and a Loyal Patriot, Loving the USA and Truth and Justice #MAGA #Trump2020 #VoteRed @jaymierp on GETTR",
"location": "GA"
"id": 52163498,
"screen_name": "Reallyserenity",
"name": "Really?",
"description": "Wandering around in a permanent state of disbelief. I mean, what happened? #FBPE, #FBPA, #FBPPR. If \u2018All Lives Matter\u2019 wear a mask!",
"location": "Europe"
"id": 52170968,
"screen_name": "CaroBbad",
"name": "CaroBbad",
"description": "I love GOD,my family\u0026friends.People should never suffer LIFE storms alone.Born again CHRISTian struggle w/potty mouth :-)YES I support \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TRUMP\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 52228543,
"screen_name": "richrobby",
"name": "Rich Robinson",
"description": "Libertarian . Love the USA! #MAGA#NotMyPresident#Resist#Impeach46 No lists please.",
"location": "Pennsylvania, USA"
"id": 52251052,
"screen_name": "Mollee777",
"name": "Mollee Eagle \ud83e\udd85",
"description": "Wife , Mother , Grandmother , Great grandmother Trump Supporter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #KAG #CONSERVATIVE #TRUMP2020 #PATRIOT \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf03\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb",
"location": "Penna."
"id": 52273943,
"screen_name": "dpete85",
"name": "D-Fitch-Pete\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc60",
"description": "Love God\u271d\ufe0fFamily \u0026 Country\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Mom of #USAF Vet\u2708\ufe0f #FamilyBusinessOwner #WeThePeople #NRA #2A \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #ProLife #BackTheBlue #CCOT #VoterID",
"location": "United States"
"id": 52328897,
"screen_name": "Stephic123",
"name": "Steph",
"description": "Love God, Family and Country! Go Trump! Patriots FOREVER! #MAGA #Constitution",
"location": "Maine"
"id": 52394367,
"screen_name": "jasrichards2",
"name": "Dr. Jasmine Richards \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd44\ud83e\udd93\ud83e\udddf\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udddb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "Dr of English \u0026 CompLit. Classical Reception. Bibliophile. Gamer. Experimentalist constructor of gingerbread houses. RadFem. Fangirl. Geekling. And proud!",
"location": "London"
"id": 52409510,
"screen_name": "radtotheb1",
"name": "RADfem to the bone",
"description": "\u2022 Die male about it \ud83d\udc95",
"location": "Terfens, \u00d6sterreich"
"id": 52430847,
"screen_name": "Sara4Republic",
"name": "Sweet Pea (aka JeffiesCankles in 1885)",
"description": "I am a TEXAS girl!!!! #2A. IFB #AndrewBreitbart #Buckeyes . #pathead. #MAGA #PATRIOT #KAG #1776 #22kills",
"location": "Ft Worth Texas"
"id": 52504532,
"screen_name": "Phred_Bear",
"name": "Phred Bear",
"description": "Love my country and flag! #HEMP in 2021. #TRUMP100% #Support @Kcobllc Not a advisor. #TRUMP2024 Finding #OTCGEMS Long\\swing trader.",
"location": "Wisconsin"
"id": 52571830,
"screen_name": "blameitonwilson",
"name": "Jan",
"description": "Anti-war, anti-communist, anti-lockdown pro-gun, pro-immigration.",
"location": ""
"id": 52624182,
"screen_name": "catOO64",
"name": "Cat",
"description": "\u271d\ufe0f #ChooseLife #1A, #2A,\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8AmericaFirst!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Thank You Military! #MAGA, #KAG #TRUMP #ThePatriotParty #BlueLivesMatter, #AllLivesMatter! DM=BLOCKED",
"location": "USA"
"id": 52642209,
"screen_name": "oldguy_steve",
"name": "Steve",
"description": "Retired septuagenarian. Veteran, conservative, mostly libertarian. Serious politics with occasional cynicism and satire. #MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 52652363,
"screen_name": "BarbB2013",
"name": "BarbsWire \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Radfem, atheist, GC. Pronouns: I, me. Feminism is the liberation of females from male oppression. Women are adult human females. #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Kanada"
"id": 52658832,
"screen_name": "Im_bonafide",
"name": "Biden Is A Communist - 2A Deplorable - Greg",
"description": "#PureBlood #BornAgain #FJB\ud83d\udc49IFBAP\n#MAGA #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #2A #Ammosexual\nClimate Change Is A Lie. Biden Cheated.\nI Identify As Vaxed. Home of Humor, Politics, Humor",
"location": "Peoples Republic of California"
"id": 52720085,
"screen_name": "Mangoandmelon86",
"name": "Mango8Melon\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Mythical woman, adult human female, nature lover, bookwormist, artist, #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Kent"
"id": 52736819,
"screen_name": "Purplemoonz",
"name": "Paula Purple",
"description": "Observed female at birth. I stand with JK Rowling. My pronouns are sex based, like my oppression. Often found gardening (rather badly tbh).",
"location": "UK"
"id": 52742029,
"screen_name": "sallykycheer",
"name": "Sally KY",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Proud Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Married to Marine who served proudly \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump 2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8KAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I follow back all Patriots\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8NO DM \ud83d\udc99Kentucky Wildcats \ud83d\udc99BBN",
"location": "Kentucky, USA"
"id": 52753361,
"screen_name": "MoLucy",
"name": "Tami",
"description": "Wife, mother \u0026 lover of God \u0026 Country! So proud of our President Donald J. Trump \u0026 how hard he's fought for us \u0026 the U.S.A!! MAGA member for life!!#Trumpwon!\ud83e\udd85",
"location": ""
"id": 52761207,
"screen_name": "cherryblue3",
"name": "Yumi Sanchez Max \ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Hispanic (not Latinx) American patriot. Fuck political correctness. Fuck commies and socialists. Proud weeb. #MAGA #KAGA\nDon't fuck with me, my cat's a Flerken",
"location": "Here, there, nowhere."
"id": 52772105,
"screen_name": "deetsy27x",
"name": "d\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Matteo \ud83c\udf0d\u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Edinburgh, Scotland"
"id": 52775978,
"screen_name": "jbird009",
"name": "1st Female President Elect \ud83d\udc99\u2764",
"description": "#MAGA #TRAITORMITCH #millionMAGAmarch IFBAP",
"location": "St. Stephens Church, VA"
"id": 52822665,
"screen_name": "The_real_Avvie",
"name": "Avril Peppard \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "#IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithRosieDuffield #WhatIsAWoman #BeBraverToday #NoThankYou #HearMeRoar #IStandWithKathleenStock #GetTheCisOut #BringBackGlinner",
"location": "England"
"id": 52849103,
"screen_name": "DRils",
"name": "Dave Rils",
"description": "Doting dad and hubby, digital video and photo enthusiast, HOG rider, wine lover, overall good guy. #MCGA #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 52890476,
"screen_name": "AyRosa8",
"name": "Rosa R",
"description": "Investor, Community volunteer, Dog lover #StopTheFearFeed #Freedom #2020landslide #turnCaliforniared #latinaforTrump",
"location": ""
"id": 52932140,
"screen_name": "rockfan95",
"name": "Becky",
"description": "Wife, mom of adult daughter with autism, animal lover, hard worker, lover of really loud music. Love Trump \u0026 Texas! #MAGA",
"location": "Spring, TX"
"id": 52957870,
"screen_name": "badlady59",
"name": "beckyshort \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won",
"description": "Three Grandchildren and one Great grandson,Two Adult children.( No dates not interested)Trust No One ( No Bitcoin",
"location": "Kentucky, USA"
"id": 53036934,
"screen_name": "jeu_desprit",
"name": "YC",
"description": "Mum/CEO. Judge people by their character and not the colour of their skin.Views are my own. Anti woke, feel privileged to live in U.K. #GBNews",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 53065545,
"screen_name": "SomeWoman22",
"name": "Woman | #IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "#IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": ""
"id": 53071658,
"screen_name": "sisterhooduk",
"name": "Sisterhood",
"description": "Woman: noun adult human female. Angry \u0026 feminist, liberated woman, long term love affair with dry white wine, and an opinion. #Ibelieveher #MeToo",
"location": "UK"
"id": 53118191,
"screen_name": "winterlongone",
"name": "Eileen aime les chats \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\u2640\ufe0f \ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffb\u200d\ud83d\udcbc",
"description": "computer scientist - 'if you want me/ you can find me/ #LeftOfCenter...' - \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9bGC feminist - Ukrainian-American - Rusyn/Ruthenian #MusicIsLife",
"location": "sol 3"
"id": 53144719,
"screen_name": "MRSJ1234",
"name": "LarsaJ \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Menopausal and grumpy. Woman = Adult Human Female. Proud dinosaur \ud83e\udd96",
"location": ""
"id": 53168655,
"screen_name": "becausethelight",
"name": "Summer",
"description": "#RadFem en continuo aprendizaje.",
"location": ""
"id": 53183310,
"screen_name": "TrumpOnStump",
"name": "Trump on a Stump",
"description": "Persecuted 4 integrity. Not being picked doesn't = racism/sexism. Maybe you just aren't as awesome as you thought! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#DontSuck #elfonshelfwastaken",
"location": "Not Russia"
"id": 53222655,
"screen_name": "Mar4L",
"name": "Ronnie Spangler",
"description": "Marine Corps, Vietnam Veteran, President Trump Supporter #Trump2020 #MAGA",
"location": "Tn"
"id": 53295868,
"screen_name": "HoopsMetrOX",
"name": "Stat Nerd Perspective",
"description": "Hoops X\u2019s and O\u2019s, Analytics, Coaching, Film. Pro Life, Free Speech, School Choice",
"location": "AnCapistan"
"id": 53322351,
"screen_name": "Bubtok",
"name": "Linny",
"description": "Created in Scotland, belong to the U.K. The EU.and Scottish Independence parties breed corruption. anti-woke. There are only two sexes/genders.",
"location": "Scotland, United Kingdom"
"id": 53331364,
"screen_name": "bones_lady",
"name": "#AdultHumanFemale \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Child at heart. Amateur Photographer. Artist becoming more willing to starve for it. Life's too short, let's just have fun. #superstraight",
"location": "Never never land"
"id": 53371268,
"screen_name": "nickywkd",
"name": "Nicky \ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udda4. \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Women are born, not worn. #WeAreAllMarionMillar #istandwithjkrowling #istandwithkathleenstock",
"location": ""
"id": 53419642,
"screen_name": "MARCEL7776",
"name": "MD.Lobato de Mesquita",
"location": "Rotterdam"
"id": 53506697,
"screen_name": "erschube",
"name": "Elise \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Jesus follower. Pro-Life. Conservative.\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "USA "
"id": 53526240,
"screen_name": "nickname_bj",
"name": "\u2b50\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Miz BJ\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2b50\ufe0f",
"description": "Mom, Gma, Low tolerance for leftist B.S. \u0026 fake news! #BlueLivesMatter #SupportMyPresident #SupportIsrael\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \ud83d\udeabDMs please.",
"location": "Illinois"
"id": 53579863,
"screen_name": "greencar44",
"name": "mark halliwood",
"description": "Retired Army | Save Women\u2019s Sports | Every precious one A child You died to save I All Lives Matter | Stand for the flag | #KAG #MAGA #Cult45",
"location": "Hollywood, FL"
"id": 53641874,
"screen_name": "anikibo",
"name": "Anikibo",
"description": "First online #marketplace to find \u0026 buy #independent published #magazines, #zines \u0026 #comics - #books on the way... #loveprint",
"location": "London"
"id": 53648074,
"screen_name": "BigBrotherNut",
"name": "IB Mee",
"description": "PRO1A, PRO2A #BuildTheWall, #AmericaFirst Pro Israel, LIST=BLOCK, NO DMS\n#REPORTPEDOS #STOPHUMANTRAFFICKING",
"location": "America"
"id": 53704305,
"screen_name": "thegamesrigged",
"name": "TheGamesRigged",
"description": "You must be the change you want to see in the world.\n#MAGA #KAG #MakeTheWorldABetterPlace",
"location": "always in your heart and mind"
"id": 53717613,
"screen_name": "LadyHawk2005",
"name": "LadyHawk \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Live~Love~Laugh! IFBB professional athlete, figure Olympian , stylist and all around cool chick! America First\u2026 \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TRUMP2024",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 53724802,
"screen_name": "karengilly",
"name": "Karen G \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83d\ude42\ud83e\ude78",
"description": "No DM's .Trump won. I support Tommy Robinson. retweets are not endorsements.",
"location": "manchester"
"id": 53764996,
"screen_name": "Frank__Massaro",
"name": "Frank Massaro",
"description": "There is no such thing as haves \u0026 have-nots. The only thing there really is are wills \u0026 will-not most people have-not cause they will-not \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Trump 2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 53784808,
"screen_name": "JustineDolling",
"name": "Justine Dolling",
"description": "Love Europe hate the EU! This fact does NOT make me a racist or any other ist ... massive fan of free speech, whoever is speaking! \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83e\udd73 #GBNews",
"location": "South West, England"
"id": 53876198,
"screen_name": "NettiLDN",
"name": "NettiLDN \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "\ud83e\udd95",
"location": ""
"id": 53940360,
"screen_name": "Red4Liberty",
"name": "Sharon \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude03\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump2020",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Christian, Conservative, Wife, Mom of 2 beautiful kids!! #ProLife #Israel #Noles Alum #Navy\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Parler: @Red4Liberty Trump2020",
"location": "Saint Augustine, Florida, USA"
"id": 53973748,
"screen_name": "jrc1969",
"name": "Harry Hotspur",
"description": "Spurs fan for 40+ years. anti-woke, atheist, realist. hate cancel culture. Not on here to spread the word not arsed about having loads of followers.",
"location": ""
"id": 54007567,
"screen_name": "alrft91",
"name": "nem medicada ela \u00e9 \u00f3tima",
"description": "#radfem",
"location": ""
"id": 54054599,
"screen_name": "MattSkosh",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Matthew\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf7Skocilich",
"description": "''Government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem.''-RR #KAG #MAGA #LNYHBT #WalkAway #Dodgers #LAKings #GKG #Rams #Galaxy #Lakers #UCSB",
"location": "San Marcos, CA"
"id": 54061081,
"screen_name": "lyncofta",
"name": "Save America, STOP VOTING DEM",
"description": "#WVU #MAGA for all #1A #Army #Vet #SchoolChoice If you disagree with anything i post you\u2019re a #RussianBot #WV #WALKWAY",
"location": ""
"id": 54106266,
"screen_name": "cjwadolowski",
"name": "Chris. J. W\u0105do\u0142owski",
"description": "#Conservative, #Catholic,#Patriot \u2764\ufe0fs #USA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u0026 ancestral homeland #PL\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf1! #MAGA #Trump2020, #Konfederacja, Noli timere a bono in malum, semper vincit! #NYCFC",
"location": "USA"
"id": 54229793,
"screen_name": "peteh81",
"name": "peteh81.crypto \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Travel, Camping, beach, Cryptocurrency, Politics, Drone, photography,\nMarried. #LINK #ZIL #BTC,CRO ,ETH #VET \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNews. 100% follow back",
"location": "England"
"id": 54237828,
"screen_name": "NiteOwl223",
"name": "Robin \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Conservative! Happily Married \ud83d\udeabDMs Ret. NJSP Dispatcher #BackTheBlue #MAGA #KAG #USMC",
"location": "NJ"
"id": 54262555,
"screen_name": "PureFreakBitch",
"name": "Thelma",
"description": "My pronouns are sex based, liked my oppression \ud83d\udca5",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 54268654,
"screen_name": "bradisright",
"name": "Brad Sturm",
"description": "IT Geek by day, Father of three little ones, Husband, Jesus follower, FantasyFootball, ProLife",
"location": "California"
"id": 54268998,
"screen_name": "TheBrockEasley",
"name": "Brock Easley",
"description": "Jesus Christ Believer. Colts Fan. American Patriot. Trump Supporter. #MAGA #FortheShoe #PATRIOTPARTY #BLEXIT Indiana State Director",
"location": ""
"id": 54282197,
"screen_name": "TexCIS",
"name": "TexCIS",
"description": "FAITH, FAMILY, FRIENDS, FOOD \u0026 FREEDOM. #MAGA #USA. CIS stands for Computer Information Systems. Studied science, logic, biology, economics. I follow back.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 54322204,
"screen_name": "sosguy",
"name": "Richard Smith \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Prefered Pronoun: Dude, Politically Non-Correct, Conservative, Patriot, Voter, Veteran, Gun Owner \u0026 NRA Member and a Tea Party Kind of Guy #MAGA2020 MOLON LABE",
"location": ""
"id": 54328950,
"screen_name": "Hewy1950",
"name": "Allan Hewison",
"description": "Lived in Doncaster since 1973 having moved from Houghton-le-Spring, Co. Durham I have been a fan of Sunderland AFC since 1962. Patriot and follow #GBNEWS",
"location": "Doncaster"
"id": 54336446,
"screen_name": "word_crafters",
"name": "Allah is Satan\u274c",
"description": "#MAGA Unschooler. Love to read, laugh, cook, learn, teach \u0026 talk. Patriot. #2A. \ud83d\udc96 Israel. PNW. Debate isn't Fighting. DM if you like. Be polite.",
"location": "Isaiah 32:5-8"
"id": 54338361,
"screen_name": "najrakan",
"name": "DENNIS Williamson",
"description": "Me: Eternity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints #tcot #UTgop #Conservative #LNYHBT #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp #BuildTheWall I Am #Border Sovereign!!!",
"location": "Los Collados Eternos Del Verbo"
"id": 54350186,
"screen_name": "birdmang30",
"name": "mark bird",
"description": "If by chance I followed you it just means I think you're interesting.BTW I turn the hottest cappers ice cold in an instant.Socialism sucks. #MAGA,",
"location": ""
"id": 54405990,
"screen_name": "ZerenaMoose",
"name": "ZerenaSaurus \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a --.. / -..-. -- --- --- ... .",
"description": "Freedom tae them that wad read. Freedom to them that wad write. There\u2019s nane ever feared that the truth should be heard but they whom the truth would indite.",
"location": "North Holland, The Netherlands"
"id": 54443484,
"screen_name": "IflyAtNight",
"name": "Salander \u263e \ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Seguridad inform\u00e1tica y psicolog\u00eda social \ud83d\udc9c #Radfem \ud83d\udccdMx.",
"location": "Aquelarre"
"id": 54462642,
"screen_name": "crkleffner",
"name": "Just Chris \u0646",
"description": "Catholic Consrv Texan, Single Dad, IT Geek \u0026 Improviser Pro-Life-Mil-Israel-2A Girding my loins for the good fight #NDIrish #Spurs \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddff\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea @justChris on Parler",
"location": "Basement of the Alamo"
"id": 54465668,
"screen_name": "PaulStarr1968",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2Paul G Starr, Sr.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I'm a Christian, Conservative Republican I'm a Major Trump Supporter and Proud Deplorable!\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#TrumpSupporter\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Alllivesmatter!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Trump2024\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2#MAGA",
"location": "United States"
"id": 54479718,
"screen_name": "tyguy888",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TyGuy888\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Still not bored with winning. #Trump2024 @getoutspoken20 #OUTspoken #GayPatriot #AmericaFirst #MAGA",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 54494930,
"screen_name": "Activeconvo",
"name": "ActiveConvo\u2640\ufe0f\u2696\ufe0f #Together",
"description": "Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day. #GBNEWS",
"location": ""
"id": 54499985,
"screen_name": "_Leyanelle_",
"name": "Leya \ud83d\udfe5\ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9 \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Gender Abolitionist. Working Class. Left Libertarian. Campaigner.",
"location": ""
"id": 54576162,
"screen_name": "claudiapatrizi",
"name": "Patricia",
"description": "International affairs \u0026 politics. #AmericaFirst #Freedom #Liberty #Faith #Capitalism. 2nd Ammend. - Liberty or Dead",
"location": "Everywhere "
"id": 54610515,
"screen_name": "kardea71",
"name": "Karen Wilcox-Gorman",
"description": "#introvert #radfem #adulthumanfemale #bisexual #atheist #womenmatter #gendercritical",
"location": "Kippens"
"id": 54620860,
"screen_name": "BlaineInLA",
"name": "Blaine",
"description": "USMC VET\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Electro-Mechanical_Engineering\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Patroit\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I call it like it is\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Individualism \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Liberty \u0026 Justice 4 All",
"location": "Los Angeles"
"id": 54630706,
"screen_name": "its_ads_here",
"name": "Ads",
"description": "\ud83d\ude42 \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa Logistics industry manager, dog lover, red wine lover and a man who's attracted to men #sexnotgender #IvotedRemain Pronouns: go/fuckyourself",
"location": "Staffordshire"
"id": 54681039,
"screen_name": "uffdah62",
"name": "VLB",
"description": "I am unashamedly a follower of Jesus Christ; all in on the pro-life issue and and a proud American who believes President Trump is going to MAGA.",
"location": ""
"id": 54713672,
"screen_name": "suzanneharper4",
"name": "suzannehDallas\u274c #DeportSoros #AGBarr#1",
"description": "Texas A\u0026M graduate Texan NRA member conservative dog \u0026 Horse rescue 100% Pres Trump supporter from day one #MAGA #walkaway \u274c Andrew Jackson fan #PromisesKept",
"location": "Dallas Texas"
"id": 54730267,
"screen_name": "michaeldhanson",
"name": "Michael D. Hanson",
"description": "God, Family, Country; \u2022 Writer; Combat Veteran, Ret Military; American Patriot for ALL PEOPLE \u2022 Opinions are my OWN; ProIsrael, ProLife; Survived by God's Grace",
"location": "Castle Rock, Colorado"
"id": 54731485,
"screen_name": "WhutHuh",
"name": "Chris",
"description": "This country desperately needs leadership and straight talk. Pro: US Constitution, Police, Military. #TrumpWasRight",
"location": "NoVA "
"id": 54792870,
"screen_name": "kmreid007",
"name": "Lady Liberty 1776 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Texas born and raised. Pronouns: Madam and President. #MAGA #2A Pros: Faith, Family, Firearms, Flag. PROUD NAVY MOM \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 54805404,
"screen_name": "01kris",
"name": "MoKrissy",
"description": "If you need to know my pronouns, keep walking...\nOn GETTR @MoKrissy, GAB/Minds/Parler under @01kris\n#CONSERVATIVE #PATRIOT #TRUMP #MAGA #1A #2A #DESANTIS #OH",
"location": ""
"id": 54948581,
"screen_name": "Johnnylou64",
"name": "JohnnyLou",
"description": "#USAirForceveteran, #Husband #Dad #Pastor #Prolifeadvocate, I speak the truth and common sense in a world that lacks truth and common sense. #MAGA",
"location": "Native So. CA, now in Midwest"
"id": 55062129,
"screen_name": "Blueberrier0341",
"name": "\ud83e\uded0JOSHUA LXXXI \u0646 \ud83e\uded0 \u00ae",
"description": "In Him \u271d\ufe0f, Coram Deo, @RegentU alumni, @USMC 0341, Father, Husband, Iraq Vet, Galatians 1:10 , #ProLife , #DownSyndrome",
"location": "Tarheel in Wisconsin"
"id": 55080710,
"screen_name": "DragonJules",
"name": "Julie \ud83c\udd71\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc3e",
"description": "Mam, Nan \u0026 partner to Mark. \u2764\ufe0fAntiques\u2764\ufe0fDogs\u2764\ufe0fTrump\u2764\ufe0fAnimals\ud83d\udc3e #BanHalal #BanShariaLaw #AllLivesMatter #ChocLabLivesMatter\ud83d\udc3e\ud83d\udc63 *NO DM\u2019s* TY!!!\ud83d\ude21",
"location": " South Wales. UK\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f"
"id": 55207321,
"screen_name": "Eurozine",
"name": "Eurozine",
"description": "#Eurozine is an online #magazine and #European network linking up more than 90 #culturaljournals and associates in 35 countries.",
"location": "Vienna, Austria, Europe"
"id": 55233103,
"screen_name": "mrs_counter",
"name": "Caz Bailey - Shrill Siren #FBPE #WearYourDamnMask",
"description": "Gender dissident, remainer, atheist, humanist AND misanthrope, freelance indexer of books. #SexNotGender I/me/mine",
"location": "Staffordshire, England"
"id": 55237711,
"screen_name": "misswizzie",
"name": "Elisabeth Holmes\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Londoner living in The North. Tattooed Mum, History geek. Opinions are mine etc...",
"location": "Harrogate, North Yorkshire"
"id": 55252238,
"screen_name": "profdans",
"name": "Deplorable Dans",
"description": "Constitutional Conservative, God-fearing, animal loving, pro-life, Vietnam era Vet 67-69 (11-B). 2A. NRA CRPA Life Member. Dad to 4 rescue dogs \u0026 6 rescue cats.",
"location": "Loomis, California"
"id": 55307022,
"screen_name": "laura30024",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Laura \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "** find me on GAB \u0026 GETTR @laura30024 **\n#Christian #Conservative #TRUMP #MAGA #ProLife #Constitution #DrainTheSwamp #Patriot",
"location": ""
"id": 55313117,
"screen_name": "Billylil",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Billy Lilburn\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Proud Ulsterman Despise the EU Love \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Liverpool Linfield Rangers \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Anti Woke",
"location": "Lisburn "
"id": 55322446,
"screen_name": "KittyPrincess67",
"name": "Lyn Ward \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Gers fan then, now and forever, and also the crazy cat lady who loves to play video games.",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 55449830,
"screen_name": "geekgirl707",
"name": "denise. that\u2019s it.",
"description": "human female. potty mouth. oh, and fully vaccinated.",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 55493365,
"screen_name": "lulip2107",
"name": "Anna Morris \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a womenwontwheesht",
"description": "Adult Human Female",
"location": "Halifax, west yorkshire"
"id": 55596634,
"screen_name": "lusa_athena",
"name": "LusaAthena \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9",
"description": "Human.",
"location": ""
"id": 55631229,
"screen_name": "[SUSPENDED]",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Akon Fenty \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "29. Christian. America First Conservative. Pro-God, Life, 2A. Barbados born, raised in NY, used to live in GA \u0026 CT, now I live in Florida. Mixed. #AmericaFirst",
"location": ""
"id": 55675133,
"screen_name": "brian2691",
"name": "Brian",
"description": "Husband, Dad, Conservative;\nAll lives matter",
"location": "Dallas/Ft Worth"
"id": 55703572,
"screen_name": "drpoppyBHRT",
"name": "Dr. Poppy Daniels",
"description": "wholistic OB/GYN, superpower=helpingpeoplemakepeople, mom of 6+4, reggae fan, pro-life birth junkie, co-author of @dangersofdepo, free prenatal clinic @Patreon",
"location": "Ozark, MO"
"id": 55802452,
"screen_name": "speakingfr33ly",
"name": "dave henry",
"description": "pro life",
"location": ""
"id": 55810680,
"screen_name": "TheRealArgel",
"name": "David Lawrence",
"description": "Retired dog-walker in the Malvern Hills. Helping here and there and making those beautiful d/dx art prints. #IStandWithMarionMillar so I trust #WomenWontWheesh.",
"location": "Malvern Hills, UK"
"id": 55821927,
"screen_name": "EmperorQuintana",
"name": "Emperor Lazaro I of Quinctia",
"description": "Aspie | Rookie investor | Monarchist | Avid gamer | Amateur ideologist | Capitalist | The official Twitter page of HIM Lazaro I. Pro-Zod. Ave Quinctia! #MAGA!",
"location": "Miami, FL"
"id": 55882303,
"screen_name": "PersonhoodFL",
"name": "Personhood Florida",
"description": "Promoting Personhood of all human beings irrespective of age, race, health, function, condition of dependency. Pro-life, Against Abortion, Prolife, #tcot, #912",
"location": "Florida FL"
"id": 55885084,
"screen_name": "sohlfl",
"name": "Sanctity Human Life",
"description": "Pro-life, Abstinence, Chastity, Christ Centered Ministry protect women \u0026 children Against Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Condom Ed, #tcot prolife we follow back",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 55912983,
"screen_name": "lookpark",
"name": "Chris Collingwood",
"description": "Singer/songwriter, late of @fountainsofwayn. 380th Greatest of All Time. Look Park DEBUT OUT NOW on @yeproc. Freelancer. Contributor, @Penthouse",
"location": "New England, USA"
"id": 55943266,
"screen_name": "trichterne1",
"name": "Tony \ud83d\ude01 #FJB",
"description": "#FJB #MAGA #TRUMP #GIGA Tesla Model 3P, $Packers $TSLA. Gulf War #DesertStorm Vet #USMC #GoPackGo",
"location": "Mild Wild West"
"id": 55994774,
"screen_name": "stfl2341",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Josh \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Florida Conservative - Biden\u2019s a fraud. MSM are the enemy. Obnoxious liberals will be blocked. #SaveAmerica #2A @FloridaJosh on GETTR @josh4trump2020 on gab",
"location": "USA"
"id": 56004274,
"screen_name": "melliemel_32",
"name": "Melanie",
"description": "Just a Texas girl who isn't afraid to be an independent thinker. \u264a\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 56091905,
"screen_name": "Ladalang",
"name": "Joyce Early",
"description": "Pure Blood. My blood is untainted. Non GMO human. There will be a time when my blood will be as valuable as gold.",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 56093392,
"screen_name": "nmabelaz",
"name": "N.M. Andra",
"description": "#MAGA \ud83c\udf35#AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#ARIZONA \ud83c\udf35#KAG Married, mother of two sons @nmabelaz\ud83c\udf35#Trump2020 #NeverForget #BeBest",
"location": "AZ, USA"
"id": 56103720,
"screen_name": "C300C",
"name": "Deplorable Dad",
"description": "Engineer, MBA. Independent for Trump.",
"location": "MI"
"id": 56166392,
"screen_name": "scanyram",
"name": "mary scanio",
"description": "MAGA, RN, ProLife, NRA, Conservative, Family, Proud American, Faith, \ud83d\ude31married to a demoRAT who I love but strongly disagree with \ud83d\ude0f, Drain the Swamp NOW!!!!!",
"location": "Delaware, USA"
"id": 56194211,
"screen_name": "FSUHUSKER",
"name": "Bill Neal \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udfc8\ud83c\udfc1",
"description": "Seminoles, 'Huskers, KC Royals \u0026 NASCAR fan. Collateral Risk Analyst. Stock \u0026 Real Estate Investor. BS Economics/Florida State University. #Trump2020",
"location": "Central Florida"
"id": 56215103,
"screen_name": "angijones",
"name": "Angie Jones",
"description": "Only here to defend my sex based rights. Leftie. Radical Feminist. Sociologist.",
"location": "Naarm/Melbourne, Australia "
"id": 56219119,
"screen_name": "jezcaraballo",
"name": "Jez",
"description": "Christian \u2219 Conservative \u2219 Musician \u2219 SysAdmin. Whoever finds God, finds Life. Prov. 8:35. Gab: @jezcaraballo #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 56242796,
"screen_name": "CoyneFamily",
"name": "Jeffrey Coyne \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Luckiest Husband alive - Dad - Amateur Chef - Proud Okie - Sigma Chi - #Trump2024 \"They're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way\" ~ DJT",
"location": "Broken Arrow, OK"
"id": 56351084,
"screen_name": "jacquiehughes63",
"name": "Jacquie Hughes \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d",
"description": "Policy Director. Former Current Affairs TV Exec. All things regulation - because higher standards lead to better outputs. Making AI accountable - to humans.",
"location": "London"
"id": 56390020,
"screen_name": "spilledcoffee",
"name": "WhoSpilledtheCoffee",
"description": "Patriot who loves a good cup of coffee. Spanish \u0026 Polish roots. City girl- so don\u2019t mess with me \ud83d\ude09. #MAGA",
"location": "Chicago"
"id": 56434502,
"screen_name": "Valzn",
"name": "Official Sources",
"description": "#MAGA\ud83c\udfc4\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc34 #TRUMP2020 #CONSERVATIVE #INDEPENDENT\ud83d\ude00",
"location": "Metroplex of Farmerville, LA"
"id": 56440458,
"screen_name": "aturboz",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Dr. \u2b50\ufe0fLet\u2019s go Brandon\u2b50\ufe0f Orwell \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#ConstitutionalConservative, #MAGA, #KAG, Pro Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 Proud Air Force Dad #1A #2A, America 1st. Libs \u0026 R. Islam gr8st threat 2 R Republic. I FB patriots!",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 56449803,
"screen_name": "keichri",
"name": "Patriot #AmericaFirst",
"description": "Reagan Conservative Worried About Our Future. Follow Us #Politics #KAG #Conservative #GETTR @keichri",
"location": "Berea,ky"
"id": 56487171,
"screen_name": "INIgomoms",
"name": "SachLass925 \ud83c\udfc1",
"description": "Adult Human Female. Not Cis, Het or any other stupid fucking labels that are being imposed.People are people and who they are,but sex can not be changed. Ever!!",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 56487891,
"screen_name": "Killah00700",
"name": "Richard Kilshaw",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Just loving GBNews \ud83e\udd29 #GBNews #GBNewsWins #GBNewsIsHereToStay",
"location": "Chester"
"id": 56500044,
"screen_name": "euphoria365",
"name": "\u2018Ria Santos",
"description": "Reluctant Nigerian\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec ~Talitha Cumi ~Mr Santos\u2019 wife ...and God said: \u201cLet there be happiness,Joy and laughter \u201d and there was ME!!! #Prolife \ud83c\udf08",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 56522924,
"screen_name": "ClairNiD",
"name": "Cl\u00e1ir N\u00ed Dhubhshl\u00e1ine",
"description": "Irish, pro-life, Catholic, physicist now teacher",
"location": "Ireland"
"id": 56541309,
"screen_name": "robmendel",
"name": "Rob Mendel",
"description": "US Army Retired. Large heart but sometimes cranky. Co-creator of Zach \u0026 Wyatt. Connoisseur of bourbon, beer, hot sauce \u0026 jerky. #AmericaFirst \ud83d\udc1d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd89\ud83e\udd85",
"location": "Yelm, WA"
"id": 56584614,
"screen_name": "A_Rainbow_sheep",
"name": "Jay-b Rainbow Sheep\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Ex military 10 years. I'm LGB. Married. Parent. I swear \u0026 curse, my language is colourful. I stand with my TERF sisters.\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c Hate misogyny. Hate pronouns.",
"location": "Birmingham, England"
"id": 56606701,
"screen_name": "WingedBeast61",
"name": "Sophisticated Vaccinated Elite",
"description": "Liberal(I.e open-minded), libertarian , traditional MAGA warrior,. #TrumpTrain. Personal pronouns: huh?/WTF!/ and \u201cyou call that a double?\u201d",
"location": "Glenwood, IA"
"id": 56684807,
"screen_name": "Saturn90",
"name": "Martin Hall",
"description": "Arsenal fan, Pro Brexit,hate the Labour Party, Defund the BBC,hate all the fake news channels (BBC, Channel 4, Sky News and ITV). All Lives Matter!! Love GBNews",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 56690364,
"screen_name": "FyneTimes",
"name": "Fyne Times",
"description": "A forward-thinking and sophisticated #magazine for the LGBT+ community.",
"location": "Faringdon, Oxfordshire"
"id": 56751083,
"screen_name": "RUFRUFRUF",
"name": "RUFRUFRUF",
"description": "Born in Ireland, grew up in England, live in Scotland. Hate SNP with a passion. Anti Woke.",
"location": ""
"id": 56820108,
"screen_name": "sirdannyjones",
"name": "Sir Danny Jones",
"description": "A Common-Senser, gay conservative, patriot, zionist. \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #istandwithisrael , I support @alliancelgb #sexnotgender",
"location": "Oxford"
"id": 56833639,
"screen_name": "graceaware",
"name": "graceaware",
"description": "radical feminist lesbian. clinical mental health graduate student. anti-racist white. E/INFP. empath. lover of all. Buddhist. atheist. #NMRK",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 56841423,
"screen_name": "Davido1848",
"name": "Proud Texan #LetsgoBrandon",
"description": "#proudtexan #Texas #LovingTexas #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 #BuildTheWall #TRUMPTRAIN #2A",
"location": "Austin"
"id": 56851366,
"screen_name": "thekittykat1968",
"name": "Christina Curran",
"description": "Hates injustice, liars, BoJo, BoJos' Govt, Brexit, red neck flag waving, can't spell, misogynistic right wingers, liver, kidney \u0026 sushi. Loves animals.",
"location": "Manchester, England"
"id": 56864112,
"screen_name": "otdon",
"name": "otdon",
"description": "#MAGA #CodeOfVets #AmericaFirst #VoteRed #GodBlessAmerica #IFollowBack #MAGA #Patriots",
"location": "San Jose, CA"
"id": 56929756,
"screen_name": "clitorisaurus",
"name": "Meowmers McCatface",
"description": "female human with sadness",
"location": "the acid tanks"
"id": 57015816,
"screen_name": "Reefchen",
"name": "Reefchen",
"description": "Hier k\u00f6nnte ein Inhalt stehen. Aber dann k\u00f6nnte Twitter den Account sperren. Wer sperrt und blockt hat die Kontrolle \u00fcber sein Leben verloren.",
"location": ""
"id": 57023468,
"screen_name": "[SUSPENDED]",
"name": "combover bangs patent",
"description": "radfem #NoThankYou \ud83d\udeabgampfems DNI",
"location": ""
"id": 57059492,
"screen_name": "TomBewick",
"name": "Tom Bewick",
"description": "CEO @AwardingBodies; Presenter @SkillsWorldLive; Chair @Beyondtrust21 care leavers\u2019 trust; Regular contributor @FENews @GBNews \u2014 Views my own",
"location": "Mid-Sussex"
"id": 57089527,
"screen_name": "cr_critical",
"name": "Critical thinker",
"description": "#superstraight #superawesome\nADULT HUMAN FEMALE (born not worn)",
"location": ""
"id": 57093756,
"screen_name": "lhcam",
"name": "Jackie\u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "What I Am Is What I Want \u0026 I\u2019ll Be This Way 'Til I\u2019m Dead \u0026 Gone \u2014 #Trump #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#1A #2A Hospice RN-NP",
"location": "Nashville "
"id": 57356877,
"screen_name": "picon1969",
"name": "Ivan Picon",
"description": "Politico Mason:. Radio Host @RadioMundo 1450 @SeptimaProvincia670 Activista Libertad y Derechos Humanos Cuba y el Mundo G:.A:.D:.U:. #MAGA @Parler",
"location": "Miami Florida"
"id": 57372011,
"screen_name": "rachel_rankin",
"name": "Rachel Rankin",
"description": "27. Artist, radfem, lover of women, lover of books Arts Co-ordinator @FiLiA_charity",
"location": "Belfast"
"id": 57388047,
"screen_name": "HollyCLoves",
"name": "SugarSpun \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Fee/Fi/Fo/Fum",
"location": "UK"
"id": 57410167,
"screen_name": "lolli55",
"name": "LBG55",
"description": "Trump 2020",
"location": ""
"id": 57431270,
"screen_name": "catch11tn",
"name": "Deborah Yarbrough",
"description": "I'm a conservative American #FreedomOverFear \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\n#MAGA #DonaldTrumpRepublican #AmericaFirst #IBacktheBlue 1A \u0026 2A shall not be infringed #IFBAP",
"location": "Tennessee "
"id": 57437691,
"screen_name": "SuliaJenifa",
"name": "Selina Kyle Reese \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#IstandwithJKRowling",
"location": "Dancing at the funeral party "
"id": 57447296,
"screen_name": "Diamondbre",
"name": "Diamondbre",
"description": "Mom. Wife. Boss. Jesus is King. I love my dogs more than my hubby, just ask him. #trump2020",
"location": "United States"
"id": 57479109,
"screen_name": "Hwk765",
"name": "Handsome White Kitty Pure Blood no Jab",
"description": "I am Handsome White Kitty I am a GUY!, deal with it QUESTION EVERYTHING.",
"location": "Cleaning America's Cat Box."
"id": 57526581,
"screen_name": "energylevel",
"name": "MCFC4Heatons \ud83d\udc8e\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "'Just Because You Are A Character, It Doesn't Mean You Have Character' - All My Views Are Someone Elses! #GBNews #GodSaveTheQueen #DefundTheBBC",
"location": "Manchester, England"
"id": 57571055,
"screen_name": "IrishGuyKevin",
"name": "Kevin \u2618",
"description": "My avi is a representation of my goal to be Christian like, every day, in all that I do. Unapologetically Pro Life.",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 57596649,
"screen_name": "Johnzz9",
"name": "Johnz",
"description": "Gender critical dad \u0026 feminist ally \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"location": "Vancouver"
"id": 57597755,
"screen_name": "carrih1",
"name": "Cajarama",
"description": "Woman. EU. #womenwontwheesht",
"location": "Scotland, United Kingdom"
"id": 57600508,
"screen_name": "Billypieman",
"name": "Bill Ainsworth",
"description": "Blackburn Rovers fan. Enjoy most sports. Love beer and wine. Pro Brexit. Anti lockdown, vaccine passports and woke insanity. #cravethechaos",
"location": "Ribble Valley"
"id": 57672442,
"screen_name": "Shaver1949",
"name": "Rick Shaver",
"description": "Follower of Jesus Christ, husband, father, grandfather, politically conservative, unabashedly pro-life \u0026 traditional family. And, I love to laugh.",
"location": "East Texas"
"id": 57703788,
"screen_name": "1mdeal",
"name": "Liberals Are F*cking Sheep (maybe adj, maybe not)",
"description": "Liberals, the left, are the true Fascists. #Libsissostupid \ud83d\ude03. Proud American, husband, father to three great kids. \ud83e\udd85\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #KAG #TRUMP2020 #termlimits",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 57719875,
"screen_name": "AnitaK316",
"name": "\u274cAnitaK316\u274c",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG Loving Jesus is what I live for! He is my life. Love my 3 children. Happily married. 4X Ovarian cancer survivor\u0026 current warrior! #Trump2020",
"location": "USA"
"id": 57728478,
"screen_name": "luluchops1",
"name": "luluchops",
"description": "Professional mincer \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 57816451,
"screen_name": "Seigemachine",
"name": "David S.",
"description": "Trump won 2020 | \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Legal immigrant | Give me liberty or give me death | Pronouns = DILLIGAF",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 57819134,
"screen_name": "GOPdiva",
"name": "PatriotPatty",
"description": "Love my God \ud83d\ude4f Love my family\ud83d\udc87\u200d\u2640\ufe0f \ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffb\u200d\ud83d\udcbb Love my country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Constitutional Conservative \ud83d\udcdc Support our Troops \ud83d\udc68\u200d\u2708\ufe0f #MAGA #KAG #CHRISTIAN #ProLife",
"location": "Houston"
"id": 57830178,
"screen_name": "cttroon",
"name": "CT stands with JKR \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Disillusioned Democrat, reluctant Republican, and deeply concerned about women\u2019s rights and protecting children.",
"location": ""
"id": 57897099,
"screen_name": "AlexBlakemore1",
"name": "Alex Blakemore",
"description": "\ud83d\udcfa Senior Producer @GBNEWS. Views are my own. Story? - DMs open.",
"location": ""
"id": 57981163,
"screen_name": "Mizpah27",
"name": "Diane Smith",
"description": "If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. #CHRISTIAN #ISRAEL #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 58040940,
"screen_name": "WomanIsFemale",
"name": "Adult Human Female",
"description": "",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 58066353,
"screen_name": "USpatriotBR",
"name": "\u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8USpatriotBR\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf7\ud83d\ude4f",
"description": "\u271d\ufe0f#JesusMyLord\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udf1f#ProLife\ud83c\udf1f#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f#PATRIOT\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99#July4th1776\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f#Trumpublican\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f#IFBAP\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f\ud83e\uddae#AnimalLover\ud83d\udc08\ud83c\udf1f#Bolsonaro\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udf1f\ud83d\udeabNo Porn",
"location": "USA"
"id": 58216993,
"screen_name": "mproia",
"name": "Orange_Slices",
"description": "#MAGA,#KAG,Commonsense Conservative, COMM2A Supporter, It's Time 2A Supporter. IFB All Patriots. Retweets do not mean Endorsement.",
"location": "USA"
"id": 58230305,
"screen_name": "AWMCONSERVATIVE",
"description": "@GBNEWS Love GB.\nLets be friends with nations that respect us including European countries, lets fight against the protectionist power hungry European Union",
"location": "UK"
"id": 58237389,
"screen_name": "mrsmpie",
"name": "Mary Pientka",
"description": "Proud American helping to \u201cMake America Great Again\u201d",
"location": "Waller, Texas"
"id": 58237942,
"screen_name": "Richtea_B",
"name": "Chris.B. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #AllLivesMatter #SocialistDistancing",
"description": "Love Europe. Hate EU. FPBE, Labour or wokeness = conniption + instant block. #LoveBoris #GBNewsWins",
"location": "UK"
"id": 58282877,
"screen_name": "la_superb",
"name": "\ud83c\udf34Alejandra Cruz\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Radfem. Clumsy, random, RT addict, Pumas, ManCity, Lakers, ... mexicana viviendo auf Deutsch \ud83d\ude09... for a minute there, I lost myself.",
"location": "Passau, Bayern"
"id": 58285641,
"screen_name": "ADH19881",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 AZ PATRIOT 88 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Classic Liberal #Christian Patriot #Proud Boys #Maga #ALM #Nationalist #Anti-Radical Religion #Brexit",
"location": " Phoenix, Arizona"
"id": 58287890,
"screen_name": "lascapigliata8",
"name": "la scapigliata",
"description": "doctor/writer/fact-shamer\n",
"location": "Not in Kansas anymore."
"id": 58364692,
"screen_name": "mylove4MJ",
"name": "Save America",
"description": "#MAGA #Trump2020 #TrumpWon #AmericaFirst",
"location": "#MAGA"
"id": 58372871,
"screen_name": "ArEls16",
"name": "Arlene Sturcke",
"description": "Retired#Mother of 2#Single Mom# Constitutionalist# Love My America the way it is# \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc97\u2665\ufe0f\u271d\ufe0f\u262e\ufe0f\ud83c\udf39\ud83c\udf1e\ud83d\udd2f#MAGA 2020",
"location": "Jersey Girl!#"
"id": 58390897,
"screen_name": "MPG480",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274cBlack_Free_Thinker\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Living the American dream\u26eaJesus is my LORD\ud83c\udfbaT.R.U.M.P. is my President \ud83c\udf1eM.A.G.A. is the goal \ud83d\ude84\ud83d\ude84\ud83d\ude84Join the TrumpTrain\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\uddfd stay away from DM",
"location": "WNY"
"id": 58488898,
"screen_name": "pstalvey",
"name": "Buck Fiden",
"description": "Pro Life Conservative, Patriot, 2A Supporter. . #MAGA #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Maryland, USA"
"id": 58558122,
"screen_name": "lebombc4",
"name": "Wayne Walker",
"description": "Retired LEO, FF/EMT/Diver, IABTI, USA Veteran, NJMOH, American Legion Rider #MAGAveteran New Mission End #22aday, Married",
"location": "New Jersey, USA"
"id": 58576633,
"screen_name": "TwistyGirl18",
"name": "Twisty Girl",
"description": "Patriot Mother of Army Vet who served in Iraq Don\u2019t use Google DuckDuckGo HUGE Trump supporter\ud83d\ude86Pro Israel \u0026 #MAGA\"GOD BLESS AMERICA\"\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Jersey Girl\ud83d\udc95NRA\ud83d\udc4d",
"location": "Commifornia"
"id": 58579942,
"screen_name": "mattgaetz",
"name": "Matt Gaetz",
"description": "Florida man. Firebrand. America First. Happy husband.",
"location": "Order FIREBRAND!"
"id": 58658599,
"screen_name": "HipperM",
"name": "Isa B.",
"description": "#Radfem y no lo contrario",
"location": ""
"id": 58682288,
"screen_name": "Hapa_Man",
"name": "TheHapa",
"description": "Fuck Feelings | Pro 2A | Fuck Twitter | Fuck Facebook | Fuck BLM | Unapologetically UN-Woke | Libertarian | #AllLivesMatter | #Cuba | #FuckJoeBiden",
"location": "Hong Kong"
"id": 58707998,
"screen_name": "hatenademian",
"name": "\u3067\u307f\u3042\u3093",
"description": "\u30a2\u30f3\u30c1\u30df\u30bd\u30b8\u30cb\u30fc\uff08\u3082\u3061\u308d\u3093\u81ea\u5206\u306b\u5bfe\u3057\u3066\u3082\uff09\u3002\u30bb\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u3068\u30b8\u30a7\u30f3\u30c0\u30fc\u306e\u6df7\u540c\u306b\u53cd\u5bfe\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002 #istandwithjkrowling #IStandWith\u7b19\u91ce\u983c\u5b50 \u3053\u3061\u3089\u306f\u81ea\u5206\u306enote",
"location": "\u5bcc\u5c71\u770c"
"id": 58708159,
"screen_name": "ResistTyranny",
"name": "Resist Tyranny",
"description": "President Trump tried to #DrainTheSwamp. Sick and tired of leftists. Anti-#islam. #JoeBiden is NOT our President. *Tweets may not meet government regulations.",
"location": "With the Constitution"
"id": 58743899,
"screen_name": "Diggerbitdeeper",
"name": "Living in Dystopia\u2026go woke - go broke #GBNews",
"description": "Industrious Entrepreneur and Company Director, love life, love my family and always up for a challenge!",
"location": "Weston-super-Mare, England"
"id": 58752796,
"screen_name": "Davie_Loughlin",
"name": "Davie Loughlin",
"description": "Essential Worker. Based in Glasgow, work worldwide. Opinions my own, RTs not an endorsement. Celtic till I die. Now a proud grandfather. Gender Critical.",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 58854638,
"screen_name": "BlueTickHound09",
"name": "George Roberts",
"description": "Airborne Army Vet, Dep. Sheriff, husband \u0026 father of 3, I serve an awesome God, #VFL, #GBO, VOL fan for over 47 years, TRUMP2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "Watkinsville, GA"
"id": 58858934,
"screen_name": "Grwow",
"name": "Terry Thies",
"description": "I'm with #TheResistance. #Impeachmentforall \\#ImWithHer and always will be. #FBR. I block Trump lovers \u0026 Hillary haters. No DM's please.",
"location": "Kentucky, USA"
"id": 58922658,
"screen_name": "LeslieBurt",
"name": "Leslie Burt",
"description": "#MAGA Make Orwell fiction again!",
"location": ""
"id": 58952986,
"screen_name": "akildisi",
"name": "ak\u0131ld\u0131\u015f\u0131",
"description": "anarchist, feminist, gender-critical, abolitionist |",
"location": "Berlin, Deutschland"
"id": 58960846,
"screen_name": "JessicasCakeMe",
"name": "Jessica C",
"description": "Conservative, pro-life, pragmatist, CASA. Lover of dogs, yarn, and Jesus.",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 58990394,
"screen_name": "ARUIZ7150",
"name": "Alfred H Ruiz",
"description": "#ClassOf85,#HispanicsforTrump, #RushLimbough, #MAGA,#KAGA #LatinosForTrump, #BornInEla,#BornInUSA, #Trump2020, #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 59038257,
"screen_name": "_BiffTannen_",
"name": "Biff",
"description": "America First Patriot",
"location": ""
"id": 59039140,
"screen_name": "Mistysmom1",
"name": "Paula Rhodes",
"description": "#NoJab, #Trump2021, #MAGA, #God, #USA, scuba diving, #NRA, Koi, salt/freshwater fish, gardening, stamps, cats, dogs. No DM. Married 53 years!! Polish Jew RN",
"location": "Oklahoma"
"id": 59090467,
"screen_name": "80Smb",
"name": "Smerc",
"description": "London. Cats. Wine. yet another adult human female... #istandwithjkr",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 59110028,
"screen_name": "Tbones32",
"name": "Trump 2020",
"description": "\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02",
"location": "Youngstown, OH"
"id": 59150150,
"screen_name": "VictoriaPeckham",
"name": "Janice Turner",
"description": "Columnist \u0026 interviewer, The Times. Winner of the Orwell Prize for Journalism 2020. Trustee of Centre for Women's Justice @centreWJ \u0026 @AldeburghCinema.",
"location": "Sarf London"
"id": 59176224,
"screen_name": "hdeanwatson",
"name": "Folksy Guy",
"description": "CultureWarrior,TrustBuster,Contemplative,Populism Advocate, ProLife,MidAmerica vs Elites (Techs,MSM,Big Corp,WallSt, Hollyweed,Dems, RepubEstab,Neo Cons), V-VET",
"location": "Clemson, SC"
"id": 59209096,
"screen_name": "UmpireBear",
"name": "Jacob Bradshaw",
"description": "I tend to tweet about #Baylor, #TrumpTrain and other random facts. If you don't like my feed, don't follow me.",
"location": "Bear Country"
"id": 59290642,
"screen_name": "nellsstar",
"name": "Deplorable Nells",
"description": "\u2764\ufe0f#MAGAFOREVER\u2764\ufe0f#Trumpism #TrumpWon #TrumpIsMyPresident #BestPresidentEver45 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #DemsHateAmerica #BidenCheated",
"location": "Hawaii \u0026 Florida \u0026 Las Vegas"
"id": 59294585,
"screen_name": "deco2gogo",
"name": "Art of Noise\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea",
"description": "\u201cHistory is a set of lies agreed upon.\u201d \u2015 Napoleon Bonaparte \u2015 Anti Woke\nAnti Communist\nAnti Mandate",
"location": ""
"id": 59296053,
"screen_name": "jdarlove",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 FREEDOM TRIBE \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MILITARY WIFE\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764 #MAGA #WalkAway Constitutionalist #POTUS45 is my president #snowflakes BLOCKED #Conservative wife lover of God Family Country #2a \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Portland, OR"
"id": 59302450,
"screen_name": "alexandramyers",
"name": "Alexandra Myers",
"description": "Wife to Byron for 27. Mom to 3 children. I am Christian, and ProLife. Jesus is first in my life. Retweets \u0026 Follows are not endorsements.",
"location": "Culpeper, VA"
"id": 59346045,
"screen_name": "Lamont2g",
"name": "Lamont2g \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "My son fought Darth Vader. #MAGA #Patriot #IAmTheNRA \u2b50\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#2A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2b50\ufe0f",
"location": "On Your Mind"
"id": 59369435,
"screen_name": "markoah",
"name": "Marko Attila Hoare",
"description": "Balkan historian. Assoc. Prof., SSST. Unwoke one-nation conservative. Anti-genocide, anti-fascist, pro-life, pro-statue. Tweets in a personal capacity.",
"location": "Sarajevo and London"
"id": 59388354,
"screen_name": "KanyeWasFramed",
"name": "X \u00c6 A-Xiii",
"description": "Fren with benefitendies. Troll account. 100% lies. Don't RT anything without first praying to Kek.",
"location": "Kekistan"
"id": 59391529,
"screen_name": "orngblu",
"name": "Ledfree",
"description": "#AmericaFirst #MAGA #RNC BE SMART BE STRONG BE FAIR BE FREE Americans must come together and end this new civil war",
"location": ""
"id": 59423794,
"screen_name": "A380Heavy",
"name": "Steve R68",
"description": "Not easily offended, Patriotic, Male, Fully vaccinated, Pro-Brexit, Blue eyes, GSOH",
"location": "Derby, England"
"id": 59456108,
"screen_name": "moaningmeg",
"name": "Tyrannosaurus cervix, hoarder of rights",
"description": "I'm either all sugar or all shite try \u0026 catch me on a sugary day! #ScottishIndependence #Celtic #Palestine #Alba #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 59491108,
"screen_name": "isabelleelise",
"name": "Isabelle Scripps",
"description": "Christian, Wife, Mother, Pro-LIFE, Conservative, Freedom, Liberty, NRA Life Member, Zionist, Capitalist. Socialism, Communism, and Debt offend me.",
"location": "Midwest USA"
"id": 59548913,
"screen_name": "Covfefe20Trump",
"name": "Durham Is Coming",
"description": "Let's Go Brandon! Patriot, Pro-Life. #AmericaFirst\nNo Room 4 RINOS!\nAlways Politics. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd25",
"location": ""
"id": 59579197,
"screen_name": "SlumberMachine",
"name": "AwakeningMachine",
"description": "follower of Jesus.",
"location": "KEKISTAN"
"id": 59599232,
"screen_name": "tskellett",
"name": "TonyS",
"description": "Sports nut, pro-Brexit \u0026 GBNews, defund BBC, anti-woke/Biden/SNP, country lover but family, pets \u0026 music move your soul + Denman, Sprinter Sacre \u0026 Frankel",
"location": ""
"id": 59642792,
"screen_name": "ashyrotten_rose",
"name": "Venus",
"description": "Pureblood. Mother. Cancer survivor. Bookworm. Beekeeper. Anti-globalization. Anti-gmo.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 59675814,
"screen_name": "freedomtospeak",
"name": "Constitutional \ud83d\udcdc Truth",
"description": "Judge Government: 1. Constitutional?\ud83d\udcdc 2. More Freedoms?\ud83d\udc83\ud83c\udffc 3. Reduces Debt?\ud83d\udcb5 #MAGA #USA #2A \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #AI #INTJ #Brexit #SYFY #KAG",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 59728761,
"screen_name": "jacmac07",
"name": "Self ID as a wheelie bin \ud83c\udf52 #womenwontwheesht#",
"description": "happily married two great sons, 2 fab dogs, 2 cats and at present 2 chickens, love my life,",
"location": ""
"id": 59785972,
"screen_name": "TakeDC",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83e\udd20 Covf\u00e6f\u00e6Ugly \ud83e\udd20 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#MAGA #CHRISTIAN \ud83d\ude4f #WINNING #TRUMP2020 \u26be\ufe0f\ud83d\udd25#EndIslam \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #CleanVote #GOP #Nordics #ProLife | \ud83d\udeabGift Card Whores | Pronouns: see dictionary",
"location": "Where North Meets South"
"id": 59831320,
"screen_name": "JawjaJoe",
"name": "Georgiazuela\ud83d\udc4cJoe \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf4a",
"description": "Georgia guy. Conservative but not a redneck (not that there's anything wrong with that!) Go 'Jackets! Boo Dawgs! (me/my/mine) #MAGA #NeverRepublicanAgain",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 59864519,
"screen_name": "stoeberhai",
"name": "stoeberhai",
"description": "Fotograf * Augenblicke festhalten * Unterfranken",
"location": "Kitzingen - W\u00fcrzburg / Germany"
"id": 59909115,
"screen_name": "RealJesseJames7",
"name": "Jesse #Holo James",
"description": "Unapologetically White and toxically masculine #HoloChain2\ud83d\ude80 #Irish\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea#MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KAG\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #2ndA #RightToLife #NativeAmerican #Humanitarian #GodExists\u271d\ufe0f#Browns",
"location": "Somewhere in texas"
"id": 59945827,
"screen_name": "mahtinwesley",
"name": "nobody important",
"description": "I am an American, free to express my viewpoint at will. You are welcome to listen if you like. #prolife #2A #homeschool",
"location": "USA"
"id": 60034595,
"screen_name": "MaryMinifie",
"name": "Mary \ud83d\udc99 #RecoveringWokeaholic #PowerPixie\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\ud83e\uddda\u200d\u2640\ufe0f",
"description": "Trans GtW\ud83d\udc67\ud83c\udffb\u27a1\ufe0f\ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffb\u2022GenderFree \ud83e\udd95\ud83c\udfc1\ud83d\udd77\u2022Pronouns: No/Thank/You\u2022 \ud83d\udfea\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe9\u2022Politically homeless\u2022Mostly harmless\u2022Very fond of anything I like: \ud83d\udc31\ud83c\udf6b\ud83d\udcda\ud83c\udfbc\ud83c\udfac\ud83c\udf9f\ud83c\udfa4\ud83c\udfb8\ud83c\udfab\ud83c\udfa8\ud83c\udfad\ud83d\udcfa",
"location": "Gilead"
"id": 60047151,
"screen_name": "LaikaLadra",
"name": "Laika Ladra \ud83d\udd3b",
"description": "Mujer, animal y obrera. \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc2e\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffc Radfem. Soy buena en la cama. En serio, puedo dormir durante d\u00edas.",
"location": "Mallorquina visquent a Madrid"
"id": 60091493,
"screen_name": "Mrs_Nunn",
"name": "Sister Jane \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udfe5 \ud83d\udda4\ud83e\udde1",
"description": "Adult human female fond of cricket, films, gardening, stories \u0026 critters. Also pie. I take MH breaks. Often.",
"location": "Terf Island"
"id": 60093362,
"screen_name": "pockee",
"name": "Richy X.",
"description": "Married\ud83d\udc51Family first #ProGun\ud83d\udd2b #Idaho #God\u26eaPart of the #GreatAwakening STAND WITH ME #America #USA Thug Patriot \ud83e\udd81 #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Boise, ID"
"id": 60284734,
"screen_name": "sambailey1976",
"name": "Sam Bailey",
"description": "Bene Gesserit witch, little masochist, radical feminist",
"location": ""
"id": 60286646,
"screen_name": "sarahgellner",
"name": "Sarah Gellner",
"description": "permanently dislocated, getting used to it now. Gender critical, quite literary, skipped-a-generation mum. Intensely political on occasion.",
"location": "London"
"id": 60330946,
"screen_name": "VerdiMurray",
"name": "Verdi Wilson",
"description": "Because it's the 21st century and the obvious needs to be stated: All views my own, retweets \u0026 pressing the wee heart thingy doesn't mean endorsement etc etc.",
"location": ""
"id": 60368892,
"screen_name": "whtrshn",
"name": "Karen",
"description": "#GOD #FAMILY #MAGA #TRUMPWON #2A. Yes I\u2019m Blonde White Karen\ud83d\ude02. Despise Commies! I Follow Back Patriots. SKI,SURF HIKE BIKE \u26f7\ud83c\udfc4\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc15\u200d\ud83e\uddba\ud83d\udeb4",
"location": "SurfCity-Silver/SunshineStates"
"id": 60388826,
"screen_name": "skent95",
"name": "Skylar Kent",
"description": "Pro Trump|Conservative|\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 |Massive Scream movie fan!|Taken by the most beautiful woman ever!",
"location": "Howell, MI"
"id": 60463666,
"screen_name": "PatMorger",
"name": "Pat Morger",
"description": "Member of the PATRIOT Party. TRUMP 2020! MAGA! PROUDLY vote for FREEDOM and the CONSTITUTION! Protect A2 Save the children! BACK OUR BLUE!",
"location": "45140"
"id": 60624954,
"screen_name": "OK_Moomin",
"name": "Double Denim",
"description": "Adult Human Female\nMother of two",
"location": "UK"
"id": 60685325,
"screen_name": "teddy_nigh",
"name": "t nigh",
"description": "Christian. Friend. Son. Brother. Uncle. Cousin. Constitution lover. Microbe Killer. pronouns: #MAGA/#KAG",
"location": "Houston, TX / Louisville Ky"
"id": 60694991,
"screen_name": "CedarPointFr3ak",
"name": "Cedar Point Freak",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, #1A, #2A, #ProLife, RollerCoaster and RC Enthusiast.",
"location": "Ohio, USA"
"id": 60696557,
"screen_name": "smacwrestling",
"name": "Scotty Mac",
"description": "Most decorated wrestler in the history of the Pacific Northwest, \u0026 most influential of this millennium. Maskless in \u0026 out of the ring. PureBlood. Proverbs 17:17",
"location": "Surrey, British Columbia"
"id": 60852701,
"screen_name": "ameandh",
"name": "Pants",
"description": "Angry Woman, Mother \u0026 Dama. Critical. Unfortunately frustratingly ineloquent. Tired. Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? #sexnotgender rats/arse",
"location": "South West, England"
"id": 60888448,
"screen_name": "ScooterRiderFMX",
"name": "\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 #ImArnieWhoAreYou? \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"description": "#GBNews #Conservative #Brexit #Naturist #Gay #Mackem #SAFC - don\u2019t like it ? then fuck off \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"location": "Sunderland"
"id": 60984953,
"screen_name": "gelitinha",
"name": "Angie \ud83d\udcaa\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Feminazi e brasileira com ascend\u00eancia e descend\u00eancia galega.\nMUY abolicionista. Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum \ud83d\udc4a",
"location": ""
"id": 61011257,
"screen_name": "TheJamesRossi",
"name": "James Rossi \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Stockbroker\ud83d\udcde \u0026 Full Time Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA \ud83e\udd85 Telegram:",
"location": ""
"id": 61013605,
"screen_name": "a2doghome",
"name": "SPITFIRE",
"description": "adopts dogs from local shelters love God U.S.A grandkids my dogs hate big govmt am gun lover love/support r troops love this country or get OUT \u0026 STAY OUT#MAGA",
"location": "Nv"
"id": 61059961,
"screen_name": "roachman61",
"name": "Rohvember",
"description": "Conservative Constitutionalist, Pro-Life Catholic,teacher, Yankees fan, Followed by Dana Perino",
"location": ""
"id": 61072445,
"screen_name": "MerryMaryMack",
"name": "ExDemWhoGrewUp",
"description": "Mom/Wife. Libertarian. Drain the swamp, re-imagine govt. Term Limits. Don\u2019t trust ANY politician. We are one. We\u2019re all just trying to figure out life, be kind!",
"location": "Raleigh, NC"
"id": 61095608,
"screen_name": "vegasbound2026",
"name": "JC\u0026KC2020",
"description": "LE family strong\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffcHusband\u0026Wife-blessed w/6 amazing kids! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udda4 No DMs #GodBlessAmerica #BlueLivesMatter #Patriot #TrumpForever #KAG #MAGA",
"location": "California, USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udcaf"
"id": 61112724,
"screen_name": "lobitomiura",
"name": "Me la Suda",
"description": "Retired LEO criminal investigator; #ProLife #VETS #CONSTITUTION",
"location": "Atlanta, GA"
"id": 61135836,
"screen_name": "juliowcruz",
"name": "JoJo",
"description": "#Trump2020 #AllLivesMatter #JusticeForKyle #DefundTheBBC #AnythingButKamala #BlackLivesMAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 61163130,
"screen_name": "bobblelatete",
"name": "bobblelatete",
"description": "AHF boop/bop/beep \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "UK"
"id": 61179557,
"screen_name": "victobass",
"name": "Bassman26",
"description": "Christian, conservative, husband, father, grandfather, and musician. FSU grad. #MAGA, #KAG2020.",
"location": "Central Florida"
"id": 61207896,
"screen_name": "KCMagazine",
"name": "Joseph Menslage",
"description": "Lost my 1st account. Christian Media. Only on Twitter because you go to go where the sinners are right! Following back all Patriots! TRUMP WON! TIME 4 JOE 2 GO!",
"location": "Katy, TX"
"id": 61211083,
"screen_name": "chrisalfw",
"name": "Chris Williams",
"description": "Pro Christian morals \u0026 anti woke nonsense.\nMotorsport \u0026 Liverpool FC Astronomer,amdram \u0026 politics.",
"location": "Cardiff,Barry,Pembrokeshire UK"
"id": 61214296,
"screen_name": "ROBERTRROWLEY",
"name": "ROBERT R. ROWLEY",
"description": "Theologically conservative \u0026 socially compassionate, pro-life from womb, refugees to tomb, politically homeless \u0026 ultimate citizenship is in Heaven not America.",
"id": 61259341,
"screen_name": "andyfirth777",
"name": "Firthy777",
"description": "Love my family \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc66\u200d\ud83d\udc66 - Autism parent - Yorkshire leaver and proud -#DefundTheBBC @GBNEWS",
"location": "Leeds, England"
"id": 61266376,
"screen_name": "joepojman",
"name": "Joe Pojman, Ph.D.",
"description": "Exec Director @TXAlliance4Life. Former Aerospace Engineer turned pro-life activist driven by conviction. Wasn't born in Texas, but neither was Sam Houston.",
"location": "Austin, Texas"
"id": 61273118,
"screen_name": "Coffeequeen8",
"name": "Mary-Elaine McGinn",
"description": "Prolife,Consv,marriedx45 yrs Mom of 4;2birth\u00262adopted,1disabled.RN, rare soft-tissue Sarcoma,survivor since'09.G.O.Christian, pro Constitution,US \u0026our veterans.",
"location": "MA"
"id": 61287682,
"screen_name": "alozapc",
"name": "Anna 1776 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc38 TRUMP WON BIDEN CHEATED\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Jesus is my Savior. Blessed wife \u0026 mom of a US Marine \u0026 beautiful daughter #HoldTheLine #FightForTrump #Pipehitter #WeThePeople #WeLoveYouPresidentTrump",
"location": ""
"id": 61290565,
"screen_name": "cath_1980",
"name": "Cath \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "leftist, liberal, bleeding heart, someone who gives a fuck about others.",
"location": "swansea"
"id": 61347839,
"screen_name": "GhostTroop1",
"name": "Brandon fuck up everything",
"description": "Proud Deplorable, TRUMP WON! Liberalism is a disease, I'm not getting a damn shot",
"location": "FlyOver, USA"
"id": 61456976,
"screen_name": "jlocke13",
"name": "john locke",
"description": "British/American Businessman living in France, Emeritus University Professor (yes I know a conservative academic is rare) vox populi est suprema lex #MAGA",
"location": "France"
"id": 61470962,
"screen_name": "Laura_JY1984",
"name": "Laura",
"description": "thirty something year old working in the mental health and social care field. \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Yorkshire and The Humber"
"id": 61472396,
"screen_name": "ivanapaintd",
"name": "\u2640\ufe0e\u2110\ud835\udccb\ud835\udcb6\ud835\udcc3\ud835\udcb6 \ud835\udcdf\ud835\udcb6\ud835\udcbe\ud835\udcc3\ud835\udcc9'\ud835\udcb9 \u2640\ufe0e \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "I'm Italian and a proud radical feminist! Active member of @CFemminista",
"location": ""
"id": 61504063,
"screen_name": "mspencer45",
"name": "mike spencer",
"description": "#conservative, #2A #NRA Pro life PRO Jesus Christ",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 61558438,
"screen_name": "johnnyrwhitsett",
"name": "Here's Johnny",
"description": "global recruiter,#MAGA",
"location": "circle of champion at pruvit"
"id": 61577178,
"screen_name": "Helixtwice",
"name": "Klaatu 2 \"I'm baaaaack...\"",
"description": "It is summer, but for Trump \"Winter is coming!\" Courteous DMs encouraged! Say hi and whatever means something to you.",
"location": "Secaucus, NJ, USA"
"id": 61643690,
"screen_name": "jamesldewitt",
"name": "James",
"description": "Tired of #Corruption in our Government and now we have the Bidens. Pray for America #MAGA #KAG #Trump2024 #TrumpTheEstablishment",
"location": "Florida, USA\ud83c\udf34\ud83c\udf0a\u2600\ufe0f"
"id": 61643864,
"screen_name": "HansieDZ",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #LOVE DJT The Best Is Yet To Come!",
"location": "All for MAGA!"
"id": 61750660,
"screen_name": "CoralieAnn",
"name": "Coralie",
"description": "I call a spade a spade. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddff\ud83c\uddfc Anti Woke. Anti Socialism. Anti SNP. Anti Dickhead. Love flowers, foxes \u0026 laughter. Keto, LCHF. NO DM\u2019s",
"location": "Glasgow. United Kingdom"
"id": 61787004,
"screen_name": "abandonallhope_",
"name": "simon",
"description": "Pro-Life. Conservative. Catholic. Aquinas Lover. Comic book collector. Gladiator.\n\"Including 55,000 fake ballots, Biden actually won AZ by 261 more\"-BlueAnon",
"location": "North America"
"id": 61791110,
"screen_name": "GreedyRosie",
"name": "workingclassrabble",
"description": "#adulthumanfemale #nothankyou",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 61816786,
"screen_name": "prettybluefairy",
"name": "Teresa the Ravenclaw Jedi",
"description": "Married Ravenclaw member of Rebel Alliance/Jedi Academy. LGBTQ\ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc7d\ud83d\udc99\nWarning: Scammers, begone! Also: Trump lovers \u0026 fascists= blocked. \u2744\ud83c\udf0a",
"location": "Fort Worth, TX"
"id": 61822843,
"screen_name": "scrdn",
"name": "Scott not bot",
"description": "Conservative, retired USAF meteorologist, in the WX biz as a Civ, Christ is Lord. \"Climate Change\" is a manufactured crisis. #walkaway #MAGA Parler @scrdn",
"location": "United States"
"id": 61842118,
"screen_name": "LilSouthernSass",
"name": "Southern With Sass",
"description": "#MAGA Love @realDonaldTrump Conservative who loves America and the great people of this country. Humor \u0026 Sarcasm, its a southern thing #KAG2020Landslide \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85",
"location": "South"
"id": 61843769,
"screen_name": "rexhh",
"name": "Texas Patriot",
"description": "God. Family. Country. Trump 2020. MAGA",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 61850674,
"screen_name": "smallz5150",
"name": "Lauren C \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8-2A-\u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "God, Family, Country! Constitutional Conservative; Crypto!!! #SpiritualWarfare #MAGA Prov 3: 5-6",
"location": "USA"
"id": 61867206,
"screen_name": "IowaBornGal",
"name": "Tina Trumper #FJB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd34\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "l Biden Sucks | Save America | Defund Democrats | #FJB | Trump 2020 before 2024 |",
"location": "Iowa, USA"
"id": 61871326,
"screen_name": "snorkeldog007",
"name": "Mel",
"description": "#MAGA #KAG Love this country and everything it stands for. @Snorkeldog on @Parler.",
"location": "Washington, USA"
"id": 61871704,
"screen_name": "Biadagirl8",
"name": "LHB \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Wife and mom to four amazing kids. Catholic, Pro Life and proud American and support our Constitution \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "New Mexico and South Carolina"
"id": 61895412,
"screen_name": "bradj04",
"name": "brad",
"description": "Dad to a little human and a pit bull just living life / Conservative / Back the Blue #MAGA2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #2A",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 61913539,
"screen_name": "Imforthewhales",
"name": "Adey May #1984BigBrothersBoot",
"description": "Pro Trumper and Infowarrior from Australia . I think that the libtards are brainwashed zombies \u0026 need to wake up.",
"location": "Sydney, New South Wales"
"id": 61932253,
"screen_name": "Aguszymite",
"name": "Agusa Mite",
"description": "#IStandWithMaya\n#Biden2020\n#SexNotGender",
"location": ""
"id": 61987976,
"screen_name": "johnnyjonjonny",
"name": "Johnny Wessex \ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa#FBPE #FBPA #MVM \ud83d\udfe3\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe2",
"description": "A sometimes sweary #NeverVotedTory Wessex based country bumpkin \u262e\ufe0f\ud83d\udd4a\ud83d\udc9a#NHS #ProgressiveAlliance #GTTO #ElectoralReform #ChangeTheVotingSystem #FBPPR #RejoinEU",
"location": "A Town, Wessex, Europe "
"id": 62016504,
"screen_name": "Oliviamania",
"name": "L",
"description": "NUFC \u26bd\ufe0f lover not a hater, Pro Brexit \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 62092084,
"screen_name": "Jazziette",
"name": "Jazziette Devereaux \ud83d\udc8e",
"description": "Former Talk Show Host PHX, AZ #TRUMP #MAGA2020 #NRA Married #Patriot #AmericaFirst \u203c\ufe0fListen to my songs on YouTube. Search for Jazziette.",
"location": "Scottsdale, AZ"
"id": 62124270,
"screen_name": "eleganceUSA",
"name": "Coleen Luque",
"description": "#SocialMediaConsultant, #ContentCreator, lousy #tennis player. Love my kids \u0026 my country. #MAGA #passionate #lifeisbeautiful",
"location": "California"
"id": 62329078,
"screen_name": "lauren0utloud",
"name": "Lauren",
"description": "I got Twitter to follow politics... |Married|Pro-Life|Support our Military|Support our Police|Never Forget 911\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Maumelle, AR"
"id": 62336688,
"screen_name": "CovenantTab",
"name": "Covenant Tabernacle",
"description": "Covenant Tabernacle church God Jesus pray Bible repentance revival reformation disciple nations charismatic prolife #tcot #teaparty abstinence we follow back",
"location": "Port Saint Lucie, FL"
"id": 62357457,
"screen_name": "Karryanne74",
"name": "GettingMyFeetWet \u2640\ufe0f \ud83e\uddd9\u200d\u2640\ufe0f \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Woman\u2122\ufe0f. #ShrillSiren #Dinosaur. Socialist adjacent (\ud83e\udd2a). Atheist. Native daughter of TERF Island. This Mary Poppins is taking no nonsense Children.",
"location": ""
"id": 62409662,
"screen_name": "UGADAWGS1338",
"name": "Scott",
"description": "100% TRUMP SUPPORTER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#MAGA \ud83d\udc4d",
"location": ""
"id": 62562680,
"screen_name": "shirleysascot",
"name": "sister Flo/Shirley",
"description": "Woman\u2122\ufe0f Adult human female. GC Was Midwife. JKR is my queen. Alba Party founder member Pronouns....Get tae",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 62635177,
"screen_name": "danrsjordan",
"name": "Dan Jordan \ud83d\uddff",
"description": "One (1) adult human male. Has the correct number of fingers and toes. Slightly used.",
"location": ""
"id": 62636673,
"screen_name": "Durffinator",
"name": "Humble AF Salesman",
"description": "Millennial campus conservative and supporter of America First",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 62756025,
"screen_name": "Harpbe_Nimble",
"name": "Witchy Womyn",
"description": "Trying to tell the truth w/o getting permanently suspended. Still #NotShuttingUp. How you doin? #IStandWithMaya #IStandWithJKR \u0026PosieParker!",
"location": "Under the Trans Umbrella, NJ"
"id": 62766347,
"screen_name": "lashatatu",
"name": "lasha tatulashvili \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddea \u269b\ufe0f \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udcbb",
"description": "From Georgia aka Christian Iran Career: Web Dev | React/NEXT.JS Politics: pro-life, pro-free speech.",
"location": "Georgien"
"id": 62991512,
"screen_name": "sisu_usa",
"name": "SISU in the USA \ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddee #ProMask+ProVax=ProLife\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "#Artist \ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffc\u200d\ud83c\udfa8 #Activist #ACA #MaskItOrCasket \ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2695\ufe0fOh, and #Schipperkes \ud83d\udc3e",
"location": "Fort Lauderdale, FL"
"id": 63037607,
"screen_name": "BombShell_2020",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Felicia \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc99",
"description": "29 years young Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGAGANG",
"location": ""
"id": 63039818,
"screen_name": "SohlUSA",
"name": "Sanctity of Life",
"description": "Pro-life, Abstinence, Chastity, Christ Centered Ministry protecting women \u0026 children, Against Abortion, Planned Parenthood, \u0026 Graphic Condom Ed #tcot prolife",
"location": "Treasure Coast, FL"
"id": 63118706,
"screen_name": "Vinodynamics",
"name": "Roger Lewis",
"description": "Long history in urological industry, retired \u0026 now a wine nut. Anti-woke. Pragmatist. Bad guitar player \u0026 drummer. Cautious Brexiteer.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 63179730,
"screen_name": "paintswithbrush",
"name": "YouCanCallMeAl",
"description": "Old-school librarian. By which I mean I still care about freedom of thought and speech. Just don't expect me to agree with you. #antiwoke",
"location": "PNW"
"id": 63277398,
"screen_name": "BeanFromPA",
"name": "\ud83d\udd25 Bean \ud83d\udd25",
"description": "\u201cI prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.\u201d ~ Thomas Jefferson",
"location": "#Constitutionalist, #AmericaFirst #FreeSpeech #Indie #GenerationX "
"id": 63300391,
"screen_name": "Dboyz22",
"name": "Dog Face Pony Soldier",
"description": "Conservative in Seattle #MAGA #Trump2024",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 63336563,
"screen_name": "erod110",
"name": "E-Rod \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "If You Gotta Label Me, Label Me Proud \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8. God, Family \u0026 Country. Conservative Pro-Lifer. Miami Hurricanes! Orange on One Side, Green On The Other",
"location": ""
"id": 63372944,
"screen_name": "11Sentient11",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Sentient\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83e\udd8b#MAGA #Latina #NativeAmerican \ud83d\uddfd\ud83e\udd85\ud83d\udcaf\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8I support President Trump\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\ude82\ud83d\ude83\ud83d\ude8b",
"location": "\ud83c\udf35Arizona, USA "
"id": 63456151,
"screen_name": "Cody_Phillips",
"name": "Cody Phillips",
"description": "Tennessean|Christian|Conservative|Husband| Dad of 3|Pro-Life|Pro-2A|VFL|Titan Up|Go Braves \"Love what you got, not what you ain't\"",
"location": "Tennessee"
"id": 63502709,
"screen_name": "rthonbwooster",
"name": "Dave",
"description": "Prediction is hard, especially about the future.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 63516740,
"screen_name": "ziltam",
"name": "Liz May \ud83d\udc9a \ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83c\udf52",
"description": "Woman\u2122\ufe0f #Gryffindor #TheCountess #TCDFFT #WeWillBeHeard #WomensReproductiveRights #WomensRightsMatter",
"location": "Ireland."
"id": 63731881,
"screen_name": "Brandon0919",
"name": "Brandon Thomas",
"description": "Proud liberal, socialist, marxist, pro-choice, pro gay rights, pro gun control, atheist, Canadian \u0026 Detroit Red Wings Fan",
"location": "Courtenay"
"id": 63766261,
"screen_name": "Elgalloloco1",
"name": "Alex \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd",
"description": "2nd Life. #Trump2020..My opinions on Twitter are my own...",
"location": "Dallas, TX"
"id": 63784605,
"screen_name": "LewisSing7",
"name": "Lewis",
"description": "Patriot. Conservative. TRUMP! #MAGA. LaW A.biDing CitiZeN. War Eagle! Avid lover of Golf",
"location": ""
"id": 63995927,
"screen_name": "Shmoe45",
"description": "Christian, Conservative, Patriot, Trump Won 2020, Pro-Life #POTUS #MAGA",
"location": "Southern California"
"id": 64015128,
"screen_name": "RainNapier",
"name": "\u2728\u2728Rain \u2728\u2728",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8America First\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 64040174,
"screen_name": "KatWomanUSA",
"name": "KatWomanUSA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2721\ufe0f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2696\ufe0f\ud83d\udcf8\ud83d\udc84\ud83c\udfa8",
"description": "USA FIRST pro-Israel Isaiah 62: For Zion\u2019s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem\u2019s sake I will not remain quiet. HONOR TRUTH \u0026 JUSTICE.\u2721\ufe0f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA",
"location": "USA"
"id": 64063677,
"screen_name": "thebigwave2002",
"name": "Thebigwave2002",
"description": "Married to Margaret \ud83e\udd70 Great family \ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc67 Live in Cali \ud83e\udd26Do Maui \ud83c\udfdd every year Happy with what the Lord has blessed me with \ud83d\ude4f #MAGA #KAGA",
"location": "Fremont, CA"
"id": 64171415,
"screen_name": "FromoutsideAlan",
"name": "Myview",
"description": "Here to learn, especially the stuff I'm not supposed to know.\nGBNews.",
"location": ""
"id": 64178247,
"screen_name": "Jyoung4315",
"name": "Jeremy Young",
"description": "I'm a Standard... American...Sumbitch. I'm only here to Support MY PRESIDENT and his cabinet. #MAGA #DirtyDems #Donothingdemocrats #KeepAmericaGreat",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 64190973,
"screen_name": "flaguilar",
"name": "Gr8Eagle",
"description": "Army vet; happily married;Retired;golfer; camper;NRA;ATV riding. Conservative to a fault. Socialism Sucks. Don\u2019t suffer fools. Trump supporter. #MAGAveteran",
"location": "Waynesboro, PA"
"id": 64219516,
"screen_name": "FNP_TN",
"name": "Henry\u2122\ufe0f",
"description": "Unapologetic, Unvaxxed, Pro Life Trump Supporter. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Nashville TN"
"id": 64231636,
"screen_name": "Lindapearl2",
"name": "LindaPearl",
"description": "#IStandWithTrump #IStandWithIsrael #TrumpTrain #KAG2020 #AmericaFirst \u2019 I\u2019m on Parler @ BlondieLPK",
"location": ""
"id": 64249708,
"screen_name": "RenderedSource",
"name": "Rendered Source",
"description": "America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nCrypto second...\nAnd this lamp, that\u2019s all I need",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 64251720,
"screen_name": "celbati",
"name": "M",
"description": "Gay male Brazilian and Canadian gender critical software engineer that is lovable, sarcastic, sometimes impatient and eager to say you are wrong. team LGBTerf",
"location": "Vancouver, British Columbia"
"id": 64254152,
"screen_name": "CMayyne",
"name": "WhenTheSmokeClears",
"description": "America FIRST, Team Russell Westbrook MVP 3-6 Mafia Fan Forever #RIPLordInfamous",
"location": ""
"id": 64312140,
"screen_name": "charliebayliss_",
"name": "Charlie Bayliss",
"description": "Senior digital producer @GBNEWS. Ex @itvnews, @MailOnline and @Daily_Express journalist. Got a story? DM me or email:",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 64325936,
"screen_name": "Just4RealGirls",
"name": "Gail RN in Georgia",
"description": "Support our Troops, UGA DAWG fan, Nurse #CancerSucks #ProudAmerican #BlueLivesMatter\ud83d\udc6e\u200d\u2642\ufe0f #cancersurvivor #Patriot #1A #2A God Bless America \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 64331499,
"screen_name": "torkmaster",
"name": "Kuhl Harris",
"description": "Christian GF/Father/Son/Brother/Uncle. Navy Vet. VERY pro-life \u0026 Constitutionalist. Poet. Replublitarian. Sarcasm \u0026 common sense are my superpowers",
"location": "Dixieland"
"id": 64398599,
"screen_name": "The_Jedi_Right",
"name": "Dave on the Right",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 Husband/Dad/Grandfather!/BSME/MS #MAGA \ud83d\udeab libs/antisemites/lists FB @RealDrGina @ChanelRion @RealMattCouch @JessieJaneDuff @EthicalSkeptic @Catturd2",
"location": "Free State of Florida!"
"id": 64471091,
"screen_name": "azisred2024",
"name": "AZgirl",
"description": "Patriot. Love America. Wife \u0026 Mother. Justice seeker. #MAGA2020 #INGODWETRUST",
"location": "Arizona"
"id": 64472914,
"screen_name": "polhilljim",
"name": "Rochester Boy. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Brexiteer. All lives matter.",
"location": "England, Kent. "
"id": 64477204,
"screen_name": "InTheWoke2020s",
"name": "\ud83d\udde3\ufe0fA Voice of Reason \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "#GBNews \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddec | Medical Student | Free-Thinker | Anti-Woke | Buy-And-Hold stock enthusiast",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 64483444,
"screen_name": "johnkruzel",
"name": "John Kruzel",
"description": "Supreme Court and legal affairs reporter for @TheHill, lapsed lawyer.",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 64634826,
"screen_name": "HeatherTasoren",
"name": "Heather \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #sexnotgender #womenwontwheesht",
"description": "Rugby mum, global nomad, Third Culture Adult, loved living in Africa, USA \u0026 Asia, now living in Edinburgh Scotland \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddf0\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\udfc9\ud83c\uddef\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf0\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddfc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Edinburgh, Scotland"
"id": 64678757,
"screen_name": "RealZeroIce",
"name": "RealZeroIce",
"description": "All out Gaming nutter!! #MAGA #MSAGA #TRUMP2020 Parler - @realzeroice",
"location": "South Africa"
"id": 64807170,
"screen_name": "soccertoast686",
"name": "Santos Medina",
"description": "#MAGA #2A #OilfieldPROUD #DRILLDRILLDRILL #sneakerhead #MotoGPfanactic #FABIOWORLDCHAMPION",
"location": "Somewhere in the Oilfield"
"id": 64821151,
"screen_name": "acv_ny",
"name": "alyssacatherine \u2640",
"description": "adult human female xx // mama \u2764\ufe0f#IStandWithJKRowling #radfem #sexnotgender \u264f\ufe0f \u2640#protectwomenandchildren #womenwontwheesht",
"location": ""
"id": 64834911,
"screen_name": "WokeBoomerRube",
"name": "WokeBoomerRube",
"description": "Making liberals \"REEEEEEEEE\" full-time since GEOTUS was elected in 2016. #KAG #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 64859899,
"screen_name": "MLaw247",
"name": "LetsGoBrandon!",
"description": "Proud America First Conservative! North Central Florida Local. I\u2019m not PG, I tell it as I see it! We need to end the Federal Government!",
"location": "USA "
"id": 64868192,
"screen_name": "im4him4ever",
"name": "Vicky\u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "\ud83d\udc91 married44y\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8patriot #MAGA #KAG defends constitution, Christian, \ud83d\ude4fdaughter of the MOST HIGH!\ud83d\ude4f \u2764\ufe0fmy \ud83d\udc36\ud83d\udc36\ud83d\udc36\ud83d\udc36 \ud83d\udeabDM\ud83d\uded1\ud83d\udeabNO PORN\ud83d\uded1 Parler: @im4him4ever",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 64928034,
"screen_name": "blutgirl",
"name": "Polly \ud83e\udd8b",
"description": "hembra/humana/ animal rights, \ud83c\udf31plant based, vegan, radfem\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9c, rock, pop, cats, WWII, ebm, industrial, interested in Deutsch, nederlands, English, Espa\u00f1ol",
"location": "Monterrey, M\u00e9xico"
"id": 64932816,
"screen_name": "conservativefrk",
"name": "Robin Paxton",
"description": "Proud American. Love my country with all my heart. \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #KAG Pro 2A. Proud supporter of our military and police. Army Veteran. Happy wife \u2764\ufe0f",
"location": "Cincinnati, OH"
"id": 65045387,
"screen_name": "Gehaunna",
"name": "Tammy Hammerbeck",
"description": "I am a Christian. I am for #MAGA #KAG. Best President ever. #VOTEREDSAVEAMERICA2020. I am proud to be an American. I stand w/Israel.",
"location": "Warren, PA"
"id": 65093646,
"screen_name": "lldavis12",
"name": "LoDavis\u269c\ufe0f\u269c\ufe0f",
"description": "Fair, open minded, all lives matter!! (all includes people of color \ud83e\udd2a)I am not here to do your homework",
"location": "Storyvillle "
"id": 65094707,
"screen_name": "shelleyruns",
"name": "SR",
"description": "Patriot for TRUMP!!!!\nMilitary Wife, Homeschool Mom, Doodle Mom, Yoga Instructor",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 65127624,
"screen_name": "sdea92",
"name": "TatorPrincess",
"description": "Christian. Pro-life. Dog Mom. Conservative. Teacher. Baylor Bear.",
"location": "Bedford, TX"
"id": 65134357,
"screen_name": "Chente24",
"name": "\udbb9\udce6Vincent Gallardo\udbb9\udce6",
"description": "\udbb9\udce6Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. PIETAS! God bless America! #Christ\n\ud83d\uddfd #prolife #nosharia #constitution #pledgeofallegiance #Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 65207311,
"screen_name": "poobin420",
"name": "The Poob",
"description": "#MAGA #Trumplican #IFBP. I'm sick of the #CryBullies on the left. No DM's please. I \u2764 the USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 and our last President, Trump.",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 65263119,
"screen_name": "gramaritaram",
"name": "gramaritaram",
"description": "Trump Trump Trump #MAGA",
"location": "Trumptown"
"id": 65331599,
"screen_name": "hgradfem101",
"name": "Helen \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Radical feminist and centrist Mum, amongst other things. Part of the we-will-not-be-silenced majority. Also a \ud83e\udd96, apparently.",
"location": "Terf Island "
"id": 65336321,
"screen_name": "SpiceyWombat",
"name": "SpiceyWombat",
"description": "Pro \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, pro Trump, pro 2A, anti communist. If you don't like what I say, so what, I don't care. So cry me a river, build a bridge \u0026 get the fuck over it.",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 65369338,
"screen_name": "chickletchops",
"name": "Steph",
"description": "Vegan \ud83e\udd8a Indy \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f GC \u2640\ufe0f \ud83c\udf52\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\nPronouns: No/Thank/You",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 65373103,
"screen_name": "shirry23",
"name": "Sherry",
"description": "Trump won you will never convince me otherwise! I support our men and women in blue! America First, MAGA, 2A, ProLife, Christian",
"location": "USA"
"id": 65490154,
"screen_name": "trustbible",
"name": "Brains Vs Experts MAGA",
"description": "Christ gives peace! Joe you know Trump won. #MAGA #ProLife Natural immunity. Happily Married. I follow Patriots. No Trains. Pronouns: He/PureBlood",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 65502976,
"screen_name": "MillionDollarJC",
"name": "Coilette \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "non-ethnic : transcending race and ethnicity and partaking in any culture I admire. Non-transphobic",
"location": "AFAB tranwoman. "
"id": 65505854,
"screen_name": "TheTrottman",
"name": "CJT",
"description": "Comforting the afflicted \u0026 afflicting the comfortable. Chromosomes XY",
"location": "Kelowna, BC"
"id": 65593277,
"screen_name": "Pellchinnn",
"name": "Pellchinnn",
"description": "#ProGod #ProChrist #ProBible #ProIsrael #TeamTrump #AllLivesMatter #ProLove #ProLife #ProFamily #ProMarriage #ProGun #ProPolice #ProFreedom #AntiPorn #AntiLGBT+",
"location": "Sweden"
"id": 65613104,
"screen_name": "hippocrates16",
"name": "Hippocrates16",
"description": "Conservative, Anti Woke",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 65642038,
"screen_name": "MrMarz80",
"name": "MARZ \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "White Sox fan, 2nd Amendment, Pro Life.",
"location": "Illinois, USA"
"id": 65666416,
"screen_name": "djlithium",
"name": "The Real DJ Lithium",
"description": "DJ Lithium(TM) - The one, the only original! Always vinyl. America's Last Real DJ.\n#trump #republican #maga",
"location": "Las Vegas"
"id": 65668057,
"screen_name": "Owleyes1976",
"name": "\ud83e\ude78 Pureblood\ud83e\ude78",
"description": "Bollocks to the lying, conniving governments. stay true to your beliefs. Don\u2019t be a sheep.",
"location": ""
"id": 65680949,
"screen_name": "jAlmz5",
"name": "\u269c\ufe0f Jeannie Almaraz \u269c\ufe0f",
"description": "Boxer mom, #CONSERVATIVE #MAGA #prolife Semper Fi #2A \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc99 #StandwithIsrael \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 telegram jAlmz5 Parler Now Sucks",
"location": "In the North \ud83c\udf2c"
"id": 65721337,
"screen_name": "julieworks",
"name": "Chipper Reset",
"description": "Time to RV \u0026 Play! \u2615\ufe0f\ud83c\udf41\ud83c\udf42 #Christian \ud83d\udcd6\u271d\ufe0f \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb #MAGA \u26a1\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u200d\ud83d\udd25 #ProLife \ud83d\udc7c \ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83c\udf7c#2A \ud83d\udd2b#Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #SaveAmericaAgain \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "USA"
"id": 65728122,
"screen_name": "DogLady2020",
"name": "\ud83e\udd96 Under the Bus \ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "Allergy to Tory Party #YES to Indy but not SNP. GC Feminist: \u2640\ufe0f is not a feeling/costume/set of behaviours \ud83e\udd96 Instablocks misogynists/racists/TRAs/KBFs",
"location": "UnderStairs Cupboard, Scotland"
"id": 65729930,
"screen_name": "lesrobertsnyc",
"name": "Les Roberts",
"description": "Patriot of \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7/\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8- \u2764\ufe0f BOJO, MBGA, KBF,KAG, GB News,The Arsenal FC.",
"location": "London - New York City - LA"
"id": 65806346,
"screen_name": "Zade_WA",
"name": "Zadewa\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9b",
"description": "AHF. Protector of women and children. Proud shamer of pedophilia and harmful kinks. End fgm, child marriage, prostitution, paid surrogacy, pornography.",
"location": "PNW"
"id": 65835644,
"screen_name": "MrGreyGhost1",
"name": "Grey Ghost",
"description": "Black Conservative Democrat, Student of Life, lover of God #MAGA #NeverBiden",
"location": "Brooklyn, New York"
"id": 65999157,
"screen_name": "KylieNienhuis",
"name": "Kylie Nienhuis",
"description": "#Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 66037316,
"screen_name": "Freelassie",
"name": "Freelass",
"description": "ProLife Catholic, traditional, revere Founders, Constitution, honor R amazing troops. God save USA from evildoers w/in\u0026 w/out. RTs NOT nec. agree. BLOCK LISTS",
"location": ""
"id": 66039551,
"screen_name": "Rich_Kruse",
"name": "Rich Kruse",
"description": "Networker Extraordinaire #RealEstate #RESIDENTIAL #COMMERCIAL #warriorsforacause #navydad \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f #nursehusband #patriot #maga #fopstrong",
"location": "LongIsland.NYC.Hamptons.London"
"id": 66058000,
"screen_name": "Lottidoy",
"name": "lottidoy \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": "Washington, DC"
"id": 66099018,
"screen_name": "JellySpike",
"name": "Seb",
"description": "Protect the rights of a single individual, and you protect the rights of all , irrespective of gender \u0026 race. Groupthink is killing society. #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 66133323,
"screen_name": "CarlWThornton",
"name": "Carl Thornton",
"description": "25 years in business. Pizza. Real Estate. Father of 2. Married to the greatest woman in the world. libertarian/republican. Trump2020",
"location": "Elsie, MI \u0026 Colon, MI"
"id": 66156657,
"screen_name": "chrisgrandon",
"name": "Official Source Christian Grandon \ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\udde6",
"description": "Catholic \u2022 Husband \u2022 Father \u2022 #AmericaFirst \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\udde6 \ud835\udd70\ud835\udd9d\ud835\udd99\ud835\udd97\ud835\udd86 \ud835\udd70\ud835\udd88\ud835\udd88\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd8a\ud835\udd98\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd92 \ud835\udd93\ud835\udd9a\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd86 \ud835\udd98\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd91\ud835\udd9a\ud835\udd98 Luke 22:36",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 66234704,
"screen_name": "tcb1270",
"name": "Thomas Charles Blair",
"description": "Catholic Retired, married to high school sweetheart. Grandfather and dad. TRUMP! MAGA! Pro-life Traditional Marriage. Pro military! Followed by FLOTUS!",
"location": "St. Louis, MO metro area"
"id": 66254701,
"screen_name": "godsgirl310",
"name": "Sara B",
"description": "Child of the King of Kings~\nChristian~ Conservative~\nHappily married~\nPatriot~\n#Pray4Trump\n#MAGA\n#KAG\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 66263808,
"screen_name": "Marinerlifer",
"name": "\ud83d\udfe0\u26ab\ufe0fMariner Life \ud83d\udfe0\u26ab\ufe0f fe/fi/fo/fum",
"description": "2A - \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 - not a fan of Republicans or Democrats",
"location": "Rent Free in Your Mind"
"id": 66309195,
"screen_name": "palland1",
"name": "Dave Pallant",
"description": "All lives matter... colour is irrelevant. Tory voter.",
"location": "Northyorks"
"id": 66338560,
"screen_name": "davidwood73",
"name": "Dave Wood \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Pro Brexit. Will follow all brexiteers. @GBnews best news channel",
"location": "South Shields, England"
"id": 66348349,
"screen_name": "sammurraytory",
"name": "Sam Murray \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Conservative Politician. Thatcherite.\n\ud83c\udf99\ufe0f @torytalkspcast.\nCatholic\n\u267f.\nMother.\nViews are my own",
"location": "Suffolk, England"
"id": 66388904,
"screen_name": "demarad1",
"name": "Adam",
"description": "Largest Canadian Trump supporter. Got your back from up here! Happily married. Here for politics and good banter. #MAGA #Trump2024 #FJB",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 66429119,
"screen_name": "YosefMel",
"name": "NadaNosDetiene VZLA",
"description": "#TRUMP/#MAGA/#Kraken/Imperialista/Uribista/Sionista/Macabista/Madridista/Vinotintista/G\u00fcairista/Yankista/Penguinista/Packerista \ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "Carora/Barquisimeto, Venezuela"
"id": 66461840,
"screen_name": "grahamling",
"name": "Graham Ling",
"description": "Jazz singer / guitarist in the NE Scotland. I think therefore I am gender critical. - ROGD parent. Pronouns: Bull/Shit",
"location": "Aberdeenshire"
"id": 66510662,
"screen_name": "IamRedeemed101",
"name": "CaliConservative",
"description": "Love \u2764 God above all, my Husband, Children, Grandchildren. Prolife for Life, Babies Lives Matter. American born, Hispanic Origins \u2764 USA Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 66533526,
"screen_name": "conservativevin",
"name": "Uhtred of Bebbanburg",
"description": "Constitutional Conservative, Christian, 2nd amendment Rights, Repeal and Replace Obamacare, Build the Wall, Conservative SCOTUS",
"location": "Miami, Florida"
"id": 66561299,
"screen_name": "Chrissiet5",
"name": "Chrissie Toskos",
"description": "Wife, mother, Grandmother (YiaYia), Conservative, proud American! \u2764\ufe0f The Lord, Hockey fan \ud83c\udfd2 #MAGA #Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 66562684,
"screen_name": "UmTigieg",
"name": "(((Trash Patrol/Sayeret Zevel)))\ud83d\udd78\ufe0f\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udd77\ufe0f",
"description": "Unapologetically gender critical. Pronouns: I/me/mine. #sexnotgender #DontCisMe. I tweet mostly in English, \u05dc\u05e4\u05e2\u05de\u05d9\u05dd \u05d1\u05e2\u05d1\u05e8\u05d9\u05ea. Pro-Israel, Pro-peace. #FuckBDS",
"location": " \u0627\u0645\u0631\u064a\u0643\u0627"
"id": 66732795,
"screen_name": "blogho",
"name": "DeniseVB",
"description": "#AmericaFirst USMC wife, Air Marshal mom, Navy grandma. Politically Independent, both parties suck.",
"location": "Virginia Beach"
"id": 66733067,
"screen_name": "pegasi51b",
"name": "Pegasi51b",
"description": "Follow back all #MAGA Concerned American patriot. Cannot watch the left/socialists use slander and lawlessness to destroy our freedom. #NEVERFORGET \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 66760442,
"screen_name": "az_cst",
"name": "AZ cst",
"description": "Deplorable and Irredeemable Serial Retweeter TRUMP2020 BuildTheWall EpsteinCoverup TermLimits BanSharia",
"location": ""
"id": 66795395,
"screen_name": "jimscullion",
"name": "Seumas \u00d3 Scoll\u00e1in\ud83c\udf52 #nothankyou",
"description": "Retired academic. Any views expressed are mine alone, and sometimes not even that. Pronouns no/thank/you.",
"location": "Ayr, Scotland"
"id": 66933353,
"screen_name": "MSPOA",
"name": "\u2b50 America First Crusader \u2b50 Patriot \u2b50 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "MAGA Super Political Offshore Alliance. Defeat Globalism, Repeal \u0026 Replace RINOs w #TrumpGOP. #EndEU #TermLimits #Sovereignty; #RaiseAct \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Global"
"id": 67093859,
"screen_name": "pluto_goofy",
"name": "Brexit-it-On\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7#defundthebbcnow",
"description": "Mother of 2 with 11 beautiful grandchildren and 13 grt grandchildren Avid CAFC supporter played for Millwall Lionesses back in the day. Brexiteer. #GB news",
"location": "South London"
"id": 67142652,
"screen_name": "TwFBCW",
"name": "OverTheRainbow",
"description": "#Jesus1way\ud83d\udd4axGay/transEvolution #maga #4\ud83c\udfc7riding #prophecyStudent. seal 1.hero\u23f32.division\ud83d\udde1 3.poverty\ud83d\udcb8 4. -25%\ud83d\udc89 5.persecution\u26d3 6.raptura \ud83e\ude94 7. 7 bowlsWrath\ud83c\udf0b",
"location": "heaven bound "
"id": 67323046,
"screen_name": "wokeup333",
"name": "wokeup333",
"description": "Truthseeker #trump2020 #MAGA\nRiding the red wave! Christian Mom and grandma with a passion for photography. Nothing like capturing memories through photos",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 67392723,
"screen_name": "andybush200",
"name": "Andy",
"description": "#Christian #Husband #Father #ArmyVet #MAGA #KAG #ClevelandBrowns #ClevelandIndians #OSU",
"location": "Ohio"
"id": 67454121,
"screen_name": "mams14",
"name": "Maria Martinez",
"description": "Sincere and straightforward woman. I love democracy and freedom, passionate about nature and animals. #MAGA Parler @Mams14",
"location": "Somewhere over the rainbow"
"id": 67461516,
"screen_name": "KblairTrump",
"name": "America First Patriot Karen",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8flying, proud American. Suppor\u271d\ufe0f The Constitution. Not PC. #MAGA #OneNationUnderGod #BacktheBlue #TermLimit #BuildTheWall #LGB #FJB",
"location": "Deplorable State"
"id": 67470380,
"screen_name": "heatherinlv",
"name": "Heather",
"description": "Happily married mom #dumptrump make America great again \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "las vegas"
"id": 67494445,
"screen_name": "Indiafuerte",
"name": "Cucuxungu",
"description": "#MAGA. IN GOD WE TRUST.",
"location": ""
"id": 67562050,
"screen_name": "SGT_Buttercup",
"name": "Queen Buttercup",
"description": "Love our Warriors. Pro-LEO, #1A #2A, \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395! #CovidSurvivor and still unafraid. Open The Country! #MaskChoice #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #StandWithIsrael",
"location": "People's Republic of California"
"id": 67579178,
"screen_name": "mikkobrexit250",
"name": "Mike Bowers",
"description": "GB news fan. Conservative. Fighting my fourth cancer. Reiki 2nd degree. Use it everyday to keep calm and positive.\nIt\u2019s worked so far.",
"location": "North east"
"id": 67622425,
"screen_name": "bmscnc",
"name": "Tim Baxter",
"description": "#Trump#USA#madeintheUS #MAGA only DM for trump support.",
"location": "Georgia, USA"
"id": 67657700,
"screen_name": "tdtrpnr",
"name": "don quixote",
"description": "#MAGA #kag #1a#2a #Deplorable #SmellyHillbilly #draintheswamp #ADVOCATEFORtheUNBORN",
"location": "Arizona"
"id": 67668887,
"screen_name": "cnservativgirl",
"name": "Conservative Cornhusker Girl",
"description": "John 3:16 Christian - Jesus is my Savior \ud83d\ude4f\u271d\ufe0f USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Huskers #GBR #Nebraska #GoBigRed #NebraskaTheGoodLife #MAGA #KAGA\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf3d\ud83c\udfc8\ud83c\udf88",
"location": ""
"id": 67737675,
"screen_name": "boyntonattorney",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Kevin M. LaMontagne \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Attorney at Law\n\"A lawyer's time and advice are his stock in trade.\" Abe Lincoln\nFreethinking Conservative #Patriot Logic, Science. #Prolife. No DMs",
"location": "Boynton Beach, Florida"
"id": 67756281,
"screen_name": "ALM192718",
"name": "All Lives Matter | Free Hong Kong",
"description": "Pronouns: President elect/president elect.",
"location": "Arizona, USA"
"id": 67958492,
"screen_name": "hvac69",
"name": "michael",
"description": "SFC-OIF 2003-2004 HVAC 32yrs. 7kids17and counting grandkids. Ma Army National Guard1977-2004 Retired Disabled. Iraq 03 KBR 07 Qatar09 Trump WON in 2020 IFBP",
"location": ""
"id": 68032331,
"screen_name": "Hostile612",
"name": "Hostile612",
"description": "Conservative. God is real. Truth always wins. Either you don't know any better or you don't care. #ProLife #AntiRedskin $nbendic",
"location": "Saint Paul"
"id": 68131206,
"screen_name": "pepper2005",
"name": "Mindy Gilbert",
"description": "Catholic. Mother. Wife. Conservative. Pro-Life. Very happy with my life due to my faith in God. #MAGA #PROTRUMP",
"location": "louisiana"
"id": 68137754,
"screen_name": "andyrv1960",
"name": "Andy RV Harvey #\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Brexit Britain Is Great \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Bristol Lad \u0026 Proud Gashead UTG Northern Soul \u0026 Scooter Scene \ud83c\udfb6\ud83d\udef5\n#LoveGBnews \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\n#IdontDealWithLeftieFckWits \ud83d\ude37\n#GodSaveTheQueen \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Scouseland"
"id": 68213600,
"screen_name": "Flgirl2005",
"name": "Rochelle W",
"description": "Generally conservative, always prolife, frequent retweeter... I am me...what else is there to know?",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 68304701,
"screen_name": "DAM0013",
"name": "Dam0013",
"description": "Father of 4. Husband of 1. Redneck in training. Yuuuge MAGA supporter. America First. Michigan Wolverines rule \u303d\ufe0f Go Yankees. GBO. GrandFather of 4.",
"location": ""
"id": 68412451,
"screen_name": "AndrewJMullen",
"name": "Andy Mullen",
"description": "Historian, WW1 researcher, Battlefield Guide, Scientist, Atheist, Tutor. New economics/politics, Anti-EU \u0026 corruption, anti-woke. MSc, MBA, BSc \u0026 BA. CelticFC",
"location": ""
"id": 68472995,
"screen_name": "pamelaallison66",
"name": "Pamela Allison",
"description": "",
"location": "Troon, Scotland"
"id": 68473127,
"screen_name": "EmilEike",
"name": "POTUS Emil",
"description": "Politics, HS \u0026 Collage \ud83c\udfc0, Dogs \u0026 Cats, Food, Tech, Christian, 2A Not necessarily in that order. Just someone who happens to have #Crohn\u2019s #PureBlood #MaskOff",
"location": "Somewhere in Louisiana "
"id": 68484518,
"screen_name": "jkivy",
"name": "Joanie Ivy \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "Christian, Mother of 2 awesome boys, Conservative, Patriot, Republican \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #TRUMP2020",
"location": "Dublin, TX"
"id": 68493508,
"screen_name": "IntolrntInfidel",
"name": "Intolerant Infidel",
"description": "Proud Indian, Politically Right winger, Atheist, Culturally Hindu, Strongly oppose False Birth Based Caste System, Support Skill Based Varnashrama!",
"location": "Bangalore"
"id": 68515878,
"screen_name": "Christy41970",
"name": "Christy Maurer",
"description": "Christian, pro-life, conservative, mom\nBooks, Movies, Marvel, Disney, Doctor Who",
"location": "USA"
"id": 68568046,
"screen_name": "_PuppyTears",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8PuppyTears\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Crying back at the #Crybaby #Snowflakes #AmericanPatriot and Proud Deplorable \ud83d\udc18\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #BackTheBlue #MAGA2020 #KAG I love @realDonaldTrump",
"location": "Madison, WI"
"id": 68731186,
"screen_name": "lron99",
"name": "Evil \"#LetsGoBrandon\" Lron",
"description": "\ud83d\udc4c\ud83e\udd53 politics, tech, PC gaming, #maga",
"location": "TN"
"id": 68756996,
"screen_name": "candylamb47",
"name": "Candy Lamb",
"description": "conservative, pro 2nd. amendment, pro life, pro police \u0026 military, teacher, Christian mom \u0026 grandma.",
"location": "Ohio"
"id": 69011562,
"screen_name": "sgtbetsysmith",
"name": "Betsy Brantner Smith",
"description": "Retired Cop, #Police Trainer, Author, Consultant. Mom \u0026 grandma. @NatPoliceAssoc #BlueLivesMatter #2A Married to @thebucksavage \ud83d\udc99 #BackTheBlue",
"location": "USA"
"id": 69031238,
"screen_name": "radfemrusty",
"name": "Rusty",
"description": "Hobby Historian, Native Oregonian, Radical Feminist Spinstorian",
"location": "Southern Oregon, USA"
"id": 69046916,
"screen_name": "SallyTiger",
"name": "SallyThatClemsonGirl",
"description": "#USA #marriedw/4kids #believer #ClemsonGrad #history/polisci #CollegeSports #IFollowback #conservative #prolife #Cheers \ud83c\udf7b@sallytiger Parler/clouthub/GETTR/gab",
"location": "United States"
"id": 69081339,
"screen_name": "claireOT",
"name": "Claire\u2019s Outrageous Thoughts",
"description": "Support @LeedsSpinners protest art: I also make #feministbadges.",
"location": "GiLEEDSad, West Yorkshire"
"id": 69093161,
"screen_name": "cseslaf",
"name": "Camila Seslaf",
"description": "Iluminista. C\u00e9tica. Brasileira n\u00e3o praticante. Body with vagina (as per @TheLancet)",
"location": "S\u00e3o Paulo, Brasil"
"id": 69177316,
"screen_name": "drkyla",
"name": "Dr Kyla Dillard",
"description": "Veterinarian, Comedian, Political Catalyst, \u0026 Butch Dyke. I help people double their profits as a Business Coach. Parler: @drkyla #MAGA #MCGA (Canada)",
"location": "MeWe: Kyla Dillard"
"id": 69228218,
"screen_name": "Varsovya",
"name": "\ud835\udd81\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd97\ud835\udd98\ud835\udd94\ud835\udd9b\ud835\udd9e\ud835\udd86",
"description": "Radfem, psic\u00f3loga cl\u00ednica, cient\u00edfica social y ocultista de cl\u00f3set.",
"location": "M\u00e9xico"
"id": 69360539,
"screen_name": "evil_geek",
"name": "peter read",
"description": "Same sex attracted man. My pronouns are obvious, will always respect yours. Not part of any forced community. For equity and empathy All views strictly my own.",
"location": ""
"id": 69403658,
"screen_name": "Jonathangreg",
"description": "#GUARIMBA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 MUERTE AL CASTROCHAVISMO, LARGA VIDA A LA LIBERTAD Sebastian Francisco de Miranda... (VISITEN BLOG). #REPUBLICO #Republican #Trump2020 #MAGA",
"location": "#TeamLibertad350"
"id": 69469055,
"screen_name": "fdjcv777",
"name": "It\u2019s been Fernan all along \u26a1\ufe0f",
"description": "Best fake businessman. Millennial. Life\u2019s too short to care! Right-leaning-ish gay annoying yet factual. curador. 100% human #killthemwithkindness",
"location": "Deez nutz"
"id": 69483740,
"screen_name": "billydonallen",
"name": "J.W. Hardin",
"description": "Air Force vet, retired Firefighter/Paramedic, Deputy Sheriff. Currently a Probation Officer. What can I say, a life of public service! Love this Country #MAGA",
"location": "Palestine, TX"
"id": 69533224,
"screen_name": "justdontstartme",
"name": "dontstartme",
"description": "\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea XX auld wan, lesbian, GC, grandmother \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a #NoThankYou #WomenWontWheesht #cervixhaver #rightshoarder #IStandWithLesbians",
"location": ""
"id": 69594956,
"screen_name": "falafelhotdog",
"name": "Andrew",
"description": "Just here for the ride #MAGA #Trump2020 I am not for the easily offended. #KAG #liberalismisamentaldisorder\nIFB all patriots",
"location": ""
"id": 69642507,
"screen_name": "sorilenny",
"name": "sorilenny custodio",
"description": "Ide\u00f3loga de la campa\u00f1a #devu\u00e9lvememipeso. Fan\u00e1tica de la luna, las vacas, los d\u00edas grises y las medias divertidas. RadFem",
"location": "\u00dcT: 18.501169,-69.79073"
"id": 69665543,
"screen_name": "stigus2142",
"name": "stigus",
"description": "AAA games tester and cyber security evaluator. Re-tweeter of tweets, #GBNews\nAward winning @ sticking em with the pointy end ;)\nI live on a farm ;)",
"location": "Anglesey NWales"
"id": 69686220,
"screen_name": "trumparama",
"name": "\ud83c\udf39Windy Bee \ud83d\udc1d",
"description": "Llama Mama, MAGA #Trump2024 God Bless America! Redpilling since 2016",
"location": "Smithville, TX"
"id": 69777760,
"screen_name": "run2slowfashion",
"name": "nope",
"description": "runner, wife \u0026 mom of 2. adult human female",
"location": "Oklahoma"
"id": 69851063,
"screen_name": "Wolf_Wolfman",
"name": "Wolf Wolfman",
"description": "Conservative Blogger Capitalist Believer Conservative Constitutionalist\n#MAGA #KAG\nFrom Defiance, Ohio Live in Phoenix, Az",
"location": "We must fight Socialism"
"id": 69968529,
"screen_name": "Art_Vandaleigh",
"name": "Cathie - with an \"ie\"",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #Trump2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 I Love Animals, Adore Dogs, Cherish Books and Honor Patriots \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 I FB all Patriots \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Love America \ud83d\udcaf% \ud83d\udc36 *DMs = Unfollow*",
"location": "Colorado"
"id": 69979605,
"screen_name": "BlearyEyedMan",
"name": "Captain Blue \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "I've got soul but I'm not a soldier. Despise the #ExtremistSNP and their ruination of Scotland. No time for the woke brigade. Love GBNews.",
"location": "The Back of Beyond \u0026 Liverpool"
"id": 70006101,
"screen_name": "leannemo1",
"name": "LeMona Leesa",
"description": "World Peace \ud83c\udf0e USA Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Adult Human Female \u2640\ufe0f\nFreedom of Speech \ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\n\ud83d\udcda+\ud83d\udd25=\ud83d\udc7f Don't \ud83d\udeab sweat \ud83d\ude30 the small stuff \ud83d\udca9!!",
"location": "United States, various"
"id": 70017958,
"screen_name": "david41032",
"name": "fed up with the left",
"description": "God Bless Donald Trump. I Follow Back All Patriots #TRUMP2020 #MAGA #KAG #NRA #BlueLivesMatter #BuildTheWall #AmericaFirst #ProIsrael #CincinnatiReds \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 70049587,
"screen_name": "tbeatley",
"name": "Terry Beatley",
"description": "wife, mom, Catholic, Patriot, author, president of Hosea Initiative and God, Guns \u0026 Life PAC, pro-life and, yes, a sinner in need of Christ Jesus",
"location": ""
"id": 70055848,
"screen_name": "RepMarinochick",
"name": "\ud83d\udc60ChickArOO\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "I love America. I'm a Married \"Trump \ud83d\ude82American Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA #Trump2020 \ud83d\udc60NO need to DM me if I follow you Please don't. Attracting Miracles by Gregory Downey",
"location": "Roseville, CA"
"id": 70156027,
"screen_name": "EmfingerSScout",
"name": "Max Emfinger Patriot",
"location": "Plaquemine, LA"
"id": 70182264,
"screen_name": "dimarshll",
"name": "Diane M.",
"description": "Christian follows politics, current events, \u0026sports. Ideologically conservative, politically practical. Sentimental. \u2764God, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, \ud83c\udf77, \u2615\ufe0f, \ud83c\udfc8, guns. #MAGA -Parler",
"location": "Seal Beach, CA"
"id": 70391821,
"screen_name": "AlmightyBeccy",
"name": "AlmightyCustard too many quals for character limit",
"description": "Walk\u00fcre. And Philosopher. And RadFem. And OERF \ud83e\udd5a\ud83e\udd5a\ud83e\udd5a I am Custard; hear me Pour",
"location": "Cus-tard"
"id": 70508308,
"screen_name": "sheajuice",
"name": "John S\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udde3",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 USMC Veteran \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\n#MAGA #KAG #USMC #VET\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #VETERAN \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #PATRIOT #CONSERVATIVE\n#NY. He/Him/Neanderthal",
"location": "Brooklyn, NY"
"id": 70515171,
"screen_name": "LakotaEagle",
"name": "Dr. Charles Wilson",
"description": "Dr. Psychology, business consultant, and author. MAGA \u0026 ProTrump",
"location": "Lake Jackson, Texas"
"id": 70541387,
"screen_name": "squirrel_friend",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc96\u2728Love and Light\u2728\ud83d\udc96\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MAGA Christian\ud83d\ude4f Conservative and Trump Supporter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 70595548,
"screen_name": "MaaiKawaii",
"name": "Maiara With An I \u2640#IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "\u201dTempos dif\u00edceis est\u00e3o por vir e, em breve, teremos que escolher entre o que \u00e9 certo e o que \u00e9 f\u00e1cil.\u201d - Dumbledore",
"location": "Green Gables"
"id": 70664947,
"screen_name": "DCBMEP",
"name": "David C Bannerman",
"description": "Ex Cons MEP for East of England. Strategic consultant \u0026 writer. Chairman The Freedom Association. Inventor \u2018SuperCanada\u2019 FTA. Pro Brexit. RTs NOT endorsements",
"location": "Norwich, England"
"id": 70788968,
"screen_name": "Circunlocucion",
"name": "unbearable terrible triteness of being (Martha) \u0646",
"description": "Unum cor et anima una. Maranatha!! \ud83d\udd25 Oseas 2,16-19. \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9cPROLIFE feminist.\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9cConsistent Life Ethic. Ciencias de la Familia. Nimiztlazohtla,\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd ig: marthab_sfc",
"location": "Grls only alt @crcnlccnonalt"
"id": 70813854,
"screen_name": "deehinja",
"name": "xDinj\ud83e\udd8e",
"description": "\ud835\ude3d\ud835\ude4e\ud835\ude58 \ud835\ude43\ud835\ude5a\ud835\ude56\ud835\ude61\ud835\ude69\ud835\ude5d, \ud835\ude40\ud835\ude6d\ud835\ude5a\ud835\ude67\ud835\ude58\ud835\ude5e\ud835\ude68\ud835\ude5a \u0026 \ud835\ude49\ud835\ude6a\ud835\ude69\ud835\ude67\ud835\ude5e\ud835\ude69\ud835\ude5e\ud835\ude64\ud835\ude63 |Crypto Anarchist | Anti Woke | Pro Decentralisation | Health Freak #NoMore1984 $XMR $DERO $XHV $RUNE",
"location": "Clown World, UK "
"id": 70831448,
"screen_name": "katemcie",
"name": "Jeff",
"description": "Follower of Jesus, He is my savior. God's word is the only absolute truth. Husband and dad. Love this great country. Conservative Trump 2020.",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 70835765,
"screen_name": "carrotcrunch",
"name": "Carrot Crunch",
"description": "Reader, not a writer. Older 'Likes' are bookmarks to (maybe!) read or re-read later. \ud83e\udd55\u2721\ufe0f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83d\udd4a\ufe0f\u2615\ud83c\udf70",
"location": "London"
"id": 70860468,
"screen_name": "1artniece2",
"name": "Dannie",
"description": "God loving~Passionate about country, family, cooking, outdoors~#MAGA Love is the answer! \ud83d\udc38 God Bless Texas!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Patriot #KAG #TRUMP",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 70935278,
"screen_name": "RacheIlen",
"name": "jinkies",
"description": "crazy plant lady\n#nothankyou",
"location": ""
"id": 70952657,
"screen_name": "gomarciego",
"name": "Nan YaBeeswax XX",
"description": "worker bee, frustrated commuter, child wrangler and gender-crit feminist. Knit, sew, read, sleep. lancs/yorks border.",
"location": "Manchester"
"id": 70962235,
"screen_name": "PeacefulConserv",
"name": "Paul Schmidt \u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "Jesus Christ died for our sins. #IamAChristian #ProLife #PrayToEndAbortion I follow all who are interested in the abortion issue. Love your enemies.. Mt 5:44",
"location": "Johnson City, TN"
"id": 70963460,
"screen_name": "thejohnkirk",
"name": "TheAntiSocialist #KBF",
"description": "Follower of Jesus, bunny lover \ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc30\ud83d\udc07\ud83d\udc30, proud deplorable, #AllLivesMatter, Happy Brexiteer, MAGA \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Leicester, England"
"id": 71039253,
"screen_name": "Shambadoona",
"name": "Sha",
"description": "\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96Woman \ud83d\udc9c\u26aa\ud83d\udc9a Adult Human Female",
"location": ""
"id": 71150898,
"screen_name": "ScarletnGrey1",
"name": "Steve",
"description": "CLEVELAND - Adopt a dog! @ClevelandAPL @CityDogsCLE / pro-life / Baseball Coach / #CancelStudentDebt. Beat \u274cichigan!! / St Edward Pride. #MAGA 2020",
"location": "Cleveland, OH"
"id": 71176045,
"screen_name": "CharredFredo",
"name": "President elect - Fredo Charred",
"description": "#TheLeftCelebratesCOVID\nDemocrats will burn America down to remove Trump. They don't care about the American people. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 71209157,
"screen_name": "joan1robe",
"name": "Joanne Roberts",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "England"
"id": 71242167,
"screen_name": "UniqueAndTrue",
"name": "JustMe\ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\udde3",
"description": "Small business owner, RN. Also on Parler, Politics, Article V, Health, History, Humor, ProLife. MAGA. Blocked by Michael Avenatti \ud83d\udd25No DMs\ud83d\udd25",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 71261492,
"screen_name": "nowaffle",
"name": "Amanda Boyle OBE \ud83e\udd95",
"description": "Politics: Your silence gives them permission. Love: innovation \u0026 irony. Hate: hypocrisy \u0026 injustice. Proud Mum. amo/amas/amat \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \ud83c\udfca\u200d\u2640\ufe0f \ud83c\udfc3\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udfbf\ud83e\udd42\ud83d\udcda\ud83c\udfdd\ud83c\udfd4",
"location": "Made in Scotland"
"id": 71325721,
"screen_name": "neilybig",
"name": "Libertarian_view",
"description": "Mostly right\n#antiwokeuk",
"location": "England"
"id": 71351159,
"screen_name": "docmcbride",
"name": "Imminent Rueage",
"description": "Paid aviator, Christ Follower, Auburn Grad #WDE, USAF vet. Opinions mine alone, RTs not endorsements. NOT #MAGA, I\u2019m not the partisan you are looking for",
"location": "Tennessee, USA"
"id": 71491041,
"screen_name": "polblonde",
"name": "Joan Smith",
"description": "Journalist. Author of novels \u0026 books on misogyny, food and terrorism (not all at once). No longer Co-chair of the Mayor\u2019s VAWG Board. Still a feminist.",
"location": "London"
"id": 71551996,
"screen_name": "b65665586",
"name": "MD Parvej",
"description": "I hate political correctness. There\u2019s only two genders. I\u2019ve never owned a slave and you were never a slave. ALL lives matter.",
"location": "NWI"
"id": 71614785,
"screen_name": "1776LavisLane",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Proud to be an America!! #1A #2A #CONSTITUTION #ShallNotBeInfringed #\u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d\u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #FeminismIsEvil #ItsOkToBeWHITE #FuckAntifa",
"location": ""
"id": 71620468,
"screen_name": "Babskay",
"name": "Kay Lawrence #sexnotgender",
"description": "",
"location": "UK"
"id": 71721643,
"screen_name": "jalandoak",
"name": "J. Alan Doak",
"description": "#Christian Mixing politics and religion. Measuring the world against the Word of God #Prolife Blogger at @OnPlumb |",
"location": "America the Beautiful"
"id": 71823440,
"screen_name": "GovanBorn",
"name": "Edina Monsoon",
"description": "#AbolishTheDeathPenalty. #alllivesmatter",
"location": ""
"id": 71866215,
"screen_name": "EliQuaintance",
"name": "Elizabeth Quaintance",
"description": "Christian wife and mom, singer and music teacher, DAR. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Downers Grove, IL"
"id": 71888170,
"screen_name": "gbc11",
"name": "Gonzie Briones \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddf4",
"description": "Candidato a ALCALDE DN 2016-2020, FNP/Polo Soberano, TV Producer, ProRD, Nacionalista, miembro Mov. TRICOLOR, #MAGA, creyente en DIOS y su Palabra.",
"location": ""
"id": 71923214,
"screen_name": "LLLili777",
"name": "L.L.L.",
"description": "Cat lover. Dragon Ball fan. Radfem en proceso.\nIngeniera en Sistemas Computacionales.",
"location": "CDMX"
"id": 71925171,
"screen_name": "WalkinLifeCoach",
"name": "Trump\u2019s My President- Walking Life Coach",
"description": "Trump \ud83d\ude8a Day #1. Pro-Life, pro second amendment. Believe most people are good but clearly see the bad. \u2764\ufe0fGod \u0026 Country. #MAGA #4MoreYears",
"location": ""
"id": 71949128,
"screen_name": "dwj58",
"name": "Diane Jenkins",
"description": "Christian, #American, Conservative, Married,Mom to 2, Gigi to 4, No DMs-Trump is my POTUS, Support MILITARY \u0026 BLUE. #BORDERS #ICE #MAGA #KAG #VOTERED",
"location": "K'vegas, NC"
"id": 71980760,
"screen_name": "lugwormman",
"name": "stephen graver",
"description": "Norfolk born \u0026bred!voted leave!,Norwich,Rangers,GB news,Farage,trump,loathe leftists,PC brigade,wokeness,hate the scum media,defund the BBC!Love my country \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Plymouth, England"
"id": 72043431,
"screen_name": "herroj",
"name": "Jillster",
"description": "design furniture with secret compartments, #MAGA, ornery grandma, #2A \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #resist",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 72080533,
"screen_name": "gosi_chan",
"name": "Ann Stark",
"description": "I don't give a fuck about your pronouns. #IStandWithJKRowling",
"location": "Gallifrey, UK"
"id": 72122863,
"screen_name": "Milana156",
"name": "Miss Milana",
"description": "\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf2 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 I stand with those who support women and I admire the ones who won\u2019t stop fighting. #womenwontwheesht",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 72160414,
"screen_name": "ralirali",
"name": "Alex C Raptor \ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udd25",
"description": "Hoarding since Jurassic times.\n#IStandWithCeri\n#OnlyWomenHaveCervixes\n#ShrillSiren\n#BodyWithaVagina\n#WomenwontWheesht #IStandWithMarionMillar",
"location": ""
"id": 72185690,
"screen_name": "15minofPham",
"name": "Tuan Pham",
"description": "Options \u0026 stats addict. Write own filters to show probabilities. Avid runner and tennis player when not glued to laptop. #MAGA #KAG",
"location": ""
"id": 72261957,
"screen_name": "mrscanary",
"name": "mrs canary",
"description": "Adult human female. GC feminist. No time for people or policies that attack the rights of women, girls and children.",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 72379694,
"screen_name": "OhOceane",
"name": "A\u00efcha S-L \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0645\u062d\u0628\u0629",
"description": "I am half agony, half hope | Curator of your heart | J'aime Paul Eluard, les pivoines et Steve MacQueen | #Book #Arts #TeaLover | #RadFem | \ud83d\udc9b JKR |\n\u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0645\u062d\u0628\u0629",
"location": "\u00c0 un souffle de ton c\u0153ur"
"id": 72484663,
"screen_name": "arealpatriot123",
"name": "Patriotic Mom for MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 72535697,
"screen_name": "holidaybuzz10",
"name": "We Made It \ud83c\udf38\ud83e\ude78",
"description": "You make your own luck in this short life, Vitamin D, a good diet, exercise promote natural immunity #pureblood",
"location": "Spain"
"id": 72568962,
"screen_name": "Hilly_______",
"name": "John Hill.",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Brexit. #GBNews. Patriot.",
"location": ""
"id": 72594877,
"screen_name": "Zebra649",
"name": "Beagleboy649",
"description": "Retired Police Detective. Lifelong Conservative. NRA Life Member. #Blue Lives Matter #Back the Blue Please follow me back!",
"location": "Maryland, USA"
"id": 72627624,
"screen_name": "hilaryrowell",
"name": "h rowell \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd0d\ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Nurse, Socialist, proud Auntie to the most marvellous niblings a woman could have \ud83d\ude0d and proud owner of the little black dog that keeps away the big black dog",
"location": "Herland"
"id": 72640830,
"screen_name": "wordsmith308",
"name": "Daniel Kyiv",
"description": "Take responsibility for your own life. Let no lie go unchallenged. Fight the #MinistryOfTruth every day.#MAGA #MolonLabe",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 72898476,
"screen_name": "Jmylea1",
"name": "Jamie(WH Press Secretary 2024)",
"description": "FF/Paramedic, Critical care flight medic, Nurse, and a writer you just haven't heard of, yet. PARLER @JamieLea #MAGA #KAG Not Looking",
"location": "President Trumps World, Chgo"
"id": 72969606,
"screen_name": "WFLAorlando",
"name": "wflaorlando",
"description": "NewsRadio WFLA home of Good Morning Orlando w/Bud Hedinger, Beck, Rush, Dave Ramsey \u0026 Tom Sullivan- The Latest News and The Place To Talk About It! #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Orlando"
"id": 72986844,
"screen_name": "MariaDarcey",
"name": "Maria",
"description": "Adult Human Female",
"location": "Brighton"
"id": 72991701,
"screen_name": "acebigelow",
"name": "Big Fred",
"description": "Beep/Bop/Boop/SuperStraight",
"location": ""
"id": 73132182,
"screen_name": "SiglerSteve",
"name": "Steve",
"description": "Dining in, Bored in da House, In da House Bored.\n#KAG #MAGA #TRUMP2020",
"location": "San Antonio"
"id": 73178950,
"screen_name": "SaysSuperwoman",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c Superwoman \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "My pronouns are wumben/wimpund/woomud.",
"location": ""
"id": 73185482,
"screen_name": "bibichu",
"name": "bibichu \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Adult Human Female",
"location": ""
"id": 73372513,
"screen_name": "Francoise_Merry",
"name": "Francoise_Merry \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Scottish and British. Retweets and likes are not endorsements.",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 73376242,
"screen_name": "Snowy273",
"name": "NAAFI Girl \ud83d\udc83\ud83e\udd42\ud83d\udecd\u2708\ufe0f\ud83c\udfd6\ud83d\uddfd\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "just sipping my champagne on the beach, feeling the sand beneath my Gucci sandals\u2026apparently \ud83d\ude02 ps if you\u2019re following me \u0026 I\u2019m not following back let me know.",
"location": "Somewhere exotic"
"id": 73411504,
"screen_name": "texfiend",
"name": "Meredith Lindley",
"description": "Yoga and Pilates teacher. Gran-Mer to Willow! Pro Lifer! Jesus is Lord!",
"location": "Fort Worth, TX"
"id": 73529910,
"screen_name": "SCM_Magilla",
"name": "SCM_Magilla",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #MSMFake #1A #2A #donttreadonme \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 PC Tech, Author, Horror Genre, \ud83c\udf83#alllivesmatter #bluelivesmatter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #fuckhollywood #bidenrefillstheswamp",
"location": "K-Vegas, NC - USA"
"id": 73533264,
"screen_name": "shaydee5",
"name": "S James \u270a\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffe\ud83d\udc78\ud83c\udffe#Resistance #BlueWave2020",
"description": "Daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother. Reader, writer, singer, techie. Living with MS. Wise old child.\n#FBR #BLM #LiberalDemocrat \ud83d\udeab#magaTs \ud83d\udeab#tRumplicans",
"location": "BKLYN\u2194\ufe0fBX\u2194\ufe0fLI\u2194\ufe0fEARTH\u2194\ufe0fUNIVERSE"
"id": 73544191,
"screen_name": "sweetteaparty",
"name": "SWEET TEA PARTY",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Jesus #MAGA @trumpisthewall @hillary4prison @seanhannity @POTUS #BackTheBlue @twittbiz @swamp_captain @comeytoast #ProLife \u271d\ufe0f @2alterorabolish @gotjesus #NRA",
"location": ""
"id": 73794551,
"screen_name": "kmoss1043",
"name": "Special K",
"description": "My hope is is Christ alone \u271d\ufe0f Pro life Mom of 4 amazing people\ud83d\udc95 RPh",
"location": "Country Roads"
"id": 73897062,
"screen_name": "Whigville",
"name": "Whigville",
"description": "Gen X. \u6211 \u56ae \u81fa \u7063!! PHISH fans for Trump!",
"location": "Malden, MA"
"id": 73906011,
"screen_name": "Zao2369",
"name": "BriaNHarris",
"description": "2A Activist. Constitutional Conservative. Government Watch Dog. #AmericaFirst",
"location": "United States"
"id": 74088962,
"screen_name": "jillyo4reallyo",
"name": "Jill McDaniel",
"description": "@mom_at_arms Founder \u2022 VA State Director for The DC Project \u2022 1mmagc- Co Lead \u2022 Pew Pew Instructor \u2022 Wife \u0026 Mom \u2022 Shannon Watts Hates Me \u2022 Pro Gun/ Gun Pro",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 74168842,
"screen_name": "Liberty_Activis",
"name": "Liberty Activist",
"description": "Sick and tired and I'm not gonna take it any more. Getting active and standing up for liberty #maga",
"location": "New Jersey"
"id": 74179515,
"screen_name": "Susiehs",
"name": "Susie",
"description": "Blessed to be a wife, mom, grandma, ER nurse and Tulane Law School grad. Passionate southern conservative. Owned by a Basset Hound. #MAGA, NRA, LSU, NO Saints",
"location": "South Louisiana"
"id": 74333827,
"screen_name": "Bill_nills_ski",
"name": "Bill-nills-ski",
"description": "An unapologetic supporter of our President Donald J. Trump whose sick of Black on Black crime and the evil democrat party. #MAGA/#KAG by any means necessary.",
"location": "TEXAS"
"id": 74354488,
"screen_name": "B63Grand",
"name": "grandB63 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udcafConservative. Back the Blue. Trump Forever. TRUMP WON IN 2020. MAGA\u203c\ufe0f . America is under attack by the Socialist Democrats. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 74453000,
"screen_name": "Lastbauer",
"name": "Jack",
"description": "TRUMP 2020 Love to fish,hunt,travel,dine out,\u0026bible study,member of NRA",
"location": "Wisconsin"
"id": 74468008,
"screen_name": "Jeanette_Lilac",
"name": "Feminist Foxie",
"description": "woman / radical feminist / psychology student",
"location": ""
"id": 74492243,
"screen_name": "Time_To_ROAR",
"name": "Lee Lee",
"description": "#GetTheLOut\ud83d\udd38GCFeminist\ud83d\udd78#LesbianNotQueer\ud83c\udfc1 #BLM \u270a\ud83c\udfff\u270a\ud83c\udffb\u270a\ud83c\udffdGenX\u264f\ufe0fLovesDogs\ud83d\udd38Music\ud83d\udd38Politics \ud83d\udd38RIP MagdalenBerns\ud83d\ude22",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 74514167,
"screen_name": "colourfullsheep",
"name": "colourfulvegansheep \u24cb",
"description": "#sexnotgender #antiwoke #atheist",
"location": "\ud83c\uddf3\ud83c\uddf1"
"id": 74548317,
"screen_name": "Breteyne",
"name": "Mr B.C",
"description": "\u201cOur own heart, not other men\u2019s opinions, forms our true honour\u201d #ForexTrader #Brexit #Zionist #AllLivesMatter",
"location": "Swindon, England"
"id": 74549457,
"screen_name": "vicole777",
"name": "Vicole",
"description": "Christian~Ga.Conservative~Nationalist~God \u0026 Freedom loving American~#NRA~#MAGA ~ #Trump2020 No dates #IFBP",
"location": "USA"
"id": 74552263,
"screen_name": "LifeNewsToo",
"name": "LifeNews",
"description": " is the #1 pro-life web site. This is an automated account, contact us @LifeNewsHQ / \u0026",
"location": "USA"
"id": 74579601,
"screen_name": "SailorDale",
"name": "Dale Graham",
"description": "Romans 8:18(NKJV) For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 74599758,
"screen_name": "HolographicPop",
"name": "\u2744\ufe0f Frosty Kelsey \ud83c\udf84",
"description": "\ud83d\udcf7\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udfb6 I love pop culture, anime\u0026manga, American Idol, JKR's Wizarding World, and photography!",
"location": "Gemstone Mine I Guess"
"id": 74644440,
"screen_name": "schwingcat",
"name": "Marie Arf \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "1A 2A #ChinaLiedPeopleDied Antifa = terrorists",
"location": ""
"id": 74647116,
"screen_name": "Gunn53",
"name": "\ud83d\udd25Tommy Gunn\ud83d\udd25",
"description": "There is no press, only the Ministry of Propaganda. Your GOVERNMENT and the MEDIA are not on your side. Believe them at your peril \ud83e\uddd0#PureBlood",
"location": "Beam me up!"
"id": 74672763,
"screen_name": "LiberatedCit",
"name": "\ud83d\udd34\u2666\ufe0f Lori \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Patriot\u2666\ufe0f\ud83d\udd34",
"description": "\u274c Trump Won\u274c Biden Cheated\ud83d\udc4e Served ARNG \ud83d\ude0d RT'd by Pres. Trump #AmericaFirst #Trumplican \ud83d\udeab NO LISTS \ud83d\udeab",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 74728807,
"screen_name": "Doradaalsol",
"name": "Dorada al Sol",
"description": "Journalist. Photography. Feminism. Gaming. Books. Lesbian not queer. Just one flag \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 Yes, of course you can deal with all of that.",
"location": "Spain, Barcelona"
"id": 74749000,
"screen_name": "LoneStarCraig",
"name": "Super Elite Covfefe",
"description": "Love my God...Love my Family...Love my Country. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc67\u200d\ud83d\udc67\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8AMERICA FIRST\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udc6e\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0fLaw \u0026 Order\ud83d\udc6e\ud83c\udffc \u2744\ufe0f I.C.E.\u2744\ufe0fBuild the WALL \ud83c\udfe2\ud83c\udfe2\ud83c\udfe2#MAGA",
"location": "The Loan Star State"
"id": 74778688,
"screen_name": "HigherProfit",
"name": "MarioTx",
"description": "Proud parent. Country over party. Socialism is a disease. Hard work pays off. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 #Maga",
"location": ""
"id": 74862930,
"screen_name": "BattleBaws",
"name": "BATTLE\u2664\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf0 #SNPOUT #Trumpwon He\\Haw",
"location": "Scotland, United Kingdom"
"id": 74869489,
"screen_name": "modernmice",
"name": "poeticallycorrect",
"description": "Of science and the human heart there is no limit #WomenRightsAreHumanRights #nothankyou #allahyokdinyalan #sexnotgender",
"location": "London \u0026 Originally Istanbul"
"id": 74869961,
"screen_name": "Angelsamongus6",
"name": "Sandy",
"description": "ProLife Catholic married to a wonderful man for 50 yrs. Mom of 3, son, 2 daughters,\u0026 6 beautiful grandchildren.Love God.Like 2,cook,travel,garden, listen music.",
"location": "Mo."
"id": 74923970,
"screen_name": "peterczech",
"name": "Peterczech",
"description": "Hard Working White Old Heterosexual and Proud of It. Strongly against flooding Europe and US with Third World Garbage. Army vet. Pro Trump.",
"location": "Czech Republic / Czechia"
"id": 74947733,
"screen_name": "Gonzales4USA1ST",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Gonzales4AmericaFirst\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Wife, Mom, RN, Wall fan, \u2764\ufe0fGod, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8,\u26be\ufe0f,Politics, DJT, Reagan, True Crime, Legal Immigration, Big Hair, #TrumpTrain #SoCalDeplorable #MAGA #KAG #AmericaFirst",
"location": "United States"
"id": 74974843,
"screen_name": "MPFMAYO",
"name": "MichaelFarrington",
"description": "Passionate about rural Ireland, + all things Mayo + Mayo GAA. Free Enterprise, Free Speech + Personal Responsibility. AWAKE NOT WOKE. Pro Life without apology.",
"location": "Kiltimagh, Co. Mayo"
"id": 75045614,
"screen_name": "neffi1uk",
"name": "JH",
"description": "Do not Cis me. I am a woman, an adult human female. I stand with Allison, Maya, JKR, Raquel and all women fighting against being silenced.",
"location": "Kingston upon Thames"
"id": 75059637,
"screen_name": "beethovengal",
"name": "Carolyn \ud83c\udfb9",
"description": "Pro life, animal lover, pianist, Beethoven gal, classical music adorer, supporter of our men and women in blue",
"location": "Boynton Beach, FL"
"id": 75129942,
"screen_name": "DutchMichel",
"name": "Michel -Pureblood-",
"description": "The unvaccinated follow the science, the vaccinated are the science.",
"location": "In geosynchronous orbit"
"id": 75187367,
"screen_name": "RightwingSC19",
"name": "The RIGHT Guy",
"description": "Father, Husband, Follower of Christ. Connoisseur of average red wine. #MAGA",
"location": "South Carolina, USA"
"id": 75234111,
"screen_name": "Scripteladora",
"name": "Ana \ud83e\udd81\u2721 \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\udf49#IstandwithIDF #IstandwithIsrael",
"description": "\u2721\ufe0f(Sephardic Bnei Anousim \u27a1 \u2721)/ #ReinstateJoeElfassy ***Don't be Fooled,Be Yourself*** Pro\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\nReaganite Anti-Nazis/Commies) \u05d0\u05e1\u05ea\u05e8\n#TRUMP2020",
"location": "#stoppaytoslay #IFBAZ "
"id": 75259800,
"screen_name": "MeerkatKs",
"name": "Meerkat \ud83d\udd34\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Woman:Adult Human Female. Pro Woman. Women fought long and hard for their rights and they should remain solely their rights! Superstraight \u0026 organically grown!",
"location": ""
"id": 75300472,
"screen_name": "its__sia",
"name": "sia",
"description": "",
"location": "somewhere in germany"
"id": 75322506,
"screen_name": "mamawendi",
"name": "America First",
"description": "Real Eyes\nRealize Real Lies",
"location": "Heart of Va"
"id": 75329060,
"screen_name": "StreetHowitzer",
"name": "RealStinkEye",
"description": "It appears their hypocrisy knows no bounds. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 //#MAGA//\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Veteran//#2A//Biz Owner/ #BuyAmerican #HireAmerican *Jesus is my Lord \u0026 Savior*",
"location": "Deep in the Heart of Texas"
"id": 75364356,
"screen_name": "GlockyTop",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Bumpy7 LGB\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Surrender in Chief Joe Biden didn\u2019t win diddly squat. #MAGA #KAG\u2026GETTR @GlockyTop, GAB @SwayzeGuy",
"location": "Southeast Florida"
"id": 75391163,
"screen_name": "InDireStraights",
"name": "In Dire Straights",
"description": "\ud83c\udfce\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7GBNews, Mclaren f1 Now the sun's gone to hell and\nThe moon's riding high....",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 75404442,
"screen_name": "Bohemiababe",
"name": "Anita, Trans widow",
"description": "Mammals = Our primary purpose is to reproduce the species.Those that do not, choice not, cannot, provide a vital supportive role in that function. YOLO",
"location": "Bournemouth"
"id": 75479528,
"screen_name": "losethehole",
"name": "VoterFraudisReal",
"description": "Dad, Husband, Entrepreneur , Patriot. 80s arcade games, O\u0026A, red meat. #maga #vmware #Virtualcomputing",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 75541946,
"screen_name": "LaraLeaTrump",
"name": "Lara Trump",
"description": "NC girl in NYC #MAGA",
"location": "New York City"
"id": 75550709,
"screen_name": "AndyBoll",
"name": "Carey Bollinger",
"description": "Retired US Coast Guard. Christian, Husband, Father, Papa. #KAG #MAGA #Deplorable",
"location": "Arkansas, USA"
"id": 75649264,
"screen_name": "WoomudTM",
"name": "Woomud\u2122\ud83d\udfe5\ud83d\udfe7\u2b1b#IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "Feminist. Atheist. Woman. Cis my ass.",
"location": "Moist in the anteroom"
"id": 75667955,
"screen_name": "Sipsipuss",
"name": "JoAnne Thomas FBPE #IamEurpean \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa",
"description": "Bunny/tree hugger, Old/young hippy, Boomer against Brexit, BLM, Humanist, Stoic \u262e\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udf08\n#alllivesmatter\n#wearamask\n#ClimateCrisis",
"location": "London Europe"
"id": 75728982,
"screen_name": "YourAvgRob",
"name": "Your Average Rob \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Veteran, Blessed father of 3, Love of County! life doesn't get better by chance. take responsibility!\n#Americafirst #MAGA #BacktheBlue #godblessourtroops",
"location": "A 2A Sanctuary state"
"id": 75730979,
"screen_name": "jaanbam",
"name": "Jan",
"description": "Living Evangelical Catholic; Conservative; Prolife; Prayer Warrior; NFP \u0026 Natural Health promoter; Married, Mom x7; Writer; Apologetics; Jesus I Trust in You",
"location": "Pacific Northwest"
"id": 75840484,
"screen_name": "jfa2016FLA",
"name": "Jhon - USA",
"description": "Conservative Christian Ulster Scots guy who loves the USA, let's make a difference together! #CCOT #WATP #MAGA #CentralFlorida #Orlando #Jeep",
"location": "Central Florida USA"
"id": 75844645,
"screen_name": "Gigi_4Trump",
"name": "\ud83d\udc95Caroline\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udd4a",
"description": "#Christian #Patriot #TrumpTrain \ud83d\ude82 #Politics #Deplorable #HistoryMajor #Conservative #Independent #PureBlood #MAGABOOKDOTCOM \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Wife,Mother #Gigi",
"location": "California USA"
"id": 75921365,
"screen_name": "AntiPornography",
"name": "",
"description": "\u2764 Donate AmazonSmile\ud83d\ude0a Follow @ENDSexTraffic @ENDProstitution",
"location": "U.S.A. 501(c)(3) Nonprofit"
"id": 75936508,
"screen_name": "merking9",
"name": "Meredith Lopez-Fitzgerald",
"description": "2020 Oiuser Boudreaux - No thank you! DO NOT CONGRATULATE! Cognitively there. I always thought I was a dog, but turns out I\u2019m a cat... She/Her",
"location": "Massachusetts, USA"
"id": 75947628,
"screen_name": "Brooke_e_e",
"name": "Brooke \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "There's always that one person who insists on talking religion \u0026 politics...\u0026 it's usually me!\ud83d\ude1d\u2764\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 \u26a0Trigger Warning Currently In Effect\u26a0\ufe0f#1A #2A #MAGA #Trump",
"location": "Virginia, USA"
"id": 75960773,
"screen_name": "intrafffic",
"name": "clay parsons",
"description": "Intelligence \u0026 politics have a complex relationship. #Artist#MAGA Followed by #CharlesPayne,#Charliekirk #DanaCarvey \u0026 #JesseJaneDuff Oh and 4 cats.",
"location": "#Oklahoma City Oklahoma"
"id": 76129113,
"screen_name": "actual_female",
"name": "Actual Female",
"description": "Full time snow shoveler. Part time goat herder. Actual woman. Pronouns kiss/my/arse",
"location": "The Great White North"
"id": 76203377,
"screen_name": "texastweetiepie",
"name": "Tweetie Pie \ud83c\udf34\ud83d\udc2c",
"description": "RN, Have ID\u2019d the Enemy..ready for battle. Daughter of The Most High King \u271d\ufe0f\ud83e\ude78PUREBLOOD\ud83e\ude78Patriot, 2A\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Love nature\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb",
"location": "Texas"
"id": 76369912,
"screen_name": "Crusader75",
"name": "Mark Zinnamosca",
"description": "Truth. America first. Grace and Freedom. Consensus is for Cowards. Be the outlier.",
"location": "Maryland"
"id": 76417907,
"screen_name": "swallace101",
"name": "S Wallace",
"description": "Christ-follower, Small Business Owner, 12 years volunteer Deputy Sheriff (over 14000 hours on the streets working patrol for free), Single. Go Hogs! #MAGA",
"location": "God's Home State...ARKANSAS"
"id": 76543481,
"screen_name": "BorisEP",
"name": "Boris Epshteyn",
"description": "@realdonaldtrump 2020 Strategic Advisor, former Special Assistant to POTUS 45, @newsweek Columnist, NEW website:",
"location": "\u00dcT: 40.744258,-73.995578"
"id": 76559113,
"screen_name": "HeyBlue14",
"name": "Rob Harding",
"description": "EX-Navy Deep Sea Diver, Patriot, Husband, Father and Lover of Freedom and the Constitution. PRO TRUMP #Trump2020 #idahotrump2020 love my GSD",
"location": "Meridian Idaho"
"id": 76570498,
"screen_name": "Izzy_Az_Pie",
"name": "President-elect Iz",
"description": "It Iz what it Iz! \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGA #KAG \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "\u00dcT: 40.626623,-73.9521"
"id": 77030964,
"screen_name": "MikhaelVE",
"name": "Rep\u00fablico Mikhael Salazar",
"description": "Venezuelan in USA. Batallando contra la ignorancia pol\u00edtica y el socialismo.\n#VenzuelaLibre #MAGA2024",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 77135269,
"screen_name": "MJBr00ks58",
"name": "Martin Brooks \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #FreeSpeech #UK",
"description": "English and British \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Patriot. Have a Covid jab, don't have a Covid jab. I don't care, your choice. #AllLivesMatter, skin colour doesn't. Lists = Block",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 77217966,
"screen_name": "YoginiAngelZ",
"name": "Angel Z",
"description": "Radical Feminist, Artist \u0026 Witch",
"location": "Austin, TX"
"id": 77242691,
"screen_name": "wlyell",
"name": "\u201cNeybah\u201d W.Lyell\ud83e\uddec\ud83d\udd25 #SimilarlySituated \ud83c\udfc1\ud83c\udf9b\ud83d\uddfd\u2696\ufe0f\ud83d\uddfa",
"description": "\ud83d\udc68\u200d\ud83d\ude92 with #chromosomes\ud83e\uddec #afire\ud83d\udd25, #enduring\ud83e\udd76 to #nurture\ud83d\udc97 #choice-less\ud83e\udd14 #awareness\ud83c\udf97 through #coherent\ud83d\udd14 #dialog\ud83d\udde3\ufe0f. Likes\ud83d\udc9e = #resonance\ud83d\udcf3\u2026",
"location": "#Homestead, Rex, #ClayCo, GA, U(SoA?), Earth, S\u00f3lar System, Local Fluff/G-Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion\u2013Cygnus Arm, Milky Way, Virgo, #Laniakea"
"id": 77248082,
"screen_name": "chopitosmum",
"name": "Chopito's Mum",
"description": "Subtituladora freelance. Correctora obsesiva. Escritora mediocre, pero sin faltas. Peor persona. Diana, Chopito \u0026 Chipiron\u2019s proud mum. RADFEM por supuesto.",
"location": "Spain"
"id": 77266454,
"screen_name": "SkorpionHALO",
"name": "J K S Q",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfdALL-American, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Lover+Anime Fan+PC/Console/Handset/TableTop Gamer+Trump supporter= Maker of the 3rd Way \u00a6 #MAGA #MBGA #MHKGA #MIGA #MJGA",
"location": "FEMA Region IX"
"id": 77271237,
"screen_name": "SuperStr8Sylis1",
"name": "Sylis1",
"description": "Proud Englishman, patriot, fuck ANTIFA, BLM are commies. super straight",
"location": "Durham"
"id": 77297584,
"screen_name": "iainw07",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Ian Woollard\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "\ud83d\udc4dFULL ENGLISH BREXIT PROPER EXIT\ud83d\udc4d Proud Englishman\nREFORM UK\n@GBNEWS Fans\nPlease look at my BIO before following me. \ud83e\udd2a\ud83d\ude33",
"location": "East Anglia"
"id": 77304603,
"screen_name": "chrisbcab",
"name": "Chris Cabezuela",
"description": "#FlyEaglesFly Trump2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #KeepAmericaGreat \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Latinos For Trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 I follow back PATRIOTS \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Amarillo, TX"
"id": 77331499,
"screen_name": "ConservativeNM",
"name": "THE Conservative New Mexican \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Father, son, brother, friend, engineer, rock crawler, and lifelong Denver Broncos fan. If this \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 offends you GTFO #AmericaFirst #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": "Four Corners"
"id": 77339359,
"screen_name": "Darrinbillingsl",
"name": "Da Bull #MAGA",
"description": "Hillbilly Day Trader buy what's Hot and never hold a bad trade. , in all things Trust in God ! !",
"location": "TN "
"id": 77370118,
"screen_name": "cork1992",
"name": "Joanne Mackey",
"description": "Catholic; Republican; Conservative; Aspiring Blogger; #MAGA; RTs not nec endts",
"location": "Florida"
"id": 77372582,
"screen_name": "Trustno1fxm",
"name": "OutlanderinLV",
"description": "Happily married to an Army veteran \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Proud Mom \u2764\ufe0f #MAGA #Lupussucks Donald Trump is my President\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 IFBAP \ud83d\uded1NO DM\u2019s I will not reply",
"location": "Nevada, USA"
"id": 77510052,
"screen_name": "pompeyhelen1",
"name": "Helen",
"description": "love my family ,Pompey F.C. , love my country, full Brexit, out means out. RT are not endorsements , NO DMs, I will not answer,GB News \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "portsmouth"
"id": 77513307,
"screen_name": "Ravie777",
"name": "Tripwire",
"description": "Skeptic. Female. Takes are my own, I often argue with both right-wingers and left-wingers. End the two-party system.",
"location": ""
"id": 77538272,
"screen_name": "Orekari90",
"name": "AG \ud83d\udca2",
"description": "Profesor de secundaria. Doctor en Biolog\u00eda Molecular. Gender critical.",
"location": "Cantabria"
"id": 77666666,
"screen_name": "Mikhuz77",
"name": "MAGA Wazzu \ud83c\udfc5\ud83d\ude82 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Patriot from Washinton State, currently living in TX. Conservative, but respect good debate. #BlueLivesMatter #GoCougs #MAGA #KAG \ud83d\udeabDMs, I will block",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 77674335,
"screen_name": "born_summer62",
"name": "Patriot Deb",
"description": "Paralegal \u2696, Loves America!!!!!!, America First!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Kidney Cancer Survivor\ud83c\udfc6 If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. Mark Twain",
"location": ""
"id": 77679836,
"screen_name": "cgbomb",
"name": "CG_Bomb#Maga2020",
"description": "I always try do the right thing whether anyone\u2019s looking or not. I support my President 100% #TRUMP2020 #BLUELIVESMATTER #EVERYLIFEMATTERS PRO LIFE",
"location": "Norman, OK"
"id": 77810156,
"screen_name": "Sakurawx",
"name": "Dave",
"description": "#Christian, Husband, Father, #Veteran, #Constitutionalist, #Patriot, #USAF, #Conservative, #SaveTheChildren. #Trump #MAGA #KAG #Buildthewall IFBP",
"location": ""
"id": 77967973,
"screen_name": "lfc67sean",
"name": "Sean",
"description": "100% pure blood",
"location": ""
"id": 78040527,
"screen_name": "BrainControl1",
"name": "BrainControl",
"description": "Freelance Musician ,Composer,Producer,\nFoH Sound-Engineer , Truth Seeker #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 78055360,
"screen_name": "maunyk",
"name": "President-Elect Pissed Off Mama Flynn Tiger",
"description": "Wisdom/Energy/Commitment. Old Dem Feminist for Trump. #AmericaFirstFreedomParty #AwanARefund #AnonNoMask",
"location": "Inslee-Free Autonomous Zone "
"id": 78058235,
"screen_name": "LauraQuick",
"name": "Laura Quick",
"description": "Widowed Mom \u0026 Grandmother. Constitutional Conservative. No patience for liberals. #TRUMPWON",
"location": "Frederick County, Maryland"
"id": 78134000,
"screen_name": "jsalmon1159",
"name": "John Salmon",
"description": "Best spot to see the 4th of July fireworks in Milwaukee is at my place! Missing Glen Frey \u0026 Tom Petty. The Far Side is back,,,well kinda\u2019. Trump 2024!\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Milwaukee, WI"
"id": 78135037,
"screen_name": "OriginalJoycey",
"name": "Paul Joyce",
"description": "Professional whinger, follow at your own peril. Pro-Brexiteer that loves Europe, hates the EU.",
"location": "Lancashire"
"id": 78137584,
"screen_name": "DiChesebrough",
"name": "Diane",
"description": "#God #Family #Fishing #Horses #Football #FineWine #GoDukes #NavyBrat #VerticallyChallenged #AmericaFirst I love the Constitution \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Northern Virginia"
"id": 78218667,
"screen_name": "isseyprada",
"name": "Issey Prada",
"description": "#AntiWoke\n#LabLeak\n#CGGCGG\n#FentanylFloyd\n#CensorshipKills\n#GuiltyProject\n#SilverSqueeze\n#Inflation\n#SaintsFC\n#BooTheKnee\n#Philosophy\n#RPA",
"location": ""
"id": 78272985,
"screen_name": "sofia_berman",
"name": "Sophie Berman",
"description": "Executive Producer - News at @GBNEWS. Formerly @BBCNews, @AP. Horse racing enthusiast.",
"location": "London"
"id": 78327645,
"screen_name": "LawnShock",
"name": "Kevin Dish #IStandWithJKRowling",
"description": "\"Do you believe that male-sexed people should have the right to undress and shower in a communal room with teenage girls?\" #TheStanilandQuestion He/he/heee",
"location": "Monsoon Poultry Hospital"
"id": 78445175,
"screen_name": "kolergulfbreeze",
"name": "Kristina O.",
"description": "God and Country \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Trump2024 Love my Husband \u2764\ufe0f Proud Momma \u2764\ufe0f Biden is not my President \ud83d\udd95 GoGators \ud83d\udc0a\ud83c\udfc8 #gatornation",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 78581318,
"screen_name": "AlbaRef2",
"name": "Annie\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf52\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "",
"location": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7fScotland"
"id": 78646259,
"screen_name": "cdbc81",
"name": "Christopher C",
"description": "\ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\u262e\ufe0f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #Scottish #FreeScotland #SaorAlba #indyscot #albarising #ScottishIndependence ALBA",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 78655870,
"screen_name": "Di_AHF",
"name": "Literally Di \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Woman (That word is TAKEN!), Feminist (Obvs!!), #NoThankYou #SexNotGender #WarOnWomen",
"location": "Terf Island"
"id": 78708576,
"screen_name": "ShannonCLK",
"name": "SB",
"description": "#FightForTrump #MAGA",
"location": "Phoenix"
"id": 78711098,
"screen_name": "OCYHUN",
"name": "STOP SOCIALISM\u274c\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u274c",
"id": 78786919,
"screen_name": "hazileyes2005",
"name": "John Barron III",
"description": "Drain The Swamp",
"location": "Not in the Rotunda "
"id": 78851707,
"screen_name": "malechi09",
"name": "malechi09\ud83d\udc9c#ACBM",
"description": "\ud835\udddf\ud835\uddee\ud835\ude00 \ud835\uddfa\ud835\ude02\ud835\uddf7\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf2\ud835\ude00 \ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddfc \ud835\ude00\ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddfa\ud835\uddfc\ud835\ude00 \ud835\ude02\ud835\uddfb \ud835\uddf0\ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddf0\ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf6\ud835\ude03\ud835\uddfc, \ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddf6 \ud835\ude02\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee \ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf1\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddfb\ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf1\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf1 \ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddf6 \ud835\ude02\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee \ud835\uddf1\ud835\uddf6\ud835\ude03\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddff\ud835\ude00\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf1\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf1 + #HembraHumana\n#SexoNoEsGenero",
"location": "SP\u00d1"
"id": 78994484,
"screen_name": "krkats",
"name": "Karen Rist",
"description": "Detroit raised. #POTUS #DetroitNortheastsiders mother of 2 amazing kids in their 20\u2019s. #God1st, Special Ed #Teacher #MAGA #Worldpeace #MLK #MakeADifference",
"location": "Berkley, MI"
"id": 79165716,
"screen_name": "HelgeSolveig",
"name": "Solveig Senft",
"description": "teacher, artist, feminist, pazifist",
"location": "Germany"
"id": 79452810,
"screen_name": "agedfashionista",
"name": "SDH",
"description": "Being a Mother, wife, daughter, sister \u0026 C.E.O takes precedence over being a Dame. Sex based rights \u0026 safeguarding of children should not be up for debate.",
"location": "Probably on a train or plane"
"id": 79519657,
"screen_name": "lunamessi",
"name": "Tereza Kova\u010di\u0107",
"description": "#katoli\u010dkiskaut, #vjerou\u010diteljica, #ProLife,",
"location": "Pitoma\u010da, Croatia"
"id": 79634298,
"screen_name": "LilianaLolasana",
"name": "TRUMP WON!",
"description": "Enjoy gardening, yoga, cooking, reminiscing about the glorious years of President Trump. Intrigued by bitcoin.",
"location": "USA"
"id": 79637502,
"screen_name": "delboy1978uk",
"name": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f Laird 8 Badge \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "#weWillNotComply #noVaccineMandates All Tweets do not represent anything or anybody, not even myself",
"location": "Glasgow"
"id": 79779302,
"screen_name": "Duneking905",
"name": "justhereforthetweets",
"description": "Pro second amendment, conservative latino. pro life. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.",
"location": ""
"id": 79797487,
"screen_name": "happicook",
"name": "Claudine @happicook on Gab",
"description": "\ud83d\udcafTrump Supporter \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Patriot\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 America 1st\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Constitutionalist\ud83d\udcc3\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Proud Southerner \u2764\ufe0fFreedom Lover\ud83d\uddfd Chef #VoterID #MAGA #Trump2020\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #FairTax",
"location": "Usually in my kitchen"
"id": 79841328,
"screen_name": "chrisalexer",
"name": "Chris",
"description": "Brexiteer, Anti MSM #DefundTheBBC\nAnti Lefties, Anti Woke.\nALL Lives Matter. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\nNo DM's please, I don't open them.",
"location": ""
"id": 79917675,
"screen_name": "LincolnFresno",
"name": "Lets Go Brandon Lincoln",
"description": "Husband, father, gin sipper, radio commentator. #NPP #AmericaFirst. Views are only my own. Frustrated golfer. Blocked by Robert Reich.",
"location": "Where your food is grown"
"id": 80057122,
"screen_name": "DBass880",
"name": "Daniel B.",
"description": "Trump Supporter!! #trump2020 Police officer in the Great State of Oklahoma . Graduate of OSU. GO POKES!!! Keto Connoisseur. Health and Fitness Buff.",
"location": "Oklahoma, USA"
"id": 80125598,
"screen_name": "barrienunn21",
"name": "Barrie Nunn",
"description": "I am recently retired, now living in France, with family in both France \u0026 UK. Still British, and strongly Pro-BREXIT. Love @GBNews, hate woke culture \u0026 CRT.",
"location": "Gers, Occitanie, France"
"id": 80322157,
"screen_name": "austisticwitter",
"name": "gad_about_strumpet \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Autistic. Funny. Working class, lefty feminist. I speak for me, myself and I.",
"location": ""
"id": 80336230,
"screen_name": "BRANDILOMBARDO",
"name": "Brandi Lombardo \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "Loving life;)\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Trump2020",
"location": ""
"id": 80345467,
"screen_name": "DBJ1970",
"name": "Djsoapytitwank",
"description": "John Smiths and cheese fan. Pro Brexit. I once had a paper cut on my bellend and passed out. Don't judge me. Bloke/Chap",
"location": ""
"id": 80415454,
"screen_name": "LiberalFenix",
"name": "Fenix Fully Vaxxed \u0026 Masked",
"description": "MTG suspended from Twitter\ud83d\udc4fRand Paul\ud83d\udc4fsuspended from YouTube No #MAGA\u2019ts NO Racists NO Asshats NO Republicans NO blind DM\u2019s @LiberalFenixToo",
"location": "USA"
"id": 80447229,
"screen_name": "KyleWAlpha",
"name": "Kyle",
"description": "Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) Alumni. Delta Chi Alumni. Nostalgia Attic. Cleveland till I die. Make America Great Again!",
"location": ""
"id": 80496355,
"screen_name": "lumbrjackmatt",
"name": "Joseph",
"description": "Keep America Great. Trump 2020",
"location": ""
"id": 80656838,
"screen_name": "shellilefay",
"name": "Shelli, Duchess of Manchester \ud83c\udfbb\u2728",
"description": "Painter of magickal things, violinist in Matt Hartless and the Maverick 7, changeling \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "The North"
"id": 80689846,
"screen_name": "syd_derington",
"name": "Sydney Derington",
"description": "Hobby Breeder of Beautiful Champion Line Traditional \u0026 German Biewer Yorkshire Terrier's. Dog Servant! #MAGA Warning: TRAPCALL APP on my \ud83d\udcf2. Pronoun: Nor/Mal",
"location": "Georgia"
"id": 80784779,
"screen_name": "MattStanway",
"name": "Matt Stanway",
"description": "#KBF\nPro Truth, Pro Freedom, Pro Human, Pro Life, Pro Trump (proudly).\nAnti Mainstream Media, Anti Dystopia. Anti Bill Gates, Anti George Soros, Anti 5G.",
"location": "London, UK"
"id": 80892441,
"screen_name": "monkey_wench",
"name": "Tenacious Lee",
"description": "\ud83d\udfe3\u26aa\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe2 If you don't know who or what a woman is, I don't trust your judgement or instinct on anything else.",
"location": ""
"id": 80896312,
"screen_name": "Karen22g",
"name": "Karen Sims",
"description": "I love country artists Blake Shelton \u2764\ufe0fKeith Urban \u2764\ufe0fand Luke Bryan! \u2764\ufe0fDonald Trump is MY President!!! #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Porterville, CA"
"id": 80952639,
"screen_name": "jodygail07",
"name": "Jody Butler / Travel Agent",
"description": "Psalm 46:10 #Mom \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc99#CoachWife \u26be\ufe0f\ud83c\udfc8 #Wildcats\ud83d\ude3c #CowboysNation \u272d #SoonerNation \u2665\ufe0f #TravelAgent \u2708\ufe0f #MAGAPatriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Checotah, OK"
"id": 80955211,
"screen_name": "SheilaLoftis",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Deplorable Sheila \u2661's Trump\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "In memory of WB..greatest Daddy ever...still \u2764 my President Trump!!! God, #2A , and \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8!!! God bless America again..Happily married....#MAGA #TRUMP",
"location": "United States"
"id": 80969586,
"screen_name": "kieraniw",
"name": "KizW",
"description": "living in London town...\nFather of young daughters. Sick of gender woo woo (ie gender critical)",
"location": "London"
"id": 81067985,
"screen_name": "Purple_Fae",
"name": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud835\udd75\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd93_\ud835\udd7f\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd8a_\ud835\udd82\ud835\udd8d\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd92\ud835\udd98\ud835\udd8e\ud835\udd88\ud835\udd86\ud835\udd91_\ud835\udd71\ud835\udd86e\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "DV+ abuse survivor. Surviving cancer. Warrior Queen. Fighting an uphill battle",
"location": "UK"
"id": 81102122,
"screen_name": "SATIRNC",
"name": "Fun River Rat",
"description": "#TrumpTrain, #AnimalLover, #Christian Values, #Conservative #MAGA, #Build Wall, #Patriot, #Drain Swamp #1st #2ndamendment#CCOT\nI will FOLLOW BACK",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 81106170,
"screen_name": "tracilynne621",
"name": "tracilyn21",
"description": "wife, mom, friend, occasional day drinking aficionado\ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf7b, #MAGA, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, #backtheblue #LFGM, #alligatorlizardsintheair, #letsgobrandon \ud83d\ude3b\ud83d\udc36\ud83d\ude3b",
"location": "Connecticut, USA"
"id": 81126126,
"screen_name": "mydebrick",
"name": "debrick",
"description": "Conservative country girl that loves and prays for President Trump. He is making America Great Again. On Twitter for President Trump. IFBP #MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 81134776,
"screen_name": "queerfemmedyke",
"name": "lisaj lander",
"description": "krazy rad fem dyke with trans child who we love \u0026 support beyond measure - deal with it! DID/MPD/PTSD",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 81189243,
"screen_name": "Golyk",
"name": "Ron Shimmer",
"description": "A legal immigrant who's already tried communism and socialism... not a fan. I love this country! #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Maryland, USA"
"id": 81233859,
"screen_name": "TheQueenVic94",
"name": "Vic \ud83e\udd96",
"description": "Opinions are my own.",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 81287852,
"screen_name": "marcavis",
"name": "marcavis",
"description": "A breath of stale air. Denizen of the abyss. Emotionally lazy. Right-leaning but not mean.",
"location": "Brazil"
"id": 81348705,
"screen_name": "Ibiza76",
"name": "Julia Dennison \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udf3a\ud83c\udf37",
"description": "Massive George Michael fan \ud83d\udc9c Adam Lambert \ud83d\udc51 vamos Rafa Nadal \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffc #GBNews",
"location": "Leicester, UK"
"id": 81386813,
"screen_name": "summertymerules",
"name": "summertyme",
"description": "pro-God, pro-life, liberty \u0026 the pursuit of happiness. God and history are our teachers. #LessGovernmentMoreFreedom",
"location": "va"
"id": 81424127,
"screen_name": "Fyrishsunset",
"name": "Aviemore \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c #WomenWontWheesht",
"description": "Happy Being Scottish \u0026 British Happiest Exposing the SNP No Time For Controlling Wokes Pronouns: Ho/Hum \ud83d\udc44 Retweets are not an endorsement",
"location": "Scottish Highlands "
"id": 81511874,
"screen_name": "nicamara",
"name": "Rin",
"description": "20s. Gender critical. Grammatically incorrect. Run-of-the-mill oddball. \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\udded\ud83c\udfad\ud83d\udda4",
"location": "The void"
"id": 81545041,
"screen_name": "beingmeb",
"name": "Kneeling Only Before God. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Loma Linda, CA"
"id": 81555327,
"screen_name": "lorrainecri1954",
"name": "Lorraine",
"description": "Teacher, adoptive mum to 4 beautiful daughters with Down's Syndrome, dog rescuer, Adult Human Female, generally decent human being.\nPronouns: Fee/Fi/Fo/Fum",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 81602176,
"screen_name": "Etherkat",
"name": "Kat for Trump \u0026 #2A \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Saved by \u271d Grace \u2764 the USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Support Israel \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 Fighting for freedom and our Republic. Political Correctness is an assault on #1A\ud83d\uddfd~ #2A all the way! #MAGA",
"location": "Behind every blade of grass! "
"id": 81621523,
"screen_name": "kgreyy",
"name": "p s y c h e d e l i c q u e e n\u2728",
"description": "RadFem, Veteran, member of the womxxn only club, no men allowed.",
"location": ""
"id": 81670495,
"screen_name": "lemmonysnicket",
"name": "Heather",
"description": "\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Loving life. Man City supporter. \u2764\ufe0f Boris, patriotic Brexiteer, GB News. No DMs I\u2019m easily shocked!",
"location": ""
"id": 81695132,
"screen_name": "BlightyUK",
"name": "Violet Marianne\ud83e\uddda",
"description": "\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Political Watcher, Centre Right .\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Loathe BLM\ud83d\udc4e\ud83c\udffc, Anti Woke\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7No DM\u2019s. BREXT.\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7Pro Monarchy. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7GB News",
"location": "United Kingdom"
"id": 82063069,
"screen_name": "marksurg",
"name": "\ud835\ude48\ud835\ude56\ud835\ude67\ud835\ude60 \ud835\ude4e\ud835\ude6a\ud835\ude67\ud835\ude5c\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf0",
"description": "Surgeon. Christian. Likes: foreign films, Sufjan Stevens, tea Dislikes: alt-right conspiracy theories, disingenuous people for overflow",
"location": ""
"id": 82081101,
"screen_name": "zarosa",
"name": "MadSally",
"description": "born/brought up in London. Retired psychologist. Anti self harm Brexit, anti Woke as distracts from \u2018real\u2019 human suffering, hate women seen as body parts only",
"location": "Wandsworth "
"id": 82144210,
"screen_name": "Freedom4USNow",
"name": "Let's Go Brandon! Joe Kennedy",
"description": "Liberty,Independence,Creating financial + personal freedom. Protect the Liberty Tree #Vote \u039c\u039f\u039b\u03a9\u039d \u039b\u0391\u0392\u0395 #MAGA RT's mean I think you should see it. 1776 Buck Fiden",
"location": "NJ"
"id": 82175998,
"screen_name": "lilberdee",
"name": "Missed Creant",
"description": "BAN CRITICAL RACE THEORY \u2022fiscal conservative\u2022live\u0026let live\u2022anti-feminazi\u2022 filterless\u2022 antifa is fascist \u2022anti-racist is racist\u2022",
"location": "United States"
"id": 82213844,
"screen_name": "nickG7576",
"name": "Nick \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Pro UK, Pro brexit \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f anti devolution",
"location": "South Wales"
"id": 82256478,
"screen_name": "Darkmdd",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Dr. PReSiDenT ELEcT Dee Deplorable \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"description": "#MAGA, #AmericaFirst, #PatriotParty, Unapologetic #2A defender, Mom, Live Free or Die",
"location": ""
"id": 82344327,
"screen_name": "semence",
"name": "JM Seed \ud83d\udc99",
"description": "Expresser of the occasional opinion",
"location": "London"
"id": 82375186,
"screen_name": "jojornr",
"name": "Joe Scott -- Jojo rock n roll",
"description": "I am what I am\nNative American Christian\nNo DMS \ud83d\uded1\ud83e\udd8e\nDrummer fisherman grandfather\nSemper Fi\nNo Groupies #MAGA #GODGUNSGLORY",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 82421629,
"screen_name": "YeahJustMeeeee",
"name": "Just Me",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Deplorable unvaccinated me ps...TRUMP WON. L3TSG0BR4ND0N!",
"location": "United States"
"id": 82480120,
"screen_name": "pdallosta",
"name": "MAGA Crossfire \u0026 TRUMP 2020 Hurricane",
"description": "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country!",
"location": "Freedom Loving America"
"id": 82652956,
"screen_name": "jlondon625",
"name": "Jason london",
"description": "America First! God, Family and the Constitution! Tired of Rhinos.",
"location": "\u00dcT: 30.393403,-97.73061"
"id": 82670161,
"screen_name": "eve_eveander",
"name": "Eve Eviesaurus \ud83e\udd96 \u2618\ufe0f\ud83c\udf40",
"description": "nothing special, love my family, love the outdoors, working hard, love baking. tired",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 82711567,
"screen_name": "maceye1",
"name": "Jeremy Damons",
"description": "Staunch Catholic and pro-life to the core, husband and proud father to an amazing daughter.",
"location": ""
"id": 82742950,
"screen_name": "GlobalReina",
"name": "Jean Jimenez",
"description": "America first. Patriot. #Trump2020Landslide supporter.",
"location": "Indianapolis, IN"
"id": 82747356,
"screen_name": "janmac58",
"name": "Janasaurus\ud83e\udd96 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc18 #WomenWontWheesht",
"description": "Glasgow",
"location": "Scotland "
"id": 82776932,
"screen_name": "teamsalesnga",
"name": "Kelly Goeman",
"description": "Roll Tide #MAGA Conservative",
"location": "Canton GA"
"id": 82912382,
"screen_name": "Almita_Palomita",
"name": "Mrs. Reeves",
"description": "Love God, man, \u0026 country. Skin color/gender does not determine your vote; Choose Wisely. #LatinaConservadora #Prolife #Patriot #NRA #loverofWineandLoveitself",
"location": "Ssssshhhh it\u2019s a secret."
"id": 82915144,
"screen_name": "winincal",
"name": "lovetheUSA",
"description": "Californian, proud American, plant-based, raised right...appreciate freedoms we have in USA. #worldpeace #maga \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 82933885,
"screen_name": "m_scottie57",
"name": "H",
"description": "1984 was not an instruction manual \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": ""
"id": 82960603,
"screen_name": "team1carr",
"name": "\u201cCC\u201d",
"description": "\ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"location": "London"
"id": 83124525,
"screen_name": "Aibagawa",
"name": "Aibagawa",
"description": "Women\u2019s Rights\ud83d\udcaaLGB\u0026T \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 Scottish Indy \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f #SexMatters #CourageCallsToCourage",
"location": "East Lothian Scotland "
"id": 83148068,
"screen_name": "CarlosSimancas",
"name": "Uncensored USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Biden Cheated \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Capitalist \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Cuban Born \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 America First \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 TRUMP WON \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 TRUMP SUPPORTER \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "USA"
"id": 83154655,
"screen_name": "LisaJSumpter",
"name": "L J S \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 \ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc36",
"description": "3 amazing kids my\ud83c\udf0d .\nGlass half full, family are everything .\nBook lover .Animal lover .\nMore of a listener, than a speaker .\nSupport our forces \u2764\n#GBNEWS",
"location": ""
"id": 83186886,
"screen_name": "darlindebcc",
"name": "Debbie Farenthold",
"description": "Proud CONSERVATIVE woman, Trump supporter, #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 83200079,
"screen_name": "DMforfun",
"name": "Deb Loves USA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Christian Conservative, #BacktheBlue #MAGA, I love the US Military, and love our Vets. Dad, 92, is proud to say that he is a Korean War Vet.. \ud83d\udeab DM's",
"location": ""
"id": 83208508,
"screen_name": "lenathehyena",
"name": "Lorn Dey wear a mask \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "Blogger. I am not a Conservative. Pronouns wo/man",
"location": "Ladies who swear"
"id": 83208641,
"screen_name": "kub0711",
"name": "Kai-Uwe Bevc",
"description": "no gender, Vollzeit Papa/Mama schon erwachsen, RadFem-Ally\nIch kenn schon alle Schimpfworte f\u00fcr mich, keine Wiederholungen pls\nM\u00e4nnerrechtler drau\u00dfen bleiben",
"location": "Stuttgart"
"id": 83263701,
"screen_name": "bobrey2009",
"name": "Survived4 pandemics \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf0\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\uddf3",
"description": "Team TERF- former rugby player of renown -beer drinker. Do feel free to take offence. End BBC licence tax #FBPE twats will be blocked \u2026he/him",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 83420146,
"screen_name": "amysteron",
"name": "Col. Mortimer \ud83d\udfe5\u2b1b\ud83d\udfe7",
"description": "Englishman. Sometime Barrister, Lecturer in Law\n\"But spent his days in riot most uncouth, /\nAnd vexed with mirth the drowsy ear of Night.\"\nChromosomes XY",
"location": "Perfidious Albion"
"id": 83438063,
"screen_name": "friggarnadottir",
"name": "Frigg Thorlacius",
"description": "Lawyer, radical feminist, atheist, humanist",
"location": "Island"
"id": 83451605,
"screen_name": "Swan1305",
"name": "Tina \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Animal lover, not so keen on people sometimes. Hate cruelty and bullies. Proud Brit, pro-Brexit, won't be bullied into silence by the woke nutter brigade.",
"location": "UK"
"id": 83589578,
"screen_name": "SAFFYHFIFI",
"name": "Gwen Collins",
"description": "A fan of art, nature, animals, culture, a massive fan of progressive rock of any decade, an old bird, and an adult human female. My pronouns are Yin/Yang.\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"location": "Liverpool, England"
"id": 83606171,
"screen_name": "iFiddleDeeDee",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Federal Bureau of Instigation\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I\u2019m just a USA patriot trying to do my part to Make America Great Again.",
"location": "Memphis, TN"
"id": 83632637,
"screen_name": "JurassicParkTho",
"name": "Chickennugget\ud83d\udc24",
"description": "\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea Radfem. Proud lesbian. \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 #SexNotGender FondOfFondOfBeetles gang. #IStandWithJKR AGPs, homophobes, and zealots will be blocked on sight.",
"location": ""
"id": 83696994,
"screen_name": "chargergreg",
"name": "Deplorable Greg",
"description": "Veteran U.S. Army M1A1 Tank commander, Been all over the world. #1A #2a #Military #Veterans #Israel #MAGA #HoldTheLine",
"location": "San Diego, CA"
"id": 83839184,
"screen_name": "JKlute",
"name": "JK",
"description": "Beer lover and homebrewer \u2022 Blues hockey \u2022 Cardinal baseball \u2022 MAGA \u2022 #Trump2024",
"location": "St Louis, MO"
"id": 83859846,
"screen_name": "thehardygambler",
"name": "generalbiglicks.eth",
"description": "had a look, had a hit. commander in the #shibarmy. #nft if I like it I\u2019ll buy it. once knocked out an elephant. #pureblood",
"location": "Uranus"
"id": 83890464,
"screen_name": "izzyxa_",
"name": "Carentena \u26a2",
"description": "Ent\u00e3o, meu amor, ningu\u00e9m \u00e9 mais poderoso do que deus e eu\n(rad/fem)",
"location": "Beagado, Brasil"
"id": 83956210,
"screen_name": "TheRealYacob",
"name": "mmboi",
"description": "America First.",
"location": "Missouri "
"id": 83974793,
"screen_name": "terrisarten",
"name": "Terri Sart\u00e9n",
"description": "I am a puzzle to all who seek to know me. Labels: Catholic, Conservative,ProLife, ProConstitution. Pronoun: yes. Also Pro-verb, pro-adjective and pro-adverb.",
"location": ""
"id": 84009041,
"screen_name": "sampsonsimpson4",
"name": "Sampson Simpson",
"description": "Trump 2024.",
"location": ""
"id": 84080100,
"screen_name": "Natural___Magic",
"name": "Apocalyptic Anti-Patriarchy FTW!",
"description": "#GenderCritical",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 84108772,
"screen_name": "teepstweets",
"name": "Teeps",
"description": "Gender critical, lesbian, aetheist gardener with more than one eye on the horizon",
"location": "London"
"id": 84160633,
"screen_name": "plaidgramma",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2640\ufe0f \u0646",
"description": "Follower of Jesus Christ, Conservative, Pro-Life, Pro-2A, Pro-Western Civilization, Pro-Law Enforcement, Quilter, Mrs. Claus \u271d\ufe0f \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd36",
"location": ""
"id": 84160841,
"screen_name": "FN92",
"name": "FN92",
"description": "Parler: FN92 @FN92 #Twexit #MAGA #2A AZ Patriot",
"location": "AZ..close to Mexican border war zone"
"id": 84192726,
"screen_name": "defy_the_woke",
"name": "Brian",
"description": "A traditional liberal, anti-war, social democrat who champions workers rights \u0026 civil rights. Opposed to woke politics Gender Ideology=Sexism CRT=Racism",
"location": "Ontario, Canada"
"id": 84197234,
"screen_name": "lisa_lisa_tx",
"name": "not jesse\u2019s girl",
"description": "Mom, Aggie, P1, lawyer, friend. Female is not a feeling. Womanhood is not a costume. New goals: more Ticket, less everything else.",
"location": "United States"
"id": 84207565,
"screen_name": "DESicnarF",
"name": "David Francis - PURE BLOOD",
"description": "the government can leave me the fuck alone... Love hunting, fishing and shooting. Bite me.",
"location": "Mantario, SK, Canada"
"id": 84224501,
"screen_name": "gossettk",
"name": "Deplorable Kerry",
"description": "Conservative #MAGA #PROLIFE USA Constitutional Republic #BillofRights #1A #2A #4A #NotPC #BREXIT #WalkAway #Nationalist #BLEXIT",
"location": ""
"id": 84351345,
"screen_name": "MjrChris",
"name": "Chris The Greek Geek",
"description": "Technology Development ~ Programmer ~ Sysadmin ~ Information Technology Geek ~ TRUMP 2020 ~ MAGA ~ Patriot",
"location": "GA"
"id": 84383317,
"screen_name": "Bethorama0526",
"name": "Bethorama0526",
"description": "MAGA \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f #Donotcomply #LetsGoBrandon #ImpeachBiden #TrumpWon",
"location": "United States"
"id": 84417004,
"screen_name": "nelschmidt",
"name": "Nel Schmidt Cornejo",
"description": "Son, brother, friend, husband, father, optimist, pro-life, and a believer.",
"location": "Colima, Col."
"id": 84438608,
"screen_name": "biffrbear",
"name": "Billy MacKenzie \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"description": "EX forces, Rangers supporter, Brexiteer, fly fisherman, darts player, proud grandad to twin boys #maga #Trump2020",
"location": "W.A.T.P. uk"
"id": 84601130,
"screen_name": "twittwattwoo2",
"name": "NonSheepEntity",
"description": "Non woke. Non snowflake. Pure Blood",
"location": "Middle of everything"
"id": 84642821,
"screen_name": "Pollyrooroo",
"name": "Polly \ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd96\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c \ud83c\udf52\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95",
"description": "",
"location": "McGilead "
"id": 84724365,
"screen_name": "NUNOMORIN",
"name": "Everardo Morin",
"description": "Family Man 24/7! Mechanic by day and preacher by night! Lover of Jesus #Trump2024 #AmericaFirst",
"location": "Tyler Tx"
"id": 84763027,
"screen_name": "UWissshhh",
"name": "SureIbelieveyou",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf83rd account, MAGA, Pureblood, Frontline Doctors, Malone, Cole, McCullough\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "California, USA"
"id": 84805126,
"screen_name": "OnlyIndieRadio",
"name": "Only-Indie Radio #IStandWithMarionMillar",
"description": "Gender Critical. My beliefs are protected by law. The more you deny women our rights the stronger we become. Proud #BirminghamReSister.",
"location": ""
"id": 84926218,
"screen_name": "Riversparkle",
"name": "Riversparkle",
"description": "Conservative voice. Views are my own. #FreeSpeech #Trump #SaveAmerica \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Brexit \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #GBNews #BuyBritish #GodSaveTheQueen Lazy Writer.",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 84971848,
"screen_name": "BostonGal611",
"name": "Jamie",
"description": "Animal Lover, I Support LEO\u2019s, Military, Conservative, Pro Life, Music, God is my Pilot. Granddaughter of Gold Star Parent's.",
"location": "Massachusetts, USA"
"id": 84991214,
"screen_name": "BERITAK",
"description": "nurse, Trump supporter, conservative Christian, pro-life",
"location": ""
"id": 84996224,
"screen_name": "soufemeahumana",
"name": "\"Cis\" \u00e9 meu \u00fatero de \u00f3culos \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Uma vez Flamengo, sempre feminista radical, sem paci\u00eancia para os queers.\nAqui vc encontra pol\u00eamica, gatos, femimismo isl\u00e2mico, radical e a porra toda!",
"location": "Everywhere, Brazil"
"id": 85027908,
"screen_name": "SOOPNYC",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd8d\ud83d\ude80\ud83d\udc8e\ud83d\ude4cSOOP\ud83d\udc8e\ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude80\ud83e\udd8d\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd8d\ud83d\ude80\ud83d\udc8e\ud83d\ude4c #AmericaFirst #MakeVotesCountAgain #GoWokeGoBroke #AllLivesMatter #Trump2024 #AMC #NIO #SHIB #LetsGoBrandon Don\u2019t DM me w/B.S",
"location": "New York, USA"
"id": 85030798,
"screen_name": "givarche",
"name": "givarche",
"description": "#Britishindependence\n#GBNews",
"location": "Somewhere in the North"
"id": 85090325,
"screen_name": "whiskeythief",
"name": "Whiskey Thief",
"description": "US Air Force Viet Nam era veteran, retired software designer, husband, father, grandfather, gardener, patriot, armed Texan, #MAGA",
"location": ""
"id": 85191287,
"screen_name": "irishteo",
"name": "Tom",
"description": "#MAGA, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, #KAG, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8, \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\nProud Republican and American. NY Yankee Fan, born in Brooklyn, NY. Love and appreciate our Military. Love to travel.",
"location": "Maine"
"id": 85232137,
"screen_name": "foot2face",
"name": "Michael Adamany",
"description": "Rock and Roll, Politics, and the NFL !!! Blocked by @realdonaldtrump. It doesn't get any better than that !!",
"location": ""
"id": 85267266,
"screen_name": "redparaman",
"name": "Scott",
"description": "Supports free speech and @GBNews. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"location": "Benahav\u00eds, Espa\u00f1a"
"id": 85295961,
"screen_name": "morriseygirl",
"name": "sober AF",
"description": "REALLY gay. The Archers, food, cricket, rugby, and NFFC. In Wales, but \u2764\ufe0fis in London. Ponce. GC feminist \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa#teammeghan #teamnaga",
"location": "Clubhouse"
"id": 85302687,
"screen_name": "Drossboss",
"name": "Theresa Swan",
"description": "Obsessive cat lover, pro Brexit .Detest the Islamic Radicals Welcome legal immigration.\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#Tommywasright #CancelNetflix #GBNews wins",
"location": "West Sussex"
"id": 85411848,
"screen_name": "JipperNipper",
"name": "Charles Courtney",
"description": "Conservative, Patriot, traditionalist, Brexiteer, non-PC, anti-woke warrior.",
"location": "Isle of Wight, England"
"id": 85425228,
"screen_name": "Mumbrt",
"name": "\u274c A Patriot \u274c Deplorable Cult 45\u274c Acquited 4 EVER",
"description": "I support Trump\u2764\ufe0f #MAGA #Trump2020 #RedWaveRising #KAG #DrainTheSwamp #TWGRP",
"location": " "
"id": 85437201,
"screen_name": "THEmrkia",
"name": "EEB",
"description": "Mechanical Engineer, University of Detroit Mercy Alumnus, #MAGA #TrumpTrain \ud83d\ude82",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 85503348,
"screen_name": "paulajeantx",
"name": "paulajeantx",
"description": "Widow of a veteran; mother; Cowboys fan; proud to share a birthday with President Trump! #BuildTheWall #AmericaFirst #BackTheBlue",
"location": "Fort Worth, Texas"
"id": 85637885,
"screen_name": "scottsdalebarre",
"name": "Mark Barre",
"location": "Scottsdale, Arizona"
"id": 85829042,
"screen_name": "Cool_Chef78",
"name": "Chef Michael Rosendahl\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\ud83e\udd85",
"description": "Dad, Husband, Chef, Entrepreneur.\nAmerica first\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2\nFounding Chef @modernedgeevent",
"location": "Colorado, USA"
"id": 85863883,
"screen_name": "canpacinobox",
"name": "Kim Bigot-Smith",
"description": "Diversity Officer @Fnordtechnology - Adult human female - Londoner - #NoThankYou - #IStandWithMarionMillar",
"location": "\ud83c\udfc1\u2b1b\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe7\ud83d\udfe5"
"id": 85924804,
"screen_name": "tonywesson",
"name": "Tony Wesson \ud83d\udc1d\ud83d\udcaf",
"description": "Manchester City fan, PGA Golf Pro and General sports freak. Anti woke!",
"location": "Bolton, England"
"id": 85982497,
"screen_name": "HaimishTheRed",
"name": "What opioid crisis? #Vaccines",
"description": "#SuperStraight. Geek. Me/Myself/I. # Pro-Choice Pro-gun",
"location": "SIMULATION "
"id": 86024141,
"screen_name": "shockadelicaust",
"name": "Shockadelic",
"description": "\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc38\ud83e\udd5b\ud83e\udd53\ud83d\udd5a Lottery predictions / Award-winning screenwriter (Loonatoona) / #WhiteGenocide #ItsOkayToBeWhite #FreeAustralia #AustraliaHasFallen",
"location": "Sydney, Australia"
"id": 86024891,
"screen_name": "tonescotland",
"name": "Tony Smollett",
"description": "Scottish wine-loving, atheist, republican, LBGT and equality supporter,rugby player, proud to be blocked by @realdonaldtrump, all opinions mine, apart from RTs",
"location": "Barnt Green, England"
"id": 86033619,
"screen_name": "cloudberry27",
"name": "Samantha AdultHumanFemale",
"description": "I'm a retired aromatherapist living in North Lincolnshire with four naughty cats, one husband, one cockerel called Hughie and loads of rescued ex battery hens.",
"location": "New Holland, England"
"id": 86058102,
"screen_name": "Gsstockton",
"name": "Greg",
"description": "Loves Aviation. Loves The USA. Blue Lives Matter \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Noblesville, IN"
"id": 86091354,
"screen_name": "sianeliz",
"name": "Sian Eliz #BLM #stoponlineabuse #sexnotgender",
"description": "Save it because you LOVE IT! One heart, One planet, One consciousness.Biological Sex Matters.",
"location": ""
"id": 86121977,
"screen_name": "imthemommy6",
"name": "\ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83e\udd28 LionessRoar8 \ud83d\ude0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude44",
"description": "Flawed lover of Christ, wife, mom, author #USA #ProLife #Military #BlueLine #ProIsrael #1A #2A #MAGA Sarcastic Eye roller. Blockd by @MeghanMcCain @KathyGriffin",
"location": "Capitalist USA \u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\udc99"
"id": 86158601,
"screen_name": "freemynx",
"name": "freedom Trump always 1776 (parler: @freedommarch",
"description": "#Trumpalways #neverconcede #stolenelection #electiontreason #evilfraudcrats #goptraitor #MAGA #Patriot #1A #2A #AmericaFirst Lessgov #fightforfreedom",
"location": "orlando florida"
"id": 86342311,
"screen_name": "RZHpolitics",
"name": "Deplorable Ron",
"description": "This is research Twitter account - Limited Follow Back (FB) - GoTo @MI_TrumpVille Twitter account for full FB of #MAGA \u0026 #NRA #TeamJohnJames #ColbeckForGovernor",
"location": "Lacota MI"
"id": 86386299,
"screen_name": "ATIskandar",
"name": "Amir T. Iskandar",
"description": "Pronouns: we/us/our | L \u0026 RT \u2260 E | \u24d8\ud83e\udd21\ud83c\udf0f | All lives matter | Western civilisation is the best!",
"location": ""
"id": 86573486,
"screen_name": "Stogie2",
"name": "Stogie",
"description": "Conservative Blogger, Bassist, Photoshopper, life member, Sons of Confederate Veterans, NRA Member, CPA, #MAGA Trump supporter, Israel supporter.",
"location": "Northern California"
"id": 86588470,
"screen_name": "zing56",
"name": "M",
"description": "Patriot, USA 1st. Donald Trump is my #MAGA President. Family. Country, 2nd. Amendment by choice. Always follow #Patriots.",
"location": "Nevada And loving it."
"id": 86662638,
"screen_name": "PersonhoodMS",
"name": "Personhood MS",
"description": "Promoting Personhood of all humans irrespective of age race health function condition of dependency Pro-life Stop Abortion Prolife #912 #tcot #teamfollowback",
"location": "Mississippi MS"
"id": 86771502,
"screen_name": "jadeh2908",
"name": "Jadie \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "We don't stop playing because we grow old; We grow old because we stop playing \ud83e\udd18\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": ""
"id": 86790560,
"screen_name": "bowse55",
"name": "Matt",
"description": "USC Gamecocks, CAR Panthers, ATL Braves #spursup #keeppounding #chopon Trump is my POTUS #AntiBiden #AntiLiberalism #AntiSocialist #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Los Estados Unidos de America"
"id": 86798684,
"screen_name": "trucker406",
"name": "WAIT...WHAT??",
"description": "**TRUMP WON IN A LANDSLIDE** #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica",
"location": "Victoria, British Columbia"
"id": 86837158,
"screen_name": "luzmarina123",
"name": "Life is a Journey!",
"description": "PROLIFE, Patriot, and Jesus follower!! I\u2019m very passionate! love my God, my family and I Love AMERICA !! The best Country Founder under GOD\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 86876271,
"screen_name": "micomazuma",
"name": "AZmom",
"description": "Just a wife and mom who loves God, family and country. Proud American. \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffc #MAGAAZ Common Sense TRUMPS Political Correctness",
"location": ""
"id": 86878026,
"screen_name": "JoelADiBacco",
"name": "Joel DiBacco",
"description": "Bibliophile. Writer. Proud American. Catholic. History Buff. Political Junkie. Republican. Conservative. #MAGA #SaveAmerica My Lord/Your Honor/Your Excellency",
"location": "Eatonville, WA"
"id": 86965337,
"screen_name": "j3zw60",
"name": "GA Deplorable",
"description": "Unity is not a goal... It is a by-product\n#superstraight, #superantiracist, #antiviolentidiots",
"location": ""
"id": 87010494,
"screen_name": "Fernando_l88",
"name": "Fernando",
"description": "Toxic masculinity profile, all lives matter, signo zodiacal:Tiburon. \u2b1b\ufe0f\ud83d\udfe7",
"location": "Sonora, M\u00e9xico"
"id": 87013061,
"screen_name": "snoringboy",
"name": "Lola",
"description": "Politics and History of USA..NASA..Brexit.,support all service personnel in the speech, love The Donald and Tommy. Anti woke anti BLM",
"location": "Portsmouth, England"
"id": 87109069,
"screen_name": "carbon68",
"name": "Ceasar Maximus",
"description": "Here to post pics \u0026 to stand up to republican anti porn villains! All those who like pics can follow;)",
"location": "United States"
"id": 87246130,
"screen_name": "SimonMrshll",
"name": "Simon A Marshall \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Christian. Ex MOD, Law UCL, Taunton Sch. Pro life, strong UK Defence, political integrity, animal welfare, climate control. And pro BREXIT",
"location": " Bath, Somerset, UK"
"id": 87254249,
"screen_name": "MssEsss",
"name": "Miss ESS",
"description": "\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6 Woman \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6. Ravenclaw. Writer. Reader. Delicious Food Eater. Teacher. Eternal Student. \u26a1\ufe0f\u26a1\ufe0f\u26a1\ufe0f ISWJKR \u26a1\ufe0f\u26a1\ufe0f\u26a1\ufe0f",
"location": "Canada"
"id": 87277057,
"screen_name": "Linsaband",
"name": "Andy S",
"description": "Anti Woke Patriot",
"location": "Leicester, England"
"id": 87294575,
"screen_name": "runes777",
"name": "gary winters",
"description": "Arsenal,Founder of Chicago Gooners,Chicago Blackhawks,metal,crushing right wing extremism,former owner of The Globe Pub. destroy tr*mpism and ammosexuals",
"location": "chicago"
"id": 87380398,
"screen_name": "f3ministkillj0y",
"name": "CareBear Stare",
"description": "Tweets are for me and me alone. Pragmatic progressive. History buff, educator, radical feminist, atheist, foodie, blissfully childfree by choice. Mpls, MN",
"location": ""
"id": 87424206,
"screen_name": "PinkBlancmange",
"name": "Capt Angela JFT96\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "#LFC Women\u2019s spaces \u0026 sports are for Women. #SexNotGender #LeaveThemKidsAlone #SexMatters I need at least an hour for lunch. Music \ud83d\udc36 Books Bed",
"location": "Hertfordshire, Balls To Monty"
"id": 87431812,
"screen_name": "joe__ureneck",
"name": "Biden the Usurper!-\"White Lives Matter\"",
"description": "#Chinese #translation and interpreting. 2010 Candidate for Massachusetts Governor's Council in District 1 and in 2014 District 4",
"location": "Boston"
"id": 87440257,
"screen_name": "claudco",
"name": "Claudia C",
"description": "Doing everything from home in Hackney. Working in theatre when it's happening. Need daily fresh air \u0026 coffee. On the wrong side of history with JKR.",
"location": "London"
"id": 87455354,
"screen_name": "carolnina04",
"name": "Carol",
"description": "Que arda todo \ud83d\udd25\u270a\ud83c\udffd\ud83d\udc9c Radfem",
"location": ""
"id": 87463449,
"screen_name": "stcampbell01",
"name": "Steve Campbell \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Retired U.S. Army officer, father, grandfather \u0026 proud #conservative. Staunch advocate for women\u2019s rights! Gender critical #GC, only two sexes, #TeamTERF, \ud83d\udeabDM",
"location": "Suffolk, Virginia"
"id": 87545449,
"screen_name": "FFDP1974",
"name": "Searcher of Dark Truth",
"description": "#HoaxPledge 'Hoax of Black Victimization'\n\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #2nd Amendment",
"location": ""
"id": 87606356,
"screen_name": "Vampirasdelsur",
"name": "Maj\u2600\ufe0f\u270c\u2640\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddf7\ud83d\udc9a#NiUnaMenos Tod\u2600\ufe0fs",
"description": "*Fundamentalista K* /Rikotera, Mam\u00e1 d una Feminazi \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 18\ud83d\udc69 #HinchaDeRacing Productora @ReggaesRedondos \ud83d\udc9a Que sea rock! \ud83d\udcaa",
"location": "Lomas de Zamora, Argentina"
"id": 87615334,
"screen_name": "BadAndy167",
"name": "Doctor Andy - STOP THE STEAL!!!",
"description": "New Orleans native. #TrumpWon #AllLivesMatter #MAGA #tcot",
"location": "Marrero, LA"
"id": 87673645,
"screen_name": "miclor54",
"name": "Michael#Maybe the truth is on Tw@tter !\ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02",
"description": "Ex LFB,pro Brexit,detest animal cruelty,opinions my own but not necessarily correct,Best twitter moment blocked by Piers Morgan,Shaun Bailey for London Mayor!",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 87728555,
"screen_name": "cragz_uk",
"name": "Cragz UK",
"description": "I just say it as it is. F1 | Team Hamilton | Brexiteer | Anti Establishment | Pro Trump | Gamer",
"location": "North West UK"
"id": 87835772,
"screen_name": "mom2kidz63",
"name": "I\u2764ANGELS",
"description": "Love GOD/HATE satan/evil. Pray 4 hungry, vulnerable, innocent. #FAITH #FAMILY #MAGA #1A #2A #MILITARY #POLICE #USA #FREEDOM #JUSTICE #BANSHARIA #HATEGREED",
"location": "Vereinigte Staaten"
"id": 87859694,
"screen_name": "whileursilent",
"name": "The Judgmental Baby",
"description": "#Prolife #Catholic #Patriot Reality TV junkie. #tired of tyranny #openourschools",
"location": "Oregon"
"id": 87864112,
"screen_name": "Fan4Cal",
"name": "RedRock1",
"description": "Conservative to bone! Stand for Flag, Kneel at Cross #MAGA #KAG #Trump2024\ud83d\udeabPORN \ud83d\udeabClick list \ud83d\udeabCoins U will B blocked \u0026 reported GAB",
"location": ""
"id": 87864574,
"screen_name": "DEATHBALL13",
"name": "Anthony Asaro",
"description": "America Patriot, #TrumpWon. 2A and NRA Lifetime Member, #MAGA, on GETTR, Parler, MeWe and Telegram ALL @deathball13. #Democrats are #racist #POS.",
"location": "San Jose CA"
"id": 87961743,
"screen_name": "scented444",
"name": "Karina",
"description": "SCIENCE is not settled when it is manipulated to enrich the powerful and harm mankind. #ProtectOurChildren \u2764\ufe0f DONALD J TRUMP \u2764\ufe0f #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "United States"
"id": 87968030,
"screen_name": "JWaz811",
"name": "Jeff Wasilewski",
"description": "Florida Conservative,Christian, Family Man, Father, #MAGA #2A #Patriot #KAG #IFB",
"location": ""
"id": 87990372,
"screen_name": "Spud_Jimmy",
"name": "Jimmy the Spud #kbf",
"description": "#KBF. Fight the tyranny. Animal lover. I.T. bod, and a Mod. Love music, play musical toys. And the woke mob can f*** off! TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE!\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": ""
"id": 88031197,
"screen_name": "simoncgray",
"name": "Simon C. Gray",
"description": "Make a living by using my common sense, chat about @spursofficial on @thevarsidepod \u0026 co-founder of @spurslgbt #COYS #THFC #LGBT \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08",
"location": "London, UK"
"id": 88159608,
"screen_name": "idiotvillager",
"name": "Alex Howard",
"description": "Born in Keynsham, lived in London for 20 years. Now on the south coast. Staunch gender-critical feminist ally. Husband and father. Musician.",
"location": "Dorset"
"id": 88165846,
"screen_name": "Amgarcia01",
"name": "Ana Maria G.",
"description": "She stood in the storm, \u0026 when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails. RADFEM \ud83d\udc9c \ud83d\udccd\u00d2DN/SH/BKK - GVA",
"location": "Ginebra, Suiza"
"id": 88196900,
"screen_name": "ARCTICRICK99734",
"name": "Joe and the hoe are illegitimate #NotMyPresident",
"description": "Hard working Husband and Dad - TRUMP supporter from the start - Maker of award winning banana bread #StopTheBias - #Trump2020 @arcticrick on Parler \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Free America"
"id": 88206726,
"screen_name": "adarcymraeg",
"name": "KatieW \ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd96\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd95\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc77\udb40\udc6c\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc7f",
"description": "Adult human female, not queer, not woke. Likes music and the sea.",
"location": "Wales and London"
"id": 88215122,
"screen_name": "vinnieking",
"name": "Vince King",
"description": "Freedom of choice,brexiter, anti coercion, anti vax passports, support working man, and all lives matter! Views my own. Politically homeless, BJ worst pm\ud83d\udd14\ud83d\udd1a!",
"location": "Pimlico"
"id": 88324218,
"screen_name": "jeannebodine",
"name": "Corn Pop's Gun Moll",
"description": "Constitution-loving Bon-Vivant, married to USMC Vet #SemperFi #ChristIsKing #MAGA",
"location": "Philly Metro Area"
"id": 88440238,
"screen_name": "tracierward",
"name": "Kentucky Infidel",
"description": "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand #TeamHoneyBadger #MAGA",
"location": "U.S.A."
"id": 88494677,
"screen_name": "catwahler",
"name": "DoNotComply Cat",
"description": "\u2665 Anti-Woke \u2665 Against Mandates \u2665 Against Lockdowns #Believer \u2665 Patriot \u2665#2A #NRA \u2665 ProLife #IFBAP",
"location": ""
"id": 88530527,
"screen_name": "JpLmusic",
"name": "Jay Ell",
"description": "Not a Right Winger, or a Left Winger, just something in the middle. (Is/cool)",
"location": "Toronto, Ontario"
"id": 88533053,
"screen_name": "KimiMunroe",
"name": "Kimi Munroe",
"description": "I spend my days doing Pintretesting things and Hammering Liberals #MAGA #TrumpWon\n#AmericaFirst #MilitarySpouse(ret) #BacktheBlue #1A #2A",
"location": "Louisville, KY"
"id": 88538301,
"screen_name": "AmandaJaneHall",
"name": "Amanda Hall",
"description": "Executive Producer | @GBNews \ud83d\udce7\n\ud83d\udcf7",
"location": "London, England"
"id": 88564033,
"screen_name": "kimbratty",
"name": "Kimbra \u2764\ufe0f\u2019s America 1st",
"description": "MAGA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f winning\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u2764\ufe0fTrump2020. Drain the swamp. standing up for our sovereignty. I won\u2019t back down I stand for our god given rights",
"location": "Indiana, USA"
"id": 88591929,
"screen_name": "NoLibbyHere",
"name": "BadA$$GOPWOMAN",
"description": "BAD ASS executive, supporting women,#ProGun, #Patriot, Christian mother who\u2019s CONSERVATIVE #MAGA #FJB #HoldTheLine #NoVaccineMandate #IChooseFreedom",
"location": ""
"id": 88772838,
"screen_name": "leofire13",
"name": "Sean",
"description": "Love life, computers, internet, movies, reading, sci-fi, hiking, and gaming. Wrestling Fan! #KAG\n#MAGA2020 #CommunistTwitter\nParler: @leofire73 Add me IFAB",
"location": "Irving, TX"
"id": 88803259,
"screen_name": "JerryPbury",
"name": "Jerry Pbury",
"description": "@JerryPbury on Parler \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Constitutional Conservative\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Army vet 69-72\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#NRA #Biker #Musician #MAGA #KAG2024 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 IFBP",
"location": "USA"
"id": 88819854,
"screen_name": "loriw77",
"name": "Lori \ud83e\udde1",
"description": "Wife, Mom, Conservative, Christian, CPA, Living the happily ever after. #ProLife #Minion",
"location": "Florida Girl"
"id": 88915326,
"screen_name": "CarrittaCole",
"name": "Carritta \ud83d\udfe5",
"description": "Woman Adult Human Female. Fairplay 4 WOMENS Sport #IStandWithJKRowling #SexNotGender #SaveWomensSport #TheWordWomanIsTaken #WarOnWomen",
"location": ""
"id": 88956880,
"screen_name": "unapmgw",
"name": "\u00dana MacBride Walsh",
"description": "Irish patriot, living in Switzerland. Legal Advocate for Pro Life issues because Women, fathers \u0026 babies deserve so much better. (Im more of a FB person )",
"location": "Geneva, Switzerland. "
"id": 88960514,
"screen_name": "James_J_Marlow",
"name": "James Marlow \u05d2\u2019\u05d9\u05d9\u05de\u05e1 \u05de\u05e8\u05dc\u05d5",
"description": "Foreign Affairs specialist \u0026 newspaper reviewer for GB News with opinions, insights and analysis. Pops up on other networks. Works as media trainer /consultant.",
"location": ""
"id": 88992974,
"screen_name": "mskatykerr",
"name": "katykerr \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "\ud83d\udc9aAdult \ud83e\udd0dHuman\ud83d\udc9cFemale",
"location": ""
"id": 89034867,
"screen_name": "SoniaTorito",
"name": "sonia mauriz pereira",
"description": "Radfem.Son de bloqueo f\u00e1cil non discuto parvadas e verifico tweets para denuncia, a tocar otros ovarios. Pronomes, s\u00f3 os de solidariedade.",
"location": "Galiza"
"id": 89035164,
"screen_name": "tcb001",
"name": "guttercon todd",
"description": "USA | MAGA | KAG | 2A | Pro Life | Patriot | Foodie | Illinois sux",
"location": "Chicago, IL"
"id": 89069222,
"screen_name": "Kala_Bon",
"name": "I am Spartacus, Spartacus Scheller",
"description": "#KAG #Trump2020 #MAGA Worker IT Bee, Loves God, America, and Individual Liberty #MOLONLABE",
"location": "Canton, Ohio"
"id": 89077482,
"screen_name": "americanstorm",
"name": "AMERICAN STORM \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd85Meme Catcher",
"description": "IMPEACH DEMENTED JOE. This mask is for my protection. MAGA| 17 is my lucky number. Radical Liberal Terrorism is real. America First!",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 89100205,
"screen_name": "PinstripedBomb",
"name": "Popeye Whiskey",
"description": "Suppporter of the Constitution, 2A, Pro-life, Yankees fan!",
"location": ""
"id": 89135084,
"screen_name": "IEAffiliate",
"name": "Conspiracy Smasher",
"description": "EnTrumpreneur, Father, husband, USAF vet, Well-educated, Conservative, Survivor of CA liberalism. #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 #Veteran #2A",
"location": "People\u2019s Republic of CA"
"id": 89320762,
"screen_name": "Drummy75",
"name": "Scott Drummond",
"description": "Struggling not to have an opinion on literally everything....anti-woke",
"location": "Ballymena, NI"
"id": 89357705,
"screen_name": "swumcc",
"name": "Cousin Lennon",
"description": "I am a Lennonist. For trump supporters that would be John, not Vladimir. Opinions here do not reflect my employer. RT is not an endorsement #UniteBlue #Vote",
"location": "Evergreen Historic District 85201"
"id": 89386597,
"screen_name": "Mikey_Mongo",
"name": "Deplorable Mongo \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \u2b50\u2b50\u2b50",
"description": "Political \u0026 Sports Mongo\nMets, Jets, Rangers \u0026 Knicks\nCommon Sense Conservative\n#MAGA #TrumpTrain #Chump4Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "New York, NY"
"id": 89438779,
"screen_name": "AHaglington",
"name": "Andrew Haglington \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa #RejoinEU",
"description": "WONT EMBRACE BREXIT\n#Environment #Expert\n#Magazine #Editor\n#TheSocialGroup Director\n#TheManWhoInventedSocialNetworking\n#HappyList #ATEX #Scifi #Writer #Artist",
"location": "ex-Sheffield, now-Devon"
"id": 89457976,
"screen_name": "markwhiteTV",
"name": "Mark White",
"description": "Mark White is Home and Security Editor @GBNews",
"location": "London"
"id": 89492979,
"screen_name": "Dorset_Politico",
"name": "Cory Russell \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\u267f",
"description": "Tory. Thoughtful right winger. Brexit supporting jazz and soul lover with football and jump racing thrown in. Think of me as a Eurosceptic Ken Clarke!",
"location": ""
"id": 89516377,
"screen_name": "mandarina5",
"name": "Helena V",
"description": "Adult human female. Sex is real. Gender is the social construct. I don't care about your pronouns.",
"location": ""
"id": 89549515,
"screen_name": "Mikeysmomma05",
"name": "\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Rachel Dean\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f",
"description": "\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8TRUMP2020 \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f",
"location": "Justin, TX"
"id": 89702065,
"screen_name": "annejcraig",
"name": "Anne Craig",
"description": "No Thank You",
"location": "Northern Ireland"
"id": 89766327,
"screen_name": "Aeryale",
"name": "reSISTA\u2122",
"description": "#mommaBEAR #MAGAtSMASHER\n#BlueWave #Resist\n#Climate #FUKCFOXNews #BobbyIIISwan",
"location": ""
"id": 89920713,
"screen_name": "DavidJamesJnr",
"name": "David James Jnr \u271d\ufe0f \ud83d\udcaa \ud83d\ude81 \ud83d\udc3a",
"description": "Western civilisationist focused on issues lacking debate and engaging subjects.\n\u771f\u5584\u7f8e.\nThe Finders will be found.\nPrivate user. Limiting new followers. Pureblood.",
"location": "Skype+Email"
"id": 90048352,
"screen_name": "StkildaMinty",
"name": "Mrs Mac",
"description": "Karen by birth, Scottish\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f Adult Human Female, mother, trading standards officer -europhile, anti brexit",
"location": ""
"id": 90076533,
"screen_name": "chngirl8606",
"name": "ChnGirl",
"description": "Ex-Pat dual national (US/UK/Eire), world traveler. #COYS, #RadTradCatholic, #FACTSnotFEELINGS #IamTheNRA #ProudAntiFemist #ImWithPOTUS #Trump2020",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 90105389,
"screen_name": "Frenchada",
"name": "Frank Perreault",
"description": "Christian husband professor medical professional disabled vet #MAGA #TRUMP2020",
"location": "Los Angeles, CA"
"id": 90113334,
"screen_name": "kellenpurles",
"name": "Kellen the Robert \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Water is Wet. Fire Still Burns. 2+2=4. God is Good. All Lives Matter.",
"location": "Earth"
"id": 90114410,
"screen_name": "vikashprakash",
"name": "Vikash Prakash",
"description": "LEGAL Immigrant\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Iraq Veteran\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Afghanistan Veteran\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Self-reliant\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 Deplorable\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2 #MAGA\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf2",
"location": "Suva, Fiji"
"id": 90197464,
"screen_name": "Darrenwigan09",
"name": "Darren David Taylor",
"description": "#AllLivesMatter #ProtectOurHistory",
"location": "North West, England"
"id": 90206807,
"screen_name": "RQPoliticalBlog",
"name": "Raquel Okyay",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Liberty is the right to think and to speak without hypocrisy. -Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ed, Cuban poet \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 SJUalumnus \u271d\ufe0f I'm from Queens. #MAGA #TrumpWon #AmericaFirst",
"location": "On top of a mountain "
"id": 90335976,
"screen_name": "themissionguy",
"name": "Perseverance",
"description": "I love God, liberty, #maga and #deplorables",
"location": "Pasco, WA"
"id": 90357859,
"screen_name": "No1smurfett",
"name": "\ud83e\udd95Jo \ud83e\udd95\ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd96",
"description": "\ud83d\udfe5NoThankYou\ud83d\udfe5",
"location": ""
"id": 90425837,
"screen_name": "ljnuzzi",
"name": "LJN",
"description": "Mom, wife, Catholic, freedom lover, truth seeker. #ProLife",
"location": "USA"
"id": 90429166,
"screen_name": "TWShannon",
"name": "T.W. Shannon",
"description": "Oklahoma Transp. Commissioner; OK House Public Liason for Redistricting; CEO of; Chair of Black Voices for Trump; former Spkr of the House",
"location": "Oklahoma City, OK"
"id": 90459923,
"screen_name": "SiennaThriller",
"name": "Scarlet",
"description": "Adult Human Female\nand also Dyslexic so bear with me \u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0f",
"location": ""
"id": 90505396,
"screen_name": "Metallikate",
"name": "Kattie Tarvid",
"description": "#Lymie #MAGA #KAG",
"location": "Palmetto, FL"
"id": 90628350,
"screen_name": "terfbae",
"name": "Mina",
"description": "lesbian radfem. i run radfem-suggestions on tumblr.hell",
"location": "Kanada"
"id": 90813806,
"screen_name": "HAVYMTAL",
"name": "Jeffrey Griffin",
"description": "Voted Trump 2020",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 90862901,
"screen_name": "bwdiaz",
"name": "Bev \u2640 \u24cb",
"description": "Genealogist, radical feminist, atheist, treehugger, and mom of girls who don\u2019t go to school. #ScienceIsReal #ClimateActionNow #BlackLivesMatter #SexNotGender",
"location": "Philadelphia"
"id": 90865560,
"screen_name": "Stephy_Tee_",
"name": "Stephy Tee",
"description": "#Brexiteer #AllLivesMatter #Democracy \u2764#TeamQueen\u2764 #ProudToBeBritish \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 #AntiWoke. Will happily mute/block any FBPE \u0026 RejoinEU loons. No DMs please.",
"location": "England, United Kingdom"
"id": 90881902,
"screen_name": "jubertgutierrez",
"name": "skinnyboiblue",
"description": "I'm a deplorable #pureblood \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udde6",
"location": ""
"id": 90890743,
"screen_name": "evenoxmyx",
"name": "Alan Quinn",
"description": "Democracy is my birthright.\nMy speech will stay free. Reason, evidence, verifiability. GBNews.",
"location": "The United Kingdom"
"id": 90982179,
"screen_name": "RealGabbyGray",
"name": "CCG Gabrielle",
"description": "Woman of God. Photographer. Conservative. Gamecock Track\u0026Field Alumni \ud83d\udc14. IG: @GabrielleCymone #MAGA",
"location": "North Carolina, USA"
"id": 90990370,
"screen_name": "jrmckean1",
"name": "Jon McKean",
"description": "#MAGA #Patriot #WethePeople",
"location": ""
"id": 90991103,
"screen_name": "Notorreyious",
"name": "Borreyius Chadesar",
"description": "Borrey\u2019s World | Pureblood | Vitam Impendere vero |#BOR2024",
"location": "FL"
"id": 91001307,
"screen_name": "psalomchik",
"name": "Rdr, R George Bailey",
"description": "Orth. Christian, prolife, prog. lib., pro union, Dem. Apology only to God. No party = prolife. God = pro choice (free will). Christ = answer, Evangelism = way.",
"location": "Canton, Ohio, USA."
"id": 91010836,
"screen_name": "CatSzeltner",
"name": "Catherine Hadro",
"description": "Mrs. @MattHadro. Host \u0026 Managing Editor of @EWTN\u2019s @EWTNProLife.",
"location": "Washington, D.C."
"id": 91164856,
"screen_name": "CheekySuper",
"name": "Be not afraid \u271d\ufe0f",
"description": "What I am cannot be destroyed * We are not descended from fearful men * Team USMC #Christian #Viking #Celt #ProLife John3:16, Jeremiah29:11, Ps23",
"location": "USA"
"id": 91201328,
"screen_name": "GriffinsCat",
"name": "Sarah MG",
"description": "My chromosomes are XX",
"location": ""
"id": 91201751,
"screen_name": "lifelore",
"name": "Lifelore",
"description": "Father, caregiver, kind and thoughtful wrong thinker and #PureBlood.",
"location": ""
"id": 91314749,
"screen_name": "aquarious27",
"name": "John \ud83c\udf33",
"description": "\ud83c\udf4f\nAll Lives Matter. Warning when on Twitter Believe in nothing you hear, and only half of what you see!",
"location": "Canning town London."
"id": 91412640,
"screen_name": "em29bee",
"name": "Keep_AZ_Conservative\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Constitutional Conservative;; God, Family, Country. RNx28yrs. #MAGA I block disrespectful people.",
"location": "Arizona"
"id": 91423566,
"screen_name": "EradicateEvil82",
"name": "We Allowed This To Happen",
"description": "Jes\u00fas es el \u00fanico R\u00e9y. Husband. Dad. Baseball nut.Good cigars. Whisky. Coffee, black. Deep thinqer. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#DJT1\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8#MAGAA \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #Patriot \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #PureBlood \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Land of taxes"
"id": 91453718,
"screen_name": "ForMotionCreatv",
"name": "KMac \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "I have THE BEST FOLLOWERS! Thank you! Be curious - Seek truth - Have courage and buy California grown avocados.\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83e\udd51\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TRUMPWON",
"location": "LaLaLand \u2022 SoCal"
"id": 91668621,
"screen_name": "JenA383",
"name": "JenA\ud83e\udd96saurus",
"description": "Centring women in women\u2019s rights. Stating basic biological facts. Being womanly. #sexmatters #nothankyou",
"location": "Newcastle Upon Tyne, England"
"id": 91676647,
"screen_name": "Janedoeordont",
"name": "Jane Doe/St\u00e9phane\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\udded \ud83e\udd95\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c leave the kids alone",
"description": "#nothankyou? #sexnotgender \"Hey doctor, leave the kids alone!\" #nochildisborninthewrongbody",
"location": ""
"id": 91744099,
"screen_name": "selmaher12",
"name": "Selene Maher \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9a",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 91775328,
"screen_name": "Justsaying_GB",
"name": "Just Saying... how it is!!! \ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc65\udb40\udc6e\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7",
"description": "Studied at The University of Life and definitely not politically correct. Avid Brexiteer. Anti-Woke/BLM. Against Racism. #GBNews Sorry No DM's",
"location": "Costa del Britannica"
"id": 91804163,
"screen_name": "BebeBertino",
"name": "Bebe",
"description": "MAGA, 100% Trump, here for Trump, barrel racer, roper,",
"location": "Somewhere, Tx"
"id": 91838091,
"screen_name": "nanookwood",
"name": "Keith Wood",
"description": "NOT on FaceBook and never have been | against rotten human beings (e.g. @realDonaldTrump | @mtgreenee) | \ud83c\udf5d \ud83d\udc32 \ud83e\udde2",
"location": "New York City"
"id": 91882717,
"screen_name": "IbtissameBetty",
"name": "I. Betty Lachgar \ud83c\udf97\ufe0f",
"description": "Clinical Psychologist.\nCriminology/Victimology. Human Rights activist. Individual Liberties/ Women's Rights/Abortion Rights. LGB\u0026T. @MALImaroc @capp_radfem_",
"location": "Rabat/Paris"
"id": 91921550,
"screen_name": "KGj24",
"name": "JP",
"description": "I know what I'm about son\n#PureBlood #FullyImmunized",
"location": ""
"id": 91947456,
"screen_name": "MrAtkinss",
"name": "\ud83c\udff4\u200d\u2620\ufe0fMrAtkins\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "IF YOU SEE YOUR GLASS AS HALF EMPTY POUR IT INTO A SMALLER GLASS AND STOP BITCHING\u203c\ufe0f#RecallGavinNewsom #MAGA #2A #NoirAlley #Huskers",
"location": "Calizuela"
"id": 92022560,
"screen_name": "kateyprice",
"name": "Katey Price \ud83e\uddac",
"description": "Eph 2:8-10 \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb Happy wife. Unapologetically Pro-Life. Forever both a Buckeye + a Yinzer. Wine snob + ice cream connoisseur. Usual disclaimers apply.",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 92029423,
"screen_name": "drlucygriffin",
"name": "lucygriffin",
"description": "Consultant Psychiatrist, Bristol based. Gender critical. Tweeting in personal capacity only.",
"location": "Bristol"
"id": 92053783,
"screen_name": "federalistfem",
"name": "Carla Toby, PhD.",
"description": "Facebook asylum seeker. Find Carla Toby on GETTR\nDon't test me. Anti-war pro-liberty \u0026 personal responsibility. My pronouns are beotch/PITA.\n#MAGA \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2764\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1",
"location": "North Bend, WA"
"id": 92106925,
"screen_name": "WTAFetc",
"name": "WTAF",
"description": "",
"location": ""
"id": 92117222,
"screen_name": "JEWELISA1977",
"name": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Jewelisa\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Married Don\u2019t DM me #instablock ! #MAGA I follow MAGA #Red2020 #Trump A woman who honors the Lord deserves to be praised. Proverbs 31:30-31",
"location": ""
"id": 92126754,
"screen_name": "grandpabickford",
"name": "Mike Eby",
"description": "Husband, father. Love Jesus, America. Military history buff, old cars, @nasa @georgetown #prolife",
"location": "\u00dcT: 38.853578,-94.671034"
"id": 92138161,
"screen_name": "PFNeveujr",
"name": "Paul the UPS guy",
"description": "conservative, Christian, anti-woke normal American. no bull crap here. you can find that on the left. 34 year UPS driver. and moonlighter Private Investigator",
"location": "Boston, MA"
"id": 92176455,
"screen_name": "kyleolson4",
"name": "Kyle Olson \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"description": "Work for Trump comms dir @TayfromCA \"We\u2019ll just put some bleachers out in the sun and have it on Highway 61.\"",
"location": "Michigan, USA"
"id": 92190454,
"screen_name": "laizalott",
"name": "Laiza Lott",
"description": "Lefty, transwoman, gender-critical. Physically gigantic canuck living in the American south.",
"location": "USA"
"id": 92308708,
"screen_name": "John_Colascione",
"name": "John Colascione \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d",
"description": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 \ud83d\udc4d #Publisher at @PublishedReport\u00ae #WebExpert, #Author, #Domainer, #Speaker, #Consultant at @SEARCHEN\u00ae #MAGA #Constitution, #AmericaFirst #LetsGoBrandon",
"location": "Palm Beach, FL"
"id": 92357346,
"screen_name": "chris_tml",
"name": "Chris",
"description": "Follower of Jesus. Pure Blood. Voter of PPC",
"location": "Onterrible"
"id": 92362356,
"screen_name": "GGreengage",
"name": "\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9cAnn Arbor \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "Sex not gender. if you want to know my pronouns, suggest you don\u2019t follow. ONLY WOMEN\u2122\ufe0f ARE WOMEN\u2122\ufe0f #OWAW. Mother, Sister, Daughter. loves Dogs of all kinds.",
"location": "Berkshire"
"id": 92491832,
"screen_name": "MaxineHowells",
"name": "Maxine Howells",
"description": "Publisher. Grammar nerd. Volunteer. Radical feminist. Like books, bikes, gin; try not to combine them.\nViews are my own; you probably won't like them.",
"location": "Oxford, UK "
"id": 92672440,
"screen_name": "WhiteSpir1t",
"name": "WhoPutTheDEMentia-InTheWH?",
"description": "#WalkedAway #TDS is REAL\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf845\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8THE #GREAT #PURGE #DrainTheSwamp #SocialismSucks #AmericaFIRST",
"location": "New Jersey"
"id": 92693889,
"screen_name": "sailpgd",
"name": "Gray Delany",
"description": "Former Dep. CM Dave Brat for Congress, author How to Bag a RINO @URichmond #AmericaFirst #BronzeAgeMindset",
"location": "Capital of the Resistance "
"id": 92758881,
"screen_name": "ehungerford",
"name": "eHungerford \ud83d\udc1d",
"description": "Feminism and other politics. Sex matters.",
"location": ""
"id": 92848597,
"screen_name": "The_Real_DiMaK",
"name": "DiMaK",
"description": "MFKR\u2019s We Told You Soooo! #JFKJoeBiden #FJoeBiden \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Trump Won Research On Unbiased Outlets Or Stay Asleep\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #DOGECOIN #EVERRISE \ud83d\udc8e \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb \ud83d\ude80",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 92861902,
"screen_name": "gallopinggaloot",
"name": "Non-Compliant Bastard",
"description": "#DoNotComply Non-Compliant Bastard but polite about it. XY Chromosomes",
"location": ""
"id": 92870678,
"screen_name": "realJohnCarlos",
"name": "John",
"description": "Father. PureBlood. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": "Florida, USA"
"id": 92935456,
"screen_name": "lardconcepts",
"name": "Jonathan Harris",
"description": "#IStandWithKathleenStock #IstandwithRosieDuffield #IStandWithJKRowling\n#IstandWithAllisonBailey #StandwithKeiraBell\n#IStandWithMaya\n#IStandWithMarionMillar",
"location": "Wales, United Kingdom"
"id": 92969201,
"screen_name": "L_Milner",
"name": "Lance Milner",
"description": "Husband. Dad. Conservative. #MAGA",
"location": "Charlotte, NC"
"id": 93181566,
"screen_name": "FantasticMrsFox",
"name": "Tamsin",
"description": "Cornish blood, Brummie heart | Christian | #WomenMatter #SexNotGender | Metal, obvs |Thursday bins",
"location": "Mighty Birmingham, England"
"id": 93452044,
"screen_name": "biomilkveronica",
"name": "Veronica",
"description": "Radical feminist, scientist. Truth is harder to bear than ignorance.",
"location": "Dublin"
"id": 93458970,
"screen_name": "personanon57",
"name": "\ud83d\udc99 PersonAnon57 #GBNews Blocked by Stop Funding H",
"description": "UK Citizen living in Europe. Will always block rejoiners. Will only have discussions with people who are polite to me! All views expressed are my own. #GBNews",
"location": "Cornwall"
"id": 93665586,
"screen_name": "katkner",
"name": "Kathryn \ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\udf1f",
"description": "#Christian \u271d\ufe0f #Patriot \ud83c\udf1f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf1f #BSRNret #RaginCajun\u269c\ufe0f #GoNAVY\u2693\ufe0f \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb#Warrior #Wed@1:11\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #ProLife #ProTrumpPioneer #MAGA #KAG! #Trump2020 #YLEO #JP #CCOT",
"location": "Texas\ud83c\udf1fUSA "
"id": 93739841,
"screen_name": "xtey92a",
"name": "j yung\u274c",
"description": "Smart Guy, Dancer, Conservative, might possibly be a Sasquatch, Backward Catholic, Thomistic, #MAGA, Pronouns: XY/Your Majesty/ Your Serene Highness",
"location": "Gotham, near nyc"
"id": 93801589,
"screen_name": "jaaknjenn",
"name": "Jenn",
"description": "Jesus follower, wife, mom, Chitown native, social worker. my tweets are MY opinion, thank you! only friends call me 'girl.' prolife for the #WholeLife.",
"location": "Chicago, IL"
"id": 93873184,
"screen_name": "EdmontonRoller",
"name": "The Sulky Jedi \ud83e\udd95\u2764\ufe0f \ud83d\udd78",
"description": "#TheStanilandQuestion #IStandWithMarionMillar",
"location": "The Rabbit Hole"
"id": 93902984,
"screen_name": "Toth_4_Texas",
"name": "Steve Toth",
"description": "TX State Rep #Fox26 \"What\u2019s Your Point\" #ProLife #Christian #GOP #Conservatarian #Contributor to",
"location": "Conroe, TX"
"id": 93957289,
"screen_name": "MartyGriffith",
"name": "Marty Griffith",
"description": "In the political realm, I am first and foremost an American. I believe in the founding of this great country.\n#Maga #TrumpWon #StolenElection #Trump2024",
"location": "USA"
"id": 93970387,
"screen_name": "beyouonlybetter",
"name": "LJ",
"description": "Anti-mandates.\ud83d\udeab Pro-gun. Type 1 Diabetic\ud83d\udc89Speaker\ud83c\udfa4 Homeschool Expert \ud83e\udde0 Author.\ud83d\udcda My Books at link below. Constitutionalist \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 Georgia \ud83c\udf51. Awake. Not Woke.",
"location": "\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"
"id": 93977715,
"screen_name": "grazzar09",
"name": "Graham Bell (Supports a Republic of Scotland)",
"description": "Strongly support Scottish Independence above all political allegiances. Politically #ALBARising Proud founding member of Alba Party #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Inverness, Scotland"
"id": 94015876,
"screen_name": "itzme323",
"name": "Sami H",
"description": "Army brat and Army wife. Raised to love my country and honor my flag \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 #TRUMP2024",
"location": "Texas, USA"
"id": 94092091,
"screen_name": "kurlygirlpro",
"name": "Debi Farley",
"description": "MAGA TRUMP WON ...FIX NOVEMBER 3 . Fauci is a lying dictator",
"location": "Upstate NY"
"id": 94111889,
"screen_name": "SandraMillar6",
"name": "Sandra Millar",
"description": "Pro Indy - Pro Europe We're all Jock Tamson's bairns.....\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f#dissolvetheunion #WomenWontWheesht",
"location": "Scotland"
"id": 94147375,
"screen_name": "grumpyyyone",
"name": "Veronica",
"description": "\ud83d\udcf8 @RCA / gender critical feminist / mostly sarcastic",
"location": "LDN"
"id": 94217437,
"screen_name": "diva_ex_machina",
"name": "diva ex machina",
"description": "Diva dogs, art, \u0026 science. Radical Feminist. Dyslexic. You'll figure out what I meant to type. Mother of Pademelons (reg. wildlife carer). Tasmania.",
"location": "Tasmania"
"id": 94270652,
"screen_name": "NaturalTop",
"name": "Natural Top \ud83e\udd96\u26a2 \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 \ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "#ReFormLGB\nGender Abolitionist since entering school \u0026 coming up against constraining ideas of what each sex can \u0026 should be. Genderism harms everyone. Leftist.",
"location": "Where I should be"
"id": 94362478,
"screen_name": "mdmoore12",
"name": "MDMoore",
"description": "Adult Nurse Practitioner, Patriot to the Nth Degree, #MAGA Forever, Just a Lady that Loves the Lord, America, Family, Freedom, and President Donald Trump \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8",
"location": ""
"id": 94364044,
"screen_name": "Bass_Cadet",
"name": "Colin Munro",
"description": "Human male, music junkie, St Mirren fan, pasta lover",
"location": "Glasgow, Scotland"
"id": 94382672,
"screen_name": "ehlana456",
"name": "Sharon Elias\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"description": "n\u00ed bheidh mn\u00e1 ag rotha\u00edocht\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd0d\ud83d\udc9c",
"location": "Northern Ireland"
"id": 94411628,
"screen_name": "Sidnren",
"name": "Sid Siedlecky",
"description": "Navy Veteran. Defend the Constitution. #MAGA! #2A, #NRA. #RoadGlide!",
"location": "Mule City "
"id": 94436427,
"screen_name": "Mr_Pinko",
"name": "\u274cMr_Pinko\u274c#MAGA\u274c#Trump2020\u274c/",
"description": "#MAGA FOLLOWED by the BEST! Making Liberal Heads Explode One Empty Skull at a Time.",
"location": "New York, NY"
"id": 94486810,
"screen_name": "bob7281958",
"name": "bob lenkart",
"description": "MAGA. Just starting again. Got zapped twice by the left since beginning of month. Had 700 followers yesterday. Trump 2020. New Justice by tomorrow!",
"location": "Chicago, IL"
"id": 94586761,
"screen_name": "madalentheiss",
"name": "Madalen_T",
"description": "Just a Catholic, pro-life, conservative.",
"location": "\u2764 Texas \u2764"
"id": 94649100,
"screen_name": "__Y_Y",
"name": "\u5922\u306e\u5922\ud83d\udfe9\u2b1c\ufe0f\ud83d\udfea",
"description": "\u25c6BL\u597d\u304d(\u6210\u4eba\u6e08)\u25c6CP\u306f\u4e3b\u4eba\u516c\u53f3\u5bc4\u308a\u3067\u4e00\u90e8\u30ea\u30d0\u6709\u308a\u3002\u545f\u3044\u305f\u308a\u8a9e\u3063\u305f\u308a\u5b9f\u6cc1\u3057\u305f\u308a\u3002\u5185\u5bb9\u306f\u30aa\u30bf\u30af\uff65\u65e5\u5e38\uff65\u793e\u4f1a\uff65\u54f2\u5b66\u305d\u306e\u4ed6\u304b\u306a\u308a\u96d1\u98df\u3001\u3068\u3053\u308d\u306b\u3088\u308a\u504f\u98df\u3002RT\u9b54\u3067\u30d6\u30fc\u30e0\u306b\u6ce2\u304c\u3042\u308a\u3001\uff34\uff2c\u6d41\u3059\u6ce2\u3082\u3042\u308b\u3002",
"location": ""
"id": 94663971,
"screen_name": "PikaboICU",
"name": "Pikabo ICU Backs The Blue",
"description": "Christian, Constitutional Patriot; Clinging to my Bible \u0026 gun! \u271d\ufe0f\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1\u2721\ufe0f\ud83c\udf96\ufe0f Wife, daughter, granddaughter \u0026 gr8 granddaughter of VETS! ProGod ProGun ProLife",
"location": "My Own Little World"
"id": 94818581,
"screen_name": "MCCNP",
"name": "\u274cUn-Resolvable MCCNP\u2122\u274c",
"description": "\u2666\u2018Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)\u2019 is REAL \u2666 You can whiz on my leg, but don\u2019t tell me it\u2019s raining\u2666 #EarlyTreatmentWorks #MAGA2pt0",
"location": "FreeSouthernStates"
"id": 94837980,
"screen_name": "HildegardP",
"name": "\ud83d\udd77\ufe0fThe Hierophant HildegardP",
"description": "Anglophone Eur
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