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Created April 14, 2013 12:50
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Save codeodor/5382601 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Inspect migrations to get an idea of how we define and use indexes in a Rails project.
apps = [
def number_of_migrations_since_first_reference(attribute, directory, indexed_in)
grep_command = "grep -H \"#{attribute.gsub(/[\[\]\s]/,'')}\" #{directory}/*.rb"
all_refs = `#{grep_command}`
return -1 unless all_refs.length > 0 # probably defined with t.references :other_table
first_ref = all_refs.split("\n")[0].split(":")[0].split("/")[-1]
indexed_in = indexed_in.gsub(directory, "")
all_migrations = `ls -l #{directory}`.split("\n")
start = -1
finish = -1
all_migrations.each_with_index do |migration, i|
start = i if migration.index(first_ref) && start == -1
finish = i if migration.index(indexed_in) && finish == -1
raise "Could not find the migration of first reference" if start == -1
raise "Could not find the indexing migration" if finish == -1
finish - start
apps.each do |app|
directory = "#{app}/db/migrate"
indexes = `grep -H add_index #{directory}/*.rb`
# expected output of above is a variable number of lines
# matching this structure:
# path/to/file.rb: [\s]* add_index :table, attribute(s), options
num_indexes = 0
num_multi_attribute_indexes = 0
num_single_attribute_indexes = 0
num_single_attribute_indexes_that_look_like_foreign_keys = 0
count_of_migrations_between_index_and_attribute_first_appearance ={|h,k| h[k] = 0 }
indexes.each_line do |line|
data = line.split(/:/)
file_path = data[0]
indexed_attributes_and_options = data[1..-1].join(":").split(/,/)[1..-1].join(",")
start_of_options_hash = /([^\s\[]:)|(=>)/
has_options = indexed_attributes_and_options =~ start_of_options_hash
if has_options
indexed_attributes = indexed_attributes_and_options.split(start_of_options_hash)[0].split(/,/)[0..-2]
indexed_attributes = indexed_attributes_and_options.split(/,/)
num_indexes += 1
if indexed_attributes.count > 1
num_multi_attribute_indexes += 1
indexed_attributes.each do |attribute|
distance = number_of_migrations_since_first_reference(attribute, directory, file_path.split("/")[-1])
count_of_migrations_between_index_and_attribute_first_appearance[distance] += 1
num_single_attribute_indexes += 1
if indexed_attributes.join(",") =~ /_id/
num_single_attribute_indexes_that_look_like_foreign_keys += 1
attribute = indexed_attributes.join(",")
distance = number_of_migrations_since_first_reference(attribute, directory, file_path.split("/")[-1])
count_of_migrations_between_index_and_attribute_first_appearance[distance] += 1
puts "Stats for: #{app}"
puts "Total lines of add_index: #{num_indexes}"
puts "Total lines w/ multiple attributes: #{num_multi_attribute_indexes}"
puts "Total lines w/ single attribute: #{num_single_attribute_indexes}"
puts "Total lines w/ single attribute that don't appear to be a FK: #{num_single_attribute_indexes - num_single_attribute_indexes_that_look_like_foreign_keys}"
puts "Distribution of # of migrations from first appearance to index: #{count_of_migrations_between_index_and_attribute_first_appearance.inspect}"
puts "====" * 20
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