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Created February 25, 2019 17:42
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An NVDA global plugin to test UI Automation support.
import api
import globalPluginHandler
from scriptHandler import script
import ui
uiaState = False
uiaApp = None
focus = None
old = None
def force(hwnd):
"Always returns True."
return True
class GlobalPlugin(globalPluginHandler.GlobalPlugin):
def script_toggleForceUIAutomation(self, gesture):
global uiaState, uiaApp, old
focus = api.getFocusObject()
if not uiaState:
uiaApp = focus.appModule
old = uiaApp.isGoodUIAWindow
uiaApp.isGoodUIAWindow = force
uiaState = True
ui.message("UI automation forceably enabled")
uiaApp.isGoodUIAWindow = old
uiaState = False
ui.message("UI automation override disabled")
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