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Created March 14, 2012 01:37
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Save codenamegary/2033264 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Auto-Config function for laravel's index.php, sets 'LARAVEL_ENV' based on the active page URL
| Set a 'urls' (note the plural) in your application.php config files.
| Example application/config/application.php for PRODUCTION:
| return array(
| 'urls' => array(
| '',
| '',
| '',
| '',
| ),
| );
| Example application/config/DEVELOPMENT/application.php for DEVELOPMENT:
| return array(
| 'urls' => array(
| 'http://localhost/site1/public',
| 'http://localhost:81/site1/public',
| 'http://localhost:8080/site1/public',
| ),
| );
| Then you can use the function below to auto-detect the config that should be loaded
| based on the current URL.
| Goes into your index.php right after you've required paths.php.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the core Laravel path constants.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
require '../paths.php';
// Only treat paths that have an application.php
if(strpos($path, 'application.php') !== false)
// Every URL starts with http
$pageurl = 'http';
// If it's a secure connection add 's'
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$pageurl .= ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) ? 's' : '';
// ... next comes the colon whack whack
$pageurl .= '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
// ... and if it ain't port 80 add a :# (port)
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'])) {
$pageurl .= ( $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ) ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '';
// Set the base directory name of the config
$configdir = basename(dirname($path));
// Load the array from the config file into $dirconfig
$dirconfig = array_merge(require $path);
// If URL is empty don't do anything, no need to change the LARAVEL_ENV var
if (!empty($dirconfig['urls'])) {
// If 'urls' in the config is just a key => value then make it an array.
$urls = (!is_array($dirconfig['urls'])) ? (array)($dirconfig['urls']) : $dirconfig['urls'] ;
foreach($urls as $url) {
if (strpos($pageurl,$url)===0) {
// We gots a match so change the LARAVEL_ENV to the name of the directory
// we are currently investigating.
$_SERVER['LARAVEL_ENV'] = $configdir;
}, iterator_to_array(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(path('app')."config"))));
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