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Last active January 4, 2016 09:48
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Scalar Type Hinting in PHP
// See:
// And RFC:
// Basically the same implementation as outlined in the RFC but with a concept for scalar
// magic to be added to objects at some point in the future.
class MyObjectWithScalarMagic {
public function __toInt()
return 1;
public function __toFloat()
return 1.4;
public function __toBool()
return false;
public function __toResource()
return $this->resource;
public function __toObject()
return $this;
public function __toArray()
return (array)$this;
// Already implemented
public function __toString()
return $this->name;
class MyObjectWithoutScalarMagic {
$withMagic = new MyObjectWithScalarMagic;
$withoutMagic = new MyObjectWithoutScalarMagic;
function testInt(int $number)
// Always an int
function testFloat(float $number)
// Always a float
testInt((int) $withMagic); // int(1)
testInt(5); // int(5)
testInt(5.0); // int(5)
testInt("5"); // int(5)
testInt(5.3); // fatal error: int expected, float given
testInt(array()); // fatal error: int expected, array given
testInt("word up"); // fatal error: int expected, array given
testInt($withoutMagic); // fatal error: object could not be converted to integer
testFloat((float) $withMagic); // float(1.4)
testFloat(5); // float(5.0)
testFloat(5.0); // float(5.0)
testFloat("5"); // float(5.0)
testFloat(5.3); // float(5.3)
testFloat(array()); // fatal error: float expected, array given
testFloat("word up"); // fatal error: float expected, string given
testFloat($withoutMagic); // fatal error: object could not be converted to float
// (etc.)
// Also enables the casting functionality you'd expect
var_dump((int) $withMagic); // int(1)
var_dump((float) $withoutMagic); // fatal error: object could not be converted to float
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