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Created March 9, 2022 22:20
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Using a different storage account

This explains how to use a different storage account (other than the one Azure Functions does) for consuming events in module 1 of Microsoft Azure Developer: Develop Event Based Solutions course.

  1. Create a new app settings key and for its value have the connection string value for the storage account that contains the images and grayscale containers.
    • For this example, we'll call that key EventImageStorage
  2. In the Grayscale.cs file, update the function's Blob declaration attribute to read:
    [Blob("{data.url}", FileAccess.Read, Connection = "EventImageStorage")] Stream inputBlobStream,
  3. Then further down in the body of the function, when you new up the BlobServiceClient, change that to:
    var outputBlobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(

What you're doing is making sure the blob handling points at the correct Azure Storage account. I was using the account as specified by AzureWebJobsStorage. But we don't need to.

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